Breathing is a continuous second-by-second process, and it’s no wonder then that a blocked nose is as irritating as a medical condition can get. Blocked nose is a very common complaint that can affect a person of any age group. The nose can be partially or completely blocked, and it can be blocked on one side or both sides varying from case to case. A blocked nose can be attributed to various reasons. It can be caused by cold, flu for a week or two but if it persists for more long time then it could be from some other health conditions. First among these is nasal polyps (soft, non-cancerous growths in the nose), second it nasal allergies. Another reason can be a deviated nasal septum (DNS) in which there is a displacement of the wall separating the nostrils to one side. Further causes includs sinusitis (inflammation of tissue lining the paranasal sinuses) and hypertrophy of nasal turbinates (the enlargement of bony structures inside the nose). Enlarged adenoids (the enlargement of the tissue present at the junction of the back of the nose and throat) are an important cause of blocked nose in kids. The nose can also be blocked in isolation or in conjunction or alteration with nasal discharges. Some other symptoms may also attend like sneezing, headache, post nasal discharge, cough, loss of smell depending on the cause.
Homeopathy is a very effective mode of treatment for nasal blockage cases. Homeopathic medicines, which are made of natural substances are completely safe with no side effects, are best for the treatment of a blocked nose. They function on the core of the issue for effective cure in blocked nose. Simultaneously, symptoms like nasal discharge, sneezing, post nasal discharge, headache, cough, loss of smell are also cured. The instant reaction when a person has a blocked nose is to pop in over-the-counter pills or take a nasal spray / nasal decongestant, but relief with these is temporary. There can be a relapse even after you think you are out of the blocked nose phase. However, natural homeopathic remedies for blocked nose not only ensure relief from symptoms but also roots out the cause of the blocked nose.
Homeopathy addresses root cause
Homeopathic medicines aim to treat the root cause in every case of blocked nose for complete cure rather than just providing relief for the time being. It can effectively treat nasal blockage causes like allergies, cold, sinus infections, nasal polyps, hypertrophy of nasal turbinates, and enlarged adenoids. Once the underlying cause is targeted, relief in blockage follows and gradual cure occurs in few months.
Prescription as per case characteristics
These homeopathic medicines are not selected and prescribed as per only one symptom of nose blockage, but a complete case study is done to select the right medicine to get rid of the problem. The most suitable medicine is chosen after analysing the characteristic symptoms in each individual case. The symptoms that are taken note of are the side of nose blockage, the time at which the blockage is at its peak, peculiar worsening and relieving factors, any attending symptoms like nasal discharges, the character of nasal discharge, sneezing, headache, post nasal discharge. Individual medicine prescription leads to excellent recovery in cases of nasal blockage.
Homeopathy is safe and natural
Homeopathic medicines for treating stuffy, blocked nose are prepared from naturally occurring substances. Due to this reason, these medicines are 100 % safe and effective. These medicines are suitable for persons of all age groups. These medicines work gently in the most harmless way in cases of blocked nose.
Top 6 Homeopathic Remedies For Blocked Nose
Ammonium Carb, Lemna Minor, Natrum Mur, Kali Bichrome, Sambucus and Agraphis Nutans are the top remedies to treat stuffy, blocked nose.
1. Ammonium Carb – Effective medicine for Blocked nose at night
Ammonium Carb is a leading medicine to manage blocked nose at night. There is inability to breathe through the nose leading to mouth breathing. Along with blockade, watery discharge may flow from the nose along with a burning sensation. A constant urge to sneeze may also attend.
When to use Ammonium Carb?
It is a highly beneficial medicine to help cases of stuffy blocked nose at night.
How to use Ammonium Carb?
This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. In most cases, 30C potency is selected to start with the treatment that can be taken two to three times a day.
2. Lemna Minor – For Blocked Nose due to Nasal Polyp
Lemna Minor is the top natural remedy for the removal of nasal blockage due to polyps. The symptoms guiding its use are nasal stuffiness and loss of smell with difficulty in breathing. Posterior nasal dripping also accompanies nasal blockage. A few persons experience nasal discharges, while in others, the nasal cavity remains dry. Another symptom is an offensive odor in the blocked nose. Lemna Minor is also the most effective remedy for the polyp that worsens in wet weather.
When to use Lemna Minor?
Lemna minor is the most prominent homeopathic medicine to treat nasal blockage linked with nasal polyps.
How to use Lemna Minor?
It proves to be most effective in Q (mother tincture) form. Lemna Minor Q can be taken once or twice a day
3. Natrum Mur – For Blocked Nose linked to cold and Nasal Allergies
In cold and nasal allergies, the best natural homeopathic remedy is Natrum Mur. It is mainly prescribed when there is blocked nose alternating with watery nasal discharge. There is intense sneezing especially marked in the morning. Loss of smell and taste attend the above complaints, along with watering from the eyes.
When to use Natrum Mur?
Natrum Mur is an effective medicine to manage blocked nose associated with cold and nasal allergies when there nasal blockade and watery nasal discharge occur alternately.
How to use Natrum Mur?
It gives excellent results in 6X potency that can be taken three to four times a day.
4. Kali Bichrome – For Blocked Nose Due To Sinusitis
Kali Bichrome is a highly recommended medicine for blocked nose due to sinus inflammation. Kali Bichrome is selected when the main symptoms are nose blockage with posterior nasal discharge. Extreme nose stuffiness is felt at the root of the nose. There is thick, sticky, ropy yellow, greenish nasal discharge. There is difficulty in breathing besides loss of smell.
When to Kali Bichrome?
Kali Bichrome suits well cases of nasal blockage in sinusitis along with post nasal discharge and thick ropy sticky yellow green nasal discharge.
How to use Kali Bichrome?
Among its various potencies, it is best to begin with 30C potency once a twice a day.
5. Sambucus – For Nasal Blockage with Excessive Dryness of Nasal Cavity
Sambucus is the best medicine for nose blockage with extremely dry nasal cavities. One gets a suffocating feeling, and there is difficulty in breathing due to blockage that forces the person to sit up. Mostly at night, the person wakes up from sleep due to suffocation and difficulty in breathing. Sambucus is also very beneficial for kids having nasal blockage.
When to use Sambucus?
Sambucus is a great choice of medicine to manage blocked nose with marked dryness in the nostrils.
How to use Sambucus?
One may take this medicine two to three times daily in 30C power.
6. Agraphis Nutans – For Nasal Blockage Due To Enlarged Adenoids
For managing nose obstruction due to enlargement of the adenoids. Agraphis Nutans is a wonderful medicine. The blockage is felt at the root of the nose mostly where this medicine is required. There is a tendency to suffer from cold from exposure to cold winds. Additionally, the tonsils may get enlarged.
When to use Agraphis Nutans?
This medicine should be considered in cases of nasal blockage in children when it is associated with enlarged adenoids.
How to use Agraphis Nutans?
It is advised to use Agraphis Nutans 30C once or twice a day.
I am a chronic patient of nasal problems say blocked nose last two months I consulted ent surgeon and teste for lgE test of alergy result was high alergy and after minor examine of my nose dr.told there is problem of dryness and advice me some medicine which I am taking last few days but could not get any relief so far while I am chronic patient of such proble sometimes it cure with in a week but it is still on I so many times use otrivin nasal drops with medicine get relief. Now please suggest me for further . I have neither diabetic nor b.p and 68 years old belongs to bareilly and living Mumbai.
My each nostril gets blocked one at a time and I could feel some swollen soft lump when the left nostril is blocked and it shrinks to normal when other nostril gets blocked. In the right nostril the blockage occurs without any soft lump. My both the nostrils are always dry and this is through out the day.
Same with me. Have you found anything that works
My daughter – 16 has often her throat congested which results in stuffy nose. Occasionally she has headache too.
My nose seems blocked at root and extremely dry. Right nostril more blocked than left. I cannot breath freely . Seems as though I forget to breath . lungs feel full
My left side pain at waist ,shoulder and neck is there with My left nose mostly blocked at night .it causes heaviness in head and anxiety ,with sleepless nights.
Sir my both nose blocked and slightly difficulty in breathing and driness of nose all time and slightly comon cold always
Sir treat my disease by homoeopathic medicine
I am looking for a medicine for my mother. She is 80+ and has her left nose blocked. Her left eye is always filled with water and her throat on the left side feels affected in the sense that exess salt or sugar or even water makes her cough that is irritates her. Can you suggest some medicine ?
Lachesis can be helpful when it comes to left hand side issues it might help your mother, more about it here
Respected Dr. Sharma
I have blocked nose mainly on right side with deviated nasal septum and swollen turbinates. No nasal discharge is present dryness of nasal passage. Difficult to sleep at night. Feeling like blockage near maxillary sinuses. Acidity and itching of skin is also present.
Hello doc I have mild dns in left nose towards right due to shi h I cannot breathe properly even when I do steam inhalation then air. Not pass through left nose
Plese tell me which medicine I have ti take for permanent cure with dns and how much time I have to take
Doctor sahib I am capt Hafeez from Karachi. I am experiencing complete nasal blockade probably due to bone enlargement and polys. I have to per force use nasal spray for opening the nasal cavity. Kindly let me know if this excessive problem can be handled by homeo medicines which give me instant relief. I do not want to get operated. Regards I will be extremely grateful if an early reply is sent.
Take: Calcarea Fluor 6x
4tabkets 3times a day after meal.
Dr. M.H
Hello doctor. My problem is that during night time my nasal pessage gets blocked due to mucus and I have to get up from bed than open window slightly for fresh air and start working. After some time the nasal pessage open up and I start breathing normally. Due to this problem I get very less sleep. Day time I feel mucus at the back of my nose but breathing is norma My name is Abdul Patel from. Chicago. E mail is I do take homeopathic medicine by reading books. I will appreciate your guidance. Thanks
Take a dose of Nux Vom 30
3drops with half cup water
Single dose only
Before going to bed at night.
My nose is bend so that I m suffer sometimes breathing problem , uncomfortable ,headache,heavy feel on chest,sometimes uncomfotable to walk,such any homeopathic medicine that change the bend position to straight of nose ,I don’t want operation of nose ,help me
I am suffering from :-
(1) Nose blocked ( sometimes left or right ), it’s measure at night time.
(2) comes tear at driving.
(3) cough.
(4) sneezing many times.
Arsenicum Album 30
3pills 3times a day
Continue for 5days
Dr. M.H
My 10 year old has one of the sides of his nose blocked most of the time. It aggravates during the night and at times both nostrils are significantly blocked and I can see him having breathing difficulty and discomfort. Winds, cloudy and cold weather seem to affect him the most. B jain Omeo Allergy medicine works for him best. Unfortunately, it is not easily available where we live. Based on this medicine ingredients, do you have suggestions on what individual medicines in combination would work for his nose blockage that are easily available online?
Thanks in advance.
Phalgam from brain to direct through nasals comes in mouth offently irritates since from last 8 years. Nose remains blocked due to polyps.
Pl suggest hom med
Please tell me name of homeo medicine for
1. One side nose block
2. Running nose , always liquid in that side of nose
Hello Doctor sir
One side of my nose is blocked during night while sleeping, sometimes left / right. In morning sneezing with discharge for one hour with chik.
Kindly suggest me homio medicin.
D p Ghosh
Good Day Doctor,
My Nose gets blocked. i.e One at a time ,and if one gets blocked another one opens up , they keep on interchanging .This happens day and Night .Its now 3 years since I started experiencing that.what could be the problem ?. Thank you
I have chronic dyspepsia (chronic inflammation in stomach)
Since 1 year
all symptoms are positive of gastric system
In homeopathy
What is remedy ???
My son has nose block..snores at night..coughs seldom but badly like a dog…headache on one side…feels irritated…constipation too…sits in lavatory for 30 mins…too much bloating…cold is since 3days…and bloating since ayear
Sir my my name is ( submit chartered) I am from Hyderabad my daughter age 5 years her nose is block and at night time when she is sleeping she unable to take breath from her nose she is breathing from her mouth with full sound pl suggest me what to do
Pls suggest remedy fr nose block n wheezing especially in night.i using forecourt 209 and xylomist nasal drops.i am 62 Male.
Hi dear sir
I am Hassan form pk
Sir my nose is block at night time but open in day time.
My nose is dry no waste out even if we cold please help me or suggestions better medicine for it thanks you sir
My problems is blocked ear. It feels like the plane is landing and sometimes it unblocks but then it blocks again. No pain though. ( left ear) no study nose either.
Any advice
i am having cronic allergic problem (20 yrs). I having severe nasal block particularly severe in night time. I am taking different homeopathic medicine . but no use. I am having sticky mucus. ( no polyps). i am having fear ( not using) to use lift and closed door in car. kindly help me.