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Homeopathic Treatment for Burning Urination

Burning urination is caused by infection of the urinary tract, the urethra, or the kidney. Some of the other important reasons for burning urination are STD’s, like chlamydia and gonorrhea, prostatitis and vaginitis, or catheterization and genital herpes. Burning is felt during urination, before urination, and in few cases after urination. Urgency and increased frequency to pass urine may also be present. In a few cases, the urine may be offensive or cloudy, may contain mucus, or blood. Along with the above symptoms, fever and flank pain may also occur. Homeopathy treatment for burning urination gives remarkable results. While prescribing homeopathic medicines for burning urination, features like the frequency of urination, blood in urine, dribbling of urine, offensive urine, the urgency to pass urine, and the stream or flow of urination should be considered. These medicines are selected individually for every case of burning urination. They aim to treat the cause behind the problem.        homeopathic medicines for burning urination

Homeopathic Medicines for Treating Burning Urination

Top medicines for burning urination include Cantharis Vesicatoria, Nitric Acid, Apis Mellifica, Berberis Vulgaris, Cannabis Sativa, and Merc Sol.

1. Cantharis Vesicatoria – Top Grade Medicine for Burning Urination

Cantharis Vesicatoria is a very good treatment for burning urination. Cantharis is used when a person has intense burning in the urethra before, during, and after passing urine. The burning is very severe and is accompanied by a constant urge to urinate. An accompanying feature is pain in the urinary bladder, even after drinking a small quantity of water. In a few cases, the urine may contain shredded jelly-like particles. Cantharis Vesicatoria is also helpful when blood is noticed along with burning. Another indication for using Cantharis Vesicatoria is pain and burning during urination after being catheterized.

2. Nitric Acid – For Treating Burning Urination when the Urine is Offensive

Nitric Acid is a highly effective medicine for burning urination. It is usually recommended when along with burning urination, the urine is highly offensive. The stream of urine is thin. In some cases, the urine may be dark, cloudy, albuminous, and bloody. Stinging pain while passing urine is another pointer for the use of Nitric Acid.

3. Apis Mellifica – For Burning at the End of Urination

Apis Mellifica is a valuable treatment for burning urination. The chief indication to use Apis Mellifica is a burning sensation in the urethra which is felt at the end of urination. The last drops of urine cause intense burning and smarting. Along with this, irritation in the bladder and frequent urination may occur. In some cases, there may also be urine incontinence. Another accompanying symptom is painful or slow urination with a need to press hard while passing urine.

4. Berberis Vulgaris – For Burning Felt before Urination

Berberis Vulgaris is a useful medicine for burning urination felt before urination. This is accompanied by a constant urge to pass urine. Cutting pain in the urethra while urinating is also present. During urination, pain in the thighs and the area around the kidney may also be felt. After urination, there is a sensation of some urine remaining in the urethra. Painful cramps in the bladder is another attending feature.

5. Cannabis Sativa – For Burning Urination when Urine is Passed Drop by Drop

Cannabis Sativa is a very effective medicine for burning urination when urine is passed drop by drop. Cannabis Sativa is also well indicated for burning urination in gonorrhea. In such cases, along with burning urination, there is a yellow and watery mucus discharge from the urethra. The urethra may also be sensitive. Another indication for using Cannabis Sativa is a stitching pain in the urethra on urinating.

6. Merc Sol – For Burning Urination Accompanied by a Sudden Urge to Pass Urine

Merc Sol is a good treatment for burning urination when it is accompanied by a sudden urge to pass urine. Patients needing Merc Sol have to hurry to urinate and cannot retain it once the urge appears. The urine may be scanty or profuse with burning. The burning may remain even after urination. Along with this, the frequency of urination is also high, both in the daytime and at night. Itching in the urethra may also be there.

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Best Homeopathic Remedies for Nephrotic Syndrome – A Supportive Role

Nephrotic syndrome is an indicator that the kidneys are not working well. Homeopathic treatment for nephrotic syndrome helps in managing nephrotic syndrome symptomatically. In mild cases of nephrotic syndrome, homeopathic medicines can be used in isolation, yielding excellent results. However, in severe cases of nephrotic syndrome, homeopathic medicines can be used in addition to conventional medicines to reduce further kidney damage and to offer symptomatic relief.

What is Nephrotic Syndrome?

Nephrotic syndrome has three characteristic features – the passage of large amounts of proteins in the urine, low protein in the blood, and edema. Kidneys are vital organs that help to filter blood and eliminate the waste products of metabolism and extra fluid from the blood. Kidneys contribute in maintaining acid base balance, regulating electrolyte levels, and extracellular fluid volume. The nephron is the functioning unit in the kidney. The first part of the nephron is glomerulus. The glomerulus has a network of capillaries involved in the first stage to filter the blood and urine formation. Any damage to this capillary tuft leads to excessive passage of protein from the blood into the urine. This results in the building up of fluid in the tissue leading to swelling. When protein levels in the blood decrease, it results in fluid collection around the heart, lungs or the abdominal cavity.

Causes of Nephrotic Syndrome

Varying causes lead to nephrotic syndrome. The major cause of nephrotic syndrome in children is the minimal change disease. Membranous glomerulonephritis, or an inflammed glomerulus, and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, or the presence of tissue scars in the glomeruli, also causes nephrotic syndrome. Other reasons include sarcoidosis, amyloidosis, diabetic kidney disease, SLE, vasculitis and certain medications like NSAID’S. Other than these, hepatitis B and HIV are risk factors for nephrotic syndrome.

Signs and Symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome

The most prominent symptoms of nephrotic syndrome are swelling in the feet and puffiness around the eyes. There is foamy urine along with proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, and hyperlipidemia. Other features include fatigue, loss of appetite, and weight gain. Because of hypoalbuminemia, other findings may be pleural effusion, pericardial effusion, ascites or general anasarca.

Homeopathic Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome

Medicines that work well in the homeopathic treatment for nephrotic syndrome are Apis Mellifica, Apocynum Cannabinum, Arsenic Album, and Terebinthina. Homeopathic medicines should be taken under the guidance of a well-qualified doctor, and self-medication should be avoide

1. Apis Mellifica – A Well Indicated Homeopathic Medicine for Nephrotic Syndrome

Apis Mellifica is a well indicated homeopathic medicine for nephrotic syndrome. The symptoms for using Apis Mellifica are puffiness under the eyes and swelling of the feet. The swelling in the feet may worsen on walking. The feet feel tight and tense with swelling. Edematous swelling may also occur on the face. There is burning or heat in the face along with swelling. The urine is frothy or milky in appearance. Fetid odor in urine is also noted and there is a frequent urge to pass urine. Albuminuria and pain around the kidney are also present. Another characteristic feature is the absence of thirst.

2. Apocynum Cannabinum – A Homeopathic Medicine for Nephrotic Syndrome with Ascites, Hydrothorax, and Anasarca.

Apocynum Cannabinum is yet another very effective homeopathic medicine for nephrotic syndrome. Use of Apocynum is considered when there is dropsy accompanied by a great thirst for water. It works well for ascites, hydrothorax, and anasarca. An important accompanying feature is the diminished frequency of the pulse. There is less urine than usual, and it is turbid and hot. Nausea, excessive vomiting, and drowsiness are other features.

3. Arsenic Album – A Homeopathic Medicine for Nephrotic Syndrome Accompanied by Extreme Weakness

Arsenic Album is another homeopathic medicine for nephrotic syndrome. For using Arsenic Album, the indication is edematous swelling mainly on the face and abdomen. There is ascites along with a hard and bloated stomach. Urine is turbid and may burn while passing. Another accompanying symptom is an extreme lack of strength, weakness, and fatigue from the slightest exertion. The patient may also faint due to the weakness. Another major feature is a lot of anxiety and restlessness. These complaints are accompanied by a thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals.

4. Terebinthina – Important Remedy indicated in the Initial Stages of Homeopathic Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome. 

Terebinthina is another important homeopathic medicine for nephrotic syndrome. It works well for acute albuminuria in the early stages. Urine is rich in albuminuria and is cloudy and smoky. Tenesmus of bladder, scanty urine or suppression of urine are other features. There may be ascites consequent to albuminuria. There is a burning, drawing pain around the kidney. Drowsiness is another prominent feature.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Dysuria

Painful urination or passing of urine with a burning sensation is called Dysuria. The pain is in the urethra or the urinary bladder. It may be accompanied by a frequent urge to urinate. Some patients suffering from dysuria may also complain of itching or stinging in the urethra. A patient can experience pain during urination. Whereas, In some cases patient may complain of pain at the end of urination. Flank pain may also appear along with painful urination. Urine may also be cloudy, purulent, turbid, bloody, or loaded with casts and sediments. Homeopathic medicines for Dysuria are very effective and safe. Individual symptoms help in the proper selection of a suitable medicine for Dysuria.   homeopathic medicines for dysuria

These help with the complete recovery of acute as well as chronic Dysuria. The duration taken for full recovery in dysuria varies from case to case.

Causes of Dysuria

There are various causes of dysuria. Among them, the major one is a urinary tract infection. Urinary tract infection refers to an infection that appears in the kidneys, ureter, bladder or urethra. The factors that make a person prone to urinary tract infection are diabetes mellitus, catheterization, pregnancy, and prostate enlargement. Other causes of dysuria include urethral stricture, prostatitis, kidney stones, gonorrhea, and vaginitis.

Homeopathic Medicines for Dysuria

Homeopathy aims at treating the cause behind dysuria to ensure complete cure. Medicines that are highly useful in treating dysuria are Cantharis, Sarsaparilla, Apis Mellifica, Petroselinum, and Borax.

1. Cantharis – For Burning and Scalding Pains in the Urethra

Cantharis is a very effective treatment for dysuria. The main symptoms for using Cantharis in dysuria are a violent burning, scalding, and cutting pain in urethra experienced before, during and after urination. The burning is so intense that the patient cries and screams in pain. There is also a constant urge to urinate. Cantharis is one of the most recommended medicines for dysuria arising from urinary tract infection. Cantharis works well in cases where there is intense burning as the urine passes in drops.

2. Apis Mellifica – For Stinging Pain in the Urethra

Apis Mellifica is another useful medicine for dysuria. Apis Mellifica is recommended for cases where stinging pain in the urethra is a prominent symptom. The urine passed is scanty and may include casts. Apis Mellifica should also be used when the last drops of urine passed cause excessive burning and smarting. There is also irritation in the neck of the bladder along with the above symptoms. Tenesmus during and after urination may also be present.

3. Sarsaparilla – For Pain at the End of Urination

Sarsaparilla is an extremely effective medicine for dysuria when there is severe pain in the urethra at the end of urination. This pain from the urethra may extend to the abdomen. The stream of the urine is feeble and thin. There are gravel and red or gray sand present in the urine. Sarsaparilla is also one of the best medicines for dysuria from renal calculus.

4. Petroselinum – For Dysuria with a Sudden and Irresistible Desire to Urinate

Petroselinum is one of the most suitable medicines for dysuria. It works well in cases where there is a sudden and overwhelming urge to urinate. There is burning and tingling in the urethra with a sudden and constant urge to pass urine. Intense biting and itching deep in the urethra are also major indications to use Petroselinum. Petroselinum treats dysuria arising from cystitis and urethritis. It is also one of the top grade medicines for dysuria in patients suffering from gonorrhea. In gonorrhea cases, a milky, yellow discharge from the urethra may also occur along with burning.

5. Chimaphila – For Ropy, Mucopurulent Sediments in the Urine

Chimaphila is a very effective medicine for dysuria when accompanied by stringy, mucopurulent sediments in the urine. In these cases, the urine is turbid and offensive. A patient who needs Chimaphila has to strain before the urine starts to flow. There is a burning sensation while urinating. Fullness in the bladder is an accompanying feature, and there is a constant desire to pass urine.

6. Uva Ursi – When the Urine Contains Pus and Blood

Uva Ursi is a highly recommended medicine for painful urination when the urine contains pus and blood. There is burning and tearing pain in the urethra. Frequent urination is also a symptom. Urine may also be green colored and emit a strong, pungent odor. Uva Ursi treats dysuria from pyelitis very effectively.

7. Borax and Sarsaparilla – For Dysuria in Children

Borax and Sarsaparilla are top listed medicines for dysuria in children. A patient in need of Borax screams in pain before urinating. There may be red sand in the urine. Sarsaparilla works well in cases where the child cries before and while passing urine.

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5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Uterine Prolapse

The slipping out of the uterus — the womb or child-bearing organ — into the vagina is referred to as a prolapsed uterus. The reason behind Uterine Prolapse is weakened muscles and ligaments that keep the uterus in place. The muscles get weakened because of various reasons. It could be after vaginal delivery, after menopause, because of heavy weightlifting, obesity, chronic cough, chronic constipation or pelvic tumors. All these factors result in the uterus getting displaced from the normal position, leading to prolapse. A prolapsed uterus results in symptoms like heaviness in the pelvic region, bearing down in the pelvis, urine retention or involuntary passage of urine and bowel symptoms like constipation, or the frequent urge to pass stool or poop. Homeopathic remedies for uterine prolapse can provide complete cure for the condition and the remedies, which are totally safe with zero side effects, can be really beneficial for the treatment of Uterine Prolapse.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Uterine Prolapse

Homeopathic Remedies for Uterine Prolapse

Uterine Prolapse can be completely treated with the help of Homeopathy medicines. The medicines, which are made from natural substances, help in providing strength to the loose and weak muscular and ligament structure of the pelvis. As the muscles and ligaments regain strength, they tighten, pull back and hold the uterus at its proper place. Homeopathy remedies for Uterine prolapse can cure the early stages of Uterine Prolapse but in the last degree cases of Uterine Prolapse when the whole uterus comes out of the vagina, surgical intervention is the only way out. Sepia, Lilium Tigrinum, Murex, Lappa Articuma, Fraxinus Americana, Podophyllum, Helonias and Rhus Tox are the top remedies.

1. Sepia: Top Remedy for a Prolapsed Uterus

Sepia is a natural medicine that is highly efficient in treating Uterine Prolapse. Sepia is considered the best medicine for the cure of a prolapsed uterus. Go for this medicine if you experience a constant bearing down sensation in the pelvic region — that is, feeling the sensation as if the uterus is dragging in the downward direction and is about to come out. Crossing the lower limbs may prove slightly helpful to decrease the bearing down sensation. A few women with a prolapsed uterus also suffer from vaginal discharge with itching and such patients can also recover with the use of Sepia. This medicine yields excellent results in women at a menopausal age where the womb is in a relaxed condition with weak muscle support. Uterine Prolapse at menopause may be accompanied by hot flushes with excessive sweating.

2. Lilium Tigrinum: For Uterine Prolapse with Constant Urge to Pass Urine or Stool

Lilium Tigrinum is the second best medicine after Sepia that proves effective in the treatment of a prolapsed uterus. This remedy is very beneficial in women suffering from Uterine Prolapse who have the constant urge to pass urine or stool. This is most of the times accompanied by a distended feeling in the pelvis. Women requiring Lilium Tigrinum also feel a dragging sensation in the pelvis. Supporting the vulva or taking rest brings about a slight relief in the dragging sensation. Lilium Tigrinum can also be used where the muscle supporting the uterus lacks the required tonicity, resulting in a displaced (retroverted or uterus tilted backward) or a prolapsed uterus.

3. Murex: For Bulky, Enlarged Uterus, or Uterus pushed out of Pelvis

Murex is of great help where the uterus is bulky, enlarged and is pushed out of the pelvis. Women experience a bearing down feeling in the pelvis and need to tightly cross legs to prevent the bearing down sensation. Murex also proves useful in decreasing the pain during periods due to a displaced uterus. In case of an inflammatory condition of the uterus due to a prolapsed uterus, Lilium Tigrinum can be helpful. If the patient has an enhanced sexual desire, then it confirms the use of this medicine.

4. Lappa Arcticuma: Excellent Remedy for Uterine Prolapse

Lappa Arcticum is a rare and lesser known medicine but its use can work wonders in treating Uterine Prolapse. Lappa Arcticum can be used in all those cases where the muscles, ligaments and the tissues in pelvis lack tonicity and are relaxed to a greater extent, resulting in a displaced or prolapsed womb. Here, Lappa Arcticum is of great help in providing the tonicity in pelvic tissue. The woman may also feel soreness in the uterine region. The woman feels worsening of symptoms on walking and standing.

5. Fraxinus Americana: For Uterine Prolapse with Tumor

Fraxinus Americana is a rare medicine that can be used when tumors like fibroid uterus are associated with uterine prolapse. The uterus is also enlarged. Bearing down pains in the pelvis are always present.

6. For Uterine Prolapse after delivery

After a vaginal delivery, the uterus can prolapse due to trauma and overstretching of muscle support in the pelvis, that holds the womb in an accurate position. Such cases of Uterine Prolapse following vaginal delivery can be treated with medicines Podophyllum, Sepia, Helonias and Rhus Tox. The choice of medicine out of these is made only after a complete case study of the patient.

7. For Prolapse Resulting from Lifting Heavy Weights

Rhus Tox and Calcarea Carb are equally good medicines for Uterine Prolapse after lifting heavy weights. Again, the selection of medicines is solely made as per the individual case.

8. For Bladder and Bowel Complaints with Uterine Prolapse

A prolapsed and displaced uterus can result in bladder and bowel symptoms. The bowel symptoms include a constant urge to pass stool or constipation. The bladder symptom is mainly the involuntary passage of urine. To cure the constant urge to go to the toilet and pass stool, Nux Vomica is of great help. For treating constipation due to a prolapsed uterus, Stannum is very beneficial. For treating the involuntary passage of urine due to Uterine Prolapse, Ferrum Lodatum is an ideal medicine.

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Homeopathic Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a disease in which the myelin sheath of the nerve cells gets damaged resulting in disruption of communication between the brain and the rest of body parts. The exact cause of multiple sclerosis remains unknown. However, it is considered to be an autoimmune disease. In multiple sclerosis, our immune system, out of a misdirected response, starts to destroy the myelin sheath of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Homeopathic medicines for multiple sclerosis play a supportive role in the treatment and should be used along with conventional treatment. homeopathic medicines for multiple sclerosis

Homeopathic Medicines for Multiple Sclerosis

Homeopathic medicines have only a supportive role to play in multiple sclerosis. Homeopathic medicines for multiple sclerosis basically help to provide symptomatic relief. However, there is no specific Homeopathic medicine for multiple sclerosis and the choice of medicine is determined only after taking note of the detailed symptoms in each case.

1. Physostigma & Gelsemium – For Multiple Sclerosis with Prominent Eye Symptoms

Physostigma and Gelsemium are the most reliable medicines for multiple sclerosis with eye complaints. Both the medicines are known for their comprehensive approach in dealing with most eye-related complaints in this disease all at once. The prominent symptoms that will have the practitioner select Physostigma are a dim vision, blurred vision, partial loss of vision and pain in the eyes. On the other hand, Gelsemium is the best Homeopathic medicine for multiple sclerosis cases with optic neuritis with blurred/foggy vision, double vision, pain in the eyes and varying degree of vision loss. These medicines help to treat these eye symptoms from multiple sclerosis even though the results may vary from person to person.

2. Oxalic Acid & Picric Acid – For Numbness, Tingling, Pin/Needle-like Sensations

Oxalic Acid is one of the most prescribed medicines for multiple sclerosis cases which show symptoms of numbness and tingling in the limbs. Weakness and coldness in the lower limbs may also be felt. Oxalic Acid is also a good choice of medicine for trembling hands and feet as a result of multiple sclerosis. Picric Acid is another of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for multiple sclerosis that has successfully treated several cases where patients feel pin and needle pricks in their limbs. The limbs often feel tired and heavy in such cases. Marked prostration, muscle weakness and spasms from multiple sclerosis can also be treated well with Picric Acid. The weakness may worsen with exertion. Patients also complain of a burning sensation along the spine.

3. Conium & Argentum Nitricum – For Weakness in Lower Limbs

Conium and Argentum Nitricum are the most useful medicines for weak lower limbs due to multiple sclerosis. The guiding symptoms for use of Conium are weak and weary legs, sudden loss of strength while walking, difficult gait and stiffness in legs. However, in case of weakness in calf muscles, rigidity in calves, unsteady walk, a heaviness of limbs where the limbs feel as if they were made of wood and trembling legs, Argentum Nitricum is the best Homeopathic medicines for multiple sclerosis.

4. Gelsemium and Alumina – Where there is Difficulty in Balance and Coordination (Ataxia)

The most effective medicines for multiple sclerosis with balance and coordination difficulties are Gelsemium and Alumina. Gelsemium is prescribed to treat a lack of muscle coordination in persons dealing with multiple sclerosis. The gait is slow and unsteady. Loss of balance while walking is also marked. Intense dizziness may be experienced along with these symptoms. The symptoms pointing towards prescription of Alumina as the most suitable medicines for multiple sclerosis are a sluggish and staggering gait, tottering and falling on closing the eyes, numbness and a bandaged feeling in the legs.

5. Lathyrus Sativus – For Spasticity in Multiple Sclerosis

Lathyrus Sativus is one of the majorly indicated medicines for spasticity in multiple sclerosis cases. Lathyrus Sativus is noted among the best medicines for multiple sclerosis cases where spasticity is most marked in the legs. The legs feel extremely rigid, with a spastic gait. This is accompanied by trembling or tottering while walking. Cramps in the legs may also be felt along with these symptoms. Lower limbs may show emaciation in some cases.

Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

The symptoms of multiple sclerosis vary depending largely upon the part of the nervous system affected. However, the major symptoms of multiple sclerosis include double vision, blurred vision, loss of vision, tingling, optic neuritis, pin/needle-like prickling sensations, numbness, weakness in limbs, marked muscle spasms in legs, coordination and balance difficulties, tremors, difficulty in walking from muscle spasms and weakness, unsteady gait, difficulty with speech and swallowing, difficult bladder/bowel movements, electrical sensations running down the back on bending the neck, fatigue and associated depression.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines for Back Pain

Homeopathic Medicines for Back PainBack pain is a very common health issue that can affect persons of any age group. Back pain refers to pain felt anywhere between the cervical to coccyx region along the back, the lower back, however, is the most vulnerable. The cause of back pain can lie in any of these structures in the backbone including vertebrae, intervertebral disc, spinal cord, muscles, ligaments, and tendons.

Homeopathy offers highly effective and safe treatment for cases of back pain. It aims to treat the underlying cause of back pain to provide immense relief. Homeopathic medicines also help to manage other associated symptoms of pain like stiffness in the back, radiation of pain to legs, numbness, tingling, etc. It is highly advantageous as it does not carry any risk of dependency, unlike conventional medicines like painkillers, muscle relaxants, and topical pain-relieving medicines like creams, gels, and sprays. They only provide temporary pain relief as they do not treat the cause of back pain. Here homeopathy is a great alternative to treat back pain that provides long-term relief by fixing the root cause. With the regular use of homeopathic medicines for the period suggested by a homeopathic physician, the dependency on painkillers can be minimized.

Homeopathy treats root cause

As back pain can arise from various causes such as muscle strain, arthritis, injuries, and disc bulge, to get long-lasting relief, the cause needs to be identified and treated. Here homeopathy fulfils this objective of addressing the root cause of back pain and effects a magical recovery.

Natural medicines with zero side effects

In homeopathy every medicine used for treating back pain is natural, hence ensuring it is free of any side effects. As these are natural, they are safe for consumption by all age groups.

Individualised prescription

Homeopathy offers a wide range of highly effective remedies for back pain. These medicines are prescribed after detailed analysis and evaluation of symptoms in every single individual. The cause, nature of pain, and worsening/relieving factor of pain are all given importance to selecting a homeopathic remedy for back pain. Not just the medicine, but the potency as well as its dose is selected individually for every case.

Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines for Back Pain

The 8 topmost homeopathic medicines that are effective in back pain treatment are Rhus Tox, Bryonia Alba, Aesculus Hippocastanum, Kali Carb, Arnica Montana, Cobaltum, Colocynthis and Guaiacum Officinale.

1. Rhus Tox – For Back Pain Worse At Rest

Rhus Tox is a top-grade medicine for treating back pain. The characteristic symptom indicating its use is worsening of pain while at rest and relief from walking or motion. It is the best choice for managing back pain arising from muscle strain due to overstraining/overstretching from lifting a heavy weight or in cases of arthritis. It is also an appropriate choice of medicine in cases where the back pain gets better by applying pressure.

When to use Rhus Tox?

This medicine is highly recommended to manage back pain which is worse at rest and better from movement especially when arising from muscle strain due to overstraining/overstretching or from arthritis.

How to use Rhus Tox?

One may take this medicine in 30 C potency two to three times a day depending on the severity of pain. To use its high potencies like 200C one needs to consult a homeopathic physician.

2. Bryonia Alba – For Pain that Worsens with Motion

Bryonia Alba is another majorly indicated medicine for treating back pain. A prominent symptom that decides in favor of Bryonia Alba as the best medicine is that the back pain gets worse with motion. Walking also worsens back pain. Rest brings relief. Bryonia Alba is also the most suitable medicine for treating back pain that becomes more severe with stooping and standing.

When to use Bryonia Alba?

This medicine can be considered when back pain gets worse from the slightest movement as well as standing, and gets better by taking rest.

How to use Bryonia Alba?

Though this medicine can be used in both low and high potencies, initially it is safe to take 30C potency twice a day. Afterwards, potency can be raised after consulting a homeopathic physician

3. Aesculus Hippocastanum – For Back Pain in Sacrum Region

Aesculus Hippocastanum is a major medicine for back pain affecting the sacrum region (it is a triangle-shaped bony structure at the base of the spine). The pain may extend to the hip along with the sacrum back. Walking and stooping increase the pain. For some persons needing Aesculus Hippocastanum, rising from a sitting position is a challenge. Intense stiffness is observed in the sacrum and hip region along with the pain.

When to use Aesculus Hippocastanum?

It is most suitable medicine for managing back pain in sacral region mostly worse from walking and stooping

How to use Aesculus Hippocastanum?

It can be taken two to three times a day in 30C power.

4. Kali Carb – For Back Pain in Women Post Childbirth

For back pain in women after childbirth, Kali Carb is considered to be very effective. The pain may get worse on walking and there is a need to stop and take rest before starting to walk again. There is a desire to lie down for relief from back pain. Stiffness or excessive weakness in the back may also cause the pain. Kali Carb is also useful for back pain in women during menses or after a miscarriage.

When to use Kali Carb?

It is the best choice of medicine to manage back pain occurring in women after childbirth.

How to use Kali Carb?

It works most wonderfully in 30C potency that can be taken twice a day.

5. Arnica Montana – For Back Pain from Injury

For treating back pain arising from injury, Arnica Montana is rated as one of the best treatment options. Back pain arising from falls or blows – of both recent and remote origin – responds wonderfully well to these medicines. Persons needing Arnica Montana have sore, bruised pain in the back after being beaten. This may be attended with lameness in the back.

When to use Arnica Montana?

It is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage cases of backache that result from an injury like a fall or a blow on the back.

How to use Arnica Montana?

Both low and high potencies of this medicine work well, however, it is advised to begin with low potency during the initial days. Arnica 30C potency can be taken twice or thrice a day.

6. Cobaltum– For Back Pain from Sitting

Cobaltum is used where pain in the back is worse in the sitting position. The pain usually radiates from the lower back down the legs and feet. Weakness in the legs may be felt. Walking may relieve the back pain.

When to use Cobaltum?

This medicine can be used when the back pain gets bad in the sitting position.

How to use Cobaltum?

A person may use this medicine in 30C potency once a day.

7. Colocynthis– For Lower Back Pain Radiating Down Lower Limbs

Colocynthis is a very effective medicine for back pain radiating down the legs. Colocynthis is helpful for back pain radiating down the limbs on the left side. The person needing Colocynthis may get relief by applying pressure on the affected areas. The pain can be tearing or drawing in nature.

When to use Colocynthis?

The key indicating feature of using this medicine is pain in the lower back that extends down to the lower limbs.

How to use Colocynthis?

It is advised to take Colocynth 30C two to three times a day as per symptom severity.

8. Guaiacum Officinale – For Back Pain in Cervical (neck) Region

The most effective medicine for treating cervical back pain is Guaiacum Officinale. The symptoms for the use of Guaiacum Officinale are pain and stiffness in the cervical back and shoulders. Pain may also extend to the back of the head. The shoulders may be sensitive to touch.

When to use Guaiacum Officinale?

This medicine can be given to persons who experience pain in cervical back i.e. neck area, that radiates to the shoulders, and the back of the head most of the time with stiffness in the neck.

How to use Guaiacum Officinale?

This medicine is preferred in 30C potency and can be taken twice or thrice a day.

What other symptoms may show up with back pain?

In back pain, upper, middle or lower back may be affected. The upper back includes the cervical (neck) region; mid-back includes the dorsal region; and the lower back includes the lumbar, sacral and coccyx region. A major symptom that may accompany the pain is stiffness of the back. In case of pain in the cervical back, the pain may radiate from the neck down the arms. This may be attended with numbness, and tingling in hands. The pain from the lower back may radiate down the lower limbs. This may also be attended with numbness, tingling and increased sensitivity in lower limbs. Other symptoms may include weakness in the back, lower limbs or upper limbs.

Causes behind back pain

Among the various causes behind back pain, the major ones include disc bulge, osteoarthritis, muscle strain, trauma, degenerative disc disease, ankylosing spondylitis, an infection in spine and kidney stones. Disc bulge refers to slipping of the intervertebral disc from its place. Osteoarthritis of the back refers to degenerative changes in the bones, disc, cartilage or joint of back. Muscle strain refers to overstretching of muscle arising from overuse, fatigue or lifting heavy weights. Degenerative disc disease refers to damage, dryness or breakage of the intervertebral disc mainly because of age-related wear and tear or from injury. Ankylosing spondylitis is an inflammatory autoimmune disorder affecting joints in spine mostly starting from sacroiliac joints. Besides above weight lifting, improper posture when sitting / lying, being overweight, lack of exercise all predispose to back pain.

Investigations to Diagnose Back pain

Back pain investigation includes X-ray, MRI and CT scan. X-ray may reveal arthritis and any break in bone. MRI and CT scan diagnose changes in the disc, muscles, ligaments, and tendons of the back.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are elders more prone to back pain?

Back pain can affect a person of any age group. However, back pain from degenerative disc disease and osteoarthritis is most common in elderly people as these arise from age-related degenerative changes.

2. I have lower back pain that radiates down my legs, what could be the cause?

Lower back pain radiating down the lower limbs basically indicates sciatica which may arise from compression, pinching or irritation of the sciatic nerve in the back. The various causes of sciatica include spinal stenosis, disc bulge, disc degeneration, bone spurs, and spondylolisthesis.

3. What could be the reason for my cervical back pain radiating down the arms?

Pain in the cervical back that radiates down to the arms could be caused by pinching of nerves in the cervical region. Nerves in the cervical region could get pinched due to a disc bulge, herniated disc, cervical spondylosis, bone spurs, and spinal stenosis.

4. Can’t exercise/physiotherapy cure back pain?

Physiotherapy does play an important role in managing back pain, but to completely cure back pain. But to get it cured a proper evaluation and treatment are needed. Both physiotherapy and medicines must go hand in hand for effective results.

5. Does back pain indicate a serious condition?

In most cases, back pain does not indicate a serious condition and does not require urgent medical aid. However, bowel/bladder incontinence or progressive weakness in legs together with back pain needs urgent attention as it may be an indication of the cauda equina syndrome, which is an emergency condition.

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Best Homeopathic Medicines for Paralysis

Paralysis is defined as loss of muscle function resulting in inability to move the affected part. The cause behind paralysis does not lie in the muscles but in the nervous system. The main causes of paralysis are stroke (poor blood flow to brain leading to cell death), trauma, nerve injury, poliomyelitis, spina bifida, Parkinson’s disease, Guillain-Barre’s syndrome, multiple sclerosis and cerebral palsy. Paralysis can be localised or generalised. Localised paralysis affects the face, eyelids, hands and vocal cords. Generalised paralysis includes monoplegia (paralysis of one limb), hemiplegia (paralysis of an arm and leg on one side of the body), paraplegia (paralysis of both lower limbs, the urinary bladder, and rectum are also usually involved) quadriplegia (paralysis of both arms and legs). Homeopathic medicines for paralysis offer supportive treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines for Paralysis

Homeopathy offers a wide range of medicines obtained from natural plant sources to treat paralysis. The extent of recovery varies from person to person. The earlier the medicines are started, the higher are the chances of a positive outcome. Natural medicines for paralysis are safe for long term use and have no associated adverse side effects.

The top recommended medicines for paralysis are Causticum, Plumbum Met, Conium and Arnica. Causticum is one of the best medicines for paralysis of the face, vocal cords, urinary bladder, eyelids and limbs. Paralysis following sudden exposure to cold air also demands prescription of medicine Causticum. Plumbum Met is one of the most effective medicines for paralysis of the limbs where the condition is accompanied by emaciation. Conium is known to effectively treat ascending paralysis. The symptoms begin in the lower limbs and ascend upwards. Arnica is rated among top grade medicines for paralysis following stroke and spinal injuries.

1. Causticum and Cadmium Sulph – For Paralysis of Face (Bell’s palsy)

High grade medicines for paralysis of the face include Causticum and Cadmium Sulph. Causticum is one of the best medicines for paralysis of face on the right side. The symptoms worsen with opening the mouth. Paralysis from sudden exposure to cold air or from suppressed skin eruptions also points towards use of Causticum. Cadmium Sulph is recommended for facial paralysis of left side. The mouth gets distorted, with difficulty in swallowing and speaking in such cases.

2. Arnica, Phosphorus and Belladonna – For Paralysis after Stroke

A stroke is mainly a brain attack arising either from obstruction of blood supply to the brain or rupture of blood vessels in the brain. Prominent medicines for paralysis after stroke are Arnica, Phosphorus and Belladonna. All three medicines are equally effective in treating paralysis resulting from a brain stroke. These medicines are natural and focus on healing loss of muscle function after a stroke.

3. Conium, Plumbum Met and Picric Acid – For Paralysis of Ascending Type (Guillain-Barre’s syndrome)

Guillain-Barre’s syndrome is a disorder whereby the immune system attacks the nervous system and causes weakness and tingling sensation in lower limbs which ascends to the upper part of the body. Medicines for ascending paralysis include Conium, Plumbum Met and Picric Acid. These are the most effective medicines for treating ascending type paralysis. Conium is selected when the complaint starts with weakness in legs and difficulty in walking. This initial complaint is followed by the symptoms spreading upwards. Plumbum is one of the most useful medicines for paralysis of ascending nature where atrophy and emaciation accompany the loss of muscle function. Picric Acid is prescribed when tired, weak heavy sensation begins in the legs and moves to the upper body parts. Burning in the spine also appears predominantly in such cases where Picric Acid has shown remarkable results as the best among  medicines for paralysis of the ascending type.

4. Arnica, Hypericum and Natrum Sulph – For Paralysis after Spinal Cord Injury/trauma

On the list of medicines for paralysis from spinal cord injury, Arnica, Hypericum and Natrum Sulph are majorly indicated. All three medicines are equally reliable and can be considered as effective treatment options while dealing with cases of paralysis from spinal cord injuries. These medicines, as all other medicines, are natural, with no linked side effects.

5. Cocculus and Causticum – For Paralysis that is Localised

For localised paralysis of the vocal cords, Cocculus and Causticum are rated among the best medicines. To deal with localised paralysis of upper eyelids, Physostigma, Gelsemium and Causticum are considered the most effective among medicines for paralysis that is localised. These medicines are the most prominently indicated and need to be administered for quite a long time to get positive results.

6. Stannum and Lachesis –For Paralysis of One Side (hemiplegia)

Stannum and Lachesis are remarkable medicines for paralysis of the left side. On the other hand, significant medicines for paralysis of the right side are Plumbum Met and Opium. The selection of medicines is based on the detailed case history of the patient which is painstakingly recorded. The extent and time of recovery depend upon various factors including duration of the disease, severity of the disease and how early the treatment is started.

7. Picric Acid, Lathyrus and Causticum – For Paralysis of Lower Limbs (paraplegia)

Picric Acid, Lathyrus and Causticum are the most reliable among medicines for paralysis of the lower limbs, also called paraplegia. The person who needs to be prescribed Picric Acid will have paralysed legs. The feet may appear cold. Burning sensation in the spine is another prominent symptom. Lathyrus is indicated when emaciation of lower limbs appears along with loss of function. The legs may appear bluish in colour in such cases. Spastic paralysis of lower limbs also points towards use of Lathyrus as the most effective among medicines for paralysis of lower limbs. Causticum is most helpful where the urinary bladder and rectum also get paralysed along with the lower limbs.

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Top 5 Homeopathic Medicines for Endometriosis

The endometrium is a tissue that normally lines the inner mucous membrane of the uterus. This tissue grows and thickens under the influence of hormones and is shed during menstruation every month. When this endometrial tissue grows in body parts other than the uterus, it is termed as endometriosis. This endometrial tissue may grow in ovaries, fallopian tubes, back of the uterus, intestines, rectum and urinary bladder. This misplaced tissue undergoes proliferation simultaneously along with the normal uterine tissue under hormonal influence. These areas bleed at the time of the menstrual period. Scarring and adhesions result in these areas. The exact cause of endometriosis is unknown, but various theories like surgical scars, retrograde menstruation explain the probable cause of endometriosis. The genetic factor also plays an important role in predisposing a woman to endometriosis. Homeopathic medicines for endometriosis play a supportive role in the treatment.  homeopathic medicines for endometriosis

Symptoms of Endometriosis

The main symptoms of endometriosis are pelvic pain that may extend to the back and legs, painful periods (dysmenorrhoea), heavy bleeding, dyspareunia, dysuria, rectal pain, bleeding from rectum or bladder at the time of periods. Lack of energy, tiredness, anxiety, depression are also observed along with the other major symptoms. Infertility is a major complication arising from endometriosis.

Advantage of Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy offers natural and safe management of endometriosis. Homeopathic medicines are derived from plants and are, therefore, non-toxic. They prevent further progression of the disease. The primary aim of Homeopathic medicines for endometriosis is to provide symptomatic relief to a patient. In the process, they also treat related issues, majorly infertility arising from inflammation, adhesions, and scarring within fallopian tubes.

Homeopathic Medicines for Endometriosis

Medicines for endometriosis that come highly recommended are Sabina, Sepia, Xanthoxylum and Ammonium Mur. Sabina is useful when the pain in the pelvis, sacrum, and pubis is very marked. They are mainly described as bearing down type or colicky in nature. Sepia is indicated for stitching, clutching, bearing down and griping pain in the pelvis. It is also one of the best medicines for dyspareunia. Homeopathic medicine Xanthoxylum is recommended for excruciating pains in the pelvis, thighs, and legs during periods. The periods are profuse in such cases. Ammonium Mur is the most effective among medicines for endometriosis with rectal bleeding and pain during menses.

1. Xanthoxylum and Cimicifuga – For Endometriosis with Painful Periods (dysmenorrhoea)

Significant medicines for endometriosis with painful periods are Xanthoxylum and Cimicifuga. Xanthoxylum is best suited when periods are very painful, with excruciating pain in the pelvis, back, thighs and legs. The menses are profuse and exhausting. Cimicifuga is another useful of medicine for endometriosis with pain during periods. It is indicated in case of severe, bearing down pain in the lower abdomen, uterine region, and the lower back during periods. It is also prescribed for darting pains in the pelvis from hip to hip. More the menstrual flow, more the pain. Sharp electricity-like pains may appear in various parts of the body as a reflex from uterine/ovarian irritation in such cases where Cimicifuga will prove one of the best medicines for endometriosis.

2. Sabina, Sepia, and Pulsatilla – For Endometriosis with Pelvic Pain

Sabina, Sepia and Pulsatilla are rated to be the best on the long list of medicines for endometriosis with pelvic pain. Homeopathic medicine Sabina is indicated when colicky or labour-like pains appear in the pelvis. Marked pains in the small of the back and from sacrum and pubis are also observed in such cases. The menses are profuse, partly fluid and part clotted. Sepia is another of the reliable medicines for endometriosis indicated in case of marked bearing down pains in the pelvis. Women prescribed Sepia may also complain of gripping, stitching, clutching pains in the pelvis. Pulsatilla is the most effective among medicines for endometriosis for pelvic pain during periods, attended with chills, restlessness and tossing in bed.

3. Sepia and Platina – For Pain during Intercourse (dyspareunia)

Sepia and Platina are top grade medicines for endometriosis with dyspareunia. Both work as best prescriptions in case of women who complain of marked pain during intercourse. Burning and soreness is also present. The genitals are sensitive to touch. In fact, women prescribed Sepia usually have a low sex drive while those needing Platina have an increased sexual desire.

4. Nux Vomica, Ammonium Mur and Lachesis – For Endometriosis with Rectal Symptoms

Nux Vomica, Ammonium Mur and Lachesis are helpful medicines for endometriosis with rectal symptoms. Nux Vomica is prescribed when pain in the rectum appears during periods. Ineffectual urging for stool may accompany rectum pain. The stool is unsatisfactory, scanty and incomplete. Ammonium Mur and Lachesis are the most suited medicines for endometriosis with a bleeding rectum during menses. The bleeding is usually accompanied by pain in the rectum.

5. Sepia and Natrum Mur – For Endometriosis with Urinary Troubles

Beneficial medicines for endometriosis with urinary complaints are Sepia and Natrum Mur. Sepia is considered the most useful among medicines for endometriosis where it is accompanied by urinary urgency and frequency. A bearing down sensation in the pubic region may be felt. Pain while passing urine from endometriosis lesions also indicates use of Sepia.  Pain in the bladder of aching (dull) and burning nature during menses also points to the use of Sepia. Natrum Mur is one of the most effective medicines for endometriosis which is mainly prescribed when bleeding from the urinary bladder appears simultaneously with the menses.

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Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Kidney Pain

What is Kidney Pain?

Kidney pain is felt in the back below the lower ribs. It can radiate to the flanks, abdomen and groin. The main causes of kidney pain are pyelonephritis (kidney infection), kidney stones, polycystic kidney disease and kidney cancer. Kidney pain from stone is referred to as renal colic. Kidney stones cause pain when they are trying to enter the ureter from kidney. The attending features of kidney pain are pain in the flank, painful/burning urination (dysuria), blood in urine (hematuria), frequent urination, offensive urination, fever, chills, nausea and vomiting.

Advantages of Homeopathic Treatment of Kidney Pain

Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain are highly effective remedies procured from natural sources. As the medicines are natural, there is no risk of toxic side-effects and gentle healing results. Homeopathic medicines can manage acute renal colic from stones. They are also effective in dissolving kidney stones and removing the tendency to have recurrent calculus. Homeopathic remedies are very helpful in kidney pain from infection (pyelonephritis) as well. Here these remedies help by boosting the body’s own healing mechanism to fight the infection. Homeopathic medicines can successfully treat acute as well as chronic kidney pain in a safe manner.

Homeopathic Medicines for Kidney Pain

The recommended Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain are Berberis Vulgaris, Lycopodium, Cantharis and Terebinthina. Berberis Vulgaris is one of the top grade Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain from stones. It is helpful in renal colic of the left side. Lycopodium is a natural Homeopathic medicine for right sided kidney pain. Cantharis is recommended for highly painful and burning urination accompanying kidney pain while Terebinthina is useful for kidney pain attended with blood in urine.

Berberis Vulgaris, Lycopodium and Cantharis – Best Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain from stones (renal colic)

Natural medicines Berberis Vulgaris, Lycopodium and Cantharis are rated among the most effective Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain from stones. Homeopathic medicine Berberis Vulgaris is indicated for left-sided renal colic. The pain radiates from the left kidney to the ureter and bladder. The urine may contain blood cells and appear turbid. To deal with renal colic of the right side, Lycopodium is an excellent choice of Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain. Pain from the right kidney may radiate to the urinary bladder and is worse before urination. Also, the urine may be loaded with red sediments. Cantharis is useful where pain and intolerable burning while urination accompanies kidney pain from calculus.

Terebinthina and Apis Mellifica – Top Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain from pyelonephritis

Top rated Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain from pyelonephritis are Terebinthina and Apis Mellifica. Terebinthina is of immense help in case of burning, drawing pain in the kidney. It is accompanied by dark, cloudy or smoky urine which contains albumin and coffee ground sediments. Constant tenesmus may also appear with these symptoms. Homeopathic medicine Apis Mellifica is recommended when the person complains of the kidney feeling sore and bruised from pain. The person also complains of burning, stinging pain in the urethra while urinating in such cases. Urge for urine is frequent, but scanty urine is passed. Marked strangury is also observed in cases where Apis Mellifica will work as the most effective among Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain from pyelonephritis.

Berberis Vulgaris and Hedeoma – Top rated Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain on left side

Major Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain on the left side are Berberis Vulgaris and Hedeoma. Berberis is indicated for radiating, shooting pains in the left kidney. The pain often travels downwards to the ureter or bladder. The kidney region is highly sensitive to the touch. Motion worsens the pain. Homeopathic medicine Hedeoma is needed for dull pain in the left kidney. The pain may be of drawing and dragging nature. Frequent urge for urination is also present. The person has difficulty retaining urine even for a few minutes once the urge begins. Hedeoma stands among Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain on the left side that have shown the most remarkable results.

Lycopodium and Sarsaparilla – Wonderful Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain on right side

Lycopodium and Sarsaparilla are wonderful Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain on the right side. Lycopodium is suggested for aching pain in the right kidney. The pain is worse before urination. The person finds relief in kidney pain after urination. The urine stream is weak and may contain red sand. Homeopathic medicine Sarsaparilla is effective when marked dysuria appears along with right side kidney pain. Urine is scanty, slimy and may contain white sand.

Cantharis, Phosphorus and Terebinthina – Homeopathic remedies for kidney pain with blood in urine (hematuria)

Prominently indicated Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain accompanied with blood in urine are Cantharis, Phosphorus and Terebinthina. Cantharis is indicated in case of bloody urine along with kidney pain. Marked burning while urinating is also observed in such cases. The pain in kidney is cutting and burning in nature and the kidney is very sensitive to touch. Phosphorus is utilized when dull pain in kidney is accompanied with hematuria. The pain in kidney is most marked when lying on the back. On the other hand, Terebinthina works well in kidney pain when urine appears smoky, dark with blood which has a ground coffee coloured appearance, making it one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain of this type.

Cantharis, Merc Cor and Pareira Brava – Recognised Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain with painful urination (dysuria)

Known Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain with painful urination or dysuria include Cantharis, Merc Cor and Pareira Brava. Cantharis can effectively manage kidney pain with marked burning while micturition. The urge to urinate is constant and urine appears in drops. Strangury is marked.  Merc Cor is selected when urine is scanty, hot with intense pain. Urine is brown, and passes in drops in cases where Merc Cor will prove the best among Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain. Pareira Brava is needed when painful micturition accompanies kidney pain. Urge for urination is almost content. The pain often extends down the thighs from the kidney and bladder while urinating in such cases.

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Best Homeopathic Medicines for Liver Problems

The liver is the largest gland in the body situated below the diaphragm, on the right side of the abdomen and has many vital functions to perform for the body. It filters the blood coming from the digestive tract before it passes to the body. Other important functions of the liver are metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and amino acids in the body; production of bile that help in breaking down the fat and detoxification of chemicals and drugs. Its other functions include producing blood clotting factors, storage of glucose and clearance of bilirubin. Many factors can cause liver problems, but the major among them are virus infections, alcohol consumption, and obesity. Liver problems can occur in persons of all age groups and may be genetic. Liver problems, if not treated in time, can lead to liver failure and prove to be life-threatening. Homeopathic medicines for liver problems are Chelidonium, Carduus Marianus and Natrum Sulphuricum.

Homeopathic Medicines for Liver Problems

Homeopathy is the science of healing which is very effective in treating both acute and chronic liver problems. Homeopathy takes a holistic approach to healing. Natural medicines are deep acting and have no side effects on the body. Unlike the conventional mode of medicine, these medicines do not supress the disease and its symptoms. In fact, they attack the disorder at the root and set off the body’s own restorative processes, making it strong enough to completely eradicate the disease. Suppressing the disease process makes it stubborn. Once the body’s own immune system is strengthened, it prevents further recurrence of the disease.

Chelidonium is a great remedy for liver infections. Hepatitis, gallstones and jaundice are treated well with Chelidonium. Carduus Marianus has shown remarkable results in liver cirrhosis with dropsical conditions while Natrum Sulphuricum is the most valuable among medicines for liver problems like jaundice, hepatitis and other bilious complaints.

1. Chelidonium, Arsenic Album and Phosphorus – For Liver Problems such as Hepatitis

Hepatitis is one of the most common liver problems involving inflammation of the liver. It is mainly caused by viral infections and is characterised by the presence of inflammatory cells in the liver tissue. Top grade medicines for hepatitis are Chelidonium, Arsenic Album and Phosphorus. Chelidonium is very effective in treating an enlarged liver with tenderness. Dull, throbbing pain in the region of the liver is also best treated with medicine Chelidonium. Where hepatitis results from bad food or food poisoning, Arsenic Album is the best medicine for liver problems like hepatitis. The symptom to look out for prescription of Arsenic Album is burning pain in the liver which gets better with warm drinks. Phosphorus is another very frequently prescribed medicine for both acute and chronic hepatitis.

2. Carduus Marianus and Phosphorus – For Liver problems like Cirrhosis

Liver cirrhosis is a condition in which the normal working of the liver is majorly affected due to long term damage. It is mainly characterised by the replacement of normal liver tissue by scar tissue. The most effective medicines for liver problems such as cirrhosis are Carduus Marianus and Phosphorus. Carduus Marianus is a very effective remedy for liver cirrhosis with general edema. A liver that is engorged and swollen laterally, a condition that gets worse from pressure, is treated well with Carduus Marianus. Phosphorus is also very helpful in cirrhosis of the liver. A congested liver, with weakness and sensitivity, are treated well with medicine Phosphorus, putting it on the list of top medicines for liver problems.

3. Picricum Acidum and Lachesis – For Liver Problems such as a Fatty Liver

Fatty liver, also known as the fatty liver disease, is an ailment in which large amounts of fat accumulates abnormally within the liver cells. It mainly occurs in persons who have excessive alcohol intake or who are obese. Picricum Acidum and Lachesis are remarkable medicines for liver problems such as a fatty lever. Picricum Acidum is best selected to treat a liver full of fatty granules. Lachesis is very effective for liver complains largely among alcoholics. In cases where the liver region is very sensitive and a person can’t bear anything around the waist, Lachesis is one of the most effective medicines for fatty liver.

4. Chionanthus, Natrum Sulphuricum and Crotalus Horridus – For Liver Problems such as Jaundice

Jaundice is another common liver problem that occurs due to high bilirubin levels. Jaundice, also known as ‘icterus’, is primarily characterised by yellow pigmentation of the skin and the sclera (white of the eyes). Well indicated medicines for jaundice are Chionanthus, Natrum Sulphuricum and Crotalus Horridus. Chionanthus is very effective in chronic cases of jaundice, which recur every summer. The symptoms include an enlarged liver, constipation, clay-coloured stools and very yellow skin. Natrum Sulphuricum is one of the most wonderful medicines for liver problems like jaundice where the symptoms include a liver region that is sensitive, tender and sore to the touch. Vomiting bile is another indicator. Crotalus Horridus is used to treat jaundice cases where the entire body has gone yellow. Pain in the liver, coldness and vomiting are some common symptoms observed in such cases.

5. Berberis Vulgaris and Chionanthus – For Liver Problem such as Gall Stones

A gall stone is really a calculus formed within the gall bladder. Gall stones are formed due to concretion of the bile components. A person may experience intense pain in the upper right side of the abdomen, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The most effective among medicines for liver problems such as these are Berberis Vulgaris and Chionanthus. Berberis Vulgaris is the most prescribed medicine for gall stones. Sharp pains in the region of the gall bladder are treated well with Berberis Vulgaris. Chionanthus is another excellent medicine for gall stones with soreness in the liver region. Gall stones and bilious colic accompanied by jaundice are also treated very well with Chionanthus, making it one of the top-rated medicines for liver problems.

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