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Top 5 Homeopathic Remedies for Nail Fungus,Infection, Toenail fungus

Homeopathic Remedies for Nail Fungus

Nail fungus is medically known as onychomycosis. It commonly affects toenails as compared to fingernails. Though not a crippling affliction, fungal infection in the nails does cause discomfort or even irritability in the affected person when it penetrates into the deeper tissues and damages the nails. The nails become discolored, thick, and brittle with a tendency to break easily. The nail may get distorted, get out of shape and may get detached from the nail bed. Pain and swelling around the nail may occur.

Homeopathy offers a natural treatment for nail fungus cases. Homeopathic medicines are ideal for providing a complete cure for infected nails as they tackle the root cause. Being non-intrusive and non-toxic, this natural treatment delivers good results in case of nail fungal infections. It works to manage signs and symptoms of nail fungus and also help to heal the damaged distorted nails. Both acute and chronic cases of nail fungus respond wonderfully to homeopathic treatment. Mainstream medicines use antifungal pills or antifungal creams applied externally on affected nails. They show temporary results and can have side effects. Homeopathic treatment, on the other hand, is very safe and can be used for a long period without any side effects and gives permanent results.

Homeopathic medicines work by boosting the self-healing forces in the body. This helps the body fight fungal infection naturally and get rid of it entirely. To get the best results, proper treatment as prescribed by the homeopathic doctor needs to be followed. This is because the prescription varies from case to case as per individual’s signs and symptoms.

Homeopathy does not use any external medicated creams, rather it uses oral medicines that work on the internal body’s disturbance to fight the infection. This is advantageous because external medication suppresses the problem but the internal medicines address the underlying cause and bring complete recovery. It also helps to decrease the chances of recurrent infection.

Homeopathic treatment promises a safe and successful solution for fungal infection with zero side-effects. Homeopathic medicines work in a very gentle, harmless way and ensure complete recovery naturally.

Top 5 Homeopathic Medicines For Nail Fungus

The most important homeopathic medicines to manage nail fungus are Antimonium Crudum, Silicea, Graphites, Thuja and Nitric Acid.

1. Antimonium Crudum – Top Medicine For Nail fungus

Antimonium Crudum leading homeopathic medicine for managing nail fungus. In cases needing it, the nails are very brittle and break very easily. The original shape of the nails is distorted and the nails grow out of shape. The nails are split and grow at a very slow pace. Toenail is the most common nail to get affected by fungus.
When to use Antimonium Crudum?
This medicine is the best choice to treat nail fungus with brittle nails along with the distortion of nails.
How to use Antimonium Crudum?
It is usually given in 30C potency two to three times a day. Its higher potencies can also be used but only on homeopathic doctor’s advice.

2. Silicea – For Nail fungus With Yellow Nails And Pus Formation

Silicea is an excellent homoeopathic remedy for fungus where nails are discolored yellow, rough, infected and disfigured. There is also the presence of pus from infection. It is also seen to be associated with a sharp pain in the finger and toe nails. There is a tendency of bad smelling sweat on the feet, hands and armpits.
When to use Silicea?
Silicea is recommended for managing nail fungus with yellow-colored nails and infection, with presence of pus and sharp pains in the affected nails.
How to use Silicea?
Silicea is mainly used in 6X power twice or thrice a day.

3. Graphites – For Nail Fungus When Nails Are Black And Break Easily

Graphites is suitable for cases of nail fungus where nails crumble and break easily. Blackish discoloration of the nail is noticed. The nails are painful and the surrounding tissue is swollen. The pain is deep seated and the nail becomes sore to touch. It is also indicated when there is thickening of the nails. In some cases, there may be deformity of nails. Homeopathic remedy Graphites may also be given for nail infection in people with cracked fingertips.
When to use Graphites?
This medicine is highly beneficial for blackish nails that break frequently in cases of nail fungus.
How to use Graphites?
Mostly its 3X potency is used once or twice a day.

4. Thuja – For Discolored And Distorted Nails

Thuja is a well-indicated medicine for managing discolored nails with distorted shape. The nails are soft and brittle. They tend to crumble easily. A tendency to ingrown toenails may be present.
When to use Thuja?
Thuja is preferred for nail fungus where the nails are discolored, soft, distorted and break off easily.
How to use Thuja?
From low to high potency, it works well in all potencies. Initially, it is best to use 30C potency once a day.

5. Nitric Acid – For Yellow, Painful Nails

This medicine is of great help in cases of nail fungus where the nails turn yellowish and are painful. The pains are sharp in nature as if from a splinter. The nails are badly damaged and distorted. Associated inflammation may be present.
When to use Nitric Acid?
Its use can be considered to manage yellowish nails with sharp splinter like pains in cases of fungal infection.
How to use Nitric Acid?
30C potency of this medicine can be taken daily once a day.

Who gets Nail Fungus?

Nail fungus results from infection with different types of fungi most commonly dermatophytes. There are certain factors that increase the risk of fungal infection of nails. These include diabetes, weak immunity, age above 65 yrs, injury to nail or skin near nail margin, chronic exposure to detergents, walking barefoot in shower rooms, swimming in public swimming pools and repeated manicuring. Other factors are using artificial nails, wearing tight shoes, excessive sweating and medical issues causing poor blood flow.



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  1. What potency should be used in case any of the above medicine matches with the condition. Thanks.

  2. Anil Khanna says:


    Finger nails corners of both hands are gathering dirt, unable to clean since last one week.

    RHS middle finger nail has become very rough and uneven, yellowish for the last 2-3 months.

    Kindly help.


  3. Nemai Majumdar says:

    Dose and power of Graphite please. Regards Nemai

  4. Pooja khanna says:

    There is no humanity in this cruel world. Dr. Sharma does not answer to anyone’s question because he wants money for that. Shame on you Doctor.

  5. B.L.Mundhra says:

    What is the best medicine for fungal infection of nail which has discoloured. Thumb and one finger of hand. Problem is few months old. Patient is 50 year old female taking medication for hypertension. BP remains upto 140 after taking one 5 mg tablet daily. She also has problem of allergic rhinitis mainly during hot and humid weather. Subsequently there is sore throat for few days.
    Normally takes allium cepa 200. Bacillinum 1m was also taken a month back. Kali mur 6x was taken for sometime.

  6. Hello sir,
    Am faisal , a resident of Nellore ,A.P. My mom toe fingers’ nails are damaged and assumed round shaped due to fungus. She is facing a lot of pain . Suggest us a very effective remedy to this. Plz….
    Yours faithfully
    K.Sanhath Faisal

  7. Prajapati Mukeshkumar Ramanlal says:

    में एक साल से नेल सेपरेशन की बीमारिसे से गुजर रहा हु।ये बीमारी मेरे left हेंड के अंगूठे है। मेने एलोपैथी में FOLE 150 two tablets in a week ली है। अबतक लगभग 24 टेबलेट ले चुका हूं। और triben लोशन से मसाज कर रहा हु। अब तक कोई फर्क नही हुआ। fole150 लेने में कई बार चूक भी हुई है। अब मुझे क्या करना चाहिए? कृपया मार्गदर्शन कीजिये।
    मुकेशकुमार रमणलाल प्रजापति , लुणावाड़ा,जिल्ला : महिसागर, गुजरात,389230, फोन:9979276988

  8. My husband has nail fungus which has caused a change in the shape and color of his toenails. He also gets ingrown toenails

  9. alfred serra says:

    Dr Sharma

    I have nail fungus on all my toe nails for over twenty years, and I am 80 years old but so far have not had
    any other health problems, can you help my to get rid of this toe nail fungus, and how long does it take to recover from this nail problem with your treatment.

  10. Jagindar Nath gadhok says:

    I am nearly 91 years of age I left United kingdom because hormones drugs were used
    For experiments + ice cold water to bladder
    I am suffering with multiple illnesses

    Fungus of nails of right two fingers spread to left hand finger
    Also right leg knee swelling and painfu pain in the bone of right knee contraction of hamstring

  11. Nancy De Souza says:

    My toenails are discoloured – patchy and very brittle. This is about a year now. Need a homeopathy cure for this please

  12. Meenu Thakur says:

    I hv toenail infection in left toe since abt 1 year now.earlier i applied neem oil n nail grew out n new nail came as normal.slowly in last few months new nail is infected now n turned brownish in colour frm root of nail.its painful at times too.doc advising to take terbinafine fr 6 mnths but that has side effects.pls is cold but cannot avoid wearing socks.

  13. Wendy kershaw says:

    Had toenail fungus for twenty years, tried all manner of things.can you help suggest an effective treatment please.4

  14. lopa mogul says:

    hello I have very bad toe nail fungus in my 2 big toes also on most of my toes. I googled Antimony Crudum and BUFO RANA and found nothing on it being good for toe nail fungus. but if u say so I will believe it. HELP . What do I take? My big toes are blackish and thick and my other toes are getting there

    I anxieously wait for your response.
    thank you for your time.

  15. Paula weston says:

    I have had a toenail fungus on my two big toenails for about 3 years. I have been using a liquid polish that my dermatologist prescribed for 3 years but it hasn’t gone away. Recently I have also been soaking my feet in vinegar water every evening. Can you recommend something to make it go away?

  16. Ankit Goswami says:

    I have nail fungus of my right hand nail and left side leg nail.
    Please suggest me what should I do for this

  17. Faijuddin Ahammad says:

    I am Faijuddin Ahammad from birbhum district w.b state , I have nail fungus of my left side leg nails. Could you suggest me for homeyophathy treatment.

  18. s.kesavaperumal says:

    i have taken fluconazole 150 one tablet every 5th day for 8 months. one middle finger has become completely normal but one thump figure and one little finger have not become normal
    please advise

  19. MIchelle says:

    Hello Dr Sharma,
    I have nail fungus on 2 of my fingernails – probably due to wearing false nails.
    Only 2 nails are affected the middle fingers on each hand, the nails have partially turned white/yellow and are lifting away from the nail bed. I have no pain discomfort but they are very unsightly. Please can you advise a remedy?
    many thanks

    • Munibul hasan says:

      Sir i am 42 year old my left toe two time broken color brownish very painful condition surrounding nail in skin redness please help me

  20. Uttam Kumar Sharma says:

    Sir my wife nail on the ring finger looks pale yellow does not grow and having some pain in the root of the have occurred naturally..from last one year and now probably spreading in her few toes…which is turning black slowly..2 day before I met with homeopath dr.and he has suggested me to give her Grafites for 3 months 4 drops 3 times a day

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