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Fighting Wool Allergy? Try These Homeopathic Medicines

A common problem in winter, wool allergy appears in the form of rashes, skin irritation and redness while wearing woolen clothes. Pimples, blisters (fluid-filled eruptions on the skin), itching, skin dryness with cracks and bleeding may also appear. Excessive scratching due to itching can result in open sores on the skin that increase the risk of secondary infections. Additionally, one may experience nasal and eye complaints, like runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, eye irritation and watering from the eyes. In many cases, wool may cause symptoms from irritation rather than from an actual allergic reaction. It has been proposed that wool is not an allergen in itself, but lanolin that is present in wool might lead to allergic symptoms in some cases. Also, the dye used in woolen garments may contain chemicals that can trigger an allergic response in some.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a very natural and effective treatment for cases of wool allergy. The homeopathic medicines manage these cases safely and gently with zero side effects. They help in managing skin as well as nasal issues that are an outcome of wool allergy. These help in effectively managing skin rash, eruptions, dryness, skin cracks, and itching and burning sensation on the skin. These medicines also relieve nasal complaints like sneezing, runny nose and itchy watery eyes wonderfully. There are no specific medicines in homeopathy for managing wool allergy and the best-suited medicine has to be selected from general medicines based on the individual symptoms in every case. So, it is advised to consult a homeopathic physician for taking any homeopathic medicine for treating wool allergy. Self – medication should not be done.

Homeopathic Medicines For Wool Allergy

1. Sulphur – Top Recommended Medicine

Sulphur is a highly recommended homeopathic medicine to manage skin issues in cases of wool allergy. This medicine works well for managing itching on the skin. It can be attended with burning sensation on the skin. Scratching relieves the itching for a while. However, after scratching, the affected skin area starts burning and becomes painful. On scratching, bleeding spots may appear on the affected skin parts. In most cases needing this medicine, itching gets worse at night while in bed. The itching may shift from one area to another on the skin. A sensation of ants crawling on the skin can attend the above complaints. In some cases, tiny fluid-filled eruptions (vesicles) may appear on the affected skin. This medicine is also indicated for rough and scaly skin or scab formation on the skin.

2. Psorinum – For Itching Worse From Warmth

Psorinum is an effective medicine when skin itching worsens from warmth. It is attended with a stinging sensation on the affected skin area. Persons needing this medicine have an urge to scratch the skin until it bleeds. On rubbing the affected part, small eruptions may form on the skin. These eruptions may be with or without fluid. The eruptions are small, red and covered with white scales. The skin is dry in general.

3. Natrum Mur – For Skin And Nasal Complaints From Wool Allergy

This medicine is of great help for skin as well as nasal complaints occurring in cases of wool allergy. This medicine is indicated for fluid-filled eruptions (i.e. vesicles). The eruptions burst and ooze fluid and afterward get covered with thin flakes. This medicine is also beneficial for cases where eruptions form specifically in the bend of joints, like elbow bend and bend of the knee. They ooze fluid. At times, crusty eruptions appear along with cracks. In some cases, scaly eruptions develop on the affected skin area. In case of nasal complaints, this medicine offers great relief in symptoms including runny nose and sneezing that may occur from allergy. Runny nose may alternate with blockage in the nose. Burning sensation can be felt in the nose. There may be watering from the eyes.

4. Graphites – For Dry, Rough, Itchy Skin

Graphites is a very important medicine for managing cases of dry, rough skin attended with itching. Burning sensation may also occur. At times, cracks appear on the skin. This medicine is also well indicated to manage fluid-filled eruptions that discharge a sticky and gluey fluid. It is also an excellent medicine to help cases where skin rash appears in the skin folds like armpits, bend of elbow and knee and groin (this area lies at the crease where lower abdomen and thighs meet).

5. Hepar Sulph – For Itching And Burning On Skin

This medicine is useful for cases showing itching and burning on the skin. After scratching, white-colored eruptions form on the skin. There may be offensive-smelling sweat. The skin is sensitive to touch. Itchy rash can occur in the bend of knees and elbows. There may be dryness and cracks in the armpits, along with itching in the affected areas especially from warmth. The rash is dry most of the time.

6. Merc Sol – For Red Rash Covered With Blisters

This medicine is helpful for red rash on the skin covered with fluid-filled eruptions (blisters). They ooze out thin clear fluid. After oozing of fluid, the redness on the skin remains for few days, around a week or so. The blisters may be surrounded by dry scales. This medicine is also indicated for dry eruptions that often bleed. Next, this medicine is indicated for skin inflammation with yellow crusts. This medicine is also useful for itching on the skin at night in bed. The itching is severe with an urge to scratch a lot. The skin is sore to touch.

7. Petroleum – For Rough, Dry Skin Accompanied With Cracks

This medicine is of great use in cases of rough, dry skin accompanied by cracks. Bleeding may occur from these cracks. Clear fluid may also ooze from the cracks. The skin is sensitive and painful to touch. Even clothes can cause pain on the skin. It is also indicated for fluid-filled eruptions covered with scabs.

8. Phosphorus – To Manage Itching, Burning And Stinging On Skin

This medicine can be considered for cases of itching, burning and stinging on the skin. This is attended with restlessness. Reddish-brown spots may appear on the skin. The affected skin is dry and scaly. Skin peeling can occur in a few cases. This medicine can also be used for small fluid-filled eruptions that form around the joints along with itching.

9. Rhus Tox – For Red, Swollen, Itchy Skin

This medicine is recommended when the skin is red and swollen along with itching. There is dryness and heated sensation on the skin. Eruptions may appear on the skin along with scale formation. Burning sensation is felt after scratching. Rubbing worsens skin eruptions.

10. Allium Cepa – To Manage Nasal And Eye Symptoms

This medicine can be used symptomatically to manage nasal and eye symptoms in allergy cases. This medicine brings relief when there is profuse, watery discharge from the nose. It is attended with burning in the nose, accompanied by sneezing. Itching is also felt in the nose. The nose feels stuffed sometimes. Next, it is beneficial, if the symptoms include watery, itchy eyes and burning sensation in the eyes.



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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines for Eczema On Face

Eczema is a skin condition showing chronic (long-term) skin inflammation with dry, rough and itchy skin patches. It can affect any body part and when it affects the face it is known as facial eczema. Other than dryness and itching on the face, the other signs may include blisters (fluid-filled bumps) on the skin, crust formation on the skin, burning sensation, discolored skin, and cracks on the skin. There may be bleeding from the cracks in cases of severe intensity. The signs and symptoms may get flared up for some time period. Afterwards, a phase of remission occurs where a person suffers no signs and symptoms of eczema at all for some time. The reason behind eczema is not clear yet, but it is suggested that genetic and environmental factors play a major role. Some factors that may trigger the eczema are dry or cold weather, increased sweating, stress, excessive sunlight exposure, smoking, cosmetic products, hormonal fluctuations and food allergies (like allergy to eating certain food products like shellfish, eggs, milk and nuts).


Facial eczema is of various types. The first among these is atopic dermatitis. This is a skin condition causing inflamed dry and itchy skin occurring usually in young children, though it can affect people of any age group. The bend of the limbs (elbow bend and knee bend), face and neck folds are mostly affected. A person having a family history of eczema or other kind of allergies or somebody who is already suffering from any allergic condition (like asthma, nasal allergy/hay fever, etc) is at high risk of suffering from atopic dermatitis. The second type of facial eczema is contact dermatitis which can be of two types i.e. irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis. Irritant contact dermatitis arises from irritation when the skin comes in contact with some irritant in a product like cosmetic products, face wash, soap, sunscreens, etc. Allergic contact dermatitis results from an allergic reaction by the immune system to a cosmetic product, facial cream, etc coming in contact with the facial skin. The next type is seborrheic dermatitis. This condition causes red and inflamed skin topped with scales/flakes that may be dry or greasy in nature. It mainly affects the scalp but may also involve other areas such as face, eyebrows, area behind the ears and chest. This condition is thought to arise from the overgrowth of a yeast called malassezia globosa present on the scalp. Additionally, weak immunity, family history of this condition, greasy skin also predispose one to this condition. The last type of eczema that may affect the face is light sensitive eczema. Those who are sensitive to sunlight and humidity are also predisposed to this type of facial eczema. It causes dry, scaly skin along with itching. The areas affected mainly include face, neck and the arms.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is a very safe choice to treat skin problems including eczema on the face as it heals gently with zero side effects. It treats the root cause of the skin complaint to cure the problem rather than suppressing it which carries the chances of recurrence. Homeopathic medicines help in healing the accompanying rash/eruptions to ensure complete recovery. It also manages the attending symptoms of eczema like itching, burning, pain in eruptions. The homeopathic medicines for managing this complaint are selected as per every individual case based on the characteristic symptom presentation. Always take any homeopathic medicine for eczema after consulting a homeopath and never do self–prescription of any medicine.

Homeopathic Medicines For Eczema On Face

1. Graphites – Top Recommended Medicine

Graphites is a top ranked and highly effective homeopathic medicine for managing cases of facial eczema. In cases needing this medicine, the skin on the face becomes very dry. The cheeks and the forehead appear red, rough and covered with scales. Scabs may form on the face. Small itchy eruptions can appear on the face. Heated sensation may be felt on the face. This medicine is also indicated when there appear crusty eruptions on the skin. There is oozing of sticky, gluey fluid from the eruptions which is another keynote to use this medicine.

2. Sulphur – For Eruptions Without Fluid Or Pus Fluid

This medicine is indicated when there are eruptions either without fluid or with pus fluid in them. Crusty eruptions may also appear on the face. Peeling of the skin on the face may also be seen. At times, cracks appear on the face that may bleed as well. This medicine in general can also be used to control itching and burning in the skin eruptions. In addition to the face, eczema may also appear on the head, where this medicine is required.

3. Arsenic album – With Small Vesicles On Face

Arsenic Album is a very beneficial medicine for managing cases with small vesicles (fluid-filled eruptions) on the face. These may ooze fluid or get dried into scales. The vesicles are very itchy and also have a burning sensation. This complaint gets worse at night. Itching is severe and may lead to an urge to scratch until it starts paining. Warmth tends to relieve itching.

4. Psorinum – For Roughness On Face

This medicine is recommended when there is marked roughness on the face. The face is covered with scabs right from cheeks to the ears. An offensive smell occurs from the scabs. Swelling on the lips and eyelids can be present along with the above symptoms where this medicine is required.

5. Petroleum – For Dry Skin With Cracks

Petroleum is a highly suitable medicine when the skin is dry and has cracks. It is attended with marked pain. Bleeding may also occur from the cracks. The face looks red. There is also intense itching on the face. This medicine is also helpful when there is green-yellow crust formation on the face.

6. Rhus Tox – For Thick Crusty Eruptions On Face

This medicine is well indicated for cases having thick crusty eruptions on the face. Oozing of fluid takes place from the eruptions. The discharge has an offensive smell. Itching occurs in the eruptions. Burning sensation is also felt. Swelling around the eyelids may be seen along with the above complaints.

7. Anacardium Orientale – For Redness And Small Blisters

This medicine is highly useful for managing eczema on the face attended with redness and small blisters (fluid-filled bumps). It is accompanied by severe itching. Intense burning pain may be felt on the face. The skin on the face may be rough and scaly. The eczema may involve neck as well, along with the face.

8. Lycopodium – For Bleeding From Eruptions

Lycopodium is a useful medicine for treating cases in which bleeding is noted from skin eruptions. Thick crusts cover the eruptions. Fetid-smelling discharge collects under the crusts. In addition to the face, other areas affected may include legs, neck and genital area.

9. Ranunculus Bulbosus – For Eruptions In Clusters

This medicine is indicated for facial eczema with eruptions appearing in clusters. There is sharp stinging pain in the eruptions which are filled with fluid. Dry heated sensation is felt on the face. The cheeks may get red in the evening.



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Voice Hoarseness From Overuse Of Vocal Cords? Try Homeopathy

Voice hoarseness medically refers to a voice that is rough, weak, husky, strained and unclear. This may happen from different reasons and is not a serious condition. One of the most common cause behind it is the overuse of vocal cords. The problem may be faced by professionals like teachers, actors, singers, salespersons who have to speak a lot as part of their jobs or this may happen from excessive yelling or shouting. Voice overuse tends to strain the vocal cords and result in hoarseness of voice. Other reasons for hoarse voice besides voice overuse include upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs), allergies, acid reflux and nodules/cysts on the vocal cords. Hoarseness of voice can be attended with pain in the throat when speaking or swallowing, dryness in the throat, a lump sensation in the throat, throat clearing and cough.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can prove very beneficial in cases of voice hoarseness that results from the overuse of voice. Homeopathic medicines are natural and very powerful remedies to help these cases. They manage cases of hoarse voice with zero side effects. Such medicines are highly effective for recent or long-term cases of voice hoarseness. These medicines also help in managing any attending symptom if present like dryness in the throat, cough, pain in throat, etc. For the most suitable homeopathic prescription for these cases, a detailed case evaluation is required by a homeopathic physician. Hence it is advised to consult a homeopathic doctor for any case of hoarse voice for the right prescription of medicine, its potency and repetition. Self-medication should be avoided in all cases of voice hoarseness.

Homeopathic Medicines For Voice Hoarseness

1. Arum Triphyllum – Top Recommended Medicine

Arum Triphyllum is an excellent homeopathic medicine to manage voice hoarseness that is due to the overuse of vocal cords from prolonged speaking or singing. In cases needing it, the voice becomes hoarse along with constant hawking. There is pain in the throat while clearing the throat. Throat may be swollen as well. The voice is uncertain and cannot be controlled. It keeps changing its tone, it sometimes becomes high and sometimes low.

2. Causticum – For Hoarseness Worse In Morning

This medicine is highly effective for managing hoarseness from overstraining of the vocal cords as may happen with public speakers. In most cases needing this medicine, the hoarseness of voice is worse in the morning. A person is not able to speak loudly. Rawness and scraping sensation is felt in the throat. There is pain in the voice box while blowing out the nose. Besides, cough with a tickling sensation is felt in the throat pit.

3. Rhus Tox – For Hoarse Voice Worse In Evening

Another prominent medicine on the list for the management of hoarse voice from overuse is Rhus Tox. Not only hoarse voice from overstraining, Rhus Tox is in general a great homeopathic medicine to manage complaints that arise from overuse/overstraining of muscles and tendons in different body parts. The complaint is worse in the evening. The throat feels sore and stiff after overstraining. Warm drinks help in relieving the soreness. A characteristic feature that can be present is excessive hoarseness when starting to speak, but after talking, a little improvement is noticed and hoarseness reduces. Dryness is felt in the throat along with the above complaints where this medicine is needed.

4. Argentum Met – For Hoarseness With Inability To Speak Loudly

Argentum Met also works well in cases of voice hoarseness. Persons needing it are unable to speak loudly. There is a worsening of hoarseness after speaking for a while. While reading, there is a need to hem and hawk often for voice clearing. The quality of voice keeps changing. Tickling is felt in the throat which excites cough in most cases. The larynx feels raw and constricted. Grey jelly-like mucus is expectorated in some cases. This medicine is also indicated for loss of voice occurring in professional singers.

5. Hepar Sulph – For Voice Hoarseness And Roughness In The Throat

This medicine is well-indicated for voice hoarseness and roughness in the throat. A scraping sensation is felt in the throat. The voice is weak and toneless. Irritation is felt in the larynx. There is pain at a particular spot in the larynx. It gets worse while speaking, on applying pressure and also on coughing. Stitching pain occurs in the larynx. Hoarseness can be attended with cough in the morning on waking up. There is sensitivity to cold air where this medicine is indicated.

6. Capsicum – For Hoarseness With Tickling, Crawling In Larynx

Capsicum is a valuable medicine to manage hoarse voice and a tickling, crawling sensation in the larynx. A dry cough may attend. The problem aggravates in the evening. Cough is attended with a fetid breath. Bad taste is felt in the mouth. Besides, roughness is felt in the throat. Burning sensation is also present in the throat. There is pain and dryness in the throat.

7. Carbo Veg – For Deep Rough Voice With Roughness In Larynx

This medicine works well when there is a deep rough voice along with roughness in the larynx. Hoarseness of voice is felt more towards the evening. There is an urge to clear the throat frequently in the evening. This leads to soreness and rawness in the larynx. There may be coughing, along with pain in the larynx. Other than these complaints, sometimes loss of voice happens in the morning in cases that need this medicine.

8. Merc Sol – With Burning Sensation In The Larynx

This medicine is recommended where there is burning sensation in the larynx along with hoarse and rough voice. Tickling sensation is felt in the larynx. There is dry cough along with long-term inflammation of the larynx. There is increased salivation in the mouth, along with excessive sweating sometimes. This medicine is also indicated for complete loss of voice due to overstraining.

9. Phosphorus – For Hoarse, Rough, Husky Voice In The Morning

This medicine is also suitable for hoarse, rough, husky voice in the morning. Along with this, there is rawness in the larynx accompanied by cough. The larynx feels sore and dry as well. Cough with a little expectoration might attend it. Pain in the larynx is felt too when speaking.  A sensation of weight in the larynx can be there in some cases along with above complaints.

10. Natrum Mur – For Hoarseness In Morning With Mucus In Throat

This medicine is helpful when there is hoarseness in the morning with mucus in the throat. The person is unable to talk. There is a sensation as if there is a need to swallow over a lump present in the throat. Pain may be felt in the larynx, especially on the right side.

11. Spongia – For Hoarseness With Dry Larynx And A Dry Cough

This medicine can be used when there is dryness in the larynx and dry cough along with hoarse voice. The voice sounds cracked and weak. The person needing this medicine speaks with difficulty. A plug sensation is felt in the larynx. The larynx is painful while speaking and painful to touch.



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What Causes Arm Pain And Its Homeopathic Remedies

Arm pain refers to pain in the arm anywhere starting from the shoulder joint to fingers. The arm has three parts. The area between the shoulder and elbow is the upper arm. The area between elbow to wrist is the forearm. The third part is the hand and fingers. The pain can happen due to different reasons. The pain may be linked with problem in the bones, muscles, nerves, tendons or ligaments of the arms. The first cause can be joint problem like rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disorder affecting joints resulting in pain, swelling and stiffness in joints) or osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease resulting from wearing down of joint cartilage). Other causes may include rotator cuff injury, shoulder impingement syndrome, or brachial plexus injury.

Rotator cuff injury is a shoulder condition resulting from injury to the rotator cuff (i.e. a group of muscles and tendons surrounding the shoulder joint) resulting from overuse, injury or wear and tear occurring with time. Shoulder impingement syndrome is a common reason behind shoulder pain that occurs from rubbing of rotator cuff against the top of shoulders resulting in irritation of muscles and tendons. Brachial plexus injury indicates injury/inflammation of a meshwork of nerves originating from the neck region that sends signals from the spinal cord to the shoulder, arm and hand. Another reason can be tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow. Tennis elbow refers to lateral epicondylitis resulting from the overuse of tendons and muscles of the elbow on the outer side. Golfer’s elbow indicates medial epicondylitis arising from the overuse of tendons and muscles of elbow causing pain on the inner side of the elbow. Other causes for arm pain include cervical disc herniation, carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), and ulnar nerve entrapment. Cervical disc herniation refers to pushing out of gel-like center of spinal disc through the tough area of the disc present in the neck region resulting in neck or arm pain and numbness or tingling sensation. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a condition affecting the hands resulting from a compressed or irritated median nerve. Ulnar nerve entrapment is a result of  the compression of the ulnar nerve in the arm. It may be caused by other reasons like tendinitis (inflammation of tendons that connect muscles to bones), sprains (overstretching or tearing of ligaments that connect one bone to another bone), De Quervain tenosynovitis (a condition affecting tendons on the thumb side of the wrist) and fracture. Besides these, arm pain may indicate serious causes like heart attack that needs urgent medical help. Depending on the cause behind arm pain, some other symptoms may attend it. These include stiffness, numbness, tingling, swelling, reduced range of movement and weakness in the arm. In some cases, chest pain and breathing difficulty may attend arm pain, such cases may indicate serious issues like heart attack that needs immediate medical help.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be of great help in managing cases of arm pain. Homeopathic medicines give great relief in these cases by treating the root cause behind it and overcome this complaint naturally with zero side effects. Once the root cause is treated, relief sets in. Along with pain, any attending symptoms like stiffness, numbness, tingling, swelling can also be well managed with these medicines. The most suitable medicine is selected after taking into consideration the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. So, it is advised to get your case evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the correct prescription which varies in every individual case. In no case, self-medication should be done. In case of any breathing difficulty or chest pain along with arm pain mainly on the left side, it is recommended to take immediate help from the conventional mode of treatment as this may be indicative of a heart problem and homeopathy cannot help in such serious matters.

Homeopathic Medicines For Arm Pain

1. Rhus Tox – Top Recommended Medicine

Rhus Tox is a prominently indicated medicine for managing pain in the arm. Rhus Tox is highly effective in relieving pain occurring from muscle involvement, inflamed tendons, inflamed joints and sprains. In cases needing this medicine, the arm pain gets worse while lying down still. The pain may start from the shoulders and radiate downward. Usually the pain is drawing or stitching type. Pressure is felt on the shoulders. Tearing type of pain is felt in the shoulders which gets bad at rest and better from moving about. It is also indicated for pain in the elbow. Pain in the elbow is drawing or tearing type and extends to the wrist which gets worse at rest. The forearm feels stiff. It is also indicated for pain, swelling and stiffness in the wrist.

2. Bryonia – For Pain In Shoulder, Upper Arm, Elbow

Bryonia is suitable for managing pain in the shoulder, upper arm and elbow. It is indicated for tearing, stitching pain in the shoulder and upper arm. It is attended with tightness and swelling in these parts. It is useful for stitching type of pain in the elbow joint mostly on the right side. Swelling of the elbow joint accompanies it. Swelling may extend to the upper arm and forearm. Tearing pain can also be felt on the inner side of the forearm.

3. Sanguinaria can – For Pain In Right Shoulder And Right Arm

It is a very effective medicine for managing pain in shoulder and right arm. In cases requiring it, the pain gets worse from raising the arm. It also increases at night and while turning in bed. There is a sensation of coldness in the right arm. Swelling from shoulder to elbow may also be present on the right arm.

4. Ferrum met – For Pain In Left Shoulder And Left Arm

Ferrum Met can be considered in cases of pain in the left shoulder and arm. Pain in the arm worsens from the slightest movement of fingers. There is difficulty in raising the arm. The pain increases at night. It disturbs sleep. The nature of pain is mostly tearing or stinging type. The arm may feel heavy along with the above complaints. There may be swelling and stiffness in the arm.

5. Ruta – For Elbow Pain

Ruta is a very beneficial medicine for managing pain in the elbow especially due to inflamed tendons. It is highly suited for tennis elbow cases. In cases needing it, there is over straining of tendons resulting in inflammation. There is pain and stiffness in the elbow which is also sore to touch.

6. Eupatorium Perfoliatum – For Arm Pain With Soreness To Touch

This medicine is highly recommended for managing pain in the arm along with soreness. The arms feel as if beaten. Pain is most marked above and below the elbow. Both the wrists are also sore and painful. Wrists feel as if broken and dislocated.

7. Belladonna – For Arm Pain With Weakness

Belladonna is a highly valuable medicine for managing cases of pain in arm along with weakness. The pain can be drawing or tearing type. Pain can also be felt in the humerus bone in the upper arm. The arm may feel heavy. Pain in the left elbow joint may also be prominent. The type of elbow pain can be cutting or sharp shooting type.

8. Pulsatilla – For Pain And Numbness In Arm

This medicine is of great help in cases of pain and numbness in the arm. Persons needing it have drawing or tearing pain anywhere from shoulder to wrist. This is attended with numbness in arms while in use or in raised position. Heaviness is also felt in the arm. There is a feeling as if the arm is broken and pain gets worse on movement. They may have pain in the bend of elbows due to involvement of tendons. Besides, it is helpful to relieve pain in the wrist along with redness and swelling which gets worse in the afternoon.



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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Skin Allergy From Cosmetics

Cosmetics are used by most of us these days. However, they can cause skin allergies in some cases. Cosmetics allergy refers to a skin reaction caused by some ingredient present in the cosmetic product. The ingredients that may serve allergens may include preservatives, fragrance, dyes, or metals present in cosmetics. Allergy may occur from different cosmetics and beauty products like makeup products, lipsticks, nail polish, soaps, shampoo, lotions, perfumes, hair dyes, etc. Allergies can be mild leading to slight signs and symptoms or severe varying from case to case. It can cause allergies of two types. The first type is irritant contact dermatitis in which there is irritation and damage of the skin from cosmetics like a makeup product. Second type is allergic contact dermatitis in which there is an oversensitive reaction of the immune system to an allergen present in the cosmetic. Though an allergic reaction may happen on any body part but it usually occurs on the face, lips, eyes, neck and ears. The signs and symptoms may include a rash on the skin, hives (itchy bumps on skin from allergic reaction), reddish spots on skin; itchy, stinging or burning sensation on the skin, flaking or peeling of skin, blisters (fluid-filled bumps) on the skin, pustules (pus-filled bumps) on the skin and skin darkening. There may be swelling on the eyes and lips and also itchy, watery, red eyes. In some cases, a severe reaction called anaphylaxis may be seen that needs immediate medical help. Some of the symptoms of anaphylaxis include swollen throat or tongue that can cause blockage of airways, breathing difficulty, wheezing, dizziness, weak and rapid pulse and low blood pressure.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is a very safe option to manage skin allergy caused by cosmetics. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that are safe to use with zero side effects. These medicines help to moderate the overactive immune system to control an allergic reaction and bring great relief in the signs and symptoms. These medicines effectively manage skin rashes, hives, skin redness, itchy, stinging or burning sensation on skin, flaking or peeling of skin, and blisters on the skin. Homeopathic medicines are selected based on the signs and symptoms in every case after a detailed analysis. So, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the consultation of a homeopathic doctor. Avoid self-medication in any case. Homeopathic medicines are recommended for mild to moderate cases of skin allergy from cosmetics but in severe cases, help from conventional mode of treatment is advised. Be watchful for any signs of anaphylaxis that occur in a severe allergic reaction where one should immediately take help from conventional mode of treatment on urgent basis as homeopathy has limitations in handling these serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Skin Allergy From Cosmetics

1. Apis Mellifica – Top Recommended Medicine

Apis Mellifica is a highly effective medicine to manage cases of skin allergy from cosmetics. This medicine can be used when there is redness and heat on the face caused by an allergy. Swelling may also be there accompanied by a burning sensation. Stinging or a prickling sensation may also be felt. At times, there is formication (sensation as if insects are crawling on or under the skin) on the face. The skin may be hypersensitive even to the slightest touch. There is urge to wash the face with cold water where this medicine is required. This medicine is also recommended when hives (itchy raised bumps on the skin from an allergic reaction) appear on the face. There appear red, raised inflamed patches on the affected part of the skin with marked itching. Burning/stinging also occurs on the hives.

2. Bovista – To Manage Pimples From Cosmetic Use

This medicine is well indicated to manage pimples on the face from the use of cosmetics. Heated sensation is felt in the cheeks. In some cases needing it, crusts are formed around the nostrils and corners of the mouth. Dry and cracked lips may also be present where Bovista is required.

3. Arsenic Album – For Dry, Rough Rash With Flakes

This medicine is useful for managing dry, rough rash on the skin which is covered with flakes. There is peeling of the skin as well. Itching and burning sensation on the rash are marked. The complaint gets worse from cold. There may also occur pimples or fluid-filled eruptions on the face. It is attended with itching and burning that gets worse at night. It also gets worse from exposure to cold air while there is relief in a warm environment. Stinging pains are also felt on the face. Other than the above indications, use of this medicine is also suggested for managing blackish discoloration on the skin.

4. Sulphur – To Manage Itching In Affected Skin Area

Sulphur is very helpful in managing cases with marked skin itching. In cases requiring this medicine, there is worsening of itching mostly at night. Burning sensation on the skin follows scratching of the skin. Bleeding points may also appear on the skin after scratching. Pain is felt on the affected skin area after scratching. The skin is dry and scaly. Formication, means sensation of insects crawling on or under the skin, can also be felt. At times, there may occur stitching or prickling sensation on the skin in addition to the above complaints.

5. Graphites – For Managing Dry, Rough Skin With Cracks

Graphites is a prominently indicated medicine to manage dryness and roughness on the skin besides the development of cracks. It is attended with itching. There are bumps on the skin after scratching the skin. Besides,  this medicine is also indicated when blisters appear on the skin that tend to ooze out a sticky, gluey discharge. These blisters may also get covered with crusts after some time. This medicine is next considered for managing pimples along with itching. Flushes of heat on the face are also felt. Lastly, this medicine can be used for managing cases where nails get brittle, deformed, and painful.

6. Natrum Mur – To Manage Hives And Blisters

Natrum Mur is another beneficial medicine besides Apis Mellifica to manage hives from allergies. In cases requiring it, large red bumps form on the skin. It is accompanied by violent itching. Other than this, Natrum Mur can be used for treating fluid–filled eruptions i.e. blisters on the skin. These eruptions break and get covered with flakes afterwards. Natrum Mur can further be used when lips become dry and cracks develop on the lips and also at corners of the mouth.

7. Rhus Tox – To Manage Thick, Crusty, Eruptions

Rhus Tox is a suitable medicine for managing cases presenting with thick crusty eruptions. These ooze fluid that has a very foul smell. The eruptions are itchy along with a burning sensation. There is an urge to scratch the skin eruptions and the urge increases once it is scratched. Tingling pains in eruptions can also be felt. It is also useful when eruptions appear along with the formation of scales.

8. Psorinum – For Heat And Redness On Face

This medicine is effective for managing heat and redness on the face. Pimples may attend it on the cheeks, nose or chin. There is roughness on the face. The upper lip may be swollen. There may be marked sweating on the face.



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Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)

Repetitive strain injury (RSI) also known as repetitive stress injury or overuse syndrome refers to overstraining and damage to muscles, tendons, nerves over a period of time. It results from overuse and repetitive motions of a particular body part for a long time period. These are also known by other names including cumulative trauma disorders and repetitive motion disorders. These can arise from various kinds of repetitive activities for prolonged time periods like typing work, playing some sport like tennis, use of specific tools by construction workers, use of vibrating tools, knitting and playing some musical instrument like piano, violin etc. Not all people doing the above activities suffer from RSI but these activities make them prone to develop RSI over a period of time. RSI may also occur from lifting heavy weights, being in the same posture or wrong posture for long time periods. Besides the above, the risk of RSI enhances as a person gets aged. Women are more affected by it as compared to males. Smoking, drinking alcohol, diabetes, and being overweight are some of the factors that make a person prone to RSI. Though any of the body part can be affected in RSI, the commonly affected areas include wrist, hands, fingers, thumbs, elbows, shoulders, neck and forearm. RSI results in pain in the affected part that may be attended with stiffness and swelling. The part may be painful to touch as well. In some cases, numbness, tingling sensation, weakness of the affected part may also accompany. The intensity of symptoms in RSI vary from mild to severe.

Different types of RSI

There are many kinds of RSI, the most common being carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). It refers to compression of the median nerve leading to numbness, tingling and weakness in the hands and arms. Next is tendinitis (i.e. inflammation of the tendons that are fibrous tissue bands that connect muscle to bones) and bursitis (inflammation of the bursa which is a small fluid-filled sac located around a joint that reduces friction between joint structures on joint movement). Another common type is tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) that occurs from overuse of tendons and muscles of the elbow on the outer side. This causes pain on outer side of the elbow that may be attended with stiffness, swelling and lowering of the gripping power of hands. Other kinds of RSIs include cubital tunnel syndrome, golfer’s elbow, shin splints, trigger finger and De Quervain syndrome. These all are explained further.

Cubital tunnel syndrome arises from the irritation or compression of the ulnar nerve located inside of the elbow. It causes pain on the inside of the elbow that may be attended with numbness and tingling in fingers and difficulty in moving fingers. Golfer’s elbow ((medial epicondylitis) is a painful condition affecting the inner side of the elbow at the connecting point of tendons of the forearm muscle on the inner side. The  pain is on the inner side of the elbow that may extend to the forearm. It can be attended with tenderness on the elbow on the inner side accompanied by stiffness, numbness, tingling and weakness in arms or fingers. Shin splints cause pain on the inner side of the shinbone (tibia which is a bone in the leg) from repetitive stress on the tibia bone. Trigger finger is a condition that causes the finger to get stuck in the bent position. It mostly affects the ring finger and thumb, though any of the fingers can be involved. It occurs from irritation and swelling of the tendon sheath of the finger. De Quervain tendinitis is a condition that affects tendons of the wrist on the thumb side resulting from repetitive hand and wrist movement.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a natural and effective management for cases of repetitive strain injury. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from natural substances so do not have any side effects. These help in managing the symptoms of RSI by reducing inflammation in muscles and tendons that has resulted from overuse and over straining. They help to reduce pain, stiffness, swelling, tenderness and associated numbness, tingling sensation, weakness in these cases. The results vary depending on the duration and intensity of the complaint. Homeopathic medicines for treating RSI are selected based on individual symptoms in each case. Though it is safe to use homeopathic medicines, it is recommended to consult a homeopathic physician prior to taking any homeopathic medicine. Self-medication should be avoided in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)

1. Rhus Tox – Topmost medicine

Rhus Tox is a leading homeopathic medicine to help cases of repetitive strain injury. It is often the first choice of a homeopathic physician when it comes to deal with cases where there is inflammation and damage of muscles, tendons as a result of overstraining, overlifting and overuse of some particular body part. This medicine is very effective in managing pain in the affected part. The pain can be tearing, stitching, shooting type. The pain is attended with stiffness and tenderness in most of the cases. Pain gets worse at night. In general, the pain worsens from rest and gets better by movement. This medicine is highly valuable to manage cases of tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, bursitis and shin splints.

2. Ruta – To Treat Tendinitis

Ruta is another important medicine to manage cases of inflamed tendons from overstraining. In cases needing it, there is pain in the affected part of the bruised type attended with restlessness. Besides, there is weakness. This medicine is highly suitable to treat tendinitis, tennis elbow, bursitis and carpal tunnel syndrome.

3. Arnica – For Managing Pain And Tenderness In Affected Part

This medicine is very beneficial for managing cases of overstraining or overexertion of body parts. The characteristic feature of using this medicine is soreness means pain on touching the affected part. There is pain in the affected parts as if beaten. For tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome cases, this medicine proves highly useful.

4. Bellis Perennis – To Manage Tennis Elbow And Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

This medicine also gives great results when it comes to treat condition arising from overuse and repetitive straining of body part. It is especially the most helpful in managing tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome. In cases needing this medicine, there is pain in the elbow and a contracted feeling around the wrist as if an elastic band has been tied around the wrist. Besides the above, this medicine is also useful for managing back pain arising from over lifting and straining.

5. Causticum – To Manage Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Besides the above medicines, Causticum is another prominent medicine for managing carpal tunnel syndrome. This medicine is indicated for pain, numbness and weakness in fingers. Along with this, an important attending sign is atrophy (loss of muscle mass) of the muscles of hands.

6. Bryonia – For Managing Tennis Elbow

Bryonia is another prominent medicine for cases of tennis elbow other than Rhus Tox, Ruta and Arnica. It helps manage pain and swelling around the elbow. The pain increases with movement and gets better from rest.  In some cases, pain from the elbow may extend to the wrist.

7. Calcarea Carb – For Stiff Neck From Overstraining Or Overlifting

This medicine is of great help to manage stiffness of the neck arising from overstraining or overlifting objects. In cases needing it, headache may accompany neck stiffness. In some cases, pain in the back may occur from over-lifting objects.





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Top Homeopathic Remedies For Facial Redness And Flushing

Facial redness and flushing on the face can simply occur once in a while from becoming overheated; after exercise; during some intense emotion like anger, anxiety, stress; eating hot spicy food or drinking alcohol. Facial redness and flushing can be seen in cases of fever as well. However, when it happens often, it could be due to some associated medical condition that needs to be diagnosed and treated. First among these is acne rosacea. It is a skin condition in which the face turns red and flushed with enlarged blood vessels and acne (pimples) sometimes that can be pus-filled (pustules). Another reason can be eczema/ dermatitis on the face. It indicates inflamed skin with red, dry, itchy skin that may be attended with flaking or small fluid-filled bumps. In facial eczema, cheeks are the most commonly affected area. Another cause is lupus which is an autoimmune disease whereby the body’s healthy tissues and organs are attacked and inflamed, damaged by the immune cells of the body. It causes a butterfly-shaped rash on the face that spreads over the cheeks and the bridge of the nose. Besides, it may cause rash on any body area and other symptoms such as joint pains, fever, tiredness, headache, chest pain, dry eyes and memory loss. Further causes include erythema infectiosum, erysipelas and scarlet fever. Erythema infectiosum is also known as the fifth disease that occurs in childhood and causes a red-colored rash on the cheeks of the child. This results from infection with a virus named parvovirus B19.

Erysipelas is a skin infection affecting upper layers of the skin caused by a bacterial infection. Scarlet fever is a bacterial infection that may occur in few cases of strep throat (sore throat occurring from an infection with a bacterium named group A streptococcus). In this fever, a bright red rash appears on the body beginning from the face or neck and then spreads to other body parts. Besides the above, another cause is Cushing’s syndrome. In this syndrome, the hormone cortisol is produced in excessive amounts that may cause flushing of the skin in addition to other signs like weight gain, round/moon face, excessive fat around the neck, acne, and thin skin with a tendency to easy bruising. Facial flushing may also be seen in women during menopause (permanent cessation of menstrual cycle in females naturally between the age of 40 yrs to 50 yrs). Sometimes use of certain medicines can lead to redness of the face like medicines to treat high cholesterol and diabetes and chemotherapy drugs. Facial flushing can be attended with other signs and symptoms like heat, dryness, itching, swelling, pain on face depending on the reason linked to it.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines are very effective to manage facial redness and flushing. These medicines focus on treating the underlying cause behind the health issue to bring great relief. With its use, besides redness, other attending symptoms also get managed like heat, swelling, dryness, itching and pain on the face. The homeopathic medicines are of natural origin that treat health issues without any side effects. These medicines are selected individually for every case based on the case presentation. So, one must use homeopathic medicine under the guidance of a homeopathic physician. Self-medication should be avoided in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Facial Redness And Flushing

1. Belladonna – Top Recommended Medicine

Belladonna tops the list of homeopathic medicines when it comes to manage cases of facial redness and flushing. In cases needing it, along with redness and burning, heat sensation is also marked on the face. The face looks red and shiny. Restlessness can attend redness on the face along with heat. Swelling on the face may also be present. There may be sweating on the face along with the above features. This medicine is also indicated for redness on the face appearing in spots. Another indication is sudden redness on the tip of the nose attended with a burning sensation. In some cases, there is a pale face suddenly alternating with a red face. Belladonna is the next useful medicine for fever with a red, swollen face. This medicine is further helpful for flushed face during headache with buzzing noises in the ears, anxiety, nausea and vomiting. In cases of erysipelas, it can be used when the face is red with heat and the skin becomes hard.

2. Apis Mellifica – For Red, Swollen Face With Heat

This medicine is very effective for managing red, swollen face with heat. This can be attended with pain in the face. Burning and shooting type of pain is marked. A stinging sensation can also be felt on the face. There is an urge to wash the face with cold water. This medicine is of great help in erysipelas with redness and heat on the face. The red patches on the face are very painful to touch. It is attended with burning, stinging pains. Fullness in head, headache and restlessness may be the other accompanying symptoms.

3. Sanguinaria Canadensis – For Circumscribed Redness On Cheeks

This medicine is of great use in cases of redness on cheeks in circumscribed (well-defined) areas. This can be present on one or both cheeks. A burning sensation on the cheeks accompanies it. The face is painful to touch. Stiffness may be felt on the face. During fever in the afternoon with circumscribed redness of cheeks, this medicine is again highly useful.

4. Ferrum met – For Sudden Facial Flushing From Exertion, Slightest Emotions, Pain

This medicine is recommended when there is sudden redness on the face after exertion, from slightest emotions or from pain. At other times, the face looks pale. This medicine is prominently indicated for pain in the face from nerve involvement attended with fiery redness of the face. The redness can be at times present only in a single spot on the face. The pain in the face usually follows overheating or cold washing. The next indication to use this medicine is redness of the face with vertigo.

5. Capsicum – For Alternate Redness And Paleness Of Face

Capsicum is a beneficial medicine for cases in which there is alternate redness and paleness of the face. There is excessive heat sensation on the face. Pain may also be felt on the face. The pain worsens from touch. Worsening of pain may also occur in the evening. This medicine is next indicated for cases of scarlatina with excessively red face along with swollen cracked lips and blisters in the mouth.

6. Amylenum Nitrosum – For Facial Flushing During Menopause

Amylenum Nitrosum is a very important medicine for managing facial flushing during menopause. There is a rush of blood to the face along with heat. A dizzy feeling can attend it. Facial flushing happens from the slightest emotion. Heated sensation can be felt in the head as well along with heat on the face. There is excessive sweating along with the above complaints. A throbbing headache may appear with facial flushing in some cases.

7. Rhus Tox – For Dark Redness With Yellow fluid filled Eruptions

This medicine is suitable when the face turns dark red with yellow, fluid-filled eruptions. It is accompanied by burning and itching. A stinging or tingling sensation is also felt. The face is painful to touch. There may be swelling on the face.

8. Lycopodium – For Red Spots On Face With Swelling

This medicine can be considered when red spots appear on the face along with swelling. It can be covered with pus-filled eruptions i.e. pustules. Flushes of heat appear on the face with a burning sensation. A network of tiny blood vessels is seen on the face along with the above features.



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Causes Of Swollen Hands And Fingers And Its Homeopathic Remedies

Swelling of hands and fingers can result from numerous causes. Often it is attended with pain. Stiffness, redness and warmth may also be seen along with swelling and pain. Sometimes, there is weakness in the hands and it is difficult to hold objects. It can simply arise from eating excessive salt, exercising, being in the same position for long like while travelling, use of certain medicines like steroids, pain relieving medicines like ibuprofen, naproxen, hormonal therapies with estrogen or testosterone, some medicines used for treating diabetes and high blood pressure. But in other cases, it can arise from some underlying medical condition.  Sometimes, the swelling resolves on its own while in other cases, a diagnosis and medical treatment is required.

First among the different medical causes behind swollen hands is arthritis (joint inflammation). Different types of arthritis may be responsible. These include rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout and psoriatic arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune joint inflammation that starts from small joints mainly of hands resulting in pain, stiffness and swelling of joints. Osteoarthritis occurs from damage to joint cartilage from wear and tear. Gout refers to inflammation of joints due to high uric acid levels leading to pain, swelling, redness and heat in the joints. Psoriatic arthritis is a type of arthritis that tends to affect people who are already suffering from a skin condition called psoriasis (red inflamed patches on skin covered with silvery white scales). The second reason behind swelling can be injury. Injury might include sprain (overstretching or tear of the ligaments i.e. the tissue bands that joins one bone to another), broken bone i.e. fracture or a bone dislocation.

Another cause can be fluid retention that can happen from various reasons like eating a lot of salty food, pregnancy, blockage in the lymphatic system or thyroid or kidney or liver disease. It can also occur in cases of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) in which there is pinching of the median nerve in the wrist. Next cause can be an infection like skin infection (cellulitis) or an infection within the joint. Felon and paronychia are infections that cause localised swelling on the finger. Felon is an infection in the pad of the fingertip and paronychia is infection around the nail bed where nail and skin meet. Ganglion (fluid-filled lump) is another condition that may cause localised swelling on the finger joint. Skin condition like contact dermatitis (itchy rash, with swelling or blisters) that occurs from a reaction to some irritating agent by touching like some chemical, soap and another condition chilblains (swollen inflamed patches on the hands and feet resulting from exposure to cold air) can result in hand swelling. Tendinitis (inflamed tendons that are tissue bands that connect muscle to bone) can also result in hand swelling. Raynaud’s disease (reduced blood circulation to fingers caused by narrowing of arteries as from cold temperature, stress, injury to hands) can also be one of the causes.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be of great help in cases of swollen hands and fingers. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that help in reducing swelling by working to treat the root cause behind it. Once the root cause is treated, a long term relief occurs. Along with swelling, pain, stiffness in hands and fingers also get managed with these medicines. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for swollen hands and fingers is selected individually for every case after detailed case analysis. It is advised to always get any case of swollen hands and fingers evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the right prescription. Self- medication should be avoided in any case. In cases where some serious cause is related to swelling like a disease in the kidneys or liver, then immediate help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken as homeopathy has limitations in handling cases resulting from serious causes.

Homeopathic Medicines For Swollen Hands And Fingers

1. Apis Mellifica – For Swelling With Redness And Heat

This medicine is well indicated for managing cases of swelling on the hands and fingers when attended with redness and heated sensation. Stinging sensation also accompanies it. Pricking and smarting sensation in the hands can also be present. Sometimes itching on the hands can be felt. There can also occur tearing type of pain in the fingers. The swelling can even extend to the forearm in some cases. In cases needing it, wrist and finger joints are the most swollen. One may feel stiffness in the right hand. In some cases, numbness may be felt in the fingers especially on the tips. This medicine works well when there is swelling from inflamed joints as well as due to skin conditions.

2. Rhus Tox – For Swelling From Inflamed Joints

Rhus Tox is an effective medicine for managing swelling of hands and fingers in cases of joint inflammation. It is attended with pain in the hands and fingers. In some cases, pain begins in the right hand and extends to the other parts. Burning sensation may be felt in the palm of the right hand. Stiffness in the hands and fingers is also well marked. There is pain when moving the fingers due to the swelling. Tearing pain is felt in the finger joints. There is pricking sensation on the finger tips on grasping things. Crawling sensation sometimes occurs on the finger tips. Besides these, Rhus Tox is well indicated for skin infection of hands and fingers. In such cases, there is swelling of the hands and fingers with pus-filled eruptions. It is attended with itching and burning sensation.

3. Colchicum – For Swelling From Gout (Increased Uric Acid Levels)

Colchicum is well indicated to manage swollen hands in cases of gout i.e. high uric acid. Along with this, there is pain in the joints of hands and fingers. Stiffness and tearing type of pain is felt in the hands. Heated sensation on the palms of hands can be present. There is difficulty in holding things. Sometimes there is numbness of the hands with prickling sensation. Distortion of finger joints can be there in some cases. Fingers may be cold. Tingling on the fingertips is sometimes felt along with the above complaints.

4. Caulophyllum – For Swollen, Painful, Stiff Finger Joints

This medicine is highly valuable to manage swollen, painful, stiff finger joints. It is indicated when this results from joint inflammation. The pain is cutting type in most cases along with swelling. It is felt when closing the hands in a fist. Stiffness is felt in finger joints too. Painful nodes can be present on the finger joints in some cases in addition to the above complaints.

5. Agaricus – For Swollen Hands From Chilblains

Agaricus is one of the best choices of homeopathic medicine to manage swollen hands from chilblains. In cases needing it, the hands are red along with the swelling. Burning sensation is felt in the hands. Itching is also well marked. Tearing type of pain in the hands and fingers can attend the above complaints.

6. Silicea – In Case Of Swollen Fingertip From Infection (Felon)

Silicea is indicated for managing felon (bacterial infection in the pad of fingertip) cases efficiently. In cases needing it, there is swelling along with excessive pain in the felons that prevents sleep. The pain may reach the shoulder at times. Pain is mainly throbbing or stinging type. Burning sensation is felt in the felon. Oozing of fluid containing pus is noted from felon.

7. Hepar Sulph – For Swelling Around Fingernail From Infection (Paronychia)

Hepar Sulph is an important medicine for managing cases of swelling around the fingernail from soft tissue infection where the nail and skin meet. In cases needing it, the skin around the affected nail is swollen and inflamed. It is sore along with a heated sensation. Throbbing is felt in it. Pain is present that gets worse at night. There is pus discharge from it which may be blood stained. The discharge smells bad.



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Suffering from Knee Pain in Old Age? Here are Homeopathic Remedies

Knee pain is normal in old age though it may affect persons of any age. The main reason for knee pain in old age is wear and tear and degenerative changes in the structures of the knee joint. The most common reason behind knee pain in elderly people is osteoarthritis in which the knee cartilage (a cushion with a rubbery consistency that allows smooth movement of the bones in the joints) degenerates resulting in rubbing together of the bones that collectively make up the knee joint. Additionally, the elderly who are overweight and obese and those who have a family history of osteoarthritis are more at risk. Besides, old people may suffer knee pain from several forms of arthritis (joint inflammation) like rheumatoid arthritis and gout. Rheumatoid arthritis refers to an autoimmune joint disorder resulting in swelling, pain, and stiffness of the joints that usually starts from the small joints and tends to affect the large joints from the knee afterward. Gout indicates joint inflammation that happens from an increase of uric acid levels and accumulation of monosodium urate crystals in the joints.

Pseudogout, meniscus tear and bursitis are other reasons behind knee pain in old age. Pseudogout is a type of joint inflammation that occurs from the accumulation of calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate crystals in the joints and meniscus tear refers to tear of the meniscus i.e. the cartilage present between the thigh bone and the shin bone (i.e. tibia present in the leg) in knee joint. Bursitis indicates inflammation of the bursa i.e. the fluid-filled sac around the joint that lubricates the joint and allows easy and smooth movement of the bones of the joint when doing movement of joint). Knee pain in old age can be attended by other signs and symptoms depending on the cause behind it. These include swelling, stiffness of the knee, reduced mobility of the knee joint and crackling sounds from the knee heard on knee movement.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective in managing knee pain in old age. Homeopathic medicines help magnificently in managing knee pain as well as other associated signs and symptoms like swelling, stiffness, redness, heat of the knee. These medicines also help in reducing any inflammation present in the knee joint. Though these medicines cannot reverse the damage/degeneration that has already happened in the joint structures but can help to halt further progression of the joint damage. These medicines are entirely safe to use as these are prepared from naturally occurring substances. These have zero side effects. Homeopathic medicines are selected for every individual case separately after detailed case evaluation based on the symptom presentation that varies from case to case. So, it is advised to use any homeopathic medicines under supervision of a homeopathic physician and avoid self-medication.

Homeopathic Medicines For Knee Pain In Old Age

1. Bryonia – For knee Pain Worse From Movement

Bryonia is a highly recommended medicine to manage cases of knee pain in the elderly people. The characteristic feature to use this medicine is worsening of knee pain from least movement and relief from absolute rest. Along with pain, redness and swelling in the knee can be present. The nature of pain is stitching type in most cases. It is felt more while walking. The knees are also red and swollen. The inner side of the knee is also sensitive to touch. A tense feeling in the bend of the knee can be felt too. Pain in the knee is worse in the evening in most of the cases needing this medicine.

2. Rhus Tox – With Marked Knee Stiffness

Rhus Tox is an effective medicine for managing knee pain when knees are very stiff along with pain.  A prominent feature to use this medicine is when knee pain is worse at rest and when starting to walk. There is relief when walking continuously. Burning or tearing type of pain occurs in the knees. A stitching pain is also felt in the knee when standing after sitting. Heaviness is felt in the hollow of the knee and the calf muscles. Knees are also swollen along with the above complaints. On stretching the leg, cracking sound is heard from the knee. The knees can be tender to touch as well.

3. Calcarea Carb – When Swelling, Redness And Heat Attends Pain

This medicine is useful when along with pain, the knees have swelling, redness and heated sensation. This mainly is observed at night. The knees become sensitive to touch. The nature of pain varies from case to case and can be stitching, tearing or stinging type. Pain occurs when sitting as well while walking. There are crackling sounds from the knee on the right side while walking. Cramps can be felt in the bend of the knees.

4. Causticum – With Crackling Sounds From Knees When Walking

Causticum is a helpful medicine when there is knee pain with crackling sounds from the knees while walking. A drawing type of pain occurs in the knees that extends down to the ankles. Stiffness is marked in the hollow of the knees. Knees become stiff while walking. The tendons of the knees feel short.

5. Arnica – For Knee Pain On Slight Touch

Arnica is highly considered when there is pain in the knees from slight touching of the knee. Prickling pain is felt in the knee on touching. The knee might bend while standing. The knees feel swollen. Tension is felt in the knees as if occurring from contracted tendons.

6. Benzoic Acid – For Pain From High Uric Acid Levels

This medicine is suitable when there is knee pain in cases of high uric acid level. Knee swelling is well marked where this medicine is required. Knees feel dry accompanied by a crackling sound when moving the knee. Pain occurs initially in the right knee followed by the left-sided knee. Drawing pain is felt in the knees mostly in cases needing this medicine.

7. Osteo-Arthritic-Nosode – For cases of osteoarthritis

This medicine is of particular use in cases of osteoarthritis of the knee. In cases needing it knee pain is attended with swelling. Along with this, there is stiffness in the knees and limited range of motion.

8. Kali Carb – With Difficulty In Going Up And Downstairs

Kali Carb is of great help when there is difficulty in walking up and downstairs, along with knee pain. Tearing type of pain is felt in the knees. Dull sort of pain appears on the sides of the knee. It occurs while walking and when extending the legs.

9. Ledum Pal – For Knee Pain Better From Cold Applications

Ledum Pal is a beneficial medicine for cases in which knee pain is relieved by cold applications on the knee. The knees feel sore (painful to touch). Pressure is felt on the knees on movement. Knee joints also feel weak compelling the sufferer to sit down. Swelling on the knees occurs when walking, along with pain. In some cases, the pain from the knee may extend to hip joint. Stitching or pressive pain is usually felt in the knees where this medicine is needed.



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What causes Lower Back and Hip Pain and its Homeopathic Remedies

Both lower back pain and hip pain can cause a lot of discomfort and in some cases, both can occur together. Pain can be unilateral (one-sided) or bilateral (on both sides) varying from case to case. The symptoms vary in intensity from mild to severe. Depending on the cause behind it, other symptoms may be felt. These include stiffness, numbness, tingling, pin needle sensation, weakness, reduced range of motion in the back and lower limb.

In severe cases, serious symptoms can arise like retention of urine, difficulty in passing urine, and involuntary passage of urine or stool that demands immediate medical help to prevent serious complications and permanent damage.

Lower back and hip pain may result from several causes. The first cause could be the pinching of a nerve in the lower back. It refers to irritation or compression of the nerve by muscles, bones or any other structure which lies near the nerve. Disc bulge, herniated disc, arthritis (inflammation of the joints), degenerative changes in the lumbar spine, bone spurs (extra outgrowths of the bones) or an injury are some of the important reasons behind nerve pinching. Disc bulge refers to the bulging out of the intervertebral disc i.e. cushions in between the two vertebrae that irritates/pinches the nerve in the spine. Herniated disc means there is oozing out of the inner gel-like matter from the disc via a tear in its outer layer resulting in the compression of the nerve.

The second reason is sciatica (compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve that causes pain in the lower back radiating downward to the hip, thigh, leg and feet). Other reasons include joint inflammation i.e. arthritis. Another important cause is ankylosing spondylitis and inappropriate functioning of sacroiliac joint (joint formed by the ilium bone of the pelvis and sacrum which is a triangular bone at the base of the spine). Ankylosing spondylitis is an autoimmune joint disorder starting from the sacroiliac joint followed by its ascent up the spine causing inflammation and damage to the joints. Its major symptom is pain and stiffness in the lower back and the hips. Further reasons might include muscle strain, injury, piriformis syndrome and lumbar stenosis.

Piriformis syndrome refers to a condition arising from irritation/compression of the sciatic nerve from contraction of the piriformis muscle located in the buttock region. Lumbar stenosis refers to the narrowing of the spinal canal in the lumbar region of the back. In females, this pain could arise during menses or from health concerns like endometriosis (growth of tissue that lines the uterus at regions other than uterus like ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder and rectum) and uterine fibroids (non-cancerous growths forming in the uterus).

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines prove very helpful in cases of lower back and hip pain. Sourced from natural substances, they ease the pain in the lower back and the hip in the most harmless way with zero side effects. Homeopathic medicines target the root cause behind pain to give long term relief in these cases. They can also relieve its attending symptoms like stiffness, numbness, tingling, pin-needle sensation along with pain. Homeopathic prescription for such cases varies from case to case based on the characteristic individual symptoms. So it is advised that one should take homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic doctor. Self-medication should be avoided. In case of serious symptoms like retention of urine, difficulty in passing urine, involuntary passage of urine or stool, one should take immediate help from the conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitations in managing serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Lower Back And Hip Pain

1. Aesculus – When Pain Increases From Walking And Stooping

Aesculus is a highly effective medicine to manage lower back and hip pain which gets worse from walking and stooping. The pain increases when rising up after sitting. Aching or tearing type of pain is felt where this medicine is required. The back feels as if it will break from pain. There is also marked stiffness in the back along with pain. The back is also sore to touch. Weakness in the back and legs can accompany. Aesculus is one of the best homeopathic medicines for managing cases of ankylosing spondylitis, sacroiliac joint problems and hip arthritis.

2. Colocynth – In Sciatica Cases

Colocynth is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage lower back and hip pain in cases of sciatica. Persons needing it have pain in the lower back that radiates to the hip and sometimes to the back side of the thighs. The pain makes every position painful, be it sitting or lying down. Pain is worse when lying on the back. Walking is also difficult and makes the person limp. The nature of pain can be tearing, burning type. The warmth of the bed worsens the pain. In hips, cramping pain can be felt. It gets better by lying down on the affected side.

3. Rhus Tox –  After an injury

This medicine is highly suitable when there is pain in the lower back and hips after an injury from falling. In cases needing it, there is much difficulty in walking, standing or sitting. Pain gets better while lying on something hard.  There is problem in putting weight on the limb because of the injury. The hip is tender to pressure. Due to these complaints, there is restless sleep at night. Stiffness is also felt in the back. The back feels as if broken. Rhus Tox is also the most important medicine for managing cases of back and hip pain due to overstraining of muscles.

4. Kali Carb – Along With Weakness In Lower Back And Lower Limbs

Kali Carb is of great use to manage cases of lower back and hip pain along with weakness in the back and lower limbs. In cases needing it, pain from the lower back radiates to the hips. The pain can be shooting or stitching type. Pain gets worse from walking and standing. The back feels as if broken. A very characteristic feature is the worsening of pain in early morning around 3 am. This medicine is also indicated when lower back pain occurs after a fall.

5. Lachesis – With Stiffness

Lachesis is indicated when there is drawing pain from the back to the hips along with stiffness. Drawing pain in the lower back prevents movement. It gets worse when rising up from the sitting position. Back pain is accompanied with excessive restlessness with stretching of arms and legs. The lower back feels weak and sprained.  Stiffness is marked in the sacral back that extends to the hip joints. Stiffness gets worse on bending, when lying down, and on beginning to move.

6. Ruta – When Pain From Back Goes Down To Hips And Thighs

This medicine is helpful when pain from the back radiates down to the hips and thighs. This pain gets worse while lying down at night. Ruta is also a useful medicine for back pain occurring after an injury. In such cases, pain worsens from pressure. The pain worsens in the morning before rising. Weakness is felt in the lower back.

7. Kali Bichrome – For Lower Back Pain Extending To Left-Side Hip

It is a very beneficial medicine to help cases of lower back pain extending to the left side hip. Pain in the lower back worsens from movement and stooping in cases needing it. Pain increases at rest and at night. Cutting type of pain is marked in the sacral back which means the lowest part of the back.



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