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Top 7 Natural Medicines for Knee Injuries

The knee joint is made up of four main things bones (three bones including femur, tibia, and patella), C – shaped tough, rubbery cartilage (medial and lateral menisci that act as shock absorber between femur and tibia), ligaments (collateral and cruciate ligaments that join bones together), and tendons (that connect muscles to the bones). Homeopathic medicines for knee injuries help reduce the pain and swelling of the knee in case of injury and promote efficient healing.        homeopathic medicines for knee injury

The knee joint is quite vulnerable to injuries. The injuries that are common to the knee include – fracture, ligament tear, dislocation, meniscal tear, and sprains. A knee injury can arise from fall, overuse, misstep, sudden twist. Athletes who participate in sports like soccer, football and basketball are at risk of knee injuries.

Homeopathic Medicines for Knee Injuries

Homeopathy carries an excellent scope to treat knee injuries. Knee injuries of various kinds can be treated with homeopathy. But in cases of major injuries like extended ligament tear, these medicines have a limited role to play, so in such cases, they can be used in conjunction with conventional help for symptomatic relief. The top remedies for knee injuries are Arnica, Rhus Tox, Ruta, Bryonia, and Symphytum.

1. Arnica – For Injury due to Fall, Blows, Trauma

Arnica is a natural medicine prepared from the root of a plant Arnica Montana of the natural order Compositae. Arnica is a top grade medicine for treating a knee injury arising from a fall, trauma or blow. Arnica is helpful for both acute as well as remote injuries of the knee. The knee feels extremely painful, sore and bruised and the person fears to touch the knee because of intense pain. The knee is also swollen and feels like it is dislocated. A weakness of the lower limb of the affected side is also felt and there is a lack of strength in the knee when walking.

2. Rhus Tox – For Injury arising from Overuse, Misstep, Sudden Twist

Rhus Tox is top listed medicine for treating knee injury arising from overuse, misstep and sudden twist. Cases of sprain and injury to the ligament of the knee are treated well with Rhus Tox. A person needing Rhus Tox may have pain and swelling in the knee. The pain may be tearing, stitching or burning type and tends to get worse during rest. Motion helps to relieve the pain and the knee may also feel intensely stiff. A tensed and pulling sensation is also felt in the tendons of the knee. Hollow of the knee also feels heavy with the above symptoms.

3. Ruta – For Treating Sprains of the Knee

Ruta is prepared from a plant Ruta graveolens of the natural order Rutaceae. Ruta has marked sphere of action to treat injured tendons, ligaments Ruta is a helpful medicine for treating sprains of the knee. There are sore, aching bruised pains in the knee. The person is unable to bend the knee joint and there is a sensation of contraction in tendons of the knee, they feel as if they were shortened. The knee joint also feels weak.

4. Bryonia – When Slightest Motion of the Knee is Painful

Bryonia is prepared from root of a plant Bryonia Alba of the natural order Cucurbitaceae. Bryonia is helpful for knee injuries when slightest motion of the knee is painful. While walking knees tend to knock together. The knee is also painful to touch and complete rest is needed for getting relief in the knee pain. Warm applications also help relieve the knee pain. the pain may be drawing, tensive, shooting, cramp-like or stitching in nature and may extend down the leg in some cases.

5. Symphytum – For Bone Cracks, Fracture of Knee Bones

Symphytum is prepared from a plant Symphytum officinale of the natural order Boraginaceae. Symphytum is an excellent medicine for fractures. It is used as a prime remedy in homeopathy to aid healing of fractured bone. It boosts the activity of fibroblasts cells to help union of fractured bone speedily. Symphytum can be used with conventional treatment for prompt healing of a fracture. Symphytum is also indicated for cases of fracture to resolve pain that remains at fracture site even after complete bone healing.

6. Calcarea Carb – For Managing Knee Pain

Calcarea Carb is useful for managing knee pain in injury. The pain in the knee is of stitching, tearing or stinging in nature. Sometimes drawing pain is felt in the knee. Pain is felt when standing, sitting or when walking. The pain may radiate down the toes from the knee in a few cases. There may be a marked weakness along with pain and swelling. Knee feels as if dislocated in many cases where Calcarea Carb is indicated.

7. Apis Mellifica – For Marked Swelling of Knee

Apis Mellifica is beneficial to treat marked swelling of the knee in cases of an injury. There is marked swelling, soreness and sensitivity. Pain of stinging or shooting nature along with a burning sensation may also be felt in the knee with the above symptoms.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

7 Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Ganglion Cysts

A ganglion cyst is a round or oval fluid-filled lump that tends to develop near the tendons or joints of wrist or hand. The fluid in this cyst is thick, jelly-like material. Though majorly they form on the back of the wrist and hands, they can also form on the ankles and feet. They are very common, harmless and non – cancerous cysts. Homeopathic Medicines for ganglion cysts are of natural origin that effectively dissolve ganglion cysts in a safe manner without any side effects. homeopathic medicines for ganglion cyst

It is not exactly known why ganglion cysts forms. However, it is considered that leaking of synovial fluid that surrounds the joint and its collection in a sac develops into a ganglion cyst. Females are more at risk to develop ganglion cyst as compared to males. The occurrence of a ganglion cyst is common between the age of 20 yrs – 40 yrs. Having a history of injury to a joint or tendon in the past is a predisposing factor to develop ganglion cysts. Wear and tear of the joint as in osteoarthritis is also a risk factor for the formation of a ganglion cyst.

Homeopathic Medicines for Ganglion Cysts

There is excellent treatment available for ganglion cyst in homeopathy. With the use of medicines surgery can be avoided in a majority of cases of ganglion cyst. They remain very beneficial to manage symptoms of ganglion cyst by gradually dissolving it. The symptoms including pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness of muscle appearing due to pinching of nerve from ganglion cyst get resolved with natural medicines effectively.

1. Ruta – Top Medicine for Ganglion Cyst

Ruta is prepared from a plant Ruta graveolens commonly named as garden rue or bitterwort. The natural order of this plant is rutaceae. In cases needing Ruta the cyst may be present on the wrist, hand or finger. The ganglion tend to interfere with joint movement of wrist. Pain in the hand and wrist may also arise where Ruta is indicated. In some cases numbness in the hands may be present with above symptoms. There may be an attending tingling in the hand also. The numbness and tingling in the hands when present tends to appear after exercise most of the times. A history of injury to tendon or joint may be found in cases that require Ruta.

2. Rhus Tox – To Manage Pain in the Wrist

Rhus Tox is very suitable for managing pain in the wrist in cases of ganglion cyst. The pain tend to get worse during rest. The pain also worsens by cold. In some cases bending the wrist also tend to worsen the pain. Motion relieves the pain in wrist in most cases where Rhus Tox is indicated. Wrist joint movement may also be hindered. Pain especially of drawing nature in the palm of hand may also arise. Sometimes burning sensation or numbness in the hands may also be felt along with pain. Like above medicine, Rhus Tox is also a leading medicine to treat ganglion cyst in cases where a history of injury to joint or tendons of wrist is present.

3. Rhododendron – For Wrist Pain

Rhododendron is prepared from fresh leaves of a plant Rhododendron of the natural order Ericaceae. Rhododendron is another medicine for managing wrist pain in ganglion cyst. For using Rhododendron the pain in the wrist may be drawing or tearing in nature. The pain may get worse in the evening time. Rest also worsens the pain. Along with this heated sensation in the hands may be present occasionally.

4. Silicea – For Ganglion Cyst on the Left Side of Wrist

Silicea is a well-indicated medicine for treating ganglion wrist on the left side of the wrist. The cyst is located on the extensor surface of wrist. Pain may be felt in the wrist. The pain may be tearing or stitching in nature. There may appear numbness in the hand too. Weak and lame sensation in hand may accompany with above symptoms.

5. Calcarea Carb – For Ganglion Cyst on the Right Side of Wrist

Calcarea Carb is a prominent medicine to treat ganglion cyst on the right side of wrist. The cyst may cause pain in the wrist. Nerve pinching may cause numbness in hand. An increased sweat may be noted on hands.

6. Arnica – For Ganglion Cyst with History of Wrist Injury

Arnica is prepared from root of plant Arnica Montana of the natural order Compositae. Use of Arnica is considered in cases of ganglion cyst where a history of injury to the wrist is present. The wrist is painful in such cases. Tearing or drawing pain in the side of the hand may be felt. The wrist may also feel powerless. There is also want of strength in the hands when trying to grasp anything.

7. Causticum – For Ganglion Cyst with Numbness, Tingling, Muscle Weakness

Causticum is a very beneficial medicine for ganglion cyst in cases where there is numbness, tingling or muscle weakness in hands arise from pressing of nerve. Pain in the wrist also attend. Sometimes pain in hand of drawing nature also accompanies above symptoms.

Symptoms of Ganglion Cyst

Ganglion cysts appear as a round lump that can form along any of the joint of the body. When examined they feel soft. The most common location of ganglion cyst lumps is wrist and hand. Apart from these, they tend to form on the ankles or feet. They may vary in size from very small ones to around 2.5 cm. They are painless in the majority of cases. However, they can cause discomfort or pain in cases where they happen to press on a nearby nerve. Due to pressure on the nerve other symptoms that may arise include – numbness, tingling and weakness of muscle. Sometimes they hinder with a movement of the joint.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

10 Effective Homeopathic Remedies for Sacroiliitis

An inflammation of the sacroiliac joint (SI joint) refers to as sacroiliitis. The sacroiliac joint is the joint between the sacrum and the ilium part of the hip bone. Sacroiliitis lead to pain in the hips or the lower back that can extend down the legs. Homeopathic remedies for Sacroiliitis treat the root cause of the problem and relieve the pain and stiffness. homeopathic remedies for sacroiliitis

Homeopathic Remedies for Sacroiliitis

Homeopathy offers excellent treatment for sacroiliitis. The medicines are of natural origin and to help reduce the inflammation of the sacroiliac joint.

1. Aesculus – For Sacroiliitis with Marked Pain in Hip

Aesculus is prepared from the kernel of a plant named Aesculus Hippocastanum or Horse Chestnut of the natural order Sapindaceae. Aesculus is a top listed medicine for treating sacroiliitis. In cases needing Aesculus, there is an intense pain in the hip. Pain from hip may also radiate downwards to the thighs. The pain is worse on walking. Stooping also worsens the pain. Rising from sitting is also difficult due to pain. Lower back pain is also present in most cases. Stiffness of the lower back may be present and the back feels weak and lame. There is a sensation as if the back would break. Aesculus is also a prominent medicine for treating ankylosing spondylitis.

2. Rhus Tox – For Sacroiliitis with Marked Pain and Stiffness of Lower Back

Rhus Tox is the next highly effective medicine for treating sacroiliitis. It is helpful when there extreme pain and stiffness in the lower back. The pain gets worse from rest, lying down, and sitting also aggravates the pain. Walking tends to bring relief in the pains. Back pain is also eased by applying pressure. Rhus Tox gives excellent results in cases of sacroiliitis from arthritis. Rhus Tox is also applicable to cases of sacroiliitis following back strain or injury.

3. Bryonia – For Sacroiliitis when Pain in Lower Back Worsens from Motion

Bryonia is prepared from the root of a plant Bryonia Alba with the common name Wild Hops of the natural order Cucurbitaceae. Bryonia is well indicated for sacroiliitis when there is lower back pain that worsens from motion. Pain gets worse from standing and it causes difficulty in turning in the bed. The lower back gets stiff, and the person sits and walks in a bent manner.

4. Colocynthis – For Sacroiliitis when Pain from Hip Radiates Down the Thighs

Colocynthis is prepared from the pulp of a fruit of a plant named Citrullus Colocynthis of the natural order Cucurbitaceae. Colocynthis is highly useful for sacroiliitis when pain from the hip radiates down the thighs and legs. The hip is also sensitive to touch. The pain may be cramping, drawing, stitching or tearing in nature. Motion and standing worsen the pain. Night aggravation of pain is also noted. Warmth application tends to bring relief in the pain. In some cases, lying on the affected side of the hip helps relieve the pain.

5. Magnesia Phos – For Sacroiliitis with Shooting Pain in the Hip

Magnesia Phos is a significant medicine for sacroiliitis with shooting, lightning-like pain in the hip. The pain is particularly marked on the right side and tends to radiate down the feet from the hip. It gets better with warm application.

6. Arnica – For Sacroiliitis with History of Trauma or Injury

Arnica is prepared from the root of a plant Arnica Montana, also known as Leopard’s-Bane of the natural order Compositae. Arnica is a very beneficial for treating cases of sacroiliitis that have a history of trauma or an injury or a fall on the back or the hip. People needing Arnica complain of pain in the lower back and hip. The lower back feels sore and bruised as if beaten. Pain in the hip is there that may be of drawing or tearing in nature. The hip pain tends to get worse at night time but is better during motion.

7. Ruta – For Sacroiliitis with History of Fall or Blow on Lower Back

Ruta is prepared from the plant Ruta Graveolens also known as Bitterwort of the natural order Rutaceae. Ruta is another indicated medicine for sacroiliitis with a history of fall or blow on the lower back. People needing Ruta complain of pain in the lower back that is bruised and severe in nature. The pain worsens from walking and stooping, while lying on the back relieves the pain. A bruised pain is also present in the hips along with back pain.

8. Kali Carb – For Sacroiliitis with Lower Back Pain Radiating Down the Hips

Kali Carb is a suitable medicine for sacroiliitis with lower back pain radiating down the hips. The pain is of drawing or shooting nature where Kali Carb is required. The pain worsens after standing and on walking. The pain may also worsen in the early morning waking the person. Along with the above symptoms, the back also feels extremely weak.

9. Calcarea Phos – For Sacroiliitis with Sharp, Stitching Pains in Lower Back

Calcarea Phos is a well-indicated medicine for sharp, stitching pains in the lower back. The pain is most violent from least motion. The sacroiliac joint is also sore where Calcarea Phos is indicated. Sacroiliac junction also feels separated or broken.

10. Dioscorea – For Sacroiliitis with Drawing Pain in the Lower Back

Dioscorea is prepared from the fresh root of a plant Dioscorea Villosa with the common name Wild Yam, of the natural order Dioscoreaceae. It is used for sacroiliitis when there is a drawing pain in the lower back of severe nature. Heaviness is also felt in the sacroiliac junction. The back is stiff and feels lame. Bending the back worsens the complaint.

Causes of Sacroiliitis

Sacroiliitis can result from arthritis (including ankylosing spondylitis and osteoarthritis), injury to the SI joint and in rare cases, it can arise from infection. It can also occur during pregnancy when the joints become loose to prepare for childbirth and come under stress.

Symptoms of Sacroiliitis

In sacroiliitis either one or both sides of sacroiliac joints can be inflamed. The symptoms of sacroiliitis include pain in the hip and the lower back. The pain can radiate from the back and from the hip to the thighs, legs, and feet. Stiffness in the hip and the lower back may also be felt. Ascending chairs, standing for long hours and running can intensify the pain in cases of sacroiliitis.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Natural Homeopathic Medicines to Ease a Stiff Back

The main cause of a stiff back is a muscle spasm, muscle strain, ligament strain or spinal arthritis. Muscle and ligaments in the back may be strained by repeated heavy weight lifting or an injury to the back. Muscle spasm in the back may arise from injuries to the muscles, poor posture, muscle overuse, heavy lifting, sports needing sudden and repeated turning of the back. Arthritis of the spine can cause stiff back (mainly arises due to wear and tear of the spine) and ankylosing spondylitis (arise from an autoimmune process). The top homeopathic medicines for stiff back include Rhus Tox, Bryonia, Arnica, and Aesculus.   homeopathic medicines for stiff back

Homeopathic Medicines for Stiff Back

A stiff back can be effectively treated with homeopathy. Natural remedies aim to treat the root cause of a stiff back to bring about excellent recovery. Stiffness arising as a result of a muscle spasm, muscle overuse, muscle strain, ligament strain, heavy weight lifting, injury to back and spinal arthritis can all be treated effectively with these medicines.

1. Rhus Tox – For Stiff back that is Worse from Rest and Better by Motion

Rhus Tox is highly effective when the back is extremely stiff and rigid, and gets worse from rest and better by motion. Pain in the back is present, which is also worse by rest, lying and better by walking or exercise. Sitting also worsen the back pain. A bruised sensation may be felt in the back. The back also feels lame and as if it is broken. Rhus Tox is a top grade medicine for treating stiff back arising from injury, muscle strain, muscle spasm, over-lifting, and arthritis.

2. Bryonia – For Stiff Back Relieved by Lying Down

Bryonia is prepared from the root of a plant Bryonia Alba commonly known as white bryony or wild hops of the natural order Cucurbitaceae. Bryonia is next very beneficial for treating stiff back when relief appears by lying. Standing, moving and stooping are prevented from extreme back stiffness in persons needing Bryonia. They tend to walk and stand crookedly due to stiff back. Along with stiffness back pain may be present which may be cramping, pressing, tearing, stitching or drawing in nature. Back pain is worse from every motion, turning in bed and gets better by lying on the back.

3. Aesculus – For Stiff Back when Walking is Difficult

Aesculus is prepared from the kernel of plant named as Aesculus Hippocastanum, or Horse-Chestnut of the natural order of this plant is Sapindaceae. Aesculus is useful for stiff that makes walking nearly impossible. The lumbar and sacral region of the back is stiff and very painful. Hips, legs may be painful too. Back also feels weak and lame. Apart from walking, stooping is also troublesome for persons needing Aesculus. Another difficulty faced by them is difficulty rising from a chair. Aesculus is a leading medicine for treating pain and stiffness in lower back and hip related to ankylosing spondylitis.

4. Arnica – For Stiff and Painful Back following Injury

Arnica is prepared from a plant Arnica Montana with the common name Leopard’s-Bane and Fallkraut of the natural order Compositae. Arnica is a foremost remedy in homeopathy to treat stiff and painful back following injury, trauma, falls, blows. Stiff back from overuse and muscle strain is also indicative to use Arnica. Along with pain and stiffness, the back feels sore, bruised and as if beaten. Pressure and a sense of heavyweight is also felt in the back along with the above symptoms.

5. Ruta – For Stiff Back following Muscle or Ligament Strain

Ruta is prepared from a plant named as Ruta Graveolens commonly known by the name of Garden Rue and Bitterwort of the natural order Rutaceae. Ruta is helpful for a stiff back that arises from muscle or ligament strain. Aching pain and soreness is felt in the back. This pain gets better by lying on the back and by applying pressure. The back also feels weak along with stiffness and pain, and there may be rheumatic pain in the back that is worse in the morning.

6. Berberis Vulgaris – For Stiff Back that Worsens upon Stooping

Berberis Vulgaris is prepared from the bark of the root of plant Barberry of the natural order Berberidaceae. Berberis Vulgaris is useful for treating back stiffness that worsens from stooping. If stooped there appears difficulty in standing up due to a rigid, tensed and intensely stiff lower back. The person needing this medicine also complain of pain in the lower back that sometimes extends down the lower limbs. Pain is most times of bruised or tearing nature. The pain tends to get worse on sitting and lying, and the back may also feel heavy.

7. Silicea – For Stiffness in Back that Worsens upon Rising

Silicea is well-indicated medicine for stiffness in the back that worsens upon rising from the seat. For using Silicea the right side of the spine is most stiff. Pain in the back also attends on rising from the seat. The pain may be shooting, throbbing or aching in nature. In some cases drawing pain in back arises that confines the patient to the bed. Stiffness of back from exposure to a draught of air also guides towards the use of Silicea.

8. Cimicifuga – For Stiff, Contracted Back with Pain Radiating down the Thighs

Cimicifuga is prepared from the root of a plant Cimicifuga Racemosa commonly named as Black Cohosh, of the natural order Ranunculaceae. Cimicifuga is indicated for stiff contracted back when pain radiates down the thighs. Heaviness and weight is also felt in the lower back. Cimicifuga is also highly recommended medicine for treating stiffness of the neck.

9. Sepia – For Stiff, Painful Back and Weakness

Sepia is significant medicine for a stiff, painful back attended with weakness. Walking tend to relieve the stiffness and pain in back when Sepia is indicated. The pain also gets better by pressure or by pressing back against something hard. Sitting upright also tend to provide relief. A pressing and dragging sensation is also felt in the sacral region. Back is also tender to touch in cases requiring Sepia.

10. Calcarea Fluor – For Stiff and Painful Back from Strains

Calcarea Fluor is also indicated similarly to Ruta for a stiff and painful back from strains. In cases requiring Calcarea Fluor, the pain gets worse after rest and is better by movement. Warmth over back also tends to bring relief. Tiredness and restlessness in the back are also present.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 10 Homeopathic Remedies for Meningitis

Meningitis is an inflammation of the protective membranes (meninges) that covers the brain and spinal cord. Meningitis can be caused by viral infections, bacterial infections or fungal infections. Among these, viral infections are the most common cause of meningitis. Bacterial infections and fungal infections rarely cause meningitis. Bacterial meningitis is the most severe and can be life-threatening and fatal if not treated well at the time. Viral meningitis is the most common but is usually mild and clears up on its own. Homeopathic remedies for meningitis play a supportive role in the treatment and should only be used along with conventional treatment.   Homeopathic Remedies for Meningitis

Homeopathic Remedies for Meningitis

Homeopathy plays a supportive role in treating meningitis. These medicines should be used symptomatically to treat meningitis along with the conventional course treatment. Meningitis can be life-threatening in some cases (depending upon the cause) so a consultation with a specialist is needed prior to taking medicines and self-prescription should be avoided.

1. Belladonna – For Meningitis in the First Stage

Belladonna is a natural medicine for meningitis prepared from a plant called Deadly Nightshade. The natural order of this plant is Solanaceae. Belladonna is well indicated for meningitis in the first stage. There is fever with dry heat. The head feels hot and painful with a throbbing sensation and flushed face. The person may want to bore his head in the pillow. Nausea and drowsiness are also marked.

2. Apis Mellifica – Top Medicine for Meningitis

Apis Mellifica is an effective medicine for meningitis where there is delirium and drowsiness. There is marked irritability, crying and screaming loudly. Confusion, dullness, and dizziness are also present. Intense pain in the back of the head is most prominent. Another important accompanying symptom is an inability to hold the head erect and boring of the head into the pillow. Diplopia and obscuration of vision also appear. Its use is also highly considered in cases of meningitis with hydrocephalus (build-up of fluid in the brain cavities).

3. Stramonium – For Meningitis with a Headache and Nausea

Stramonium is a natural remedy prepared from the plant Thorn-Apple of the natural order Solanaceae. Stramonium is indicated when the pain in head and nausea predominates in cases of meningitis. The eyes are markedly red and inflamed along with delirium. In some cases, there may be irritability with screaming, striking with hand feet, and a tendency to strike/bite others. Convulsive movement of the limbs is also well noted with the above features.

4. Veratrum Viride – For Meningitis with High Fever

Veratrum Viride is prepared from the root of a plant named American Hellebore or Indian Poke. It belongs to the natural order Melanthaceae. Veratrum Viride is helpful for meningitis with a high fever. This is attended with the rolling of the head and frequent vomiting. Pain in the nape of the neck is also present and the person cannot hold the head.

5. Gelsemium – For Meningitis in Initial Stage with Marked Chills

Gelsemium is helpful for meningitis in the initial stage, along with severe chills. There is marked stiffness of the neck. A headache with a sensation of band tightly binding head is present. This is attended with great exhaustion and intense drowsiness. There is a desire to lie still. Vertigo along with a staggering gait may also appear. Jerking of the body, especially of the left side, may occur while falling asleep.

6. Helleborus – For Meningitis with Rigid Neck and Marked Drowsiness

Helleborus is a natural medicine medicine prepared from the root of a plant called Helleborus Niger or Christmas Rose, of the natural order Ranunculaceae. Helleborus is prominently indicated for meningitis when the neck feels rigid and there is marked drowsiness. Fever with chills and vomiting may also occur. The head feels heavy and heated. Frequent convulsions in meningitis are also a guiding feature to use Helleborus. This medicine is also indicated for meningitis with hydrocephalus.

7. Rhus Tox – For Meningitis with Pain and Stiffness of Muscles and Joints

Rhus Tox offers a natural treatment for meningitis with pain and stiffness of muscles and joints. This is accompanied with marked anxiety and restlessness. High fever and pain in the head are present, that extends to the ears. Rash on the body is also present.

8. Zincum Met – For Meningitis with Sharp Pain in Head

Zincum Met is a natural medicine indicated for meningitis with a sharp pain in the head. The person may want to roll and bore the head in the pillow. Automatic motion of hands may appear with the motion of the head. Pulse is small and frequent. It is also useful for hearing loss after meningitis.

9. Kali Bromatum – For Meningitis with Severe Headache

Kali Bromatum is a natural remedy for meningitis where there is a severe headache. The headache is constant along with a feeling of heat in the head. The pulse is rapid and wiry. Dullness and weakness along with a loss of appetite is also present.

10. Arnica – For Traumatic Meningitis following Head Injury

Arnica is prepared from a plant named Arnica Montana of the natural order is Compositae. Arnica is beneficial for traumatic meningitis that follows a head injury like a concussion, falling, blows, or bruising. There may also be a headache and vomiting.

Causes of Meningitis

Bacterial Meningitis
The bacterial agents that can cause meningitis include Neisseria meningitis, Streptococcus pneumonia, Haemophilus influenza Type B and Listeria monocytogenes (listeria).

Viral Meningitis
The viral agents that can lead to meningitis are herpes simplex virus, enterovirus, influenza, HIV and mumps virus.

Fungal Meningitis
Fungal meningitis is rare and usually happens to people who have a weakened immune system. Fungal meningitis can be caused by Histoplasma, Cryptococcus, and Blastomyces.

Other Causes
Meningitis can also be caused by an allergy to certain medications, head injury, brain surgery and certain forms of cancer.

Risk Factors
Some risk factors for meningitis include compromised immunity, children under age of 5 years, community living like boarding schools, day care centers, military bases, and pregnancy (pregnant women are at increased risk of listeriosis).

The viruses and bacteria that can cause meningitis can be spread through sneezing, coughing, kissing, sharing utensils and toothbrushes.

Symptoms of Meningitis

The symptoms of meningitis include sudden high fever, feeling sick, severe headache, stiff neck, sensitivity to light, seizures, confusion, difficult concentration, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, pain in the muscles/joints, lack of energy, lethargy, delirium, hallucinations, skin rash and loss of appetite. Certain signs of meningitis in babies include a refusal of feeds, constant crying (usually a high-pitched crying), irritability, fussiness, aversion to being carried, a stiffness of body and a bulging soft spot on top of the head.
Severe complications can arise in some cases of meningitis, like brain damage, seizures, hearing loss, learning disabilities, coordination problems, balance problems, vision loss, hydrocephalus, arthritis, kidney problems, and death.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

9 Homeopathic Medicines for Scoliosis to stop its Progression

Scoliosis is an abnormal sideways (left or right) curvature of the spine. This makes the spine look like the letter C or S. Although any part of the spine can be affected, the most common area is the middle (thoracic/dorsal) and the lower (lumbar) back. Scoliosis can appear at any age, but most frequently appears between the age of 11 to 18 years. Homeopathic medicines for scoliosis can help manage mild to moderate cases to halt further progression of the curve in the spine, but cannot help reverse an already established curve in the spine.   homeopathic medicines for scoliosis

Scoliosis tends to run in families. Some of the causes of scoliosis include muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, polio, injury to the spine, birth defects such as spina bifida, Marfan syndrome, degenerative changes in spine and osteoporosis. Females tend to have a more severe form of scoliosis as compared to males. Scoliosis with no apparent cause is known as idiopathic scoliosis, and this is grouped by age. Idiopathic scoliosis in early age in children aged 3 years and younger is termed as infantile scoliosis. Idiopathic scoliosis between 4-10 years of age is known as juvenile scoliosis. Idiopathic scoliosis between the ages of 11 to 18 years is known as adolescent scoliosis, and above the age of 18 years is known as adult scoliosis. Earlier age onset of scoliosis tends to be the most disabling of all of them.

Homeopathic Medicines for Scoliosis

Homeopathic medicines help effectively manage back pain related to scoliosis. These medicines can be used for supportive help along with conventional treatment. Use of homeopathic medicines for scoliosis should be considered under the supervision of a homeopathic physician.

1. Silicea – For Spinal Curvature to Right Side

Silicea is a well-indicated medicine for treating cases of scoliosis with spinal curvature to the right side. The curved spine is painful. Pain in the back may be shooting, aching or beating in nature. Pain is most worse from motion, and touch also worsens the pain. The pain may worsen after stooping or upon rising from a seat. A burning sensation in the spine along with weakness is marked. A sore feeling on the right side of the spine may also be felt.

2. Calcarea Phos – For Spinal Curvature to Left Side

Calcarea Phos is a natural medicine for treating scoliosis with spinal curvature to the left side. People needing Calcarea Phos are predisposed to develop spinal curvatures due to a weak spine. They may have a pain of drawing nature in the back that worsens from motion. Pain between the shoulder blades is also marked. Calcarea Phos is also indicated for children (especially girls) who grow rapidly at puberty and are predisposed to softening of bones and curvatures of the spine.

3. Rhus Tox – To Manage Pain in Spine

Rhus Tox an effective remedy to manage pain in the spine in cases of scoliosis. Pain in the dorsal spine is felt particularly on bending forward. The pain is marked between the shoulder-blades which are also sensitive to touch. In some cases, pain in the small of the back is present that worsens from sitting or lying. Moving about helps relieve the pain. The back feel as if it is broken. Rhus Tox also helps in cases of scoliosis related to an injury.

4. Aesculus – For Pain Relief in Curvature of Spine

Aesculus is a natural remedy that helps manage pain in the curvature of the spine. It is prepared from the ripe kernel of a plant called Aesculus Hippocastanum of the natural order Sapindaceae. Constant pain is felt in the back in cases needing Aesculus. Walking and stooping worsen the backache. Back also feels lame and weak. Walking is nearly impossible.

5. Phosphorus – For Weakness/Tiredness of Spine

Phosphorus is an effective medicine for managing weakness/tiredness of spine in cases of scoliosis. Pain in the small of the back is present with a sensation as if it is broken. A dull pressure is also felt in the whole spine along with a sensation of heat or burning.

6. Pulsatilla – For Curvature of Upper Part of Spine

Pulsatilla is an effective remedy for scoliosis prepared from the fresh plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known by the name of Windflower, of the natural order Ranunculaceae. Pulsatilla is helpful for scoliosis where there is a curvature of the upper part of the spine. Pain in neck and between scapulae arise with the curvature. The pain between scapulae gets worse from inspiration. Pulsatilla also helps treat curvature of the spine in children with open fontanelles.

7. Calcarea Carb – For Curvature of Dorsal Spine

Calcarea Carb is a natural medicine considered for cases of curvature of the dorsal spine in scoliosis. A drawing pain between the shoulder blades is felt in people needing Calcarea Carb. Breathing can be impeded with pain. In some cases, stitches are felt between the scapulae.

8. Belladonna – For Curvature of Lumbar Spine

Belladonna is a natural medicine prepared from the plant named deadly nightshade of the natural order Solanaceae. Use of Belladonna is considered in cases of curvature of the lumbar spine in scoliosis. The pain of drawing nature is felt in the spine. Sometimes shooting, stabbing pain may be felt in the back, and it may feel as if the back would break.

9. Syphilinum – For Curvature of Spine Due to Caries

Syphilinum is a natural medicine indicated for a curvature of the spine that arises from caries of the spine. For using Syphilinum, caries can be present in the cervical or dorsal spine with curvature. Pain is present in the curvature of the spine. The pain is most worse during the night.

Signs and Symptoms of Scoliosis

Signs and symptoms of scoliosis include uneven waist/hips/shoulders, prominent shoulder on one side, back pain (more common in adults), tired feeling in spin and leaning on one side. In severe cases, spine deformities, disability, difficulty in breathing and cardiac problems due to pressure caused by ribcage may arise.

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Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Balanitis

Balanitis is a condition where there is an inflammation of the head (glans) of the penis and the foreskin (flap of skin covering the glans). Balanitis can be painful but is not usually a serious condition. It is most common in uncircumcised men having foreskin around the head of the penis. Balanitis can be caused by infections from overgrowth of yeast and bacteria under the foreskin. Poor hygiene is the main contributing factor. Homeopathic medicines help in reducing the inflammation, swelling, redness of the glans penis and the foreskin very effectively. Apis Mellifica, Caladium, and Merc Sol are the top homeopathic medicines for balanitis.

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Homeopathic medicines for Balanitis.

Other factors that predispose a male to balanitis include not completely rinsing the soap from the penis while washing, irritation of the glans from chemicals present in perfumed soaps, lotions, shower gels, condoms or lubricants, uncontrolled diabetes, and reactive arthritis. Too much cleansing or over washing can also irritate the glans and contribute to balanitis. STI’s (sexually transmitted infections like gonorrhea, syphilis), skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and some medicines like tetracycline can also lead to balanitis.

Homeopathic Treatment of Balanitis

Balanitis can be effectively treated with natural homeopathic remedies. Symptoms of balanitis including pain, itching on glans and painful urination can be treated effectively with the help of homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic medicines are selected individually for every case of balanitis based on the symptom picture and should be taken only under the consultation of a homeopathic physician.

Homeopathic Medicines for Balanitis

Apis Mellifica – For Balanitis with Burning, Stinging Pains

Apis Mellifica is a natural medicine for balanitis. In cases needing Apis Mellifica, there is marked inflammation and swelling of glans. The foreskin is also inflamed. This inflammation is attended with an intense burning and stinging pains. A thin discharge may be present under the foreskin. Painful urination is frequently present along with the above symptoms.

Caladium – For Balanitis with Marked Redness of the Glans

Homeopathic medicine Caladium is prepared from a plant called Caladium Seguinum or Arum Seguinum. The natural order of this plant is Araceae. Caladium is useful for cases of balanitis with marked redness of glans. The glans is covered with reddish spots, and there is marked dryness. The foreskin is also swollen and sore, especially along the margins. Biting pain while urinating is a marked feature in cases needing Caladium.

Merc Sol – For Balanitis with Marked Swelling and Painful Sensitivity

Merc Sol is a natural remedy for balanitis where there is marked swelling and painful sensitivity of the glans and the prepuce. Small vesicles may be present on the glans and prepuce. There may be oozing of fluid from these vesicles along with a burning sensation. Thin milk-like discharge may be present under the glans penis. Severe burning on urination may also be felt.

Rhus Tox – For Balanitis with Dark Red Swelling and Pain

Rhus Tox offers a natural cure for balanitis where there is dark red swelling of the glans and prepuce. It is attended with a lot of pain, itching and stinging sensation on the prepuce. Moist vesicles may also appear on the glans in few cases where Rhus Tox is indicated.

Cinnabaris – For Balanitis with Itching

Cinnabaris offers a natural treatment for Balanitis where there is itching attended with redness and swelling of the glans and prepuce. Fetid, yellow-green discharge may be present under the prepuce. An attending complaint of phimosis may also be present in some cases.

Sulphur – For Balanitis with Marked Itching and Burning

Sulphur is a natural remedy for balanitis where there is marked itching and burning on the glans and prepuce. The glans and prepuce become swollen and red. Offensive sweat is present around the genitals in most cases. Copious secretion of fetid smegma may be present. Sulphur is also indicated for cases of phimosis when attended with a discharge of fetid pus.

Nitric Acid – For Balanitis with Reddish Spots on Glans with Offensive Moisture

Nitric Acid is an effective homeopathic medicine for balanitis where reddish spots appear on the glans along with moisture. The moisture is foul smelling, and small pimples may appear on the glans penis. The foreskin is also inflamed and swollen along with soreness. Burning, sticking or tearing pains may appear in the foreskin along with the presence of itchy vesicles. Nitric Acid is also indicated for cases of phimosis and paraphimosis along with sharp and stitching pains in prepuce.

Rhododendron – For Balanitis with Throbbing, Shooting Pain under Glans

Homeopathic medicine Rhododendron is prepared from the fresh leaves of a plant Rhododendron Chrysanthum or Yellow Snow-Rose. The natural order of this plant is Ericaceae. Rhododendron is well-indicated for cases of balanitis along with throbbing and shooting pain under the glans. Sometimes there is crushing pain felt in glans penis. The prepuce is swollen and enormously distended like a bladder. Slight discharge from the glans may be present with the above symptoms.

Thuja – For Balanitis linked to Gonorrhoea Infection

Homeopathic medicine Thuja is prepared from fresh green twigs of plant Thuja occidentalis commonly named as Arbor Vitae. This plant belongs to natural order Coniferae. Thuja is prominently indicated for balanitis that arises due to a gonorrhea infection. In cases needing Thuja, the glans is very sensitive and has red sores. Burning between the prepuce and glans penis is also marked. There is yellow-green discharge and scalding pain while urinating.

Cantharis – For Balanitis with Painful Urination

Cantharis is a natural medicine for painful urination in cases of balanitis. The glans is intensely swollen and is very painful to pressure. There is severe pain, burning, smarting on passing urine that may continue even after urination. Sometimes cutting pains appear on urinating. Urine may be scanty with frequent urging. Violent pain in the glans may precede urination.

Symptoms of Balanitis

The main signs of balanitis include redness and swelling of the glans and foreskin. The symptoms include soreness, pain and irritation or itching of glans, pain while urinating, bad smell on the glans and discharge under the foreskin. Some of the main complications of balanitis include phimosis (inability to retract foreskin from the head of the penis) in chronic balanitis, decreased blood supply to glans and scarring or narrowing of the penis opening.

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Top Homeopathic Medicines for Coccydynia

Coccyx (tailbone) is the last bone at the bottom of the spine. Any injury or strain to the coccyx, pelvic bones or the surrounding muscles and ligaments can lead to inflammation of the coccyx. This condition is known as coccydynia. The inflammation usually occurs spontaneously in the bony area deep between the buttocks, above the anus. Homeopathic medicines for coccydynia help manage the condition by providing symptomatic relief in pain, tenderness, stiffness, and tightness across the area (near coccyx or bony area deep between the buttocks above the anus.) Hypericum, Rhus Tox, and Ruta are the top homeopathic remedies for coccydynia.

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Homeopathic medicine for Coccydynia.

Homeopathic Medicines for Coccydynia

Hypericum – For Pain in Tailbone after a Fall

Hypericum is a natural medicine for coccydynia that works very well in cases where there is an injury from a fall. There is a pain in the spine which grows severe with every passing day, and the patient is unable to sit (except on an air cushion.) It also works in cases where there is a violent pain and inability to walk comfortably after a fall on the coccyx.

Rhus Tox – For Pain in Coccyx after Overexertion

Rhustox is a homeopathic remedy for pain in the coccyx which is aggravated after overexertion. The patient often experiences stiffness and soreness as soon as he attempts to move but gets better when in continuous motion or by warm applications. In general, the patient is quite restless, changing position often.

Ruta Graveleons – For Coccydynia due to a Blow or Fall

Ruta is a natural medicine for coccydynia where there is a bruised pain in the coccyx as a result of a blow or fall with the sensation of soreness. It can be a helpful remedy if the patient experiences constipation after a mechanical injury.

Lachesis – For Continuous Pain in Coccyx

Lachesis is an effective homeopathic medicine for a continuous pain in the coccyx while sitting. There is a characteristic feeling of sitting on something sharp. The pain is drawing and continuous that prevents motion, along with a sharp, agonizing pain when rising from a seat. Neuralgia of coccyx is worse rising in a sitting posture, and the patient must sit still.

Petroleum – For Stiffness of Coccyx

Petroleum is a natural cure for stiffness in the coccyx. People needing this medicine experience uneasiness and stiffness in the small of the back and coccyx (especially towards evening). There is pain and sensitiveness in coccyx while sitting.

Phosphorus – For Pain in Coccyx that Disturbs Motion

Phosphorus is an excellent homeopathic remedy when there is a peculiar sensation in coccyx as if it is ulcerated, which obstructs the movement of the patient followed by painful stiffness of the neck. Pain can get worse on physical exertion, towards evening. It is a specific remedy for coccydynia.

Arnica – For Bruising Pain in Coccyx

Arnica is a homeopathic remedy when the patient experiences the pain of sore, bruised character which occurs upon suddenly rising after stooping, with great soreness of the back. Typically the pain comes on from continuous stooping or hard work or while rising from bed in the morning. Every surface on which the patient lies feels too hard.

Magnesium Phos – For Pain in Coccyx Better by Warmth

Magnesium Phos is a natural medicine for pain in the coccyx that is tearing, lancinating and quick. Pains come at intervals and change place i.e.; they are shifting type of pains which get better by warmth and pressure.

Causes of Coccydynia

Factors that can cause coccydynia are, an injury or fall on the coccyx, during childbirth, a strain on the coccyx, poor posture, being overweight or underweight, age-related wear and tear can also be there. Less common causes may include bony growth on the coccyx, coccyx being too flexible or too rigid, and arthritis.
Other causes for tailbone pain which can impersonate coccydynia may include fractured bones (broken tailbone or tailbone fracture), sciatica, sacroiliitis etc.

Symptoms of Coccydynia

Typical symptoms of coccydynia include pain and tenderness, which gets worse on sitting or standing for long hours, sitting on hard surfaces, standing from sitting or vice versa, leaning back while sitting, during intercourse or while defecation (passing stool). Rotation of pelvic bones (muscle movements that assist the rotation) may be painful. Tightness and discomfort can be constant whereas pain may occur during a moment or after pressure. Driving or bending can be very difficult. One may also have bleeding, high temperature or pain away from the coccyx. Person suffering may need to lean against something while sitting for better stability. Usually, a dull achy pain may be present, which may range from mild to severe. The pain improves over a few days or weeks but it may last longer and can hinder the normal functioning in day to day life.

Usually, the progression of the disease is uncommon but in rare cases, the condition may advance to a stage where surgery (Coccygectomy) is required, and coccyx needs to be removed permanently. Coccydynia can be prevented only by avoiding injury to the coccyx.

Some precautionary measures include avoiding sitting or standing for long hours, using specially designed coccyx cushions or well-padded seat when sitting, doing massage and stretching. Diet needs to be managed if pain worsens by constipation or bowel movements. In such cases, one should increase the fiber content in diet and take ample amount of water.

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Homeopathic Treatment of Bullous Pemphigoid

Bullous pemphigoid is an autoimmune skin disorder where fluid-filled blisters appear on the skin. It is a rare condition mostly seen in older adults over the age of 60 to 70 years. Its occurrence in children and younger adults is very rare. Homeopathic medicines for bullous pemphigoid help moderate the overactive immune system. These remedies work in two ways – they help prevent further progression of the disease and help heal the existing blisters and manage the associated itching. Natrum Mur, Anacardium Orientale, and Dulcamara are the top homeopathic remedies used to treat blisters on the skin in bullous pemphigoid.

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Homeopathic remedies for bullous pemphigoid.

Typically, our immune system functions to fight against the bacteria, virus and other harmful foreign invaders that enter the human body. They fight infection by producing antibodies. Autoimmune disorder refers to a group of diseases where the immune system of the body starts to destroy the body’s healthy tissue out of a misdirected response (in the absence of any real infection.) In bullous pemphigoid, the immune system begins to damage the skin and lead to blister formation. The particular factor that triggers the autoimmune response in bullous pemphigoid is not clear, but it seems that certain medicines (like etanercept and sulfasalazine), ultraviolet light therapy and radiation therapy may trigger it.

Homeopathic Treatment of Bullous Pemphigoid

Homeopathic medicines can help in treating bullous pemphigoid in a safe, gentle manner. The best suited homeopathic medicine for bullous pemphigoid is selected depending upon the individual case. Prescribing a homeopathic medicine in case of bullous pemphigoid requires a complete analysis and evaluation. Hence medicines for bullous pemphigoid should be taken after consultation with a homeopathic physician and self-medication should be avoided.

Homeopathic Medicines for Bullous Pemphigoid

Natrum Mur – For Bullous Pemphigoid with Blisters Having Clear, Watery Content

Natrum Mur is a natural homeopathic medicine for bullous pemphigoid. For using Natrum Mur in bullous pemphigoid, the key indication is blisters that contain clear and watery content. There may be little itching in the blisters. A burning sensation on the skin may precede blister formation.

Anacardium Orientale – For Bullous Pemphigoid with Multiple Blisters on Skin

Anacardium is a natural medicine prepared from the layer between the shell and kernel of the nut of a plant named Malacca bean or Marking Nut. This plant belongs to natural order Anacardiaceae. Use of Anacardium is considered when multiple blisters appear on the skin. The size of blisters varies from pin-head to pea size. The skin redness is present in a marked degree, and the blisters may be itchy. The itching tends to get worse during the evening. There may be a burning sensation present in the blisters.

Dulcamara – For Bullous Pemphigoid with Blisters on Red, Inflamed Base

Dulcamara is a natural remedy prepared from the fresh green stems and leaves of a plant named Woody Nightshade or Bitter-sweet. This plant belongs to natural order Solanaceae. Dulcamara is indicated for bullous pemphigoid when blisters are present on an inflamed red base. The blisters are as large as the size of a pea. The blisters are widespread over the body, and the skin feels hot and dry.

Populus Candicans – For Bullous Pemphigoid with Large Blisters

Homeopathic medicine Populus Candicans is useful for cases of bullous pemphigoid with blisters that are very large (the blisters may reach the size of a walnut.) These blisters contain a watery fluid. Burning, prickling on the skin may precede blister formation. The skin feels dry and cold in general.

Rhus Tox – For Bullous Pemphigoid with Blisters, Redness, and Itching

Rhus Tox is an effective homeopathic medicine for bullous pemphigoid with blisters present with skin redness. The blisters contain a clear liquid. The blisters are itchy, and the itching tends to get worse after midnight. A burning sensation may be present in the blisters.

Apis Mellifica – For Bullous Pemphigoid with Hives like Rash

Apis Mellifica is a natural treatment for bullous pemphigoid where there are hives like rash present on the skin. There may be raised patches or wheals present on the skin with a marked stinging sensation. Marked itching and intense burning may also be present and cold applications bring relief. Being in the open air also brings relief.

Lachesis – For Bullous Pemphigoid with Bloody Serum in the Blisters

Lachesis is a homeopathic remedy for bullous pemphigoid where there is bloody serum in the blisters. Lachesis is also indicated for large blisters that are initially yellow initially and then turn dark. The blisters may be itchy with a burning sensation.

Merc Sol – For Bullous Pemphigoid with Blisters in the Mouth

Merc Sol is a prominent homeopathic remedy for cases of bullous pemphigoid with blister formation in the mouth. Excessive saliva may be present in the mouth. A metallic, coppery taste in the mouth or an offensive odor is usually present. The mouth may be inflamed and swollen, and the mucous membrane of mouth is red.

Signs and Symptoms of Bullous Pemphigoid

The main presenting feature of bullous pemphigoid is the formation of large blisters on the skin. The diameter of the blisters may be up to 5 cm. The blister contains clear fluid, and when touched, it does not rupture easily. Sometimes slight blood and itching may be present in the blisters. The itching may start a few weeks before blister forms. The blisters mainly appear on the lower abdomen, thighs, and arms. The blisters are located along the skin folds. In severe cases, the blisters may form inside the mouth.

In some cases, a hive-like rash appears. Bullous pemphigoid is not infectious and does not spread by direct skin to skin contact to a healthy person. A severe complication that can arise in bullous pemphigoid is sepsis from infection of the ruptured blisters.

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Natural Treatment of Chickenpox with Homeopathy

Chickenpox is a viral infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus. It is a highly contagious disease presented with mild fever and skin rash with blister formation followed by scabbing. It spreads easily through droplets of a sneeze or cough of an infected person. A person may also contract the infection by touching the fluid of the blisters of chicken pox. Although chickenpox most commonly appears in children, it may also arise in adults. Homeopathic medicines for chicken pox help boost the immune system to fight the viral infection and treat the condition in a natural manner. Aconite, Belladonna, and Rhus Tox are the top grade homeopathic remedies for chicken pox.

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Homeopathic medicines for chicken pox.

Homeopathic Treatment of Chicken Pox

Homeopathy carries a scope to treat viral infections and their associated symptoms like chicken pox. The suitable homeopathic medicines for chicken pox are selected individually for each case. Consultation from a homeopathic physician should be taken prior taking homeopathic medicines for chickenpox and self-medication should be avoided.

Homeopathic Medicines for Chicken Pox

Aconite – For Initial Inflammation of Chicken Pox

Aconite is a natural medicine for the first inflammatory period of chicken pox. Aconite is prepared from a plant named Aconitum Napellus or Monkshood. The natural order of this plant is Ranunculaceae. The key features to use it are red skin rash with hot skin. High fever is present with the rash. The person is highly anxious and restless along with the above features. An increased thirst for water is usually present.

Belladonna – For Inflammatory Stage of Chicken Pox

Belladonna is a natural remedy for chicken pox prepared from a plant named Deadly Nightshade. The natural order of this plant is Solanaceae. Belladonna also works well in first inflammatory stage of chicken pox. The key indications for using Belladonna include a skin rash with a bright red, dry, hot, burning, smooth and sensitive skin. High fever, rapid pulse, and a severe headache are present in most of the cases.

Rhus Tox – For Chicken Pox with Itchy Eruptions

Rhus Tox offers a natural cure for chicken pox with itchy eruptions. The eruptions may be vesicular or pustular and are attended with intense itching. Sweating worsens the itching. A burning sensation along with itching is present. The burning mostly arises after scratching the eruptions. The person may be highly restless and experience prominent body aches.

Antimonium Tart – For Chicken Pox with Rash and Vesicles/Pustules

Antimonium Tart is a natural remedy for chickenpox where there is rash accompanied by pustules and vesicles. The eruptions are painful, dry up, and get crusted afterward. They also tend to leave marks on the skin. The pustules tend to leave bluish-red marks. This medicine is also indicated for the slow development of eruption in chicken pox.

Thuja and Merc Sol – For Chicken Pox with Large Pustules

Thuja and Merc sol are useful homeopathic medicines for chickenpox with large pustules. There is profuse suppuration (pus discharge.) These medicines are used during the stage of maturation in cases of chickenpox. Among them, use of Thuja is known to prevent scar formation in chicken pox.

Antimonium Crudum – For Chicken Pox with Pustules with Yellow-brown Scurfs

Antimonium Crudum is indicated for chickenpox with pustules with yellowish or brown scurfs. These eruptions are itchy and get sore upon scratching. These eruptions are painful to pressure. The character of pain may be shooting in nature. Diarrhea may be present along with the above symptoms.

Bryonia – For Slow Development of Eruptions in Chicken Pox

Homeopathic medicine Bryonia is prepared from the root of plant Bryonia Alba. It is commonly known by the name of White Bryony or Wild Hops. This plant belongs to the natural order Cucurbitaceae. Bryonia is useful in cases of chicken pox where there is a slow development of eruptions. It is also indicated for a suddenly receding rash in chicken pox. Dryness on the skin may be marked, and there may be prominent body aches. A Suddenly receding rash may be attended with difficult respiration in cases where Bryonia is required.

Symptoms of Chicken Pox

The symptoms of a chickenpox infection appear around 7 to 21 days after exposure to the varicella-zoster virus. The early symptoms of chickenpox are vague and include a headache, tiredness, fever, appetite loss, nausea and body aches. Following these symptoms, rash and eruptions appear on the skin. The eruptions are fluid-filled vesicles/blisters or pustules (pus-filled eruptions). The eruptions break open and ooze the liquid. Afterward, crusts form over the eruptions. At a given time the blistered eruptions, as well as crusted eruptions both, may be present simultaneously. The eruptions firstly develop on the face, torso followed by their spread to other body parts. The eruptions can be severely itchy. But scratching the eruptions should be avoided as it increases the chances of severe skin infection. In severe cases, the eruptions can spread to the eyes, throat and the mucous membranes of anal area and urethra. It usually takes around 7 to 10 days for all the eruptions to heal and get covered with scabs. A person with chickenpox is contagious from one to two days before the eruptions appear and continue being so until all the eruptions get scabbed over.

Complications of Chicken Pox

Chickenpox can lead to complications including pneumonia, dehydration, toxic shock syndrome, encephalitis, bacterial skin infection. If a pregnant woman gets chickenpox, then certain complications may arise in the baby including low birth weight, brain damage, shortened limbs, vision problems like cataract or a life-threatening chickenpox infection.

Chicken Pox and Herpes Zoster

Following a chicken pox infection, varicella-zoster virus remains dormant in the nerve cells. This virus can reactivate any time during lifetime and cause herpes zoster/shingles. A lowered immune system usually reactivates the virus. Another complication known as post-herpetic neuralgia may follow herpes zoster infection.

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