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Nerve Damage – Supportive Treatment With Homeopathy

Our body has billions of nerves. They function to carry messages between the brain and rest of the body in a well coordinated way for smooth functioning of the body. Among the nerves some carry messages from brain to muscles for body movement and some carry messages about temperature, pain, pressure and other helps for proper vital functions like breathing, heartbeat, senses. But when the nerves are damaged then there appears trouble in communication between nerves and brain as damaged nerves are unable to carry messages to and from the brain. This results in various signs and symptoms like numbness, tingling, pain, muscle weakness, balance issues etc. Homeopathic remedies for nerve damage can help halt further progression and give symptomatic relief to a person.Homeopathic remedies for nerve damage


Nerve damage can arise from various reasons. 

Firstly, it can arise from excessive pressure on nerve, nerve compression or nerve pinching. Some of its examples are  sciatica and carpal tunnel syndrome Sciatica refers to pain running down from lower back to the back side of leg from compressed, pinched, irritated or damaged sciatic nerve. Carpal tunnel syndrome Is a condition that arises from compression of the median nerve in the wrist that presents with pain, numbness and tingling in the thumb, index finger, middle finger and the thumb side of the ring finger.

Second reason behind it is diabetes (it mostly damages sensory nerves resulting in numbness). 

Next it can occur in autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, guillain barre syndrome, myasthenia gravis. Multiple sclerosis is a progressive disorder in which the immune system attacks the protective myelin sheath of the nerve fibres due to which the communication between  brain and the rest of the body is disrupted. Guillain barre syndrome is a rare neurological disorder  in which the immune system attacks the nerves that are located outside of the brain and spinal cord (means peripheral nerves). It usually  begins with tingling and weakness in feet and legs followed by its spread to the upper body and arms. Myasthenia gravis is a neuromuscular disorder that causes weakness of skeletal muscles in varying degrees.

It can also occur in diseases like motor neuron disease (a group of conditions that leads to loss of function of nerves in the spine and brain), lyme disease  (an infectious disease which is caused by a bite from ticks infected with any of the four species of bacteria known as  Borrelia), hepatitis C, HIV and cancer. 

Next nerve damage can arise from injury or trauma to the nerve as in car accidents. 

Excessive smoking and alcohol drinking also can lead to nerve damage. 

Other than this it may follow use of some medicines and toxic drugs. It can result from some vitamin deficiencies. Apart from above it can be a part of ageing. There are many causes for nerve damage however in many cases around 30 % of the cases no cause is ruled out behind nerve damage.


The signs and symptoms in case of the nerve damage usually develop gradually. Numbness of hands and feet is often the first symptom that appears when sensory nerves are damaged. Tingling or burning sensation can also attend numbness. The numbness and tingling may radiate from hands or feet into arms or legs. Next common symptom of nerve damage is pain generally in hands and feet. The pain here is a very sharp, stabbing, or burning type of pain. Third symptom of nerve damage is muscle weakness or loss of muscle control, paralysis and with time muscle wasting (atrophy) can arise. Difficulty walking, issues with fine motor skills like gripping something can arise here. These symptoms arise when there is some damage to motor nerves that connect the central nervous system and muscles in the body which are linked with the ability to move. Another symptom is a sharp pain beginning in the lower back and travelling down the back side of the leg (sciatica). Burning, or tingling sensation can also appear over this area. This happens when the sciatic nerve gets compressed or damaged from slip disc, injury, some diseases like diabetes.

Muscle cramps and twitching, excessive sweating or less sweating, intense headaches are other symptoms of nerve damage. Intense headache here can be a sign of occipital neuralgia that  occurs when a nerve in the neck gets pinched causing pain in the upper neck and back of the head. Overactive bladder ( a condition in which a person has frequent, sudden urgency to urinate) can also result from nerve damage. Apart from above loss of balance and coordination while walking  can arise that carries risk of stumbling accidents and falling leading to injury.

Homeopathic Remedies for Nerve Damage 

There is great scope to manage cases of nerve damage in homeopathy. These medicines help to manage its symptoms present in every individual case. These medicines play a supportive role and can be taken along with conventional medicines for symptom management. Symptoms including numbness, tingling or burning sensation in hands and feet, nerve pain, muscle weakness, loss of balance and coordination with difficulty in walking, sciatica, muscle cramps, twitching, overactive bladder can be well managed with these medicines. Though these medicines are safe to use, any of them should be used under supervision of a homeopathic physician after complete case analysis. This is necessary because prior use of these medicines the reason behind the nerve damage needs to be very clear as sometimes the reason behind nerve damage is critical and the patient needs to be referred for urgent help from conventional mode.  

  1. Kali Phos – For Numbness of Hands and Feet 

Kali Phos is an effective medicine for nerve damage cases with numbness of hands and feet. The numbness can also be present in arms and legs. Sometimes burning sensation may be felt on toes and soles. It is also indicated if the numbness is localised specifically to the fingertips. Other than numbness its use is also recommended to manage prickling sensation in hands and feet. Additionally, muscle weakness can attend to the above symptoms in cases needing it.

  1. Hypericum – For Tingling and Burning Sensation in Limbs

This medicine is prepared from a plant Hypericum Perforatum also known by the name of St. John’s Wort. This plant belongs to family hypericaceae. It is a very suitable medicine for nerve damage with tingling and burning sensation in limbs. In some cases numbness in limbs is also present where it is required. It is also useful when a person feels sharp, excruciating pains from nerve damage along with above symptoms. Hypericum is one of the best medicines for managing cases of nerve damage that arise from injury.

  1. Magnesium Phos – For Nerve Damage Attended with Pain

This medicine is well indicated for managing pain from nerve damage. In cases requiring it the pain can be sharp, shooting, stitching. Lightning – like or cutting in nature. They tend to come and go and can be unbearable. Sometimes they are wandering in nature that keeps on changing its location from one body part to another.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Burning Pains in Limbs

It is a very useful medicine for cases in which there are burning pains in the limbs. Weakness and heaviness of the limbs can accompany this. Next it is indicated for managing tingling sensation felt in the fingers. Other than these indications numbness and weakness in the feet is suggestive of its use.

  1. Causticum – For Cases Presenting with Muscle Weakness 

Causticum is a top grade medicine for cases that have muscle weakness. People who need it have muscle weakness in limbs. The limbs also feel heavy to them. They may have dull tearing pain in the arms along with weakness. Numbness in hands can attend above symptoms. Unsteady walking with a tendency to fall easily can be another complaint for them. Causticum is also a leading medicine to manage cases where muscle function has been lost (paralysis). It helps manage cases of paralysis of limbs, facial muscles, tongue, eyelids, vocal cords and urinary bladder. Next it is a highly valuable medicine to manage cases of carpal tunnel syndrome arising from compressed median nerve.

  1. Plumbum Met – For Muscle Weakness, Paralysis  along with Wasting of Muscle

Plumbum Met is a well indicated medicine that plays a supportive role to manage cases in which there is severe muscle weakness or paralysis which is accompanied with wasting (atrophy) of muscles. In some cases that require it pain in limbs of tearing or lightening like may be felt. Along with pain, numbness, tingling or twitchings can also be present in the limbs.

  1. Agaricus and Zincum Met – For Muscle Twitchings

Both these are great nerve medicines and remain very effective to manage muscle twitching. In cases needing Agaricus the twitchings are marked in the eyes, eyelids, and facial muscles, cheeks, limbs. Another main symptom to use Agaricus is unsteady walking with a tendency to tumble over everything in the way. While Zincum Met is indicated for cases having twitchings in face and limbs. 

  1. Cuprum Met – For Muscle Cramps

It is very helpful medicine for managing muscle cramps. For using it the cramps can be present in legs, feet, calf muscles, fingers or toes. The pain in cramps is very intense where it is required. With cramps the limbs may be hot and very sensitive to touch. Other than cramps this medicine also helps cases of tingling sensation in limbs and also muscle twitching. 

  1. Colocynth – For Pain Radiating from Lower Back to Back of Legs (Sciatica)

Colocynth is prepared from the pulp of the fruit of a plant named Citrullus Colocynthis or Bitter Apple. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is highly effective medicine to manage sciatica pain arising from nerve damage irritation or compression. Persons needing it have pain in the lower back that radiates down the back side leg even to the toes. For using it the pain can be shooting, drawing, tearing or cramping in nature. They feel relief in pain by applying pressure or also rubbing and from warm application. Most times they feel worsening of the pain at night time. Among the sides it is most prominent for left side pain though works well for right side as well. 

  1. Gnaphalium – For Sciatica Pain and Numbness

This medicine is prepared from fresh plant Gnaphalium polycephalum also known as old balsam and sweet – scented everlasting Flower. It belongs to the family Compositae. It is a highly beneficial medicine for sciatica pain attended with numbness. The pain to use it is mainly darting, or cutting type. It gets worse from motion and is better by sitting.

  1. Gelsemium – For Loss of Balance and Coordination while Walking

This medicine is prepared from the bark of the root of the plant Gelsemium Sempervirens having the common name yellow jasmine. It belongs to the family loganiaceae. It is very significant medicine for managing cases where a person has loss of balance and coordination while walking. He has difficulty with walking and his gait is unsteady because of inability to control muscle movements. He staggers on attempting to walk. This medicine is also prominently indicated to manage muscle weakness and paralysis. Lastly this medicine is very useful for pain in the back side of the head (occipital headache).

  1. Merc Sol – For Frequent and Urgent Urination from Overactive Bladder 

Merc Sol gives good results in cases of an overactive bladder with frequent and urgent need to urinate. Persons needing it have a frequent urge to urinate day and night. The urge to pass urine is also sudden. urgent and they have to rush and hurry to pass urine. If delayed urine tends to leak involuntarily.

  1. Spigelia – For Headache 

It is prepared from plant Spigelia anthelmia having the common name pink-root. It belongs to the family loganiaceae. It is very suitable medicine for managing headaches. It is well indicated for a headache on the left side. The key feature to use it is pain that begins in the occipital (back) region of the head and then extends upward and settles over the left eye. For using it the pain is very violent and pulsating in nature. Stooping and eye movement most times makes it worse in cases needing it.

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10 Top Grade Homeopathic Medicines for Abdominal Pain 

Abdominal pain is a symptom that can arise from various reasons. Some of the reasons are not serious (like pain from gas, indigestion, muscle pull) that tend to resolve quickly with home treatment or mild medicines. However some reasons are serious (like appendicitis) needing immediate medical help. Homeopathic medicines for abdominal pain are safe, natural and effective and can be used in abdominal pain of mild to moderate intensity.homeopathic medicines for abdominal pain

Many people use the term ‘stomach ache’ instead of abdomen pain to refer to pain in any area of the abdomen. But it is incorrect as stomach is just one organ in the abdomen along with other organs which includes  liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, large intestine, small intestine, kidneys and appendix. Abdominal pain can arise from any sort of inflammation, infection or disease of any of the various organs that lies in abdomen. The abdomen pain can be localised to one part of abdomen or it can be widespread. The location of pain depends upon which organ of abdomen is involved. The nature of pain also varies like it can be cramping, burning, tearing, drawing, colicky etc. 


The cause of abdominal pain depends upon the area of the abdomen involved and the organs that lie in that area. 

There are various common causes of abdomen pain, like gas, constipation, vomiting, irritable bowel syndrome (a common functional disorder affecting the colon means the large intestine. Symptoms include pain/cramping in abdomen, diarrhoea/constipation/alternating diarrhoea and constipation and gas, bloating in abdomen.)

Gastroenteritis (inflammation of stomach and intestine causing diarrhoea, vomiting and stomach cramps that can arise from bacterial or viral infection), gastritis (inflamed stomach), stomach ulcer, food intolerance (like lactose intolerance), and GERD (gastrointestinal reflux disease – backflow of stomach acid into the food pipe occurs that causes heartburn), Crohn’s disease (an inflammatory bowel disease which is autoimmune in origin that can cause inflammation in any part of the digestive tract), and celiac disease (a disease of autoimmune origin in which eating gluten which is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye triggers an immune reaction in small intestine in person having this disease causing damage of small intestine) are some other causes. 

Infection in the urinary tract, kidney stone, a muscle pull, and abdominal cramps in women during menses are also reasons for abdominal pain. 

The less common causes that require urgent medical help for abdominal pain are inflamed liver (hepatitis), stones in gallbladder, appendicitis (inflamed appendix), kidney infection, heart condition like congestive heart failure, cancer (of stomach, bowels, pancreas), organ rupture like appendix, pneumonia, faecal impaction, intussusception ( a serious condition in which one part of the intestine slides into an adjacent part of the intestine), ectopic pregnancy (when embryo starts to grow in place other than uterus like in fallopian tubes.)

Critical signs that indicate the need for urgent medical help include very intense, unbearable abdomen pain or when abdomen pain is attended with blood in vomiting, blood in stool, high fever, constant vomiting, intensely tender abdomen and trouble in breathing.

Homeopathic Medicines for Abdominal Pain 

Homeopathy carries a great scope to manage abdominal pain arising from various different causes. The homeopathic medicines help in abdominal pain of various types and causes like gas issues, constipation, gastritis, gastric ulcer, food intolerance, food allergies, stomach infection, menstrual cramps except in case of presence of any of the above mentioned critical sign indicative of serious cause (acute emergencies like appendicitis, perforated gastric ulcer, acute gallstone, colic, intussusception etc). Such emergency cases should be dealt with conventional mode of treatment only. One should opt use of homeopathic medicine for abdominal pain only after complete case analysis and its diagnosis. This is important to rule out the cause behind abdominal pain which will help to decide whether one can take homeopathic medicines or if there is an urgent need of help from conventional systems of medicines as in case of abdominal pain that indicates medical emergency. 

1. Colocynth – For Cramping Pain in Abdomen

This medicine is prepared from pulp of fruit Citrullus colocynthis also called cucumis colocynthis and bitter apple. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is a very effective medicine for managing cramping pain in the abdomen. In most cases needing it the pain worsens by eating or drinking anything. Relief is felt by hard pressure, bending double or lying on the stomach. Along with this the abdomen may be sensitive and painful to touch. Sometimes vomiting appears with pain. Distension of the abdomen can also be present. For using it the pain can be present in the upper abdomen, around the navel or lower abdomen.

2. Magnesia Phos – When Pain is Better by Warm Applications

Magnesia Phos is a leading medicine for cases where stomach pain is better by warm application on stomach. To use this medicine usually the stomach pain is cramping in nature though it can also be griping, colicky, cutting or shooting type. Burping can be present with pain. Other than warm applications, persons needing it also feel relief by taking hot drinks and also from applying pressure over their stomach. This is well indicated for colic in children and newborn babies from gas. Females having pain and cramps in the lower abdomen during periods can also be very much benefited from this medicine.

3. Nux Vomica – For Stomach Pain after Eating

This medicine is very beneficial for persons who experience stomach pain after eating. The pain can be throbbing, cramping, burning, griping, constrictive, or pinching type. Sometimes they have radiation of pain from stomach to shoulders. Along with this they also have a sensation of heat and weight in the stomach. The mid part of the upper abdomen (epigastric region) may be sensitive to pressure and can also be distended. They may have complaints of chronic constipation. In this condition they have an ineffectual and constant urge to pass stool. But they have unsatisfactory stools even after passing stool for so many times a day. It is also indicated for abdomen pain felt before and during stool which gets better after stool. This is one of the top medicines for treating pain in gastritis cases and indigestion cases that arise particularly from taking alcohol, coffee.

4. Arsenic Album – For Burning Pain in the Abdomen

This medicine is very helpful for cases of burning pain in the abdomen. Persons who require this medicine feel violent burning in the stomach and often describe the burning as appearing from hot coals. Along with this vomiting may be present. Loose stool can also appear with above symptoms. It is well indicated for pain abdomen in cases of gastritis, stomach ulcers, food poisoning and hepatitis cases. 

5. China – For Pain due to Obstructed Gas

This medicine is prepared from  dried bark  of plant Cinchona Officinalis also called peruvian bark. It belongs to the family rubiaceae. China works very well in cases of abdomen pain that arises from obstructed gas. There is great accumulation of gas with a distended abdomen. There is rumbling and moving of much gas in the abdomen that doesn’t pass either upwards or downwards. Gas remains in the abdomen for a long time after eating. Along with this there is complaint of slow and weak digestion where a person feels as if food remains for too long in the stomach. Other than above it is a prominent medicine for shooting pain and tenderness in the liver area (felt in the right upper part of abdomen.)

6. Lycopodium – For Pain from Constipation and Gas

Lycopodium is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as club moss. This plant belongs to family lycopodiaceae. It is useful medicine for abdomen pain from constipation. The pain can be pressing, constricting,  drawing, burning or tearing type. The pain sometimes extends to the back. Along with this excessive gas is present in the abdomen. Distension of the abdomen is also present due to  obstructed gas. Sometimes sour vomiting appears with this. In many cases appetite is low with above complaints. It is also suitable medicine for stomach pain arising from eating even lightest food. Apart from above Lycopodium is a very prominent medicine for kidney stone colic, food allergies and pain from inflamed liver.

7. Belladonna – When Pain Comes and Goes Suddenly

Belladonna is a natural medicine prepared from plant deadly nightshade. It belongs to family solanaceae.  This medicine is considered when there are episodes of abdominal pain that comes suddenly and goes suddenly. The pain can be shooting, excruciating, cutting, gnawing, cramping or pressing type. The pain gets worse from eating and from pressure. Other than this the pain also worsens from walking and from jarring. With above symptoms the abdomen is also tender and sensitive to touch.   

8. Cina – For Pain Around the Navel

This medicine is prepared from plant Cina Maritima also known as Artemisia Maritima. It belongs to family compositae. This medicine works well in case of pain felt about the navel. The pain is twisting type. The navel region is sensitive to touch. The abdomen is hard and bloated. It is one of the best medicines for cutting, pinching pain in the abdomen from worms.  

9. Dioscorea – When Pain is Better by Bending Backwards

This medicine is prepared from fresh roots of plant Dioscorea Villosa commonly known as wild yam. This plant belongs to the family dioscoreaceae. This medicine is specifically indicated when abdominal pain is better by bending backwards. Most people who need this also complain that their pain worsens from lying and gets better by walking. The character of pain described is often sharp, cutting, twisting type. They may have radiation of the pain to the back, chest or arms too. 

10. Ipecac – For Abdomen Pain with Vomiting

This medicine is prepared from the dried root of plant Cephaelis Ipecacuanha belonging to the family rubiaceae. It is indicated for cases of abdomen pain with vomiting. The pain can be cutting, clutching, pressing type where it is required. The pain is most times present around the navel. The vomiting is of watery fluid, of bile or green mucus. The vomiting arises soon after eating. Constant nausea also accompanies the above symptoms. Appetite is lowered with these symptoms.

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Homeopathic Treatment for Hydrocephalus

Hydrocephalus, also known as water on the brain, refers to a condition in which there is too much build up of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the ventricles of the brain.  Homeopathic medicines for hydrocephalus only play a supportive role in managing the symptoms and should be considered only with conventional treatment.Homeopathic medicines for hydrocephalus

These ventricles are the cavities within the brain where lies the choroid plexus that produces CSF. This fluid flow through ventricles and eventually flows in spaces that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. It provides nutrients to brain and also act as shock absorber in case of any jolts and hit to the head. This fluid undergoes a cycle of constant production and reabsorption. When this fluid exceeds a normal amount then it increases the size of ventricles and puts pressure on the brain and can cause brain damage. Though it mostly occurs in infants, children and elderly people over 60 years of age, it can occur at any age including younger adults. 

Homeopathic Medicines for Hydrocephalus

They provide symptomatic management in such cases. There are numerous natural homeopathic medicines to manage this condition which are selected based on an individual’s symptoms. Some of these medicines are described below. None of these medicines should be used by self medication. One should opt for its use after consulting a homeopathic specialist who after taking case details doing its analysis can best judge the medicine required as per each individual case.

  1. Apis Mellifica – Top Grade Medicine 

It is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage acute cases of hydrocephalus. It is especially suited to manage hydrocephalus in children. It is prominently indicated for acute cases (of recent origin). The head appears large and the eyes are prominent in children who need it. Sometimes they have a squint in one or both the eyes. They appear very irritable and restless and may cry or scream suddenly. They are lethargic, have weakness and low energy levels. Their sleep is excessive and deep. They may have dullness in their heads and may bore their head in the pillow.  In few children, pain in the head especially the back part of the head is present. Heated sensation in the head is also noted. Nausea can attend above symptoms. They can scream sharply in sleep.  Another symptom that they may have is trembling and jerking of limbs. In some of them scanty urine or suppression of urine can accompany above symptoms. Seizures in hydrocephalus also indicate its use. It is also the best indicated medicine for hydrocephalus and meningitis.

  1. Calcarea Carb – When Head Appears to be Too Large 

Calcarea Carb is a well-indicated medicine for managing cases of hydrocephalus in which the head is too large. It mostly helps chronic cases (means present from long duration) of hydrocephalus. The children needing it may have delayed closing of fontanelles along with head enlargement. They usually have a tendency of excessive sweating over the head. They may have weight loss. They may also show delayed growth or delayed learning to talk and walk. 

  1. Cina – When Child is Very Irritable

Cina is prepared from plant Cina Maritima of family compositae. It is beneficial for children who are very irritable and cross. They may cry a lot and strike those around them. They are restless too. They also have a desire to be carried. With this they frequently turn their head from one side to another. They may cry in sleep. They may have an attending inflammation of the brain.

  1. Helleborous – When Child Rolls Head from Side to Side

This medicine is prepared from the root of plant Helleborus Niger commonly known as Black Hellebore, Christmas Rose or snow – rose. It belongs to family ranunculaceae. Its use is considered in cases where a child rolls head side to side frequently day and night. He also screams a lot. He may have trembling hands. His eyes have a vacant look and sometimes squinting eyes may be noted. Deep sleep is another symptom that is present. Next symptoms he has is impaired vision and speech difficulty. He may have inflamed meninges too with hydrocephalus.

  1. Ipecac – With Nausea and Vomiting

This medicine is prepared from the dried root of plant Cephaelis ipecacuanha that belongs to the family rubiaceae. It is a valuable medicine to manage cases in which a child has nausea and vomiting. The fontanelle may be open in them. Their faces look pale. The back of the head and neck may be  sore.

  1. Phosphorus – When Child is Dull and Sleepy

This medicine is well indicated for cases where a child is dull and very sleepy. He tends to sleep all the time, has marked weakness and low energy levels, and may also vomit a lot. 

  1. Digitalis – For Sudden, Sharp Cries 

Homeopathic medicine Digitalis is prepared from plant Digitalis purpurea which belongs to the family scrophulariaceae. It is indicated for children having sudden sharp cries. With this they have vomiting on eating anything. Their eyes are sunken, dim and pupils are dilated or have squint. Their head may fall backwards from weakness of neck muscles. Other symptoms that indicate its use are boring head into pillow, involuntary urination, scanty urination and loss of vision.

  1. Lycopodium – For Pain in Back of Head

Lycopodium is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as club moss. This plant belongs to family lycopodiaceae. It works well in children having pain in the back of head especially in the upper part. It can be followed by unconsciousness. They also feel heaviness in the head. Other symptoms that they frequently have include sleepiness, speech problems and screaming out in sleep.

  1. Artemisia Vulgaris – With Presence of Seizures (fits)

It is prepared from the fresh root of the plant mugwort of family compositae. It is a helpful medicine when seizures are there in case of hydrocephalus. In cases requiring it the seizures occur frequently with bending of head backward or sideways. Unconsciousness can occur after seizure. Apart from this it is indicated when there is sharp, shooting pain or heaviness in head and confusion of mind. 

  1. Calcarea Phos – With Open Fontanelles

Calcarea  Phos is useful for both acute as well as chronic hydrocephalus cases where a child has open fontanelles. Along with hydrocephalus meningitis can be present. It is also indicated for cases of congenital hydrocephalus (present since birth).

  1. Kali Iodatum – With Squinting of Eyes

This medicine is beneficial when squinting of eyes is present along with other symptoms. These symptoms include crying, vomiting, trembling of limbs on the left side. Sometimes seizures are present. It is also indicated for blindness in these cases. 

  1. Merc Sol – For Decrease of Memory, Imagination, Reasoning Skills

This medicine is given when there is diminution of memory, imagination, reasoning skills. Along with this head is enlarged. Shrieking, heaviness of head, weakness, nausea and vomiting are present.  There may also be dullness and sleepiness with this. Seizures can also be there. Another symptom that can accompany is involuntary urination. Meninges can be inflamed too with fluid build up in the brain.

  1. Apocynum – With Loss of Eyesight

This medicine is indicated when there is loss of eyesight. With this forehead is projected and there is difficulty in thinking. Involuntary motion of one arm and leg often attends these symptoms.


Hydrocephalus results when there is an imbalance between amount of CSF produced and amount of CSF absorbed into the bloodstream. Firstly, it can happen if there is an obstruction in the normal flow of CSF within the ventricles or from ventricles to space surrounding the brain (Non-communicating/obstructive hydrocephalus.)
Secondly, It can arise if there is improper absorption of this fluid (Communicating/non-obstructive hydrocephalus.)
Thirdly, in very rare cases it can happen if CSF is produced at a higher speed than it is being absorbed.

Hydrocephalus can occur before a baby is born (means congenital) or can develop shortly after birth. Associated reasons include a birth defect called neural tube defect in which the spinal column doesn’t close properly and an opening remain in  it, aqueductal stenosis (in which the passage between the third and fourth ventricles of  brain is narrow that hinder drainage of CSF), certain Infections (like rubella and syphilis) in the uterus during pregnancy, bleeding in the brain ventricles during delivery or soon after it. The reasons in infants (babies less than one year) and among all other age groups include central nervous infections like meningitis, trauma / injury to the brain, bleeding in the brain, tumours of the brain or spinal cord. In some cases no reason can be found behind hydrocephalus.


The symptoms of hydrocephalus vary as per the age of the sufferer.

  1. Infants (child less than 1 year of age)

In infants the signs include a rapid increase in head size, bulging of fontanel (soft spot in the skull) on the top of head. The head may appear unusually large with this and the eyes are fixed downward (sometimes called sunsetting of eyes). With this the babies may be highly irritable, fussy, cranky and have poor appetite. Other symptoms that they may show are excessive sleepiness, vomiting, seizures / fits, decreased muscle tone and strength. Babies born with this condition (congenital hydrocephalus) can have permanent brain damage causing long-term complications like learning disabilities, vision problems, speech problems, memory problems, epilepsy and problems with physical coordination. 

  1. Toddlers and Older Children

The signs and symptoms that can appear in toddlers and older children are an unusually large head, eyes that are fixed  downward, changes in facial appearance, headache, blurred / double vision, squint of eyes. They may have high pitched cries, excessive sleepiness, low energy levels, irritability, seizures, lowered appetite, nausea or vomiting, muscle spasms. They may have poor coordination and have problems with walking, speech or other acquired skills till date, or may have loss of bladder control (urinary incontinence). A child may have delayed growth, have personality changes, difficulty concentrating, reduced performance in school.

  1. Young and Middle-aged Adults

The symptoms in these people are chronic headache, tiredness, loss of coordination, problem with walking, difficulty in concentration and  a drop in memory that affect performance at job, vision changes and bladder problems (including frequent urination or loss of bladder control.) 

  1. Older Adults (aged 60 years or above)

Symptoms in elderly include frequent urination or loss of bladder control, memory loss, problems with reasoning skills, poor coordination, balance issues, and problems with walking.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Causticum – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Causticum is prepared from Potassium Hydrate by the potentization process, by which homeopathic medicines are prepared. By potentization the medicinal properties of potassium Hydrate are extracted. Causticum is widely used to treat urinary complaints, muscle weakness, skin warts, joint pains and paralysis.   Causticum - Homeopathic Medicine

The ‘Causticum’ Constitution

It is mainly suited to dark-haired people with sensitive skin. Next it is suitable to people suffering from joint pains, weak muscles, and urinary complaints.

Drug Action

This medicine has a marked action on the urinary system. In cases of urinary complaints, it helps to strengthen the bladder muscle and the urethral sphincter to treat involuntary urination and also retention of urine. Next, it acts on joints to reduce its inflammation and pain. Thirdly, it acts on muscles and manages complaint of muscle weakness and even loss of muscle function. Lastly its action on skin is wonderful where it is very beneficial to treat skin warts.

Role as a Homeopathic Medicine

1. Eye Complaints

It is a very helpful medicine to treat eye complaints. Here, Firstly, it is indicated to treat ptosis, which is the drooping of upper eyelid over the eye. It strengthens the eyelid muscle to improve ptosis.

Other indication to use it is eye floaters ( spots that move or float before eyes). In such cases it helps when a person sees black points, sparks or flickering before eyes. The spots may be small or large. Sometimes they are round and other times they have uneven shape.

Lastly, in eye complaints, it is beneficial to treat twitching of eyelids.

2. Facial Paralysis, Bell’s Palsy

This is a top listed medicine to treat cases of Bell’s palsy. It is a condition in which facial muscles get weak or paralysed (loss of muscle function).  The mouth is drawn to one side along with drooling of saliva, and muscle twitches in the face may also be present. It works well especially in right sided facial paralysis cases. Here, whole side of right sided face from forehead to chin is affected.

3. Urinary Problems

This is a very beneficial medicine when it comes to treat urinary problems.

Here, it’s use is considered in cases of urinary incontinence (involuntary passage of urine). It offers relief in such cases by improving the weakness of bladder muscle and strengthening the urethral sphincter. It is known to give major help in cases of stress incontinence i.e. leaking of urine when pressure is exerted on the urinary bladder as while coughing, sneezing, laughing.

Secondly, it is valuable medicine to manage cases of retention of urine. It is primarily useful for treating this complaint  in elderly people and in females after childbirth.  Urinary retention from constriction of bladder neck and from bladder paralysis is manageable with this medicine.

Lastly, it is given in cases of bed wetting ( involuntary passage of urine during sleep)

4. Laryngitis, Hoarseness of Voice

This is a leading homeopathic medicine to treat cases of laryngitis (inflammation of larynx-the voice box). Persons who need it complain of hoarseness of voice. It is most worse in the morning and evening time. They also are unable to speak loud words. Along with this  dry, tickling cough may be present in them. They feel dryness and pain in the larynx. Apart from the above, it is well-indicated to treat hoarseness of voice in public speakers from over straining of voice.

5. Cough

It is of great help in cases of cough. Cough from tickling in the throat pit is mainly indicative to use it. Persons requiring have difficulty in expectorating phlegm. They may find relief in cough from drinking cold water. Along with cough, they may  also complain involuntary urine leakage upon coughing.

6. Rectal Complaints

When it comes to rectal complaints, it is indicated to treat piles,  (swollen veins in the anus or lower part of rectum), constipation and anal fistula.

In case of piles it works well to manage stitching, stinging, burning pain in the anus. Persons who need it mainly complain of pain on touching the anus or while walking, sitting. It also helps to ease itching felt at the anus from piles.

In constipation, it is used when the first part  of stool is hard followed by soft. Few times the stool is covered with mucus. There is frequent urge to pass stool and stool is passed with great difficulty. Sometimes it is followed by  pain and burning in rectum.

Lastly, it is used in anal fistula cases when there is pain and pulsations in the perineum

7. Skin Issues

This is a renowned homeopathic medicine to treat a number of skin complaints.

Here, it is a highly effective medicine to treat skin warts (hard, rough, thick growths on skin arising from infection by human papilloma virus.) It is considered in cases of warts which are large, jagged and have peduncles. They may also bleed easily. For using it the warts are mostly present on face, eyelids, fingertips.

Next, it is  of great service to treat cases of old burns. In such cases, it aids healing of old burns that are slow to heal. It also is indicated to treat cases where  already healed burns on skin reopen and become sore again.

Other than this, it is also a significant remedy to treat skin ulcers that are very sensitive with burning sensation. They also ooze pus that may be blood stained sometimes.

Apart from above indications, it is used to treat skin rash that arises between the skin folds (intertrigo). The skin folds include those behind ears, between thighs, under breast, between buttocks.

8. Upper Limb Complaints

In case of upper limb complaints, it works wonderfully to treat writer’s cramp. It refers to cramps in the muscles of the hand while writing or playing an instrument.

Next, it is a top listed medicine to treat cases of carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that arise from  pinched or compressed median nerve in the carpal tunnel passage located in the wrist. In such cases, it helps to relieve symptoms of tingling sensation or numbness in the fingers of the hand. It also helps in cases where sometimes weakness in the hand and atrophy of muscles of thumb are present.

9. Lower Limb Complaints

If we talk about complaints of lower limbs, then it is recommended for treating sciatica of left side attended with numbness. Sciatica is referred to as pain that radiates from lower back through the hips  down the leg along the path of the sciatic nerve.

It is also used in cased of cramps in the feet, toes and calf muscles of leg.

Next, one can also benefit from this medicine in cases of restless leg syndrome at night. Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a condition in which a person has an uncontrollable urge to move the legs to relieve discomforting sensations in the lower limbs.

10. Joint Pains

This is a wonderful medicine to treat joint pains and arthritis (joint inflammation.) It can be taken to relieve joint pain including those of shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and ankles. It also helps to manage joint stiffness. Additionally, it also offers excellent management of pain and stiffness in extreme cases of joint inflammation where deformity of joint has set in.

11. Muscle weakness and Paralysis

It is one of the most effective medicines to treat muscle weakness and even loss of muscle weakness (paralysis). It is well-indicated to treat weakness or loss of muscle function of face, urinary vocal cords, eyelids, tongue and limbs.

12. Ataxia

This is an excellent medicine to manage complaint of ataxia. Ataxia is a condition characterised by lack of muscle coordination that helps in voluntary movements. It results in problems with gait (manner of walking) like inability to maintain balance while walking, tendency to fall while walking. Additionally, there may be difficulty with speech (like slow speech, tremor while speaking), involuntary eye movement (nystagmus) and problem with swallowing. Here, this medicine can take care of gait  problems. It helps in treating complaint of unsteady walking and easy falling in persons with ataxia. Apart from it, this medicine helps manage speech and swallowing difficulties in ataxia.


It can be used from 30 C potency to 1 M potency. In acute complaints it can be taken once or twice a day in 30 C potency. In case of chronic complaints high potencies are recommended once or twice a week.

Relationship to Other Remedies

Complementary medicines are Petroselinum, Colocynth and Carbo Veg. These medicines can be used after Causticum to complete its action when it is no longer acting.

Inimical medicine is Phosphorus, and should not be used with Causticum.

Antidotes are Asafoetida, Dulcamara and Nux Vomica. These antidote medicines can be used to neutralize its action.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Cina – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Cina is prepared from the unexpanded flower-heads of plant Cina maritima also known as Artemisia maritima. This plant belongs to a large family of flowering plants known as Compositae. The flower-heads of this plant are potentized (a process by which homeopathic remedies are prepared) to get the homeopathic medicine. Cina is a source of santonin which was widely used as a drug in past to expel worms from the body. But in the homeopathic system of medicine, use of this remedy is done for many more complaints apart from worms. It is majorly used in children to treat irritability in children, difficult teething, bedwetting and worms.   Cina Homeopathic medicine

The ‘Cina’ Constitution

Cina is mainly a children’s remedy. It is well suited to children who remain irritable, cross all the time. Along with this they wish to be carried always. It is top listed medicine to help treat complaints during teething, bedwetting, colic, anal itching, grinding of teeth and sleep troubles in children.

Drug Action

This medicine has a marked action on mind where it helps to treat irritability in children. Next it acts wonderfully on  the gastrointestinal tract and helps to relieve colic, diarrhoea and worms infestation. Other than this, it has marked action on urinary bladder where it helps to treat complaint of bedwetting effectively

Role as a Homeopathic Medicine

1. Mind Complaints

It is a renowned medicine in homeopathy to treat many of the complaints related to mind in children. Firstly, it is a highly recommended medicine to calm children who are excessively irritable, cranky and fussy.  Along with this they scream and cry a lot. They also tend to strike and bite the attendants. They are always complaining, restless and get offended very easily. A major characteristic shown by them is desire to be carried all the time. Irritability seen among most children during dentition period is wonderfully checked with this medicine. 

Next, it is used in children who are very obstinate and wants their wishes to be fulfilled at once. They show excessive temper tantrums. They are not satisfied with anything and throws things away.

2. Nasal Complaints

In case of nasal complaints it is given in children when they have excessive itching in nose. They rub the nose or bores in nostrils due to itching. They also have attending sneezing and runny nose. Nose may feel stopped up in the evening time. Along with this they are restless and also cry too much.

3. Teething Troubles

This is a renowned medicine to treat teething difficulties in children. It is indicated when the child is very irritable during teething. Along with this they may be very cranky, with screaming and even biting and striking attendants. They also become very obstinate, stubborn. Further they wish to be carried all the time.

4. Gastrointestinal (GIT) Complaints

If we talk about gastric complaints then firstly, it is of great help in cases of abdominal colic in children.  It is given for cutting, pinching pain in the abdomen. Apart from this, it is also indicated for twisting pain felt around the navel. The abdomen also feels hard and bloated with pain. The child may find relief by applying pressure on the abdomen. It is a top-listed medicine to treat abdominal pain arising from worms.

Next, it offers help in case of loose stool (diarrhoea). Here it can be used when stool is watery, greenish, slimy sometimes with white mucus. Sometimes it may also pass involuntarily.

Other than this, it is a top-listed medicine to treat cases of worms. Worm infestation including threadworms, roundworms, ascarides is treated magnificently with it. It works wonders to bring relief in abdominal colic and anal itching appearing from presence of worms. It also helps to gain weight in children having worms who don’t gain weight even if eating excessively.

5. Cough

This remedy works well for cough which is violent and spasmodic in nature (i.e. which ends in vomiting). The cough is violent and  is mainly worse at night.  Coughing also lead to sleeplessness. Along with cough there may be rattling of mucus in the chest. Expectoration of mucus is difficult. There is also attending complaint of difficulty in breathing.

6. Urinary Issues

Use of this medicine is highly recommended for treating bedwetting in children. The children needing it usually passes urine involuntarily at night.  In daytime they have frequent urination with passage of copious urine. They may also be suffering from worms along with bedwetting complaint.

7. Sleep Issues in Children

It is a very beneficial medicine to treat many sleep issues in children. Firstly, it helps children who are sleepless at night. They remain restless and toss around in the bed, and may also keep crying. Sometimes they may scream, and do not like to be covered. Rocking them i.e moving them backwards and forwards or from side to side may help them fall asleep.

Next, it is one of the most effective medicines to treat complaint of night terrors in children. Children needing it wake up frightened from sleep. They cry and scream loudly on waking from sleep. They are calmed with much difficulty.

Lastly, children having complaint of grinding of teeth during sleep can also be treated with Cina.


Cina can be used in 30 C and 200 C potency. In case of children it can be taken in 30 C potency once or twice a day. If using 200 C potency then its frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship to Other Remedies

The homeopathic medicines that can be used after it are Calc Carb, Nux Vomica and Silicea

The homeopathic medicines that can be used to antidote/nullify its action are Arnica, camphor and Capsicum.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Conium – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Conium is prepared from a plant named Conium Maculatum. It belongs to the family Umbelliferae. To prepare homeopathic medicine Conium, this plant is potentized (a process by which homeopathic remedies are prepared). In homeopathy, it is used to treat the complaint of vertigo, urinary complaints, and many female and male disorders. Conium - homeopathic medicine

The ‘Conium’ Constitution

It is mainly suited to people who live a sedentary life (that is spend much time seated) having tendency to suffer from enlarged glands and hard nodes in various body parts. 

Drug Action

It has a marked action on female genitalia and is used to treat suppressed periods, vaginal discharge, prolapse of uterus and painful periods. In females it is also a top listed medicine to treat lumps / hard nodes in breast. 

Next, it has a strong action on males genitals where it helps to treat complaint of weak erections, premature ejaculation and prostate enlargement. 

Other than this, it has an excellent action to treat vertigo and urinary problems.

Role as a Homeopathic Medicine

1. Vertigo

It is a leading medicine to treat cases of vertigo (sense of spinning and loss of balance). In such cases it is given when person gets vertigo mainly on turning the head. This feature makes it helpful in cases of Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) in which Vertigo episodes are triggered by movements of the head. Apart from this Vertigo appearing when rising from a seat or when turning in bed are also suggestive of its use. With vertigo the person may have inclination to fall. Heaviness in head and black spots floating before eyes are among other symptoms that may arise with vertigo.

2. Eye Complaints

If we talk about eye complaints then it is mainly prescribed for floating spots before eyes. Persons needing it complain of black spots, coloured bands or flickering before eyes. They may also have attending vertigo with floating spots before eyes
Next, its use is recommended for cases of photophobia (sensitivity of eyes to bright light). In such cases it is given when there is intense sensitivity to bright light along with excessive watering from eyes. The person feels pain in the eyes on exposure to bright light. The eyes may also turn red along with these features.

Apart from the above, it is used in cases of ptosis (dropping of upper eyelids). Here person is unable to raise eyelids. It feels the eyelid is pressed down with a very heavy weight.

3. Male Complaints

It is a very suitable medicine to treat a number of male complaints. Among this, it is helpful to treat prostate enlargement. In these cases it is given when patient have difficulty to initiate urination. Along with this urinary stream is also interrupted. Dribbling at the end of urination may also be present.

Next, it is a very beneficial medicine to treat erectile dysfunction in males. Erectile dysfunction refers to weak or no erections of the penis during sexual activity. Males who need it have complaint of weak erections and erections that last for a very short time. Few males may also have no erections at all. It also helps males who suffer from complaint of premature ejaculation. Other than this it is a top listed medicine to treat complaints that arise either from excessive sexual activity or from suppression of sexual desire. Lastly it helps cases inflammation of testicles mainly after injury.

4. Female Disorders

It is a very effective medicine to treat a number of female disorders.

It is a leading medicine to treat soreness and pain in breast that is felt before the onset of periods. The breast also feels enlarged and swollen. Females who require it feels the pain gets worse from walking and from slightest jar. It is also well indicated to treat nodes/ lumps in breast and inflammation of breast (mastitis).

Its use is also considered in case of prolapse of the uterus. Females needing Conium feel that the uterus will come out of the vulva. This is worse while standing and walking. Along with this, they have excessive vaginal discharge. They also complain of painful periods with above complaint.

Next, it is useful to treat vaginal discharges (leucorrhea). Here it is used when the vaginal discharge is white or yellow coloured attended with itching and burning in the vagina. The discharge is sometimes blood stained. It is also attended with griping pains in abdomen and pain in lower back. Excessive weakness accompanies this complaint.

Other than this it is useful in cases of suppressed and late periods (amenorrhoea). It helps to regularise menstrual cycle when it is always late, and menstrual flow is scanty and last for a short duration.

Lastly, complaint of painful periods is also treated well with this medicine. In such cases pain in uterus radiating down the legs and pain in back are indicative to use it. Along with this they feel dizzy and weak with painful periods.

5. Urinary Problems

It is an excellent medicine when it comes to treat urinary problems. Here it is helpful for cases of difficult urination where the urine is passed with much straining. The flow of urine is established with difficulty in the beginning. It also is beneficial for cases where urine stream is interrupted and urine starts and stops many times till complete emptying of bladder. Lastly it used to treat burning, cutting, shooting pain in urethra while urinating.

6. Cough

It is well indicated to treat cases of dry cough attended with itching and tickling sensation in throat. The cough is almost constant in nature. In most cases needing it the cough worsens from lying down at night. It may also get worse from talking and laughing. Great weakness is complained with above symptoms. Along with cough stitching pain is felt in head and chest. Sometimes mucus is vomited during coughing.

7. Weakness

It is a significant medicine to deal with weakness and is indicated when there is a lack of strength, especially in morning. The muscle of legs are very weak due which there is difficulty in walking. The person staggers while walking, all limbs feel weak and tremble, and dizziness and vertigo also appear due to weakness.


Conium can be used in 30 C and 200 C potency. One can take its 30 C potency once or twice a day. While its 200 C potency should not be repeated frequently.

Relationship to Other Remedies

Complementary medicine is Baryta Mur which can be used after Conium to complete its action.

Antidotes are Nitric Acid, Coffea and Dulcamara. These work to neutralize the action of Conium. 

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Apis Mellifica – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Apis Mellifica is a homeopathic remedy prepared from honey-bees through the potentization process (a process by which homeopathic medicines are prepared). With this process, the latent medicinal properties of honey bee are extracted. It is known to be very effective to treat skin allergies, urticaria (raised itchy bumps on skin from an allergic reaction), bee sting, urinary infection and joint swelling. Apis Mellifica Homeopathic Medicine

The ‘Apis Mellifica’ Constitution

This medicine is suited to people who have sensitive skin and are prone to suffering from skin allergies and skin rash. Next, it is adapted to people who have tendency to get inflammation in various body parts like eyes, joints, urinary tract.

Drug Action

This is a first aid medicine for bee stings (without any anaphylactic shock symptoms). Next, it is a incomparable medicine to treat skin allergies and eye allergies. It is also used to manage inflammatory conditions of urinary tract, joints, with stinging, burning pains. Apart from the above, its action is marked to treat conditions with fluid retention in body parts like hydrocephalus (build up of excess cerebrospinal fluid in the cavities i.e. ventricle of the the brain), swollen ankles, oedema of legs, swollen joints, puffy swollen face.

Role as a Homeopathic Medicine

1. Meningitis and Hydrocephalus

This is an important medicine to manage meningitis i.e. inflammation of the meninges that refers to the protective membranes which covers the brain and spinal cord. It also is a very useful medicine to manage hydrocephalus cases. In both these cases it is used when the affected child is unable to hold the head erect and keeps boring the head into the pillow. The child also shows intense irritability with crying and loud screaming. Other attending symptoms shown by the child are drowsiness, mental confusion, dullness. Severe pain in the back of the head may also be experienced along with excessive sweating on the head.

2. Inflammation of Tongue (Glossitis)

This is a well-indicated medicine to treat inflammation of tongue where there is a prickling, burning, stinging sensation on the tongue. If we look on the tongue then it is fiery red, swollen. Sometimes cracks, ulcers or vesicles on tongue are seen. Person also feels the tongue is dry with inability to swallow. They may have bitter taste in mouth along with above symptoms.

3. Eye Complaints

When it comes to treat eye complaints, Apis is indicated for keratitis (inflammation of cornea), iritis (inflammation of iris i.e. the coloured ring around the eye’s pupil), swelling of the lower eyelids (bag under eyes) and eye allergies. The key features to use this medicine in above eye complaints are redness of conjunctiva with burning, stinging, shooting pain in the eyes. Along with it, swelling of eyelids and hot watery discharge from eyes is prominent.

4. Face Swelling

This is a valuable medicine to treat swollen, puffy face. Persons needing it have pale, sunken, waxy and puffy face. Puffiness of the eyelids mainly lower one is marked. They feel prominent stinging and prickling sensation in the face. They also complain of heat and burning sensation in the face. They wish to wash face with cold water to get relief in burning sensation.

5. Sore Throat, Enlarged/Inflamed Tonsils

This remedy acts on the throat, tonsils and helps in reducing its inflammation. It is given when the throat and tonsils are extremely red, swollen, inflamed, sometimes with ulcers. Along with this person feels stinging, burning, smarting, shooting pain in throat. They feel pain is worse on swallowing especially solids. Their throat is dry with heat along with constricted sensation. They also have thick stringy mucus in the throat.

6. Skin Issues

It is a beneficial remedy to treat various skin complaints. It is majorly used in homeopathy to treat cases of urticaria ( skin allergy where bumps / wheals appear on the skin). Here it is given when body is covered with large wheals that are red and inflamed or are white with red border. The wheals are painful, tender, hot and extremely sensitive to touch, and there are stinging pains. There is also violent itching and burning in the wheals. The itching gets worse from warmth of the bed and is better in open air.

Next, it is used as a first aid medicine in cases of bee sting. The results of bee sting including swelling, itching, burning, stinging on the skin are treated wonderfully with this medicine.

Other than this, this medicine is useful to relieve itching on the skin. It is used when itching is intolerable at night and it lead to sleeplessness. Along with itching, prickling over the whole body is present. The person feels better by scratching. Other symptoms that they usually have are roughness, dryness stinging, smarting and burning sensation on the skin.

Apart from above, it is highly considered in cases of skin allergies and skin rash. In such conditions it helps to heal the rash and ease the violent itch.

It also gives good results in case of large boils and carbuncles (skin infections with pus filled lumps on skin). Burning and stinging pains in them is characteristic feature to use this remedy here.

Next, it is given in cases of measles when there is intense weakness with eruptions. Its use is also thought for cases of imperfectly developing measles where eruptions did not come out properly. In such undeveloped eruptions cases fever, cough, diarrhoea and drowsiness are present.

Skin burns and prickly heat with stinging pains are the rest of the skin conditions which this homeopathic medication can very effectively manage.

7. Urinary Complaints

This is one of the top grade medicine to treat urinary tract infections (UTI), inflammation of urinary bladder and prostate gland.

In all such cases it majorly helps to relieve burning, smarting, scalding pain that is felt while urinating or after urinating. It also helps to manage attending complaint of weak urine flow, frequent urge to urinate and blood stained urine.

8. Joint Swelling and Inflammation

This medicine has a remarkable action on joints where it helps to reduce its inflammation and swelling. Among them it is majorly indicated for treating swelling of ankles and knee. In such cases along with swelling heat, sensitivity, soreness an stinging pains in the joints are marked.

9. Male Complaints

Males needing this medicine to treat cases of prostate enlargement have a frequent desire to urinate. The frequency is increased both day and night time. Another complaint faced by them where Apis seems to help is difficulty in passing urine with need to press hard to begin to urinate. It also helps to subside inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis) and relieve the burning, stinging pains while urinating.

Next, it is an excellent medicine to treat cases of hydrocele. This medicine helps to reduce swelling of the scrotum. It also helps to relieve its associated pain.

10. Female Disorders

This is a leading medicine to treat complaint of ovaries, mastitis (inflammation of breast) and premenstrual syndrome ( PMS) in females.

The ovarian complaints that are effectively managed with it includes ovarian cyst, ovarian tumours, ovarian inflammation (ovaritis), ovarian pain, ovarian swelling, PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). The major symptom to use this remedy in ovarian complaints is burning, sharp, stinging pain in ovaries like sting of a bee. The pain may also be cutting, shooting type. The affected ovary is sore and tender to touch. Many women needing it complain that the pain from ovaries radiate down the thighs. They may also experience worsening of pain in ovary before or during menses. The pain may also get worse during coition. Irregular menses in case of ovarian tumours is also indicative of its use. In most cases, it is the right ovary that is affected when this medicine is required.

Next, it is used to treat mastitis (inflammation of breast tissue). Females needing it have swollen, hard, tender breasts sometimes with pus formation in it from infection. They feel extreme burning, stinging in breast along with swelling.

Females having premenstrual syndrome are also greatly helped with this medicine. To use it in PMS the symptoms to look for are irritability, sensitivity of mind, and water retention.


Use of Apis Mellifica is indicated in a tincture of 30 potency. It can be taken two to three times a day in 30 potency in case of acute complaints.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Complementary medicine is Natrum Mur, which completes its action.

Rhus Tox is inimical and should not be used before or after Apis Mellifica.

Antidote medicines are Carbolic Acid, Cantharis, Lachesis, and Ledum Pal as they neutralize the action of Apis. 

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Rhus Tox – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Rhus Tox is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the fresh leaves of a plant named Poison Ivy. This poison ivy belongs to a family of flowering plants known as Anacardiaceae. This plant is generally found in the North American region. The leaves of this plant before its flowering time are gathered at sunset and potentized (a process by which homeopathic remedies are prepared). By the potentization process, the medicinal properties of this plant are extracted leaving behind any of its poisonous effects. Rhus Tox is widely used to treat joint pain, muscle pain, back pain, complaint of tendons and ligaments.   Rhus Tox

The ‘Rhus Tox’ Constitution

This remedy is well-suited to people of rheumatic diathesis i.e who are prone to suffer from joint pains. Next, it is adapted to people having sensitive skin prone to allergies, skin rash, eczema, hives.

Drug Action

Among the various body parts, the medicine is most commonly used to treat complaints related to joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments. It is also highly recommended for treating back pain and stiffness. Apart from the above, it is beneficial to treat a number of skin ailments including vesicular (fluid filled) eruptions, urticaria (hives), herpes zoster (shingles), fever blisters and eczema.

Scope as a Homeopathic Medicine

1. Joint and Muscle Pain, Sprain

This medicine yields excellent results in wide range of joint pains. Joint pains from various reasons including arthritis (inflamed joints), gout (high uric acid), osteoarthritis (degeneration of joints) are treated with this medicine. Apart from this one can also use this medicine to ease joint pain arising from injuries, inflamed / damaged tendons and ligaments. A person having complaint of joint pain from sprain (i.e. stretching or tearing of ligaments that connect two bones together in the joints) can also be treated with this medicine. It is effective to reduce pain in joint as well as the attending swelling, stiffness arising in any of the joints in the body. Cracking sounds in joint and weakness of joints also get better with this medicine. It can also be taken in cold weather when the joint pains intensify.

In addition to above, it is also used treat muscle pains (myalgia), bone pain, general body aches, inflamed tendons/ligaments, and injuries. The patients experience extreme restlessness along with above mentioned complaints. They may have worsening of pain while at rest and relief by moving around.

 2. Back and Neck Pain

This medicine is very effective to treat cases of back pain, back stiffness,  back injury, back strains, and neck pain.

It is highly recommended to use this medicine in persons having painful and stiff neck. This pain can further extend to the shoulders, and may increase from exposure to cold air.  This is a major medicine used for treating cervical spondylosis (degenerative changes in the spine of neck region). Whiplash injuries of neck are also best treated with this remedy. Whiplash injury refers to neck injury that arise from rapid forward and backward movement of neck that commonly seen in motor vehicle accidents

It is an incomparable medicine when its comes to treating back pain and stiffness. People requiring this medicine have marked lower back pain and often feels as if back is broken. They majorly complain of  worsening of back pain when at rest, sitting still, stooping and on rising from seat. Relief is obtained by moving about, from exercise and also by hard pressure. Back ache arising from injuries and from lifting heavy weight is also treated with this remedy.

3. Lower Limb Complaints

In case of lower limbs, this remedy effectively treats sciatica and restless leg syndrome

Sciatica refers to a pain that radiates from lower back through the hips  down the leg along the path of the sciatic nerve. It helps to relief violent tearing, lightening like, burning pain in back radiating down to thigh, knee and leg. It also helps to manage numbness and formication (sensation of insects crawling under the skin) that arise from nerve irritation. Persons needing it may have increase of pain at night that cause sleeplessness. They feel the pain more when keeping still and in cold weather. They may obtain relief by heat, rubbing and moving around.

Next, it is of intense help in cases of restless leg syndrome which refers to a condition where a person has an uncontrollable urge to move the legs to relieve discomforting sensations in the lower limbs. Restlessness of lower limbs is manageable with this homeopathic medicine. The person needing it have restless legs in bed at night. They get relief by motion.

4. Skin Complaints

It is a very beneficial medicine to treat skin allergies, eruptions, and rashes.

It is a frequently used medicine for treating urticaria (raised itchy bumps on skin from an allergic reaction). It is used when there are circular elevated bumps (wheals) on skin. The skin surrounding the bumps is swollen. It is attended with burning, intolerable itching, tingling, stinging and stitching pain in the blotches. It is also specific to treat tendency of urticarial eruptions that appear in cold air and from becoming wet.

Secondly it is indicated for treating herpes zoster (a viral infection characterized by a stripe of painful blisters on skin). Rhus Tox helps to heal eruptions in such cases. It also reduces itching, tingling, burning sensation and pain in eruptions. It is also prominent to treat neuralgic (nerve) pains that remain after healing of herpes zoster eruptions.

Next, it is a leading medicine to treat fever blisters, which is a viral infection where tiny, fluid-filled blisters appear on and around the lips in clusters. Rhus Tox helps heal clusters of blisters filled with a watery substance, appearing near corners of mouth and on margin of lower lip. It also reduces the pain, soreness and biting sensation in them.

Another indication to use it is eczema. Here it is used when there are thick crusty eruptions on the skin. The surface is raw, excoriated. There is oozing of fluid which is offensive in nature. The lesions burn and itch and have tingling pains.

Its use is also considered in cases of skin rash. In such cases intolerable itching and terrible burning are present. There is marked restlessness especially at night due to itching in them.

It is also valuable to treat vesicular eruptions that itch and burn intensely. The affected skin area is dark red, burning, hot. The vesicles are filled with yellow watery fluid in cases requiring this medicine. The vesicles eventually dry and skin desquamates.

Lastly, it is useful to treat boils, abscess, carbuncles. These are the skin infections with pus filled lumps on skin. This remedy helps to fight with the infection and clear off pus discharges or blood stained discharges in them. It also relieve the pain, swelling and stinging sensations in them.

5. Throat Complaints

This medicine has a marked action to reduce inflammation of the throat, larynx (voice box) and esophagus (esophagitis).

It is given in sore throat cases when there are stitching pains in the throat. These pains worsen form talking. It is accompanied by dryness in throat, inability to drink or eat . It is valuable to treat inflamed larynx with hoarseness arising from overstraining of the voice. People needing this remedy may experience worsening of this complaint in the evening and also from change of weather. In addition to above, another indication is esophagitis with pain that worsens with eating and drinking. Esophagitis, especially after swallowing corrosive substances is most indicative to use this medicine.

6. Eye Complaints

When it comes to eye complaints, this is a significant remedy to treat iritis, styes, and photophobia.

It works well in cases of iritis (inflammation of iris I.e. the colored ring around the eye’s pupil). It is useful to manage Iritis of traumatic (arising from injury) and rheumatic origin (that follows joint inflammation). Here pain in eyes shooting to back of head are marked. Excessive flow of hot tears is also well noted. Suppuration (pus formation) may also be present.

It also treat cases of styes in an excellent manner. Styes are painful, red bump on margin of eyelid from an infection. In such cases, it treats styes present on the lower lid. It helps to reduce redness, swelling, hardness, and pain of the stye.

Next, it works to treat cases of photophobia (symptom of discomfort or pain in the eyes from bright light exposure). It is applicable for cases of intense photophobia when attended with profuse lachrymation (watering from eyes). It is most worse in morning and in open air in such cases.

7. Female Complaints

It is very significant medicine to treat uterine prolapse and sore nipples in females.

This is a prominent medicine to treat cases of uterine prolapse. Females needing it feel bearing down in pelvis with a sensation as if uterus is lying low down in pelvis. This interferes with walking. Due to this urination is also frequent and painful in them. Prolapse of uterus after delivery, from straining or lifting heavy weight is also well treated with it. It strengthens the muscles and supporting ligaments that keep the uterus well in its place. Secondly, it treats the complaint of sore nipples after delivery. The key features to use this medicine are sore nipples with eruption and itching, burning. Burning appears after scratching the eruptions. Sweating worsens the complaints.

8. Urinary complaints

In case of urinary complaints, it works well to manage  the complaint of weak bladder in females with frequent desire to urinate. It is also indicated for bladder paralysis and bed wetting issues. It is effective to manage complaint of constant dribbling of urine in boys.

9. Fever

In case of fever,  this remedy is considered when extreme body aches, restlessness, with alternate heat and chill is there. In typhoid fever dry cracked tongue with red tip, diarrhoea, restlessness (both mental and physical), mental confusion are present in cases where this medicine is indicated.


Rhus Tox can be taken two to three times a day in 30 potency. Use of high potencies like 200, 1M, 10 M should be taken only on a physician’s recommendation.

Relationship to Other Remedies

Complementary medicines are Bryonia, Calcarea Fluor and Phytolacca. These medicines can be used after Rhus Tox to complete its action when it is no longer acting.

Inimical medicine is Apis Mellifica which means Apis Mellifica should not be used after Rhus Tox.

Antidotes are Belladonna, Merc Sol and Sulphur, which can neutralize the action.

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Merc Sol – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Merc Sol is a deep acting polychrest medicine (i.e. has a wide range of action to treat number of diseases) prepared using mercury by the process of trituration. This process extracts the medicinal qualities of mercury while at the same time deactivateing all poisonous properties, thereby assuring its safety as a homeopathic medicine. Among the various complaints, it is majorly used to treat mouth ulcers, tonsillitis, sore throat, blood in stool.     Homeopathic Medicine Merc Sol

The ‘Merc Sol’ Constitution

Merc Sol is suited to persons prone to throat infection, skin complaints, inflamed intestine and UTI (urinary tract infection.)

Drug Action

It shows its action on every organ and tissue of the body. It is a great medicine to heal ulcers especially in mouth, throat, intestines and skin. Next, it acts wonderfully to reduce inflammation in various body parts including throat, gums, para nasal sinus, ear, intestines, rectum, urinary tract, male & female genitals. Its another action is to manage bleeding from ulcers, gums, nose, rectum and from urinary tract. Apart from the above it is a highly effective medicine to treat suppurative conditions (conditions with pus formation). It is also a top grade medicine to treat offensive body discharges including sweat, urine.

Scope As a Homeopathic Remedy 

1. Oral Complaints 

This is a leading medicine to treat a number of oral complaints including ulcers, increased salivation, oral thrush (fungal infection in mouth), offensive odour from mouth, stomatitis (mouth inflammation).


It is an incomparable medicine to heal ulcers in the mouth. Persons needing it may have ulcers on tongue, gums or inside the cheeks. If we look at the ulcers they are red, bluish and inflamed. Their edges are undefined with dirty, unhealthy look and are surrounded with a dark ring. Merc sol also helps to manage attending pain and burning sensation in the ulcers. Along with above features person may have thickly coated tongue with bad, odour from the mouth. A metallic, coppery taste in the mouth may also attend above complaints.


Secondly, it is useful to manage the complaint of increased salivation (ptyalism). Persons requiring it have excessive salivation especially while sleeping. The saliva is thick and stringy and may be bad tasting and offensive. In some cases it tastes metallic, like copper.

Oral Thrush

This remedy also works very well to treat oral thrush i.e fungal infection in mouth. In such cases it works well when mouth is red and inflamed. Further, small ulcers are present in the mouth. Along with this, the tongue is coated and seems as if covered with white, thick fur. It is attended with offensive breath and increased saliva.


In cases of stomatitis (mouth inflammation), it helps to reduce redness, swelling of mouth and healing the blisters/ulcers. Further it helps ease the pain, burning, and pricking sensation in the mouth associated with stomatitis.

It also works very well in cases of offensive odour from mouth or bad breath (halitosis). Odour is fetid, putrid and extremely noticeable by a person at distance.

Tooth and Gum Complaints

This remedy is well-indicated to treat gums inflammation (gingivitis), toothache, tooth decay.

In cases of gingivitis, it works well when there are swollen, red, inflamed gums with bright red margins. Other than this, the gums may be covered with thin, white patches. It is accompanied by pain and bleeding. The gums may recede with loosening or falling of teeth from the gums. Fetid odour from mouth is present.

For toothache with swollen gums, this remedy works well when there is a pain in the teeth that radiates to the ear or head, and there may be an increased flow of saliva.

This medicine is known to prevent further decay when teeth have started turning black, dirty grey from caries. There may also be loosening of teeth in gums where it is required. Stitching, tearing pains in decayed teeth are also manageable with this medicine.

2. Cold, Coryza, Sinusitis

His remedy effectively manages complaints of cold, coryza and sinusitis.

In cases of coryza with sneezing, the symptoms to note are fluent discharge from the nose, itching, burning in nose from discharge. The discharge may also be of greenish offensive pus. Additionally, the nostrils are red and. raw It is also helpful to manage the complaint of crust formation in nose that bleeds on cleansing nose.

Next, it is beneficial to treat sinusitis. In such cases mucus trickling in throat from the posterior nares is a major complaint. Other symptoms include hoarseness of voice, dry cough and tearing pains in forehead and cheeks.

It is also a renowned medicine for treating sore throat, enlarged and inflamed tonsils. Main features for its use are pain in the throat, tonsils especially when swallowing and it often radiates to the ears. If we look at the throat, it is red, swollen with dark red tonsils frequently studded with ulcers. The person may complain of rawness, roughness and a burning sensation in the throat. There is increased salivation with above symptoms. It is also a top grade medicine for managing cases of quinsy with suppuration (pus formation) in tonsils. In such cases sharp, sticking , stinging pain is prominent along with pus formation.

3. Ear Complaints

This medicine works well to treat ear complaints including earache, ear discharges (otorrhoea) and ear infections.

Persons needing this medicine have soreness, tearing, throbbing, stinging or shooting pain in ears. The pain usually worsens at night or in warmth. Burning sensation in the ear may be present.

Other than this, this medicine is useful to treat ear infection with discharge. The discharges are specifically pus-like, yellow, green and offensive. Sometimes the discharge is blood-stained, and there my be itching and pain in the ears with roaring noises.

 4. GIT (gastro intestinal) Complaints

When it comes to the GIT, this remedy has a definitive action to reduce the inflammation of intestine and rectum. It is also one of the most effective medicines to manage the complaint of blood and mucus in stool. If we see therapeutically, it shows remarkable results in cases of ulcerative colitis (disease with inflammation and ulcers in large intestine and rectum) proctitis (inflamed rectum), dysentery (intestinal infection that leads to severe loose stool with blood, sometimes mucus).

Persons needing it have watery, green / yellow, frothy, slimy stool. It is accompanied by excessive blood and mucus in stool and occasionally undigested food particles. They have continued urge to pass stool. A “never-gets-done” feeling persists even after passing stool for a number of times. It results in intense weakness. Another complaint that they have is pinching and cutting in abdomen before and during stool. Other symptoms are burning in anus, pain in rectum, nausea, vomiting and marked chilliness.

5. Vaginal Discharges (Leucorrhoea)

This medicine can help treat vaginal discharges (leucorrhoea) in females and is prescribed when vaginal discharges are yellowish, greenish in colour, sometimes blood-stained too. It causes intense itching and biting in genitals especially at night. Itching of genitals gets worse from contact of urine. In most cases, a violent burning appears after scratching the parts.  It is a majorly used medicine for treating vaginal infections and vaginitis with presence of above symptoms.

6. Male Complaints

This is an important medicine to treat orchitis (inflammation of testicles.) Here it is useful to reduce the inflammation and pain in testicles. It also helps relieve drawing sensation in the groin and spermatic cord. It proves to be an excellent medicine to treat inflammation of testicles, related to gonorrhoea.

Next, it is indicated to treat gonorrhoea with greenish, purulent discharges. Along with discharges male have burning in forepart of urethra. Their prepuce and glans are intensely swollen, red.

Other complaint where it is helpful is vesicular (fluid filled) eruptions or ulcers on forepart and sides of the glans penis. They tend to ooze fluid of yellow white colour, with a strong, offensive odour. Burning on the penis and sweat on the genitals is also present.

In addition to above, this remedy is majorly used for Balanitis where there is extreme swelling and pain in the glans and the prepuce. In few cases small vesicles appears on the glans and prepuce with oozing of fluid and burning sensation. Foreskin is sore and there may be yellowish pus in drops.

7. Urinary Complaints

When it comes to urinary complaints, this remedy is recommended to treat cases of polyuria (frequent urination), painful / burning urination,  blood in urine (haematuria), urinary tract infection (UTI), and overactive / irritable bladder.

The key features to use it in urinary issues are increased frequency of urination and marked urgency to urinate where person must hurry to pass urine. The frequency of urine is increased both day and night. There is also flow of urine in a thin stream, sometimes only drop by drop. Violent burning in urethra on beginning to urinate also appears with above symptoms. Mucus or blood may appear in urine. Another peculiar feature is strong, offensive smell in urine.

8. Skin Complaints

This homeopathic medicine can take care of many skin issues. First among them is skin itching, where there is itching that is most troublesome at night. The itching is violent, intolerable and person is obliged to scratch it intensely. The itching shifts from place to place.
Next, it is frequently used for vesicular eruptions with redness on the skin. The vesicles discharge thin, clear fluid

It is also highly applicable to treat skin ulcers which are large and bleeding. The margins of ulcers are highly inflamed. Pricking and cutting pains frequently appear in the ulcers.

One can also use this medicine to get rid of increased and offensive sweat on body. Lastly,  cases of herpes zoster with burning pains in the eruptions can be significantly improved with this medicine.


Merc Sol can be used in 30 potency. It can be repeated two to three times day depending upon the intensity of the complaint.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Complementary medicine is Badiaga.

Inimical medicines are Acetic Acid and Silicea .

Antidotes are Hepar Sulph, Aurum Met and Mezereum.

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8 Homeopathic Medicines for Retention of Urine

Retention of urine refers to a condition in which a person is unable to empty the urinary bladder; either partially or completely. This condition can be acute or chronic. Homeopathic medicines for retention of urine help effectively treat the condition. However, it is to be noted that acute urinary retention is a medical emergency, in which urgent help from the conventional mode of treatment should be taken immediately. Homeopathic Medicines for Retention of Urine

Acute urinary retention happens suddenly and is a medical emergency that needs to be addressed immediately. In this condition, the person wants to urinate, but is unable pass any urine at all. There is usually abdominal pain. Chronic retention of urine appears over a long period of time. In this condition a person is able to urinate but the bladder doesn’t empty completely.

Homeopathic Medicines for Retention of Urine

Homeopathic medicines play a supportive role to manage cases of chronic retention or urine. These are selected for chronic retention of urine individually for every case based on the characteristic symptoms. The top grade medicines for managing chronic urine retention are Clematis, Conium, Lycopodium, Pareira Brava and Chimaphila.

 1. Clematis – For Feeble Stream of Urine and Difficulty in Initiating Urination

Clematis is prepared from the leaves and stems of a plant Clematis Erecta of the natural order Ranunculaceae. Clematis is very useful to manage cases of chronic urinary retention. It works well in cases where feeble stream of urine and difficulty in initiating urination are the main symptoms. Urine passes slowly and is scanty. Dribbling at the end of urination may be present. There may be attending complaint of violent burning while passing last drops of urine. Urine frequency is also increased but urine is scanty. In some cases needing Clematis urine may start and stop suddenly or only flow drop by drop. Clematis also tops the list of homeopathic medicines to treat retention urine in cases of urethral stricture.

2. Conium – For Interrupted Urine Flow

Conium is highly valuable medicine to manage chronic urine retention where interrupted urine flow is present. Urine starts and stops several times while micturating. The urine feels hot and a pressure sensation upon bladder attends. Pain while passing urine also appears in some cases.

3. Lycopodium – For Managing Frequent Urination at Night

Lycopodium is prepared from a plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as club moss and  Wolf’s-Claw. The natural order of this plant is Lycopodiaceae. Lycopodium is well indicated for managing frequent urination at night (nocturia) in case of chronic retention of urine. Along with this urine is slow in coming. Person has to strain to pass urine. Bearing down and heaviness over bladder is felt. Urine may have strong, pungent odour. In some cases needing Lycopodium violent pain in back is present along with retention of urine.

4. Pareira Brava – For Chronic Retention of Urine with Excessive Straining 

Pareira Brava is prepared from fresh root of a plant Cessampelos pareira also known as Velvet Leaf. This plant belongs to natural order Menispermaceae. Use of Pareira Brava is considered in cases of chronic retention of urine where excessive straining to pass urine is needed. It is also indicated in extreme cases where person has to strain hard by getting on the knee-hand position, press head against floor to void urine. A distended feeling in bladder is felt. Urge to pass urine is also constant. Pain goes down the thighs from the bladder during urination.

5. Chimaphila – For Chronic Urine Retention in Cases of Enlarged Prostate

Chimaphila is prepared from a plant Chimaphila Umbellata commonly known as Pipsissewa or Prince’s Pine. The natural order of this plant is Pyroleae. Chimaphila is beneficial for cases of chronic urine retention from enlargement of prostate. Person needing Chimaphila faces difficulty in initiating urination. Great straining is needed to begin urine flow. A constant desire to urinate is also present. The urine may also pass in a thin or divided stream. Cutting and scalding pain may arise during urination. Persons needing Chimaphila may pass urine better by standing with feet wide apart and body inclined forward. Apart from urinary retention from enlarged prostate it is also helpful for retention of urine from urethral stricture.

6. Cantharis – For Treating UTI

Cantharis is wonderful medicine for treating UTI (urinary tract infection) in cases of chronic retention of urine. People needing Cantharis complain of severe pain and burning while passing urine. The pain and burning may also be present before and after urination. Frequency of urine is increased and person needs to strain to pass urine, passing a small quantity of urine every time. In some cases, urine passes in a thin and divided stream. Blood passes in the urine sometime and heaviness may also be felt in the bladder with the above symptoms.

7. Causticum – For Managing Urinary Incontinence

Causticum is a top grade medicine for managing urinary incontinence from chronic retention of urine. The bladder muscles get weak as a result of prolonged urine retention and the urine tends to pass involuntarily. A burning sensation may be felt when passing urine and itching of the orifice of the urethra may appear.

8. Merc Sol – To Manage Frequent Urination

Merc Sol is a significant medicine to manage frequent urination in cases of retention of urine. Frequent urination is present both during the day and night. In many cases, a desire to urinate every hour maybe present. Though frequent; urine is scanty and passes in a feeble stream. Urgency to pass urine is also marked where a person has to hurry to pass urine.

Reasons for Retention of Urine

The cause behind retention of urine may be either obstructive or non-obstructive.

Obstructive retention includes prostate enlargement in men, kidney/bladder stones, urethral stricture, cystocele or rectocele, certain tumours in the pelvis, severe constipation, severely inflamed urethra.

Non-obstructive causes of urinary retention include injury to the brain or spinal cord, stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, pelvic injury, weak bladder muscles, certain medicines that make the internal urinary sphincter contract. The medicine includes antihistamines, few anti psychotics and medicines used to treat urinary incontinence

Symptoms of Urine Retention

The symptoms of acute urinary retention are a painful need to urinate but inability to pass urine at all. Acute urinary retention is a medical emergency that require immediate medical attention. The symptoms of chronic urinary retention include – need to urinate frequently (eight or more times a day), trouble beginning a urine stream, weak urinary stream, interrupted urine stream,  feeling to urinate again after finishing urination, nocturia – where a need arises to get up several times to urinate at night time, urge incontinence, mild discomfort or fullness in pelvis/lower abdomen. Complications from chronic retention of urine that may arise includes UTI (urinary tract infection), damage to bladder, urinary incontinence and chronic kidney disease.

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