Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) refers to an inflammatory condition in which there is pain and stiffness in the muscles in different body parts, mainly including those of shoulders, neck, hips and arms. The symptoms include pain and stiffness in the neck, shoulders, upper arms, hips and thighs. The symptoms occur on both sides of the body in this condition. These symptoms tend to start suddenly and get worse in the morning and after being inactive or remaining in the same position for a long time period. The affected body parts may have limited range of motion. Besides these, there may occur general symptoms also. These include tiredness, decreased appetite, mild fever, anemia, depression and sudden weight reduction. With time, the intensity of these symptoms might become severe which causes hindrance in doing day day-to-dayto day routine activities like bathing, dressing up, combing hair, climbing stairs, getting up from chair or bed and may make sleeping difficult. Consequently, it may impact social life of the person.
The reason behind this condition is still not clearly understood. But it is thought to be of autoimmune origin. Autoimmune means damage occurring to body’s healthy tissues by disease fighting cells of body by mistake. With this, a combination of genetic and environmental factors (like some viral infection) play a role in causing this condition. This condition affects females more than males. Females are two to three times more prone to suffer from this disorder as compared to males. It occurs in persons aged above 70 yrs. It is also seen that few persons having this condition also suffer from temporal arteritis ( a condition that cause inflammation of the temporal arteries that supply blood to the head and result in symptoms like headache, tenderness of the scalp, jaw pain and vision problems).
Homeopathic Management
Homeopathy offers a highly effective solution for cases of Polymyalgia Rheumatica. Homeopathic medicines boost body’s natural healing mechanism to naturally overcome health issues. These medicines help to decrease the inflammation of muscles and give symptomatic relief. They tend to give magnificent relief in pain and stiffness of muscles. These medicines reduce the intensity and frequency of symptoms gradually. Both acute (recent) or chronic (long term) cases can be benefitted with homeopathic medicines. These medicines are of natural origin thus are very safe to use with zero side effects. The homeopathic prescription for polymyalgia varies from case to case as per characteristic symptoms of an individual. So it is advised to consult a homeopathic doctor for most suitable prescription and avoid self–medication in any case.
Homeopathic Medicines For Polymyalgia Rheumatica
1.Rhus Tox – Top Medicine
Rhus Tox is the leading medicine to manage cases with marked pain and stiffness in the muscles. This medicine is equally helpful when pain and stiffness occur in the neck, shoulder or hips. The key feature to use this medicine is worsening of the symptoms after rest or periods of inactivity. Relief sets in by moving the affected part.
2. Sanguinaria Can – For Right Shoulder Pain
This medicine is effective in managing pain in the right shoulder. The pain may radiate to the upper arm in most of the cases. The pain gets worse on raising the arm. In some cases, the pain gets worse at night. The pain increases while turning in bed at times. Besides these, it is useful to relieve stiffness and pain in the neck. It gets worse by movement.
3. Ferrum Met – For Left-Sided Shoulder Pain
Ferrum Met is beneficial for managing left-sided shoulder pain. The pain from shoulder may shoot down the arm. The pain tends to get worse from movement. There is pain when one raises the arm. Warm application on the shoulder may help to relieve the pain. For using this medicine, the pain can be drawing, shooting or tearing in nature.
4. Cimicifuga Racemosa– For Neck Pain And Stiffness
This medicine is of great value to manage pain in the neck along with marked stiffness. In cases needing it, there is a feeling of contraction in the neck. Any pressure on the neck worsen the pain. Head movement also increases pain. The neck may also be sensitive to touch.
5. Guaiacum – For Pain In Neck, Shoulders And Thighs
This medicine is helpful when pain is felt in the neck, shoulders and thighs. There is pain at the back of the head. The neck is also markedly stiff. The stiffness may radiate down the back. Shoulders may also be sensitive to touch. Besides these, this medicine is also useful for managing pain in the thighs. Pain is worse while sitting. Thigh muscles feel short and tense. Pain from mid-part of the thigh may radiate to the knee.
6. Bryonia – For Pain Worse From Movement
Bryonia is a well-indicated medicine for managing cases where pain is worse from movement. There is relief by taking rest. The pain can be sharp, sore or tearing type. There is neck pain especially on the right side with stiffness. It gets worse from touch and also from movement of the head. It is also indicated for relieving hip pain, mainly stabbing or shooting in nature.
7. Arnica – For Muscle Pain With Soreness
This medicine is highly recommended for managing pain in the body along with marked soreness (pain and sensitivity to touch). The affected parts feel sore as if beaten. There is fear to touch the affected part out of pain.
8. Magnesium Phos – For Pain Better By Warm Applications
Magnesium Phos is indicated when there is a tendency of pain getting relieved by warm application over the affected area. Pain can be shooting, sharp, cramping or lightening shock like in nature. The pain may shift from one place to another. The pain is attended with excessive tiredness and profuse sweating. In cases needing it, applying pressure may relieve the muscle pain.
9. Colocynth – For Hip Pain Management
Colocynth is an important medicine to manage hip pain. The pain can be cramping, drawing or shooting in nature. The pain is relieved by applying pressure or lying on the affected side of the hip. This medicine is recommended for continuous drawing type of hip pain. Pain is felt while sitting, lying, standing or walking.
10. Gelsemium – With Excessive Tiredness
Gelsemium is a suitable medicine for managing muscle pain attended with marked tiredness. In cases needing it, there occurs pain and stiffness in the neck. There is pain in the shoulders. Shoulder pain gets worse at night. Cramping pain is felt in the thighs and hips. The pain increases while at rest and also when beginning to walk. At night, burning pain may be felt in the hip that disturbs sleep.
11. Ledum Pal – For Thigh Pain
Ledum Pal works well in cases of thigh pain. In cases requiring it, thigh pain gets worse on standing and walking. The pain in the thigh gets worse from touch. Along with pain, there may occur a sensation as if the thigh muscles are not in their proper place. Apart from thigh pain, this medicine is also useful to manage stitching sort of pain in the shoulder. Pain in shoulder gets worse from raising arm.
I have been diagnose with polymyalgia rhumatica
With right sided shoulder pain
And hip and thigh pain
Also I seem to have sciatica with pain down right leg to my ankle/foot
What would you suggest please
Hello Dr.
I am P Ravindra, 71 years from Hyderabad. I am diagnised as polymyalgia rhematica by a rheumatologist. She gave steroids for a month and stopped and asked me to closely observe. It gave some relief but not fully. As per allopathic treatment there is no cure for it, but just maintenance. Is there assred cure as per homeopathy. Please advise. Regards .
Mob 9821553895
I have polymyalgia rumatica, large cell arthritis and osteoporosis. I need help with the pain.
Thank you, Catherine
My husband is having Polymyalgia and the dr has been prescribed Rhus tox 200 for 3 days he had partial relief after taking it
How long can you have the medication
Please advise
Thanking you
Exactly how many of these remedies can be taken at the same time?
What dosage would be recommended for someone who was afflicted last fall of 2023?
Also how many pellets and how frequently should they be taken?
Thank you so very much for any help in this matter.