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Homeopathic Treatment For Cancer

Homeopathic Treatment for Cancer

The very word “cancer” conjures up images of impending death and chemotherapy sessions. The early stage of this dreadful disease, however, is curable with proper Homeopathic medicines that can provide holistic treatment for cancer. Cancer is characterised by the unwanted increase in body cells. In a normal healthy condition, the cells are born and destroyed at a proper time. In cancerous conditions, the division and multiplication of cells becomes uncontrollable and occurs at a very high pace. Homeopathy has a huge number of medicines, which are made of natural substances, to deal with early stage cancer cases. In advanced stages of cancer,however, Homeopathic remedies cannot provide a cure. In such cases, only palliation — care that makes you feel better though it can’t cure — is possible with natural Homeopathic medicines.It must be kept in mind though that the natural Homeopathic remedies for cancer are completely safe with no side effects.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Cancer 

Homeopathic remedies for cancer of uterus (Endometrial Cancer)

The natural Homeopathic medicines that are of great help for treating cancer of uterus are Bufo Rana, Lilium Tigrinum, Lachesis and Murex. Homeopathic medicine Bufo Rana is mainly used when bleeding from vagina occurs in between periods. The blood is mainly clotted and offensive. Burning pains are often present in the uterine region. Lilium Tigrinum is the natural Homeopathic medicine that is very beneficial in treating uterus cancer cases. This Homeopathic medicine is mainly used when there is heaviness and a distended feeling in uterine region, with an extreme bearing down sensation. Women requiring Lilium Tigrinum may have an enhanced sexual desire. Lachesis is the best Homoeopathic remedyforwomen with uterine cancer who complain of extreme heat flushes and palpitations. Homeopathic medicine Murex is the ideal remedy when severe pulsating, sore or sharp pains are present in the womb. The uterus may be enlarged also. A prominent symptom for the use of this medicine is extension of the pain from womb upwards towards the breast. The other natural Homeopathic medicines used for treating cancer of uterus are Kreosote, Sepia, Phosphorus and Ustilago.

Natural Homeopathic medicines Kreosote, Hydrastis, Iodum, Sepia and Argentum Nitricum can be considered as natural cancer treatments that work effectively in treating the cancer of cervix. Kreosote is the topHomeopathic medicine for the treatment of cervical cancer. This is mainly used if the vaginal discharges are very offensive and acrid, causing a violent corrosive itching of the genitals. Another indication for using this medicine is bleeding from vagina after coition. Homeopathic medicine Hydrastis is prescribed when the vaginal discharge is thick yellow and excoriating with erosion of the cervix. Iodum is the best remedyin the Homeopathic mode of treatment for women with cervical cancer who loseflesh even with a good appetite. Extreme weakness and emaciation are leading symptoms for using Iodum in cervical cancer cases. NaturalHomeopathic medicine Sepia is the ideal choice when there is pain in vagina during coition. It may be accompanied by a discharge from vagina of greenish or yellowish colour. A feeling of relaxation in pelvic organs with bearing down pains in pelvis confirm the use of Homeopathic remedy Sepia. Homeopathic medicine Argentum Nitricum, on the other hand, is the top remedy when vaginal bleeding occurs very frequently in between periods.

Best Homeopathic medicines for breast cancer

The top natural Homeopathic medicines for the treatment of breast cancer are Conium, Phytolacca, Hydrastis and Asterias Rubens. Homeopathic remedies Conium and Phytolacca are prescribed for hard lumps with pain in the breast. Hydrastis is a Homeopathicremedy that is very beneficial when sharp cutting pains in breast predominate with retraction of nipple. Excessive emaciation and weakness along with breast cancer point towards the use of Hydrastis. Asterias Rubens is a very beneficial Homeopathic medicine for not only early stages of breast cancer but also late stages when ulcerations have set in. At this stage, this Homeopathic medicine is used when foul smelling discharges are evident with acute pains that may be of a piercing or stabbing nature.

 Homeopathic Treatment for cancer of stomach

The effective natural Homeopathic medicines to treat stomach cancer are Arsenic Album, Phosphorus and Lycopodium. The Homeopathic medicine selection depends entirely upon the symptoms of each patient. Arsenic Album is a very beneficial Homeopathic remedy for burning type of pains in stomach of patients diagnosed with stomach cancer. Dark blood is present in vomitus and stool. The stool is also very offensive. The stool and vomiting get worse after eating or drinking anything. Extreme weakness and fear of death are present to the utmost degree. The patient requiring Arsenic Album usually craves for warm drinks. Natural Homeopathic medicine Phosphorus is the best remedy when bright red blood appears in vomitus or stool. The stool is followed by extreme weakness. The painin the stomach getting relieved by taking cold drinks is a symptom of high value to use this Homeopathic medicine. The patient requiring Phosphorus usually shows a craving for ice creams, juices and cold drinks. Homeopathic medicine Lycopodium is the ideal choice when the symptoms of acidity with sour and burning belching predominate in patients of stomach cancer. The stomach is always distended with gas. The patient also shows a loss of appetite with emaciation. A craving for hot food, hot liquids and sweets may be present.

Natural Homeopathic medicines for cancer of colon and rectum (Colorectal Cancer)

The top Homeopathic medicines for Colorectal Cancer are Alumina, Aloe and Nitric Acid. Alumina is the best Homeopathicremedy whenconstipation of the severest form is present in patients of Colorectal Cancer. The stool remains in the rectum for long without any urge to pass it. The passage of stool requires great straining even if the stool is soft. Homeopathic medicine Aloe is the ideal remedy when persistent diarrhoea (loose stool) is the prominent symptom in patients with Colorectal Cancer. The stool is preceded and attended with cutting pains in rectum. The pains get better after passing stool. The stool may contain blood with burning in rectum. It may also pass involuntarily. Weakness, sweating and even faintness follow the passage of stool. Homeopathic medicine Nitric Acid suits patients of Colorectal Cancer who have bright red bleeding from rectum during stool. This is associated with violent pain in rectum that continues for many hours after passing stool.

Best Homeopathic medicines for Cancer of Lungs

Acalypha Indica, Bryonia Alba and Phosphorus are the top natural Homeopathic medicines for treatment of lung cancer. Acalypha Indica is the top Homeopathic remedyfor lung cancer patients when the blood from lungs is bright red and usually worse in morning. This is accompanied by hard and dry cough. The patients who can benefit byHomeopathic medicine Acalypha Indica are emaciated, which increases gradually. Bryonia Alba is the top Homeopathic medicine when rust-coloured sputa is spit out with dry cough. Pain in chest on coughing is usually present, mainly of stitching character. Phosphorus is the Homeopathic medicine that is recommended for chest heaviness and oppression. This can be accompanied by burning in the chest. The sputa is bright red in colour. The patient may show an excessive desire for cold drinks along with chest symptoms.

Top Homeopathic medicines for cancer of kidney (renal cancer)

The best natural Homeopathic medicines to treat renal cancer are Chimaphila, Formica Rufa and Solidago. Chimaphila is given to patients of renal cancer when the urine contains blood and mucus. A burning sensation accompanies urination. The person has to strain to pass urine. Homeopathic medicine Formica Rufa works well when bleeding occurs while urinating with an increased urge for urination. Solidago is the Homeopathic remedy that is recommended when there is pain in back in kidney region. Passage of urine is difficult and painful. The quantity of urine is scanty with blood.

Homeopathic medicines for cancer of bladder(urinary bladder)

The best natural Homeopathic medicines to treat cancer of bladder are Equisetum, Clematis and Terebinthiniae. Homeopathic medicine Equisetum works well in those cases of bladder cancer where the main complaint is constant fullness and pain in the bladder. Even after urination, there is no relief from pain. This is always accompanied by a frequent desire to pass urine at short intervals. The urine passes out in large quantities. Immediately after passing urine, however, the urge is renewed. Clematis is the ideal Homeopathic remedy for bladder cancer patients who have a frequent urge to pass urine but the quantity of urine is very scanty. Homeopathic medicine Terebenthiniae is recommended when the urine contains dark or blackish blood. Burning pains in bladder are always associated.

Top Homeopathic remedies for cancer of prostate

The natural Homeopathic medicines that are of great help in the treatment of prostate cancer are Sabal Serrulata and Conium. Sabal Serrulata is an excellent Homeopathic medicine for treating prostate cancer. It gives good results when the main symptom is the constant desire to pass urine. The frequency of urine mainly disturbs the patient at night. The urine is discharged or passes out with much difficulty. The prostate is enlarged in almost all the patients in whom Sabal Serrulata is indicated. NaturalHomeopathic medicine Conium is very beneficialfor treating prostate cancer when the bladder is not emptied in one go. The urine flow is intermittent. The urine comes and stops and much time is utilised in emptying the bladder.

Homeopathic medicines for cancer of liver and gall bladder

The top natural Homeopathic medicines for treating the cancer of liver and gall bladder arethe same and the selection depends upon the individual symptoms ofeach patient. The Homeopathic medicines that are very beneficial for the treatment of cancer of liver and gall bladder are Chelidonium, Chionanthusand Phosphorus. Chelidonium is the best Homeopathic medicine for treating liver and gall bladder diseases. This Homeopathic remedy is used when jaundice and other symptoms like pain in right side of upper abdomen are well marked. This is also accompanied by pain under the right shoulder in scapula.  The patient may also show a desire for hot drinks and hot food along with the other symptoms. Homeopathic medicine Chionanthus is the ideal remedy when jaundice is accompanied by a thick coating on the tongue. The appetite is also totally absent. The stool is clay coloured. Phosphorus is a Homeopathic remedy of great help for loose stool with extreme weakness. Vomiting and nausea are also experienced. There is a desire for cold drinks, ice creams and juices.

Natural Homeopathic medicines for cancer of pancreas

The natural Homeopathic medicines that are very beneficial for treating cancer of pancreas are Cadmium Sulph, Ceanothus and Hydrastis. Fora complete cure, any of these Homeopathic medicines can be given after taking complete case history of the patient suffering from cancer of pancreas.

Homeopathic medicines for cancer of mouth (oral cancer)

Arsenic Album, Merc Sol and Cundurango are the best natural Homeopathic medicines for oral cancer. Arsenic Album is the top Homeopathic remedy when the symptoms are dryness and burning in mouth. Saliva contains blood and there may be a metallic taste in mouth. Merc Sol is the ideal Homeopathic remedy when there is an increased saliva in the mouth with a horribly offensive odour. Homeopathic medicine Cundurango is useful when the corners of mouth show deep painful fissures in oral cancer.

Best Homeopathic medicines for treating cancer of oesophagus

The most important natural Homeopathic medicines for treatment of oesophageal cancer are Carbo Veg, Hydrastis and Lycopodium. Any one of these Homeopathic medicines can prove useful depending upon the individual symptomsnarrated by the patient.

Top Homeopathic treatment for cancer of larynx

Arsenic Album, Phosphorus and Phytolacca are the natural Homeopathic medicines that are very beneficial in treating cases of laryngeal cancer. Which Homeopathic medicine out of these suits the patient best is determined after taking into view the individual symptoms.

Best Homeopathic medicines for bone cancer

The natural Homeopathic medicines that are of great help for patients of bone cancer are Syphilinum, Hecla Lava and Symphytum. Syphilinum is basically used for cancer of long bones where severe pains are present. Night aggravation of pains is an important indicator. Hecla Lava is the Homeopathic remedy for cancer of jaw bones. Symphytum is prescribed when the bones are broken due to cancerous affections. This Homeopathic medicine can help in reuniting the bones.



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Homeopathic Remedies for Epilepsy

Homeopathic Remedies for Seizures Epilepsy is a disorder of the nervous system which is characterized by the tendency of a person to have seizures. Seizure refers to the appearance of symptoms (depending upon the type of seizure) in a person due to abnormal and excessive nerve cell activity in the brain. The result is abnormal behavior and sensations, including loss of consciousness. There are a variety of seizures with different symptoms depending on the part of the brain involved. Homeopathy provides treatment for Seizures in the natural way. The completely natural homeopathic remedies for epilepsy are completely safe and have no side effects. These remedies are of great help in the treatment of Epilepsy.

Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Epilepsy

Epilepsy can be treated with homeopathy which helps treat acute fits as well as eliminates the tendency to have seizures. An inquiry is to be made regarding the type of seizure, aura, triggering factors, finding other causes and individual dominant symptoms in each and every case. The results of the Homeopathy vary in every case depending upon the duration and type of seizure.

1. Cicuta: Where there are Distortions of Body

Cicuta is one of the best medicines for Epilepsy where the attacks of convulsion are marked by violent, distorted body shape. The distortions are most frightful. There is present a marked Opisthotonus — which refers to the condition where the spine bends backward with the head and heels touching the ground. The person is totally unconscious. The face may be blue and the jaw appears locked. Cicuta is also one of the best herbal remedies for epilepsy following head injury. Cicuta can be used for convulsions occurring in children during dentition (development of teeth and their arrangement in the mouth), in women during and after delivery and also for convulsions due to worms. But the condition to be fulfilled for using this remedy in these situations is the presence of violent body distortions. The triggering factors for using Cicuta are touch and noise. An auditory aura may show its presence.

2. Artemisia Vulgaris: For Epilepsy with Petit Mal Seizure

Artemisia Vulgaris is the best natural medicine to tackle cases of Petit Mal Epilepsy. This remedy is of great help for children with Petit Mal seizures. The main symptom is frequent brief episodes of seizures in a short time period. The triggering factor for the seizure is strong emotions, including fear. Any subjective feeling predictive of the onset of a seizure prior to an attack is absent (absence of aura).

3. Stramonium: For Epileptic Convulsions Triggered by Bright Light

Stramonium is the most suitable natural medicine where the convulsion arises after exposure to bright light or shining objects. The consciousness is preserved and jerking of muscles of the upper body part is experienced by the patient.

4. Cuprum Met: When Aura for Seizure Attack is felt in Knees

Cuprum Met is the top medicine when the seizure attack is preceded by an aura in the knee.  The symptoms marked during the attack are clonic spasm that usually begins in finger or toes and soon covers the entire body. Jerking of muscles is also noticed. The triggering factors for the attack include fright and anger. In females, Cuprum Met is used for the treatment of convulsion during pregnancy, after delivery and around the menstrual period.

5. Bufo Rana: For Epileptic Fit during Sleep

Bufo Rana is a natural medicine of great help in providing a cure for Epilepsy seizures where the attacks are present during sleep. The aura is felt in the genital area. It also works well for females who have attacks of seizures during menses.

6. Hyoscyamus: For Deep Sleep following Epileptic Attack

The best natural medicine when deep sleep follows an epileptic fit is Hyoscyamus. The other symptoms include picking at bedclothes and playing with hands and muscular twitching.

Other Important Medicines

1. For epileptic fits during fever (Febrile seizures)

Belladonna and Nux Vomica are natural medicines that are very beneficial in cases of Febrile seizures. Belladonna is the ideal mode of treatment when there is fever with marked heat. The head is extremely hot with jerking of muscles. Nux Vomica is of great help when extreme chilliness is present with seizures.

2. For Epileptic fits as per the Triggering Factor

Chamomilla and Nux Vomica are the natural medicines that are of great help for the treatment of epileptic fits triggered due to anger outbursts. For fits after a fright, Opium, Aconite are ideal remedies. In cases where alcoholic drinks trigger the attack, the most appropriate medicines are Ran Bulb and Nux Vomica.

3. For Epileptic fit arising from Head Injury

For Epilepsy cases that mark their origin to head injury, Hypericum, Nat Sulph and Cicuta are the natural medicines that offer the best mode of treatment.

4. For Epileptic fit arising from Brain Tumours

Medicines that are of help in the treatment of fits due to tumors in the brain are Plumbum, Cicuta and Conium.

5. For Epilepsy during Dentition

Chamomilla, Kali Bromatum and Aethusa have proved their worth in treatment of epileptic fits during dentition (development of teeth and their arrangement in the mouth). Chamomilla is best suited when anger triggers a fit during dentition. Kali Bromatum is the ideal remedy when there is a jerking of muscles. Aethusa is selected when the symptoms are clenched thumbs, fixed pupils and a locked jaw. Eyes are turned downwards.

6. For Epileptic fits due to Suppressed Eruptions

Zincum, Agaricus and Cicuta are natural remedies that work well when the history of suppressing eruptions is ruled out prior to the onset of convulsion history.

7. Medicines as per type of Seizure in Epilepsy

The selection of natural medicines can be ruled out only after taking a complete case history of the patient.

Petit Mal Seizures: The natural medicines for treating Petit Mal Seizures are Artemisia, Belladonna, Zincum, and Hyoscyamus.

Clonic Seizures: Agaricus and Cuprum are the best natural medicines for Clonic Seizures. Agaricus is a great nervous remedy. It is a beneficial remedy when there is a jerking of a single muscle group or the whole body. Cuprum is ideal when the problem starts in toes or fingers and spreads to the entire body.

Tonic Seizures: Cicuta and Plumbum are the best medicines for Tonic Seizures. Cicuta and Plumbum bring about a marked rigidity in the body during tonic convulsions.

Types of Seizures with Symptoms

Focal (Partial Seizure): When the seizures occur due to the involvement of one area of the brain, they are known as Focal Seizures. These are of two types: Simple Partial and Complex Partial. In Simple Partial cases, the person remains conscious, has a sudden emotional experience (feeling of joy, sadness, fear, sexual arousal), has hallucinations of hearing, taste, smell or vision, and there may also be an involuntary jerking of body parts. In Complex Partial Seizure, the person’s consciousness is altered or lost. The symptoms include staring, automatism (repeated rhythmic, purposeless movements) like eye blinking, hand rubbing, walking in a circle, mouth movements, smacking movement of lips, picking at bedclothes. After a few minutes, consciousness is regained and the drowsy feeling may remain.[toc]

Generalized Seizure: When all areas of the brain are involved, then generalized seizures occur. These are of the following types:

Tonic-Clonic (Grand Mal Seizures): The symptoms are a loss of consciousness and stiffness or rigidity of body with falling down. Respiration arrest and blueness of body also occur. This is followed by relaxation resulting in jerking of the body. The jerking is followed by regaining of consciousness but confusion, impaired memory, headache, and sleepiness. Loss of bladder control and tongue biting are common in these types of seizures. Aura precedes the attack. Aura is a subjective feeling experienced by a patient whereby he or she becomes aware that an attack is about to begin.

Tonic seizures: In these seizures, muscle stiffness mainly of back, arms and legs occur.

Clonic seizures: These seizures cause muscle jerking.

Absence (Petit Mal/Minor Seizure): The symptoms are minor like mainly staring or just a slight tilt in the head, and brief alteration of consciousness usually for seconds. There is no fall or muscle contraction. A person may have more than 20 episodes per day. It is common in childhood. The person gets normal without any confusion when the seizure is over.

Causes And Triggering Factors Of Epilepsy Seizures

The main causes of Epilepsy and resultant seizures include Meningitis, head injury or trauma, stroke, brain tumor, high fever (Febrile Seizure), and parasite infection Neuro-cysticercosis. The main triggering factors include light, noise, sleep loss, alcohol intake, and cigarette smoking.

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Top 6 Homeopathic Remedies for Frequent Urination

Homeopathic Remedies for Frequent UrinationFrequent urination is a medical condition in which a person has the urge to pass urine after very small intervals. The urine passed may be normal, scanty or large in quantity; may happen in the day or at night. Frequent urination may be accompanied by pain or burning while urinating, an urgent need to urinate, smell in urine, pain in the lower back, lower abdomen, or pelvic region and fever depending on the cause behind it.

The problem of frequent urination can be effectively treated with the use of natural homeopathic remedies. Banking on homeopathic remedies for frequent urination can really pay off. By addressing the underlying cause, it brings great relief in frequent urination as well as any attending symptoms like pain, burning when urination, urgency to pass urine. It works great in both acute as well as chronic cases of frequent urination. Homeopathic medicines gradually reduce the frequency to pass urine without any adverse effects.

Homeopathic prescription for frequent urination is done after a detailed case analysis by a homeopathic doctor. The natural remedies for frequent passing of urine are selected based upon the particular symptoms of each individual. While recommending the best medicine, the quantity of urine, its color, any associated offensiveness and the time of aggravation are noted down. The absence or presence of pain or burning sensation while passing urine or afterwards is also considered. It is after the complete evaluation of the symptoms that the most suitable remedy is administered to the patient to get rid of frequent urination.

Homeopathy goes to the core of the problem of frequent urination and aims to cure rather than just provide temporary relief. It focuses on treating the root cause (like urinary infection, prostate enlargement) which is leading to frequent urine.

As homeopathic medicines are made of natural substances, they effectively treat frequent urination in a safe, gentle manner.

Top 6 Homeopathic Remedies for Frequent Urination

The top-ranked homeopathic medicines to treat frequent urination are Cantharis, Lycopodium, Merc Sol, Sabal Serrulata, Equisetum Hyemale and Thuja.

1. Cantharis For Frequent Urination With Pain, Burning And In UTI Cases

Cantharis is one of the best remedies when there is a frequent need to urinate with pain, and burning in urethra especially in UTI cases. The urge to pass urine is almost ineffectual as it is renewed soon after urinating and the person is not satisfied. For using Cantharis, the pain/burning is present before, during, and after urination. The urine may feel very hot and at times blood in urine may appear. The urine is also scanty or it is passed drop by drop.

When to use Cantharis?

It is primarily indicated for managing frequent urination accompanied with pain and burning and offers best help in UTI cases.

How to use Cantharis?

It is available in different potenices from low to high potency, however initially it is advised to take it in 30C potency two to three times a day.

2. Lycopodium — For Frequent Urination At Night

Lycopodium stands out as the leading natural treatment for frequent urination at night. The person needing Lycopodium frequently wakes up at night to pass urine. The urine passed may be scanty or large in quantity, but night aggravation is marked. Lycopodium is also the ideal remedy in cases of cystitis, bladder calculi or enlarged prostate leading to frequent urination at night. For using Lycopodium in case of frequent urination at night, the urine may be of varying characters, including pale, dark, clear, foamy, red or milky. One characteristic feature that accompanies frequent urination is backache that gets worse before urinating.

When to use Lycopodium?

This medicine is highly recommended to manage frequent urine at night either scanty or large in quantity.

How to use Lycopodium?

The potency of this medicine differs from case to case from low to high. But usually its use is done in 30C potency that can be taken once or twice a day.

3. Merc Sol — For Frequent Urination Both In Day and Night

Merc Sol is an excellent medicine for frequent urination occurring during day and at night time. There may be an urge to pass almost every hour. The urine stream is weak and little urine passes at a time. Burning in urethra may be felt when beginning to pass urine.

When to use Merc Sol?

Merc Sol is a highly suitable medicine for managing cases of frequent urine present both in day and night with scanty urination.

How to use Merc Sol?

One may take it in 30C potency once or twice a day as per severity of complaint.

4. Sabal Serrulata—For Frequent Urination In Enlarged Prostate Cases

Sabal Serrulata is the most frequently used medicine to treat cases of frequent urination in prostate cases. It can be used when a person has a frequent urge to pass urine, which may or may not be painful. Night aggravation of frequent urination in enlarged prostate cases also calls for the use of Sabal Serrulata. There is a feeling of fullness in the bladder. There is pain when initiating urination.

When to use Sabal Serrulata?

It is the best choice of medicine to deal with frequent urination in cases of enlarged prostate.

How to use Sabal Serrulata?

Its use is usually considered in Q (i.e. mother tincture) form that can be used twice or thrice a day.

5. Equisetum Hyemale —For Frequent Urination With Large Quantity Of Urine

Equisetum Hyemale is wonderful medicine when there is a frequent urge to pass urine and the urine is very large. This symptom may be most often disturbing at night. The urine passed is mostly clear. In some persons, the desire to urinate can be almost constant. Along with frequent urination, the person may experience a sharp pain while passing urine or after urinating. Pain and distension of the bladder with urine that does not disappear even after urinating are the associated symptoms.

When to use Equisetum Hyemale?

This medicine can be considered for cases where frequent urination is attended with passage of large quantities of urine.

How to use Equisetum Hyemale?

It can be used in both low and high potencies among which the most commonly used is 30C potency once to thrice a day, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

6. Thuja — For Frequent Urine Attended With Urgency To Urinate

Thuja is a well-indicated medicine when frequent urine is accompanied with urgency to urinate. Those requiring this medicine have to immediately hurry to pass urine as soon as one feels the urge to urinate. Frequent urge to pass urine occurs especially at night time. The urinary stream is thin. Cutting sensation in the bladder and urethra are felt.

When to use Thuja?

One may opt its use when along with increased frequency of urine there is a need to immediately pass urine when one feels the urge.

How to use Thuja?

To begin with, one may use its 30C potency once a day.

Causes of Frequent Urination

It may occur just from too much fluid intake in a day, drinking caffeine or alcohol in some persons. While in others there might be some medical reason behind it as discussed further. These include diabetes mellitus, Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), prostate enlargement in males, overactive bladder (a condition leading to frequent and a sudden urge to pass urine), stones in urinary bladder, pregnancy and inflamed urinary bladder (Cystitis).

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Homeopathic Remedies for Treating Cystitis

Homeopathic  Treatment For Cystitis and Interstitial Cystitis

An inflammation of the urinary bladder, cystitis causes difficulty in passing urine owing to which it can completely throw life out of gear for an affected person.Homeopathy can help alleviate a cystitis patient’s misery as it is a non-intrusive and safe remedy. Since homeopathy uses the body’s own defenses to combat infection, this line of treatment is natural and also toxin-free compared to other cures as its medicines are sourced from naturally occurring products.

Signs and symptoms:

The common symptoms of cystitis are painful urination, a constant urge to pass urine due to an inability to control the bladder, and increased frequency of urination. In some cases, the condition manifests itself with fever accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Some patients complain of pain in the lower back. In most of the cases, an inflammation of the urethra along with the bladder is observed. Urethra is the path that connects the bladder to the exterior of the body. The disease is then termed as the Lower urinary tract infection (UTI).

The cause of cystitis varies in males and females as well as in different age groups. The incidence of cystitis is higher in females owing to their smaller urethra which makes it easy for the bacteria to enter the bladder. Other sources of infection could be through sexual transmission, contraceptives, or due to chronic dehydration. The infections have a lower incidence in males as compared to females. The common cause of cystitis in males is kidney infection.


Homeopathic medicine Staphysgaria, when Constant urge is The main Symptom In Cystitis

My experience has shown that homeopathic remedies enjoy distinct advantages over other lines of treatment in curing cystitis.I have found staph to be an excellent homoeopathic medicine to treat cystitis and other urinary tract infections. Staph covers the urinary problems wonderfully. The patients who require staph exhibit symptoms of tearing pain in the urethra with involuntary discharge of urine. The urine is so acrid that is causes burning around the genitals that corrodes the skin and makes it difficult for the patient to move. There is a lot of burning while passing the urine. Despite the pain and burning, the person experiences a constant urge to pass urine. The urine is passed in profuse quantities and is pale in color. Staphisagria is suitable in case of newly married women who come with the complaint of UTI.

Cantharis – Homeopathic Medicine when Burning is the key symptom in Cystitis

 Cantharis is a well-known homoeopathic remedy for its marvelous effects on inflammations and infections. In cases of burns, it brings immediate relief. It is ideal for cases with symptoms of inflammation of the bladder with pain and a lot of burning in the genitals. The urine is passed drop by drop due to the excessive burning while passing urine. There is retention of urine but the person feels the need to pass urine frequently. The reason for this is the incomplete clearance of the bladder. There is an intolerable urge to urinate that makes the person go into paroxysms. It can be used in cases of Interstitial cystitis where the root cause is chronic inflamed bladder .

Apis Melllifica – Homeopathic remedy for Interstitial Cystitis When There is Difficulty In Passing Urine

 Apis Mellifica is an excellent remedy used in homoeopathy in cases of chronic inflammation of bladder  also known as Interstitial Cystitis. Apis helps to cure the inflamed part and reduce the swelling. I have found that Apis is best prescribed in case of cystitis symptoms of hot urine passed drop by drop owing to the burning that corrodes the skin and makes it difficult to urinate. The urine in these cases is of a strong color and odor. The incomplete urination gives rise to a constant urge to urinate. In cases of urine troubles with swelling in the genitals, Apis can be used to give excellent results. In young boys, it can be used in cases where kidney inflammations have caused cystitis. The boy is scared to pass urine due to the burning pain it causes. Apis also wonderfully treats the cases of retention of urine in infants.




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Sciatica Treatment

The sciatic nerve happens to be the largest nerve in our body. It starts from the lower part of the spinal cord and runs down through the hips and the back of the thigh into the lower leg and foot.  The word ‘Sciatica ‘describes a condition of pain and sometimes numbness in the area through which the sciatic nerve passes. Homeopathic medicines can be of   great help to patients who suffer from sciatica. Homeopathic treatment of sciatica usually produces no side effect and the relief is mostly very effective.

Sciatica or the pain in the course of the sciatic nerve occurs when there is a compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve by a problem in the lower back or in the course of sciatic nerve. The most common back problems that cause this kind of pain is the disc prolapse or the disc bulge other conditions being spodylolithesis (slipping of vertebrae one over the other) and spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal).

Our spine comprises of mainly three structures; bones (vertebrae), the intervertebral disks and the spinal cord. Spinal Bones called as vertebrae are stacked one on top of each other to form the spine or the backbone. Through these spinal bones passes the spinal cord. Intervertabral Discs are a kind of cushions (which act like small shock absorbers and also help in provide flexibility to the backbone) that are positioned between two vertebrae. It is when these discs get pushed (due to aging and wear -tear and arthritis), that the nerve roots of sciatic nerve get compressed or irritated. This leads to an inflammation on the nerve roots causing pain in the course of sciatic nerve.

Sciatica pain usually radiates from the lower part of the back through the buttocks and into the back of the leg and calf muscle. Sciatica pain can range from a very mild ache or spasm in the back of the leg to a very severe incapacitating pain. It can at times be felt like sudden electric shocks or jolts. Usually, only one leg is affected by sciatica. Sciatica pain may also be accompanied by feeling of numbness and weakness in the leg and foot. Patients suffering from sciatica may also complain of tingling or pins and needle sensation in toes and foot. In an advanced case of disc bulge and nerve compression patients may lose their control over bladder and bowel movement. This is a rare but a serious condition and requires an immediate emergency care.

Homeopathic treatment for sciatica is of great help in reliving the pain and treating the disc bulge effectively. Homeopathic medicines are able to help by improving the degenerative changes  in the disc and the vertebrae. Homeo medicines also effectively treat the inflammation on the nerve roots caused by compression thereby reducing the sciatica pain. Homeopathic medicines Rhus tox , Arnica Calcarea Flour are very useful in treating the Arthritic changes  lumbar spine. For reducing neuritis (inflammation of nerve) homeopathic medicines Colocynth ,Magnesium Phos and Hypericum have wonderful properties. Gnaphlium is very effective in treating sciatica that is accompanied by numbness in the leg.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Pulsatilla for Women

Pulsatilla is a delicate, perennial plant that has been used since the 18th century for ulcers, cataracts, and depression. In homeopathic use, it is an important plant remedy used to treat a wide variety of conditions. More commonly used as a female remedy, it suits people with an adaptable, indecisive, peaceful temperament.

It is commonly known by the name windflower, pasque flower, and anemone pratensis. It belongs to the family Ranunculaceae. It commonly grows in Central and Northern Europe and some parts of South of England. Use of pasque flower has been made since ages mainly for eye complaints. In ancient times, ‘Dioscorides’ remarked it as a remedy for a headache and ophthalmia (eye inflammation). After its proving by Dr. Hahnemann in the year 1805, it has been employed to treat many ailments in homeopathy. It is a polychrest medicine, and in homeopathy, it is primarily used for treating diseases related to female organs, eyes, nose, ears, GIT, and sleep issues.  Pulsatilla


Homeopathic medicine is prepared from the fresh windflower plant when in flower. This plant is collected and made it into a pulp which is then soaked in alcohol. It is then strained and diluted. Following this, it undergoes the process of succussion for making potencies for homeopathic use.

The ‘Pulsatilla’ Constitution

It is suited to women of a kind, affectionate, imaginative, extremely excitable, gentle, bashful personality with a yielding disposition. Sadness and weeping spells frequently appear among them. They are indecisive, slow, plethoric, nervous, have a changeable disposition. They are easily led and easily persuaded, easily moved to laughter or tears.

Scope as a Homeopathic Medicine

1. For Female Disorders

This remedy has a marked action on the ovaries and uterus and effectively helps treat many female disorders.

It is a top grade remedy for menstrual irregularities and is indicated in cases where the periods do not arrive in a proper cycle. They may appear late or early with no fixed pattern, and there may be inter-menstrual bleeding. As a remedy, it helps regulate menses and is considered to be a prime remedy for treating menstrual irregularities in girls during puberty. It also helps women who are anemic and suffering from menstrual problems.

In cases of amenorrhea, where the menses are late or suppressed, it helps establish the menstrual flow. The key indication to use this medicine here is a feeling that the menses would appear, but they fail to do so. Along with suppressed periods, pain in the uterus, nausea, and vomiting may be present. Difficult or painful urination and periods that are short and where the flow is scanty (oligomenorrhea) are other indications.

2. Natural PCOS Treatment

In cases of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, it works to moderate the hormonal levels and help the body dissolve the cysts to correct menstrual irregularities.

3. Leucorrhoea (Vaginal Discharges)

Leucorrhoea or abnormal vaginal discharge is also treated well with this remedy. Its use is best indicated in cases where the vaginal discharge is creamy, thin, thick mucus or milky colored. The discharge may be acrid and cause itching and burning in the vagina. There may be associated back pain, weakness, and exhaustion.

4. PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)

It is frequently used in cases of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) TO manage symptoms like irritability, sadness, low mood, weeping spells, and mood swings.

5. Painful Periods (Dysmenorrhoea)

This remedy is used to treat the pain associated with periods in women. Symptoms like cramping, cutting, or spasms in the uterus, nausea, and vomiting can be treated with this medicine. The menstrual flow in such cases is usually black and coagulated. The woman may experience excessive restlessness, toss around in bed and have a pale face. Chilliness along with uterine colic, a sense of heaviness in the abdomen, thigh pain, and backache are other indicative symptoms. Some women may also have diarrhea and strain while passing stools.

6. Ailments During Pregnancy

It is indicated for ailments like morning sickness and varicose veins that some women experience during pregnancy. It may also be used in cases of abortion from fright, puerperal mania (a rare mood disorder), and uterine infection causing fever post childbirth.

7. Mental Complaints

It has proved to be an effective remedy for treating complaints related to the mind. It is frequently used to treat cases of depression in people who are very sensitive and emotional. A person in need of this remedy would typically be sad, have frequent spells of crying, be excessively irritable, and need constant consolation. When prescribed correctly it can also help a person overcome long-standing or silent grief. It is also a remedy used to treat mood swings where a person switches their mood from sadness to happiness and from laughter to weeping at the blink of an eye. It is also prominently indicated for claustrophobia (fear of closed, small, narrow spaces) and fright.

8. Gastrointestinal Problems

It is a well-indicated for treating many gastrointestinal ailments like indigestion caused by consumption of fatty, greasy food, milk, and cream. The main indication for using this remedy for digestive ailments is gas in the abdomen, pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and heartburn. It is also used to treat milk allergies and lactose intolerance.

9. Complaints of the Eye

It is highly effective for treating a number of eye complaints. It works well in cases of conjunctivitis where there is thick, yellow, profuse discharge from the eyes. Itching and burning in the eyes and sticking together of eyelids while sleeping are some associated symptoms. It also works well to treat styes on the upper eyelid, and keratoconus.

10. Complaints of the Ear

It is considered to be an excellent remedy for ear infections, and conditions like otitis externa, and otitis media. It is indicated in cases where there is a discharge of thick, yellow, yellowish – green, bland pus from the ears (which may be blood-stained in some cases). A deep itching in the ears, a sensation of the ears being locked and pain in the ears are other symptoms. It helps manage the different types of earaches, ranging from shooting, stitching, tearing or pulsating type. It is also an excellent remedy for tinnitus (noises in the ear) and associated noises like tinkling, ringing, roaring, sounds of wind, rushing water or humming nature.

11. Nasal Complaints

It has a marked action on the mucous membranes of the nose. It is well suited to treat cold, nasal catarrh, coryza. Thick yellow or yellowish greenish nasal discharge, nasal obstruction especially in the evening, sneezing and itching/tickling and soreness in the nostrils are some other symptoms that indicate the need for this remedy in cases of sinusitis. Its use is considered in treating frontal and maxillary sinusitis with symptoms like a thick discharge from the nose and a headache. It is also a well-indicated for loss of smell (anosmia).

12. Sleep Issues

Various sleep issues can be taken care of with this medicine. It offers help in cases of sleeplessness where a person has trouble falling asleep. The person may have many ideas and thoughts going through the head at bedtime that prevent sleep. It helps calm the mind and promotes sleep. It can also help with daytime drowsiness as a result of restless sleep.

13. Cough

It is majorly used in cases where a cough is loose with yellow or yellowish green expectoration. It also indicated in cases of short, dry, hacking cough with scraping, itching, scratching in the throat.

14. Urinary Complaints

It is used extensively to treat urinary incontinence that occurs while coughing, laughing, and sneezing, and for conditions like cystitis and urethral stricture.

15. Varicose Veins

It is widely used for the treatment of varicose veins where the veins appear bluish and are painful. The person needing this remedy may experience heaviness, cramping, and a tensed, drawing sensation in the legs.

16. For Males

In males, it is indicated for the treatment of orchitis, varicocele, hydrocele, and prostatitis. It helps to reduce symptoms like pain, soreness, swelling, and burning sensation in the testicles. It helps treat orchitis that follows a mumps infection. It also helps treat gonorrhea where there may be a thick, yellow or yellowish – green discharge from the urethra. In cases of prostatitis, it helps to treat the frequent, ineffectual urging to urinate, pain in bladder and pressure in the perineum.


Use of this medicine is recommended in potencies varying from 30 C to 1M depending upon the case. Low potencies can be repeated frequently while in case of high potencies frequent repetition is avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

The complementary medicines are Silicea, Lycopodium and Kali Sulph.
Asafoetida, Chamomilla, Ignatia and Nux Vomica are antidotes.

An Account of the Remedy in Its Own Words

Homeopathy acknowledges certain groupings of body-mind symptom patterns that a person has and which correspond with the sensitivity of a particular medicine. It takes into account information about the person’s body type, temperament, disposition, and behavioral tendencies to determine the appropriate medicine. Remedies, as homeopaths realize, step forth as personalities. These become creatures of temperaments, have likes and dislikes, cravings and aversions and sensitiveness to human interaction. The medicines speak out their terror, real or imaginary – their strange obsessions, etc. Here is an account of the medicine (an important homeopathic medicine) describing its medicinal virtues and the characteristics of the patient. Of course, the words are of this writer.

Commonly called the windflower, I was ignored for millions of years in the pastures of Europe before my master Samuel Hahnemann brought out the best in me. I call him my master because it was only he who first realized my immense medicinal power.

If ever there was a medicine that would cater to the most sensitive lady around, I would be the one. I am most often a remedy for women who are submissive and clinging in nature and also whom their surroundings and people they happen to be with at that time very easily influence. There is nothing positive or assertive about her, and the last person who sees, or advises her, is the one whose opinion she accepts. Her moods are a big problem for her. She can be on the verge of ecstatic frenzy one moment and well in the doldrums the second moment. With lots of decision-making problems, she lives up to my plant name windflower, as it is changeable like the wind.

She can weep very easily. Laughter and tears are both very near the surface with my patient and are apt to succeed each other. She is very tenderhearted, and her feelings are very easily hurt, she is inclined to be fretful and too full of care. If she has no trouble of her own, she is ready to condole and weep with any of her friends who may be afflicted. But she craves and needs sympathy in her troubles from someone, even when she knows that the recital of her real or fancied wrongs and the receipt of the sympathy that she longs for, will make her cry. When she is blue, she will tell you that she feels as if a good cry would make her feel better. It will. She longs for fresh air. Closed and tight places suffocate her.

I am best suited for her gynecological disorders. She is very irritable and days and weeks before and after her periods arrive, at times there are hardly any days in a month when she is back to her normal self. And those acne, headaches and agonizing pains in her abdomen, legs and back during her period days are more than she can tolerate, like in PMS (premenstrual syndrome).

Key Indications

Amenorrhea, leucorrhoea, menses irregularities, ovarian inflammation, ovarian cyst, PCOS, Acne, catarrh, colds, conjunctivitis, cough, diarrhoea, painful periods, earache, otitis media, ear disorders, eye disorders, fears, feet painful, heel pain, freckles, heartburn, hydrocele, moles, mumps, pregnancy complaints, prostatitis, sinusitis, smell loss, styes, urinary incontinence, uterine prolapse, vaginitis, varicose veins.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Sepia – The Wonder Drug for Females

Homeopathic remedy Sepia has a profound action on the nervous system and is primarily considered to be a female remedy (although it works for men too). It is prepared from the dried liquid contained in the ink bag of cuttlefish. With its large eyes and languid body, the cuttlefish is representative of the this constitution – sensitive, strong and endearing. This fish is found mainly in the Mediterranean sea.      Sepia

Majorly, it is used for treating female disorders including hormonal imbalance, menstrual irregularities, menopausal syndrome, hot flashes, depression, prolapse of uterus and PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome).


To prepare this medicine, the dried liquid contained in the ink-bag of the cuttlefish is collected. It then undergoes the process of trituration to make it ready for homeopathic use.

The ‘Sepia’ Constitution

It is especially suited to people with physical features like dark hair, sallow complexion, and a slender built. They tend to have a mild and easy disposition and have exceedingly excitable, anxious personalities with sensitivity to all impressions. It is primarily a women’s remedy. There are two types of personalities associated with it.
It is suitable for women who are tall, slim and have a narrow pelvis and relaxed pelvic organs. This medicine in pregnancy is especially suited to women, and also during childbed (after delivery), during lactation, and during menopause.
It also suits well pot-bellied mothers, with a yellow saddle across the nose, who tend to have irritable nature. It is also called a washer woman’s remedy because it helps in treating complaints that are brought on or aggravated after laundry work. Such women tend to be sensitive to cold air and can faint easily upon getting wet or from exposure to extremes of heat or cold.

Clinical Indications

It has been used since ancient times for many ailments. Homeopathic physicians tend to use this medicine for treating freckles, leucorrhoea, gonorrhea, kidney stones, hair loss. After its proving in homeopathy, it is used in a wide range of medical ailments.
The medical ailments where this medicine is indicated include depression, menstrual irregularities, hormonal imbalance, menopausal syndrome, hot flashes, prolapse of uterus sterility/ infertility in females, dyspareunia, decreased libido, ovarian cyst, PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), leucorrhoea, PMS (premenstrual syndrome), menstrual headache, dysmenorrhoea, PPD (postpartum depression ), genital herpes, vaginitis, facial hair, morning sickness, constipation, piles, varicose veins, bedwetting, urinary incontinence and kidney stones, UTI, ringworm, psoriasis, icthyosis, urticaria, freckles, acne, chloasma and hair fall.

The Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

1. Conditions of the Mind

It is a very prominently indicated medicine for treating depression. In cases where it is indicated, the affected person feels excessive sadness and dejection with frequent attacks of weeping spells. There may be a great indifference towards everything, and the person may not have any desire to do any work. Indifference towards family members and friends is also markedly present.
It is a remedy very often prescribed to women who suffer from depression after childbirth and during the menopausal period. The affected female has a sad, morose, gloomy, melancholic, cross and highly irritable mood all the time. She breaks into weeping spells, feels helpless, and becomes totally indifferent. She loses all interest in life and living, and her family and friends once very dear to her. She tends to remain sad about her health and domestic affairs all the time, and dwell upon disagreeable events from her past. She dislikes the company of other people and desires loneliness.
The Sepia woman sits quietly, saying nothing. Consoling her can make things worse. She may have suicidal thoughts and tends to be nervous, sensitive and take offense easily. She is unable to tolerate any sort of criticism and frequently experiences attacks of anxiety with fear, with her face flushing with fear and heat. Anxiety and restlessness are highly marked during the night.
Her memory turns weak and she finds it difficult to comprehend things. Fatigue accompanies her mental troubles, with predominating physical and psychological exhaustion.

2. Female Disorders

As mentioned before, it is mainly a remedy for women. It is highly recommended for treating a number of uterine disorders in females.

3. Menstrual Irregularities

It is of great use in correcting menstrual irregularities and hormonal problems in women. Females needing this medicine have irregular periods that are early or late, but never on time. The periods also vary in flow, from scanty to profuse. It helps treat hormonal problems and regularises the menstrual cycle. Abdominal distress and pain in the back precede the periods. During periods, episodes of chilliness and fainting may occur.

4. Menstrual Complaints

It is a great remedy for treating menopausal complaints. The symptoms including hot flashes, sweats, mood swings, irritability, weakness, pulsating headaches during the menopausal period are managed wonderfully well with this remedy. Depression during menopause and after childbirth is also treated with this medicine. It also helps in treating hair fall during menopause.

5. Uterine Prolapse

It is also indicated in cases where there is a prolapse of the uterus, displacement of the uterus, and a retroverted uterus. A dragging, bearing down sensation in the pelvic region may be present. There is a downward pressure with a sensation as if the internal organs will come out through the vagina. It is accompanied by pain in the abdomen. The women must cross her limbs in order to prevent protrusion of the pelvic organs from the vagina.
These sensations are accompanied by a weakness in the back and the woman may give up while walking.

The use of this medicine is also considered in the case of sterility and infertility in females.

It helps in treating dyspareunia (painful intercourse in females), a low libido and an aversion to sex. The affected woman may find sexual intercourse intolerable. The sexual parts become tender to the touch, and the vagina feels very dry. The vagina is very dry. There may be bleeding after sexual intercourse.

6. Ovarian Cysts

It also helps in treating cysts in the ovaries. It is indicated when there is a pressure or a dull, heavy pain in the ovaries. There may be stinging or burning pains in the ovary.
It is also prominently indicated for PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). It treats PCOS by regularising the hormonal levels and treats conditions like the irregularity of periods, hair fall, acne, and facial hair.

7. Leucorrhoea

It is extensively used to treat leucorrhoea (vaginal discharge) and vaginitis.
In cases of leucorrhoea, the discharge is yellow, green, or milky and tends to smell foul or offensive. The discharge is excoriating (irritates the skin) in nature and can cause excessive itching in the vagina along with a burning sensation. Leucorrhoea becomes profuse after urination.
There is also associated pain the sacrum.

8. PMS (Pre Menstrual Syndrome)

It is used to treat PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and its associated symptoms like irritability, bloating, mood sensitivity, swollen/sensitive breast before periods and headache. It also helps treat headaches during periods.

In cases of dysmenorrhea, this remedy works very well. Uterine pains are very severe. Stitching, shooting, or lancinating pain in the uterus, and a bearing down sensation may be present. Nausea, vomiting and extreme weakness tend to be present along with painful periods. The flow of the period may be scanty, and the pain improves once a proper flow has been established.

It is used to treat PPD (postpartum depression) in females. The woman becomes emotionally shut down following childbirth and may develop an aversion to breastfeeding.

It further treats genital herpes in women in cases where vesicles appear on the genitals along with severe itching.

Some other concerns where this medicine is used include acne on the face that appears mainly before the menses, chloasma (facial pigmentation, brownish discoloration on face) and abnormal unnatural facial hair in women i.e. hirsutism.

9. During Pregnancy

It is indicated for certain health complaints that arise during pregnancy. It is an excellent remedy for morning sickness where there is vomiting of food, bile or milky fluid. Nausea becomes worse from the smell (and in some cases the mere thought) of food. It is also indicated for piles and constipation during pregnancy.
To lose weight gained during pregnancy, this medicine is often indicated. The development of varicose veins during pregnancy also indicate the need for this medicine.

10. Urinary Problems

It effectively treats major urinary troubles like bedwetting, urinary incontinence, kidney stones, and Urinary Tract Infections. In the case of bedwetting, it is indicated for bedwetting during the first part of sleep. Urinary incontinence (involuntary urination) from a cough, sneezing, and laughing is treated wonderfully with this medicine.  It is also highly beneficial for treating urinary incontinence in women.
The next indication for using this remedy is chronic cystitis (UTI). Here cutting, burning and smarting pain in the bladder during urination is marked. Constant pressure on the bladder is felt with an urgent inclination to pass urine. The urine is thick, foul-smelling and may be blood-stained.

11. Skin Ailments

It is used to treat chloasma or melasma (discoloration varying from light brown to dark brown color on the face). This pigmentation is marked on the nose and cheeks. It helps prevent the further spread of discoloration and lightens spots.

Next, it is used to treat ringworm infection, especially isolated spots. Recurrent ringworm infections, particularly in the spring season, are also indicative of its use.

Another skin complaint treated well with this remedy is psoriasis, in which red spots appear in large oval patches, covered with shining, white, adhesive scales.

It is well-indicated to treat icthyosis as well. Icthyosis is a genetically inherited skin disorder that is characterized by dry, flaky, scaly and thick skin that looks like that of a fish. The skin has an offensive odor.

It also helps treat excessive perspiration (hyperhidrosis) and offensive perspiration (bromidrosis).

In the case of small warts on hand and face, it is quite helpful.

Urticaria is the next skin complaint where this medicine works well. The key indication to use this remedy in urticaria are wheals with a burning, stitching-type itching that gets worse in the open air and better in a warm room.

It is indicated for common skin complaints like freckles, Mollusca, acne rosacea, and acne before periods in women.

It is also a remedy that works well to treat a fine, itchy rash that appears between the bends of the elbows and knees.

12. Gastric and Hepatic Troubles

It is used to treat the sinking, empty feeling in the pit of the stomach. The person may experience pressure in the stomach after eating a meal arise. Pain in the stomach after consuming simple food also indicates the need for this medicine.
It is also indicated for cramping, stitching or burning in the stomach.
For chronic hepatic troubles, where there is a sensation of fullness, pressure, sore pain and dull stitches in the liver region, this medicine is indicated.

13. Rectal Issues

The rectal complaints include constipation and piles. Constipation, where the stool is hard, large, or knotty, is treated well with this medicine. Pain in the rectum during and after stool may be felt. Tenesmus of the rectum may be marked. Excessive pain in the rectum is felt during passing stool, with burning and swelling in the anus.
It is also considered in cases of constipation where the person goes for days without any bowel movement. It is also used to treat constipation during pregnancy.
It works as a remedy for piles that tend to protrude with difficulty in passing urine.

14. Hair loss

It is highly effective to treat hair loss in females. Hair fall after childbirth and at menopause are strong indications for using this medicine.


It can be used in potency varying from 30 C to 1M. The potency and dosage vary from case to case. In case of low potency, it can be repeated often, while in high potencies its frequent repetition should not be made.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Complementary medicines are Nux Vomica and Natrum Mur.

Remedies that follow – Belladonna, Calc Carb, Graphites, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Silicea, Sulphur and Rhus Tox.

Remedies that are incompatible/inimical are Bryonia Alba and Lachesis.

Antidoted by Aconite, Sulphur and Vegetable Acids.

More About the Sepia Woman

Quoting from one of the most classical descriptions by Margaret Tyler, the “sepia type” is not difficult to spot.

Picture her as a sallow, tired mother of a big family, on “washing day”. She is perspiring profusely, pouring under the arms. She cannot be shut in because of the heat and the stuffiness which make her feel faint. Her back aches badly. She wants to press it to support it. She feels she must sit down, or cross her legs, as her whole inside seems to be dragging down, and coming out of her. She simply must sit down to keep it in. The worry of the children is more than she can bear.

Her baby wants to be carried, and wails and screams. And when her six-year-old starts drumming with a spoon on a tin can, she can stand no more. She snatches the tin can and hurls it away, and smacks her small son which does not improve matters. He howls dismally, and she does not care. Oh! How she wants to run away and leave it all, and have a little peace! Her headaches.

The pain is left-sided today: last time it was on the right side, as she remembers. She is so nervous and jumpy. She has to hold on to the edge of the wash-tub to prevent herself from screaming. If she could only go away from everybody and everything, and lie alone, in the dark, and close her eyes! Her husband comes in. She has no smile to greet him. Nothing but dull indifference, weariness, and suffering. He must leave her alone. She has her work to do. If she could only lie down, she knows even 10 minutes’ sleep would make her a new woman! But there are the clothes to be ironed, cooking to be done, the stuffiness, the terrors of her restless children, with their noise and fidgeting.

Sleep is not for her. Her dull face has lost its contour, its bloom, and its pleasing lines. There are horrifying brown bands or blotches on the forehead, and saddlewise across the nose and cheekbones. She once was a bright and beautiful girl.

The description of the remedy is for the reader to identify with its sensitive characteristics. It helps the physician in selecting the true constitutional medicine. In no way does it endorse self-medication.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Ulcerative colitis Its Homeopathic Treatment

409745082_384a876452_mULCERATIVE COLITIS (UC) is a disease in which the lining of the large intestine (colon) becomes inflamed. This inflammation leads to the formation of raw sores, or ulcers, causing pain and bloody diarrhea. UC usually begins gradually with bloody diarrhea, rectal bleeding, cramps or pain in the belly, and growing urgency to move the bowels. Depending on which area of the colon is affected, the stool may be normal or hard and dry.

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