Post Nasal Drip (PND) refers to mucus dripping from the back of the nose into the throat. It is also termed as the upper airway cough syndrome. PND is attended with a constant urge to clear the throat as the flow of the fluid in the throat is irritating. Another offshoot of PND is that the irritants present in the secretions could initiate a cough reflex.
Homeopathic medicines offer a safe and natural cure for post nasal drip cases treating the problem very effectively. Homeopathy uses the body’s defense system to combat the cause behind PND naturally, hence this line of treatment is comparatively non-intrusive. Along with PND, associated symptoms like hoarse voice, sore throat, cough, hawking and bad breath also get relieved wonderfully with homeopathic remedies.
Homeopathy offers long term relief and cure
Homeopathy aims to heal the root cause behind sinusitis to give long-term relief and cure. As PND has various causes like cold, allergies, sinusitis, acid reflux, homeopathy addresses these underlying causes as per the case to provide magnificent results. Homeopathic treatment if continued regularly as guided by a homeopathic physician can result in great recoveries. It can also help in reducing dependency on conventional medicines used for PND treatment.
Individualized Medication
As no two cases of PND are alike, the homeopathic medicines also vary from case to case. The characteristic peculiar symptoms in each case of PND help to decide the individualized prescription in every case. Treatment following this individualized way tends to bring miraculous cures in PND cases.
Safe, side effects-free medicines
Homeopathy offers remedies for Postnasal Drip that are safe, successful and devoid of side-effects, whereas medicines used in the modern system of medicine can have side effects with prolonged use. Homeopathic medicines are toxin-free as they are drawn from natural substances, hence treat PND without any adverse reactions. These can always help and never harm in any case. Persons of any age group can use these medicines to treat PND, however, the medicine selection, potency and dosage varies among different age groups.
Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Post Nasal Drip
The best homeopathic medicines for PND are Hydrastis, Kali Bichrome, Corallium Rubrum, Natrum Mur, Hepar Sulph, Natrum Phos and Sticta.
1. Hydrastis – For PND With Thick Ropy Secretion
I can vouch for the fact that homeopathy assures excellent treatment for Post Nasal Drip. One of the top treatments in homeopathy for this condition is hydrastis. It is ideal for situations where the secretions are very thick, ropy and sticky in form. The secretions fall from the posterior nares into the throat. The patient complains of irritation due to a continuous feeling of mucus in the throat. There is a lot of hawking in an attempt to expel the mucus. Usually, thick, yellow mucus is expectorated. Both the nares become raw and the person has a constant urge to blow out from the nose. In case of Postnasal Drip in children, the kid is usually suddenly aroused from sleep due to thick, sticky droppings. The throat feels raw and there is a lot of burning sensation.
When to use Hydrastis?
This medicine is the best choice for managing Post Nasal Drip with thick, ropy and sticky secretions with a lot of hawking.
How to use Hydrastis?
This medicine is used in different potencies like 30C, 200C, 1M. Initially, it is best to use it in 30C potency one to three times a day. For using higher potencies it is advised to consult a homeopathic doctor.
2. Kali Bichrome – For Post Nasal Drip With Sinusitis
It is another reliable remedy for Post Nasal Drip. It is especially recommended in sinusitis cases when the secretions are thick, yellow, green and ropy. The patient hawks a lot to clear the throat. The root of the nose and the frontal sinus are inflamed, causing a lot of pain and distress to the patient.
When to use Kali Bichrome?
This medicine is apt for cases of PND linked to sinusitis with thick, yellow, green, and ropy mucus discharges.
How to use Kali Bichrome?
It can be used in both low and high potencies among which the most preferred is 30C potency once to thrice a day, depending on the severity of the symptoms.
3. Corallium Rubrum – For PND With Cough
Corallium Rubrum is a wonderful remedy where a lot of mucus is secreted through the posterior nares. The patient hawks up a lot of mucus. Besides, there is cough that is dry and spasmodic. The nasal discharge has abundant secretions. A characteristic feature attending the above symptoms is the inhaled air feeling very cold.
When to use Corallium Rubrum?
It is a prominently indicated medicine to manage cough arising from PND.
How to use Corallium Rubrum?
It is advised to take this medicine in 30C power once or twice a day.
4. Natrum Mur – To Manage PND Related To Cold Or Nasal Allergy
Natrum Mur is a leading homeopathic medicine to help cases of PND associated with cold or nasal allergy. Those needing it complain of mucus dripping from the nose into the throat along with other symptoms of cold or nasal allergy. These symptoms include sneezing, runny nose and watering from eyes. Nose may be blocked sometimes.
When to use Natrum Mur?
It is the most important medicine when it comes to treat PND linked with cold or nasal allergy. It is frequently accompanied by sneezing, runny nose and watering from eyes.
How to use Natrum Mur?
This medicine is usually prescribed in 6X power. Natrum Mur 6X can be taken three to four times a day as per the intensity of the complaint.
5. Hepar Sulph – When PND Is Linked With Cold, Sinusitis
This medicine is beneficial when PND is associated with cold and sinusitis. In cases needing it, there is thick discharge from the nose along with sneezing. It gets triggered by cold air. The inhaled air feels cold inside the nose. The mucus dripping into the throat may be blood-stained.
When to use Hepar Sulph?
This medicine is recommended to manage PND in cases of cold or sinus infection along with thick nasal discharge and sneezing that gets worse from cold air exposure.
How to use Hepar Sulph?
Hepar Sulph 30C can be used two to three times a day.
6. Natrum Phos – For Managing Acid Reflux And PND
In cases where a person has acid reflux issues along with PND, this medicine can be considered. When this medicine is required, thick yellow mucus is found dripping into the throat. It gets worse at night waking the sufferer from sleep. The person has to sit up to clear the throat. Besides, symptoms of acid reflux like heartburn, sour burps may be experienced.
When to use Natrum Phos?
Its use can be considered when PND is associated with complaints of acid reflux. PND is usually worse at night when this medicine is required.
How to use Natrum Phos?
One may use Natrum Phos 6X twice or thrice a day.
7. Sticta – For PND, Blocked Nose And Fullness At the Root Of Nose
Sticta proves effective when there is dripping of mucus in posterior throat and blocked nose. Fullness at the root of the nose is prominent. Nasal blockage gets worse at night and disturbs sleep. There is mucus in the throat that dries soon forming scabs. There is an urge to blow the nose but no discharge occurs.
When to use Sticta?
Its use is suggested when there is PND attended with nasal blockage and a sensation of fullness at the root of the nose.
How to use Sticta?
Sticta 30C can be used one to two times a day.
Symptoms of Postnasal Drip
Postnasal Drip is characterized by excessive mucus production by the nasal mucosa. This mucus then collects in the back of the nose or the throat, giving rise to:
1. Sensation of mucus falling from the back of the nose
2. Hawking and an urge to clear the throat frequently
3. A sore throat, and chronic cough
4. Hoarse voice
5. Bad breath
6. Painful ear infections
Causes of PND
It can be caused by multiple reasons which are as follows:
1. Cold, & flu: These viral infections affect the nose and the throat. Among these, flu is more severe than cold. These can cause PND along with other main symptoms of nasal congestion, nasal discharge, sneezing, sore throat, body aches, and fever.
2. Sinusitis: It refers to swelling and inflammation of air-filled spaces within the skull. It can lead to PND with other symptoms of headache, nasal discharge, nasal blockage, pain/ tenderness around eyes, cheeks, nose, forehead, sore throat, and cough.
3. Nasal allergy (allergic rhinitis): It refers to a response to a specific allergen (like dust mites, pollens) causing sneezing, runny nose, itchy watery eyes, stuffy nose. PND may accompany these symptoms.
4. Non allergic rhinitis: In this form of rhinitis, symptoms similar to allergic rhinitis appear but there is no allergic reaction.
5. DNS (deviated nasal septum): A condition in which the wall that divides nasal cavity into two halves is displaced to one side. As a result, one side of the nasal cavity becomes small, hindering mucus drainage causing PND.
6. Gastric reflux: The backflow of stomach acid from the stomach into the food pipe, throat and mouth
7. An object stuck in the nose in children can be one of the causes
8. Some medicines: Medicines that help treat high blood pressure, and birth control pills can trigger PND
9. Pregnancy
10. Swallowing disorder: In the case of swallowing disorders, the root cause lies not in excess production of mucus but rather in inadequate clearance of the throat
11. Weather change, cold weather, dry air, and eating some food items like highly spicy food
Our nose and throat produce small amounts of mucus continuously. This mucus has three functions. Firstly, it keeps the nasal membrane moist, secondly, it helps trap and filter any inhaled foreign matter (like virus and bacteria) and thirdly it fights infection. This mucus is being swallowed unaware by everyone. But when due to whatever reason the production of mucus increases, it starts to accumulate in the back of the throat. When excessive or thick mucus drips down the throat from the back of the nose, then only one becomes aware of it. The irritants in the mucus can activate receptors in the respiratory tract resulting in protective cough.
Difficulty in swallowing. No fever.No phlegm.
Better when lying down.
I too have the same symptoms, can you tell me what you are taking to relieve this?
Hi, Thanks for the help
I have dust allergy problem. Upon exposure to dust, old clothes, newspapers, ice creams cool drinks etc. First running nose, then burning of throat followed by thickening of phlegm. Then it turns yellow and finally greyish green.. Flowed by headache and sinusitis.. Mucus runs down at the back of the throat at night and causes blockage of trachea, causing caugh till the phlegm is cleared. This whole cycle takes 10 to 15 days. An antibiotic like Augmentin 625 for one week.. Then the cycle starts again
Hello! Thank you for your help.
I have had trouble with allergies, post nasal drip and nausea for most of my life. I am 58 year old female, white, slender, athletic and a moderately severe asthmatic. When i have nasal allergies, I get a lot of mucous that runs down my throat causing nausea and sometimes abdominal cramping. I tend to be sympathetic, prone to holding onto anger, a hard worker but I get tired after working too much and need much rest.
I have used Pulsatilla 200c for nausea from bad smells, Nat. Mur 200c for nausea with post nasal drip, and was prescribed Carcinosinum 1M for asthma 10 years ago.
Take care and stay well!
Sir, i am a 62 years male, with thin built, having all natrum muir symptoms, have post nasal drip for the last many years. Of late major problem is that when lying on bed, i have to make efforts to suck the sticky mucus to swallow. One it causes dry mouth for continuous suction. Because these special efforts, i loose my sleep and mostly unable to sleep in time. Have sinusitis. Got more then 10 times allopathic consultation during last 25 years. They got all allergens tested numbering over 100 twice but found nothing except of dust, which is common to all. Kindly advise. My mobile number 8708357979 for call and whatsapp. Regards
Hi doctor my 4 years daufher always coughs at bedtime while she catches cold and a tickling sound with a roar type sound come out plz help
Following medicines may help for PND:
Mercurius corrosivus 1M onece a week.
Following all 3 times a day:
Kali Bichromicum 30
Corallium Rumbrum 30
Hydrastis 30
Antimonium Crud 30
Note: One dose: 2 drops direct at tongue or 5 drops in one teaspoon of water.
My Allah give good health to all. aameen.
I am trying to move away from using Claritin when my son gets sick. He has viral induced asthma and it gets triggered when mucus from his nose drips into his lungs. The Claritin dries up the mucus and prevents a need for using his asthma medication (in addition to nose rinses and slightly elevating the top of the bed). I am interested in using the Corallium Rubrum for him as it fits his symptoms when he is sick. Do you have any recommendations of potency and frequency?
Is there permanent cure for post nasal drip.
Or you have to keep taking five pills on a daily basis for life.
Please advise.
hi there
I am in Australia and suffer terribly with PND – even with reflux this seems to set off terrible PND and although I wash my nostrils several times a day with warm water salt and bi carb soda it does not help
my coughing fits are so bad I feel light headed and feel like I want to vomit but nothing comes up.
My secretions are not thick or ropey but my “adams apple ” feels tight – it feels like I have swallowed glue. I have read about hydrastis canadensis …will this help
Hi Doctor
I am a 70 year old female. Slender build. Have had sinus problems from a young age.
Now I suffer with post nasal drip and phlegm in my throat . Constantly swallowing and coughing and clearing my throat. My voice is croaky. My specialist says i have to live with it. No permanent treatment. I have a constant ball in my throat and I think the muscles go into a spasm from coughing etc.
What homeopathic treatment will best suit my condition.
Thank you
goodday Dr sharma
I am suffering with a postnasal drip and dry coughing can you please assist me
Hi. DR sharma.
How are u. Remember me.
Right side nasal block & not sleeping
Dear Dr Sharma,
I am suffering from post nasal drip for the past 15 years which leaves mucus at the back of my throat. I always clear my throat all the time and I always cough green and yellow thick mucus out of my throat. I do not have a runny nose but just clearing and coughing a lot of phlegm all the day long. Because of that I am also suffering from halitosis. Can you please help me.
Hi Dr. Sharma,
I am suffering in same problem of post nasal drip since a month. Usually this problem starts when I spend a lot of time in AC. I used antibiotics but symptoms come back. I am having bodyache with light fever very sour throat , runny nose, sometimes very stuffy sticky mucus from nose.
Hi Dr Sharma,
I have a lot of sinus pain, postnasal drip and a cough that feels like I can’t breathe. Sometimes the sinus pain is so bad that I get a migraine. I do have a lot of mucus, but it is clear. What would be the best homeopathic treatment?
I have severe post nasal drip allergy and thick cough stuck to my throat during the whole year, one Dr prescribed me 4 homeopathy medicines, it worked the best, I think they are
Hydrastis, Kali Bichrome, Corallium Rubrum for PND with cough and one more don’t know name? Very severe thick mucus gets stuck in throat, coughing may clear in 5-8 hours sometimes, please help.
Do you have any remedies for womans hair loss. Center area above forehead.
Hi doctor my baby is 16 months of he always suffer from post natal drip..Today itself we went to pediatrician so she said the same because of the excess mucus…would like to ask any homeo medicines work?? She also suggested homeo…
I’m Priyanka from Ahmednagar Maharashtra, I’m suffering from Post Nasal drip from past three months, I did my PNS CT scan of nose but no sinus problem, but the middle turbinates are enlarged with deviated septum. I’m having mildly Clogged ears and whenever i swallow their is a crackling sound in my ears, I’m tired of this sickness, I tried many antibiotics many medicines like antihistamines but no use. Plzz help me out.
Get surgery done
Hi Dr. Sharma,
I have a chronic case of post nasal drip & bronchitis. My phlegm is thick but white. My left nasal passage is always dripping. The symptoms get worse when it’s too cold. I am also an asthmatic. It is worse when I am laying down & trying to get sleep.
What do you think I should try to take as far as homeopathy remedies?
Greetings Dr. Sharma,
Reading your information on post-nasal drip, I didn’t think pertained to my runny nose problem. A lot of times when I eat, I get a runny nose with a clear mucus and I have to always have a handkerchief or tissue to blow my nose. Now I do eat a lot of chile, but even when I don’t I get a runny nose. Any helpful remedies?
Linda Martinez
Dear Dr Sharma
I am seventy six year old for the first time I am suffering from cold nasal dripping for the last two and a half month. I have all the test done like chest X Ray , allergy test, breath test for lungs they are normal . Finally I had brain scan done they found mild sinus for which I took Amoxolin 500 mg 3 times a day for 10 days it helped
But still I have nasal drippings going on wonder you can suggest any homeopathic medicine
Surjeet sud