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Homeopathic Treatment for Tenosynovitis

What is Tenosynovitis?

Tenosynovitis refers to inflammation of the sheath (synovium) that is present around the tendon. Tendon is a cord of fibrous tissue that joins the muscles to the bones. The tendons are covered with a sheath called synovium, which produces synovial fluid to keep tendons lubricated. This sheath is inflamed in cases of tenosynovitis.

What are the causes behind it?

It mainly results from an injury to the tendon, overuse, strains, lifting very heavyweight, and Infection arising from a cut in the tendon and diseases that lead to inflammation & wear and tear of joint and surrounding tendons like rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and reactive arthritis. People who are prone to repetitive stress on the tendons as while jumping, running, lifting heavy loads, excessive typing on the computer, and those grasping tools like carpenters, painters, dentists are at risk of developing this condition. In many cases, the cause behind it can’t be ruled out.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms mainly include pain around the affected joint, stiffness of joint, tenderness of joints, and also difficulty with the joint movement. The joint is also swollen, and skin over it is red. Although any of the tendons can be affected by it, the most commonly affected tendons are those in the wrist, hands, ankle, and feet.

Homeopathic Treatment for Tenosynovitis

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in treating tenosynovitis. These medicines are of natural origin, hence treats this condition in a very safe manner without any side effects. This inflammation arising from various reasons including injury to the tendon, overuse, strains, lifting heavyweight and inflammation, and wear and tear of the joint and surrounding tendons from arthritis can be treated wonderfully with homeopathic medicines. These medicines bring an excellent recovery in these cases by working to treat the root cause behind it. These medicines help to bring down the inflammation of the tendon sheath and also relieve the associated symptoms of it like pain, swelling, stiffness, and tenderness around the joint. The top-grade homeopathic medicines to treat tenosynovitis are Rhus Tox, Arnica, Ruta, Bryonia, Apis Mellifica, Actaea Spicata, and Ledum Pal.

Homeopathic Medicines for Tenosynovitis

1. Rhus Tox – Leading medicine

Rhus Tox tops the list of medicines used in homeopathy for treating cases of tenosynovitis. Rhus Tox is prepared from fresh leaves of a plant completely named as Rhus Toxicodendron. This plant belongs to family Anacardiaceae. Rhus Tox is very beneficial when inflammation of tendon sheath arise from an injury to the tendon, overuse, strains, repetitive stress on tendons, lifting very heavy objects, and inflammation and wear and tear of joint and tendons from arthritis (joint inflammation). Persons were needing it to have pain in the affected joint along with swelling and marked stiffness. Redness and heat in the joints is also there. Cracking sound from joints on stretching is also present. They mostly complain of worsening of pain when they are at rest and relief on moving the affected joint. They may also have to worsen joint pain in cold weather.

2. Arnica – For inflamed tendon sheath from injury

Homeopathic medicine Arnica is prepared from a plant named Arnica Montana, which is commonly known by the name leopard’s – bane or fallkraut. This plant belongs to family Compositae. Arnica is well indicated for cases that arise from injuries. Persons who need this medicine have marked pain and swelling in the joint. Pain is a sore and bruised type. The joints are also very tender, and they have a great fear of touching the joint. Sometimes they also feel a prickling sensation in joints.

3. Ruta – When inflammation arise from injuries and strains

Homeopathic medicine Ruta is prepared from a fresh plant named Ruta Graveolens, commonly known as garden rue or bitterwort. This plant belongs to the family Rutaceae. Ruta is valuable when this condition arises from injuries and strains (overstretching or tearing of tendons). There is soreness and aching in the affected joint in cases requiring Ruta. The pain is attended with swelling of the joints. In cases where the wrist is affected, it is given for shooting pain along with stiffness in the wrist.

4. Bryonia – For joint pain worsening from motion

Homeopathic medicine Bryonia is prepared from the root of a plant named Bryonia alba is commonly known as wild hops and also white bryony. This plant belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae. Bryonia is used when pain in the affected joint gets worse from motion and relieved from rest. The pain, in most cases, is sharp, stitching, or tearing in nature. Warmth may relieve the pain. Along with the painful joint is also swollen and red.

5. Apis Mellifica – For reducing joint swelling

Apis Mellifica is a very beneficial medicine to reduce swelling in the affected joint. Persons needing it also have pain in joint along with swelling. The pain is majorly burning, stinging in nature where Apis is needed. The joint is also intensely red, inflamed, and sensitive to touch. Heat is present in the affected joint, along with the above symptoms.

6. Actaea Spicata – For pain and swelling in small joint

Homeopathic medicine Actaea Spicata is prepared from the root of a plant known as baneberry or herb Christopher. This plant belongs to family Ranunculaceae. Actaea Spicata is a very useful medicine when small joints, including wrist, hand, and ankle, are painful and swollen. Pain is drawing or tearing type. The pain most times get worse from motion and touch. All these parts are also swollen. The swelling arises from slight fatigue or walking.

7. Ledum Pal – When feet and ankle is affected

Homeopathic medicine Ledum Pal is prepared from plant Ledum Palustre commonly known as wild rosemary, marsh cistus, or marsh tea. This plant belongs to the family Ericaceae. Ledum Pal is an excellent medicine when feet and ankle are involved in this condition. It is used when there is pain and swelling in the feet and ankle. A burning sensation is also felt. Stiffness is also present in the feet and ankles. Warmth tends to worsen the pain while cold application relieves the pain in cases needing Ledum Pal.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Treatment for Perioral Dermatitis

Perioral DermatitisWhat is perioral dermatitis and the reasons behind it?

Perioral dermatitis refers to a rash that appears on the skin around the mouth. In some cases, the rash may even spread to the nose or eyes. The exact reason behind perioral dermatitis is still unknown. However, it is suggested that it can arise when from the use of certain products that irritate the skin in persons who have sensitive skin. These products can be cosmetic creams, makeup products, toothpaste, topical steroid ointments, use of sunscreen and nasal sprays that contain steroids. This condition can also trigger excessive saliva drooling out of the mouth, infections that can be fungal/bacterial, from hormonal changes, from the use of birth control pills and due to allergic reaction.

What are the signs and symptoms?

In the case of perioral dermatitis, a skin rash with red bumps appears on the skin around the mouth and creases around the nose. Sometimes the rash can also appear under the eyes, on the chin and forehead. The bumps may be filled with fluid or pus varying from case to case. Sometimes the rash tends to be dry and scaly/flaky. Itching and burning of varying intensity may be experienced in the rash.

Homeopathic Treatment for Perioral Dermatitis

Homeopathic medicines are very helpful to treat cases of perioral dermatitis. Homeopathic medicines help to heal the rash and bumps (either with watery content or pus) on the skin in perioral dermatitis in a very effective manner. They also help to control the attending symptoms of burning and itching excellently. The top-grade homeopathic medicines used to treat perioral dermatitis are Natrum Mur, Apis Mellifica, Graphites, Rhus Tox, Hepar Sulph, Silicea, Arsenic Album and Sulphur.

Homeopathic Medicines for Perioral Dermatitis

1. Natrum Mur – Top grade medicine

Natrum Mur is a leading homeopathic medicine for treating perioral dermatitis. There appears rash with bumps around the mouth in cases needing Natrum Mur. Sometimes the bumps are also present on the chin. These bumps are filled with watery fluid. Pain and burning may be felt in the blisters. Pain is mostly smarting type. These fluid-filled bumps may burst and get covered with a scab. Apart from above in few cases needing Natrum Mur cracks at the corner of the mouth may be present.

2. Apis Mellifica – For Burning, stinging sensation

Apis Mellifica is an excellent homeopathic medicine to treat perioral dermatitis when there is marked burning and stinging sensation in the rash. Prickling sensation is also sometimes present in a rash where Apis Mellifica is indicated. In addition to this, the rash is very red and inflamed. Swelling is also present in the rash It is also highly sensitive to touch. The rash is also intensely itchy most of the time. Sometimes there are eruptions with yellow crusts in some of the cases needing this medicine.

3. Graphites – For sticky discharge from the eruptions

Graphites is the next beneficial homeopathic medicine for treating cases of perioral dermatitis. Its use is considered when with sticky discharge from eruptions is prominent in perioral dermatitis. The person needing it has inflamed rash around mouth along with bumps arise that ooze sticky, gluey fluid. The fluid is transparent and watery in nature. The bumps appear around the mouth and chin where Graphites is indicated. These bumps also tend to itch and sometimes attended with the burning sensation in them.

4. Rhus Tox – For fluid filled eruptions

Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox is prepared from fresh leaves of a plant named Rhus Toxicodendron. This plant belongs to family Anacardiaceae. Rhus Tox is another helpful medicine for treating perioral dermatitis with the presence of fluid-filled eruptions around the mouth. These eruptions are mostly present in clusters in cases needing Rhus Tox. These eruptions are filled with a yellow-colored fluid which is watery in nature. Itching and biting sensation are present in these eruptions. Most of the times these eruptions are also very sore to touch.

5. Hepar Sulph – For pus filled eruptions

Hepar Sulph is a very useful homeopathic medicine for treating perioral dermatitis. Its use is suggested in cases of perioral dermatitis cases when pus-filled eruptions appear on the face around the mouth. These eruptions are also painful and very sensitive to touch. Sometimes the heated sensation is also there in the corners of the mouth along with the pus-filled eruptions.

6. Silicea – To treat pus filled eruptions

Silicea is another well indicated homeopathic medicine like Hepar Sulph to treat perioral dermatitis cases where pus-filled eruptions are present. Silicea is a great anti suppurative medicine to treat skin conditions where pus-filled eruptions are present. Cases needing it have marked itching and pricking in the eruptions. The eruptions may be covered with scabs too. There is also a tendency to sweat excessively in such cases.

7. Arsenic Album – For scaly / flaky rash

Homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album is very suitable for perioral dermatitis that presents with a rash around the mouth which is covered with scales/flakes. The affected skin is very dry, rough along scaliness. The peeling of this skin area may also be there. It is attended with burning sensation and itching. Scratching worsens the itching in cases needing it. People requiring it usually complain of worsening of burning sensation is at night time. The affected skin is also over sensitive along with the above symptoms.

8. Sulphur – To manage itching in rash of perioral dermatitis

Homeopathic medicine Sulphur is very effective to manage itching. Persons needing this medicine mostly have to worsen itching at the night time. Scratching the rash often leads to pain in the affected skin area. Along with itching they also complain of burning sensation in the rash. Sometimes they also have stitching pain or prickling sensation in the rash. A formication sensation like insects crawling on the skin in the rash may be complained by them along with the above symptoms. They may also have fluid or pus-filled bumps along with itchy rash.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Apis Mellifica – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Apis Mellifica is a homeopathic remedy prepared from honey-bees through the potentization process (a process by which homeopathic medicines are prepared). With this process, the latent medicinal properties of honey bee are extracted. It is known to be very effective to treat skin allergies, urticaria (raised itchy bumps on skin from an allergic reaction), bee sting, urinary infection and joint swelling. Apis Mellifica Homeopathic Medicine

The ‘Apis Mellifica’ Constitution

This medicine is suited to people who have sensitive skin and are prone to suffering from skin allergies and skin rash. Next, it is adapted to people who have tendency to get inflammation in various body parts like eyes, joints, urinary tract.

Drug Action

This is a first aid medicine for bee stings (without any anaphylactic shock symptoms). Next, it is a incomparable medicine to treat skin allergies and eye allergies. It is also used to manage inflammatory conditions of urinary tract, joints, with stinging, burning pains. Apart from the above, its action is marked to treat conditions with fluid retention in body parts like hydrocephalus (build up of excess cerebrospinal fluid in the cavities i.e. ventricle of the the brain), swollen ankles, oedema of legs, swollen joints, puffy swollen face.

Role as a Homeopathic Medicine

1. Meningitis and Hydrocephalus

This is an important medicine to manage meningitis i.e. inflammation of the meninges that refers to the protective membranes which covers the brain and spinal cord. It also is a very useful medicine to manage hydrocephalus cases. In both these cases it is used when the affected child is unable to hold the head erect and keeps boring the head into the pillow. The child also shows intense irritability with crying and loud screaming. Other attending symptoms shown by the child are drowsiness, mental confusion, dullness. Severe pain in the back of the head may also be experienced along with excessive sweating on the head.

2. Inflammation of Tongue (Glossitis)

This is a well-indicated medicine to treat inflammation of tongue where there is a prickling, burning, stinging sensation on the tongue. If we look on the tongue then it is fiery red, swollen. Sometimes cracks, ulcers or vesicles on tongue are seen. Person also feels the tongue is dry with inability to swallow. They may have bitter taste in mouth along with above symptoms.

3. Eye Complaints

When it comes to treat eye complaints, Apis is indicated for keratitis (inflammation of cornea), iritis (inflammation of iris i.e. the coloured ring around the eye’s pupil), swelling of the lower eyelids (bag under eyes) and eye allergies. The key features to use this medicine in above eye complaints are redness of conjunctiva with burning, stinging, shooting pain in the eyes. Along with it, swelling of eyelids and hot watery discharge from eyes is prominent.

4. Face Swelling

This is a valuable medicine to treat swollen, puffy face. Persons needing it have pale, sunken, waxy and puffy face. Puffiness of the eyelids mainly lower one is marked. They feel prominent stinging and prickling sensation in the face. They also complain of heat and burning sensation in the face. They wish to wash face with cold water to get relief in burning sensation.

5. Sore Throat, Enlarged/Inflamed Tonsils

This remedy acts on the throat, tonsils and helps in reducing its inflammation. It is given when the throat and tonsils are extremely red, swollen, inflamed, sometimes with ulcers. Along with this person feels stinging, burning, smarting, shooting pain in throat. They feel pain is worse on swallowing especially solids. Their throat is dry with heat along with constricted sensation. They also have thick stringy mucus in the throat.

6. Skin Issues

It is a beneficial remedy to treat various skin complaints. It is majorly used in homeopathy to treat cases of urticaria ( skin allergy where bumps / wheals appear on the skin). Here it is given when body is covered with large wheals that are red and inflamed or are white with red border. The wheals are painful, tender, hot and extremely sensitive to touch, and there are stinging pains. There is also violent itching and burning in the wheals. The itching gets worse from warmth of the bed and is better in open air.

Next, it is used as a first aid medicine in cases of bee sting. The results of bee sting including swelling, itching, burning, stinging on the skin are treated wonderfully with this medicine.

Other than this, this medicine is useful to relieve itching on the skin. It is used when itching is intolerable at night and it lead to sleeplessness. Along with itching, prickling over the whole body is present. The person feels better by scratching. Other symptoms that they usually have are roughness, dryness stinging, smarting and burning sensation on the skin.

Apart from above, it is highly considered in cases of skin allergies and skin rash. In such conditions it helps to heal the rash and ease the violent itch.

It also gives good results in case of large boils and carbuncles (skin infections with pus filled lumps on skin). Burning and stinging pains in them is characteristic feature to use this remedy here.

Next, it is given in cases of measles when there is intense weakness with eruptions. Its use is also thought for cases of imperfectly developing measles where eruptions did not come out properly. In such undeveloped eruptions cases fever, cough, diarrhoea and drowsiness are present.

Skin burns and prickly heat with stinging pains are the rest of the skin conditions which this homeopathic medication can very effectively manage.

7. Urinary Complaints

This is one of the top grade medicine to treat urinary tract infections (UTI), inflammation of urinary bladder and prostate gland.

In all such cases it majorly helps to relieve burning, smarting, scalding pain that is felt while urinating or after urinating. It also helps to manage attending complaint of weak urine flow, frequent urge to urinate and blood stained urine.

8. Joint Swelling and Inflammation

This medicine has a remarkable action on joints where it helps to reduce its inflammation and swelling. Among them it is majorly indicated for treating swelling of ankles and knee. In such cases along with swelling heat, sensitivity, soreness an stinging pains in the joints are marked.

9. Male Complaints

Males needing this medicine to treat cases of prostate enlargement have a frequent desire to urinate. The frequency is increased both day and night time. Another complaint faced by them where Apis seems to help is difficulty in passing urine with need to press hard to begin to urinate. It also helps to subside inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis) and relieve the burning, stinging pains while urinating.

Next, it is an excellent medicine to treat cases of hydrocele. This medicine helps to reduce swelling of the scrotum. It also helps to relieve its associated pain.

10. Female Disorders

This is a leading medicine to treat complaint of ovaries, mastitis (inflammation of breast) and premenstrual syndrome ( PMS) in females.

The ovarian complaints that are effectively managed with it includes ovarian cyst, ovarian tumours, ovarian inflammation (ovaritis), ovarian pain, ovarian swelling, PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). The major symptom to use this remedy in ovarian complaints is burning, sharp, stinging pain in ovaries like sting of a bee. The pain may also be cutting, shooting type. The affected ovary is sore and tender to touch. Many women needing it complain that the pain from ovaries radiate down the thighs. They may also experience worsening of pain in ovary before or during menses. The pain may also get worse during coition. Irregular menses in case of ovarian tumours is also indicative of its use. In most cases, it is the right ovary that is affected when this medicine is required.

Next, it is used to treat mastitis (inflammation of breast tissue). Females needing it have swollen, hard, tender breasts sometimes with pus formation in it from infection. They feel extreme burning, stinging in breast along with swelling.

Females having premenstrual syndrome are also greatly helped with this medicine. To use it in PMS the symptoms to look for are irritability, sensitivity of mind, and water retention.


Use of Apis Mellifica is indicated in a tincture of 30 potency. It can be taken two to three times a day in 30 potency in case of acute complaints.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Complementary medicine is Natrum Mur, which completes its action.

Rhus Tox is inimical and should not be used before or after Apis Mellifica.

Antidote medicines are Carbolic Acid, Cantharis, Lachesis, and Ledum Pal as they neutralize the action of Apis. 

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Bryonia Alba – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Bryonia alba is prepared from a plant White Bryony also known as Wild Hops, of the family cucurbitaceae, a herbaceous tendril-bearing vines. The part used to prepare homeopathic medicine is root of this plant procured before flowering. The fresh root of this plant is chopped and then potentized (a process by which homeopathic remedies are prepared). By potentization process the medicinal properties of this plant are extracted leaving behind any of its poisonous effects. Use of Bryonia is been used as medicine since ancient times for treating vertigo, gout, epilepsy and cough. In homeopathy it is used extensively to treat a large number of diseases. Some of the major complaints treated by it are constipation stomach pain, headache, dry mouth, joint pain, back pain and cough.     Homeopathic medicine Bryonia Alba

The ‘Bryonia’ Constitution

Bryonia is mainly suited to tall, thin people having gouty or rheumatic diathesis i.e. tendency to suffer from joint pains. Next it suits people who are prone to respiratory problems and gastric troubles including constipation and stomach pain.

Drug Action

It has marked action on the lining of joints, respiratory system, and the gastro intestinal tract. On all these parts it helps to reduce the inflammation. It also has a significant action on the mucous membranes and helps to improve its normal secretions, thereby making it valuable to treat dryness of mouth, dry lips, dry stool and dry cough.

Scope as a Homeopathic Medicine

1. Headache and Migraine

It is a one of the most effective medicines to treat headache and migraine. People needing it mostly have a pain in the forehead and back of head (occiput). They feel a heaviness in the head and heat along with pain. Worsening of pain from motion, eye movement and stooping is usually noted. Relief is obtained from pressure. One can also use it for headache with constipation and vomiting.

2. Vertigo

This remedy offers great help in cases of vertigo. It is mainly used when vertigo appears on slightest motion, on rising and stooping. Here, the person feels as though all objects are revolving during vertigo. In few cases it feels as if the head is turning in a circle. Heaviness and pain in back of head attends vertigo in many cases.

3. Rheumatic Iritis

This is a significant medicine to manage cases of rheumatic iritis (inflammation of iris i.e. the coloured ring around the eye’s pupil that follows joint inflammation). In such cases the indicating feature to use this medicine is pain in back part of eye. The pain from eye extend to the back of head. The complaint tend to worsen at night and on motion.

4. Dry Mouth and Lips

This is a top-listed medicine to treat cases of dry mouth and dry lips. Here it is used when a person has marked dryness of mouth that gets momentarily better by drinking. They also complain of tongue sticking to roof of mouth (palate) from dryness. Along with mouth, the lips and tongue are also very dry, rough and cracked. There is bad odour from mouth with above symptoms.

5. Gastrointestinal (GIT) Complaints

When it comes to GIT troubles, Bryonia is well-indicated to treat constipation, stomach pain and nausea, vomiting

It gives remarkable results in cases of constipation. People needing this homeopathic medicine have obstinate constipation. They have dry, hard, large stool. It is dark dry as if burnt. They have to excessively strain to pass stool. Due to excessive straining sometimes rectum protrude with stool. They have unsatisfactory stool with sense of weight in the rectum. Along with above they also suffer from offensive flatus. Sometimes they get headache due to constipation.

Next, it is very beneficial to relieve stomach pains. Persons needing it have cutting, griping, shooting pain in stomach. Pain is most felt around the navel region and compels the person to bend double. They may have worsening of pain from motion. They also complain that colic is worse before passing stool. Other symptoms that they may experience are distension of abdomen and rumbling and gurgling in abdomen.

Apart from above, this remedy also helps cases of nausea and vomiting. Vomiting mainly appears soon after eating and is bitter or sour to taste. Hiccough and belching attend vomiting. Belching is bitter, sour or of food that has been eaten.

6. Liver Disorders

It is an important medicine to manage liver complaints including enlargement of liver and inflammation of liver. The symptoms include pain that is shooting, stinging, tensive or burning in nature. The pains tends to get worse from touch, on breathing and coughing. The liver region is also sensitive to pressure.

7. Neck Pain, Backache, Sciatica

This remedy is known to be a very effective medicine to treat neck pain. In such cases, stiffness is marked with pain. The pain increases from motion and from touch.

Apart from above, one can also take it for relieving pain in the lower back. It also help to ease stiffness in the lower back. It can also be taken when the back pain worsens from motion, turning in bed, stooping and standing. Persons needing it get relief in pain from lying down. Back pain arising from injuries are also well managed with this medicine.
Other than this, it is given for sciatica that refers to a pain that radiates from lower back through the hips down the leg along the path of the sciatic nerve. It is used in sciatica cases when pains from lower back extend down to thigh. It worsens by movement and relieved by lying on painful side.

8. Joint and Muscle Pain

This medicine leads the chart of homeopathic medicines to treat joint pains. Cases of joint pain from gout (high uric acid), arthritis (inflamed joints), injured joints and sprains are helped well with this remedy. To use this medicine, the symptoms to consider are sharp, stitching or tearing type pain in joint along with swelling, redness and heat. The joints are tender to touch too. They are also stiff.

In addition to above, it is also a top grade medicine to treat muscle pains and general body aches. Persons needing it have increase in pain  from slightest motion. Absolute rest or lying down helps them get relief.

9. Respiratory Troubles

If we talk about respiratory complaints, then this medicine is helpful for treatment of cough, pneumonia and pleurisy

In case of cough, it is highly recommended in persons having a dry, spasmodic cough (spasmodic means cough ending in vomiting). The cough seems to start from a particular spot in trachea and in some cases by tickling in throat. They frequently mention that their cough worsens after eating, drinking, from talking and at night. Some of them also have complaint of pain in head and chest with sensation as if they would burst during coughing. Sometimes they expectorate tough, hard, scanty sputa with difficulty. The sputa may yellow or brick – dust coloured. It is well-indicated to treat cases of bronchitis and asthmatic cough.

Secondly, it is an excellent medicine for treating pneumonia (infection that cause inflammation of the air sacs in the lungs). It is used in pneumonia with cough and difficult breathing. Along with it, the affected person has a tough, hard, yellow or brick dust coloured expectoration. Sputa may be bloody also. Constriction, oppression of chest and heat in chest are also experienced. Stitching and stabbing pains in chest are felt. Most times the pain worsens during motion, coughing and from deep breathing. High fever may attend above features.
Lastly it is given for pleurisy (a condition in which lining around the chest cavity and the lungs becomes inflamed). The key symptom to use this remedy here is a stitching pain in chest. The pain is worse during cough and breathing. Along with this frequent respiration and dry cough is present.

10. Mastitis (Inflammation of Breast)

It is a very suitable medicine to reduce inflammation of breast. Females needing this medicine have inflamed, painful breast. The pain is tensive, burning and tearing type. The breast feels stony hard and heavy. The breast may also be indurated with lumps in it.

11.  Fever

It is indicated for cases of fever with dry, burning heat and body aches. It is attended with desire to uncover. Along with this taste of mouth is bitter and there is increased thirst for water. It also works well in cases of fever with chill and cough. Next its use is also recommended for typhoid fevers with diarrhoea, dry lips and accumulation of frothy, soap-like saliva in mouth.


Bryonia can be used in from 30 to 1M potency. It can be repeated frequently two to three times a day in 30 potency while high potencies should not be taken frequently.

Relationship To Other Remedies

Complementary medicineS are Alumina and Rhus Tox. These medicines help to complete the effects of Bryonia when it has stopped acting further.

Antidotes are Aconite, Chamomilla and Nux Vomica. 

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Blisters on Hands – Homeopathic Medicines for Pompholyx

Pompholyx or dyshidrotic eczema refers to a skin condition where tiny blisters/vesicles form on the sides of fingers and palms of hands. Sometimes this condition may also affect the soles of feet. Homeopathic medicines for pompholyx are deep acting remedies of natural origin that helps in healing the eruptions associated with the condition and also manage other symptoms.       homeopathic medicines for pompholyx

Some factors that predispose or trigger pompholyx are mental or physical stress, skin sensitivity, the tendency of excessive sweating, reaction to certain metals (like nickel, cobalt), detergents, soaps or other chemical, atopic dermatitis and fungal infections of skin. A person having a family history of pompholyx is also at risk to develop a similar condition. Females are more affected by this condition as compared to the males, particularly between the ages of 20 to 40 years. 

Homeopathic Medicines for Pompholyx

Natural medicines treat both acute and chronic cases of pompholyx in an effective and natural way. These remedies further help in gradually eradicating the tendency to have recurrent pompholyx. The top homeopathic medicines for treating pompholyx are Graphites, Natrum Mur, Mezereum, Petroleum and Sulphur.

1. Graphites – For Vesicles Discharging Sticky Fluid

Graphites is most helpful for pompholyx with vesicles discharging sticky fluid. The vesicles appear between the fingers and toes. They discharge sticky, gluey, watery and transparent fluid. The vesicles may itch and burn intolerably. Graphites is also indicated for cracks, fissures, roughness on the affected skin.

2. Natrum Mur – For Vesicles having Watery Fluid

Natrum Mur works well in cases of pompholyx with vesicles containing watery fluid. The vesicles rupture and leave a thin scurf on the skin. Burning on skin may precede vesicle formation. A general aggravation from heat and warmth is usually seen in most cases needing Natrum Mur.

3. Mezereum – For blisters on the Sides of Fingers

Mezereum is prepared from the fresh bark of plant Daphne Mezereum commonly known as Spurge Olive. The natural order of this plant is Thymelaceae. Mezereum is indicated for pompholyx when blisters form on the sides of fingers. The blisters are surrounded by a red areola. The blisters are attended with intense burning sensation. Itching also appears in blisters. The blisters may discharge sticky fluid, get dry leaving scabs. Skin of hands may be rough.

4. Petroleum – For Dry, Cracked Rough Skin on Palms and Soles

Petroleum is very effective for pompholyx with dry, cracked rough skin on palms and soles. The cracks may be deep. It is attended with excessive burning and itching. Blood may appear from the cracks. It is also indicated for vesicular eruption with thick scabs that may be greenish.

5. Sulphur – To Manage Itching and Burning in Vesicles

Sulphur helps in managing itching and burning in vesicles of pompholyx. Vesicles with watery content or pustules may be present. Most cases needing Sulphur show worsening of itching in the evening and at night. Burning appears after scratching the skin. Sometimes bleeding appears from scratching.

6. Carbolic Acid – For highly Itchy Blisters

Carbolic Acid is well indicated for pompholyx with highly itchy blisters. In some cases itchy pustules are also present. The itching gets slightly better by rubbing or scratching. It may be followed by burning pain. An offensive odor on the skin may be present.

7. Rhus Tox – For Blisters discharging Yellow Fluid

Rhus Tox is significant medicine for pompholyx with blisters discharging yellow fluid. The blisters appear on palms of hands. The blisters may be tiny or large. It is attended with intense itching. The affected skin is also red and inflamed.

8. Arsenic Album – For Blisters on Soles of Feet and Toes

Arsenic Album is prominently used for pompholyx with blisters on soles of feet and toes. The blisters have dark edges. The blisters may discharge light yellow colored liquid. The discharge mostly occurs during the night and may be offensive in nature. Intense burning in blisters may be present. For using Arsenic Album, the blisters may also be present on the fingers also along with the soles and toes.

9. Ranunculus Bulbosus – For Blisters having Bluish Appearance

Ranunculus Bulbosus is prepared from a plant commonly known by the name of Buttercup. The natural order of this plant is Ranunculaceae. Ranunculus Bulbosus is indicated for pompholyx with blisters having bluish appearance. Most times the vesicles appear on palms of hand and fingers. The vesicles are tiny and come up in crops. The eruptions tend to itch and burn. Stinging sensation may also be present in them. After scratching, redness and swelling arise. Thickening of the skin may also occur.

10. Hepar Sulph – For Infection when Eruptions Discharge Pus

Hepar Sulph is an important medicine for pompholyx with infection when there is a pus discharge from the eruptions. The pus may be offensive and tinged with blood. Sometimes the pus is dark coloured. Affected skin may be sensitive to touch.

11. Cantharis – For Vesicles with excessive Burning

Cantharis is a helpful medicine for pompholyx with vesicles attended with much burning. The vesicles are painful, tend to appear between fingers and toes. These may be large and exude watery content.

12. Anagallis – For Cluster of Small Blisters on Palm

Anagallis is prepared from a plant Anagallis Arvensis commonly known by many names including red chickweed, scarlet pimpernel and weather-glass. The natural order of this plant is Primulaceae. Anagallis works well for pompholyx with a cluster of small blisters appearing on the palm of hands and fingers. The blisters are attended with itching. In some cases, smarting sensation also appears in the blisters. There may be a discharge of yellow or brown fluid from blisters. The blisters then dry off. Following healing of these blisters, a new crop of blisters appears. The skin of hands and fingers is usually very dry in cases needing Anagallis.

13. Silicea – For Excessive Sweat with Blisters

Silicea is considered for cases of pompholyx where excessive sweat appears along with blisters. The blisters appear on palms, soles along with intense sweating. The sweat may be offensive. There may be prominent pus discharge from the blisters. Like Hepar Sulph, Silicea is also used to treat infected cases of pompholyx with pus discharges.

Signs and Symptoms of Pompholyx

The signs of pompholyx include small fluid filled blisters on the palmar surface of hand and sides of fingers (and sometimes on soles of feet.) In most cases, intense itching and burning on the skin precedes the blister development. The blisters tend to appear in clusters/crops. The blisters in pompholyx are usually small. These may club together in some cases to form large ones. The blisters can be very itchy as well as painful and may ooze fluid. They heal and are followed by dry, cracked, peeling, red, tender skin. Sometimes the affected skin can be infected following intense scratching. In infected cases the blisters ooze pus, get very painful and become covered with crust.

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Homeopathic Medicine Calcarea Carbonica – Uses and Indications

Calcarea Carbonica is one of the major constitutional and polychrest medicines in homeopathy. It is prepared by the process of trituration of the middle layer of Oyster-Shells. By trituration, the oyster shell is converted into an excellent medicine possessing great therapeutic power. Calcarea Carb ranks among the top antipsoric medicines along with Sulphur and Lycopodium. It is one among many calcium salts that are used in homeopathy and works particularly well for ailments like joint pains, backache, and fractured bones that are slow to heal.    Calcarea Carb

The ‘Calcarea Carb’ Constitution

This remedy suits people who have a leucophlegmatic constitution (presence of excessive water in the body). People suited to this remedy are fair, fatty, flabby and tend to sweat profusely on the head. They also tend to feel very chilly, catch a cold easily and have increased mucosal secretions. Children who have a large head, large features, pale skin, a chalky look, and who are fat with a large abdomen come under this constitutional type. They also have a tendency of copious sweating on the head and crave eggs and indigestible things.

Drug Action

This remedy has a very wide and deep sphere of action. The chief action is centered on the glands, skin, bones, pituitary and thyroid dysfunction, nasal complaints and female genitals. As a remedy, it is used in the treatment of fears and anxieties, OCD, chronic cold, tendency to catch cold, nasal polyps, loss of smell, epistaxis, nasal blockage, uterine fibroids, menorrhagia, sterility in females, painful periods (dysmenorrhea), vaginal discharges, itching in genitals in women, chronic sore throat with tonsillitis and enlarged adenoids, hypothyroidism, goiter, obesity, lipoma, hair fall, rickets, knee joint pain (osteoarthritis), spine curvature, dentition complaints (vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, slow teething), developmental delays, hydrocephalus, night terrors, open fontanelles, dyspepsia, constipation, diarrhea during dentition, vomiting, worms, milk allergy /milk intolerance, gall stones, umbilical hernia, tinea capitis, eczema capitis, warts, Barber’s Itch, profuse sweating, varicose veins.

Scope of Calcarea Carb as a Homeopathic Remedy

1. Complaints of the Mind

Calcarea Carb is very beneficial to treat cases of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) with a marked fear of contracting germs and contagious diseases. It offers help in cases where there are great anxieties about the present, future and about health. The anxiety is attended with restlessness and palpitations, more so during the evening time. This remedy is also used to treat fears, where a person is plagued by thoughts of misfortune or terrible thing happening, fear of losing reason, fear that he/she is suffering from organic disease of the heart. Fear of death, monsters and of being alone may also be present. It is also useful in cases of mental dullness and weakness (particularly while studying). There is a great confusion of mind, difficult comprehension and difficult thinking. Sleeplessness from the rush of thoughts in the mind also indicates the use of this remedy. Apart from the above, this medicine is also indicated in obstinate, self-willed and irritable children. They are irritable without any cause and tend to be fretful, restless, stubborn and gets easily offended. They also cry easily at the smallest trifles.

2. Nasal complaints

This medicine is of great service in treating chronic colds. People who need this remedy tend to catch a cold easily with every change of the weather. The nasal mucous membrane is swollen and the nose is plugged with yellow, thick, offensive discharge. In some cases, blood may be mixed in the discharge. There may also be profuse discharge (clear like water), along with prickling and itching in the nose is present. The nose may also be markedly dry, with the dryness getting worse at night. It is also indicated for stoppage of the nose during the night, and the person is unable to breathe through the nose. It is also a top-listed medicine to treat nasal polyps and frequent episodes of nose bleeding which is profuse. This may also be attended with fainting. Use of this remedy is also considered in cases of loss of smell (anosmia).

3. Female Disorders

This remedy is highly recommended to treat a number of ailments in females. Perhaps the most prominent use is in the treatment of uterine fibroids, where the uterus feels low down with a bearing down sensation in the pelvis. Weight and pressure in the uterus are marked. The menses are also very profuse and bright red in color.
This remedy can also help rectify the complaint of menorrhagia where a female complains of early, very profuse and long-standing menses. In the case of vaginal discharges, this medicine is used when the discharges are white and milky. They are attended with itching and burning in the vagina. They tend to be worse before or after menses. Excessive debility appears with the vaginal discharges.
This medicine also helps treat pain during periods (dysmenorrhea). The pain is felt in abdomen and back, it resembles labor-like pains. Pain in hip bones is present, anxiety and restlessness, followed by fainting may arise in a few cases. It is also indicated for treating sterility in females. In such cases, females mostly complain of too early and too profuse menses. It also happens to be a wonderful medicine to treat itching of female genitalia. The itching is violent and attended with soreness of vulva. Burning and stitching in the genitals are also felt. This itching tends to get worse towards the evening or after going to bed. Apart from these symptoms, it is also indicated for uterine or vaginal polyps. Hair fall in females after childbirth is also a guiding feature to use this remedy.

4. For Sore Throat, Tonsillitis and Enlarged Adenoids

This remedy is highly effective for treating a chronic sore throat where there is a swelling of the palate, uvula, and tonsils. A stinging and pricking sensation is felt at the back part of the palate. Pain in the throat that extends to the ears is also present. The throat feels contracted and painful when swallowing. A lump-like sensation in the throat may be marked. Tickling, roughness, and scratchiness in the throat are present. In the case of tonsillitis, aphthae (ulcer) on tonsils may be present. This medicine is frequently used to treat a tendency of chronic tonsillitis when the tonsils get inflamed frequently from exposure to cold.
The next indication to use this medicine is enlarged adenoids in children who have low immunity and catch a cold with every change of the weather.

5. Thyroid and Goiter Issues

This is a top-most medicine to treat hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and goiter. Complaints linked with hypothyroidism including weight gain/obesity (abdominal enlargement is most prominent), hair fall, chilliness, constipation, slowness, sluggishness, debility, profuse menses indicates the use of this medicine.

6. Bone and Joint Complaints

This remedy is very suitable to treat diseases of the bone and joints. It is a leading medicine to treat conditions like rickets, bone decay, osteoporosis, osteomalacia, weak ankles, knee joint pain (osteoarthritis) and spine curvature. In cases of arthritis of the knee, there is pain, swelling, heat and cracking in the knee joint. A tearing, drawing or stinging pain in the knee may be prominent, and the knee also feels lame and weak as if sprained.

7. Infants and Children

It is a highly suitable remedy used to treat a number of complaints in infants and children, like dentition complaints (vomiting diarrhea, irritability, slow teething), developmental delays (late appearance of milestones like learning to walk and talk), hydrocephalus, night terrors, obesity in children with large bellies, open fontanelles, tendency to take cold, enlarged/inflamed tonsils, enlarged adenoids, and a tardy development of bones.

8. Intestinal Troubles

This remedy has a wide scope of action to treat many gastrointestinal troubles like dyspepsia with heartburn and loud, sour belching. It is a significant medicine to treat diarrhea in infants during dentition. The stools are loose with a sour smell and may contain undigested, offensive, mixed, soft and lumpy particles. It is also useful to treat vomiting during dentition. Diarrhea and vomiting from taking milk may be present.
This medicine is also used to treat constipation where the first part of the stool is hard, followed by pasty and liquid stool. It also smells very offensive and is passed with much straining. Burning and tearing at the anus during stool may be felt. A complaint of worms complaints (mainly thread or pinworms, tapeworm, and ascarides) are indicative to use this medicine. Itching of the anus is marked in such cases. Crawling in the rectum and burning at the anus may also be present. In addition to the above, it is also beneficial to treat gall stones and umbilical hernia. Specific craving including those for eggs, indigestible things, chalk, pencils may be present. An aversion to milk and a general aggravation from drinking milk may also be there.

9. Skin Issues

This is a well-indicated remedy to treat many skin issues. For example, it is a highly effective remedy to treat Tinea Capitis. Tinea capitis is ringworm of the scalp. There are yellow scabs present on the vertex (top of the head). Next, it is used to treat eczema capitis where eruptions on the scalp appear. These are covered with a layer of crust and smell foul. This begins at the back of the head and then extends over the whole head. It is attended with itching, crawling and sore pain. The eruptions bleed when picked.
This medicine is also used to treat small warts on the skin. These warts are soft at the base with a hard upper surface. They are usually skin-colored and tend to itch and bleed.
Barber’s itch is the next condition treated effectively with this medicine. This medicine is also used to treat increased sweating, especially on the hands, scalp, and neck. The scalp sweating on the scalp is debilitating. It mainly appears during the evening or night and the pillow can become wet with sweat.


This remedy is a deep-acting remedy that can be taken in potencies of 30C, 200C, 3X and 1M.

Relation to Other Remedies

Complementary medicines Calcarea Carbonica are Belladonna and Rhus Tox.
Medicines that follow well include Agaricus, Borax, Lycopodium, Nux Vomica, Phos, Pulsatilla, Silicea, Sepia.
Inimical medicines are Nitric Acid, Baryta Carb, Sulphur.
Antidotes are Bryonia, Camphor, China, Ipecac, Nux Vomica and Sepia.

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9 Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Swollen Joints

Swelling in the joints in most cases tends to arise as a result of conditions like arthritis, injuries, and infections. Swelling of joints due to arthritis includes issues like rheumatoid arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, reactive arthritis, infectious arthritis, septic arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis. The injuries where joint swelling is seen include injury to muscles, ligaments, tendons of joints, fractures, sprains, and strains. Apart from the above, swollen joints also arise in case of bursitis and tendinitis. Homeopathic medicines for swelling in joints help reduce the pain and stiffness in joints and bring about remarkable recovery.        homeopathic medicines for swelling in joints

Homeopathic Medicines for Swelling in Joints

Homeopathy medicines can effectively treat swelling in joints by reducing the swelling and addressing the root cause of the problem. The top grade medicines to treat swollen joints are Rhus Tox, Apis Mellifica, Bryonia, Benzoic Acid and Actaea Spicata.

1. Rhus Tox – Top grade Medicine for Swelling with Pain and Stiffness

Rhus Tox is a top listed medicine for treating swollen joints in cases where there is marked stiffness. The affected joints are red and warm to touch, and there may be associated with swelling, pain, and stiffness present. The pain tends to worsen at rest where Rhus Tox is indicated. Motion tends to give relief in the pain of joints. In addition to the above, the joints feel weak, and there may be cracking in them upon stretching. Winter aggravation of the complaints is also noted. Rhus Tox is a prominent medicine to treat swollen joints in cases of arthritis, inflamed tendons/ligaments, injuries, and sprains.

2. Apis Mellifica – Important Remedy for Swollen Joints

Apis Mellifica is another effective medicine for treating swollen joints. The indications for using Apis are swelling in the shoulder, wrist, fingers, knees, ankles, and toes. The affected joints are inflamed, sensitive and sore to touch and there may be stinging pains present. Apis Mellifica is a prominent medicine for treating joint swelling in cases of arthritis, bursitis, and synovitis.

3. Bryonia – For Swelling with Pain Worsening from Motion

Bryonia is prepared from the root of the plant Bryonia Alba commonly named as White Bryony or Wild Hops. The natural order of this plant is Cucurbitaceae. Bryonia is well-indicated for treating swollen joints with pain that worsens from motion. Rest relieves the pain. The pains are mostly sharp, stitching or tearing in nature. The affected joints look red and shining and can be hot to touch because of pain and swelling. The joints are also tender and sensitive to touch. In cases needing Bryonia, warmth tends to relieve the pain. Bryonia is majorly indicated for swollen joints in conditions like arthritis or gout.

4. Benzoic Acid – For Swelling due to Gout

Benzoic Acid is a very significant medicine for treating swollen joints from gout. Benzoic Acid can be used as a remedy in cases of swelling in the wrist, elbow, knee, and great toe. The joints are also markedly red and painful. These symptoms tend to worsen during the night.

5. Actaea Spicata – For Swelling of Wrist Joint and Other Small Joints

Actaea Spicata is prepared from the root of a plant named Baneberry or Herb Christopher. The natural order of this plant is Ranunculaceae. Actaea Spicata is a highly effective medicine for treating swelling of the wrist joint. The wrist is red, swollen and intolerable to touch. The motion of the wrist is impossible. Actaea Spicata is also well-indicated for swelling of other small joints including the ankle, fingers, and toes. Swelling on the affected joints can appear from the slightest fatigue or even walking. There may be a pain in the joints which can be tearing or drawing in nature along with tingling. The pains tend to get worse from touch and motion in cases where Actaea Spicata is required.

6. Calcarea Carb – For Swelling in the Knee Joint

Calcarea Carb is useful to treat swelling of the knee joint. In cases requiring Calcarea Carb, the knee is warm and sensitive to touch along with swelling. This swelling tends to worsen during the night. In addition to the swelling, stinging, drawing or tearing pains tend to appear in the knee. The pains get worse from motion, and a cracking sound may be heard in the knee while walking. Weakness and lameness in the knees may also be present along with the above features.

7. Ledum Pal – For Swelling of the Ankle Joint

Ledum Pal is a magnificent medicine prepared from a plant called Wild Rosemary also known by the name of Marsh Cistus or Marsh Tea. The natural order of this plant is Ericaceae. Ledum Pal is a high-grade medicine to treat swelling of the ankle joint. Along with swelling, intolerable pain in the ankles is present. Stepping and warmth worsen the ankle pain, and the foot may feel heavy. Pressure is also felt in the ankle and lower part of the leg, and there may be itching present on the ankles. Ledum Pal is a foremost medicine to treat sprains of ankles and feet.

8. Arnica – For Swelling due to Injury

Arnica is prepared from the plant Arnica Montana commonly known as Leopard’s-Bane or Fallkraut. The natural order of this plant is Compositae. Arnica is a prime medicine for treating joint swelling that arises from injuries. Here, sore bruised pain in the joints is marked. In some cases, a drawing pain with crawling and pricking sensation in the joints is present. There is great fear to touch the affected joint due to intense pain.

9. Ruta – For Swelling and Pain due to Sprains and Inflamed Tendons, Ligaments

Ruta is prepared from the plant Ruta Graveolens commonly known by the name of Garden Rue or Bitterwort. The natural order of this plant is Rutaceae. Ruta is a prominent medicine to treat cases of joint swelling and pain from sprains and inflamed tendons and ligaments. The pain attending swelling of joints is mostly sore, aching, and bruised in nature. The joint also feels lame with swelling and pain in cases where Ruta is indicated.

Symptoms Accompanying Swelling in Joints

There is a possibility of swelling in a single joint, or in multiple joints. The main symptoms that accompany swollen joints include pain and stiffness in the joints. The affected joint may be red, tender and feel warm to touch. Mobility of the joint may be reduced, depending upon the intensity of swelling and pain in the joint.

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8 Homeopathic Medicines for Back Injury

Back injury includes injury to a muscle, ligaments, tendons, vertebra or disc in the back. Sprain, strain, fracture, dislocation of the vertebra, herniated/torn disc may result from a back injury. Back injury can arise from lifting a heavy object/pulling heavy objects (mainly cause sprain/strain), sudden jolt, blow on the back, car accident, falling, excessive twisting of the spine. Back injury and strains remain the most common causes of back pain and the lower back is the most common site of injury. Homeopathic medicines for back injury help to manage back pain, stiffness and promote healing of injured muscles, tendons, ligaments in an effective manner.      homeopathic medicines for back injury

Following a back injury sudden, severe pain in back arises that may be attended with swelling and bruising. Stiffness and limitation of movement may arise. Pain from lower back can radiate down the lower limb in case the sciatic nerve is compressed or damaged. Injury to lower back may also cause compression of nerves in the lower back that may lead to cauda equina syndrome which is a medical emergency and needs urgent help from the conventional system.

Homeopathic Medicines for Back Injury

Homeopathy carries an excellent scope to manage cases of a back injury. They are helpful to manage recent as well as remote injuries to the back. Homeopathy medicines for managing back injuries are of natural origin. The top grade medicines for managing back pain are Arnica, Rhus Tox, Ruta, Hypericum, and Bryonia. Among them, Arnica is the first aid medicine in homeopathy for injury cases. Homeopathy medicines are highly competent to manage mild to moderate back injuries. But in case of major, severe injuries where fracture of vertebra, paralysis or cauda equina syndrome symptoms are present immediate help from conventional treatment should be taken on an emergency basis.

1. Arnica – Top Grade Medicine for Managing Back Injury

Arnica tops the list o medicines to manage back injury. It is prepared from a plant named Arnica Montana having common name Leopard’s-Bane of the natural order Compositae. Arnica is helpful both for managing acute as well as chronic effects of a back injury. Its use is recommended in back injury arising from falls, blows, blunt instruments. The person requiring it suffers from intense pain and tenderness in back from injury. Back is also sore, bruised with a lame feeling. It feels as if the back has been beaten. Back seems unable to carry body weight. Pain may also be felt in hips along with lower back. A fullness and pressure sensation in the lumbar back is there. Tingling in the back is also felt.

2. Rhus Tox – For Back Sprains and Strains

Rhus To is highly suitable to treat cases of back sprains and strains that arise from heavy weight lifting, sudden twisting of the back. In cases needing Rhus Tox back is very much painful and stiff. Back feels as if it is broken. The pain is most worse while sitting, lying down, stooping and bending. Pain is also worse on beginning to move but it is relieved by moving about constantly afterward. Exercise also helps to relieve the pain where Rhus Tox is indicated.

3. Ruta – For Back Pain from Injury or Strain

Ruta is prepared from a plant named Ruta Graveolens commonly known as Rue of the natural order Rutaceae. Ruta is helpful to manage back pain arising from an injury or strain. Drawing and bruised pain are felt along the back. A lame and beaten sensation is felt in the spine. There is a pain in small of the back that is worse from sitting, stooping or walking. Lying down relieves the pain. Pressure also tends to relieve the pain.

4. Hypericum – For Back Injury with High Sensitivity of Spine

Hypericum is prepared from a plant Hypericum Perforatum also known by the name of St. John’s Wort. The natural order of this plant is Hypericaceae. Hypericum is helpful for back injury when attended with high sensitivity of the spine. The spine is highly tender with terrible pain. Pain tends to shoot from the spine down the limbs. Pains are violent that makes a person unable to walk or stoop. Hypericum is a top listed medicine to treat coccyx injury from a fall. In such cases, the pain may radiate up the spine or down the limbs from the coccyx. It is also prominently indicated where cervical vertebrae are very sensitive to touch after a fall. Here slightest motion of arms or neck extorts cries.

5. Bryonia – For Lumbar Back Pain from Injury when Slightest Motion Worsens Pain

Bryonia is prepared from a plant named Bryonia Alba or Wild Hops of the natural order Cucurbitaceae. Bryonia is highly beneficial to manage back pain arising from an injury. The key feature to use Bryonia in such cases of back pain is worsening of condition from slightest motion. Pain compels the person to walk crookedly. Tearing pain is marked in the lumbar back along with tenderness. Stiffness also attends back pain. The pain is worse from standing, motion, turning in bed and stooping. Lying down still relieves the pain.

6. Aesculus – To Manage Pain in Lumbo-Sacral Region and Hips

Aesculus is prepared from a plant Aesculus Hippocastanum having common name Horse-Chestnut of the natural order Sapindaceae. Aesculus is well-indicated to manage back pain in the lumbosacral region and hips from injury. Pain in the back is intense with sensation as if it would break. The pain gets worse from walking and stooping. Rising from sitting is also painful. Stiffness is also marked in the lumbosacral back and hips. Weakness, weariness, and lameness in the back are also felt along with pain and stiffness.

7. Calcarea Fluor – For Chronic Back Pain arising from Strain

Calcarea Fluor is an excellent medicine to manage chronic back pain that origin from the strain. Persons requiring Calcarea Fluor complain of back pain that is worse by rest and on beginning to move. However, continued motion helps to relieve the pain. Warmth on the back also offers relief in back pain where Calcarea Fluor is indicated. The back feels tired, and a burning sensation in the back may be present. Restlessness also accompanies back pain with the above symptoms.

8. Colocynth – When Pain Radiates from Lumbar Back Down the Legs (Sciatica)

Colocynth is prepared from the pulp of the fruit of a plant named Citrullus Colocynthis, Cucumis colocynthis or Bitter Apple. The natural order of this plant is Cucurbitaceae. Colocynth is a significant medicine to manage back injury when pain radiates from the lumbar back down the legs (sciatica). The pain is mainly drawing, tearing or sharp shooting in nature. Pain majorly tends to get worse at night time. Rubbing and pressure help to relieve the pain. Heat also ameliorates the pain in cases needing Colocynth.

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Abortion Achalasia Cardia Acne
Acne Rosacea Acne Scars
Adenoids Adenomyosis ADHD – Abusiveness
ADHD Agnus Castus Allergic Rhinitis & Homeopathy
Allergic Bronchitis Allergy Allergy Dust
Allergy Egg Allergy Eye Allergy Food
Allergy Milk Allergy Peanut Allergy pet
Allergy Pollen Allergy Wet Weather Allergy Wheat
Alopecia Alzeihmer’s Amoebiasis
Anal Abscess Anal Fissures Anal Fistula
Anal Itching Anal Warts Anger Management
Ankle Pain Ankylosing Spondylitis Anorectal Stricture
Anosmia Anxiety Anxiety Disorder Kids
Anxiety Generalised Arnica Arthritis Knee
Asperger’s Syndrome Asthma Asthma in Kids
Ataxia Athlete’s Foot Atopic Dermatitis
Autism – Homeopathy Autism – Treatment Autism – Homeopathic Treatment
Autism – Causes Autism – Behavior Therapy Autism – Testimonials
Autism – Carconisin Autism – Early Signs Autism – Good Eye Contact
Autism – Diagnose Autism – 10 Steps Autism – High Functioning
Autism 13 steps AVN


Back Pain Bacterial Infections Balanitis
Balding Barber’s Itch Bed Sores
Bedwetting Bells’s Palsy Bleeding between Periods
Bleeding Gums Blepharitis Blepharospasm
Body Odor Body Pains Boils
Bone Pain Borderline Personality Disorder BPPV
Bronchiectasis Bronchitis Bruxism
Bullous Pemphigoid Bunion Burns
Burping Problems


Calcarea Phos Cancer Carbuncle
Carpal Tunnel Cataract Celiac
Cellulitis Cervical Spondylosis Cervicitis
Chalazion Chest Congestion Chickenpox
Chikungunya Chillblains Cholera
Chorea Claustrophobia Clear & Glowing Skin
Climacteric Blues Cluster Headaches Coccydania
Cold Sensitivity Colds Colic in Babies
Colorectal Polyps Computer Vision Syndrome Conjuctivitis
Constipation Corns Cough
Cough Dry Cough Smoker’s Cough Variant Asthma
Cradle Cap Crohn’s Disease Cubital Tunnel Syndrome


Dandruff Dark Circles Dementia
Dementia Senile Dengue Depression
Depression Post Partum Depression in Kids Depression in Teenagers
Depression Winter Developmental Delay Diabetes
Diaper Rash Diplopia Disc Prolapse
Diverticulitis Dr. S.P Sharma Drug Addiction
Dry Frizzy Hair Dupuytren’s Contracture Dysentery
Dyslexia Dyspareunia Dysphagia
Dyspnea Dysuria


E.Coli Ear Discharge Ear Infections
Ear Pain Eczema Elbow Pain
Emphysema Endometriosis Enlarged Prostate
Epididymitis Epilepsy Epistaxis
Erectile Dysfunction Esophageal Varices Eustachian Tube Blockage
Excessive Sweating Eye Floaters Eyes DRY
Eyes Itchy


Facial Pigmentation Fallopian Tube Blockage Fatigue
Fatigue Chronic Fatty Liver Fear of Crowd
Fears & Phobias Felon Fever
Fever Blisters Fibroadenoma Fibromyalgia
First Aid – Winters First Aid Kit Flatulence
Flu Folliculitis Folliculitis Scalp
Food Poisioning Foot Pain Fractures
Freckles Frequent Urination Frozen Shoulder
Fungal Infection


Gaining Weight Gall Stones Ganglion Cysts
Gangrene Gas Problem Gastritis
Gastroenteritis Gastroparesis Genital Herpes
Genital Warts GERD Giardiasis
Gingivitis Glaucoma Glossitis
Goiter Golfer’s Elbow Gonorrhea
Gout Grave’s Disease Grief
Guttate Psoriasis


H. Pylori Hahnemman Hair Falling
Halitosis Hand Foot Mouth Disease Hangover
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Hay Fever Head Injuries
Headaches Heamoglobin Hearing Loss
Heartburn Heat Rash Heavy Bleeding
Heel Pain Heel Spurs Hernia
Hernia Hiatus High BP High BP
High Cholesterol High Uric Acid Hip Pain
Hoarse Voice Holistic Concept Homeopathy Homeopathy
Homeopathy – Myths Hormone Imbalance Hot Flashes Menopause
Housemaid’s Knee HPV Hydrastis
Hydrocele Hyperkeratosis Hyperthyroidism


IBD IBS Icthyosis
Ignatia Amara Impetigo Indigestion
Infertility Ingrown Toenails Insomnia
Intertrigo Itching


Jaundice Jobs Jock Itch
Joint Pains Juevenile Rheumatoid Arthritis


Keloids Keratoconus Kerratitis
Kidney Pain Kidney Stones Knee Bursitis
Knee Injuries Knee Pain


Labyrinthitis Lack of Self Confidence Laryngitis
Leaky Gut Syndrome Leg Cramps Leg Pain
Leucoderma Leucorrhea Lichen Planus
Lipoma Liver Abscess Liver Cirrhosis
Liver Problems Loose Stools Loss of Appetite
Low Blood Pressure Low Sperm Lumbar Spondylosis
Lycopodium Lyme Disease


Malaria Mastitis Memory
Meniere’s Disease Meningitis Migraine
Mind and Homeopathy Moles Molluscum Contagiosum
Mood Swings Mood Swings Morning Sickness
Motion Sickness Multiple Sclerosis Mumps
Muscle Pain Muscle Weakness Myopia
Myopia – Progressive


Nail Fungus Nasal Allergy & Homeopathy Nasal Polyps
Nausea Neck Stiffness Nephrotic Syndrome
Nerve Pain Nightmares Numbness in Feet
Numbness in Hands and Fingers Nux Vomica Nystagmus


Obstructive Sleep Apnea OCD ODD
Onion & Coffee Oral Lichen Planus Orchitis
Osgood Schlatter Disease Osteoarthritis Osteophytes
Osteoporosis Ovarian Cysts Ovarian Pain
Overactive Bladder


Pain in Hands & Fingers Painful Menses Palpitations
Pancreatitis PANDAS Panic Attacks
Paralysis Parkinson’s PCOS
Peptic Ulcer Peripheral Neuropathy Pharyngitis
Phlegm Photodermatitis PID
Piles Pilonidal Cyst Pinched Nerve
Pinworms Piriformis Syndrome Plantar Fascitis
Plantar Warts PMS Pneumonia
Post herpetic neuralgia Post Nasal Drip Pregnancy Related Complaints
Premature Ejaculation Premature Grey Hair Proctitis
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Prostatitis Psoriasis
Pterygium Ptosis PTSD
Pulsatilla for Women Pyorrhea


Quackery Quinsy


Raynaud’s Disease Reactive Arthritis Rectal bleeding
Rectal Prolapse Recurrent Infections in Kids Recurrent Mouth Ulcers
Reflux in Babies Removing Scars Restless Legs
Retinal Migraine Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rhinorrhea Rhus Tox Ringworm
Rotator Cuff Injury Rotavirus


Sacroilitis Salpingitis Scabies
Scalp Psoriasis Scanty Periods Schizophrenia
Sciatica Scoliosis Scope of Homeopathy
Seborrheic Dermatitis Seborrheic Keratosis Sepia for Females
Shingles Shoulder Pain SIBO
Silicea Sinus Sjogren’s Syndrome
Skin Cracked Skin Dry Skin Rashes
Slow Digestion Sneezing Snoring
Social Phobia Sore Muscles Sore throat
Spasmodic Dysphonia Speech Delay Spine Nerve Compression
Sprain Sprained Ankle Squint
Stammering Stiff Back Stiff neck
Stomach and Digestion Problems Stomach Ulcers Stool – Blood
Stool – Mucus Stool Incontinence Strep Throat
Stress Stuffy Blocked Nose Styes
Summer Diarhhea Sunburn Sunstroke
Swollen Ankles Swollen Knee Syphilis
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


Teething Tennis Elbow Tension Headaches
Testosterone Thrombocytopenia Thrush
Thuja Tics Tinea Capitis
Tinea Versicolor Tinnitus TMJ
Tonsil Stones Tonsil Surgery Toothache
Tourette’s Syndrome Tremors Trigeminal Neuralgia
Trigger Finger Typhoid


Ulcer’s Ulcerative Colitis Unwanted Facial Hair
Urethral Inflammation Urethral Stricture Urinary Problems
Urine – Incontinence Urine – Blood Urine – Burning
Urine – Pus Cells Urticaria Uterine Fibroids
Uterine Polyps Uterine Prolapse UTI


Vaginal Candidiasis Vaginal Dryness Vaginal Itching
Vaginitis Varicocele Varicose – Ulcers
Varicose – Veins Venous Insufficiency Vertigo and Dizziness
Viral Infections Vitiligo Vocal Cord Paralysis
Vocal Cord Nodules Vomiting


Warts Water Retention Watery Eyes
Weakness Weather Changes Weight Loss
Wheezing When Kids Dont Eat Worms
Wrist Pain Writer’s Cramp



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Wonderful Homeopathic Medicines for Barber’s Itch

Barber’s itch is mainly a type of folliculitis affecting the beard area of men. Folliculitis refers to infection or inflammation of the hair follicles. Barber’s itch is caused by infection of hair follicles of the beard by bacteria staphylococcal aureus. A condition similar to barber’s itch that affects the beard area in men is tinea barbae. However, tinea barbae is caused by a fungal infection. homeopathic medicines for barber's itch

Symptoms of Barber’s Itch

The symptoms of Barber’s itch include a cluster of eruptions in the beard that may be red-colored, pimple-like or pus-filled (pustular). It is attended with itchiness. Redness, burning, and inflammation of the skin is observed. The eruptions or break out is followed by crust formation. Scarring may also appear as the eruptions heal.

Homeopathic Medicines for Barber’s Itch

Homeopathy is a very safe and effective mode of treatment for Barber’s itch. Homeopathy medicines work on curing Barber’s itch rather than suppressing it. They boost the self-healing mechanism of the body and make it strong enough to fight the infection naturally. Homeopathy medicines heal the eruptions in Barber’s itch and treat the attending symptoms such as itching and burning. Top rated among Homeopathy medicines prominently indicated for Barber’s itch are Calcarea Sulph, Graphites, Phytolacca Decendra, Rhus Tox, Silicea, Sulphur, Sulphur Iodatum, Tellurium, and Thuja. The most appropriate Homeopathy medicine is selected based on the individual symptom presentation.

1. Calcarea Sulph – For Pimples under Beard that Bleed when Scratched

Calcarea Sulph is one of the most wonderful medicines for Barber’s itch where the indicating feature is pimples under the beard that discharge blood when scratched. These pimples are tender to the touch. Calcarea Sulph is also indicated in case of eruptions in the beard covered with yellowish or greenish scabs. Also, for pustular eruptions in beard discharging yellowish pus, Calcarea Sulph is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for Barber’s itch.

2. Graphites – For Sticky Discharge-oozing Pimples under Beard

Graphites is rates among the most useful medicines for Barber’s itch with pimples in the beard that ooze sticky discharge. This is followed by crust formation. Heat worsens the eruptions. Burning and stinging in the eruptions is observed. Falling of hair from the beard may also be noted.

3. Phytolacca Decendra – For Barber’s Itch with Pale Red or Dark Red Inflamed Spots

For cases where the chief symptom is pale or dark red inflamed spots in the beard, Phytolacca Decendra is an excellent choice among medicines for Barber’s itch. The spots are attended with itching. Washing worsens the inflammation. The skin in the beard area feels dry.

4. Rhus Tox – For Moist Eruptions with Thick Scabs under the Beard

Rhus Tox is one of the most suitable medicines for Barber’s itch cases where the beard area is covered with moist eruptions with thick scabs. Suppuration in eruptions may be noted. It is attended with itching. Washing with hot water may bring relief. Sweating worsens the itching as also rubbing the eruptions.

5. Silicea – For Pustular Eruptions under the Beard

In the case of pustular eruptions in the beard, Silicea is one of the most effective medicines for Barber’s itch. Discharge of offensive pus is an attending feature. The eruptions itch a lot. Itching is most prominent during the daytime or in the evenings.

6. Sulphur – For Marked Itching and Burning in Eruptions

Sulphur is among the most beneficial medicines for Barber’s itch where eruptions in beard are attended with marked itching and burning. Burning sets off when eruptions are scratched. Itching is worse mainly in the evening and night. Washing the face worsens the itching. Sulphur is also a good choice of medicine for Barber’s itch that has been suppressed with use if ointments in the past.

7. Sulphur Iodatum – For Obstinate cases of Barber’s Itch

For cases of Barber’s itch that are obstinate, Sulphur Iodatum is one of the most prominently indicated medicines. In fact, Sulphur Iodatum is almost specifically meant for such cases. It is indicated both where painful, suppurating eruptions arise under the beard and where the beard hides red, inflamed skin.

8. Tellurium and Thuja – For Barber’s Itch with Sensitive Eruptions

Tellurium and Thuja are counted among the most effective medicines for Barber’s itch and have shown remarkable recovery. Among them, Tellurium is the ideal choice where bright red pimples with very sharply defined borders are present in the beard area. Small vesicles may also be present. Thuja is mostly prescribed for sensitive eruptions in the beard. Itching and burning attend. Washing with cold water worsen the itching and burning in most cases.

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