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Burning Mouth Syndrome: Causes and its Homeopathic Treatment

Burning mouth syndrome refers to a condition in which there occurs burning in the mouth. Burning mainly occurs on the tongue but can also occur on the lips, gums, roof of the mouth or inside the cheeks or in some cases the entire mouth. The burning can occur immediately after waking up in the morning and remain for the whole day. In some cases, burning sensation may not be felt in the morning but starts and keeps worsening in the later part of the day. This syndrome can occur suddenly or gradually over time. The intensity of the symptoms can be from mild to severe. The symptoms may remain constant or may come and go. Some other symptoms can attend the burning. These include changes in taste like bitter taste, metallic taste, or sometimes loss of taste, dryness in the mouth, and tingling/stinging sensation in mouth.

Causes Of Burning Mouth Syndrome

Burning mouth syndrome could be primary or secondary. If there is no clear reason behind the burning sensation, it is termed primary burning mouth syndrome. In this case, damage to the nerves of tongue is considered to be the reason. In cases where some underlying medical condition or a reason is leading to it, then it is termed secondary burning mouth syndrome. Some examples of such underlying causes include oral lichen planus, fungal infection in mouth, dry mouth, and geographic tongue.

Oral lichen planus is an autoimmune condition that tends to cause white lacy patterned lesions in the mouth (on inner cheeks, gums, lips, tongue or palate). In some cases, red swollen patches form in the mouth. The lesions are painful, may have burning sensation, and sometimes can bleed as well.

Fungal infection in the mouth is known as oral thrush. It causes white or creamy lesions in the mouth. These can develop on tongue, inside cheeks, on gums, and roof of the mouth. Burning and pain can be felt in these lesions.

Geographic tongue refers to the inflammatory condition of tongue characterized by formation of smooth, red bald patches on the tongue that gives the tongue a map-like or geographic appearance. The acid from the stomach going into the mouth (GERD – gastroesophageal reflux disease) or allergy to some food or some product used for mouth care can lead to a geographic tongue.

Apart from the above–mentioned reasons, other causes may include biting the tongue tip, brushing the tongue harshly, excessive use of mouthwash, a dental procedure, eating excessive acidic food/drink, and lack of nutrients like zinc, iron, and vitamin B12. The use of certain medicines like clonazepam, captopril, fluoxetine, hormone replacement therapies, and psychological problems, like stress, anxiety and depression, may also cause burning in the mouth. People who are above 50 yrs of age and those who smoke are at risk of suffering from burning mouth syndrome. Women are at a greater risk than men, especially around menopause or after menopause.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy carries a great scope in treating cases of burning mouth syndrome. Homeopathic medicines help in gradually decreasing the burning sensation. Besides, they work wonderfully in managing any associated symptoms like change in taste, dryness of mouth, pain and stinging sensation in the mouth. They work magnificently in reducing burning in mouth and other symptoms by targeting the root cause behind it. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for treating these cases is selected after detailed analysis in every individual case. The best part of homeopathic medicines is that they work in the most natural way to treat a condition and there are no side effects of these medicines.

Homeopathic Medicines For Burning Mouth Syndrome

1. Arsenic Album – Top Remedy

Arsenic Album is the most recommended medicine to manage cases of burning in the mouth. Those needing it have marked burning especially on the tongue. It is attended with bitter or sour taste in the mouth. The tongue feels dry with excessive thirst. The tongue appears white like chalk.

2. Merc Sol – With Bitter Or Metallic Taste

Merc Sol is an effective medicine for burning in the mouth along with bitter or metallic taste. Besides the burning sensation, the tongue is dry and red with dark spots. The tongue is also swollen along with pain. Pricking type of pain is felt on the tongue. Applying pressure on the tongue with fingers is painful. Ulcers or cracks may be present on the tongue. In some cases, loss of taste may be there. There is foul breath. Fungal infection in mouth may be present.

3. Iris Versicolor – With Burning Like Fire

This medicine is of great use in cases where burning is felt in the mouth as if from fire. There may be loss of taste. Tongue turns white, as if covered with a greasy substance. Mouth may be inflamed along with burning and pain. Inside the cheeks, ulcers may be present. There may be discharge of ropy saliva. This medicine is also a leading medicine to manage cases of acid reflux where stomach acid flows back to the food pipe and mouth.

4. Arum Triphyllum – For Burning Along With Soreness

Arum Triphyllum is useful in cases of burning mouth with marked soreness (pain on touch).  Burning may also be felt in the throat. Tongue is cracked and painful, along with burning. The tongue is very dry and rough. Bleeding may occur from the tongue. A discharge of thick mucus from the mouth may appear. Bad smell tends to emanate from the mouth.

5. Belladonna – With Dryness Of Mouth

Belladonna is a highly valuable medicine to manage cases of burning along with marked dryness in the mouth. Dryness is marked on the tongue, lips, inside cheeks and roof of the mouth. Excessive thirst is felt. Mouth is red, swollen and inflamed. The taste in the mouth may be sour, bitter or bad. The tongue is white in the center with red edges. The tongue is painful to touch.

6. Apis Mellifica – For Burning On Tongue With Intense Redness

This medicine can be used for cases of burning on the tongue along with intense redness. The tongue is dry. Swelling on the tongue may be present. Shooting type of pain may occur. In some cases, prickling sensation is felt on the tongue. Sometimes vesicles (tiny fluid-filled bumps) are present on the tongue with burning and stinging pain. Sticky, frothy saliva is present in the mouth.

7. Nitric Acid – Along With Stinging Pain

This medicine is helpful in relieving burning sensation in the mouth attended with stinging pain. Mouth is bright red and may be swollen. Bitter taste in the mouth remains after eating. The tongue is dry with cracks. It is sensitive even to soft food.  Ulcers may be quite prominent on the lips, tongue edges and inside the cheeks. There may be increased salivation.

8. Sulphur – With Metallic Taste

Sulphur is well indicated when there is metallic taste in the mouth, besides burning. The mouth and palate are dry. There is excessive thirst. Vesicles may appear in the mouth. Tongue is white with redness on the tip and borders.

9. Natrum Mur – With Loss Of Taste

This medicine is considered when burning in mouth is accompanied by loss of taste. Burning occurs in the mouth but is the most marked on the tip of the tongue. There may be mapped/geographic tongue. Tongue is coated white with red patches. A sensation of hair on the tongue is felt. Mouth, lips and tongue are dry. Mouth is painful and sensitive even to liquid food. Ulcers may be present on the tongue, inside cheeks or gums with burning.



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  1. Rebecca Mudgett says:

    Hello Dr Sharma. I have had a severe case of BMS for almost one year. It came in very suddenly after a stressful event. My mouth feels like it’s in dire mist I’d the time. Acidic, spicy and salty foods make it worse. My BMS is my tongue, gums, roof and bottom of my mouth. I’ve been to different doctors and have blood tests that are all normal. I take Klonopin and ibuprofen and Tylenol and also a numbing rinse.
    Any suggested would be very welcome. . I can get pretty desperate at times.
    Thank you. Rebecca

  2. Devender kumar says:

    My Mother’s toung having Cut (draren) suffering from 2 years . Also she is heart patient stant provided. Pl suggest best Homeopathic medicine.

  3. Lupita Sanchez says:

    Hello Dr. Sharma, have had BTSfor almost ten years. I experience severe burning on tongue stinging especially when am around chemicals, scents, candles. Doctor has prescribed Gabapentin and Amitriptiline previously. What would you advice for pain? Would like consultation with you. Thank you so much

  4. Amir Ahmed says:

    Inside mouth burning problem during eating food also water coming out from nose, due to burning of mouth could not eat properly
    Pl advise me which homeopathic medicine could remove my problem

  5. Hello Dr.
    Pleasure to meet you,
    I believe on my symptoms are somewhat like #1 , except (Thanks to God )I don’t have loss of taste nor sour or bitter taste, alsothe color is normal and it’s not excruciating burning, from 1-10 is like a 5, it is constant burning for about 2 1/2 years, (24/7 )
    How can I get the meds? And what is the cost, I’m retired, does Medicare cover these meds?

  6. Hello Dr.
    Pleasure to meet you,
    I believe on my symptoms are somewhat like #1 , except (Thanks to God )I don’t have loss of taste and it’s not excruciating burning, from 1-10 is like a 5, it is constant burning for about 2 1/2 years, (24/7 )
    How can I get the meds? And what is the cost, I’m retired, does Medicare cover these meds?

  7. J Robinson says:

    I have left sided stinging and burning on my tongue, gums and teeth following dental treatment to repair two cracked teeth. One was filled and one had a root canal . Both were subsequently extracted but still have symptoms 18months on.
    Also hyper mobile. What would you suggest for this?
    Many thanks

  8. Rob Lane Cesareo says:

    Greetings, I’m Rob, pleased to meet you.
    For the last 10-11 months, I’ve been suffering from a horrific case of Burning Mouth Syndrome that never goes away and is making it nearly impossible to have any quality of life. I currently take Pilocarpine and dissolvable Klonopin — the Pilocarpine doesn’t do anything; earlier, I was taking Cevimeline which did produce a decent amount of moisture but abruptly stopped working. I have the sensation that I belong in a burn-unit…the pain is excruciating. I do use Prozac…60mg which I’m reading can be a culprit but…worry tremendously about my mental health if I had to come off of it. I am very open to trying the homeopathic route and would appreciate it if you can get back to me with a few potential solutions. Thanking you in advance. Sincerely – R o b

  9. jibh ke left side me jalan hai or muh ka taste bhi kabhi kabhi kadwa rehta hai

  10. pankaj sharma says:

    mouth burning syndrome & patches on tongue, mouuth burnning

  11. Crystal Fenn says:

    Dr Sharma
    I hope this finds you well.
    I have had Burning Mouth Syndrome off and on for years. My current bout, going on for over 3 years now, is the worst ever. It is mild when I awake in the morning and progressively get’s worse through out the day. it seems to be triggered by chemicals, fragrances, ingestables. Headaches make it worse. I can be outdoors and get a wiff of the dryer exhaust from a neighbors dryer (we have large lots) where a fragrant dryer towel was used. I have tried over 10 different prescriptions and psychotherapy.
    I have a history of chronic illnesses – ME/CFS, Hashimoto’s, Primary Immune Deficiency. I had a severe case of Lyme disease lasting 5 years and endured mega doses of antibiotics, antifungals, antiparasitics the whole time. I have a myriad of gastrointestinal issues. I am thinking that, based on this article, I should try Iris Versicolor – With Burning Like Fire. Do you have any suggestions? I am happy to pay for a consultation.
    Much appreciation in advance.

  12. Dr. Sharma
    i am a 50 year old woman. i have weakness and pain in my legs. Even if i walk for a short distance my legs start paining specially the calf muscles. as i have to do extensive travelling during October could you please suggest a medicine. i get my periods 10 days before every month. other than that i dont have any period problems except for the weakness and leg pains.

    i also have a burning mouth syndrome problem. eating spicy (even a little bit of hotness of chilly powder or chillies) i get burning sensation inside my mouth and lips. and my lips have become very very sensitive and there is extreme dryness. i have to keep using lip gels continuously and have to eat very bland food because of this problem. is this age related and menopause?

    Could you please suggest a medicine for these problems?

  13. Deborah McCahan says:

    Hello, I have been experiencing burning mouth syndrome for 13 years. No doctor or dentist has had any suggestions as to why or how to help. I am encouraged by this article and want to order all of the above remedies. I have no underlying cause, I’ve had bloodwork for vitamin deficiencies and everything is fine. I take no medications. The doctors have given up and just say “this just happens sometimes “.

    • زبان کی نوک پرجلن کا رہنا جوصبح کو کم اور دن کے وقت زیادہ تر اور جب اس طرف احساس جائے تو زیادہ جلن لگتی ہے. معدہ کمزور اور جلن کا احساس رہتا ہے. دوائی تجویز کر دیں. مہربانی ہوگی

    • Rajesh Shrivastava says:


    • i have pain and burning on tongueplz tell medicine

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