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Beat your Climacteric Blues with Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Menopause

Homeopathic Remedies for Menopause

Menopause is a natural biological process faced by women that leads to the permanent end of menses. It is the final result of a gradual decline in the functioning of the ovaries. As women reach menopause, their periods become irregular and scanty, until they permanently cease. In some cases, there are no periods for one month or many months altogether, then appear again until they cease permanently while in others, the periods cease suddenly. After one year of no menstruation, a woman is said to have gone through menopause. Menopause usually occurs between the ages of 45 yrs and 52 yrs, although in some it may start as early as the late thirties and early forties.

Homeopathy is a very safe, harmless option to manage complaints related to menopause. Natural homeopathic medicines are of great help in dealing with various symptoms experienced by women during menopause.  Complaints like heat flashes, hair fall, headache, weight gain, facial hair, depression, low mood, and vaginal dryness can be wonderfully managed with homeopathy. In conventional mode, hormonal therapy is mostly recommended for managing menopausal complaints but it has its side effects. The use of hormones for treating menopause has always been questioned, so the need for a completely harmless treatment becomes stronger than ever. So, here homeopathy serves as a great boon to manage menopausal complaints.

Holistic treatment

Homeopathy prescribes medicines following a holistic approach in each and every case of menopause. Holistic means treating the person as a whole taking into consideration the symptoms of emotional, mental, physical sphere collectively to finalise a homeopathic prescription. As the signs and symptoms vary from one woman to the other, so does the homeopathic prescription. Further the potency, dose and repetition of medicines is finalised from case to case. Hence, self-medication should be avoided and one should always consult a homeopathic doctor for the correct prescription.

 Safe, gentle medicines

As mentioned earlier homeopathic remedies are entirely safe with no adverse effects. This is due to the fact that homeopathic medicines do not contain any harmful chemicals or toxic components. They boost the body’s natural healing mechanism to get relief in a very natural manner.

Top 7 Homeopathic Remedies For Menopause

The top homeopathic medicines for menopause include Sepia, Lachesis, Amylenum Nitrosum, Graphites, Ignatia, Sabina and Calcarea Carb.

1. Sepia – Top Homeopathic Remedy For Menopausal Complaints

There are many natural homeopathic remedies to consider, but Sepia tops them all when it comes to the treatment of symptoms associated with menopause. Sepia can work wonders, making the woman’s transition through menopause a comfortable one and bringing back her vivaciousness. This medicine proves highly effective in managing numerous complaints related to menopause. Firstly, Sepia is extremely helpful in managing heat flashes during menopause. It is beneficial when women suffer from intense hot flashes with fainting spells. The whole body gets drenched with sweat. Secondly, it is beneficial to manage hair loss and headache during menopause. Further, Sepia is well-indicated to manage weight gain (obesity) during menopause. Next, Sepia is recommended for managing vaginal dryness, decreased libido (sexual desire) and painful intercourse. Besides, females needing Sepia may feel a dragging or bearing down sensation in the uterus, feeling the desire to cross their legs to hold everything in. It also aids in managing heavy vaginal bleeding (flooding) during menopause. For women requiring Sepia, a change in temperament requires a special mention. From being calm and gentle before menopause, she gets irritated at the slightest cause, shows indifferent behaviour towards family. She becomes less caring towards her family. The feeling of sadness, with no desire to meet friends and no interest in daily activities, makes her feel worse. She feels tired easily.

When to use Sepia?

Sepia is the most commonly used homeopathic medicine to manage various menopausal complaints like hot flashes, headache, hair fall, weight gain, vaginal dryness, sadness, and indifferent behavior.

How to use Sepia?

It can be used in low and high potencies, the most preferred being 30 C potency. Sepia 30 C can be taken once or twice a day depending on the symptoms severity.

2. Lachesis – To Manage Heat Flashes And Depression

One of the main symptoms that may cause great discomfort during menopause is heat flashes – it is a feeling of extreme heat, mostly in the upper parts of the body, accompanied by drenching sweat. Lachesis is a useful remedy (other than Sepia) for extreme heat flashes during menopause. The woman requiring Lachesis cannot bear tight clothing mainly around the neck or waist. The next sphere where Lachesis works wonders is depression during menopause. Here, it is indicated when there is an aversion to social interaction. There is a desire to run away from the world. There is aversion to doing any work; lack of interest in daily routine work is common.

When to use Lachesis?

This medicine is a great choice to manage hot flashes when tight clothing is unbearable, especially around the neck and waist. It is equally good for managing depression during menopause.

How to use Lachesis?

This medicine is mostly recommended in 30C potency. This medicine is usually not repeated often and is given once or twice a week in most of the cases. Do not use it too frequently as it is a strong medicine.

3. Amylenum Nitrosum – For Managing Hot Flashes And Headache

Amylenum Nitrosum is also recommended for managing hot flashes in women in the menopausal stage. Its use is mainly considered when heat flashes are accompanied by anxiety and palpitation. After heat flashes, excessive sweating follows. There is a desire to go out in the fresh air. The bed coverings are always unbearable from excessive heat. Next Amylenum Nitrosum can also relieve headache during menopause with marked congestion in the head. In cases needing it, there is a sensation that the head would burst due to pain and congestion.

When to use Amylenum Nitrosum?

This medicine can be used to manage heat flashes when accompanied by anxiety and palpitation. It can also be given in cases of headache during menopause.

How to use Amylenum Nitrosum?

This medicine can be used in 30 C potency once a day.

4. Graphites – For Obesity During Menopause

Graphites is another useful medicine for menopausal suffering. It mainly helps in controlling obesity (weight gain) during menopause. It suits women having marked sensitivity to cold air. One feels sad and cannot make decisions easily.  They may begin to weep easily even while listening to music.

When to use Graphites?

Graphites is used in menopause when weight gain is the main issue during this phase.

How to use Graphites?

Graphites can be taken once a day in 30C potency.

5. Sabina –  To Manage Heavy Bleeding During Menopause

It is a natural medicine prepared from the plant Juniperus Sabina. Its use is considered when there is heavy, gushing, bright red vaginal bleeding. The bleeding is watery mixed with clots. During bleeding, there is pain in the uterus. Pain from the sacrum (a triangular bone at the base of the spine) to the pubis (area in front of the pelvis) is a key symptom attending it.

When to use Sabina?

Sabina can be given for controlling excessive vaginal bleeding or flooding during menopause.

How to use Sabina?

This medicine can be used in 30C potency – two to three times a day as per the severity of the complaint.

6. Ignatia – To Manage Depression During Menopause

In a few women, symptoms of clinical depression — excessive weeping, sadness, feeling of loneliness, sleeplessness, and reduced social interaction — are seen during menopause. Natural homeopathic medicine Ignatia is a good choice for coping with depression during menopause other than Sepia and Lachesis. It can be used in all cases where a woman feels sad all the time with no desire to talk to others. She may sit alone and continue weeping for long. She excludes herself from society and does not want to talk to anybody. She wants to be left alone all the time. Homeopathic medicine Ignatia can also best control mood changes during menopause. The woman needing Ignatia has sudden changes in her mood. The mood shifts rapidly from happiness to sadness without any apparent cause.

When and How to use Ignatia?

Ignatia should be considered in cases of depression and mood swings during menopause.

How to use Ignatia?

Though Ignatia can be used in different potencies (like 30C, 200C, 1M), it is best to begin with 30C potency. It can be taken twice a day in 30C potency. Do not use high potencies without a doctor’s advice.

7. Calcarea Carb – To Manage Osteoporosis

One of the main effects of menopause is osteoporosis. It refers to the progressive loss and weakening of bones. Bone mass loss averages 1-2 percent every year after menopause and results in easy fractures and other symptoms related to osteoporosis such as backache and pain in bones. Natural homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carb is the top remedy for women who are suffering from osteoporosis and helps in managing bone pain. It helps in decreasing the loss of calcium from bones and also increases its absorption from food.

When to use Calcarea Carb?

This medicine is indicated for cases where the pain in bones occurs as a result of osteoporosis during menopause.

How to use Calcarea Carb?

Calcarea Carb can be used in 30C potency once a day.


1. Menopause occurs naturally when there is a decline in hormones estrogen and progesterone in a woman around her 40s. As the hormones decline, active ovarian follicles get lost and the release of eggs stops and no periods occur.

2. Surgical removal of ovariesmay also result in menopause all of sudden. The symptoms that occur are severe in this case because the hormonal changes occur suddenly and not gradually as in natural menopause.

3. Chemotherapy and radiotherapyto ovaries can cause menopause.

4. Sometimes there may occur premature menopause inaround 1% of females when ovaries fail to produce hormones adequately.

Symptoms of Menopause

All women have to go through menopause, but it affects each woman differently. The symptoms of menopause are many, and most women go through a body and mind-altering period during menopause. The symptoms of menopause may range from hardly any to severe ones. The common menopausal symptoms may be divided into three categories:

Physical symptoms: Among these, the most common is hot flashes (feeling warm suddenly usually attended with sweating) that can be mild to intense, weight gain (obesity), hair loss, joint and muscle pain, headache, skin dryness, urinary urgency, sleeplessness, facial hair

Mental symptoms: Depression, low mood, mood swings, anxiety, irritability, sleeplessness

Local symptoms: Vaginal dryness, loss of libido (sexual desire), excessive vaginal bleeding (flooding)



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Ammonium Carbonicum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The homeopathic remedy Ammonium Carbonicum is derived from carbonate of ammonia. In its crude state, carbonate of ammonia is inert. When it undergoes potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that extracts medicinal properties from a crude substance), it turns into an important homeopathic medicine Ammonium Carbonicum. It is a very effective medicine for managing nasal blockage, certain female problems and various respiratory issues.

The ‘Ammonium Carbonicum’ Constitution

It suits persons who are obese (fat), who always feel tired and have a tendency to catch cold easily. It is also suitable to persons who are overweight along with a weak heart and a suffocating sensation. Other than this, it suits well children and obese women having a sedentary life.

Drug Action

This medicine acts well on the nose, female genitals and the respiratory system. Its action is marked on the limbs and the gastric system.

Clinical Indications

Nose disorders, blocked nose, nose bleeding (epistaxis), heavy periods, obesity, hemorrhages, emphysema, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, cough, colic, constipation, piles, heart weakness

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Nasal Complaints (Blocked Nose, Nasal Bleeding And Ozaena)

This medicine is of great service to manage nasal blockage. There is marked difficulty in breathing through the nose resulting in mouth breathing. It is a prominent medicine for managing nasal blockage in children. In some cases needing it, there is cold with profuse watery discharge from the nose. The discharge causes burning in the nose. Along with this, there is a constant urge to sneeze. Another top-listed complaint where its use is highly suggested is nose bleeding. The peculiar feature to use it is bleeding from the nose when washing hands or face in the morning. Lastly, it is well indicated for ozaena cases. Ozaena, also known as atrophic rhinitis, refers to chronic nasal condition characterized by atrophy (shrinkage) of the nasal mucus lining and the underneath bone. For ozaena, its use is indicated when blood-stained mucus discharge occurs from the nose.

Key Indicating Features

Nasal blockage with marked difficulty to breathe through nose

Nose bleeding when washing hands or face in the morning

Ozaena with bloody mucus discharge from the nose

2. Female Problems (Heavy Periods, Leucorrhoea)

Ammonium Carbonicum has a prominent action on the female genitals. Here it is well-indicated to manage heavy periods. Females needing it also tend to get early periods with black, clotted bleeding. It is attended with colicky pain. There also occurs hard and difficult stool. Other symptoms that tend to occur during menses are sadness, weakness, fatigue and chill. This medicine can manage leucorrhoea (vaginal discharge) well. It works well for cases having copious, watery burning vaginal discharge. A very striking feature for its use is diarrhea (loose stool) at the beginning of menses.

Key Indicating Features

Heavy, early periods with black, clotted bleeding, colicky pains, weakness and hard, difficult stool

Copious, watery, burning vaginal discharge

Loose stool at the beginning of menses

3. Respiratory Issues (Cough, Bronchitis, Emphysema, Asthma And Pneumonia)

Ammonium Carb works well on respiratory organs. Here it is well indicated to manage cough, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma and pneumonia. For cough the major indication is dry cough caused by tickling in the throat as from dust or a feather in the throat. Cough occurs at night and in the morning, particularly at about 3:00 am. Its use is also recommended for cough with blood spitting. It can be given in cases of bronchitis (inflamed lining of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs) in aged people. Here it is used when there is thin, foamy sputa with rattling of bubbles in chest. Ammonium Carb is considered one of the best homeopathic medicines for managing cases of emphysema (lung condition in which damage to air sacs occurs causing shortness of breath). The main indication is difficulty in breathing from exertion or walking or ascending even a few steps. It gets better in cool air. In asthma cases, it can be given when there is asthmatic cough with painful, contracted feeling in the chest. Asthma gets worse in the evening in bed and from exertion. Lastly, it is indicated for the management of pneumonia (infection and inflammation of air sacs of lungs). It is used mainly when pneumonia is accompanied by marked weakness.

Key Indicating Features

Dry cough from tickling in the throat as from dust or a feather in the throat

Bronchitis in aged people with thin, foamy sputa with rattling of bubbles in chest

Difficulty in breathing from exertion, walking or ascending even a few steps

Asthma gets worse in the evening in bed and from exertion

Pneumonia with marked weakness

4. Limbs (Joint Pain, Heel Pain, Panaritium And Felon)

With its action on the limbs, it is useful to manage joint pains. The striking feature for its use is tearing type of pain in joints which gets better by the heat of bed with an inclination to stretch limbs. It can be given in cases of hip joint pain felt while walking. Ammonium Carb can be used in knee pain cases as well. The pain in knee can be drawing or boring type in cases needing it. Pain can be present in wrist joint, fingers, thumbs and ankles where it is required. Elbow joints crackle when moved. Ammonium Carb is helpful in relieving heel pain. The chief indication is heel pain when one wakes up in the morning, while standing and from prolonged walking. Its use is considered for cases of pain, swelling, redness and heat in the big toe specifically in the bed in evening. Besides, it is preferred for cases of panaritium (infected or inflamed tissue near a fingernail) with deep seated pain. It is used for cases of felon (bacterial infection of fingertip causing enclosed pocket of pus with pain) too in the initial stage.



Key Indicating Features

Tearing pain in joints better by heat of bed with inclination to stretch limbs

Heel pain when awaking in morning, when standing and from prolonged walking

Pain, swelling, redness and heat in big toe specifically in bed in evening

Panaritium with deep seated pain

Felon in initial stage

5. Gastric Issues (Constipation, Stomach Pain, Piles)

By acting on the gastric system, it helps to settle complaints including constipation, stomach pain and piles. In constipation, Ammonium Carb is helpful when there is dry, hard, difficult stool. It is attended by headache. It helps to manage stomach pain which occurs along with nausea and chill. It gets better on lying down and by applying pressure. Other than these, it can handle cases of piles (enlarged, swollen, inflamed veins in anus or lower rectum). The most notable feature is protrusion of piles after stool with long-lasting pain with inability to walk. It gets better on lying down.

Key Indicating Features

Constipation with dry, hard, difficult stool attended with headache

Stomach pain with nausea and chilliness, better from lying down and from pressure

Piles that protrude after stool with pain and inability to walk


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse in cold damp, wet weather, on cold and cloudy days, during menses, from motion, during full moon and washing

Relieving factors: Complaints get better in dry weather, lying on painful side and from pressure


This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. One can repeat low potencies frequently but high potencies should not be repeated often.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Arnica, Camphor and Hepar Sulph

Followed well by: Belladonna, Bryonia, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Sepia, Rhus Tox, Sulphur and Veratrum Album


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9 Best Homeopathic Medicines For Neck Pain and Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis, also known as osteoarthritis of the cervical spine, refers to the degeneration of structures (vertebrae, joints, spinal intervertebral disc, ligaments, tendons, muscles) of the cervical spine/ back of neck. Vertebrae are the bones stacked one above the other in the backbone. There are seven vertebrae in the cervical spine present in the back of the neck immediately below the skull. Spinal discs are the intervertebral discs present in between the vertebrae that act as shock-absorbing cushions bearing all kinds of stress felt over the spine. Ligaments are bands connecting one bone to another. Tendons are the tissue bands that connect muscle with bone.

Homeopathy has a wonderful treatment for cases of cervical spondylosis. Homeopathic remedies provide excellent symptomatic relief in cervical spondylosis in symptoms like neck pain, stiffness, numbness, tingling in arms, hands, etc. With the proper course of homeopathic treatment, these cut down the intensity and frequency of the symptoms. Taking homeopathic medicines regularly reduces dependency on painkillers to a great extent. Homeopathy though cannot reverse the degeneration that has already occurred but can limit further progression of degenerative changes in structures of cervical spine to avoid further complications.

Natural treatment

Homeopathy is a very gentle system of healing that uses medicines obtained from non-toxic substances. Hence it is very safe and ensures natural healing with no adverse reactions. Even after prolonged use, there are no unwanted after-effects.

Personalized treatment

Homeopathy has a wide number of medicines to help cases of cervical spondylosis but the prescription does not remain generalized, it is rather personalised to give the best results. As the symptoms of cervical spondylosis vary from case to case so individualized homeopathic prescription is required. The medicines that can be most helpful for a case of cervical spondylosis are selected as per the characteristic symptoms in each case. For example, neck pain with stiffness might need Rhus Tox while in cases having radiating pain along with tingling, numbness in hands, Kalmia would be a preferred medicine.

Homeopathy boosts inbuilt healing system

Homeopathy believes that every person has an inbuilt healing mechanism that can overcome health issues naturally. It just needs a stimulus to work the right way for healing. Homeopathy uses diluted natural substances that activate the healing mechanism to self- heal thus providing symptom relief in cervical spondylosis and halt further progression of complaint.

homeopathic medicines for cervical spondylosis

9 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Cervical Spondylosis and Neck Pain

The top homeopathic medicines for cervical spondylosis are Rhus Tox, Bryonia Alba, Guaiacum Officinale, Paris Quadrifolia, Kalmia Latifolia, Lachnanthes, Conium,  Hypericum Perforatum and Silicea.

1. Rhus Tox – – Top Remedy With Neck Pain and stiffness

Rhus Tox is a leading medicine for managing cases of cervical spondylosis and neck pain. It proves highly effective for managing pain and stiffness in the neck. Neck pain from overstraining or overuse of neck (for example from working on computers for long hours, lifting weights) also can be best treated with this medicine. A person in need of Rhus Tox may get relief from warm application on the neck. Neck massage may provide relief in some cases. Rhus Tox is also an important medicine to manage neck pain from injury to the neck.

When to use Rhus Tox?

Rhus Tox is the best prescription when there is marked neck pain and stiffness. It is the most beneficial for neck pain due to overstraining or the overuse of neck.

How to use Rhus Tox?

One may take Rhus Tox in 30C potency two to three times a day as per intensity of symptoms. Its higher potencies like 200C, 1M can also be used but only after consulting a homeopathic doctor.

2. Bryonia AlbaFor Neck Pain That Worsens With Movement

Bryonia Alba is a well indicated medicine for neck pain that increases from movement. It is accompanied by stiffness in the neck. Taking rest relieves the symptoms. It is also a valuable medicine when pain and stiffness in the neck arises from overuse of neck muscles like from using mobiles or computers for prolonged time without any break.

When to use Bryonia?

Bryonia should be the first choice of medicine when neck pain worsens from movement and gets better from rest.

How to use Bryonia?

Its use is preferred in 30C potency that can be taken twice a day.

3. Guaiacum Officinale – For Pain In Neck, Back of Head and Shoulders

Guaiacum Officinale is a natural medicine highly beneficial when pain spreads over the entire neck, back of head and shoulders. The neck is stiff, shoulder feels sore (sensitive to touch). In some cases, stiffness from the neck may extend down the entire back on one side. It gets worse on movement.

When to use Guaiacum Officinale?

It is a highly recommended medicine for pain covering the entire neck, back of head and shoulders along with sensitivity to touch.

How to use Guaiacum Officinale?

It gives remarkable results in 30C potency. Guaiacum Officinale can be used twice a day – once in the morning and once in the evening.

4. Paris Quadrifolia – For Neck Pain And Numbness In Arms, Hands Or Fingers

Paris Quadrifolia is a herbal medicine prepared from plant one berry. This medicine is very effective in managing pain in the neck along with numbness in arms, hands or fingers. The pain from the neck radiates down the fingers in cases needing this medicine. Pain gets worse from exertion. The pain is attended by the sensation of a heavy weight around the neck and shoulders. There is also stiffness and swelling in the neck.

When to use Paris Quadrifolia?

The use of this medicine is considered when pain extends from neck to fingers along with numbness in fingers, hands and arms.

How to use Paris Quadrifolia?

It gives excellent results in 30C potency and can be used two to three times a day as per the severity of the symptom.

5. Kalmia Latifolia – For Neck Pain Going Down The Arm, With Numbness, Tingling

Kalmia Latifolia is a natural medicine prepared from leaves of plant ‘mountain laurel’. This medicine works well in cases where pain from neck goes down the arms. Along with this, there is numbness, or tingling, pricking sensation in hands. In some such cases, upper limbs may feel week.

When to use Kalmia Latifolia?

It is indicated for brachialgia in which pinched nerve in the neck causes pain in arm. Pain in the neck radiating to the arms along with numbness or tingling in arms or hands is the key feature indicating its use.

How to use Kalmia Latifolia?

It can be taken two times a day in 30C potency.

6. Lachnanthes – For Neck Drawn To One Side From Extreme Pain And Stiffness

This natural medicine prepared from plant ‘spirit weed’ is an ideal prescription when neck gets drawn to one side from severe pain and stiffness. There is inability to move neck to the other side. This medicine helps to relax neck muscles and improve stiffness and pain in neck. In some cases needing it, pain extends to the head.

When to use Lachnanthes?

This medicine can be used when the neck gets twisted to one side from extreme pain and stiffness with inability to move it to the other side.

How to use Lachnanthes?

Lachnanthes 30 C twice a day is the right dose to start based on the above-mentioned symptom.

7. Conium – For Managing Vertigo And Neck Pain

Conium is a very useful medicine for managing vertigo episodes and neck pain. Stiffness is also present where this medicine is required. Mostly, vertigo worsens from the movement of neck.

When to use Conium?

Consider its use to manage vertigo episodes, especially from neck movement along with neck pain.

How to use Conium?

It is usually recommended in 30C potency that can be taken one to two times a day. Its higher potencies can also be used but only after consulting a homeopathic physician.

8. Hypericum Perforatum – For Neck Pain From Injury

Hypericum Perforatum is a very significant medicine for neck pain resulting from an injury. Major symptoms are neck pain that may radiate to the shoulders and a spine that is extremely sensitive to touch. Tingling, burning, numbness in hands may also be present.

When to use Hypericum Perforatum?

It can be used in cases of neck pain post-injury.

How to use Hypericum Perforatum?

Though it can be used in different potencies, initially it is good to start with 30C potency twice a day. Higher potencies can be used afterward after consulting a homeopath.

9. Silicea – For Stiffness In Neck And Headache

This medicine works well to manage stiffness in neck attended with a headache. In some cases, stiffness is present only on one side of the neck. There is difficulty in turning the head due to the pain it causes. This medicine is also helpful for managing neck pain extending to head.

When to use Silicea?

It works well when stiffness in neck is accompanied with headache.

How to use Silicea?

The recommended dose is Silicea 30 once a day. High potencies like 200 C can be considered after consulting a homeopathic doctor.

Causes Of Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis mainly arises from wear and tear of the cervical spine. The wear and tear of cervical spine results mainly due to age-related degenerative changes. In some cases, injury to the cervical spine may lead to early spondylosis changes in the cervical spine.

The degenerative changes in spine may include:

1. Dehydration and herniation of intervertebral discs

Intervertebral discs are fibrocartilagenous cushions in between the vertebrae that serve as shock absorber whenever some load is put on spine like when we twist or lift weights. The disc has an outer thick layer and gel-like soft center.

Dehydration of these discs means drying of the its inner gel-like matter that leads to rubbing together of vertebral bones and pain.

Herniation of disc also called slip disc means leakage of the inner jelly material due to a crack in the outer layer of disc. At times this material can press on spinal cord and nerves.

2. Bone spurs in spine

It refers to extra bony growth that may form in spine to make it stronger when discs break down. These bone spurs may pinch spinal cord and nerves.

3. Ligament Stiffness

Ligament refers to a band of tissue that connects bone with bone. With age, these ligaments can become stiff that hinders neck movements and cause neck stiffness.

Risk Factors Involved In Cervical Spondylosis

The major factors that put a person at the risk of developing cervical spondylosis are:

1. Age – Cervical spondylosis is a degenerative disorder and therefore, directly related to age. Mainly cervical spondylosis complaints begin at the age of 40 years. By the age of 60 years, more than 85 percent of the people get affected with cervical spondylosis, those above 40 years are more susceptible.

2. Overstraining or overuse of neck muscles – It may occur in certain occupations involving repetitive motion or bending/twisting of the neck like painters;  sport activity like playing badminton and from lifting heavy weight.

3. Holding neck in improper position for a long time like a bent neck for extended time period, for example when working on computers placed too high or low, using mobiles sitting in an uncomfortable position. This puts extra stress on the neck and causes pain.

4. Neck injuries

5. Arthritis (joint inflammation)

6. Family history of cervical spondylosis

7. Smoking

What Are The Symptoms Of Cervical Spondylosis?

1. The major symptoms that point towards cervical spondylosis include pain and stiffness in the neck. Pain from the neck may radiate down the arm, hands, and fingers.

2. If spinal cord/nerve roots are pinched in the cervical part of the spine, symptoms including numbness, tingling and weakness in the upper limb may be felt. Additionally, there may occur lack of coordination and trouble while walking.

3. Dizziness or vertigo attacks can also occur.


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Chronic Fatigue And Extreme Tiredness Making Life Miserable ? Try Homeopathy

Homeopathic remedies for chronic fatigue syndrome


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), as the name suggests, refers to a constant feeling of being tired physically and mentally, almost like the body’s vital systems are switched off or are working on a low battery. It is also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis. Recently, a new term has been introduced to denote this syndrome called Systemic Exertional Intolerance Disease (SEID). It is diagnosed when extreme tiredness remains for a minimum six months that decreases the ability to do daily routine activities and is unexplained by any underlying medical condition.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can be very effectively treated with natural homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic medicines help the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients by increasing their body stamina and threshold for bearing fatigue against a particular level of exertion. They also help in energising the body’s immune system to come out of extreme physical or mental weakness and rejuvenate the person. Homeopathic medicines provide long term relief in CFS cases by working at a deep level to root out the cause. The regular use of homeopathic medicines for a recommended time period as suggested by a homeopath can help in reducing dependency on conventional medicines to a great extent.

Safe, Natural treatment

Homeopathy is a safe, natural healing system of medicine that treats CFS without any sort of unwanted harmful after effects. As homeopathic medicines are sourced from natural substances these are completely safe to use with zero side effects. These are capable of treating CFS in a very gentle, harmless way and help in recovering naturally.

Individualized treatment

Homeopathy follows the principle of individualisation when it comes to prescribing homeopathic medicine for any case including CFS. It means that homeopathy selects the most appropriate remedy by evaluating the characteristic key symptoms in every individual case rather than prescribing the same medicine in all persons having CFS. Such well-selected individualised medicines bring great recoveries in CFS cases.

Boosts self-healing mechanism of the body

Each one of us has a self-healing mechanism in the body to fight health issues and overpower them. Homeopathy works to boost this mechanism to deal with CFS and overcome it on its own naturally. In this way, initially the symptoms of CFS are relieved followed by gradual decrease in the intensity and frequency of recurrent episodes of symptoms till the time it goes away completely.

Top 7 Homeopathic Remedies For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The top seven medicines for chronic fatigue syndrome are Kali Phos, Arsenic Album, Coffea Cruda, Gelsemium, Rhus Tox, Belladonna and Ignatia.

1. Kali Phos – Top Remedy For CFS

Kali Phos leads the chart of homeopathic medicines for treating cases of CFS. It is recommended to manage multiple concerns in persons having this syndrome. To begin with, it is a marvellous medicine to manage fatigue. It can be given when even the slightest mental or physical exertion leads to extreme fatigue. Even a little work seems like a Herculean task. The person feels worn out with no energy at all. Secondly, it can be given to manage sleep issues. It is very effective in managing sleeplessness and restless sleep. Its use is indicated to manage weak memory, forgetfulness, and impaired memory. Forgetfulness is noticeable while speaking or writing. Lastly, it can be used for persons having a stressed mind, worries, sadness, and depression.

When to use Kali Phos?

Kali Phos can be used as a first remedy in CFS cases to manage tiredness, sleep issues, memory problems, and depressive feelings.

How to use Kali Phos?

Though Kali Phos can be used in different potencies, the best results have been witnessed from 6X potency that comes in tablet form. Kali Phos can be taken in 6X potency three to four times a day (4 tablets at a time makes one dose of this medicine for adults).

2. Arsenic Album – For Extreme Tiredness

Arsenic Album is highly effective to manage extreme tiredness. It suits those who feel like lying down all the time due to excessive fatigue. Even a little exertion leads to utmost lack of strength and weakness. Standing, walking and the slightest exertion result in fatigue. Such persons also hesitate to do anything due to fear of exertion because they anticipate exhaustion. Apart from disabling fatigue, Arsenic Album can also treat anxiety.

When to use Arsenic Album?

Arsenic Album is an ideal choice to manage extreme tiredness in cases of CFS from the slightest exertion with a desire to lie down all time

How to use Arsenic Album?

It is available in different potencies varying from low (like 30C) to high (like 200C, 1M). To begin with, it is advised to take this medicine in 30C potency once or twice a day. Kindly consult a homeopathic doctor to use its high potencies.

3. Coffea Cruda – For Sleep Issues

Coffea Cruda is a natural medicine to manage sleep issues. It is a top remedy to manage sleeplessness. Persons needing it have a lot of thoughts and ideas in mind at night that keep them awake. It is also indicated for restless sleep and frequent waking from sleep. Its use is also considered when a person can sleep only specifically till 3:00 am after which no sleep occurs.

When to use Coffea Cruda?

Coffea Cruda can be used in CFS cases to deal with issues of sleeplessness and restless sleep.

How to use Coffea Cruda?

This medicine works wonders in 30C potency. Coffea Cruda 30C can be taken two times a day.

4. Gelsemium – For Weakness, Dizziness, Muscle Pain, Poor Concentration

Gelsemium is a herbal medicine to manage weakness and dizziness. Persons needing Gelsemium have marked weakness and sleepiness throughout the day. Heaviness in the head may also be felt. Dizziness and vertigo are also marked. It gets worse when walking and from head movement. Muscle weakness and pain also show their impact on them. The muscle pain is mostly present in the neck, shoulders, back, hips and legs. The patient may also experience trembling and weakness in limbs. Besides the above indications, it is also useful when there is dullness of mind and poor concentration.

When to use Gelsemium?

This medicine proves effective for those having weakness, dizziness, muscle pain and concentration issues.

How to use Gelsemium?

Its use is usually recommended in 30C power that can be taken twice a day.

5. Rhus Tox – For Muscle Or Joint Pain

Rhus Tox is the most widely used homeopathic medicine for muscle or joint pain. It is usually the first choice of medicine of most physicians to manage muscle or joint pain. The key indication for its use is worsening of pains from rest and relief from movement. There may also occur relief in joint pain from massage or warm applications.

When to use Rhus Tox?

Rhus Tox can be given in cases having muscle or joint pains anywhere in the body that gets worse from movement and better from rest.

How to use Rhus Tox?

This medicine can be used in different potencies like 30C, 200C, 1M. In the beginning, Rhus Tox 30C can be used two to three times a day. When pain decreases, its dosage can be reduced. Do not self-medicate with its high potencies like 200C, 1M.

6. Belladonna – To Manage Headaches

To treat headaches though there are numerous medicines in homeopathy, but Belladonna tops the list. It is the most commonly used medicine for headache. In most cases that need it, headache is throbbing, pulsating type. It may get worse from noise and light exposure. Binding the head tightly brings relief.

When to use Belladonna?

The use of Belladonna should be preferred in CFS cases to manage headache, especially when it gets worse from noise and light exposure.

How to use Belladonna?

It is usually used in 30C potency. This medicine can be taken in 30C potency two to three times a day as per the severity of the complaint.

7. Ignatia – For Managing Depression

Ignatia is a prominent natural homeopathic remedy to deal with depression in chronic fatigue syndrome. It is best suited when there is sadness along with weeping spells. Consolation worsens the complaint. Next, there may be a desire to remain alone and, aversion to meeting people and going out of the house. At times, there are mood swings.

When to use Ignatia?

This medicine can be given to persons who feel sad and depressed with frequent weeping episodes in cases of CFS.

How to use Ignatia?

This medicine can be taken in 30C potency once or twice a day.

What Are The Symptoms Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

1. Fatigue: It is the main symptom. Fatigue is marked to such an extent that it hinders daily routine work and taking resting does not bring much relief. It gets worse from activity, either physical or mental.

2. Sleep issues: Sleeplessness or unrefreshing sleep

3. Pain: Pain may occur in muscles or joints. Headache can also occur

4. Poor memory, difficultythinking, indecisiveness, confusion or poor and difficult concentrating power

5. Sore throat

6. Depressed feelings and mood swings

7. Dizziness

8. Enlarged lymph nodes in neck or axillae (armpits)

What Are Causes/ Contributory Factors Behind It?

The exact cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is not clear, but various factors have been linked to it though not confirmed. These contributory factors include:

1. Viral infection (Epstein Barr virus, herpes simplex virus1 and 2, human herpes virus 6, measles virus, cytomegalovirus)

2. Dysfunction of immune system

3. Genetic predisposition toward Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

4. Hormonal imbalance: Imbalance of hormones produced by pituitary glands, adrenal glands is suspected

5. Stress: It may include either mental stress or physical stress as caused by some injury or surgery


Some complications of CFS include depression, anxiety, social isolation and restricted lifestyle.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Alumen Crudum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Alumen Crudum is derived from Potash alum. In the crude form, potash alum is inert. When its pure crystals undergo potentization process, its latent medicinal properties get aroused and get converted into a wonderful homeopathic medicine Alumen Crudum.  It is a very effective medicine for treating various rectal complaints among which constipation tops the list. Even the worst type of constipation cases with hard, dry stool are known to respond well to this remedy.

Potash alum

Potash alum

The ‘Alumen Crudum’ Constitution

It is mostly recommended for elderly persons and children having tendency of mucus build-up in the bronchi/ bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs. Elderly people complaining of complaints related to urinary bladder may find this medicine highly suitable.

Drug Action

Alumen Crudum shows marvellous action on rectum and intestines primarily to treat constipation. Next it acts well on the tissues and glands that have been hardened. Besides these, its action is marked on gastric system, skin, throat, mouth, lungs and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Constipation, ulcers, piles, hemorrhages (bleeding), cancer, nausea, vomiting, colic, chilblains, eczema, throat disorders, hardened glands, bronchitis, cough, vaginismus, leucorrhoea, gonorrhoea.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Rectal Complaints (Constipation, Rectal Ulcers, Piles, Bleeding And Cancer) 

Alumen Crudum acts magnificently on the rectum to settle down various complaints. Its most important indication for use is constipation. It is majorly indicated when the stool is very hard and dry that may be described as hard as stones. This characteristic symptom forms the main indication for using this remedy. The stool is passed with great difficulty with slight blood. It may pass as a large hard lump or in little pieces resembling sheep’s dung. Sometimes the first part of stool is hard followed by soft stool. Even after passing stool, a fullness sensation in the rectum is still felt. Pain and smarting (burning) sensation may occur after passing stool. Itching at the anus after passing stool is the next attending symptom. The persons needing it have no desire to pass stool for days together. It proves very effective if there are ulcers in the rectum. In such cases, its use is considered when there is passage of blood-stained, foul-smelling fluid from the rectum. Another complaint where it is utilized is piles that are painful and bleed too. Further, Alumen Crudum is valuable for managing itching at the anus in the evening. It is also recommended for treating diarrhea when stool is yellow, slimy, mixed with blood of foul odor accompanied by excessive weakness. It can be given for managing cases of intestinal bleeding as in case of typhoid fever when there is passage of blood in large quantity. If bleeding from anus occurs specifically after taking wine or whiskey, then Alumen can prove to be very beneficial. Besides,  it plays a role to manage cases of cancer of rectum when there are hard growths in the rectum with intense pain after stool.

Key Indicating Features

Constipation with very dry, hard stool like stones

Rectal ulcers with passage of bloody fluid from rectum having fetid smell

Painful and bleeding piles

Bleeding from anus specifically after taking wine or whiskey

2. Gastric Issues (Pain, Burning, Nausea, Vomiting)

Alumen can effectively deal with gastric issues. Firstly, it is useful for treating abdomen pain accompanied with heaviness and fullness in abdomen. The pain increases from walking, and gets relieved by applying pressure. This medicine also offers relief if there is burning sensation in stomach relieved by drinking cold water. It helps treat nausea and vomiting cases. Nausea mainly occurs in the morning before breakfast, along with weakness and  restlessness. There is vomiting that is of tough glairy mucus. Person may also vomit everything eaten.

Key indicating features

Abdomen pain which gets worse by walking and better by applying pressure

Stomach burning relieved by drinking cold water

Nausea in the morning before breakfast

Vomiting of tough glairy mucus or of everything eaten

3. Skin Issues (Ulcers, Dryness, Chilblains, Varicose Veins & Eczema)

It acts wonderfully on the skin. The most characteristic feature regarding its use is ulcers with a hard base. It can be used for skin hardening as well when it has resulted from long-term inflammation. For inflamed and hardened glands too it can be administered. Another use of it is for dry, rough skin with cracks from exposure to cold air. It can also be used for chilblains (red, swollen, itchy skin especially on toes and fingers due to cold weather and poor blood circulation), varicose veins (means enlarged, swollen, dilated and twisted veins) that bleed, and eczema of scrotum.

Key Indicating Features

Skin ulcers with a hard base

Hard skin from chronic inflammation

Hard, inflamed glands

Dry, rough, cracked skin due to cold air exposure

4. Throat Complaints (Sore Throat, Hard Tonsils)

It wonderfully helps manage sore throat. The symptoms for its use in case of a bad throat are redness, swelling and dryness in the throat. Swallowing is difficult. Scraping sensation in throat with cough is present. Sometimes there is a prickling sensation in the throat, accompanied by burning sensation and pain. It is also used when uvula is inflamed, enlarged, elongated, and relaxed. Another important reason for its use is if there are enlarged and hard tonsils due to frequent cold. Besides, a noteworthy feature guiding its use is spasm (involuntary muscle contraction) of esophagus with problem in swallowing liquids.

Key Indicating Features

Sore throat with redness, swelling and dryness, burning, scraping sensation in throat

Inflamed, enlarged, elongated, relaxed uvula

Enlarged and hard tonsils due to frequent cold

Spasm of esophagus with problem in swallowing liquids

5. Mouth (Dryness, Altered Taste)

It manages the complaint of dryness of the mouth, throat and tongue quite well, however, the person may not necessarily feel thirsty. It also helps in managing cases of bitter, sweet or sour taste in the mouth. It gives good results when there is a burning sensation on the tongue in the evening hours. Tongue is clean with a little slimy coating at the back part. It is also used in managing cases of cancer of tongue.

Key Indicating Features

Dryness of mouth, throat and tongue with no thirst

Burning sensation on the tongue in evenings

6. Lungs (Bronchitis, Cough)

This medicine is suitable for bronchitis (inflammation of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs) cases with ropy sputum. It is helpful to elderly persons who expectorate excessive ropy phlegm in morning. Cough in elderly during the morning hours can also be treated well with it. Its use is also done for dry cough cases when it occurs in the evenings after lying down. Cough may be a result of tickling in the larynx. Its use is also recommended in case of coughing in the morning soon after waking up which becomes better after breakfast.

Key Indicating Features

Expectoration of ropy mucus in elderly in morning

Dry cough in the evening after lying down

Cough from tickling in larynx

Cough in the morning soon after waking, but relieved after breakfast

7. Women-Related Problems (Ovarian Complaints, Vaginal Complaints, Gonorrhoea)

This medicine can be used in treating some of the women-related problems. It is given in cases of ovarian complaints on left side with excessive pain accompanied with constipation. There is scanty and watery menses. It is valuable for treating vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) that is yellow coloured attended with weight loss. It can treat certain vaginal problems wonderfully. These includes ulcers in vagina, sensitive vagina, narrowing of vagina due to swelling. Next is vaginismus (involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles when anything is trying to enter it) complaint. It gives good results in gonorrhoea (sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae) cases with yellow discharge. It is well suited to treat sore, inflamed nipples. Lastly, it can be used for management of uterine cancer and breast cancer.

Key Indicating Features

Left ovary complaints with excessive pain and constipation

Vaginal discharge of yellow colour attended with weight loss

Vaginal ulcers, vaginal swelling causing its narrowing

Gonorrhoea with yellow discharge

Sore, inflamed nipples


Worsening factors: complaints get worse during sleep and from cold except headache


This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. The highest potencies have proved to be the most effective. The dose and repetition of this medicine is decided by the physician as per every individual case presentation.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Chamomilla, Ipecac, Nux Vomica and Sulphur

It can be compared with other homeopathic remedies including Alumina, Aloe Socotrina, Nitric Acid, Muriatic Acid, Nux Vomica, Opium, Ratanhia and Sulphur


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Cuprum Metallicum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The homeopathic remedy Cuprum Metallicum is derived from metal copper. Copper is inert in its crude form, but after undergoing potentization (a process of preparing homeopathic medicines by arousing the medicinal properties of a crude substance), it gets converted into a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Cuprum Metallicum. It is a magnificent medicine in homeopathy to treat muscle cramps, spasms, twitching and epilepsy.

Drug Action

This medicine has marked action on nerves, muscles and brain. Its action is noteworthy on the limbs to manage cramps and twitching. It has an affinity for managing certain complaints of face, head, gastric system and respiratory system.

Clinical Indications

Cramps, epilepsy, convulsions, spasms, chorea, bronchitis, asthma, cough, meningitis, colic, cholera, neuralgia (nerve pain)

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Limbs (Cramps, Chorea, Twitching, Weakness)

Cuprum Metallicum acts wonderfully on the limbs. It is highly effective in managing cramps, twitching and weakness in the limbs. It is mainly useful to manage cramps in the palms, soles, toes, fingers and calf muscles (muscles in the back of the leg). The cramps are of severe intensity that can even make a person cry in pain. It is helpful for managing twitching and jerking of the hands, arms, legs and feet. It is one of the best medicines for chorea management.

Chorea is a movement disorder causing involuntary jerking muscle movements.

Chorea is a movement disorder causing involuntary jerking muscle movements.

In chorea, its use is considered when jerks start in the fingers and the toes and then spread to the whole body. It affects one side of the body and is painful, but gets better on lying down. Lastly, it is beneficial to tackle weakness in the limbs, especially legs. The knees also feel weak with drawing pain on walking and standing.

Key Indicating Features

Cramps in the palms, soles, toes, fingers and calf muscles

Twitching and jerking of hands, arms, legs and feet

2. For Convulsions And Epilepsy

Cuprum Met is a very effective medicine in managing convulsions and epilepsy (tendency to have recurrent seizures or fits). Convulsions also known as seizures refer to uncontrollable shaking from rapid and repeated contraction and relaxation of muscles. The characteristic feature to use it is convulsions arising in the knees, toes or fingers and radiating to the entire body. The face becomes distorted with rolling of eyes. The person may become unconscious with foaming from the mouth. Urine or stool may pass involuntarily. After seizure attack, headache occurs. It is well-indicated for convulsions in children during dentition. When epilepsy occur during menses, at night, after fright or after a fall on the head, Cuprum Met proves very beneficial.

Key Indicating Features

Convulsions that begin in knees, toes or fingers and radiates to the entire body

Convulsions with distorted face, rolling of eyes, unconsciousness, foaming and falling

Epilepsy at night

Epilepsy during menses, after fright and a fall on the head

Convulsions during dentition

3. Face (Spasm)

It acts magnificently on the face to manage facial spasm (involuntary muscle contraction). It is prominently indicated for cases of spasm in which there is chewing motion of the lower jaw. It can also be given when face appears distorted from spasm. The face is red, sunken, pinched and may be icy cold. Its last indication is chorea with distortion of the mouth and eyes.

Key Indicating Features

Spasm of jaw with chewing motion of the lower jaw

Distorted face from spasms

Chorea with distortion of mouth and eyes

4. Head And Brain (Headache, Meningitis, Hydrocephalus)

Cuprum Met can effectively deal with certain issues related to head and brain. Firstly, it can offer help in relieving headache. It helps when burning, shooting type of pain occurs in the side of forehead and top of the head (vertex).  It also proves beneficial when pain is felt in the back of the head (occiput) and the neck on moving the head. It is also effective for managing sinus headache. Here it is used when there is pain in the forehead and pressure especially over left eye, nasal stuffiness, nasal discharge, and loss of smell. The pain gets worse from movement and better by lying down. It is of great value to manage headache that occurs after epilepsy. Another complaint for which its use is recommended is meningitis (inflammation of the protective membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord). In meningitis, it is recommended when the person violently shakes his head from side to side along with boring head in the pillow. Lastly, it can offer supportive help in hydrocephalus (abnormal fluid build-up in the ventricles of brain). It is prescribed in hydrocephalus when there are head convulsions, moving of head from side to side or drawing of head to one side or its falling forward.

Key Indicating Features

Burning, shooting pain in the side of forehead and top of the head

Pain in back of head (occiput) and neck on moving head

Sinus headache with pain in the forehead over left eye with pressure feeling, stuffy nose, nasal discharge and loss of smell

Meningitis with shaking of head from side to side or boring head in the pillow

Hydrocephalus with head convulsions, movement of head from side to side or drawing of head to one side or head falling forward

5. Gastric Issues (Pain, Vomiting, Cholera)

Cuprum Met manifests excellent action on the gastric system. The most important indications for its use are pain in the abdomen and cholera (infection of intestine caused by bacteria vibrio cholerae). It works well in cases of cutting, drawing pain in the abdomen. Abdomen is hot, tense and tender to touch. Pressure is felt in the stomach with nausea, belching and rumbling in abdomen. It gets better by wrapping a cloth tightly around the abdomen. In cholera cases, it is suitable when there is copious loose stool, frequent vomiting and is attended with cramps in the abdomen and calf muscles.  Cuprum Met is also prescribed to manage vomiting which also gets better from cold drinks. Vomiting occurs on waking in the morning and also on least movement.

Key Indicating Features

Cutting, drawing pain in abdomen

Pressure in the stomach with nausea, belching

Cholera with copious loose stool, frequent vomiting, cramps in the abdomen and calf muscles

Vomiting on waking in morning and from least movement

Vomiting which gets better from cold drinks

6. Respiratory System (Cough, Asthma)

Lastly it can handle respiratory problems including cough and asthma as well. To begin with it is of great service to manage dry suffocative cough at night. Cough has a gurgling sound as if water is being poured from a bottle. A very peculiar symptom is cough occurring in three attacks in quick succession. Another indicative feature is worsening of cough from laughing, inhaling cold air and eating solid food. It gets better by drinking cold water. Apart from cough, it is a well-indicated medicine for asthma cases. The asthma attacks come suddenly with breathing difficulty, cough with whistling breathing on taking deep breath and wheezing respiration.

Key Indicating Features

Dry suffocative cough at night time

Cough with a gurgling sound as if water is poured from a bottle

Cough occurring in three attacks in quick succession

Cough from laughing, inhaling cold air and eating solid food

Cough better by drinking cold water

Sudden asthma attacks with breathing difficulty, cough with whistling breathing on taking deep breath and wheezing respiration


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from loss of sleep, anger, fright, touch, pressure, cold air and before menses

Relieving factors: Complaints get better by drinking cold water, wrapping head and during sweating


It works well in both low and high potencies. The potency is selected individually for every case. In low potency like 30 C, it can be repeated frequently. But when using in high potencies like 200 C, 1M, frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Belladonna, Camphor, Cicuta, Conium, Ipecac, Merc Sol, Pulsatilla and Veratrum Album

Followed well by: Arsenic Album, Apis Mellifica, Causticum, Cicuta, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium, Veratrum Album and Zincum Met


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Ferrum Metallicum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Ferrum Metallicum is derived from the metal iron. Iron is inert in its crude state. To prepare homeopathic medicine Ferrum Metallicum, it undergoes potentization. This process extracts medicinal properties from a crude substance. It is a top-grade medicine for managing anemia, and weakness, controlling bleeding and treating certain female disorders.

The ‘Ferrum Metallicum’ Constitution

This medicine is best suited to young, anemic persons. Those needing it look strong but are extremely weak. They are unable to walk and speak proerly and feel like lying down all the time.

Drug Action

The benefits of this medicine are widespread and it acts on multiple organs. It acts well on blood, ears, head, nose, female genitals, gastric system, respiratory organs, heart and limbs.

Clinical Indications

Anemia, blood loss, weakness, menstruation disorders, epistaxis, cough, nausea, vomiting, shoulder pain, joint pain, diarrhea, constipation, asthma

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Complaints Related To Blood (Anemia, Weakness From Blood Loss)

Ferrum Metallicum has marked action on blood. It is a well-known medicine in homeopathy to manage cases of anemia. Lack of enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen to body tissues is called anemia. It is given mainly when there is marked exhaustion due to anemia. The face looks pale, with dull eyes along with bluish rings around the eyes. Vertigo may be present, along with nausea. Palpitations can occur too that get worse from the least motion. It is a highly effective medicine for complaints like weakness following blood loss (hemorrhage).

2. Female Problems (Heavy Periods, Painful Menses, Vaginal Discharge)

It is an important homeopathic medicine to deal with various health issues in females. Primarily its use is considered in cases of heavy periods. It is highly recommended when menses are very profuse and also last longer than usual. The bleeding is pale watery. Females needing it experience increase of blood flow during menses from the slightest movement. It is attended with labor-like pains in lower abdomen and lower back. They may have a tendency for early periods as well. Due to heavy menses, there is excessive weakness. Ringing sounds may emanate from the ears. Headache and vertigo during heavy periods may be present. Ferrum Metallicum also relieves painful periods (dysmenorrhoea). It is given especially when a female complains of shooting pain in the uterus. Pain is intense along with scanty pale blood flow. This medicine is recommended for managing vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea). It is used for milky watery vaginal discharge. It is attended with smarting pain and itching of vulva. Dragging pain in lower back, pelvis and thighs may occur along with vaginal discharge. Another complaint where it offers help is suppressed menses (amenorrhoea). Here it works well when headache, nervousness, tiredness are associated with this complaint.

Key Indicating Features

Heavy, prolonged periods of pale watery blood

Heavy menses with labor-like pains in lower abdomen and lower back

Weakness, headache, vertigo from heavy menses

Painful periods with shooting pain in uterus and scanty pale bleeding

Milky watery vaginal discharges with dragging pain in lower back, pelvis and thighs

3. Ears (Noises, Pain)

It is useful in managing ringing or humming type sounds emanating from the ears. Leaning the head on the table brings relief. In women, there may be aggravation of these sounds from the ears during menses. A person becomes oversensitive to external noise. Lastly, it is indicated for stitching type of pain in the ear, especially in the morning.

Key Indicating Features

Ringing/ humming noise felt in ears, better by leaning head on table

Ringing noises in ears before menses

4. Head (Headache)

Ferrum Metallicum works well when headache is pulsating and hammering in nature. It is congestive (rush of blood to the head) with heat in the head and face. One feels heaviness in the head as if wearing an iron band . The person feels better by pressing the head with hands. The headache may appear periodically every two or four weeks and lasts for around 2 to 3 days. This medicine gives excellent results in cases of headache occurring after menses. It is also suitable for headache due to anemia.

Key Indicating Features

Congestive, pulsating, hammering headache with rush of blood to head, with heat in head and face

Headache after menses

Headache in cases of anemia

5. Nose (Bleeding, Cold)

Ferrum Metallicum manages nose bleeding (epistaxis) quite well. Main indication for its use is nose bleeding in anemic people. Bleeding is especially noted in the morning and when stooping. Other than this, it can be given in cases of cold when there is greenish pus-like discharge from the nose that may be blood stained. Fluid discharge may occur from posterior nares accompanied by headache.

Key Indicating Features

Nose bleeding in anemic people

Nose bleeding in morning and on stooping

Cold with greenish pus-like discharge from nose

6. Gastric Concerns (Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Constipation, Piles)

It proves highly effective to manage certain gastric issues. Prominently it is indicated to manage nausea and vomiting after eating or after exertion. It also helps cases in which vomiting occurs specifically after eating eggs. Ferrum Metallicum can also be administered for relief in belching which may be bitter or taste like the food consumed. Distension and burning in stomach can also be felt. Another indication for recommending this medicine is diarrhea followed by weakness. It is useful when there is sudden, watery, gushing stool attended with gas. Undigested food particles may be present in stool. Besides, its use is recommended to manage constipation which appears particularly from use of iron pills. Ferrum can be given in piles (enlarged, swollen, inflamed veins in anus or lower rectum) cases also. Here, it is used when attended with anal itching, bleeding and tearing type of pain.

Key Indicating Features

Nausea and vomiting after eating or after exertion

Vomiting after eating eggs

Diarrhea with sudden, watery, gushing stool attended with much gas followed by weakness

Constipation from use of iron pills

Piles cases with anal itching, bleeding and tearing type of pain

7. Respiratory Issues (Cough, Asthma)

One may find Ferrum beneficial for managing cough. Dry, tickling cough which gets worse from movement and improves by lying down is a major indication to use this medicine. Relief also sets in from eating. Cough may be attended with spitting of blood or vomiting. In some cases, pain in the back of the head may be felt. It is an important medicine for managing cough from tobacco smoke. Another use of this medicine is noteworthy in treating asthma cases. It works well when asthma attacks appear after 12 noon. An indication for use of Ferrum is relief by walking around slowly and talking. It can also be used if there is difficulty in breathing.

Key Indicating Features

Dry, tickling cough which gets worse from movement

Cough with spitting of blood or vomiting

Cough from tobacco smoke

Asthma attacks after 12 noon

Breathing difficulty, better from talking and from slow walking

8. Limbs (Shoulder Pain, Cramps)

Ferrum Met has a special affinity to manage shoulder pain. Persons needing it have tearing type of pain in the shoulder, especially left-sided shoulder. It may extend down the upper arm. Pain gets worse from raising the arm and at night. This remedy is also well indicated to manage deltoid pain with soreness. Pain is darting or dull tearing type. Another main indication is trembling of hands while writing. It can also manage cramps in the calves (muscle in back of leg) while at rest during the night.

Key Indicating Features

Left-sided shoulder pain

Pain in shoulder worse from raising arm and at night

Trembling of hands while writing

9. Heart Complaints (Fatty Degeneration Of Heart, Hypertrophy Of Heart, Palpitations)

Ferrum Metallicum is well indicated for management of fatty degeneration of heart and hypertrophy of heart (thickening of heart muscles). It is useful to manage palpitations that get worse from the least motion. It is attended with fear.

Key Indicating Features

Fatty degeneration of heart

Hypertrophy of heart

Palpitations worse from least motion


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from exertion, during menses, at night, while sitting, eating, drinking, anger and while sweating

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from moving about slowly, in summer and after rising


Use of this medicine is recommended in both – low potency (from second to 30C) and high potencies ( like 200 C, 1M). The dose and repetition varies from case to case.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Arsenic Album, Arnica, Belladonna, China, Ipecac, Pulsatilla, Sulphur and Veratrum Album

It antidotes: Arsenic Album and Hepar Sulph

Followed well by: Aconite, Arnica, China, Conium, Lycopodium, Merc Sol, Phosphorus and Pulsatilla


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Treatment for Swollen Fingers And Its Causes

The swelling of fingers is a medical condition many of us tend to take lightly. It may simply be due to a high salt diet, wrong posture while sleeping, overuse of hands or may be a symptom of a disease.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers very effective management for cases of swollen fingers. Homeopathic medicines are safe and natural and help in managing swelling of fingers by working on the root cause behind it. Homeopathic medicines are selected for managing swollen fingers based on the cause and individual symptoms varying from person to person. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine after consulting a homeopathic doctor. Homeopathic medicines are recommended only when swelling is mild to moderate and there is no serious cause behind it. In case of intense swelling, numbness in fingers, fever attending swelling, deformed fingers, inability to straighten the affected finger, a broken finger or a serious cause like pre-eclampsia (condition in pregnancy characterized by high BP), it is advised to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For Treating Swollen Fingers

1. Rhus Tox – Top grade medicine

It is a leading homeopathic medicine for managing swelling in fingers, along with pain which is tearing type. Also, fingers may become stiff, crawling sensation in fingertips may attend. It is one of the best medicine for arthritis and tendinitis cases.

2. Bryonia – For Swelling, Heat, Pain In Fingers

It is prepared from the root of the plant Bryonia Alba having common name ‘white bryony’ and ‘wild hops’. This plant belongs to family Cucurbitaceae. It is well indicated when there is swelling, heat and pain in fingers. The fingers are puffy, sore (sensitive to touch) and painful especially on exertion. Warmth may help relieve pain.

3. Apis Mellifica – For Red, Swollen, Inflamed Fingers

It is the next prominent medicine for cases in which fingers are red, swollen and inflamed. Pain attends it which can be stinging, tensive or tearing in nature. Fingers are very tense and are burning hot. In some cases, there is sensation of numbness in fingers. It is a general medicine in homeopathy for managing bursitis, arthritis and paronychia cases.

4. Actaea Spicata – For Swelling That Worsens from the Slightest Fatigue

It is a natural medicine prepared from the root of the plant Baneberry. It belongs to family Ranunculaceae. It gives extremely good results in relieving joint inflammation when small joints become painful and swollen.  Swelling in joints occurs from the slightest exertion.

5. Lithium Carb – For Swollen And Tender Finger Joints

It is beneficial for cases having swelling and tenderness of finger joints. In cases needing it, relief occurs by dipping hands in hot water. Itching on the sides of hands in some cases may be present.

6. Caulophyllum – For Finger Joint Swelling And Stiffness

This medicine is prepared from root of plant Caulophyllum Thalictroides commonly known as ‘blue cohosh’ and ‘squaw root’. It belongs to family Berberidaceae. It is an effective medicine when there is pain, swelling and stiffness in the finger joints.  The pain can be drawing or cutting type. Cutting pain in the joints may be felt while making a fist. Pain in fingers also cause irritation and restlessness at night.

7. Silicea – For Cases Of Swelling In Felon

Felon is the subcutaneous abscess of the fingertip pulp.  

Felon is the subcutaneous abscess of the fingertip pulp.

This medicine works well in cases of finger swelling from felon (subcutaneous abscess of the fingertip pulp).  In cases needing it, there is marked swelling and throbbing pain in the finger. Swelling may extend to the wrist.  Itching may be felt, the finger is red too with collection of pus beneath skin. The affected area is sensitive to touch. Weakness may be present with the above symptoms.

8. Lycopodium – For Swelling And Nodes On Fingers Joints

It is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as ‘club moss’. This plant belongs to family Lycopodiaceae. It is a useful medicine for persons who have swollen finger joints and the formation of nodes. The finger joints are red along with pain. The pain is mostly tearing in nature. This medicine is well-indicated for treating gout as well.

Different Causes Behind Swollen Fingers

1. First reason is arthritis (joint inflammation) that leads to swelling, pain and stiffness in the joints. Among various types of arthritis, the most common ones are rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and gout.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that primarily affects small joints and causes symptoms like pain, swelling, stiffness, warmth in joints, and deformity in the long run. Osteoarthritis is a joint disorder that occurs from wear and tear of the cartilage that cushions the ends of the bones. Commonly affected joints are of knees, hands, hips and spine. Gout is a form of arthritis that arises from increased uric acid levels in the blood. It results in redness, swelling and tenderness in the joints.

2. It may arise from an injury in the hand/fingers. It results in inflammation with signs and symptoms including swelling, pain, tenderness and redness in the hands, fingers or wrist. Other than this, break in the skin, bruising may be there with numbness or tingling sensation.

3. One of the most common reasons behind swollen fingers is fluid retention. Swelling occurs from the collection of excessive fluid in the tissues of fingers. There may be puffiness and bloating in the body. The most common reason for fluid retention is a high-salt diet. Lymphedema which occurs from blockage in the lymphatic system also leads to build-up of fluid in the hands, fingers, feet and toes. Along with this, the skin may get discolored and water-filled eruptions (blisters) may appear.

In persons suffering from Angioedema, fluid retention occurs under the skin mostly from an allergic reaction. Hives (a skin condition in which itchy, raised wheals appear on skin) may appear which cause itching. In angioedema, swelling usually occurs on the face but may also appear in fingers in some cases.

4. Tendonitis (inflamed tendons that are the tough bands that connect muscle to the bone) may also cause swelling in fingers which become tender and painful. Common tendonitis in the fingers includes trigger finger and De Quervain’s tendonitis.

Trigger finger

Trigger finger

Trigger finger refers to a condition in which there occurs sticking of one of the fingers in a bent position and the finger bends or straighten with a snap. De Quervain’s tendinitis is a condition that affects the tendons on the thumb side of the wrist. This mostly occurs from repetitive stress on these tendons from certain activities affecting these tendons, like writing.

De Quervain's tendinitis

De Quervain’s tendinitis

5. Another cause could be bursitis (inflammation of the bursa which are the fluid-filled sacs surrounding the joints). Though it mostly affects the larger joints, it may also occur in finger joints resulting in pain and redness in fingers.

6. It may occur from heat and exercise. During exercise, more blood goes to heart, lungs and muscles and less of it flows to the hands. It may cause swelling in fingers. In case the body heats up, blood vessels in the skin swell for heat expulsion from the surface to cool down the body. It may also occur from sleeping in a particular position that leads to swelling in the hands and fingers.

7. An infection in the finger is yet another cause for it. Its signs and symptoms include swelling in fingers, a wound on fingers, pain and tenderness in the fingers and fever. Some of the infections include paronychia and felon. Paronychia is an infection around the nails where nail and skin meet and is caused by bacteria or fungus.  Felon is pus-filled infection in the fingertip.

8. Next reason is use of certain medicines, for example steroids, pain killers like aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen, medicines used for treating diabetes and high blood pressure.

9. Hormonal changes occurring during menstruation and pregnancy may also result in swelling and bloating. Swelling in the hands and fingers occurs commonly as a part of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and is also common during pregnancy.

10. Another cause is carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) which occurs from compression of the median nerve. In this case, sometimes fingers become swollen along with its major symptoms that include numbness, pain, tingling, burning and weakness in the thumb, index, middle finger and ring finger.

11. It may also occur in case of pre-eclampsia. It is a condition that may occur in late pregnancy with symptoms like headache, swelling on the face, weight gain, pain in abdomen, and vision changes. This condition requires urgent medical treatment.

12. Next cause is Raynaud’s disease. It is a rare condition affecting blood vessels in fingers and toes in which the vessels become narrow when exposed to cold and when a person is under stress.

13. Other causes are sickle cell disease (a rare genetic condition in which red blood cells become sickle-shaped which results in improper blood circulation in the body) and scleroderma (an autoimmune condition in which changes occur in the skin, in the connective tissues of the body and in other organs as well).

14. Lastly, it may occur in case of diabetes and tuberculosis.


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Chininum Sulphuricum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Chininum Sulphuricum is derived from sulphate of quinine also called quinine sulphate. For preparing this medicine, sulphate of quinine has to undergo potentization (with this process, medicinal properties of crude substance are aroused). As a result, we get an important homeopathic medicine Chininum Sulphuricum. It is a top-listed medicine to manage various ear-related complaints especially tinnitus and Meniere’s disease.

 The ‘Chininum Sulphuricum’ Constitution

It is recommended for people who are weak and get nervous easily. It also suits those who have suffered weight loss and feel weakness due to loss of blood.

Drug Action

This medicine acts well on multiple body organs among which ears stand out to be the most prominent. It is undoubtedly the best medicine for managing noises in the ear (tinnitus) and Meniere’s disease. Its action is marked on joints and face. Its tendency to treat fever is also noteworthy. Besides, it acts well on the neck, back, gastric system and urinary organs.

Clinical Indications

Ear disorders, tinnitus, Meniere’s disease, impaired hearing, fever, malaria, joint pains, neuralgia

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Ear Complaints (Tinnitus, Meniere’s Disease)

Chininum Sulphuricum is a highly recommended medicine for treating tinnitus. Tinnitus refers to hearing of noises mostly ringing type in the absence of an external source. This medicine offers the best help when a person hears ringing, roaring, buzzing or tinkling noises in the ears. Ringing or buzzing is felt more on the left side. Sometime, hearing loss may be reported. A person may have vertigo episodes along with tinnitus. Vertigo gets worse from bending down. Headache may accompany vertigo in some cases. It is one of the best homeopathic medicines for treating Meniere’s disease. It is an inner ear disorder with symptoms including tinnitus, vertigo, fluctuating hearing loss and sensation of fullness in ears. This medicine is also well-indicated for managing cases of hearing difficulty after a head injury.

Key Indicating Features

Tinnitus with ringing, roaring, buzzing or tinkling noises in ears

Vertigo with tinnitus

Meniere’s disease

Difficulty in hearing after a head injury

2. Joint Problems (Pain, Swelling, Stiffness)

Chininum Sulphuricum is really helpful when there is aching, heaviness, stiffness and soreness (sensitive to touch) in all the joints. The knee joint is especially painful and swollen. The wrist joint on the right side is also swollen along with pain. The left ankle joint is painful. The shoulder joint is inflamed along with cracking sounds on movement. Tearing and shooting pain is felt in the hands.

Key Indicating Features

Aching, heaviness and stiffness in all the joints

Pain and swelling in the knee joint and right wrist

3. Fever (Malaria Fever)

This medicine is prominently indicated for managing cases of malaria fever. In cases needing it, all three stages –chill, fever and sweat are well marked. Chill is mainly felt in the shoulders, nape of neck and down the spine. It mainly occurs around 3:00 pm. There is intense thirst for water. Chill is followed by heat and headache. During heat stage, thirst is very less. After heat, there is excessive sweating and weakness. Sweating is marked on the neck and the back especially during sleep. There is shivering that is felt even in a warm room. With fever, other notable symptoms that appear are trembling of limbs, fullness sensation in head, sensitivity of spine and ringing noises in ears.

Key Indicating Features

Malaria when all three stages of chill, fever and sweat are well marked

Chill is mainly felt in shoulders, nape of neck and down the spine

Chill around 3:00 pm with shivering even in a warm room

Fever with symptoms including trembling of limbs, fullness sensation in head, sensitivity of spine and ringing noises in ears

Marked sweating on the neck and back especially during sleep

4. Face (Nerve Pain)

This medicine offers help in cases of neuralgic (nerve) pain on the face. The characteristic symptom of using Chininum Sulphuricum is nerve pain occurring at regular time periods which gets better by applying pressure. There is morning periodicity with pain occurring every morning that lasts until around 12 pm. The pain begins under the eyes and after that spreads into and around the eyes. The type of pain in most cases needing this remedy is lancinating type. It is attended with marked lachrymation (watering from eyes). Along with this, the face is red, hot and flushed.

Key Indicating Features

Nerve pain in face occurring at regular time period which gets better from pressure

Facial nerve pain beginning every morning lasting until around 12 pm

5. Gastric Issues (Heartburn, Nausea, Liver Pain And Spleen Pain)

Chininum Sulphuricum is mainly indicated for managing heartburn (burning sensation in chest behind breastbone), nausea, bloating, pain in liver/spleen pain and constipation. In case of heartburn, it is used when it is attended with nausea, belching and vomiting of bile. Burning can be felt in stomach with constricted feeling. Eating even a little food causes pressure in the stomach. Chininum Sulphuricum is useful for nausea cases attended with acid rising and vomiting. It can be given in case of bloating of abdomen as well with rumbling and passage of gas. It proves effective in managing liver pain and spleen pain too. Here it is mainly prescribed when the pain gets worse from coughing, taking deep breath or while bending. The pain in spleen is stitching type, which gets better by applying pressure. Another characteristic for its use is splenomegaly which is the enlargement of spleen that occurs after malaria fever. For constipation, it is used when the stool is hard and insufficient followed by weakness.

Key Indicating Features

Heartburn with nausea, bitter belching and vomiting of bile

Nausea accompanied with acid rising and vomiting

Liver and spleen pain worse from coughing, deep breath and bending

Enlargement of spleen after malaria

6. Urinary Problems (Nephritis, Albuminuria)

This medicine is well indicated for cases in which there is passage of urea, albumin, chlorides, phosphoric acid and uric acid in urine. Burning in urethra occurs while urinating; urine flow is scanty. The urine may be frothy. Red or yellow white sediments may deposit in urine. Its use is also considered in cases of hematuria (blood in urine). It is a great medicine for managing cases of nephritis (kidney inflammation).

Key Indicating Features

Passage of urea, albumin, chlorides, phosphoric acid and uric acid in urine

Hematuria (blood in urine)

7. Neck And Back (Pain)

Chininum Sulph has wonderful action on neck and back. It is of great value to manage neck pain. There is neck pain along with sensation of swelling and contraction in the neck. The last cervical vertebra is sensitive to touch. Cervical vertebra are seven bones present in the neck immediately below the skull. It works well in cases where the upper three dorsal vertebra are sensitive and painful to touch. Dorsal vertebra are twelve bones stacked one above the other starting from the base of the neck downwards. Lastly, it is used for back pain occurring periodically extending to the neck and head.

Key Indicating Features

Neck pain with sensation of swelling and contraction in the neck

Last cervical vertebra sensitive to touch

Upper three dorsal vertebra sensitive and painful to touch

Back pain occurring periodically and extending to neck and head


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from cold and touch

Relieving factors: Complaints get better by bending forward and from pressure


This medicine can be used in 30C or a higher potency. Low potencies can be repeated frequently while high potencies should not be repeated often.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Arnica, Arsenic Album, Carbo Veg, Lachesis, Pulsatilla and Natrum Mur

It can be compared with remedies like China, Arsenic Album, Apis Mellifica, Bryonia, Eupatorium perfoliatum and Pambotano

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Anacardium Orientale : Homeopathic medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

This homeopathic medicine is derived from the plant ‘marking nut’ or ‘Malacca bean’. It belongs to family Anacardiaceae. For preparing homeopathic medicine Anacardium Orientale, the layer between the shell and kernel of the heart-shaped nut of this plant undergoes potentization (a process to prepare homeopathic medicines by arousing medicinal properties of a crude substance). In homeopathy, Anacardium is extensively used for treating cases of schizophrenia, weak memory and forgetfulness.

 The ‘Anacardium Orientale’ Constitution

It is prominently recommended to people who have delusions and hallucinations. This medicine also suits persons suffering from mental and physical exhaustion, and depression. It also suits elderly people mainly those having memory issues.

Drug Action

It acts best on medical problems related with the mind, especially schizophrenia. Apart from the head, it works on the head, gastric system, skin, muscles, nerves and limbs.

Clinical Indications

Schizophrenia, delusions, hallucinations, weak memory, fears, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, stomach pain, nausea, headache, skin diseases, warts, eczema, lichen planus, writer’s cramp

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Mind Complaints (Schizophrenia, Delusions, Hallucinations, Weak Memory, Fears, Alzheimer’s Disease)

This medicine has broad action on problems related to the mind. The complaint for which it is the most frequently used and effective is schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia is a mental health condition affecting thinking, emotions, behaviour and decision-making ability of a person. In this condition, various kind of hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that do not exist in reality) or delusions (fixed, false beliefs not based on reality) occur. The main symptom that guides use of this medicine for schizophrenia is auditory hallucinations. A person hears voices of persons faraway, dead people or of spirits. A specific voice may be heard that says that the sufferer is going to die. There are some specific delusions that guide its use. It firstly includes delusion that on one shoulder an angel is sitting and on another a demon is sitting telling good and bad things respectively. A person feels as if he has two wills among which one orders him to do something what other refuses to do. Another delusion is that of being under superhuman control. Anacardium can be given for delusions as if everything is a dream and a feeling that the mind and body are separate. Those needing it are very suspicious. They may also indulge in senseless talk. They can show strange behaviour. They may laugh at serious matters and become serious when there is something to laugh about.

Other than schizophrenia, it is one of the best homeopathic medicines to deal with cases of memory weakness and forgetfulness. Here a person forgets names of those around him, forgets what has been seen. Absent-mindedness is also there. It is well-indicated for management of cases of senile dementia (memory loss in elderly people). Another use of this medicine is management of Alzheimer’s disease. It is a brain disorder in which the death of brain cells results in memory loss and gradually destroys thinking, behaviour and social skills to an extent to interfere with daily life.

Another sphere where it shows excellent results is different kind of phobias (fears). Among these, it is a top most medicine to deal with fear of examinations in students. Also it can help cases of fear that some misfortune is about to happen, fear of future and fear of being poisoned. A particular fear of paralysis also indicates its use.

Other than the above, persons having brain fatigue (tiredness) may find this medicine quite useful. For example, students who feel nervous after over-study and exhaustion benefit greatly from its use. Those needing it, do not wish to work, they just want to lie down or sit.

Lastly, it is indicated for cases of depression. People needing it are anxious and worried that they may suffer from a serious disease. They have a feeling of being forsaken and feel helpless. They get offended easily and become angry about little things and get violent. They may use bad language too. Persons having a history of having suffered humiliation, abuse either physical or verbal or sexual abuse can find this medicine very effective.

Key Indicating Features

Schizophrenia with auditory hallucinations when person hears voices of persons faraway, dead people or of spirits

Delusion that on one shoulder an angel is sitting telling good things and on another a demon is sitting telling bad things

Delusion of having two wills among which one orders him to do something while the other refuses

Delusion of being under superhuman control

Memory weakness and forgetfulness, Alzheimer’s disease

Fear of examinations in student

Brain fatigue (tiredness), nervous exhaustion after over study

2. Gastric Issues (Stomach Pain, Nausea, Difficulty in passing Stool)

Anacardium is capable of resolving gastric issues wonderfully. It is well-indicated for stomach pain which gets better from eating. Those needing it have weak digestion. They feel fullness and distension in the abdomen. It can alleviate pain around navel area with sensation of a dull plug being pressed in the intestine. Rumbling in abdomen in the navel area is present. It helps in managing nausea especially in the morning. There is an empty feeling in the stomach. Vomiting and belching accompanies nausea. It also acts well on rectum. There is difficulty in passing stool even when it is soft. There is ineffectual desire to pass stool. Rectum feels powerless. A plug sensation in rectum is felt. It can also be given for relieving anal itching. Bleeding with stool may occur in some cases needing it.

Key Indicating Features

Stomach pain that gets better from eating

Pain around navel region with sensation of a dull plug being pressed in the intestines

Difficulty in passing stool even when soft

A plug sensation in rectum

3. Head (Headache)

With its action on head, it gives substantial relief in headache. There is a pressing sensation as from a plug in head. Foremost indication for its use is headache worse from mental exertion. There is relief in headache by eating. It gets better by taking some sleep. There is heat in head accompanied by icy coldness of hands and feet. Another notable indication is headache that occurs from strong smell.

Key Indicating Features

Headache from mental exertion

Headache better by eating

Headache better from falling asleep

Headache from strong smells

4. Skin Complaints (Eczema, Blisters, Warts)

It is mainly recommended for treating eczema, particularly when attended with mental irritability. There is violent itching and scratching worsens it. It can deal with skin blisters (fluid-filled bumps on skin) effectively, when they discharge a yellow transparent fluid. It is a well-known medicine to treat warts (rough, hard bumps on skin causes by human papilloma virus). It is specifically indicated for warts on palms of hands. Lastly, its use is considered in cases of lichen planus (an autoimmune inflammatory skin condition characterized by small flat topped purple-colored bumps on skin).

Key Indicating Features

Eczema with mental irritability

Blisters that discharge yellow transparent fluid

Warts on palms of hands

5. Limbs (Cramps, Writer’s Cramps)

Anacardium also acts on limbs to deal with certain issues. Firstly it is an important medicine for cramps in calf muscles. Persons needing it feel pain in the calf muscles when rising up from a seat and also from walking. They may have cramps in toes as well that extend to the heel and calf muscles. Secondly, it is also indicated for writer’s cramp (disorder in which there occurs muscle spasm or contraction in hands when writing) cases. Thirdly, it is known to be helpful in relieving stiffness of legs with a feeling that they are bandaged. There may be burning sensation in the soles of feet and legs where it is required.

Key Indicating Features

Cramps in calf muscles when rising from a seat and also from walking

Writer’s cramp

Stiff legs with sensation as if they are bandaged


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from mental exertion, anger, fright, from motion, in open air and from talking

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from eating, rubbing, heat and in the sun


Its use is recommended from 6C to 200 C potency. The potency selection varies from case to case. As a general rule it can be repeated frequently in low potency but in high potency should not be taken frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Clematis, Croton Tiglium, Coffea Cruda, Juglans Cinerea, Ranunculus Bulbosus and Rhus Tox

Followed well by: Lycopodium, Pulsatilla and Platina


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