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Reasons For Increased Appetite And Its Homeopathic Treatment

Increased appetite means eating in relatively large quantities or eating more frequently. Increased appetite is medically known as hyperphagia or polyphagia. Having increased appetite once in a while is normal but if there is a drastic increase in appetite over a period of time, it can be arising from a medical reason that needs to be investigated and treated. In some cases, increased appetite may be an accompanying symptom with other symptoms depending on the cause. These include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, anxiety, depression, irritability, bloated abdomen, increased urination, increased thirst, weight loss/gain, stress, nervousness, and sweating.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very helpful for persons complaining of increased appetite. There are numerous medicines in homeopathy that can help a person control persistent excessive appetite which help to reduce hunger gradually. Homeopathic medicines for managing it are prepared from naturally occurring substances so are very safe to use without any side effects. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician. In case of serious medical reasons behind increased appetite, like hypoglycaemia, homeopathy is not recommended as it is a medical emergency and if not treated properly, it can be fatal. In such a case, urgent help from conventional mode of treatment is required.

Homeopathic Medicines To Relieve Increased Appetite

1. Iodum – Top-grade Medicine

Iodum is one of the best medicines in homeopathy to manage cases of increased appetite. Persons who need it have a continued increase in appetite and they eat very frequently. If they do not eat, they feel anxious. They must eat every few hours and feel better after eating. They also eat too much during a meal with an insatiable hunger most of the time.  A characteristic feature for using this medicine is a person loses weight inspite of eating in excess and too often. It is one of the major homeopathic medicines for managing hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland).

2. Cina – When Person Feels Hungry Soon After A Meal

It is the next best medicine for controlling increased appetite. It is a natural medicine prepared from the unexpanded flower heads of a plant Artemisia Maritima belonging to family compositae. It is indicated for persons who feel hungry soon after a meal. This may happen even a few minutes after a full meal. It is attended with a feeling of emptiness in stomach. They eat food in excess but do not gain weight.

3. Lycopodium – For Excessive Eating Followed By Abdomen Distension

This medicine is prepared from a plant Lycopodium Clavatum, commonly known as ‘club moss’. The use of this medicine is considered in persons who eat in excess which is followed by bloating of abdomen. They feel hungry even when their stomach feels full. The more they eat, the more the craving for food. If they do not eat anything at that particular time, they experience headache.

4. Bryonia – For Increased Appetite With Desire To Eat Often

This medicine is prepared from roots of the plant Bryonia Alba, commonly known as ‘white bryony’ and ‘wild hops’. It is beneficial in cases where appetite rises with a desire to eat often. There may be increased desire specifically for sweets and acidic food. Along with this, there is an increased thirst for cold water and the person drinks too much water at a time.

5. Sulphur – For Headache If Person Doesn’t Eat When Hungry

It is another prominent medicine for cases of excessive appetite when a person has the desire to eat frequently without which he gets a headache. Weakness, lack of energy and need to lie down may attend it. Desire to eat sweets may be particularly present in those needing sulphur.

6. Alumen – For Increased Appetite Inspite Of Full Stomach

This medicine is indicated when a person has an increased appetite inspite of fullness in the stomach. Sometimes there is heat in the stomach which is relieved by drinking cold water. There may be dryness in the mouth and the throat.

7. Phosphorus – For Increased Appetite At Night

Phosphorus is an important medicine for cases in which there is an increased appetite at night. Hunger pangs, nausea and anxiety may be felt. Other than this, it is also indicated when hunger is felt soon after eating. Persons who require it can have an increased urge for cold drinks, cold food, ice-creams and spicy food.

8. Natrum Mur – For Excessive Hunger With  Depression

This medicine works well when there is excessive hunger along with depression. Weakness may also attend. Persons needing it have an increased craving to eat something, especially towards noon. Weakness and sleepiness may follow it. There may be excessive thirst for water along with a dry and sticky mouth. Sadness and weeping spells often accompany the above symptoms.

9. Asafoetida – For Increased Appetite With Pain In Upper Abdomen

It is a medicine helpful in cases with an excessive appetite along with pain in the upper abdomen. Persons who require it may have gas in the abdomen that pushes upward. Other than this, belching with garlic-like smell may attend it.

10. Magnesia Mur – For Increased Hunger Followed By Nausea

It is useful when there is excessive hunger followed by nausea. Person needing it has increased hunger but doesn’t know what he wants to eat.

11. Kali Phos – For Excessive Hunger In Case Of Depression

Use of this medicine is indicated when there is excessive hunger in case of depression. Persons needing it feel hungry soon after eating. They feel like eating almost every hour, and always feel tired and exhausted.

What Are The Causes Behind It?

It may simply occur once in a while from reasons like excessive physical activity (it increases calorie demand), inadequate sleep (it can affect appetite-regulating hormones), and stress (increases cortisol hormone that leads to increased hunger and craving for food). It may occur from dietary changes like eating food that is deficient in proteins and fats, as these nutrients make a person feel full and satiated. In children and adolescents, it is normal to have an increased appetite as calorie demand increases in the growing up years. It may also occur in persons who are in the recovery stage of any surgery because it increases calories requirement and in turn, causes increased appetite to fulfill that need.

However, if a person has been having a persistently increased appetite over a long period of time, then there can be some medical reasons behind it.

It firstly includes hyperthyroidism and Grave’s disease. Hyperthyroidism refers to a condition in which the thyroid gland produces hormone thyroxine in excess. It speeds up the body metabolism. It can cause an increased appetite, weight loss inspite of an increase in appetite, palpitations and irregular heartbeat. Other than these, it can lead to symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, nervousness, tremors, increased sensitivity to heat, sweating, diarrhea, fatigue, changes in the menstrual cycle, brittle hair, muscle weakness and an enlarged thyroid gland. Graves’ disease is an immune system disorder in which there is an increased production of thyroid hormones causing hyperthyroidism.

Second cause can be diabetes, frequent hunger is an important symptom of diabetes. It is attended with its other symptoms like increased thirst, increased urination, weakness and weight loss.

Next reason that may lead to it is bulimia nervosa. A person eats too much food at a time followed by self-induced vomiting or purging to get rid of consumed food, shed calories and prevent weight gain. The desire to eat is uncontrollable. Persons affected with this problem have a fear of gaining weight and the foremost thought in their mind is that they are fat. They may have depression and mood swings too. They can have weakness, gastric issues (like indigestion, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation and bloating), and tooth damage or staining of teeth from stomach acid that rises up while vomiting.

People afflicted with psychological conditions like depression and anxiety disorder can also exhibit a symptom of high appetite. Depression is a mood disorder in which a person feels persistently sad and loses interest in activities that he/she once enjoyed, which interferes with mental well-being and daily life.

In anxiety disorders, there is intense and persistent fear and worry about something.

It may also occur in case of hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar levels).

Apart from these, females may have an increased appetite during pregnancy, breastfeeding or PMS (premenstrual syndrome) — a condition affecting a woman’s behaviour, emotions and physical health prior to the periods. It can cause increased appetite along with other signs and symptoms, like bloated abdomen, headache, acne, sadness, anxiety, irritability, depression, emotional outbursts, breast soreness, constipation or diarrhea.

Lastly, taking certain medicines like antidepressants, and corticosteroids may lead to increased hunger.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Medicines To Get Rid Of Bad Taste In Mouth

A bad taste in the mouth is something that everyone experiences at some time or the other.  It is temporary and tends to go away after brushing the teeth and cleaning the mouth. But in some cases, the bad taste in the mouth persists and doesn’t go away even after usual brushing and cleaning. In such cases, there may be some underlying cause that needs to be diagnosed and treated to get rid of this bad taste.

Every person experiencing it defines the bad taste differently. Some may say it is a metallic taste, while for some, it is a bitter taste, some others may describe it as foul, sour, salty or sweet taste.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic medicines for treating this complaint are prepared from naturally occurring substances, so are very safe to use without any side effects and aid gradual recovery. The most suitable medicine for every case of bad taste in mouth is selected individually based on the case details. So it is advised to take medicines under the guidance of a homeopathic physician after detailed case evaluation.

Homeopathic Medicines To Get Rid Of Bad Taste In Mouth

1. Merc Sol – Top-Grade Medicine

Merc Sol is a very effective medicine for managing bad taste in mouth. It works well when there is metallic, putrid, bitter, or sweetish taste in the mouth.  Excessive salivation may be present with this. Next, there may be complaint of offensive breath.  It is a well-indicated medicine for managing many conditions like gingivitis, tonsillitis,  sinusitis, thrush, tooth decay, dental cavities, etc. So the cases that require it may also have sore throat, inflamed tonsils, swollen gums, mouth sores/ ulcers.

2. Pulsatilla – For Bad Taste Mainly In Morning

It is a natural medicine prepared from a plant Pulsatilla Nigricans, commonly known as ‘wind flower’. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is indicated for cases in which there is bad taste in the morning time. With this the tongue may be coated white. Next, there can be loss of appetite and nausea. Mouth dryness may attend it. In some cases, bitter taste, sweetish taste or burnt taste in mouth is present. Other than this, there may sometimes be greasy taste in mouth.

3. Nux Vomica – For Sour Taste In Mouth

It is helpful when there is sour taste in mouth. It can occur after eating or drinking. It may also be present in the morning. There may be mouth dryness with this. In some cases, small ulcers may be present in the mouth and throat with putrid smell. Sour or bitter belchings, regurgitation of food and heartburn are some symptoms that can accompany.

4. Arsenic Album – For Bitter Taste

Use of this medicine is considered for cases of bitter taste in mouth. This is mostly felt after eating and drinking. Other than this, it is also used for unpleasant or woody taste in mouth. Lastly, it is useful for cases having sweetish taste in the throat.

5. Nux Moschata – For Bad Taste And Dry Mouth

This medicine is prepared from powdered seeds of plant nutmeg. It belongs to family myristicaceae. It is beneficial for those who have a bad taste in mouth and a dry mouth. They may have a foul taste, earthy, chalky or slimy taste in mouth. Sometimes bitter or sour taste is present too. The mouth and tongue are very dry. Dryness is so marked that the tongue sticks to the roof of the mouth. Saliva feels like cotton in the mouth. Next, there is white-coated tongue and bad smell from mouth.

6. Natrum Phos – For Acid Taste In Mouth And Acid Reflux

This medicine works well for cases having acid taste in mouth. It is one of the best medicines for managing acid reflux also. Those needing it frequently complain of heartburn, sour belchings, sour vomiting and heaviness in the stomach. Along with the above symptoms, there may be yellow creamy coating at the base of tongue.

7. Borax For Bitter Taste, Mouth Sores And Oral Thrush

This medicine is valuable for managing bitter taste in mouth, mouth sores and oral thrush. The food tastes bitter to the persons who require it. Even the saliva may taste bitter. They can have sores in the mouth especially in the cheeks and on the tongue. These are painful and may bleed easily. The tongue may be cracked. It is a very suitable medicine for managing cases of oral thrush.

8. Natrum Carb For Metallic Taste In Mouth

It is an important medicine to manage metallic taste in mouth.  A constant dryness of mouth and lips can be present where it is required. There is marked burning sensation on the tip of tongue. Next, there can be redness and soreness in mouth with painful blisters.

9Belladonna For Putrid Taste In Mouth, Sore Throat, Tonsillitis

This medicine is prepared from plant commonly known as ‘deadly nightshade’. It belongs to family solanaceae. This medicine is recommended for managing putrid taste in mouth. In cases needing it, there may be sore throat or tonsillitis. The throat and tonsils are inflamed, red, shiny and painful where it is required. There is pain in the throat and tonsils along with this. Throat may feel dry. Sometimes cough can attend it.

10. Calcarea Carb – For Salty, Sour Taste

This medicine is indicated to manage salty and sour taste in mouth. Dryness in the mouth at night can be present. There may be heat in the mouth. Its use is also indicated for a taste like that of ink or iron in mouth. An unpleasant taste in mouth with cough is another indication.

What Are The Causes Behind It?

It can simply be arising from eating food having strong taste (for eg, garlic) or poor oral hygiene, but there are other reasons too including medical conditions.

Sometimes taking vitamins and supplements may bring metallic taste in the mouth. For example, calcium, iron, zinc and copper supplements.

Use of some medicines (like antihistamines, antidepressants, anti inflammatories, antibiotics) may cause metallic or bitter taste in the mouth.

Cancer treatment including chemotherapy and radiotherapy may also leave a bad taste in the mouth, including metallic and sour taste.

It can also occur in cases of dry mouth. Dry mouth is medically known as xerostomia that occurs from lack of saliva in the mouth. Saliva helps to decrease bacterial growth in the mouth and removes food particles from the mouth. In case of reduced saliva in the mouth, the bacteria overgrow and food bits may remain there leading to a bad taste in the mouth. Dry mouth can happen from various reasons like taking certain medications, advancing age and use of tobacco. But in some cases, it can arise from blocked nose leading to mouth breathing and some medical conditions like diabetes, nerve damage, and some auto-immune diseases.

There are other medical conditions that can lead to bad taste in the mouth.

First medical condition is dental problems. These include gingivitis (inflammation of the gums), tooth decay, dental cavities, infection, dental abscess (a pocket of pus that can occur at different regions of the tooth). In cases of dental issues, other symptoms that can occur are swelling/ redness of the gums, bleeding gums, bad breath and sensitive teeth.

Second medical condition is oral thrush (an infection in the mouth with fungus known a candida albicans). It is also known as oral candidiasis. It can cause bad taste in the mouth in addition to its other symptoms. Such symptoms include redness, soreness, pain in the mouth, burning sensation in the mouth, cotton like feeling in the mouth, white sores in the mouth mostly on the tongue and inner cheeks, slight bleeding from these sores, cracks at the corners of the mouth and difficulty in swallowing.

Third cause is acid reflux (a condition in which the stomach acid rises up into the food pipe back from the stomach and flows upwards). It can cause sour taste in mouth along with its other symptoms, like heartburn, nausea, vomiting, pain in upper abdomen, sore throat and cough.

Fourth reason is respiratory infections mainly viral infections. These include colds, tonsillitis (inflammation of tonsils that are the two oval shaped mass of lymphatic tissue present at the back of the throat one on each side), sinusitis (inflamed paranasal sinuses which are air filled spaces in skull). Along with bad taste, the other symptoms of these conditions include sore throat, nasal blockage, PND (post nasal drip), headache, facial pain.

Hepatitis B (a viral infection of liver) can also result in bitter taste in the mouth along with other symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, appetite loss, fever.

Next, it may occur from hormonal changes in women like during pregnancy and menopause.

Lastly, it may occur in some of the neurological conditions. For example,  epilepsy (tendency to have recurrent seizures means fits), dementia (loss of memory and decline in thinking and  other mental abilities), brain tumours.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321


food_allergy_faq (1)

 Ever heard of someone developing a life-threatening allergic reaction from something as small as a peanut? Someone suffering an asthma attack just after taking a spoonful of cooked mushrooms? Or a severe attack of migraine triggered by black pepper? These may sound strange, but true!

Food allergy is the reaction of the immune system that occurs immediately after eating a certain food. If one has food allergy, the immune system overreacts to a particular protein found in that food. Coming in contact with even a little amount of that particular food can trigger symptoms. Some people may experience severe symptoms from a food allergy, including the potentially fatal anaphylactic reaction (swelling of the throat, airways become narrow blocking breathing). Anaphylaxis is a potentially life-threatening reaction that can impair breathing and send the body into shock; reactions may simultaneously affect different parts of the body (for example, a stomach-ache accompanied by a rash).

 Many people think the terms ‘food allergy’ and ‘food intolerance’ mean the same, but they do not. Food intolerance is an adverse food-induced reaction that does not involve the immune system. Lactose intolerance is one example of food intolerance. A person with lactose intolerance lacks an enzyme that is needed to digest milk sugar. When the person eats milk products, symptoms such as gas, bloating and abdominal pain may occur.

Although an individual may be allergic to any food, such as fruits, vegetables and meats, these are not as common as the following eight foods which account for 90 per cent of all food-allergic reactions: Milk, egg, peanut, tree nuts (walnut, cashew, etc.), fish, shellfish, soya and wheat.

Homeopathic Treatment For Food Allergy

Homeopathic treatment of food allergies can be very beneficial as it treats food allergies by optimising the overcharged immune system. Though the treatment may require a more serious approach, most of the allergies can be treated with homeopathy. Homeopathy views food allergies as an expression of a disturbance in the patient’s healing system. Food allergies are not a disease to be cured in themselves, but a reflection of an underlying imbalance.

Food sensitivity or intolerance can be treated by homeopathic medicines that are specific to that particular problem. For example, homeopathic medicine Silicea for milk intolerance in infants, when even the mother’s milk disagrees; Zingiber for diarrhea that sets in after eating melons; Antim crudum for headache that comes after eating fruits.

Homeopathic Medicines For Food Allergies

1. Calcarea Carb – For Milk Allergy

Calcarea Carb is an important homeopathic medicine for milk allergy when there is vomiting after consuming milk. There is nausea, distension of abdomen, cutting pain and diarrhea. In some cases, there may be a cold sensation in the abdomen.

How And When To Take Calcarea Carb?

If symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and loose stools appear after consuming any milk product, calcarea carbonica can be taken. Low potency (30C), can be taken 2-3 times in a day. High potency 200C can be taken once in a day if expected results are not seen after taking low potency. It is advisable to consult an experienced homeopath before administering 1M or higher potency.

2. Colchicum – For Allergy From Egg

Colchicum is a well-known homeopathic medicine used for gastrointestinal ailments arising after eating eggs. It is the best remedy for distension of the abdomen with gas and loud flatus. There are frequent tasteless burps with pressing/ tearing/ cutting or stitching pain and cramps in stomach. The patient cannot bear the smell of food, it causes nausea and vomiting. The stool contains white large particles in large quantities with mucus-like rice water. All the symptoms of Colchicum are relieved by bending forward.

When And How To Use Colchicum?

It is used in case of stomach pain or feeling of pressure on the stomach with heaviness and continuous rumbling of gas. The recommended dosage in most of the cases is 30C which can be used up to 2-3 times in a day.

200C and 1M are considered very high potencies. The suggested dose of 200C is once in a day, not to be repeated frequently. It is best to consult an experienced homeopath as self-medication should not be done in high power dosage.

3. Urtica Urens – Homeopathic Remedy For Shell Fish/Fish Allergy

Urtica Urens is a top-ranked homeopathic medicine for treating shell fish allergy. There is violent itching with burning and stinging pain on skin. Sometimes along with itching, swelling all over rashes are formed known as hives. The skin looks red, raised and requires constant scratching. The eruption and itching disappear as soon as the patient lies down and reappear immediately after rising. The complaints get worse by water, touch, air, rising up and disappear after lying down.

When and How to use Urtica Urens?

This remedy can be used in rashes or hives which arise after consuming fish/shell fish. Symptoms mainly categorise with intense skin itching, followed by burning. It can be taken 2-3 times in a day in 30C potency. Higher potencies such as 200C and 1M can also be used but it is best to seek professional help before using them.

4Lycopodium – For Wheat Allergy

Lycopodium offers a homeopathic cure for wheat allergy when consumption of wheat products triggers a gastric reaction. It comprises of symptoms like bloating, burping (tasting sour) and flatulence. It is well indicated for weak digestion with burning burping and bitter taste in mouth.

When and How to take lycopodium?

It is a remedy that is used in wheat allergy with a much-bloated abdomen, heartburn, waterbrash (acid reflux from stomach upwards to the throat) and noisy flatulence. Both the lower and the highest potencies are credited with excellent results. But as it is a deep-acting remedy hence lower potency, 30C is usually preferred, 2-3 times in a day. Otherwise 200C potency or higher dose, has proved efficacious, but should not be taken too frequently.

5. Apis Mellifica – For Skin Issues In Food Allergy

Apis Mellifica is a wonderful medicine for treating Urticaria (rashes of round, red welts) on the skin where itching is severe. It is a great remedy when hives develop due to milk allergy. The body is covered with large, elevated bumps accompanied by stinging, burning, pricking or itching. The wheals (red, swollen marks) are painful, tender, hot and extremely sensitive to touch with stinging pain. There is also violent itching and burning in the wheals. The person needing Apis Mellifica may experience worsening of symptoms by warmth and relief by cold applications.

When and How to take Apis mellifica?

The symptoms such as hives/wheals/ bumps caused due to specific foods are largely benefitted by Apis. The complaints include rapid swelling of the affected area along with stinging pain, burning, itching and redness. The lower potency 30C works well in these conditions and can be repeated 2-3 times in a day. A careful analysis should be done before using it in 200C and 1M potencies and should not be frequently repeated if the symptoms doesn’t seem to get better.

Common Food Allergens 

In adults, they include:


Tree nuts, such as walnuts

Shellfish, including shrimps, crayfish, lobsters and crabs

For children, the food allergens that most often cause problems are:




Types Of Food Allergies

Pollen Food Allergy Syndrome

Also termed as oral allergy syndrome, pollen food allergy syndrome affects many people having hay fever. In this condition, a protein found in certain nuts, spices, fresh fruits and vegetables can trigger an allergic reaction that can cause itching in the mouth. In serious reactions, it can lead to throat swelling or anaphylaxis.

Proteins in certain fruits, vegetables or nuts cause the reaction as they are similar to allergy-causing proteins found in certain pollens. This is an example of cross reactivity.

Exercise-Induced Food Allergy Syndrome

In this condition after eating certain foods, there is itching, a person may faint and can get ‘hives’ or even anaphylaxis when body temperature goes up after exercising. One can prevent it by avoiding eating anything for a few hours before exercising.

Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome (FPIES)

Also referred to as delayed food allergy, it is a severe condition causing vomiting and diarrhea after consuming food allergen, like milk, soy and grains. FPIES mostly develops in infancy when the baby is introduced to solid food.

Eosinophilic Esophagitis

In this condition, there is inflammation of esophagus (food pipe). It occurs due to allergy or sensitivity to particular proteins found in foods. Many people with this condition have a family history of asthma, rhinitis, dermatitis or food allergy.

Symptoms Of Food Allergy

The symptoms that the allergic individual produces are individual in nature.  They can range from a mild asthmatic attack to a severe life-threatening allergic response anaphylaxis.

–  If people are allergic to a particular food, for example, they may first experience itching in the mouth as they start to eat food.

– After the food is digested in the stomach, abdominal symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea or pain may start.

– When the food allergens enter and travel through the bloodstream, they can cause a drop in blood pressure.

– As the allergens reach the skin, they can induce hives or eczema, or when they reach the lungs, they may cause asthma.

– All of this takes place within a few minutes to an hour.

 Other symptoms include

– Shortness of breath

– Wheezing,

– Repetitive cough

– Shock or circulatory collapse

– Tight, hoarse throat; trouble swallowing

– Swelling of the tongue, affecting the ability to talk or breathe

– Weak pulse

– Pale or blue colouring of skin

– Dizziness or fainting

Most food-related symptoms occur within two hours of ingestion; often they start within minutes. In some very rare cases, the reaction may be delayed by four to six hours or even longer. Delayed reactions are most typically seen in children who develop eczema as a symptom of food allergy and in people with a rare allergy to red meat caused by the bite of a lone star tick.

Pathophysiology Of Food Allergy

 Our immune system uses two components to deal with food allergies. One of these is immunoglobulin E (IgE), a type of blood-moving protein known as an antibody. The other is mast cells, which are found in all body tissues but are particularly prevalent in the digestive tract, nose, throat, and lungs. When you eat a food to which you are allergic to for the first time, certain cells produce a lot of IgE to counter the allergen in the food. IgE is released and adheres to the surface of the mast cells. Although you won’t have an allergic reaction just yet, your body is prepared to do so.

The allergen reacts with that IgE the time you consume the meal containing the allergen, causing the mast cells to release histamine and other substances. These compounds will produce different symptoms depending on the tissue they are in. Additionally, some food allergens can enter your bloodstream because they aren’t destroyed by the cooking heat, stomach acids, or other food-digesting enzymes. They can then spread throughout your body and trigger allergic reactions. The timing and the place are impacted by the digestive process. Your mouth can start to itch. Then, you can have symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, or stomach pain. Blood-borne food allergies can lower blood pressure. They can cause hives ( reddish bumps on skin) when they reach the skin.

Risk Factors Of Food Allergy

1. Family history: Risk of having food allergy increases if one has a family history of asthma, hives, eczema or allergies, like hay fever.

2. Age: Food allergies are more common in children, especially infants. As a child grow older, the digestive system  matures and the body is less affected by the food that triggers allergy.

3. Asthma: Asthma and food allergy commonly occur simultaneously. When they occur symptoms of both are severe.

4. Other allergies: If one is having a particular type of allergic reaction like hay fever, one is more prone to risk of  developing food allergy.

Dr. Vikas Sharma is a Chandigarh-based homeopathic doctor. He has been practicing homeopathy for the last 13 years.



Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Is Jaw Cracking, Jaw Pain Troubling You? Try Homeopathic Remedies

Jaw pain is a very common problem experienced by a number of people. It may be accompanied by some other symptoms depending on the case. These include stiffness in the jaw, swelling or tenderness around the jaw, burning sensation around the jaw, clicking sounds on opening or closing the jaw, pain in face with jaw movement, headache, pain in ear, ringing in ears and toothache.

 Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in managing complaints of jaw pain. These medicines help in reducing the intensity and frequency of the pain gradually. They also help to relieve its attending symptoms like stiffness in the jaw, swelling or tenderness around jaw, pain in face, headache, pain in ear. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine for jaw pain only after evaluating the reason behind it after consulting a doctor. These medicines can be taken only when the cause is mild to moderate, but in case of jaw pain from a serious cause like heart attack, it is advised to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment.  Some of the symptoms like chest discomfort, difficult breathing, nausea, sweating or fainting along with jaw pain signal urgent help from allopathic doctor.

Homeopathic Medicines For Jaw Pain

1. Rhus Tox – Top-grade Medicine

Rhus Tox is a leading medicine for managing jaw pain. In cases needing it, there may be stiffness of the jaw along with pain. There is a feeling as if the jaw would break. Cracking sound in jaw joint with its movement is heard. There can be cramping pain in the lower jaw near the ear. It may get better by applying something warm and also by pressing it. Lastly, it is indicated for pain in the teeth that extends to the jaw and side of the head.

2. Causticum – For Jaw Pain With Difficulty In Opening Mouth

Causticum is a well-indicated medicine for cases having jaw pain along with difficulty in opening mouth. For using it, the pain can be tensive or dragging type. It is also indicated for arthritic and rheumatic pain in the lower jaw. A sensation of tension and swelling under the jaw is also indicative for using it.

3. Hecla Lava – For Upper Jaw Pain After Tooth Extraction

This medicine is beneficial for cases in which upper jaw pain follows tooth extraction. With this, the upper jaw is sore and swollen. Other than this, it is useful for managing toothache with sensitivity to pressure and swelling about the jaws.

4. Spigelia – For Lower Jaw Pain Radiating To Ears

It is prepared from a plant Spigelia anthelmia, commonly known as ‘pink root’. It belongs to family loganiaceae. Use of this medicine is recommended when there is pain in the lower jaw that extends to the ears. It may also extend to temporal (sides) region of the head. For using it, the pain is mostly present on the right side.  In some cases needing it, the pain may extend from the jaw to the neck. It is one of the best medicine for cases of facial neuralgia with above symptoms. Another indication for using it is pain in the right side of the lower jaw while chewing, with a feeling that the lower jaw has split from the joint.

5. Calcarea Carb – For Drawing Pain In Jaw

It is a helpful medicine for managing drawing type of pain in the jaw. It is effective to manage pain in the upper jaw felt while chewing. In some cases needing it, there is swelling of the lower jaw bone on the right side. Apart from these, it works well in cases of toothache with red, inflamed gums which is followed by pain in the jaw. There may also occur swelling in the jaw. Lastly, it is used there is digging, stitching pain in left side of the head during movement of lower jaw.

6. Carbo Veg – For Drawing Pain In Jaw

It is an important medicine for cases having drawing pain in jaw. For using it, the pain can be present either in the upper or the lower jaw.  The drawing pain can be felt in the head too. Soreness (pain on touching) is felt on facial bones of upper and lower jaw where this medicine is required. Sometimes rustling noises in the ears may occur from movement of the jaw.

7. Agaricus – For Tearing Pain In Face And Jaw Bones

This medicine offers help to those who complain of tearing pain in the face and jaw bones. Mostly the pain is felt on right side of lower jaw. Along with this, there may occur a sensation of splinters being run into the right lower jaw. Sometimes trembling is felt in the muscles of lower jaw.

8. Alumina – For Jaw Pain While Chewing Or Opening Mouth

It is a prominent medicine to help cases in which jaw pain occurs while chewing or opening the mouth. Pain is tensive type (stressful). Swelling of the jaw may accompany it. Along with this, there may be a sensation as if the lower jaw has shortened. Another indication for using it is intense pain in the jaw and the cheeks.

9. Carbo Animalis – For Pain In Cheek Bones, In Teeth And Lower Jaw

This medicine is indicated for managing cases presenting with pain in the cheek bones, in teeth and the lower jaw. In cases needing it, pain can be stitching type or shooting type.

10. Phosphorus – For Tearing Pain In Jaw Bones

Its put into use when there is tearing type of pain in the jaw bones. The pain occurs mainly in the evening time. Persons who need it feel increase in the pain when lying down. Jaw movement may offer relief in the pain.

11. Silicea – For Throbbing Toothache With Pain In Jaw

This medicine is considered when a person has throbbing type of toothache with jaw pain. The jaw may have swelling too. It is also indicated for rheumatic pain in jaw that extends to sides of the head.

What Are The Causes Behind It?

Jaw pain can arise from various reasons. The most common cause behind jaw pain is temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ disorder).  TMJ is a hinge joint one on each side of the jaw that connects the jawbone to the temporal bones of the skull. This joint helps in jaw movement while talking, chewing or yawning. Any problem with this joint or in the muscles around this joint refers as TMJ disorder. This disorder can lead to jaw pain. TMJ disorder has many causes and some of them include an injury to the jaw, teeth grinding, arthritis and muscle inflammation around the jaw. Apart from jaw pain, other symptoms of this disorder include pain in the face or around the ears, clicking/ popping sound on opening the mouth, ringing in ears, headache and dizziness.

Second cause for jaw pain is trauma to the jaw. It can arise from a blow on the face or if one falls directly on the face. Trauma may result in dislocated or a broken jaw.

Thirdly, jaw pain may follow a dental surgery during recovery period.

Next cause is dental problems. These include tooth damage, cavities, crowded teeth, misaligned teeth, dental abscess (a pocket of pus that can occur in any part of a tooth), gum disease, teeth grinding and jaw clenching.

Another cause is sinusitis or sinus infection which is the inflammation of any of the paranasal sinus, the air-filled spaces in the skull. In case of infection or inflammation of these sinuses, there is excessive production of mucus that puts pressure on the jaw joint and can result in pain in the upper jaw. Its main signs and symptoms are thick nasal discharge, nasal congestion, dripping of mucus from the back of nose at the back of the throat (also called PND, means post nasal drip), pain, tenderness and swelling around the forehead, eyes, cheeks, nose and decreased sense of smell and taste.

Arthritis may also cause jaw pain. In case arthritis affects TMJ, then jaw pain can result. It includes osteoarthritis (wear and tear of the protective cartilage at the ends of bones), rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disease in which the immune cells mistakenly attack the lining of the membranes that surround joints and causes its inflammation and damage.)

Another reason is cluster headache. This type of headache mainly causes pain behind or around one eye and lasts for weeks or months altogether, followed by a long period of no pain. In some cases, the pain can spread to the jaw.

Trigeminal neuralgia is also one of the causes for jaw pain. It is a chronic painful condition affecting the trigeminal nerve and mainly arises when a blood vessel puts pressure on this nerve. Pain occurs on one side of the face, mainly on the jaw, cheeks, teeth, gums and lips.

Lastly, it can be a sign of heart attack. Though in case of heart attack, chest pain is the major symptom but in some of these cases, pain can be felt in the neck, back or jaw. Jaw pain can happen on left side during a heart attack, mostly in women.

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7 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Fever

homeopathic remedies for fever

Feeling feverish is a seasonal reality, popping in a pill and hoping it improves your condition as you go about your business is a reality too. But here’s the catch: Over-the-counter pill might bring down the temperature, but the infection will still remain in the body. Here’s where the role of homeopathic medicines for fever comes into play, as these are made of natural substances, and offer a different course of medical approach: these natural medicines target the infection, so the root cause is eliminated.

Fever, also termed as pyrexia, is a temporary rise in body temperature above normal. The normal body temperature ranges from 97 F to 98.7 degree Fahrenheit.  Fever in itself is not a disease but is only an external signal that denotes an internal infection or inflammation in the body. Everybody’s normal body temperature varies between 97 and 99 degrees F. Fever is defined as a temperature of 100.4 degrees F or above.

For kids temperature higher than 100.4 degree F (measured rectally); 99.5 degree F (measured orally); or 99 degree F (measured under the arm) is considered fever.

Top Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Fever

1. Aconite – For Fever with Restlessness and Anxiety

Aconite is the perfect remedy for the first stage of inflammatory fever. It is a natural remedy of great help when the fever is accompanied by extreme restlessness and anxiety. The patient feels an increased thirst for cold water and the body aches are intolerable. The use of medicine Aconite should always be considered when the fever has risen after sudden exposure to cold winds. There is extreme chill in the body, and the patient desires to be covered up always.

When and How to take Aconite?

Fever is always accompanied by excessive thirst and intense restlessness. Fever is accompanied by chills and feels better by wrapping up. A general recommendation is to start with 30C potency which can be repeated 3-4 times in a day. A higher potency 200C can be taken twice in a day if the symptoms still persist. It is advisable to consult a homeopathic physician before taking it in 1M or higher potency.

2. Bryonia Alba – For Fever with Bodyache

Bryonia Alba is a natural medicine for patients in whom body aches predominate during fever along with chills. Body is cold to touch along with chills. Such a person wants to lie down still to get relief and slight motion worsens his or her condition. There is increased thirst. Symptoms get worse from warmth, movement and touch but one feels better by lying on the painful side.

When and How to take Bryonia Alba?

This medicine is indicated for cases where chills and body pain accompany fever. After carefully matching the symptoms, lower potency 30C can be taken and repeated 2-3 times in a day. 200C potency can be taken once in a day and repeated infrequently. 1M is a high potency and should be used cautiously;  it is important to consult a homeopathic practitioner before repeating this potency particularly.

3. Eupatorium Perfoliatum – For Fever With Bone Pain

Eupatorium Perfoliatum is one of the most efficient fever remedies in homeopathy. It is of great help to treat fever when the patient experiences severe bone pain. This remedy provides quick relief from pain. The main indication that can be given more importance while taking Eupatorium Perfoliatum for fever is that the character of fever is periodic (repeated at certain fixed intervals). The chill stage is accompanied by intense aching and bone pains. The patient shivers and shakes with agonising pain in the head and eyes. The character of pain is bruised and the patient feels as if beaten. Though it can be given for any kind of fever, it is a leading remedy for dengue fever and malaria.

How and When to take Eupatorium Perfoliatum?

Eupatorium Perfoliatum is the ideal natural medicine when extreme pains accompany fever. This remedy is capable of managing fever in any age group. Eupatorium Perfoliatum can be used in 30C potency for mild cases of fever and other complaints such as great soreness and bone pain. It can be repeated as frequently as three to four times a day. 200C and 1M potency should be used only after careful matching of the disease symptoms with the symptoms of the patient.

4. Gelsemium For Fever With Weakness

Gelsemium has been considered an excellent remedy for treatment of Influenza for long. It is very beneficial in fever cases where the patients suffer from weakness, dizziness and even the tendency to faint. There is an absence of thirst in most cases. Though it is a prominent medicine for influenza, in some cases, it can be used in early stage of typhoid fever with great exhaustion, dizziness with the patient preferring to be covered.

When and How to take Gelsemium?

Gelsemium shows all the characteristics of viral influenza. There is body ache, myalgia (musclular pain), sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, dullness, weakness and headache. When these symptoms are prominent, Gelsemium  should be considered. It works well in all potencies but it is best to start with 30C, it can be repeated up to 3-4 times in a day. It can be taken twice in 200C potency. It is advisable to consult a homeopath before administration in 1M potency.

5. Rhus Tox For Fever with Extreme Bodyache

Rhus Tox is one of the top natural medicines for persons who have fever with extreme body aches, leading to restlessness. Such a person wants to remain in motion to get relief. Rhus Tox is also the natural medicine for fever as a result of getting wet in rain. During fever, there is shivering all over the body, tongue becomes dry with stretching pain in body, along with mental and physical weakness.

When and how to take Rhus tox?

Rhus tox is often indicated in fever with pain and great restlessness in the body. It has demonstrated good results in both low (30C) and high (200C and 1M) potencies. It can be frequently repeated 3-4 times in a day in 30C potency. Higher potencies are not to be repeated very often; it is advisable to wait. After taking 200C potency, it is advisable to wait and should be only repeated twice in a day. For 1M or higher potency, please consult your local experienced homeopath.

6. Belladona Homeopathic medicine for fever of inflammatory origin

Belladona is one of the first remedies to be thought of in those cases where there is fever with pain in throat, which is is also sore, red and inflamed . During fever, the head becomes hot, but the feet are cold. Internally it feels cold but externally there is very strong burning heat.

When and How to take Belladona?

Belladonna stands for cases of high fever with no thirst, and burning heat in the head but a cold feeling in the feet. Belladonna 30 & Belladona 200 are the most common potencies used for the treatment. 30C requires frequent repetition, and they should be given 2-3 times a day till the expected result is seen. 200C is a high potency, it is advised not to repeat frequently. 1M is a very high potency and should be used cautiously.

7. Arsenic Album For Fever With Marked Exhaustion

Arsenic album can be thought of in cases of typhoid and malaria fever. Periodicity is marked with body burning pains, weakness, restlessness, exhaustion and aggravation during night. The complaint gets worse by the slightest movement and feels better after applying heat. In the heat stage, there is an inclination to uncover, as there is dry heat with thirst. At the end of the fever stage, there is cold and clammy sweat. Sometimes along with fever, gastric symptoms also exist such as colic, nausea, loose stool with heaviness in stomach.

When and how to take Arsenic Album?

Arsenic is one of the best remedies for fever due to malaria or typhoid. There is great debility, restlessness and chill. It can be administered in 30C potency, which can be repeated 2 times a day. If there is no improvement at all with low potency dose, it is advisable to consult a good homeopath before taking 200C or 1M potency.

Types Of Fever

 Five main types of fever are:

Intermittent fever: The temperature is high but falls to normal (37.2 degree C or below) each day. This type of fever is seen in malaria.

Remittent fever: In this type of fever, body temperature fluctuates, though it falls, it never falls all the way back to normal. This type of fever is associated with infectious diseases such as infective endocarditis, rickettsiae infections, brucellosis, among others.

Continuous fever: It is also called sustained fever. The fever is prolonged with little or no change in temperature over the course of the day. Temperature remains above normal throughout the course of 24 hours and does not fluctuate more than 1 degree Celsius in 24 hours. This type of fever occurs in lobar pneumonia, typhoid (step –ladder pattern, a stepwise increase in temperature with a high plateau) and urinary tract infection.

Hectic Fever: In this fever type, there are wide swings in temperature. Intermittent or remittent fever is considered hectic with a temperature difference of at least 1.4 degree Celsius between the highest and the lowest temperature. This fever pattern is indicative of an abscess or pyogenic infection such as pyelonephritis.

Relapsing Fever: This is a type of intermittent fever that comes up again after days or weeks of normal temperatures. With animal bites and disease like malaria, this fever is common.

There is no specific medicine in homeopathy to bring down the temperature, but natural remedies target the infection instead. This is because the temperature is the only index through which the progress of the infection inside the body is reflected. The rise in body temperature is directly proportional to the extent of infection. An increase in temperature indicates a further spread of infection while a decrease in temperature shows that the infection is fading away. If the body temperature is abruptly brought down without halting the infection process, there is no way to find out what is going on inside the body and to what degree the infection is still present in the body. So, the end result is that the fever no doubt is gone, but its root cause — the infection, is still there. Natural medicines act by putting a check on the infection, preventing its further progress and the temperature thus is automatically brought down gradually as the infection declines. The remedies also make sure that no weakness or other residual effects of fever remain in the body. Homeopathy has a huge number of natural medicines to deal with fever cases.

Causes Of Fever

 Fever or a higher-than-normal body temperature could result from:

1. Infections: Viral or bacterial infections is the most common cause of fever. This includes colds, flu, gastroenteritis or infection in the ears, skin, throat or bladder.

2. Environmental factors: Heat strokes due to high ambient temperature or prolonged strenuous exercise and extreme sunburn can all raise the body temperature.

3. Inflammatory diseases: Rheumatoid arthritis, which causes the lining of your joints to become inflamed, is one example of an inflammatory condition (synovium); lupus and inflammatory bowel diseases can cause fever.

4. Hormonal disorders: This includes hyperthyroidism which can increase the body temperature.

5. Drugs: The side effects of some medicines, including those used to treat high blood pressure, seizures, and antibiotics can cause fever.

6. Cancer: A malignant (cancerous) growth can cause fever.

7. Several vaccinations

8. Alcohol withdrawal

9. Teething in babies

Symptoms Of Fever

Temperature higher than 100.4 F (38 C) in adults and children

When someone has fever, depending on what causes fever, they may also have the following symptoms:

A. Shivering and feeling cold when nobody else is feeling cold

1. Headache: Pain in the head often accompanies a fever.

2. Muscle aches: Having sharp or constant aches can be due to fever.

3. Rash: Red bumps may be noticed on the skin along with fever

4. Restlessness: One may feel restless while having fever.

5. Weakness or fatigue: One may feel decrease in muscle strength during fever.

6. Sweating

7. Low appetite: A variety of infections can cause fever along with lack of appetite.

8. Signs of dehydration

9. Increased sensitivity to pain

10. Lack of  energy and feeling sleepy

11. Difficulty in concentrating

B. If a baby has a fever, these symptoms are prominent:

1. Feel hot to the touch

2. Have flushed cheeks

3. Sweaty

Some children show frightening side effect of fever called febrile seizures. They most likely occur with a fever of at least 100.4 degree Farenheit (38 degree Celsius). In some cases, children may have seizure before developing a fever. These seizures happen in 2-4 % of children under age 5. These seizures are short lived and harmless, but in 2.5 % and 5 % of children, who have complex febrile seizure, develop epilepsy.

With high fever, there may also be irritability, confusion, delirium, and seizures.

Pathophysiology Of Fever

Specific body temperature is a balance of heat production and heat loss. Hypothalamus (a gland in the brain) also called as the body thermostat monitors this balance. Even in a healthy condition the body temperature varies, it can be lower in the morning and higher in the late afternoon and evening.

Fever is a response of our immune system to foreign invaders. These foreign invaders include viruses, bacteria, fungi, drugs or toxins. These foreign invaders are considered pyrogens (fever producing substances) which trigger the immune response of the body. Pyrogens signals the hypothalamus that sets the body temperature higher in order to help the body fight against the infection. This prompt complex process results in more heat production and restricts heat loss. The body produces heat when one shivers in fever.  Wrapping blanket around body in chilled state of fever is a way to retain body heat.


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How To Deal With Puffy Eyes In Homeopathy?

Puffy eyes means swelling around the eyes medically known as periorbital puffiness. Puffy eyes may be due to various reasons. In many cases, puffy eyes is a temporary condition (for example, from excessive crying, lack of sleep) and resolves on its own without any treatment but in some cases, it can be an indication of a medical condition (for example, allergies, conjunctivitis) that requires treatment, like orbital cellulitis which needs immediate medical attention.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy is very beneficial to treat cases of puffy eyes. Homeopathic medicines work to reduce the swelling around eyes by targeting the root cause behind it. These medicines are recommended for mild to moderate cases where no serious cause is linked with puffy eyes. In cases where swelling is intense, or occurs along with certain symptoms (like high fever, eye pain, sudden vision changes, vision loss, bleeding from eyes, sudden swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue, breathing problem and bulging eyes) indicating some serious ailment or when it is linked with some serious cause (like eye injury, cellulitis, anaphylaxis, cancer), it is strictly advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment on urgent basis.

As the causes vary for puffy eyes from case to case, it is advised to take homeopathic medicine under the guidance of a homeopathic doctor and never self-medicate. Homeopathic doctor can prescribe medicine after evaluating the case. He will decide whether the case is within the treatable parameters of homeopathy depending on the cause, if not, he will guide you toward timely conventional treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For Puffy Eyes

1. Apis Mellifica – Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine in homeopathy for managing cases of puffy eyes. In most cases needing it, the eyelids are swollen, puffy, and  red. It is accompanied by a burning sensation and tight skin around eyes. Though the swelling may be present around or under eyes,  mostly swelling is marked under the eyes like under-eye water bags. It is one of the best medicine for puffy eyes in case of allergies. In some cases needing it, there may be inflammation of conjunctiva. The conjunctiva is red and hot tears flow. Sensitivity to light may also be there.  Other than the above, it is well indicated for puffy eyes in case of blepharitis. The eyelids are swollen and become thick with stinging pains.

2. Kali Carb For Marked Swelling Above The Eyes

This medicine is prominent for managing swelling above the eyes. It is present between the eyebrows and the upper lid. It is also helpful in managing cases of swelling of eyelids from blepharitis. In some cases, along with swollen eyes, there is redness on the edges of eyelids. There may be watering from eyes also.  The eyelids may be sticky in the morning.

3. Euphrasia For Swollen Lids With Watery Eyes

It is prepared from the plant Euphrasia Officinalis, commonly known by the name ‘eye-bright’. This medicine works well on swollen eyelids with watery eyes which causes conjunctiva to become red. Burning on the margins of lids can also be there. A sensation of dryness on margins of eyelids is another accompanying symptom. Nasal discharge may also be present.

4. Rhus Tox For Puffy, Itchy Eyelids

It is a very beneficial medicine for cases in which there are puffy eyes along with itching of lids. A biting and prickling sensation in lids can attend it.  There is also shooting type of pain around the eyelids. Profuse watering from eyes is another accompanying feature. Sometimes there is dryness in the eys and heat in the eyelids.

5. Allium Cepa For Swelling Around Eyes And Allergies

It is an important medicine for cases in which there is swelling around the eyes as a part of nasal allergies (allergic rhinitis). The symptoms of allergies that are present include excessive watering from eyes, sneezing and runny nose. Next, there can be pain in forehead.

6. Merc Sol For Swollen Lids Along With Eye Watering And Burning

Merc Sol is a very useful medicine for cases of swollen lids accompanied by watery eyes and a burning sensation. Along with this, there is a sensation of a foreign body under the lids. This leads to pressive or cutting pains under the lids which causes difficulty in moving lids. Eyelids become sore and red. There also can be sensitivity to light.

7. Phosphorus For Puffy Eyes And Blue Rings About Eyes

This medicine is indicated for cases in which there are puffy eyes along with blue rings around eyes.  Frequent itching is felt in the eyes. Next, there can be sensitivity to light. In some cases, inflammation of eyes may be present with pressing burning pain.

8. Pulsatilla For Swollen, Red Eyelids



It is a natural medicine prepared from plant named Pulsatilla Nigricans, commonly known as ‘wind flower’. It is helpful when the eyelids are swollen and red. Along with this, there can be sensation of dryness and burning heat in eyes. In cases needing it, there is a tendency of formation of stye (a localized infection of an oil gland in the eyelid margin) mainly on the upper lid.

Cause Behind Puffy Eyes

Puffy eyes are common in aged people. As a person ages, there occurs weakening of the tissues and muscles around eyelids. It results in falling of the normal fat (that helps to support the eyes) in the lower eyelid. This makes lids look puffy. There can be accumulation of fluid in lower eyelid with ageing which increases swelling. Next temporary cause is excessive crying. In the process of reabsorbing excessive liquid from eyes, some of it is retained in tissue under the eyes which makes it look puffy temporarily.

Other than the above reasons, it can simply occur from not taking enough sleep, excessive rubbing of eyes, poor diet and sun exposure.  Puffy eyes can be hereditary. Mostly puffy eyes happen due to fluid retention in tissue around the eyes.

Following are the medical conditions that are related to it.

1. Allergies: The first medical condition that can lead to it is Among them, there is hay fever. Also known as allergic rhinitis, it can cause swollen under-eyes in addition to other symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, itchy nose, red eyes, watery and itchy eyes, cough and post-nasal discharge. Allergy may also be from reaction to some food, chemical, insect bite, etc.



In some cases, it may occur from a severe life-threatening allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) that needs immediate medical help because it can be fatal if not attended to immediately. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that causes swelling of the throat and tongue,  difficulty in breathing,  sudden drop in blood pressure,  rapid pulse, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and loss of consciousness mostly along with hives, which is a skin condition characterized by itchy, raised bumps on skin.

2. Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the transparent membrane called conjunctiva lining the white part of eyeball and eyelid. It can cause swelling of eyelids along with other symptoms, like redness in eyes, itching in eyes, eye discharge, excessive tears from eyes and grittiness in eyes (feeling of particle of sand in the eye).

3. Dermatitis is also one of the cause. In dermatitis there occur inflammation of the skin with red, itchy rash.

4. Blepharitis is an inflammation of the edges/margins of eyelid. Swollen eyelids can attend other symptoms like itchy eyelids, red eyes, watering from eyes, burning or stinging in the eyes, grittiness in the eyes, and sticking of the eyelid).

5. Orbital cellulitis is a serious condition in which there occurs infection of the soft tissues and fat within the eye socket. It needs urgent medical help as it can result in permanent vision loss and other severe complication like meningitis which is inflammation of the protective membranes that covers the brain and spinal cord.

6. Droopy eyelids(ptosis) is also a cause for it.

7. It may also occur in case of  grave’s eye disease (thyroid eye disease).

8. Next it may happen from stye. Another cause is black eye from an injury, fracture of bony orbit.

9. It may also arise in cases of sinusitis (inflammation of mucous membranes lining the paranasal sinuses).

10. In females, it may be a fallout of PMS (premenstrual syndrome).

11. Apart from the above, in rare cases it can be from eye cancer.

What Other Symptoms May Occur With Puffy eyes?

Puffy eyes may occur along with other eye symptoms depending on the cause. These include itching in eyes, eye discharge, dry eyes, sensitivity to light, excessive tears from eyes and redness of eyes.

In some cases, puffy eyes occur along with nasal symptoms as in allergic rhinitis. These include sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, post-nasal drip. In some cases, sore throat, fatigue, headache and cough may also be present.

There are some serious symptoms which accompany puffy eyes that need urgent medical care, like high fever, bleeding from eyes, eye pain, sudden vision changes, vision loss, sudden swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue, breathing problem and bulging eyes with pain, redness and fever.


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Are You Suffering from IBS? Homeopathic Medicines Can Treat Your IBS Permanently

Homeopathic Medicines for IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS) is a common disorder of the large intestine (colon) that leads to changes in bowel habits — constipation or diarrhea (loose stool), stomach cramps, gas and bloating. Some people with IBS experience both constipation and diarrhea alternately. It is a very commonly diagnosed gastrointestinal disorder that causes a great deal of discomfort and distress, but it does not cause permanent harm to the intestines.

Homeopathy being a highly advanced and holistic system of medicine offers a very reliable treatment for IBS without any side effects. As the cause for IBS varies from patient to patient, in some people it could develop after a bout of diarrhea caused by viral or bacterial infection; or due to some food sensitivity; while in some it can be associated with stress and anxiety; or an antibiotic overuse. Hence to treat it from the root the underlying basic cause of its origin needs to be addressed for long-term relief. So, homeopathic medicines can be a great option. They boost the body’s self-healing mechanism to fight back naturally. Homeopathic treatment when followed on a regular basis as guided by a homeopath can gradually alleviate the intensity and frequency of symptoms like irregular bowel movements, abdominal pain, cramping, bloating drastically by treating the chronicity of the complaint. Anti-diarrheal medications, laxatives, antidepressants and pain medications are thought to be a line of treatment in IBS in mainstream medicine which only treat the symptoms and leave side effects due to long term use.

Homeopathy restores gut biome

Gut biome refers to the microbes (bacteria, virus, fungi) residing in the human gut that have an important role in maintaining health. Persons with IBS may have altered gut microbes, both in respect of the type and amount resulting in gastric symptoms. Homeopathy plays a great role in restoring the gut biome to aid magnificent relief in gastric symptoms.

Homeopathy helps relieve stress and anxiety to manage IBS

There is a link between emotional well-being and the physical health of a person. Emotional stress and anxiety can affect physical health, especially gut health. Stress can alter gastrointestinal motility and disturb the harmony of the gut bacteria. IBS is also considered to be associated with stress and anxiety that can intensify the symptoms or increase the frequency of symptoms of IBS. In such cases, homeopathy plays an important role in managing stress and anxiety levels to reduce the frequency and intensity of symptoms.

Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For IBS

The most prominent homeopathic medicines used symptomatically for IBS treatment include Nux Vomica, Aloe Socotrina, Lycopodium, Bryonia Alba, Alumina, Colocynth, Kali Phos and Argentum Nitricum.

1. Nux Vomica Top Remedy For IBS With Constipation

Nux Vomica is the top natural medicine for IBS with constipation. The prominent symptom calling for its use is constipation with frequent ineffectual urge to pass stool. There is passage of a small quantity of stool or poop very frequently. There is constant urge to pass stool. Inspite of passing stool a number of times, there is dissatisfaction as if bowels are still not completely empty popularly known as a ‘never get done feeling’.

Abdomen pain lessens for a very short time after stool, but it renews soon after stool expulsion, along with an urge to pass stool again. When some peculiar food like spicy food, coffee, and alcoholic drinks worsens the condition, then Nux Vomica is the best choice. The worsening of condition after anger spells is also an important marker for using Nux Vomica.

When to use Nux Vomica?

This medicine can be used in cases of IBS with constipation when there is frequent ineffectual urge to pass stool with a sensation of incomplete bowel evacuation.

How to use Nux Vomica?

Nux Vomica 30 C can be used two to three times a day initially. When relief starts, the dose should be reduced gradually.

2. Aloe Socotrina – For Managing Loose Stool In IBS

Natural medicine Aloe Socotrina is one of the best remedies for managing diarrhea. The stool is loose and may be accompanied by passage of a large quantity of gas. The key indication to use it is an urge to pass stool soon after eating/drinking anything. There is urgency to pass stool, the person needs to literally rush to the toilet. Sometimes mucus may be expelled along with stool.  Pain in the abdomen before and during stool occurs. The abdominal pain vanishes after passing stool. Aloe helps in regularising the intestinal movements since they are at an increased pace in patients with IBS.

When to use Aloe Socotrina?

This medicine is recommended to manage loose stool in IBS cases with desire to pass stool soon after eating/drinking and a marked urgency to pass stool.

How to use Aloe Socotrina?

A person may use Aloe Socotrina 30 C twice or thrice a day.

3. Lycopodium – For Excessive Gas And Bloating

Lycopodium is a natural medicine sourced from plant ‘club moss’. It is an important medicine to deal with excessive gas and bloating in IBS cases. The abdomen feels full and distended soon after eating anything even in small quantities. Gas and bloating are most marked in the lower abdomen. Worsening of complaints may occur in evening hours, especially between 4 pm to 8 pm. It is also a wonderful medicine to manage gastric issues occurring after eating certain specific foods, like beans, cabbage, onions, etc.  Alteration between diarrhea and constipation is yet another indicator to use this remedy.

When to use Lycopodium?

Its use should be considered in cases where gas and bloating of the abdomen are the main concern of the sufferer.

How to use Lycopodium?

To begin with, one may take Lycopodium 30C twice a day. Higher potencies can be used as well but only under a homeopath’s supervision

4. Bryonia Alba – For Constipation With Hard, Dry Stool

Bryonia Alba is highly effective for constipation with dry, hard, large stool and a bloated abdomen. The stool is excessively dry as if burnt. Stool is passed with much difficulty. Burning in anus on passing stool may be observed. Headache from constipation is another indication for using Bryonia Alba.

When to use Bryonia Alba?

The most important feature to use it is constipation with dry, hard, large stool.

How to use Bryonia Alba?

It is advised to use Bryonia 30C two to three times a day.

5. Alumina – For Constipation With Skipped Days For Stool

Alumina can provide great help when there is constipation with the absence of the urge to pass stool for many days in a row. This results in missing days without stool. The intestines work at a very slow pace in cases needing this medicine. The stool remains in the rectum for many days without any urge to pass stool. When the urge occurs, the stool passes by putting strain. The stool in a few patients is hard while in others it is soft; passage of stool is difficult with much effort in both cases. Potatoes seem to be the most intolerable food for patients requiring natural homeopathic remedy Alumina.

When to use Alumina?

Its use is advised in cases of constipation with no urge for stool resulting in days without passing stool.

How to use Alumina?

Various potencies like 30C, 200C and 1M are available for this medicine. When self-prescribing as per the above indications, it is safe to use its 30C potency that can be taken one to two times a day. For using high potencies (like 200C, 1M), it is always advised to consult a homeopathic expert.

6. Colocynthis – To Manage Stomach Cramps in IBS

Colocynthis is a top medicine to relieve stomach cramps in IBS cases. In cases needing it, eating/ drinking even in the smallest quantity leads to cramping. Bending forward or putting pressure on the abdomen may provide relief. Loose stool may be present. Stools are watery, yellow, and frothy and attended with the passage of gas.

When to use Colocynthis?

It is the best choice of medicine to manage abdominal cramps in IBS cases.

How to use Colocynthis?

It is recommended to take Colocynth 30 C two to four times a day as per severity of symptoms. Once relief starts to appear, one to two doses a day of Colocynthis are sufficient.

7. Kali Phos – When Stress Worsens Gastric Problem

It is very clearly understood till date that stress plays a major role in making IBS symptoms worse, and controlling stress will automatically bring down intensity of gastric symptoms. So homeopathic medicines that help to manage stress can be prescribed in IBS cases if it is found to be the main culprit in any case of IBS. The top most remedy for this is Kali Phos. It is the most widely used remedy for stress and usually physician’s first choice of remedy in stress cases. Persons who are under a constant stressful state, always sad, worried, depressed or anxious, are ideal subjects to use this medicine. Most common complaints they face are loose stool and gas in the abdomen. The stool may have a foul smell and exhaustion leads to loose stool.

When to use Kali Phos?

This medicine can be given in cases where constant stress is affecting the gut health and worsening the IBS symptoms.

How to use Kali Phos?

6X is the most commonly used potency of this medicine. Kali Phos 6X can be taken three to four times a day.

8. Argentum Nitricum – For Diarrhea And Anxiety In IBS

Argentum Nitricum will best treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome with marked diarrhea in people with chronic anxiety, especially anticipatory anxiety. Anticipatory anxiety means anxiety arising from overthinking about events that are to take place in the future. Other than this, they may have anxiety every time they have to appear in public, crowds or in public meetings. The anxiety results in diarrhea with frequent stools. Such persons are impatient by nature and do everything in haste.

When to use Argentum Nitricum?

This medicine can be used for relief in cases where it is found that anxiety is what is making IBS symptoms worse (especially loose stool),

How to use Argentum Nitricum?

Argentum Nitricum can be used in low as well as high potencies. In low potencies like 30C, it can be used one or two times a day. Higher potencies like 200 C, 1M can be considered as well but these are always used in infrequent doses like once in a week, fifteen days, or sometimes once in a month depending on the intensity of symptoms. It is best to use high potencies after consulting a homeopathic physician.

Note One may take the above medicines for a month or two only in the recommended potency and dose. To continue beyond that, or to increase potency or dose it is advised to consult a homeopathic practitioner.

Cause Behind IBS

The exact cause of IBS is not known, and doctors call it a functional disorder of the colon (large intestine) because there is no sign of disease when the colon is examined. Certain factors tend to play a role in IBS as follows:

1. Problems with motility of intestinal muscles

The muscles in layers of intestines contract to move food through the gastrointestinal tract. It is suggested that in IBS either these contractions are stronger or these are weak. Stronger contractions cause diarrhea and weak contractions lead to constipation with dry, hard stool.

2. Hypersensitivity of nerves

As per several studies, it has been found that the nerves in the digestive tract may be hypersensitive which may affect bowel function and lead to more than normal discomfort from gas. In some cases, problems with the nerve communication between the brain and colon are what gives rise to IBS symptoms.

3. Imbalance or changes in gut microbes: Micro-organisms in the gut number about 100,000 trillion, Bacteria, fungi, viruses, protists that normally inhabit gut are in some specific composition that varies from person to person. When the balance between these microbes is disturbed or there occur changes in the normal gut microbes, it can give rise to IBS.

4. Infections

5. In some persons, IBS may arise after food poisoning or gastroenteritis

 Trigger Factors For IBS

The potential for abnormal function of the colon is always present in people with IBS, but a trigger worsens the symptoms. The most likely culprits that may increase IBS symptoms seem to be emotional stress and diet.

1. Stress and anxiety: In many cases of IBS, it is seen that there occurs worsening of IBS symptoms during high stress or anxiety levels though not caused by stress. Stress and anxiety make the gastric system hyperactive via an effect on the nerves.

2. Food: Many people report that symptoms appear after consuming a certain food product. These food products do not cause, but trigger IBS symptoms. Some common examples are milk, dairy products, wheat, beans, citrus fruits, etc.


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Saving Your Child from a Tonsil Surgery with Natural Homeopathic Medicines

Inflammation of tonsils, on one side or both, is known as tonsillitis. Tonsils refer to oval-shaped masses of lymphoid tissues lying in the back of the throat, one on either side. Tonsils have a protective role and act as the first line of defense by trapping germs like bacteria and viruses that one may have inhaled or ingested, which enter the throat and cause an infection. Tonsils produce lymphocytes which kill the virus/bacteria entering the throat. In the process of fighting such infections again and again, the tonsils also become vulnerable to infection, and at some point, they also get infected and inflamed.

 Homeopathic medicines for tonsils

Homeopathy has proven to be very effective in cases of tonsillitis time and again. Homeopathy is a highly advanced science that takes the inside-out approach to all diseases, including tonsillitis, starting from the root cause and with time, curing the condition without the need for surgical intervention. Tonsillitis is treated wonderfully by homeopathy by following a two-step treatment process. In the first step, homeopathic medicines are given to treat the acute symptoms of tonsillitis. In the second step, homeopathy treats the chronic tendency toward recurrent tonsillitis. Homeopathic medicines improve the body’s immunity and make it strong enough to fight infection quickly.

Homeopathy works magnificently in acute/chronic tonsillitis

Homeopathic medicines work equally well in acute tonsillitis as well as in cases of chronic/recurrent tonsillitis. Opting for homeopathy at the very beginning of acute tonsillitis helps to soothe throat pain, reduces tonsil inflammation, and cuts short the recovery period of tonsillitis. Homeopathy aids natural recovery by boosting the body’s healing mechanism to fight infection-causing agents and getting rid of it naturally. In chronic recurrent cases, the primary aim of homeopathic medicines is to build a child’s immunity and prevent recurrent infections that lead to frequent tonsillitis. With the use of homeopathic medicines, the frequency and intensity of frequent tonsil inflammation decreases gradually.

Personalised homeopathic treatment

There are no particular medicines that can be used in every case of tonsillitis just based on its diagnosis. In every case, the suitable medicine is selected from numerous medicines for tonsillitis given in homeopathic therapeutics. The individual characteristic symptoms are given importance based on which the prescription is done in every case. So homeopathic medicine varies from one case to another. Also, the medicine varies for acute and chronic cases. So it is advised to always consult a homeopathic doctor for medicine prescriptions and avoid self-medication.

Homeopathy does not cause side effects

Homeopathy is a great choice to treat cases of tonsillitis as it does not lead to any harmful side effects. The medicines used to treat these cases are very natural and, hence, are very safe to use. These are highly diluted medicines that work wonderfully in persons of all age groups. As kids are more prone to tonsillitis, homeopathy is the safest treatment method as it works in a very gentle way to effect a cure. These are also easy to administer to children as they are given in the form of sweet pills. In conventional mode, mostly antibiotics are used in treating tonsillitis that do not treat the root cause and can have many side effects. Whereas the use of homeopathic medicines as prescribed by a doctor targets the root cause behind tonsillitis and its regular course helps to reduce the dependency on antibiotics to a great extent.

Homeopathy can help prevent surgical intervention

Homeopathy is a very great alternative to surgery in tonsillitis cases. With the regular course of homeopathy as guided by a homeopathic physician in many cases of mild to moderate tonsillitis, homeopathy has shown excellent results and helped avoid surgery.

Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Tonsillitis

The 8 most prominently indicated medicines for tonsillitis treatment in homeopathy are Belladonna, Merc Sol, Hepar Sulph, Calcarea Carb, Psorinum, Merc Iodatus Ruber, Merc Iodatus Flavus and Streptococcinum.

1. Belladonna – For Acute Tonsillitis With Red Swollen Painful Tonsils

Belladonna is the top recommended medicine for treating acute tonsillitis. The key indication for its use is red, swollen enlarged tonsils with marked pain. The pain is worse while swallowing mainly liquids and the throat remains dry. Fever with intense heat in the body accompanies the above symptoms. Heat, constriction (tightening), and lump in the throat may also be felt.

When to use Belladonna?

For acute tonsillitis, it is an infallible medicine to be used when tonsils are red, and swollen with excessive throat pain.

How to use Belladonna?

One may take this medicine in 30C potency three to four times a day in the beginning at a minimum three-hour interval. When relief ensues, gradually reduce the dose to two times a day.

2. Merc Sol – For Pain In Tonsils Extending To Ears

Merc Sol is an extremely effective medicine for treating tonsillitis with pain in the tonsils extending to the ears especially when swallowing. The nature of pain is mainly stitching type. On examination of the throat, the tonsils look dark red and ulcers or white spots on the tonsils can be present. Excessive salivation is also observed. A foul odour from the mouth is present.

When to use Merc Sol?

Merc Sol is an ideal prescription for cases presenting with tonsil pain radiating to ear while swallowing along with increased salivation and foul breath.

How to use Merc Sol?

This medicine works wonders in 30C potency. Use of Merc Sol 30C should be limited to once or twice a day.

3. Hepar Sulph – For Infected Tonsils and Quinsy

Hepar Sulph proves very successful in treating infected tonsils with pus points on tonsils and Quinsy (also known as peritonsillar abscess in which pus accumulates behind the tonsils). The symptoms to look out for using it are stitching pain in the throat and pain from throat radiating to the ear. There is intense pain while talking or swallowing. Sensation of a lump or splinter (a sharp piece of glass or wood) stuck in the throat is felt. The person may hawk up yellow mucus.

When to use Hepar Sulph?

The use of Hepar Sulph is considered in cases where tonsils are infected with pus points on tonsils or pus collection behind tonsils (Quinsy).

How to use Hepar Sulph?

Though it can be used in various potencies, 30C is most preferred. Its use is recommended in mild to moderate cases. It is best to take this medicine for infected tonsils or Quinsy only after consulting a homeopath who can best judge if the condition is mild and controllable with homeopathic medicines or severe, requiring help from conventional mode. In severe cases with extremely enlarged tonsils (with excessive pus behind them) blocking the throat, drainage of pus urgent help should be taken from allopathic mode of treatment

4. Calcarea Carb – To Treat Recurrent Tonsillitis

Calcarea Carb is an excellent medicine for treating recurrent tonsillitis. After recovery from acute tonsillitis phase, this medicine can be used as an intercurrent remedy (treatment for some chronic disease that is hindering the cure of some other ailment) to treat the tendency to have recurrent tonsillitis. An indicative symptom for the use of Calcarea Carb is the tendency to catch cold frequently. Even slight exposure to cold air affects the throat and tonsils in cases needing this remedy.

When to use Calcarea Carb?

Calcarea Carb is mainly prescribed to treat the tendency to have recurrent tonsillitis. It will help to build immunity to fight throat infections naturally.

How to use Calcarea Carb?

It can be used in low (30C) as well high potencies (like 200C and 1M). The dose varies from case to case. Usually in 30C potency, it can be used once or twice a week. But high potencies are usually given on a weekly (once a week) basis or in some cases fortnightly (one dose every 15 days). It’s best to consult a homeopathic expert for righthe t potency selection and repetition of this medicine.

5. Psorinum – To Treat Tendency To Recurrent Infected Tonsillitis

Psorinum is very effective in boosting immunity to prevent recurrent infected tonsillitis (tonsillitis with pus points on tonsils) and Quinsy (pus accumulation behind tonsils). These medicines reduce susceptibility to recurrent throat infections. Those needing it have markedly swollen tonsils, pain with swallowing, and thick mucus in the throat. Along with this, there is foul-smelling salivation and hawking of cheesy mucus bits having a bad smell and taste. There is recurrent pus formation behind the tonsils.

When to use Psorinum?

It can be used in persons who suffer from infected tonsillitis repeatedly.

How to use Psorinum?

Psorinum is mainly used in 200C or even higher potencies like 1M. It is a slightly strong medicine, so it is used just once or twice a month usually. For correct potency and dose, kindly consult a homeopathic doctor.

6. Merc Iodatus Ruber – For Left-sided Tonsillitis

Merc Iodatus Ruber is a majorly indicated medicine for treating left-sided tonsillitis. Indications for its use are swollen tonsils with dark red fauces (area between the cavity of mouth and pharynx) on the left side, the sensation of a lump in the throat, and disposition to hawk.

When to use Merc Iodatus Ruber?

A person having left-sided tonsil inflammation can take this medicine.

How to use Merc Iodatus Ruber?

30C potency of this medicine twice a day is the right dose to begin with.

7. Merc Iodatus Flavus – For Right-sided Tonsillitis

Merc Iodatus Ruber is prominently indicated for tonsillitis of the right side. The guiding features pointing towards its use are swollen tonsils on the right side, sticky mucus in the throat and constant inclination to swallow. Other symptoms that may arise are the feeling of a lump in the throat with relief setting in by taking cold liquids.

When to use Merc Iodatus Flavus?

This medicine is specific for tonsillitis on the right side.

How to use Merc Iodatus Flavus?

The usual recommended dose is two times a day in 30C potency.

8. Streptococcinum – For Managing Strep Throat

Streptococcinum is a specific medicine for managing strep throat infections. The symptoms of using this medicine are enlarged, swollen tonsils, infected tonsils, and recurrent tonsillitis. The tonsils may get infected with purulent (pus) matter.

When to use Streptococcinum?

This medicine is specifically prescribed for managing cases of strep throat along with conventional mode of treatment. As strep throat has severe symptoms and may lead to serious complications, it is best to use this medicine only after consulting a homeopathic practitioner.

How to use Streptococcinum?

This medicine should not be self-prescribed. It is advised to consult a doctor for its prescription who after studying the case history thoroughly will recommend its potency and repetition.

Note The above medicines can be taken in mild to moderate cases of acute tonsillitis for about a week. If the condition does not improve, it is advised to consult a homeopathic physician to decide the further course of action. In case of a sore throat with a very high fever, extreme difficulty in swallowing, difficulty in breathing and speaking, extreme weakness, pus formation on/ behind tonsils or in case of strep throat, do not self-medicate and take urgent help from a doctor.

Causes Behind Tonsillitis

Viral infections: Tonsillitis mainly arises from viral infections, like  influenza virus, adenovirus (responsible for causing common cold and sore throat), rhinovirus (that commonly cause common cold), parainfluenza virus, enterovirus, Epstein – Barr virus.

Bacterial infection: Tonsillitis may also be the result of a bacterial infection. The most common bacteria that cause tonsillitis is Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus. Infection of tonsils with this bacteria is popularly called strep throat leads to inflammation and pain in the throat and tonsils. Strep throat is highly contagious and spreads quickly from one person to another through cough, touch, or sneeze. It is very common in school-going children and among teenagers. Major complications may arise in strep throat infection if not treated properly well in time. These include rheumatic fever (inflammatory condition affecting joints, heart nervous system and skin) and post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (kidney inflammation).

Bacteria other than this however can also cause tonsillitis, for example, staphylococcus aureus, chlamydia pneumonia, mycoplasma pneumonia,etc.

Signs And Symptoms Of Tonsillitis

The main signs and symptoms include red, swollen tonsils along with pain in the throat which is the first indicating feature of tonsillitis. The pain usually gets worse while swallowing. The pain may be one-sided or appear on both sides depending upon which tonsil is involved. The other symptoms that may attend are difficult swallowing, fever, bad/fetid breath, headache, scratchy voice, ear pain, and neck pain. White/yellow pus spots may also appear on the tonsils. The glands in the neck may be swollen and tender. In chronic cases, tonsil stones (debris collection on tonsils) may form. In young kids, excessive drooling of saliva, increased irritability/fussiness, vomiting, low appetite, and stomach pain can be observed.

Types Of Tonsillitis

Acute Tonsillitis: In this type, the symptoms remain for 3 to 4 days but in some cases may linger for 2 weeks.

Follicular tonsillitis

Follicular tonsillitis

Follicular tonsillitis: In some cases, acute tonsillitis may progress to follicular tonsillitis in which the crypts (tube-like invaginations from the surface epithelium of tonsils) get filled with debris and pus. It presents as yellow or white spots at the opening of the crypts on the tonsils which gives a follicular appearance. In the case of chronic follicular tonsillitis, the crypts get filled with infected cheesy matter. 

Chronic Tonsillitis: A person suffers from acute tonsillitis multiple times in a year for short periods

Recurrent Tonsillitis: The symptoms last for a longer time, more than two weeks.

Risk Factors

Though tonsillitis can affect anyone but certain factors increase the risk

1. Young age: Tonsillitis is more common among young children. Very young children are at high risk of tonsillitis from viral infection and those between 5 yrs to 15 yrs are prone to get tonsillitis from bacterial infections. However, tonsillitis can occur at any age though chances are less as compared to children. The reason is the immune function of tonsils declines after puberty which may be the reason for reduced chances of tonsillitis in adults.

2. Germ exposure: Excessive germ exposure in children puts them at risk of tonsillitis. Children remain in close contact with the same age group in school, parks, playways, etc which exposes them more to virthe us/bacteria that causes tonsillitis.

How Does Tonsillitis Spread?

Tonsillitis is very contagious and spreads from one person to another via direct contact. A person with tonsillitis can spread the infection spreading agents in the air as well as nearby objects every time he coughs or sneezes. Tonsillitis may also spread via direct inhalation of the air droplets carrying infection-causing agents or indirectly by touching these infected objects and then touching the nose/mouth with the same hands. One may also contract tonsillitis via kissing an infected person or sharing utensils of a person having tonsillitis.

Complications Of Tonsillitis

Complications associated with tonsillitis include

1. Middle ear infection

2. Difficulty in breathing

3. Obstructive sleep apnea: Breathing is disrupted during sleep

4. Peritonsillar abscess: The collection of pus behind the tonsils is referred to as peritonsillar abscess, also known as Quinsy. It is a rare, but very serious complication of tonsillitis. It can grow large and block the throat resulting in difficult breathing and swallowing. If not treated, the infection can spread to the neck, chest, or lungs.

5. Tonsillar cellulitis: Spread of infection deeply to nearby tissues

6. In tonsillitis with group A streptococcal bacteria i.e. strep throat infection, the serious complications include rheumatic fever and post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis.


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How To Get Rid of Sinus Infection with Homeopathic Medicines

homeopathic remedies for sinus

Sinusitis is the inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (air-filled cavities within the skull bone). Sinusitis usually results from infections, affecting the paranasal sinuses, which can be viral, bacterial, or fungal, and also allergies.

Homeopathy has proven to provide wonderful treatment for sinusitis cases. Homeopathy uses natural remedies free from any adverse effects, so they are thoroughly safe to treat sinusitis. Homeopathy provides superb symptomatic relief in sinusitis. This mode of treatment reduces sinus inflammation helps in thinning the accumulated mucus filling the sinus and aids its easy outflow to reduce sinus congestion and eases the sinusitis symptoms arising therefrom.

Homeopathy has much more to offer in sinusitis cases besides just providing symptomatic relief as it further aims to heal the root cause (like the tendency to chronic cold, or nasal allergies) behind sinusitis to give long-term relief. If homeopathic treatment is continued regularly as guided by a homeopathic physician, it can help in reducing dependency on conventional medicines like nasal sprays, courses of antibiotics and antihistamines and can also prevent the person from undergoing surgical intervention.

Homeopathy can treat acute, recurrent, and chronic sinusitis. In acute cases, it provides quick symptom relief, cuts short the course of inflammation, and aids in speedy recovery. In recurrent and chronic sinusitis, it works to decrease the intensity and frequency of episodes of sinus inflammation. It tackles the cause of origin like the tendency to recurrent cold and nasal allergies. Homeopathy improves immunity hence preventing chances of recurrent cold that can lead to sinusitis. In allergy cases, it moderates the overactive immune system which is often the cause of recurrent sinusitis. The homeopathic mode of treatment can completely cure chronic and recurrent sinusitis, though it may take some time.

Top 8 Homeopathic Remedies For Sinus Infection

Some of the leading remedies to treat sinusitis are Belladonna, Kali Bichrome, Silicea, Hydrastis, Pulsatilla, Natrum Mur and Hepar Sulph. Lemna Minor is the top-most medicine to treat nasal polyps that can be associated with sinus infection.

1. Belladonna – Top-Grade Medicine For Sinus Headache

Belladonna is a natural medicine sourced from the plant ‘deadly nightshade’. It is the most frequently used medicine for cases of sinusitis when headache is most marked. In cases needing it, pain and heaviness is marked in the forehead (frontal headache) due to sinus congestion. There is relief by binding the head tightly with cloth or applying pressure. This medicine is most prominently indicated for frontal sinusitis. It is also indicated for maxillary sinusitis as well. Belladonna is also suitable to manage sore throat and cough in cases of sinusitis. The cough is short and dry which gets worse at night. It is the best remedy for acute sinusitis.

When to use Belladonna?

It is a leading medicine for frontal sinusitis recommended mainly when frontal headache is causing trouble.

How to use Belladonna?

This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. In low potency like 30C, it can be taken three to four times a day. Once the severity of the headache reduces, the dose should be decreased. When using high potency like 200C, its use is usually limited to once a day. 1M potency is also required in some cases, but to use it, consult a homeopathic physician.

2. Kali Bichrome – For Sinusitis With Post Nasal Discharge

Kali Bichrome is the best medicine for sinusitis where the most prominent complaint is post nasal discharge – PND (dripping of mucus from back of nose into the throat). The discharge is very thick, sticky, ropy mostly yellowish or greenish. Along with PND, there is headache in frontal region (forehead). Pain at the root of the nose is also present. Nose feels stuffed along with these symptoms. The bad smell from nose occurs due to accumulation of nasal discharge. In cases needing it, a history of recurrent cold may be found.

When to use Kali Bichrome?

It is highly recommended for post nasal dripping from sinusitis. Pain in the forehead and the root of the nose are also indicative to use it.

How to use Kali Bichrome?

The most commonly used potency of this medicine is 30C that can be taken twice a day. It will reduce sinus inflammation and reduce associated symptoms including PND, frontal headache and pain at the root of the nose.

3. Silicea – For Sinus Infections And Chronic Colds

Silicea is a highly recommended medicine for cases of sinus infections and chronic cold. The main symptom guiding its use is throbbing pain in the forehead especially over the right eye. There is relief in headache by pressing the head firmly or wrapping it up warmly. Other symptoms along with this include nasal blockage and thick pus-like discharge. The nasal discharge forms hard crusts; any attempt to loosen these crusts results in bleeding. There is a loss of smell and taste as well.

When to use Silicea?

Use of silicea should be considered for those who suffer from chronic cold and sinus infection. The symptoms to prescribe it are pain in forehead marked over right eye, nasal blockage and thick pus-like nasal discharge.

How to use Silicea?

Among various available potencies, Silicea works most wonderfully in 6X potency. Silicea 6X can be taken any time twice a day to four times a day as per the severity of symptoms.

4. Hydrastis – For Sinusitis With PND

This medicine is prepared from fresh root of plant ‘golden seal’. Like medicine Kali Bichrome, this medicine is also very beneficial for treating sinusitis with prominent PND (post nasal discharge). The discharge is thick, mostly yellow. Besides, sinus headache is present. Burning pain in the nose, sore throat, burning sensation in throat may attend above indications.

When to use Hydrastis?

This medicine can be used in sinusitis cases when main complaint is post-nasal thick yellow discharge.

How to use Hydrastis?

It can be taken in 30C potency two to three times a day for good results.

5. Pulsatilla – For Thick Yellow Or Green Nasal Discharge

Pulsatilla is a natural medicine for sinusitis prepared from ‘windflower’. The foremost indication to use it in sinusitis is thick yellow or green nasal discharge.  A characteristic feature is the discharge gets worse in a closed room and gets better in open air. The discharge may be very foul-smelling. Nostrils may be blocked as well, along with loss of smell and taste. This medicine is recommended for frontal sinusitis and maxillary sinusitis. Pain and heaviness is felt over the forehead when the frontal sinus is involved. In the case of maxillary sinus involvement, a tearing type of pain is felt in maxillary sinus (in the cheeks) that may extend to the ears.

When to use Pulsatilla?

For sinusitis, the key indication based on which it is prescribed is ‘thick yellow or green nasal discharge’.

How to use Pulsatilla?

Though may be used in different potencies, it is best to begin with  30C potency. Pulsatilla 30C can be taken once or twice a day. Higher potencies like 200C and 1M can also be considered afterward but only under the supervision of homeopathic expert.

 6. Natrum Mur – For Sinus Infections And Nasal Allergy

Natrum Mur is a good choice of remedy in cases of sinusitis where nasal allergy is associated. This medicine aims at treating nasal allergy when it is the root cause leading to sinus Infections. The symptoms of using this medicine are a watery discharge from the nose, sneezing, and pain in the head.

 When to use Natrum Mur?

Persons who suffer sinusitis as a result of nasal allergies are ideal subjects to use this medicine. This medicine works in treating nasal allergies (with watery nasal discharges) to prevent recurrent sinus infections.

How to use Natrum Mur?

Natrum Mur is very effective in 6X potency that can be repeated three to four times a day.

7. Lemna Minor – For Sinus Infections Complicated With Nasal Polyp

In some cases, nasal polyps are a contributing factor to sinus infection. A nasal polyp in a nasal cavity blocks the normal drainage of discharge. The collected discharge thus acts as a pool for infection-causing agents, leading to inflammation of the sinuses. Here, medicine Lemna Minor is the best medicine to help shrink nasal polyps to prevent sinus infections. It may take some time to shrink the polyps, but once done recurrent sinus infections are prevented.

When to take Lemna Minor?

If nasal polyps are obstructing mucus drainage and causing recurrent sinus infections, this medicine can work wonders. It will help in shrinking nasal polyps which are a contributing factor for sinus infections.

How to take Lemna Minor?

Lemna Minor acts best when taken in mother tincture (Q) form. 5-7 drops of Lemna Minor Q can be taken twice a day by dissolving in half a cup of water.

8. Hepar Sulph – Forsinusitis worse in cold weather

Hepar Sulph is the best choice of medicine to manage cases of sinusitis that get worse in cold weather and winters. Those who need it mainly complain of bad smelling discharge from the nose. A very important attending symptom is pain at the root of the nose in the morning time. Nose also feels blocked in the morning.

When to use Hepar Sulph?

The use of this medicine is highly recommended to manage sinusitis which is worse in cold weather and winters.

How to use Hepar Sulph?

Its 30 C potency is the most frequently used potency that can be taken once or twice a day. Its higher potencies are also available but that needs to be taken under supervision of a homeopathic physician.

Cause And Risk Factors Behind Sinusitis

Sinusitis results when there is blockage of sinus openings by mucus. There are certain factors and health problems that increase the risk of sinusitis.

1. Common cold (that can be caused by virus or bacteria) can cause inflammation of sinus and obstruct the drainage of mucus

2. Nasal allergies andupper respiratory tract infections

3. Nasal polyps arethe non-cancerous growths in nose or paranasal sinuses that block nose or sinus

4. Deviated nasal septum meanscartilage that divides the nose is not straight is causing nasal blockage

5. Weak immune system

6. A dental infection, cystic fibrosis (a genetic disease that causes a build-up of mucus which is thick, and sticky mainly in the lungs and pancreas), and smoking are some other contributory factors.

Pathophysiology Of Sinusitis

Paranasal sinuses are four pairs of hollow spaces in the skull. These are situated in cheekbones (maxillary sinus), forehead (frontal sinus), behind the bridge of the nose, and between the eyes (ethmoidal sinuses). Another set is situated in the upper region of the nose and behind the eyes (sphenoidal sinuses). All the sinuses have the same lining that is present in the nose. This lining produces mucus, which is drained out of the sinuses, through an opening in the nose. When a person has a cold or nasal allergy, there is increased mucus production and swelling of sinuses that can cause the drainage to get blocked. This results in the mucus being trapped in the sinuses, leading to the growth of bacteria and viruses.

Symptoms Of Sinusitis

The signs and symptoms of sinusitis include

1. Nasal discharge: Thick discharge that can be yellow, green, pus-like, or blood-stained

2.  Post-nasal dripping

3. Headache especially in themorning

4. Pain/pressure on head or face, swelling or tenderness on the face according to the sinus involved as given below:

In frontal sinusitis: It is felt on the forehead and above the eyes

In maxillary sinusitis: It is felt on cheeks, or upper jaw, teeth

In ethmoidal sinusitis: Pain or pressure is observed  behind the eyes and in medial canthi (corner of the eye where upper eyelid and lower eyelid meet towards nose side)

In sphenoidal sinusitis: Pain/pressure occurs behind the eyes and is felt in the top/ back of the head

5. Stuffy nose, making breathing through the nose difficult

6. Ear fullness/pain, decreased sense of smell and taste, cough, throat clearing, tiredness, bad breath are some other signs and symptoms

7. Fever (it may occur in acute sinusitis and is uncommon in chronic sinusitis)

The signs and symptoms are similar for acute and chronic sinusitis. However, the duration varies with chronic sinusitis lasting for three or more months.

How to diagnose sinusitis?

In cases suspected of sinusitis as per the symptoms, few tests help to confirm sinusitis. The mostsimple and frequently recommended test for diagnosing sinusitis is X-ray of paranasal sinuses (X-ray PNS). It is a non-invasive (means it does not involve inserting any instrument in the skin or body opening) test to diagnose sinusitis. It is an imaging test that uses a small amount of radiation to get an image of paranasal sinuses and find out the presence of sinusitis. But it does not help to give much details and the cause of the problem. The next highly preferred test is CT scan (computed tomography scan). It gives intensive details of the nose and paranasal sinuses. CT scan is a diagnostic test to confirm sinusitis that gives a 3D view of sinuses. The next suggested test to diagnose sinusitis is nasal endoscopy. This test is done by an ENT doctor and involves inserting a thin tube into the nose that has a light and camera to have a clear direct view inside the nose and sinuses.





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Highly Effective Homeopathic Remedies for Follicular Tonsillitis 

Tonsils refer to masses of lymphoid tissues lying in the back of the throat, one on either side. Tonsils have a protective role and act as the first line of defense against the bacteria and virus that might get inhaled or ingested. Inflammation of tonsils, on one side or on both, is known as tonsillitis. Homeopathic medicines are highly effective for acute tonsillitis as well as for cases of recurrent tonsillitis. The primary aim of homeopathic medicines is to build a child’s immunity and prevent recurrent infections that lead to tonsillitis.

Homeopathic Treatment For Tonsillitis

Homeopathy is a highly advanced science that takes the inside-out approach to all disease, including tonsillitis, starting at the root cause and in time, curing the condition without the need for surgical intervention. Tonsillitis is treated most efficiently by homeopathy as it follows a two-step procedure to deal with tonsillitis. In the first step, homeopathic medicines are given to treat the acute symptoms of tonsillitis. In the second step, homeopathy targets the chronic tendency toward recurrent tonsillitis. Homeopathic  medicines improve the body’s immunity and make it strong enough to fight infection quickly.

In many cases of mild to moderate cases of tonsillitis, homeopathy has shown excellent results and helped avoid surgery.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Tonsillitis

The medicines prominently indicated for tonsillitis treatment in homeopathy are Belladonna, Merc Sol, Hepar Sulph, Calcarea Carb, Psorinum, Merc Iodatus Ruber, Merc Iodatus Flavus and Streptococcinum.

1. Belladonna – For Acute Tonsillitis With Red Swollen Painful Tonsils

Belladonna is the top recommended medicine for treating acute tonsillitis. The key indication for its use is red, swollen enlarged tonsils with marked pain. The pain is worse while swallowing mainly liquids and throat remains dry. Fever with intense heat in the body accompanies the above symptoms. Heat, constriction (tightening) and lump in the throat may also be felt.

When and How to use Belladonna?

For acute tonsillitis, it is an infallible medicine to be used when tonsils are red, swollen with excessive throat pain. Give it in the very beginning in such cases, it will soothe throat pain, reduce tonsil inflammation and cut short recovery period of tonsillitis. One may take this medicine in 30C potency three to four times a day in the beginning at minimum three-hour interval. When relief ensues, gradually reduce the dose to two times a day.

2. Merc Sol – For  Pain In Tonsils Extending To Ears

Merc Sol is an extremely effective medicine for treating tonsillitis with pain in tonsils extending to ears especially when swallowing. The nature of pain is mainly stitching type. On examination of the throat, the tonsils look dark red and ulcers or white spots on tonsils can be present. Excessive salivation is also observed. Foul odour from the mouth is present.

When and How to use Merc Sol?

Merc Sol is an ideal prescription for cases presenting with tonsil pain radiating to ear while swallowing along with increased salivation and foul breath. This medicine works wonders in 30C potency. Use of Merc Sol 30C should be limited to once or twice a day.

3. Hepar Sulph – For Infected Tonsils and Quins

Hepar Sulph proves very successful in treating infected tonsils with pus points on tonsils and quinsy (also known as peritonsillar abscess in which pus accumulates behind the tonsils). The symptoms to look out for using it are stitching pain in the throat and pain from throat radiating to the ear. There is intense pain while talking or swallowing. Sensation of a lump or splinter (a sharp piece of glass or wood) stuck in the throat is felt. The person may hawk up yellow mucus.

When and How to use Hepar Sulph?

Use of Hepar Sulph is considered in cases where tonsils are infected with pus points on tonsils or pus collection behind tonsils (quinsy). Though it can be used in various potencies, 30C is most preferred. Its use is recommended in mild cases only but in severe cases with extremely enlarged tonsils (with excessive pus behind them) blocking the throat, drainage of pus and administration of antibiotics may be required. So, urgent help should be taken from allopathic mode of treatment. It is best to take this medicine for infected tonsils or quinsy only after consulting a homeopath who can best judge if the condition is mild and controllable with homeopathic medicines or severe requiring help from conventional mode.

4. Calcarea Carb – To Treat Recurrent Tonsillitis

Calcarea Carb is an excellent medicine for treating recurrent tonsillitis. After recovery from acute tonsillitis phase, this medicine can be used as an intercurrent remedy (treatment for some chronic disease that is hindering cure of some other ailment) to treat tendency to have recurrent tonsillitis. An indicative symptom for use of Calcarea Carb is the tendency to catch cold frequently. Even slight exposure to cold air affects the throat and tonsils in cases needing this remedy.

When and How to take Calcarea Carb?

Calcarea Carb is mainly prescribed to treat tendency to have recurrent tonsillitis. It will help to build immunity to fight with throat infections naturally. It can be used in low (30C) as well high potencies (like 200C and 1M). The dose varies from case to case. Usually in 30C potency, it can be used once or twice a week. But high potencies are usually given on a weekly (once a week) basis or in some cases fortnightly (one dose every 15 days). Its best to consult a homeopathic expert for right potency selection and repetition of this medicine.

5. Psorinum – To Treat Tendency To Recurrent Infected Tonsillitis

Psorinum is very effective in boosting immunity to prevent recurrent infected tonsillitis (tonsillitis with pus points on tonsils) and quinsy (pus accumulation behind tonsils). These medicines reduce susceptibility to recurrent throat infections. Those needing it have markedly swollen tonsils, pain with swallowing, and thick mucus in the throat. Along with this, there is foul-smelling salivation and hawking of cheesy mucus bits having bad smell and taste. There is recurrent pus formation behind the tonsils.

When and How to use Psorinum?

It can be used in persons who suffer from infected tonsillitis repeatedly. Use of this medicine will build immunity to prevent recurrence of such infections. Psorinum is mainly used in 200C or even higher potencies like 1M. It is a slightly strong medicine, so it is used just once or twice a month usually. For correct potency and dose, kindly consult a homeopathic doctor.

6. Merc Iodatus Ruber – For Left-sided Tonsillitis

Merc Iodatus Ruber is a majorly indicated medicine for treating left-sided tonsillitis. Indications for its use are swollen tonsils with dark red fauces (area between cavity of mouth and pharynx) on the left side, sensation of lump in the throat and disposition to hawk.

When and How to use Merc Iodatus Ruber?

A person having left-sided tonsil inflammation can take this medicine. 30C potency of this medicine twice a day is the right dose to begin with.

7. Merc Iodatus Flavus – For Right-sided Tonsillitis

Merc Iodatus Ruber is prominently indicated for tonsillitis of right side. The guiding features pointing towards its use are swollen tonsil on the right side, sticky mucus in throat and constant inclination to swallow. Other symptoms that may arise are the feeling of a lump in the throat with relief setting in by taking cold liquids.

When and How to use Merc Iodatus Flavus?

This medicine is specific for tonsillitis on right side. The usual recommended dose is two times a day in 30C potency.

8. Streptococcinum – For Managing Strep Throat

Streptococcinum is a specific medicine for managing strep throat infection. The symptoms to use this medicine are enlarged, swollen tonsils, infected tonsils, and recurrent tonsillitis. The tonsils may get infected with purulent (pus) matter.

When and How to use Streptococcinum?

This medicine is specifically reserved for managing cases of strep throat along with conventional mode of treatment. As strep throat has severe symptoms and may lead to serious complications, it is best to use this medicine only after consulting a homeopathic practitioner. After studying the case history thoroughly, the doctor will recommend its potency and repetition.

Note The above medicines can be taken in mild to moderate cases of acute tonsillitis for about a week. If condition does not improve, it is advised to consult a homeopathic physician to decide the further course of action. In case of sore throat with very high fever, extreme difficulty in swallowing, difficulty in breathing and speaking, extreme weakness, pus formation on/ behind tonsils or in case of strep throat, do not self-medicate and take urgent help from doctor.

Causes Behind Tonsillitis

Viral infections: Tonsillitis mainly arises from viral infections, like  influenza virus, adenovirus (responsible for causing common cold and sore throat), rhinovirus (that commonly cause common cold), parainfluenza virus, enterovirus, Epstein – Barr virus.

Bacterial infection: Tonsillitis may also be the result of a bacterial infection. The most common bacteria that cause tonsillitis is Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus. Infection of tonsils with this bacteria is popularly called strep throat that leads to inflammation and pain in the throat and tonsils. Strep throat is highly contagious and spreads quickly from one person to another through cough, touch or sneeze. It is very common in school-going children and among teenagers. Major complications may arise in strep throat infection if not treated properly well in time. These include rheumatic fever (inflammatory condition affecting joints, heart nervous system and skin) and post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (kidney inflammation).

Bacteria other than this however can also cause tonsillitis, for example, staphylococcus aureus, chlamydia pneumonia, mycoplasma pneumonia,etc.

Risk Factors

Though tonsillitis can affect anyone but certain factors increase the risk

1. Young age: Tonsillitis is more common among young children. Very young children are at high risk of tonsillitis from viral infection and those between 5 yrs to 15 yrs are prone to get tonsillitis from bacterial infections. However, tonsillitis can occur at any age though chances are less as compared to children. The reason is the immune function of tonsils declines after puberty which may be the reason for reduced chances of tonsillitis in adults.

 2. Germ exposure: Excessive germ exposure in children puts them at risk of tonsillitis. Children remain in close contact with same age group kids in school, parks, playways, etc that exposes them more to virus/bacteria that causes tonsillitis.

 How Does Tonsillitis Spread?

Tonsillitis is very contagious and spreads from one person to another via direct contact. A person with tonsillitis can spread the infection spreading agents in the air as well as nearby objects every time he coughs or sneezes. Tonsillitis may also spread via direct inhalation of the air droplets carrying infection-causing agents or indirectly by touching these infected objects and then touching the nose/mouth with the same hands. One may also contract tonsillitis via kissing an infected person or sharing utensils of a person having tonsillitis.


Tonsils are oval-shaped lumps of lymphoid tissue lying at the back of the throat, one on either side. These act as a first line of defense mechanism of our body against an illness. Tonsils trap the germs (bacteria or viruses) that may enter throat via nose or mouth and cause an infection. Tonsils produce lymphocytes  which kill the virus/bacteria entering the throat. In the process of fighting such infections again and again, the tonsils also get vulnerable to get infected and at some point they actually get infected and inflamed.

Signs And Symptoms Of Tonsillitis

The main signs and symptoms include red, swollen tonsils along with pain in throat which is the first indicating feature of tonsillitis. The pain usually gets worse while swallowing. The pain may be one-sided or appear on both sides depending upon which tonsil is involved. The other symptoms that may attend are difficult swallowing, fever, bad/fetid breath, headache, scratchy voice, ear pain and neck pain. White/yellow pus spots may also appear on the tonsils. The glands in the neck may be swollen and tender. In chronic cases, tonsil stones (debris collection on tonsils) may form. In young kids excessive drooling of saliva, increased irritability/fussiness, vomiting, low appetite and stomach pain can be observed.

Types Of Tonsillitis

Acute Tonsillitis: In this type, the symptoms remain for 3 to 4 days but in some cases may linger for 2 weeks.

Chronic Tonsillitis: A person suffers from acute tonsillitis multiple times in a year for short periods of time

Recurrent Tonsillitis: The symptoms last for longer time, more than two weeks.

Complications Of Tonsillitis

Complications associated with tonsillitis include

1. Middle ear infection

2. Difficulty in breathing

3. Obstructive sleep apnea: Breathing is disrupted during sleep

4. Peritonsillar abscess: Collection of pus behind the tonsils is referred to as  peritonsillar abscess, also known as quinsy. It is a rare, but very serious complication of tonsillitis. It can grow large in size and block the throat resulting in difficult breathing and swallowing. If not treated, the infection can spread to neck, chest or lungs.

5. Tonsillar cellulitis: Spread of infection deeply to nearby tissues

6. In tonsillitis with group A streptococcal bacteria i.e. strep throat infection, the serious complications include rheumatic fever and post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis.

Preventive Measures To Help Decrease Tonsillitis Risk

1. Maintain hygiene: Wash hands often, especially before you eat.

2. Sharing of utensils should be avoided.

3. Maintain distance from someone who has tonsillitis and stay back home if you are having tonsillitis to prevent its spread to others.

4. A person with tonsillitis should cover the nose when he/she sneezes to prevent spreading the infection

Home Remedies Along With Medicines

1. Take proper rest

2. Drink plenty of warm fluids

3. Adults can gargle with warm salt water

4. Eat soft food and avoid hard ones


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