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7 Homeopathic Remedies For Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN or TGN), also known as tic douloureux/ Fothergill disease/ Prosopalgia refers to a severe electric shock like facial pain on one side along the course of the trigeminal nerve (usually due to compression, irritation or damage to the nerve). The trigeminal nerve is the fifth cranial nerve (out of 12 pair of cranial nerves) and is the largest of all the cranial nerves. There is one trigeminal nerve on either side of the face. The pain of trigeminal neuralgia is typically abrupt and intense. Even a little stimulation of the face like washing the face, brushing teeth can excite a sharp pain on the face in these cases. The severity of the pain may cause a person to contort his/her face in a twisted expression. It is considered one of the most severely painful disorders known to medical science.

For nerve disorders including trigeminal neuralgia, homeopathy offers marvellous treatment. Homeopathic medications can give long-term relief in cases of Trigeminal Neuralgia and can enable an individual to lead a good quality of life. It makes use of natural medicines for treating it, ensuring its safety. Homeopathic treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia works by acting internally at the root of the problem to give excellent results in Trigeminal Neuralgia.

Homeopathic medicines work by managing the acute symptoms first that are most troublesome and difficult to bear. It helps to minimize the intensity and the duration of pain. Further it works to minimize the recurrence of pain episodes. Caught in the early stages (with the initial symptoms), homeopathic medicines can help cure the condition with minimal chances of recurrence.

Homeopathy treats every case of Trigeminal Neuralgia individually. In the homeopathic mode of treatment, the treatment begins once the complete case history is understood from the patient. In Trigeminal Neuralgia, signs and symptoms, the location of pain, type of pain, time when pain is worse, trigger factors and modalities of the pain, means the worsening and relieving factors are all considered to finalize the right prescription.

With regular homeopathic treatment the dependency on conventional treatment, that mainly uses antiseizure medicine, muscle relaxants, botox injections with its own side effects, can be reduced to a great extent. In many cases, surgery is recommended in mainstream medicine. But homeopathic treatment, if followed as per the homeopathic doctor;s advice for the prescribed duration,  can help one get away with surgical intervention in many cases with mild to moderate intensity.  

homeopathic remedies for trigeminal neuralgia

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines For Trigeminal Neuralgia

The top homeopathic remedies for trigeminal neuralgia iclude Spigelia, Magnesia Phosphorica, Verbascum, Colocynth, Hecla Lava, Plantago and Hypericum.

1. Spigelia – For Neuralgia On The Left Side

Spigelia is an excellent natural medicine for left-sided Trigeminal Neuralgia. Facial pain located on the left side of the face that comes and goes suddenly are the primary features that indicate the need for this medicine. The area around the eye, forehead, cheek, teeth, and temple on the left side of the face are particularly painful. The nature of pain varies from stabbing, violent, burning like hot needles or wires, jerking, tearing, to stitching type. The affected area is highly sensitive to touch. In a few cases, pains worsen from morning to sunset. The attack of Trigeminal Neuralgia arising in cold, rainy weather are strong indicators to use Spigelia.

When to use Spigelia?

This medicine can be prescribed for managing cases of trigeminal neuralgia on the left side of face with pain around the eye, forehead, cheek, teeth, and temple (side of head) on the left side when pain goes suddenly.

How to use Spigelia?

Though it can be used in both low and high potencies, it is safe to take this medicine in 30C power initially. Spigelia 30 C can be taken twice or thrice a day. 

2. Magnesia Phosphorica – For Neuralgia On The Right Side

Magnesia Phosphorica is a medicine for cases of right-sided trigeminal neuralgia. Pain usually starts near the right eye and extends to the entire right side of the face. The pain felt is of stabbing, stitching, shooting or cutting type. Pain may return every two to three hours. Pain on the right side of the face may alternate with a toothache or frequently change location, rushing about like a bolt of lightning. The pain may get worse from the slightest touch, cold application, motion, a draft of air, cold washing, or eating. The patient may get relief by warm application and pressure. Facial neuralgia which is felt while opening the mouth to eat or drink is also indicative of using this medicine.

When to use Magnesia Phosphorica?

This medicine can be considered for Trigeminal Neuralgia affecting the right side of the face when pain gets worse from touch, cold washing, eating, movement, cold application and draft of air.

How to use Magnesia Phosphorica?

It is advised to use this medicine in 6X potency three to four times a day as per the severity of the symptom.

3. Verbascum— For Neuralgia With Marked Periodicity

Verbascum (also known as Mullein Oil) is a medicine for Trigeminal Neuralgia that has a pronounced action on the maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve. There is periodic facial pain of tearing, stitching, cramping, crushing type. Pain seems to occur in flashes, happening at the same hour in the morning and afternoon every day. The smallest movement triggers facial pain. Neuralgia of the left side of face occurs more commonly in cheeks and temporo-maxillary joint. A pressure is felt in the entire left side of the head and face. Pains get triggered by sneezing, talking and change of weather. Another indication is a benumbing, sticking and piercing type of pain deep in the right temple while eating, which extends to upper teeth of the same side after a few hours. Severe pressing, pinching pain on the side of the lower jaw also indicates the need for this medicine.

When to use Verbascum?

It is the best choice of medicine for managing Trigeminal Neuralgia when the periodicity of pain is well marked, means pains occurs at the same hour of the day every time.

How to use Verbascum?

This medicine can be used in 30C potency once or twice a day.

4. Colocynth – For Neuralgia With Shooting, Stitching Pains

Colocynth works efficiently in cases of Trigeminal Neuralgia where facial pains are violent, shooting, and stitching in character. Numbness may follow neuralgic pains and get better by pressure. There are tearing pains in the cheeks, stitches in the upper jaw which reoccur frequently. The left side of the face, temple, ear and sometimes the side of the neck may get affected. Facial neuralgia and toothache remain confined to one side.

When to use Colocynth?

Colocynth should be used to manage shooting stitching pains on the face, especially on the left side of the face which gets relieved by applying pressure on the face.

How to use Colocynth?

It is recommended to take Colocynth 30C twice or thrice a day based on symptom intensity.

 5. Hecla Lava – For Neuralgia From Dental Complaints

Hecla lava is an important remedy in cases of facial neuralgia when dental problems like tooth decay causes pain. Neuralgic pains in the face after extraction of the tooth or decayed tooth are the characteristic features. There is swelling and violent pain in the jaw, which is highly painful to touch.

When to use Hecla Lava?

It is a leading medicine to treat Trigeminal Neuralgia when dental problems like tooth decay or tooth extraction trigger pain.

How to use Hecla Lava?

This medicine can be taken one or two times daily in 30C power.

 6. Plantago – For Neuralgia With Pains In Lower Jaws

Plantago has a marked action on the trigeminal nerve. It is an excellent remedy where neuralgia is located around the lower jaw. The pain is shooting, tearing in nature. Pain starting from the lower jaw may extend to the ears. Sometimes there is drawing pain in the cheeks. It can be given when the mandibular (V3) branch is involved with pain in the lower jaw and ear.

When to use Plantago?

The key indicating feature to use this medicine in trigeminal neuralgia is pain around the lower jaw especially shooting, tearing type that extends to the ears.

How to use Plantago?

Its use is suggested in 30 C potency two to three times a day.

7. Hypericum – For Neuralgia After Nerve Injury

Hypericum is a highly beneficial medicine in cases where Trigeminal Neuralgia starts after a nerve injury. Pains in the face are sharp, shooting, tearing or violent. There is marked tingling, burning, numbness in the affected area of the face. Facial neuralgia and toothache are present. Tension and tearing in the cheek may also be present.

When to use Hypericum?

Its use is highly advised for cases of Trigeminal Neuralgia resulting after a nerve injury. with sharp, shooting, tearing pain in the face along with tingling, burning, numbness.

How to use Hypericum?

Among the various available potencies, it works most wonderfully in 30C potency that can be taken twice or thrice daily as per the severity of symptoms.

Symptoms of Trigeminal Neuralgia

The most commonly affected areas of the face in Trigeminal Neuralgia include the jaw and lower face.

1. Area of pain: The pain can be focused on one spot (depending upon the branch that is affected) or can advance to a widespread area. The areas that can be affected include jaws, eyes, cheeks, lips, and teeth, area around the nose, ears, gums, forehead.

2. Type of pain: Pains can be excruciating, tearing, shooting, jabbing, or feel like electric shocks. Trigeminal neuropathic pains that produce tingling and numbness (usually due to oral surgery or dentistry) may also occur. There may be a tingling, pin needle sensation or numbness in the face before the development of pain. Burning sensation in the face may also be felt after pain has subsided. Twitching (involuntary muscle contraction causing jerking in the affected part) in the face may also occur after an attack of pain.

3. The side of the face affected:Usually, the pain is unilateral (one-sided). Mostly, it involves the right side of the face. But in some cases, it can be bilateral (affecting both sides of the face) for example in case of multiple sclerosis. In case of bilateral TN though both sides are affected but at a given time only one side has symptoms. Very rarely, both sides show symptoms at the same time.

4. The intensity of pain:In most cases, episodes of pain are usually intense in nature (some sufferers have reported the pain being more intense than the pain of a heart attack). However, in some cases, pain can range from mild to moderate. With progression of the condition, pain becomes more intense with time.

5. Duration of pain:The pain attack lasts from a few seconds to a few minutes initially. As the condition progresses, the pain attacks can become longer.

6. The frequency of attacks:Intermittent isolated episodes of sudden pain tend to occur. Some may experience it only once a day and others may have it every few minutes or hours. It may happen every day for several days, weeks, months or even more than that. Sometimes, even months or years may pass after one attack (called remission period). If not treated, the attacks can become frequent and intense over time. Mild attacks may be experienced initially, but if progression takes place, long and frequent bouts of pain can occur.

7. Time of occurrence: It can occur once the patient is exposed to any triggering factors (and sometimes even without them). It never happens while a person is asleep.

What Causes Trigeminal Neuralgia (TGN or TN)?

It arises from the abnormal functioning of the trigeminal nerve. The main cause behind TGN is compression of the trigeminal nerve by a blood vessel. It damages the myelin sheath (protective covering of nerve fibers) of this nerve and results in the hyperfunctioning of the nerve. As a result of the damage, even a little stimulation on the portion of the face supplied by this nerve excites pain. In addition, the nerve is unable to close pain signals once nerve stimulation stops. The compression of nerve for a short period does not cause pain but long-term constant compression causes demyelination of nerve initially, followed by degeneration of axons (thin fibers extending from nerve cell that function to transmit electrical signals to nerve cells, muscles, glands).

Various causes of Trigeminal Neuralgia include:

1. Pressure:Approximately 95% of TN cases arise from pressure on this nerve. Pressure on the trigeminal nerve from the surrounding blood vessel (an artery – anterior inferior cerebellar artery, etatic basilar artery or a vein) at the base of the brain is the most common cause.

Pressure on the trigeminal nerve from a tumour may also lead to TN but that is rare. TN may also occur from pressure on the trigeminal nerve by an aneurysm (bulge in the wall of the blood vessel)

2. Trauma / Injury to nerve: Damage to the nerve can occur as a result of facial injury, dental injury or a surgical procedure (eg sinus surgery, oral surgery), stroke (brain damage arising from interrupted blood supply to the brain) can lead to TN.

3. Loss of Myelin Sheath:Myelin sheath protects the nerves. Loss of myelin sheath (which can occur as a result of aging or a condition like multiple sclerosis) can lead to Trigeminal Neuralgia. Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disorder in which immune cells damage the protective covering of nerves disrupting communication between brain and body.

4. Inflammation:Inflammatory disorders like Lyme disease (a tick-borne disease caused by bacteria, of the Type Borrelia, known as Borrelia Burgdoferi) and Sarcoidosis (autoimmune disorder causing collection of inflammatory cells in a body part) can also lead to the development of Trigeminal Neuralgia.

5. Collagen Vascular Diseases: Diseases like scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus can trigger Trigeminal Neuralgia. In such diseases, the immune system causes inflammation in the collagen and surrounding joints.

However, it should be noted that in many cases, there is no specific cause for Trigeminal Neuralgia called as idiopathic TN.

What Are The Factors That Contribute to the Development of Trigeminal Neuralgia?

1. Family History:Trigeminal Neuralgia may run in families as it is related to malformation of blood vessels in the brain due to inheritance.

2. Age:Though any age group can be affected but it is common in people who are 50 years of age or above. The reason is that blood vessels get hard and elongated with age and there is sagging of brain that can make new contacts between nerves and blood vessels.

3. Womenare more affected with TGN as compared to men.

4. High Blood Pressure:People with high blood pressure issues are more likely to suffer from trigeminal neuralgia than those with normal blood pressure.

What Triggers Nerve Pain in TGN?

A person who has Trigeminal Neuralgia usually has a triggering factor that can result in the onset of an episode of TGN. Some of the most common triggering factors include washing the face, brushing teeth, talking, touching the face, chewing, smiling, shaving, putting on makeup, exposure to drafts of air, blowing the nose, etc.

Are any investigations required to diagnose Trigeminal Neuralgia?

A clinical diagnosis of Trigeminal Neuralgia can be made after evaluating the description of type, location, frequency and triggering factors of pain. A physical or neurological examination can be performed to determine the exact location of pain. These symptoms are enough for clinical diagnosis; sometimes, no tests are required. To rule out the possible causes of Trigeminal Neuralgia, an MRI of the brain may be advised to rule out any inflammation, brain tumor, or a blood vessel compressing the nerve.



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  1. Chitra Arun says:

    Dear Sir,

    I have got twitching on the lower right eye since last 3days.

    Please suggest medication for the same.

    Regards Chitra

  2. Second. K. Sharma says:

    I have burning sensation on left side of toung mainly in morning afternoon and night I am taking mezatol three times a day. Is there any homoeopathic treatment for the same

    • Do you have specific recommendations to relieve the near constant burning pain of type 2 Trigeminal neurolgia? I am on Gralise and nortriptyline. However it only seems to stop the pain for a few hours in the morning. By mid day the pain is back. I have a demanding job but fortunately work from home. I am desperate for pain relief.



  3. Veena Gupta says:

    I have atypical trigeminal neuralgia.symptoms are intense burning,shooting pain and stabbing pain in upper and lower jaw and sensation in my right eye kindly help me

  4. Raghda Salahi says:

    Can aconite 200 be used to treat Trigeminal Neuralgia in patients with high blood pressure?

  5. Louise Ferrazzano says:

    Dr. Sharma,
    I have atypical trigeminal neuralgia for over 20 yrs. My medications are failing me at this point. My pain is on the left side , burning in nature and radiates on the upper palate of mouth, around gums and teeth, and along side of tongue. My pain is 24/7 worse from early morning and during day. Nothing really triggers it. One minute I can eat or drink something with no pain and the next time, boom, there is pain. I’m also noticing more pain after brushing my teeth.My pain is so intense at times ,it radiates through my whole body. I cry all of the time because of it. I’m on anti convulsants, antidepressant, and pain medication and now trying medical cannabis. Nothing is helping. I am 69 years old, small woman 103 lbs. and usually very active. I am now doing nothing at all; staying in the house all of the time. Can you tell me what to do?Thank you.
    Louise Ferrazzano

  6. Jim Grisham says:

    My condition is glossopharengial neuralgia. Severe shocking pain on the left side when eating, swallowing or talking. Have had two surgeries on the 9th cranial nerve to no avail. Only thing that has helped for around 8 years is trileptal, a drug used for treating epilepsy. The condition comes and goes but never to the point that I don’t need at least a partial dose of the trileptal. Acupuncture sometimes helps but not always. I am completely open to the holistic approach. Thank you for any help you can give.

  7. dr.shyamdas ganguly says:

    thanks , nice suggetion ,
    dr. shyam , bkivv

  8. Dear Dr Sharma,

    Your article is quite informative and gives hope to lot of trig neuralgia patients like me.

    I got postherpatic neuralgia in right side of forehead and eye primarily V1 trig neuralgia.

    Looking forward for your suggestion.


  9. Shyam kumar says:

    I have pain trigeminal neorolgia on right side jaw near ear by touching lower lip right side I have been taken mezetol 100 mg tablet two time for one month please consult me for effective treatment for trigeminal neorolgia THANK YOU

    • Gabriel Collet says:

      I am having pain on the right side jaw. I am told that I am having trigeminal neurolgia. I have this problem since last 6 years. I feel pain while brushing teeth, eating, drinking, talking, reading. I have been taking Tegritol for the remedy. It gave relief until last week. Now the medicine is not working. I was taking 100 mg Tegritol initially, But gradually as the pain grows, the dose of medicines also increases. Now I am taking Tegritol 2oo mg twice in a day which is also not working. From yesterday, I am now taking homeopathy medicince i.e. Mag Phos Liquid and Magnesia Phospherica 12x. But the pain has not yet reduced. Please advise.

      • Hello
        My husband is suffering from spigeliA trigeminal neuralgia from last 5 years. Please advise medication for the same. He has high blood pressure as well. His age is 45.thank you

  10. I have left side pain in ear trigeminal nueralgia.which med I should take?

  11. hi doctor, a friend of mine did ivf at the age of 47 and before she was on treatment for neuralgias which she cant not take any longer but now she is in pains on the right of her face what can she use

  12. Vince Howells says:

    I have suffered TN2 for most of my adult life .lost my right eye in shooting accident at 15 yrs old 64 yrs old now …pain started in n27 yrs ago deep in socket .had surgery lyr later to remove more socket relief for 10yrs returned again on gabapentine which took pain away for few years but had lots of bouts since meds not working anisthetic drops also, had really bad reaction to alcohol injection in socket 3 yrs ago hospitalised with cellulite in left side of face & swelling have been offered more surgery but with no guarantee I can’t put myself through it .pain also above my right ear & head can only wear my eye for few hrs .please can you help me x

  13. lori metz says:

    Hi, I have had TN in the past on the right side lower jaw. I was treated with gamma knife and it worked. Lately I have been getting the same pains on my right side. It started out as small electrical shocks and then I got a cold. Now it is getting really bad. What should I do to take? Thanks in advance.

  14. shelley kain says:

    i started having trigeminal nueralgia 4 years ago . it was tmd first from a dentist then last year they said nerve damage. i am being treated with pain meds at this time not completely helping. also had gamma knife done no success at all. it is on my left side. i seem to have most all of the symptoms. my pain level is a ten nearly all the time. what would you recommend. ? thank you shelley kain

  15. Phil Ormerod says:

    Hi Dr,
    I was treated for Trigeminal neuralja in 1991 with carbamazepine and Rhus Tox and gelsemium.
    The tn has come back over the last three weeks and I am back on carbamazepine and have taken Rhus Tox , gelsemium and I am now on Spigelia. I am taking spigelia every 2 hours from a bottle of water with 1/10 replaced by alcohol and 3 modules of 30c . I have refilled the bottle 3 times up to now . The pains slowed down until today when at the regular 3pm came back .
    I would be really grateful for anyadvice you could give me

  16. Winston says:

    Hello Doctor,

    My father has lancinating pain in the right side of the face when he eat, brush or face wash. we took MRI and the observations are below

    A prominent vessel – possibly the superior cerebellar artery noted in the right side abutting the right trigeminal nerve at the root entry zone with indentation of the nerve s/o possible grade II neuro-vascular conflict.

    We consulted allopathy doctor and the medicine given is creating lot of drowsiness and conditions are not improving. the medicine he takes is Zeptol CR 200 mg.

    This issue raised 18 months back and allopathy doctor says only surgery is the permanent treatment. since my father age is 75 he is not willing to go for any surgery.

    Can you please guide us in homeopathic remedies for this issue. We are living in Chennai and ready to consult homeopathy doctor here.

    Thank you in advance for your guidance.

    • Dianne Bonner Whittington says:

      I am waiting for the gamma knife radiation therapy, but while I have been waiting I have been to the doctor, the hospital, last time they even gave me morphine, hardly touched the pain at all. the next night I was in so much pain I couldn’t stand it…I tried looking up home remedies, it mentioned peppermints looked everywhere in the house for peppermint tea, whatever had a nice smell. the only thing I could even think of, trying to get something with an odour , well dont laugh remember I was out of my mind with pain, I tried my bottle of Vicks vapour rub, I put under my nose, up my nose and round the nostril area, touching ever here, guess what from an excruciating main to nothing, it has now been 2 days, …..of curse I do the rub thing twice a day just in case. I hope this helps your dad, or anyone else reading this.

  17. Rajinderparsad says:

    Hello dr.sharma
    I am tmj pation befor 5 year i remov all teath upper and lower pain in my lfet side ear nose eye and head
    I am 70year i make new dentire but defficuti hard cjhapati i eat daliya khichdi and miilak juice pleas e
    Suggest me homeo medican
    I take english medican togritol 150 two time daily
    No relif medican
    Thank you.
    Mo no 9989344805


    Dear sir,
    I am a patient of RT TN since 20 yr back. Allopathic treatment undertaken. No result ultimate yet. Feel pain when speaking,eating,brushing,washing,shaving, right side just like shock. Presently having treatment from CMC Vellore.medicine Lyrica 150 twice daily.but in vain. Pain found when heavy hot,cold

  19. Rajesh Patnaik says:

    I am suffering from TN ĺower lips & right face since 2011. I have used many allopathic medicine, but don’t get relief. Request to suggest.

  20. Rajendra Singh Banaphar says:

    Good Morning Doctor,
    I am a patient of T.N on left side since 1988. From Aug,1988 I am under Homepathy and it sontinued
    Some where in 2003 switched over to alloapthy but back to normal homeopathy. As the pain increased
    I under went cyber knife surgery in 2013 and feeling better. Though there was recurrence in mild from
    and continued with treatment under my Homeopathy doctor.Mr.K.M Abar sha. who is treating me fro
    the last thiry years. As advised by him I stopped medicines since 2017 Jan. Now for the last few days there is pain in the jaw and while munching and brushing in morning only in the morning. Pl advise medicine or should I approach my doctor.

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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