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Clematis Erecta – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Homeopathic remedy Clematis Erecta is derived from the plant Upright Virgin’s Bower (also named Flammula Jovis) belonging to family ranunculaceae. The leaves and stems of this plant undergo a potentization process (a process to prepare homeopathic medicines that extract and intensify the medicinal properties of a crude substance) and get converted into a very important medicine Clematis Erecta. It is a principal remedy in homeopathy to treat cases of urethral stricture and orchitis (inflammation of testicles).

clematis erecta The ‘Clematis Erecta’ Constitution

This medicine suits people who have a tendency towards urinary complaints and joint pains. Other than this it is suitable for persons prone to have hard, swollen glands e.g. axillary glands, inguinal glands.

Drug Action

It acts markedly on urinary organs and male genitals mainly on testicles. Besides these it has affinity to treat complaints of eyes, skin, joints and teeth.

Clinical Indications

Urethral stricture, orchitis (inflammation of testicles), testicle pain, gonorrhoea, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, iritis, skin rash, toothache.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

  1. Urinary Organs (urethral stricture, burning, urethral discharge)

This medicine manifests chief action on urinary organs. It remains very successful to treat cases of urethral stricture (narrowing of urethra). In cases needing it excessive straining is required to initiate urination. With great effort a few drops of urine pass which is followed by a stream. Urine passes slowly as the urinary stream is very weak, feeble. All urine doesn’t pass at once. Dribbling may occur after urination. Sometimes urine flow is interrupted where urine starts and stops again and again. Urine may pass drop by drop in some cases. The urethra feels constricted.
Next, it is useful for managing urethral burning. It is most intense when beginning to urinate or when passing last drops of urine. At times sharp stitches in the urethra are felt. There is frequent urge to urinate with passage of scanty urine. People also experience an urgency to pass urine. Tingling sensation in the urethra may be present.

Key indicating features:

Urethral stricture with weak urine flow and excessive straining to urinate
Burning in urethra when beginning to urinate or passing last drops of urine

  1. Male Problems (Orchitis, testicle pain)

It is extensively used in treating certain male problems. Among these it is highly recommended to treat cases of orchitis. Orchitis means inflammation of testicles. Testicles are swollen. There is pain in the testicles. Bruised, drawing, shooting or pinching pain in testicles is felt. The pain may extend to groins or thighs.  Pain gets worse from motion and slightest touch. Testicles can feel hard.
It is also a beneficial medicine for managing decreased libido. Another prominent complaint where it helps is urethral discharge of thick pus in cases of gonorrhoea (sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae). Besides these it is of great service in managing burning type of pain in penis during emission during coition.

Key indicating features: 

Orchitis (inflammation of testicles)
Testicle pain of bruised, drawing, shooting or pinching type
Burning pain in penis during emission during coition
Urethral discharge of thick pus in cases of gonorrhoea

  1. Skin Complaints 

This medicine is also effective to manage certain skin issues, like vesicular (fluid filled) eruptions and pustular (pus filled) eruptions. These eruptions are covered with scales and scabs following an eruption and discharge. Intense itching accompanies this.
Secondly, it is a suitable medicine to treat herpes zoster (a painful blistering skin disease caused by varicella zoster virus). The eruptions look red, these rupture exudes fluid and become ulcers. The eruptions itch a great deal and a burning sensation may be felt. Itching and burning worsens at night. Other than these, itching also increases after washing.
Next noteworthy complaint that calls for the use of this homeopathic remedy is skin ulcers. It is used when there is shooting, throbbing pain in ulcers. Burning is also present. The ulcers usually are hard with raised edges. Yellow pus discharge may occur from these.
There is marked Itching in and around the ulcer area.
Its use is also recommended in case of moist eczema. There is excessive itching in the eczema lesions. The itching gets worse from the warmth of bed and from cold washing. The eczema is located mainly on the back of head (occiput) and lower legs.
Lastly, it manages skin itching that worsens from washing with cold water.

Key indicating features

Vesicular or pustular eruptions that ooze fluid and get covered with scabs
Skin itching worse from washing with cold water
Skin ulcers with shooting, throbbing, burning pain
Herpes zoster with red eruptions that ooze fluid and become ulcers
Eczema mainly on back of head (occiput) and lower legs

  1. Eyes (blepharitis, conjunctivitis, iritis, corneal ulcer)

With its action on eyes it treats cases of blepharitis (inflammation of eyelid edges). It is helpful when blepharitis cases are chronic and there is swelling of tiny oil glands at margins of eyelids called meibomian glands. Smarting and burning at eyelid margins is marked. It is also preferred to manage cases of conjunctivitis (inflamed membrane that lines eyelids and eyeballs) especially pustular type. In such cases the eyes get inflamed and may result in the sticking together of eyelids.
It can also be used for managing dryness and burning heat in the eyes, accompanied with sensitivity to light and cold air.
Another complaint where it helps is iritis (inflamed coloured part of eye) with cold sensitivity. 
Lastly it is indicated to manage cases of corneal ulcer. There is burning or stitching eye pain in these cases. Tingling in eyes may occur. Eyes are sensitive to heat.

Key indicating features:

Blepharitis with swollen meibomian glands
Pustular conjunctivitis with eyelid sticking in morning
Iritis with sensitivity to cold
Corneal ulcer with burning, stitching pain in eye

  1. Teeth (toothache)

Clematis is also useful to manage toothache. It is indicated to relieve toothache that is worse at night. It is also helpful for toothache that occurs from tobacco. For using it the pain can be drawing or stitching type. It is better in cold water and in open air. The tooth may be decayed with pain in teeth.

Key indicating features:

Toothache at night and from tobacco
Toothache better by drinking cold water and in open air

  1. Limbs (nodes on joints, weakness in limbs)

This medicine manages certain complaints of limbs. It is valuable for cases of arthritic (joint inflammation) nodes on finger joints. There is pain in the joints located in the hands. Joint pain in lower limbs may also be present. Weakness, heaviness in limbs along with bruised sensation is yet another complaint where its use can be considered.

Key indicating features: 

Arthritic nodes on finger joints
Weakness, heaviness, bruised pain in limbs


Worsening factors: complaints are worse from motion, touch, at night, from heat of bed and cold washing.

Relieving factors: there is relief in open air and from sweating


Its use is recommended in both low and high potencies. The potency and repetition varies from case to case depending on the type and duration of complaint. In general low potencies can be repeated often while high potencies should not be repeated frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Bryonia and Camphor

It antidotes: Merc Sol

Followed well by Calcarea Carb, Rhus Tox, Sepia, Silicea and Sulphur

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Effective Homeopathic Remedies for Shoulder Bursitis

An inflammation of the bursa in the shoulder is referred as shoulder bursitis. This bursitis is also known as subacromial bursitis. Homeopathic remedies for shoulder bursitis offer gradual symptomatic relief to bring about recovery. 

A bursa is a tiny sac filled with viscous lubricating fluid that is located around a joint.  It acts as a cushion and reduces friction between the joint bones while movement. Due to these bursa rubbing of muscles, bones and tendons in a joint during movement is prevented. In case a bursa is irritated then it results in its  inflammation.

In cases of shoulder bursitis the bursa that is most commonly inflamed is  the subacromial bursa at the tip of the shoulder. 


It can arise from various reasons. Firstly it can result from an injury to the joint as from a fall, trauma, or accident. Another reason is repetitive movement or overuse of the shoulder joint.
Another cause is inflammation of the joint as in case of rheumatoid arthritis (a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disorder that causes joint inflammation resulting in pain, swelling and stiffness of the joints) and gout (a type of joint inflammation that result in pain, swelling, redness and tenderness in the joints which is caused by  deposition of needle like crystals of uric acid in a joint).
Though shoulder bursitis can occur in anyone but the people who have excessive use of their shoulders are at risk of developing it. For example gardeners, carpenters, athletes, swimmers,  tennis players are at high risk.

Persons who are painters or who do knitting are also prone to develop it.

Signs and Symptoms 

The signs and symptoms that occur in this condition includes pain around the shoulder, redness and swelling around the shoulder. The pain can be felt on the outside or top of the shoulder. The pain may be worse on raising the arm and also from keeping the shoulder at rest. Next the affected side of the shoulder may also be tender and painful to touch. The range of shoulder joint movement may be reduced too. The pain and discomfort tend to worsen at night and on lying on the painful side. A popping sound on moving the shoulder can attend. In case of infection of the bursa (called septic bursitis)  fever arises along with above symptoms.

Homeopathic Remedies for Shoulder Bursitis 

Homeopathy offers a very effective treatment for cases of shoulder bursitis. The homeopathic medicines help to reduce the inflammation of the bursa. Along with this the medicines give gradual relief in the associated symptoms. The signs and symptoms that can be well managed with them include pain, stiffness, redness and swelling around the shoulder. These medicines manage this condition by addressing the root cause behind it. These medicines are very safe and gentle and treat this condition very effectively without any sort of side effects. The best suitable homeopathic medicine needed for treating a case of shoulder bursitis needs to be selected from a huge list of therapeutics. Seeking help from a homeopathic doctor is therefore always recommended for effective treatment. 

  1. Ruta – Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine in homeopathy to manage complaints of shoulder bursitis. It is prepared from fresh plant Ruta graveolens commonly known as garden rue. This plant belongs to family rutaceae. In most cases needing it the pain in the shoulder is worse from hanging down the arm. It is also worse when resting on the affected shoulder. The pain is mostly a wrenching type. In some cases pain can be bruised also. 

  1. Apis Mellifica – Prominent Remedy 

It is the next well indicated medicine for treating cases of shoulder bursitis. It helps to reduce the inflammation of the bursa and give symptom relief. For using this medicine, tensive pain is present mostly in the left sided shoulder. It may extend to the neck. There is also pain in the shoulder that radiates to the arms. 

  1. Rhus Tox – For Shoulder Pain and Stiffness

It is a very effective medicine for managing shoulder pain and stiffness. It is one of the best medicines to manage complaints that arise from repetitive movement, injury or overuse of a joint. Persons who need it have shoulder pain that is mainly felt at rest. The pain can be tearing or burning type. They feel a pressure on the shoulders similar to that of a heavy weight. Mostly they have pain at the top of their shoulders on the left side. They sometimes feel a stitching type of pain in the shoulders. This increases when lying. Movement helps relieve it. The pain is also worse in the cold, wet weather. Lastly, they can have a drawing type of pain in the shoulder that extends down the arms.

  1. Bryonia – For Redness, Swelling and Pain over the Shoulder

This medicine is  prepared from the root of a plant named Bryonia alba or wild hops. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is a very helpful medicine for cases in which there is redness, swelling and pain over the shoulder. The pain can be tearing or stitching type. Along with this a pressure is felt on the top of the right shoulder. It worsens from touch. A tensed sensation is also felt with this pressure feeling.

  1. Sanguinaria Can – To Manage Right Shoulder Pain

It is prepared from a plant Sanguinaria canadensis commonly known as Blood root. It belongs to the family papaveraceae. It is a useful medicine for managing pain in the right shoulder joint. For using this medicine the pain is felt on the top of the right shoulder. The pain may extend to the upper part of the right arm in some cases. It is worse at night time also and on turning in the bed. Along with the above symptoms there is much difficulty in raising the arm.

  1. Ferrum Met – For Shooting, Tearing Pain

This medicine is indicated for shooting, tearing type of pain in the shoulder. The pain radiates to the upper arm in cases requiring it. With this, raising the arm is difficult. The right side shoulder feels bruised and is also sore to touch. External heat offers relief in the pain. Along with the above symptoms cracking in the shoulder joint is also there.

  1. Ledum pal – For Severe Stitching Pain in Shoulder

It is prepared from a plant Ledum Palustre commonly known as wild rosemary and marsh cistus. This plant belongs to family ericaceae. This medicine works well in cases of severe stitching pain in the shoulder. This is worse when raising the arm. Sometimes sticking is felt in the shoulder when lifting arms. Another indication for using it is a throbbing type of pain in the right shoulder. Its last indication is painful pressure in the shoulder joints that is worse from motion.

  1. Silicea – For Pain Worsening at Night

Silicea is another beneficial medicine for this condition. Its use is considered when the pain in the shoulder worsen at night time. The pain may also radiate to the arm. There is relief from wrapping the shoulder warmly. Other than this sharp pain in the right shoulder also indicates its use. 

  1. Belladonna – For Aching, Drawing Pain in Shoulder

This medicine is prepared from a plant named as deadly nightshade. It belongs to family solanaceae. It is a valuable medicine for cases with aching and drawing pain in the shoulder. The pain can go down the arm from top of the shoulder sometimes. This pain is worse at night. It is also worse from motion. Relief in the pain is noted by external pressure.

  1. Graphites – For Pain in Left Shoulder

This medicine is recommended for managing left sided shoulder pain. The pain in cases requiring it is usually tearing in nature. The pain is felt on moving the arm. Sometimes a burning type of pain is felt in the left shoulder. While in a few cases there occurs a sticking, tearing or lancinating pain in the shoulders.

  1. Pulsatilla – For Drawing, Tearing Shoulder Pain

This medicine is prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly named as pasque flower or wind flower. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is used when there is drawing, tearing pain in the shoulder. With this there is desire to move the arm. There may occur heaviness in shoulder and arms in addition to above symptoms.

  1. Sulphur – For Lacerating Shoulder Pain

This medicine is mainly indicated for managing lacerating type of pain in the shoulder. Mostly it worsens at night in cases needing it.  Along with this a sensation of pressure like a weight is felt on the shoulders. This is especially worse when walking in open air. Next symptom indicative of using this medicine is pain in the left shoulder as if it is bruised.

  1. Phytolacca – For Right Shoulder Pain

It is prepared from a plant Phytolacca decandra commonly known as Poke root and Red Ink Plant. It belongs to family phytolaccaceae. This medicine offers the best help in cases of right shoulder pain. In cases needing it the pain is shooting type. It is accompanied with stiffness.  Additionally, there is an inability to raise the arm.

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TMJ Headache : Homeopathy Can Help

TMJ headache (temporomandibular joint headache) is a headache caused by a disorder in the temporomandibular joint. Most times a headache arises from sinus problem, migraines but it could not come in mind that it could be related to TMJ disorder but that can be reason too in some cases.TMJ is a sliding hinge joint that connects the jawbone to the temporal bones of the skull. There is one TMJ on each side of the jaw. This joint helps in jaw movement so that a person can talk, chew. Dysfunction in the jaw and the muscles that control the jaw movement  can result in TMJ disorders which may also cause headache. Homeopathy for TMJ headache helps reduce the frequency and intensity of this headache. Homeopathy for TMJ headache


In this there may occur dull, aching pain or sharp throbbing pain around and inside the ear. This pain tends to radiate  to the scalp,  temples (side of the head), down to the neck and  back of the head. The pain gets worse by talking, chewing and  yawning. The headache in this type  can occur in one or more areas of the head and face and is attended with some other symptoms. These include pain in the face or jaw, tightness of muscles of face or jaw,  restriction of jaw movement, clicking or popping sound on jaw motion. Sometimes there may also occur dizziness and hearing problems along with above symptoms.


The exact cause behind it is unknown yet. But it is thought to arise when there is some problem in the TMJ joint or in muscles around the TMJ that run along the jaw and cheeks. Tension in the muscles of the jaw can  lead to pain alongside cheeks and the sides or top of the head. Clenching or grinding of teeth can also lead to muscle pain that surrounds the jaw and cause headache. It is also seen that mental stress can result in muscle spasms which can result in headache. It may also arise from osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease) and osteoporosis (a condition in which the bones get weak and prone to break easily) affecting jaw joints.

Homeopathy for TMJ Headache

Homeopathy carries a good scope in treating cases of TMJ headache. Homeopathic medicines are very natural and safe to manage its symptoms. These medicines target the root cause behind it and help to relieve the headache and the attending symptoms like jaw pain, stiff jaw, facial pain and cracking sound on jaw movement very effectively. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine after consulting a homeopathic physician who can suggest the best medicine that will suit a given case of TMJ headache after detailed case study. 

  1. Belladonna – Top Grade Medicine

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant deadly nightshade. It belongs to family solanaceae. It is a very effective medicine for cases where marked pain is present on the sides of the head. The nature of pain is mostly throbbing type where it is indicated. Pressure helps to relieve the pain sometimes.  Heat in the head may be present with this. Sometimes there is dizziness with a headache.
Next, tearing pain in jaws is there. The lower jaw also feels tensed and may have shooting pain in it. In some cases sharp pains in and about the ears are felt. This may be triggered by chewing. Other than above it is indicated when there is pain in the right side face that radiates to the side of head and neck. The pain here is mostly cutting or tearing. This gets worse from touch and motion. 

  1. Rhus Tox – For Stiffness and Pain in Jaw

It is a very beneficial medicine when there is excessive stiffness in the jaw. With this there occurs cracking sound in the jaw joint when movement of the jaw is made. There is also pain close to the ear in the  joint of the lower jaw. This pain is most of the time cramp like in nature. This gets worse from jaw movement. Sometimes there is severe pain with a sensation as if the jaw would break. People needing it feel relief in pain from warmth application over painful parts. Pressure over painful areas also provides relief. give relief to them.
There may be pain in the back of the head (occipital headache) and warmth provides relief. Bending the head backward also makes the pain better in them. Other than this they feel as if the muscles of the back part of the head are screwed together. This medicine is a good muscle relaxant and pain reliever.

  1. Spigelia – For Pain in Jaw, Face and Head

It is prepared from plant Spigelia anthelmia commonly known as pink root. It belongs to the family loganiaceae. This medicine is well indicated when there is pain in jaw, face and head. Firstly, there is pain of tearing type in the lower jaw that radiates to the ear and up to the nape of neck. Moving the head worsens this pain. Along with this there can be a sensation as if the lower jaw of the right side would be torn out of its joint.
Secondly there is pain in the lower jaw on the right side that extends up to the ear and side of head (temporal region).
Thirdly there is pain in the left side of the face and head. The  pain may start from the back of the head on the left side and  extend forward and settle over the eye where this medicine is indicated. The pain is usually sharp and tearing. There is also a sensation as if all muscles of the left side of face from forehead to neck are pierced with red hot needles.

  1. Glonoine – For Headache and Stiff, Painful Jaw

It is a well indicated medicine for managing headache and painful, stiff jaw. It is given when the headache is throbbing and bursting type. The pain is felt mainly above the ears and on the sides of the head when it is required. This is accompanied by excessive heat in the head and flushed face. Fullness in the head is also felt. Throbbing headache can be accompanied with vertigo. In some cases needing it the headache is felt on top of head.
Lastly, it is also used when the headache starts in the back of the head and then spreads to the entire head.

  1. Causticum – For Tension, Pain in Jaw, Headache

It is a very useful medicine for persons who complain of tension and pain in their jaws. With this they have difficulty in opening the mouth. They may have inflammatory pain in the lower jaw. Next they feel violent stitching pain in the side of head especially the right side. This gets worse in the evening. They may sometimes have pain on top of head. This is most of the time a throbbing and stitching type. It may be accompanied by a burning and stinging sensation. A jerking sensation in the head can also be present. Lastly it is indicated when there is a tearing and digging type of headache in the evening time.

  1. Natrum Mur – For Severe Pain in Lower Jaw and Headache

It is an important medicine for cases in which there is a severe drawing type of pain present in the lower jaw. Along with this there is tension in the jaw joint. Persons needing it mostly have throbbing pain in the head as if occurring from little hammers. They may also have a dull heavy headache. Along with headache they may feel as if there is a rope around their head which is drawing tighter and tighter. They may also feel heaviness or stitching pain in the back of the head.

  1. Ignatia – When There is Clenching of Jaw and Headache

This natural medicine is prepared from plant Ignatia Amara also known as St. Ignatius’ Bean. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. It is a helpful medicine for cases in which there is a tendency to clench the jaw. Along with this there is pain in the lower jaw as if it is dislocated. The pain may be marked in the right lower jaw in the evening. Further, a sensation as if the jaw is crushed can attend above symptoms. Apart from above, pain is present in the side of head with a sensation as if a nail was driven out from there. It may get better by lying on it. One sided headache may also be present, and it worsens from talking. Along with headache, heaviness and heat in the head may be present. Sore bruised sensation in head may accompany. Relief in pain in the head can occur from rest and warmth. Lastly, pain in the back of the head may occur. This worsens from cold and relieves external heat. A sensation of weight at the back of the head may attend with the pain.

  1. Silicea – For TMJ Pain Extending to Temporal Region of Head

This medicine is indicated when there is  pain in the joint of jaw that extends to the temples. There may also be tearing pain in the whole head that begins from the back of the head. Persons requiring it feel a worsening of headache from cold air and exertion. They feel better by wrapping their heads warmly and also from pressure.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Exostosis : Homeopathy Offers Treatment for Benign Growths

Exostosis refers to a new, bony growth on the surface of a bone. It is also known as osteoma and bony spur. It is a benign growth, meaning a non-cancerous growth. The main reasons behind it is irritation of the bone for a prolonged time period and injury to the bone. Homeopathic treatment for exostosis is recommended in cases of benign extra bony growths, but should be strictly followed by conventional treatment in cases of malignant or cancerous growth. 
Homeopathic treatment for exostosis

Having a family history of exostosis also predisposes a person to it. It may also occur without any known cause. Some of the common locations where it can develop are ankle, ear canal, long bone of the legs, paranasal sinuses and jaw. The exostosis can be sessile or pedunculated. In sessile exostosis the bone growth is fixed and broad. In pedunculated type the new bony growth is connected to the existing bone by a narrow stem.


  1. Surfer’s ear (exostosis of external auditory canal)

In this type extra bone growth occurs in the ear canal. It can be on one or both sides. This occurs from irritation of the bone from exposure to cold wind frequently or water. It can lead to hearing loss.

  1. Haglund’s deformity (Heel exostosis)

It refers to new bony growth that occurs on the back of the heel bone. This deformity is also known by other names including retrocalcaneal exostosis and Mulholland deformity. Its main symptom is heel pain. Some of the factors that contribute to it are tight achilles tendon that connect the lower part of calf muscle in the back of the leg to the heel bone, high arch in the foot and genetics. Most commonly it occurs in middle aged women. This deformity may also develop from rubbing of the shoe against the heel bone for a long time. That is why it is also called a ‘pump bump’.

  1. Buccal exostosis (mouth or jaw exostosis)

It is a rare type in which bony overgrowth occurs on the upper or lower jawbone. It usually results from injury to gums and underlying bones.  Mostly it develops in early adolescence and is mostly painless. 

  1. Paranasal sinus osteoma

In this bone growth occurs on the paranasal sinus wall (paranasal sinuses refers to four pairs of air filled spaces inside the skull which surrounds the nose). 

It may have no symptoms, or in some cases it can be painful from pressure put on the nearby nerve. The sufferer may feel pressure or congestion in sinus due to obstruction in sinus drainage by the bony overgrowth. 

  1. Osteochondroma 

It is very common in which new  bone growth occurs on the long bones of the leg, shoulder, pelvis. This type is seen during the growth time, when bone develops in childhood or teenage.

People experiencing it may have one leg or arm shorter than the other, their height may be below normal as compared to what is considered normal for their age, and they may have soreness of muscles that are located near the affected bone. During exercise they may experience pain.

  1. Subungual exostosis

In this type bony growth occurs underneath the nail bed. It usually occurred in the big toe. This may arise from an infection or injury to nail bed.

  1. Hereditary multiple exostosis (also called osteochondromatosis and diaphyseal aclasis)

It is one which is related to heredity and persons with family history of it are at risk. In this there occurs abnormal bone growth on more than one bone. It is a rare condition and the growths in it occurs on arms, fingers, legs or toes.  It is diagnosed in childhood mostly by the age of 5yrs old. In this the shape of bone appears abnormal. Next there may occur pain on movement, bowed legs or arms, stiffness, different length of limbs and less than normal height as per age.


The symptoms depend on the location and size of bone overgrowth. In many cases no symptoms occur and the bony outgrowth is accidentally found when an X – ray is done for some other reason. But in some cases it may cause pain in the affected bone area. The intensity of pain varies from mild to moderate. Pain usually occurs when the bone growth puts pressure on the nearby nerves or blood vessels. Rest of the symptoms depend on the type of exostosis.


In some cases of exostosis complications can occur. In the case of a surfer’s ear the complications that can arise are hearing loss and predisposition to infection. 

In case of Osteochondroma complications can occur from pressure on the blood vessels. This includes cramping in legs (claudication), inflammation of vein, blocked blood supply. Lastly, there is risk (around 1 – 5 %) of benign exostosis in hereditary multiple exostosis to turn cancerous. When it turns cancerous it is known by the name of osteosarcoma.

Homeopathic Treatment for Exostosis 

Homeopathy offers a very natural, effective safe treatment for exostosis cases. The homeopathic medicines help to gradually dissolve the bony overgrowth. Along with this they help to manage associated pain and soreness if present. The best suitable medicine in homeopathy for treating exostosis is decided for every individual case after complete detail analysis. The homeopathic medicines are selected considering the location of bony outgrowth and the attending symptoms. Use of homeopathic medicines is recommended in case of benign extra bony growths but in case the growth is cancerous it is strictly advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitations in treating such cases.

  1. Calcarea Fluor – Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine in homeopathy for dissolving extra bony growths, bone spurs. It is well indicated for bony overgrowth on the feet, knees and fingers. Next it is indicated for such growths on head, back or ribs. Exostosis that occurs after a bone injury is also indicative of its use.

  1. Hecla Lava – For Bony Outgrowth on Jaw, Head and Legs

It is the next important medicine having marked action on the bones. This medicine works well in cases of overgrowth of bone occurring especially on the jaw, head and legs. Cases of bone growth over upper jaw from injury respond well to this medicine. In this case the upper jaw may be painful to touch. In legs mostly growth on the tibia bone calls for using this medicine. Severe continuous pain may be felt in the leg in these cases. Apart from above it gives good results in case of exostosis on the fingers.   

  1. Aurum Met – For Exostosis on Skull, Pelvis, Arms, Legs

This medicine is prominent to treat cases in which the bone overgrows mostly on skull bone. Boring type of pain attends it. It worsens from touch.
The bone may outgrow the bones of the pelvis. It may also occur on the arms and the legs where this medicine is required.

  1. Phosphorus – When Bone Overgrowth Occurs on Skull, Spine, Lower Limbs

Phosphorus is a beneficial medicine to dissolve bony overgrowths that arise on the skull, spine and lower limb. In case of lower limb the bone growth is seen in femur bone present in thigh and tibia bone in leg. While in skull involvement the extra bone forms on frontal and occipital bones.

  1. Merc Sol – For Skull Exostosis Attended with Soreness

It is a very useful medicine for exostosis on skull bone attended with

soreness to touch. Worsening of pain at night in bed may also be present. Sometimes a peculiar sensation of ulceration accompanies it.

  1. Fluoric Acid – For Bone Growth in Face, Head

Use of this medicine is considered when the bony outgrowths occur in the head or bones of the face. Exostosis which is painful especially at night is also a characteristic symptom for using it. 

  1. Mezereum – For Pain in Head from Bone Overgrowth in Skull 

This medicine is prepared from fresh bark (gathered just before the plant flowers) of the plant Daphne mezereum also known as Spurge Olive. It belongs to the family thymelaeaceae. In cases needing it pain in the head is present from extra bone growth on skull bone. The skull bones are elevated in many places.

  1. Rhus Tox – For Exostosis on Sacrum and Bone of Arm

It is helpful for painful exostosis occurring on sacrum (a triangular bone at the base of the vertebral column). It is also a significant medicine for new bone growth occurring in the bones of the arm. Along with this a burning sensation may be felt in the arms.

  1. Angustura-  For Exostosis on Lower Jaw

This medicine is prepared from the bark of plant Angustura Vera, also known as Bonplandia trifoliata. The family of this plant is rutaceae. It is highly valuable medicine for cases in which extra bone grows on the lower jaw.

  1. Argentum Met – For Exostosis on Skull

This medicine is well indicated for treating cases of exostosis on skull bone.

  1. Staphisagria – For Bone Outgrowth in Fingers and Toes

It is prepared from seeds of a plant Delphinium staphisagria having the common name Stavesacre. It belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is well indicated to help dissolve the extra bone growth occurring in bones of fingers and toes. 

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11 Homeopathic Remedies for Thigh Pain 

Thigh pain is a very common problem. It is a pain experienced in the area between the hip joint and the knee. The pain may be felt in the front of thigh, back of thigh, inner or outer side of thigh. Sometimes the pain begins in the back or hip joint and shoots down the thigh. The pain intensity varies from mild to moderate. The pain can be severe enough to cause difficulty with movement like walking, climbing stairs and running. In some cases the pain appears all of sudden while in others it has a gradual onset. The pain may be intermittent that comes and goes or it can be constant. Homeopathic remedies for thigh pain work well in cases of mild causes but are not recommended in serious causes like deep vein thrombosis. homeopathic remedies for thigh pain


It can arise from various causes. Firstly it can arise from an injury or trauma to thigh as from a blow, fall. Next reasons are muscle strain or muscle damage / tear,  sprain (overstretching or tearing of ligaments that connects bones to other bones), an overstretched or torn tendon that connects muscles to bones) and tendinitis (inflamed tendons). It can also arise from repetitive stress or overuse of muscle of thighs like from strenuous exercise, work out and physical activity that involves thigh muscles. Another reason is a sedentary lifestyle where a person remains in a sitting position for prolonged time and doesn’t engage in any physical activity or exercise. This causes harm to muscles resulting in pain. Next cause is pain from nerve involvement like irritation or damage of nerves. It can happen in case of peripheral neuropathy that commonly occurs from diabetes. There is a condition related to nerves called meralgia paresthetica that can cause pain, numbness, tingling, burning sensation in the outer area of thigh. It occurs from damage, compression or pinching of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. Some other medical conditions that can cause thigh pain includes fibromyalgia (a disorder in which widespread musculoskeletal pain occurs which is attended with weakness, sleep problems, memory issues and mood issues), various type of arthritis (joint inflammation) and deep vein thrombosis (a blood clot in the vein of leg that carries a risk of breaking off and travelling to lungs, heart or brain resulting in life threatening condition requiring urgent medical help). Apart from above it can arise if the blood flow to legs is decreased, femoral stress fracture (break in the thigh bone medically known as femur), infection of the thigh bone, and Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome (in this pain occur on outer side of thigh due to irritation from overuse or repeated stress of iliotibial band which is a thick fascia that runs down the outer side of thigh). 


A person may experience some other symptoms along with thigh pain depending on the cause behind it. Firstly there may occur stiffness in thigh or cramping in thigh. Next numbness or tingling, pricking sensation can be felt in the thigh. There may also be a burning sensation felt in the thigh. Another symptom that can accompany is weakness in thigh muscle.

Homeopathic Remedies for Thigh Pain 

Homeopathic medicines are very effective to manage cases of thigh pain. These medicines offer relief in thigh pain by targeting the root cause behind it. These medicines gradually reduce the intensity of thigh pain. As the reasons behind thigh pain are variable it is advised to start any medicine after diagnosing the cause behind it. In case of mild causes these medicines prove helpful. But in case of serious causes like deep vein thrombosis and in case a person have weakness in leg, numbness in groins, loss of control over urination or stool, unable to bear weight on affected leg, have fever, or have swelling then urgent help from conventional mode of treatment is recommended.

  1. Rhus Tox – Leading Medicine for Thigh Pain

Rhus Tox is a top grade medicine for managing thigh pain. It is one of the best medicines when the pain arises from straining the muscles, tendons or ligaments of the thigh. For using it there may be drawing or tearing pain in thighs. It is also indicated for cramps in the thighs mainly at night time. Next, it is indicated for pain in the whole left lower limb most marked in the back of thigh. This is a drawing or burning type. Apart from above, the tensed feeling in the hip joint extending down to left thigh is also indicative of its use. Lastly, pain specifically in the middle of thigh on the outer side can be managed with it.

  1. Bryonia – For Drawing Type of Pain

It is a natural medicine prepared from the root of the plant Bryonia alba having common name wild hops. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is beneficial to manage drawing type of pain in the thighs. Next it is well indicated to help cases having pain in the front (anterior part) of the thigh. The pain may extend from lower back or hip to front of knee where it is required.

  1. Colocynth – For Right Side Pain

This medicine is prepared from the pulp of the fruit of a plant named Citrullus Colocynthis or Bitter Apple. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is useful when there is pain in the right side thigh. This is worse when standing. It is also worse when walking. Along with this there occur stiffness of muscles of the thigh. The muscles and tendons of the thigh also feel too short. Mostly the nature of pain is drawing type in cases needing it. Apart from above it also offers help in case of cramp in the middle of the thigh of the left side. It is also one of the best medicines when the pain from the back radiates down the thighs.

  1. Gelsemium – When Thighs are Sore to Touch

This medicine is prepared from the bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as yellow jasmine. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. It is well indicated when the thighs are sore to touch along with pain. For using it the nature of pain is a violent lancinating type. Other than this it is also suitable medicine for treating drawing or crampy pains in thighs  extending into toes. This is worse on motion or walking.

  1. Guaiacum – For Tensed Feeling in Thigh with Pain

It is prepared from gum resin of a tree Guaiacum officinale having the common name Lignum sanctum. It belongs to family zygophyllaceae. It is an effective medicine when there is tensed feeling in thigh along with pain. The muscles of thighs feel short with this.  It is worse when sitting. A pressing sensation and crawling, tingling are also felt with this. The last indication to use it is pain that begins in the middle of the thigh and extends to the knee.

  1. Agaricus – For Thigh Pain on Crossing Legs

It is well indicated medicine for persons having thigh pain that occurs on crossing legs. Heaviness in thighs attend it. The tendons of the thigh feel stretched. Next it is prominent medicine for electric stitching type of pain in the front side of thigh. It also works well when there is drawing in the thigh that extends to the knee.

  1. Berberis Vulgaris – For Tearing, Shooting Thigh Pain 

It is prepared from the bark of the root of plant Barberry. It belongs to the family berberidaceae. It is a valuable medicine for managing tearing, shooting pain in the thigh. Other than this throbbing in the thigh is also indicative of its use. Another symptom indicating its use is stitching pain in the thigh while sitting or walking. A sensation of icy coldness in spots may be felt in the thigh along with pain.

  1. Phytolacca – For Pain in Outer Side 

This medicine is prepared from plant Phytolacca decandra commonly known as Poke root and Red Ink Plant. It belongs to family phytolaccaceae. It works well in case of pain in the outer side of thigh. The nature of pain for using this medicine is shooting, pressing, aching or drawing type. It is accompanied by weakness and desire to lie down. It also offers benefits when there are tearing pains in the thigh on standing.

  1. Silicea – For Pain in Thigh Bone (Femur)

It is a beneficial medicine for managing pain in the thigh bone or femur. 

Persons needing it feels as if the thigh bone is beaten. The pain is felt when walking, sitting, lying. It is also helpful medicine for thigh pain which is shooting, drawing, tearing, pricking type.

  1. Calcarea Phos – For Pain on Inner Side of Thigh

Use of this medicine is considered when the pain is present on the inner side of thigh. The pain is usually sharp. It is worse when walking.

Soreness is also there along with above symptoms. Another characteristic symptom for using it is shooting pain radiating from left thigh to knee or even to ankle in some cases.

  1. Dulcamara -When Pain gets better while Walking

It is prepared from fresh green stems and leaves of plant Solanum dulcamara having the common name woody nightshade and bitter – sweet. It belongs to family solanaceae. Its use is done when the thigh pain is better when walking. Persons requiring it have drawing or tearing pain in thighs. It is worse when sitting. Dulcamara is also a significant medicine for managing pain of drawing nature that extends from small of back to thighs.

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Deltoid Pain – Symptomatic Management with Homeopathy

Deltoid pain is the pain felt in the deltoid muscle which is a large, triangle – shaped muscle lying over the uppermost part of the arm at the top of the shoulder. It is composed of three regions named the front (anterior), middle, and back. This muscle is attached through tendons to the collarbone (clavicle), shoulder blade (scapulae) and the upper arm. This muscle is responsible to lift the arm and rotate the arm. Homeopathic treatment for deltoid pain is recommended in cases of mild to moderate intensity.homeopathic treatment of deltoid pain


The main reason for it is straining this muscle, injury to muscle or its over use without taking proper rest. Straining can occur from lifting heavy weights, playing certain sports, doing intense exercise that involves the shoulder, swimming, excessive typing on the computer without taking frequent breaks. The injury can occur from repetitive use of the deltoid muscle and the shoulder mostly in the athletes, and from an accident like a fall on the shoulder. 


A person may feel deltoid pain on the front, side or back of the shoulder. The pain may radiate from the tip of the shoulder to the upper arm on lifting the arm. The intensity of the pain can be mild to severe in intensity. Next tightness may be felt in the muscle region. Along with pain the mobility of the shoulder and the arm may be hindered or restricted. There is difficulty in lifting the objects. Swelling over the deltoid muscle can also be there. The deltoid muscle may be sore and tender to touch in some of the cases. Sometimes weakness of the shoulder may be felt in addition to the above symptoms.

Deltoid Strain – Grades 

The deltoid strain is divided into three grades depending on the intensity of the symptoms:

Grade 1 – In this there occurs tightness in the muscle and slight swelling is present. Along with this pain may be felt on using the arm. The movement of the shoulder is not restricted and a person can use the arm normally.

Grade 2 – In this grade there occur partial tears in the deltoid muscle and pain and swelling are increased in intensity. The movement of the shoulder gets restricted. Using or lifting the arm leads to pain in this grade.

Grade 3 – it occurs in serious injuries where complete tear of the deltoid muscle is present. In this the pain and swelling are of severe intensity. The shoulder movements may be intensely restricted or not possible at all.   

Homeopathic Treatment for Deltoid Pain 

Homeopathic medicines are very beneficial to relieve the deltoid pain. These medicines gradually relieve the pain and its attending symptoms. These medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances, so are very safe to use without any side effects. Use of these medicines is recommended in cases of mild to moderate deltoid pain. These help in healing the muscle strain of mild to moderate degree. But in case of serious deltoid injury or severe muscle tear it is recommended to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitations to treat such severe cases.

  1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine

It is one of the best medicines for managing cases of deltoid pain. It is well indicated when the complaint arises from muscle strain, repetitive activity that puts pressure on the muscle and from over lifting. In cases requiring it the pain in the shoulder occurs which is accompanied with stiffness as if from a sprain. Next pressure on the shoulders is felt as from a heavy weight. The pain can be tearing, burning or stitching type. This worsens while lying and when at rest. Moving about helps to give relief in the pain. This medicine also is useful for cases in which the shoulder pain gets worse in cold weather. 

  1. Sanguinaria Can – For Right Sided Pain

This medicine is prepared from plant Sanguinaria canadensis commonly known as Blood root. It belongs to the family papaveraceae. It is a very effective medicine for pain in the deltoid muscle of the right side. Persons needing it have pain in the right shoulder and upper part of the right arm. This pain gets worse from lifting things. They are unable to raise their arms. Worsening of the pain is also there at the night time and when turning in the bed. The pain wakes them from sleep. The pain may be specifically cutting type in some of the cases. The deltoid area is very sensitive and tender to pressure. The right deltoid is also stiff in addition to above. This is worse when raising or turning the arm. 

  1. Ferrum Met – For Left Sided Pain

Ferrum Met works well in cases of left sided deltoid pain. People who need it experience increased pain during night time. Motion helps to relieve the pain. Along with pain they have restricted arm movement and the problem in raising the arm is present. Putting the hand behind their back is also impossible for them. Mostly they have tearing or shooting type of pain. The pain may radiate from the shoulder to the upper arm. The deltoid muscle is also sore with above symptoms. 

  1. Ledum Pal – When Pain Worsens on Lifting Arm

This medicine is prepared from plant Ledum Palustre commonly known as wild rosemary and marsh cistus. This plant belongs to family ericaceae. It is beneficial when the shoulder pain gets worse on lifting arms. The pain can be stitching, lancinating or throbbing type. Next with pain pressure is felt in the shoulder. This is worse from motion.

  1. Phytolacca – For Pain Worsening at Night

It is prepared from plant Phytolacca decandra commonly known as Poke root and also Red Ink Plant. It belongs to family phytolaccaceae. It is useful when the shoulder pain gets worse at night time. The pain can dull aching or shooting in nature for using it. Stiffness can attend it. Difficulty in raising the arm is also present.

  1. Bryonia – For Pain in the Right Shoulder 

It is prepared from the root of a plant Bryonia alba commonly known by the name of wild hops or white bryony. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is a very helpful medicine for right sided shoulder pain, similar to the remedy Sanguinaria. It is indicated when there is painful tension feeling in the right shoulder.  A sensation of pressure on the top of the right shoulder is also felt with this. This worsens on touch.  In a few cases needing it there occurs tearing pain in the shoulder and upper arm with tension and swelling. Sometimes the pain is drawing type in the upper arm.

  1. Zincum Met – For Tearing Pain in Shoulder and Upper Arm

This medicine is well indicated for cases in which there is tearing pain in the shoulder and the upper arm. The pain worsens on raising the arm. Along with this heaviness and pressure is felt in the shoulders. The shoulder also feels tensed. Other than this it is indicated for drawing from top of the shoulder going down the arm. Next in cases having stitching pain in the shoulder this medicine proves useful. 

  1. Rhododendron – When Pain Worsens from Motion

It is prepared from fresh leaves of plant Rhododendron chrysanthum. Having the common name yellow Snow rose. It belongs to family ericaceae. It is useful when the pain in the deltoid muscle gets worse from motion. The pain is mostly left sided for using it. The type of pain is usually boring or tearing in nature.

  1. Silicea – When Pain is Better by Warm Covering

This medicine is specifically indicated when the shoulder pain gets better from warm covering. It is mostly worse at night where it is required. Use of this medicine is also considered when there is sharp pain in the right sided shoulder.

  1. Chelidonium – For Pain in Right Shoulder on Movement

It is a natural medicine prepared from fresh plant Chelidonium Majus. Commonly known as Greater Celandine. It belongs to the family papaveraceae. This medicine is used for right sided shoulder pain that worsens on movement of the arm. The pain is tearing in nature. Sometimes this medicine is also used for left shoulder pain with a feeling of being sprained. This is often accompanied with a cold feeling in the upper arm.

  1. Agaricus – For Pain that Worsens on Moving Joint Backward

Agaricus is a beneficial medicine for cases in which the pain in the  deltoid gets worse from moving the shoulder joint backward. It is mostly present on the right side. With this a sprained feeling in the deltoid may be felt. Lastly a sensation of splinters in the deltoid muscle can be there when lifting the arm.

  1. Asarum Europoeum – For Contractive, Tensive Pain

It is prepared from plant commonly known as Asarabacca and Hazelwort. It belongs to family aristolochiaceae. This medicine works well when there is contractive tensive type of pain in the deltoid muscle. Apart from this stitching pain in the shoulders is also indicative of its use. 

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Homeopathic Medicines for Thoracic Back Pain

Thoracic back pain refers to pain in the upper or middle back in the region of thoracic spine between the bottom of cervical spine (in the neck) and top of lumbar spine (in the lower back). Homeopathic medicines for thoracic back pain are very natural and safe and provide relief without any side effects. Thoracic back pain is not as common as pain in the neck and lower back pain. This pain can arise from various causes that range from mild to serious causes.Homeopathic Medicines for Thoracic Back Pain


Firstly it can arise from muscle strain, spasm, inflammation or its irritation. The strain may result from many reasons. For example, it may occur from sitting with the shoulders being bent forward for a long time period constantly, sitting for extended time periods at the computer, doing some activity that puts repetitive strain on the thoracic spine causing overuse injury. It may also result from some injury to the spine in the thoracic region as from sport injury, trauma or car accident. Secondly, it can arise from strained ligaments (tough tissue that connects bones to other bones) or tendons (tough tissue band that connects muscle to bone) in the thoracic spine. Other causes behind it are slip disc and thoracic stenosis. Slip disc is a condition in which when the outer ring of the intervertebral disc becomes weak or gets teared resulting in slipping out of the jelly like inner portion of the disc. Thoracic stenosis refers to narrowing of the spinal canal in the thoracic spine. 

Other causes include spinal osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, fracture of vertebra in the thoracic spine, scoliosis and kyphosis. In spinal osteoarthritis the cartilage at the ends of bones in the spinal joints degenerates. Osteoporosis is a medical condition resulting in weak, brittle and fragile bones prone to break easily. Scoliosis is a condition in which there is a sideways curve in a person’s spine. The curve can be S or C in shape. Kyphosis is an excessive convex curvature of the spine in the thoracic and sacral part regions resulting in bending of the spine forward.

A condition called fibromyalgia (a disorder characterised by widespread musculoskeletal pain which is accompanied with fatigue, memory issues, sleep disturbances and mood issues) may also lead to it. 

Apart from these it may arise in case of ankylosing spondylitis which is an autoimmune disease characterised by chronic inflammation of the joints of the spine, infection in the spine or spinal tumours. In some cases it may be caused by shingles (an infection in which there occurs a painful skin rash caused by varicella – zoster virus which is the same virus that causes chicken pox). Lastly, there is a possibility that the problem from other parts of the body can radiate to this region. For example it can cause problems affecting the lung, pleura, heart, food pipe, stomach, the gallbladder and the pancreas.


Depending on the cause behind it the pain may be accompanied by some other symptoms also. Firstly, there can occur stiffness in the thoracic back along with pain. Secondly numbness or burning sensation may occur. Pins and needles sensation can be felt. In case of arthritis pain may be present in other body joints also in addition to the middle back pain. Fatigue and fever may also sometimes be present in some of the cases. Lastly, weakness in the legs, loss of control over bowel or bladder may occur from spinal cord compression. 

Homeopathic Medicines for Thoracic Back Pain

Homeopathy offers a very effective management for cases of thoracic back pain. These remedies help in providing gradual relief. The homeopathic medicines target the root cause behind this pain to give best results. It is advised to take any of the homeopathic medicine for this pain under the supervision of a homeopathic physician who will prescribe best medicine after proper case study. The homeopathic medicines are recommended in these cases when the intensity of symptom is mild to moderate and no serious cause is linked with it. But in case the pain is very severe or there is loss of bladder/bowel control or some serious cause is present like gallbladder, lungs, heart then it is strictly advised to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment.

  1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Remedy 

Rhus Tox is a highly beneficial medicine for managing pain in the thoracic back. Persons needing it have constrictive pain in the muscles of this region. It gets worse while sitting. Bending forward also worsens it. They feel better by bending the back backwards. Sometimes they feel pain in the thoracic back between shoulder blades that gets worse from cold. Warmth helps to relieve this. It is one of the best medicines to manage cases of pain arising from muscle over strain or injury .

  1. Calcarea Carb – For Drawing Pain

This medicine is helpful when there is drawing pain in the thoracic back  between the scapula. A pressure sensation may also be felt with this. Cases having stitching pain in this area can also be helped with this. It is also a prominent medicine for cases having curvature of the thoracic spine.

  1. Agaricus – For Pain with Sensitivity of Spine to Touch

This medicine is very suitable when a person has pain in thoracic back along with sensitiveness of the spine to touch. In most cases needing it the nature of pain is sharp stitching type like from splinters on the thoracic vertebra. There is also a sensation as if the dorsal muscles are beaten. Bruised sensation is also felt. On bending forward it feels as if the muscles in the thoracic region are short.

  1. Kali Carb – Stiffness in Thoracic Region with Pain

Kali Carb is a well indicated medicine when stiffness in the thoracic region accompanies pain. The pain is a dull type where it is required. It is also indicated when there is stinging pain in any of the sides of the thoracic back. 

  1. Phosphorus – For Pain with Heated Sensation

It is very effective medicine for cases in which pain is accompanied with heated sensation in the spine. The nature of pain for using it is dull, burning or throbbing type. The painful part is also very sensitive to pressure.

  1. Natrum Sulph – For Shooting Type of Pain

It is a very useful medicine when there is shooting pain in the back between the scapulae. Sometimes there is a piercing type of pain as from knives where it is required. This worsens while sitting in the evening. Soreness is also present  in the spine in addition to above symptoms.

  1. Arnica – For Bruising Pain 

It is a natural medicine prepared from a plant named Arnica Montana having the common name Leopard’s – bane and also fallkraut. This plant belongs to family compositae. It gives best results when there is bruised pain in the region of thoracic vertebrae. The same pain may also be felt in the neck. Other than this it is best indicated medicine for managing pain arising from trauma, injuries occurring from blunt objects or from a fall. 

  1. Colocynth – For Excessive Tenderness on Upper Thoracic Vertebra

It is prepared from pulp of fruit Citrullus colocynthis also called cucumis colocynthis and bitter apple. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. This medicine is used when there is excessive tenderness on pressure on the upper thoracic vertebra. Mostly the upper four vertebrae of the thoracic spine are tender to pressure in cases needing it. Other than it is also indicated when there is pain in the shoulder blades that extends to the neck. This region may also be tense. 

  1. Zincum Met – For Pain in Muscles of Upper Middle Back

This medicine is valuable for managing pain in the muscles of the upper middle back. Stiffness is also present with this. In most cases this gets worse from movement. Sometimes increase of pain is also noted specifically in the morning time.

  1. Nux Vomica – When Pain is Accompanied by Tensed Sensation 

This medicine is considered in cases where pain in the thoracic back is attended with tensed sensation. For using it the pain is mostly aching or pressing type. In some of the cases the pain can be burning or stitching type also.

  1. Lycopodium – For Drawing and Aching Pain

This medicine is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known by the name of club moss. This plant belongs to family lycopodiaceae. This medicine is well indicated when there is drawing and aching pain. Warmth sensation in the spine may also be felt with this. Apart from these bruises, the pain in thoracic back also indicates its use. This is worse at rest.

  1. Tellurium – When Upper Dorsal Vertebrae are Sensitive 

It is a significant medicine for cases in which there is painful sensitiveness of the spine in the region of the upper thoracic vertebrae. Mostly the upper six dorsal vertebrae are sensitive to pressure and touch in cases that need it.

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Genital Itching in Males : Homeopathic Remedies That Work

Genital itching is a very common complaint experienced by a number of males. It can occur in any part of the male genital area. Homeopathic remedies for genital itching are prepared from naturally occurring substances, making them safe, gentle and effective. It may accompany a rash in the area. Sometimes eruptions, bumps, sores, flakiness may be present too, and these can be painful. In some cases, a burning sensation may be present along with itching. homeopathic remedies for genital itching


There are various reasons that can cause itching in the male genitals. 

One of the main reasons behind it is fungal infection. Mainly jock itch also called tinea cruris which is a fungal infection in the groins, and upper inner thighs can extend to scrotum of the males. It presents with an itchy red rash that may also have flakes on it and peeling of the skin too. Secondly, it can arise from skin allergies. Here contact dermatitis is an example that causes a skin rash when skin comes in contact with an allergen or some irritant like a chemical substance. 

Another cause for it can be an inflammatory skin disease. An example is balanitis means an inflammation of the foreskin or the head of the penis. Use of certain products like soaps, lubricants, douches and creams may lead to itching in some cases. It may also occur from pubic lice (in this case tiny insects also called crabs lay eggs in the pubic hair and infect the genital region.) These lice can be transmitted when a person comes in contact with infected clothes, linens, towels, toilets and also through sexual contact with an infected person).
Viral infection (an example is genital herpes which is a sexually transmitted infection caused by Herpes Simplex Virus presenting with sores on genitals that are itchy and painful) is yet another reason linked with it. Apart from these it may occur in case of sexually transmitted diseases (eg, genital herpes,  genital warts which is sexually transmitted disease caused by human papilloma virus presenting as small, flesh coloured bumps on skin and syphilis  which is sexually transmitted infection caused by a bacterium Treponema pallidum.
Syphilis begins as a painless sore on the genitals, rectum or mouth.
Another cause is scabies (skin rash caused by small mites sarcoptes scabiei). Other than above it may happen in case of autoimmune skin disease. An example of it is psoriasis (an autoimmune skin disease in which there occur red inflamed patches on the skin covered with silvery white scales). Another example is lichen planus (autoimmune disease in which flat topped purple coloured papules occur on the skin with overlying fine white lines. Other than skin it may affect nails, hair, and mucous membranes). In some cases no reason can be found behind the itching, meaning that it is idiopathic. 

Homeopathic Remedies for Genital Itching 

Homeopathic medicines are very effective to manage complaints of genital itching in males. These medicines treat the root cause behind it and bring relief in the itching. Along with itching these also help to heal any eruptions, sores, ulcers present on the genitals. The medicines used for managing this complaint are prepared from naturally occurring substances. So these are very safe and gentle to use without any side effects. There are no specific medicines in homeopathy that can help each of these cases and most suitable medicines in homeopathy to manage it are selected individually for every case depending on the case details. 

  1. Nitric Acid – For Violent Itching 

This medicine is considered when there is violent itching on the genitals. Most males needing it have itching on the foreskin. There may also be small blisters (fluid-filled eruptions) present there. These blisters may burst and then get covered with small dry scabs. Burning sensation on the foreskin may also be felt. They may also have an excessive itching on the scrotum.

  1. Sulphur – When Itching Worsens on Going to Bed at Night

This medicine is well indicated for cases in which itching of the genitals gets worse on going to bed at night. For using it the itching is marked on the foreskin and the glans penis. Along with itching offensive sweat may be present on genitals. It is also indicated for ulcers on the genitals with itching. These ulcers may discharge pus and get covered with a crust.

  1. Natrum Mur – For Itching and Stinging Sensation

This medicine is effective for managing cases in which itching is attended with stinging sensation on genitals. It may be felt on the glans penis or on the scrotum. Itching on the scrotum can be intense and can disturb sleep at night. It is one of the best medicines for managing cases of genital herpes. In such cases it is indicated when there are eruptions between the scrotum and the thighs with itching and soreness.

  1. Croton Tiglium – For Itching on Scrotum

This medicine works well to manage cases of itching on the scrotum. The scrotum may be red with this.  Itching worsens while walking in cases needing it. The itching is severe and also disturbs the sleep. Relief occurs from scratching the parts. Sometimes the vesicles are present on the scrotum and the penis where this medicine is required. It is also effective to manage itching on the glans penis. It is also a good medicine to manage eczema of the scrotum attended with itching that is worse at night.

  1. Petroleum – For Itchy Eruptions on Genitals

Petroleum is beneficial for cases in which there are itchy eruptions on the genitals. The eruptions may be present on the glans, scrotum and between the scrotum and the thighs. Other than this it is useful when there is itching, redness with burning pain in the genitals. It is also an important medicine for herpes eruptions on the glans and scrotum with itching. In some cases requiring it the eruptions may extend to perineum and the thighs. 

  1. Thuja – For Itching of Glans and Prepuce

This medicine is prepared from fresh twigs of plant Thuja Occidentalis having common name Arbor Vitae. This plant belongs to family coniferae. Its use is considered when there is itching on the glans and prepuce. Swelling or inflammation of glans and prepuce may attend it. Glans are also sensitive to touch. There may be a burning sensation between the prepuce and glans penis. Its use is also done for managing itching ulcers on the genitals. Lastly, it offers help in cases of wart-like growths on the glans and prepuce that are moist and itchy.

  1. Rhus Tox – For Itching on Inner Surface of Foreskin

This medicine is prominently indicated for itching on the inner surface of foreskin. Red blotches may be present on the itchy area. It is also helpful for managing intolerable itching on the scrotum. The scrotum is thick and hard where it is needed.

  1. Apis Mellifica – For Red, Itchy Scrotum

It is very beneficial for cases in which there is redness and itching of the scrotum. The itching is violent in cases needing it. Other than this the scrotum is also sore to touch. 

  1. Hepar Sulph – For Itching in Herpes Eruption

It is a good medicine for cases where itching occurs in the herpes eruption on the genitals. There are small blisters in groups where it is needed. The vesicles are whitish with a red base. Intolerable itching accompanies. The eruption is also very sensitive to touch.

  1. Caladium – For Itching on Scrotum with Eruptions

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Caladium seguinum also known as Arum seguinum. It belongs to family araceae. It works well in cases of itching on the scrotum with eruptions. The eruptions are dry and scaly. Itching is violent. In most cases needing it the itching worsens at night time. This may be accompanied with excessive sweating on the scrotum.

  1. Cannabis Sativa – When Itching is Accompanied with Inflammation and Swelling

This medicine is indicated when the itching occurs along with inflammation and swelling of the genitals. This may be felt on the prepuce, glans or the penis. These parts may be deep red. In some cases the penis feels sore. It may also have a burning sensation.

  1. Silicea – For Itching with Red Eruptions on Genitals

Silicea is a very helpful medicine for males who have itching with red eruptions on their genitals. The eruptions may be dry or moist. The eruptions may appear on prepuce or scrotum. Prepuce is red with this and may also be excoriated. In some cases the prepuce is also swollen. 

  1. Sarsaparilla – for unbearable itching

It is prepared from dried rhizome of plant Sarsaparilla Officinalis also known as Smilax Officinalis. It belongs to the family smilacaceae. Males requiring it complain of unbearable itching mostly on the scrotum and perineum. After scratching there may appear little pimples on this area. These eruptions ooze moisture leading to soreness of the parts. 

  1. Nux Vomica – For Itching on Inner Surface of Prepuce

Nux Vomica offers help when there is itching on the inner surface of the prepuce. The margins of prepuce are sore. Itching may also be present on the glans penis and scrotum in cases requiring it.

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Supportive Homeopathy for Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis refers to narrowing of the spinal canal that puts pressure on spinal cord and nerve roots. Spinal canal is a cavity within the vertebral column containing the spinal cord (long bundle of nerves extending from the base of the brain to the lower back that carries signals between the brain and the rest of the body). Homeopathy for spinal stenosis uses medicines that are recommended when the symptoms are mild to moderate.

homeopathy for spinal stenosis

Spinal stenosis is of two types. First is cervical stenosis in which the narrowing occurs in the cervical spine in the neck. Second type is lumbar stenosis in which the narrowing occurs in the part of the spine in the lower back.


Spinal stenosis can arise from several causes. Firstly, it can happen in case of osteoarthritis in the spine. Osteoarthritis is a form of arthritis that causes degenerative changes in the cartilage and bone of the joint. In such cases the bone growths and thickening of ligaments also occur that tend to compress the spinal canal.
Secondly, it can arise from disk herniation or bulge in the spine. The disks in the spine are soft cushions which act as shock absorbers. In case these herniation or bulge out these can put pressure on the spinal cord or nerves.  Third reason behind it is thickening of ligaments in the spine that function to hold the bones of spine together and can bulge into the spinal canal and compress it.
Next, it may also happen in case of rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disorder affecting joints resulting in inflamed, swollen, painful, stiff joints).
Another medical condition known as paget’s disease that can cause bony overgrowth in the spine may contribute to it. Some of its other causes are tumours or abnormal growths in the spine, injury to the spine and  scoliosis (abnormal curvature of the spine). People having some deformity of spine by birth, some genetic disease affecting bone development in the body and those who are more than 50 yrs of age are at risk of it.  


In case of slight narrowing no symptoms occur. But when the narrowing is excessive the nerves are compressed leading to symptoms. The symptoms tend to begin gradually. Its symptoms depend upon the location where stenosis is present and which nerves are affected. 

In case of stenosis in the cervical spine in neck the symptoms that occur includes numbness or tingling in hand, arm, leg or foot; or weakness in these parts. Next symptom is neck pain. There may occur problems in walking and maintaining balance. When the condition is severe functioning of the bladder or bowel is affected. Next in case of stenosis in the lumbar spine in the lower back numbness or tingling in a foot or leg occur. With this there can be back pain. Next symptom is pain or cramps in the leg. Weakness in the lower limb may also be there. This worsens from standing for an extensive time period and when walking. Sitting or bending forward may relieve this.

In severe cases paralysis of legs may occur. In some cases cauda equina syndrome may occur. It is a serious condition that arises from compression of the nerves in the lower segment of the spinal canal which is a surgical emergency because if not treated urgently it can lead to permanent paralysis of legs or loss of bladder control (urinary incontinence).

Some symptoms of this syndrome includes severe lower back pain; sciatica pain that travel from lower back down the legs along the path of sciatic nerve, weakness in the legs; problem in walking; loss of sensation in the buttocks, inner thighs, anus and genitals; and bladder dysfunction (difficulty passing urine leading to retention of urine or difficulty in controlling it) or bowel dysfunction (trouble holding or passing stool) and loss of sexual function.

Homeopathy for Spinal Stenosis

Homeopathic medicines offer a supportive help in these cases to manage its symptoms along with conventional treatment. The homeopathic medicines gradually reduce the intensity of the symptoms. The homeopathic medicines for managing it are selected individually for every case depending on the symptoms presentation. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine for these cases under supervision of a homeopathic doctor who can find the best medicine that will suit a case by doing a complete case study. In case of severe symptoms and where a serious condition like cauda equina is suspected it is strictly advised to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment. 

  1. Zincum Met – Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine having a marked action on the spine and nerves. It is well indicated for managing numbness and tingling sensations in the limbs. Next it is helpful when there is weakness in the lower limbs mainly in the calves. In cases needing it pain in the lower back may also be present. This is attended with a burning sensation along the spine. There may be sensitiveness of the spine to touch.

  1. Causticum – For Managing Weakness of Limbs

It is a very effective medicine for managing weakness of the limbs. Persons needing it also feel heaviness in the limbs. They may have unsteady walking. Next electric shock like pain in the legs can attend it. Another complaint that they complain about is numbness of hands, feet and toes. Lastly they may have pain in the nape of the neck.

  1. Picric Acid – For Numbness, Weakness in Legs

It is very beneficial for cases having numbness and weakness in the legs. There is also a crawling and prickling sensation as from needles in the legs. The legs feel heavy like lead with this. Next there is pain in the lower back extending down the legs. This gets worse from motion. coldness of feet may be present with this.

  1. Phosphorus – For Numbness in Hands, Feet 

This medicine works well in cases having numbness in the hands and feet. Fingers and toes also feel numb where it is required. Crawling sensation in the finger tips may occur with this. With these symptoms there is weakness in the arms. Legs also feel weak and they tremble on beginning to walk. Lastly pain in the back along with burning sensation in spots in the spine can be there.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Tingling Sensation in Fingers

Arsenic Album is a great medicine for cases with tingling sensation in the fingers. It is also indicated for persons having weakness in the limbs. Another indication to use it is numbness in the feet. Apart from above burning pain in the limbs and cramps in the legs are also well managed with it.

  1. Rhus Tox – To Manage Pain

This medicine is very effective for pain management. Firstly it is helpful to manage pain in the neck. Next it is beneficial for managing pain in the lower back. This pain worsens on movement. There is a sensation as if the back would break. Hard pressure on the back or lying on something hard may relieve the back pain. There may be drawing or stitching pain in the back when sitting. It is also useful for managing cramps in the legs and tingling sensation in the feet.

  1. Kalmia – To Manage Pain and Numbness 

It is a natural medicine prepared from fresh leaves of a plant Kalmia Latifolia commonly known as mountain laurel and calico bush. It belongs to family ericaceae. This medicine is valuable to manage pain and numbness and pricking sensation in limbs. For using it pain in the neck is there that extends down the arm. Next there is pain in the lower back with great heat and burning. Along with numbness and pricking in limbs weakness is also felt. Coldness in limbs may also be there. 

  1. Paris Quadrifolia – For Neck Pain and Numbness in Fingers

It is prepared from a plant named One Berry. This plant belongs to the family trilliaceae. It is a prominent medicine for managing neck pain and numbness in the fingers. In cases needing it the pain from the neck extends down to the fingers. The neck pain gets worse from exertion. It gets better from rest. A sensation of weight and heat may be felt in the neck. The heated sensation from the neck may extend down the back.

  1. Oxalic Acid – For Numbness and Tingling in Limbs

This medicine is indicated to manage numbness and tingling in limbs. Mostly it is used when there is numbness starting from shoulders and radiating to the fingertips or there is numbness in the thighs. Along with this weakness in hands and feet is present. Other than this, pain in the spine radiating to limbs is another accompanying symptom. 

  1. Plumbum Met – For Weakness of Arms and Hands

It is an important medicine for managing weakness in arms and hands. Other than this it is also indicated for cases having stinging tearing pain in limbs along with numbness and tingling sensation. Lastly, lightning like pains in lower limbs is also indicative of its use.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

9 Homeopathic Remedies for Supportive Treatment of Erysipelas

Erysipelas is a bacterial skin infection of the upper layer of the skin. The bacteria causing it is mostly Group A Streptococcus bacterium. Another name for this condition is St. Anthony’s Fire because the rash occurring in it has a fiery appearance. Erysipelas is a skin disorder similar to cellulitis in which an infection occurs in the lower layers of the skin. Use of homeopathic remedies for erysipelas is recommended when the signs and symptoms are mild to moderate in intensity and no complications are present.


It occurs from entry of bacteria in the skin through some cuts or sores on the skin.  The bacteria commonly causing it is Group A Streptococcus bacteria. Cuts on the skin, insect bites or animal bites, ulcers on the skin and surgical incisions are some of the injuries that raises risk of developing this condition. Persons suffering from certain skin conditions like eczema (a condition characterised by red, inflamed, itchy skin), impetigo (contagious, superficial infection of the skin mainly affecting infants and children), athlete’s foot (fungal infection of feet), psoriasis (an autoimmune skin condition in which red, inflamed, itchy scaly patches, forms on the skin) that cause breaks in the skin also makes them prone to erysipelas.

Some other health conditions that increase chances of this infection includes diabetes, issues with blood circulation, improper working of the veins or the lymphatic vessels. Lastly alcoholism, obesity, weak immune system and use of injection of drugs like heroin are some factors raising its risk. 

Though it can affect people of any age but is common in infants and elderly people above the age of 60 years.

Signs and Symptoms 

Initially before the beginning of the skin rash there occur fever, chills, shivering, fatigue, feeling unwell, loss of appetite, vomiting and headache. It develops within 48hrs of infection.  Afterwards the skin gets affected. Swollen patches may occur on the skin. These look shiny and have raised edges. It feels warm, is painful and can also be tender to touch. In severe cases blisters (fluid-filled eruptions) or petechiae (pinpoint red or purple spots) appear on the affected skin area. The skin rash occurs mostly on the face and the legs. In the case of the face, the nose and cheeks are commonly involved. The lymph nodes can also get swollen and lymphedema may occur.


If not treated rightly and in proper time then there is risk of some complications. These includes abscess (pus collection), gangrene (tissue death from loss of blood supply), blood clots, bone infections, joint infection. Next ones are infection in the heart valves, spread of infection to the brain and blood poisoning if infection spreads to the bloodstream.

Homeopathic Remedies for Erysipelas

Homeopathy offers supportive help in managing this condition. Homeopathic medicines help relieve its signs and symptoms. These help to halt further progression of the condition and heal the skin rash. These boost the natural defence mechanism of the body to help fight with the infective agent that is causing it and exclude it from the body. Use of homeopathic medicine is recommended for this condition when the signs and symptoms are mild to moderate in intensity and no complications are present. In such cases, it is advised to use any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic doctor and avoid self medication. But in case of severe signs and symptoms or in the presence of any complication, it is strictly advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment.

1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine

It is a prominently indicated medicine for erysipelas. Firstly, it is helpful when there is skin rash on the face and scalp. The face appears dark red and shiny. Yellow blisters are also present. The rash is itchy and also has a burning, tingling, stinging sensation. The face appears hot. There may be loss of appetite and fever with this. In cases needing it the rash may first appear on the left side of face and then on the right side. Swelling under eyes is present. Next, it is useful when the eruption appears on hands, feet, arms and legs. There may occur small patches of rash or the rash may extend widely where it is required. Swelling may also occur with this. The rash may be attended with itching, smarting, stinging burning sensation. Blisters may arise on inflamed skin having a red and swollen base. The blisters vary in size from pin head to a pea.

2. Belladonna – For Skin Rash with Swelling and Fever

It is a natural medicine prepared from the plant deadly nightshade. It belongs to the family Solanaceae. It is indicated in these cases when swelling occurs with skin rash. The affected skin appears bright red. It is covered with blisters. Fever is present with this. Mostly the skin rash appears on the face where it is needed. The face is red, hot and hard in such cases.

  1. Apis Mellifica – When it is Attended with Marked Swelling

It is an effective medicine for managing cases in which swelling accompanies the skin rash. Swelling is present with red stripes on skin. In cases requiring it, the red, hard swellings occur mostly on legs and sometimes on arms. The swelling may also be most marked under the eyes with erysipelas on one side of the face where it  is needed. Next it is suited for cases where the nose or ears are swollen, red. The skin involved is red with a bruised, sore feeling. Burning stinging pain is also a peculiar symptom present in skin rash.  Other than these it works well when the rash starts in the right cheek, and then goes across the nose and extends to the left cheek. This medicine is also valuable for cases  when rash begins at one eye and goes from right to left side.  The face is  intensely hot and red, puffy, shiny with this. It may also be sore to touch. Lastly it offers help where the complaint recurs again and again.

  1. Graphites – When Blisters Discharge Sticky Fluid

This medicine works well in these cases when there are blisters on skin that discharge sticky, glutinous fluid. It works best when erysipelas start from the forehead and thereafter spread to the scalp and neck. Apart from this it is also indicated when erysipelas begin in the face and then gradually spread over the whole body. 

  1. Sulphur – For Painful Erysipelas

Use of this medicine is recommended for managing painful erysipelas. For using it the pain can be with throbbing, pulsating, shooting or stinging type.  A chief characteristic symptom for using it is erysipelas beginning from the right ear and then spreading over the face. Another symptom that calls its use is erysipelas of the face mainly in eyelids, nose, and left sided ear. The erysipelas migrating from place to place also indicates its use. Next symptom where this medicine is indicated is erysipelas in the legs and feet. Its last indicating symptom is large and shining swelling of the fingers.

  1. Lachesis – When it Affects Left Side of Face

This medicine is prominent for managing cases in which rash occurs on the left side of the face. In cases needing it the rash can begin near to the left side of the nose and then extend up and down to the left side face. In some cases the eruption occurs beneath the left eye. This area appears red, swollen and is accompanied with itching. The lower lid is swollen with this. The rash on the face has burning and itching where it is required. Headache may be present along with above symptoms. Other than these Lachesis is indicated when the face is red bloated with heat and swelling that assume purplish hue. Next it is beneficial for cases in which the blisters contain dark coloured fluid. Apart from above open ulcers on the leg on the left side attended with erysipelas also indicates its use. Lastly it is well indicated medicine for managing erysipelas in old people.

  1. Pulsatilla – When it Affects Face, Thighs, Buttocks

It is prepared from a plant named Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as wind flower or pasque flower. The family of this plant is ranunculaceae. It is used when erysipelas are present on thighs, buttocks and face. In case of face stinging, pricking pain is present. In such cases peeling of the skin also occurs. 

  1. Cantharis – For Erysipelas with Blisters

This medicine is significant to manage cases of erysipelas with blisters. The blisters are large in size where it is required. These may exude much watery matter. Burning sensation and pain is also there in them. Other than this it also works well in cases where skin inflammation is there followed by prickling. Another symptom for using it is inflammation of the dorsum of the nose that spread to both cheeks. This is followed by skin peeling.

  1. Thuja – For Facial Erysipelas with Swelling

It is a natural medicine prepared from fresh twigs of a plant Thuja Occidentalis having the common name Arbor Vitae. This plant belongs to family coniferae. It is indicated for cases in which the face is affected. The face appears red and hot. The burning redness is prominent on the cheeks. The affected skin tends to peel off when washed.

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