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To 5 Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Recurrent Mouth Ulcers

Homeopathic Medicines For Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers (also known as aphthous ulcers or canker sores) are shallow, painful sores inside the mouth. They appear as painful white or yellow ulcers surrounded by a bright red area. They can make eating, drinking, and talking uncomfortable. Nearly everyone suffers from mouth ulcers at one time or the other in their lives. Most would also agree that these insignificant-looking ulcers can cause major discomfort. For some people, the irritation and pain can be so troublesome that it tends to disrupt their daily life. Besides the pain, mouth ulcers have another troublesome feature associated with them- ‘frequent recurrence.’ These ulcers tend to occur very frequently in some people. It is a common issue with mouth ulcers that while the first lot is not fully healed, new ulcers are already on their way. Mouth ulcers (apthae) also tend to occur in crops or multiple numbers. The most common sites places where mouth ulcers appear are inside of the lips, inside of the cheeks, base of gums, under the tongue, on the palate. Ulcers on the tongue are also fairly common.

Homeopathic medicines for mouth ulcers work well to treat the ulcers quickly, and also help to prevent their recurrence. These are natural medicines for treatment of mouth ulcers that help during the acute phase of the condition in reducing pain as well as the duration of ulcers. Conventional treatment for recurrent mouth ulcers involves pain management and lowering of the healing time of the ulcer. However, conventional treatment does not cure the ulcers permanently as it usually advises using a rinse of saltwater, antiseptic liquids, baking soda or steroid to reduce the pain, but the underlying cause remains the same. This increases the tendency to develop ulcers again and again. However, homeopathic medicines for mouth ulcers work by naturally treating the cause of the problem. Homeopathy medicines help heal mouth ulcers quickly by speeding up the healing process.

Homeopathic medicines, along with healing ulcers, also assist in managing associated complaints of pain, tenderness, burning sensation, bleeding from ulcers, mouth dryness / excessive salivation. Any offensive odor from mouth is also reduced with these medicines.

Mouth ulcers can arise from various reasons and to get long-term results, that cause needs to be addressed. Homeopathic medicines always aim at treating the root cause behind recurrent mouth ulcers to give complete cure. Homeopathic medicines boost the body’s self-healing mechanism to fight with the cause to ensure natural recovery. For complete recovery in homeopathy, one needs to complete the entire course of treatment as prescribed by a homeopath.

Homeopathic medicines to treat recurrent mouth ulcers is selected individually for every case at all the times. The peculiar symptoms associated with mouth ulcers serve as the key to find the correct homeopathic prescription for every case. To obtain best results, one should take any homeopathic medicine after consulting a homeopathic doctor.

As well-known, homeopathy is a natural healing science due to which it has zero side effects. Homeopathic medicines are suitable to treat recurrent mouth ulcers in persons of any age group and always offer help without worry of any sort of adverse reactions.

Top 5 Homeopathic Medicines for Mouth Ulcers

Merc Sol, Borax, Nitric Acid, Arsenic Album and Kali Iodatum are some common medicines used for treating mouth ulcers.

1. Merc Sol – Top Medicine for Mouth Ulcers

Merc Sol is a leading medicine for treating mouth ulcers and is often considered the first line of treatment for mouth ulcers. It is indicated for all kind of ulcers whether small or big and in severe cases, where the mouth is inflamed with burning aphthous ulcers with a lot of salivation. In cases needing it, flat ulcers with red, inflamed edges on the tongue and the inside of the lips and cheeks are present. The ulcers are painful too. A foul, metallic taste is felt in the mouth. Merc Sol not only hastens the healing of ulcers and reduces the pain, but it also eradicates the tendency of frequent mouth ulcers.
When to use Merc Sol?
Merc Sol is highly recommended to treat mouth ulcers with red, inflamed margins, pain, and burning sensation with increased salivation.
How to use Merc Sol?
This medicine is mainly used in 30C power once a day.

2. Borax – For Mouth Ulcers that Bleed Easily

Borax is a highly effective medicine to treat ulcers that have a tendency to bleed easily when touched, or during eating. Other key indications for borax to be used are dryness in the mouth with rapid formation of the ulcers. The ulcers appear in the mouth especially on the inner surface of the cheeks. It is also used for mouth ulcers in infants and babies.
When to use Borax?
Borax is highly recommended to manage mouth ulcers having a tendency to bleed along with dryness in the mouth.
How to use Borax?
Both low and high potencies of this medicine work well, however, it is advised to begin with its 30C potency that can be taken one or two times a day.

 3. Nitric Acid – For Mouth Ulcers with Severe Pain

Nitric Acid is a beneficial medicine for managing mouth ulcers accompanied with marked pain. The ulcers appear on the soft palate, within the cheeks and on the edges of the tongue. The pain in the ulcers is sticking type like that from a splinter. Salivation is increased and a bad odor emanates from the mouth.
When to use Nitric Acid?
This medicine is well indicated for treating mouth ulcers that are very painful with a splinter (a small sharp piece of wood or glass) like pain.
How to use Nitric Acid?
It is recommended to use this medicine once a day in 30C power.

4. Arsenic Album – For Mouth Ulcers With Burning Sensation

Arsenic Album is an important medicine to help cases of mouth ulcers when burning sensation is present. There is dryness in the mouth with intense thirst for water. Bitter, sour or metallic taste is felt in the mouth.
When to use Arsenic Album?
Arsenic Album is a very suitable medicine to treat mouth ulcers that have marked burning sensation along with dry mouth.
How to use Arsenic Album?

It can be taken in 30C potency once a day.

5. Kali Iodatum – For Mouth Ulcers With Irregular Shape And White Coating Like Milk

Kali Iodatum is a well-indicated medicine for mouth ulcers where irregular shaped ulcers appear in the mucous membrane of the mouth. The ulcers are white and appear as if coated with milk. Along with the ulcerative condition of the mouth, copious salivation, offensive mouth odor, heat in the mouth, swelling and bitterness in the mouth are some other symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine.
When to use Kali Iodatum?
This medicine is of great use in treating mouth ulcers having irregular shape and white color.
How to use Kali Iodatum?
Kali Iodatum 30C can be used once a day.

Causes of Recurrent Mouth Ulcers

1. The exact cause and process of development of mouth ulcers is not known. Ulcers can be the result of a combination of conditions, like:
2. A mechanical injury caused by the sharp edges of teeth, fillings, crowns, dentures, braces or even accidental biting of the inner mouth can lead to an ulcer due to irritation. Eating rough foods or putting sharp things like pens, toothpicks or fingernails in the mouth can also cause a tear in the mucous membrane, from where an ulcer can develop.
3. Putting hot food or beverages in the mouth can cause redness inside the mouth, especially in sensitive areas like the palate or the lining of the cheeks and back of the lips and lead to an ulcer.
4. Any strong or concentrated caustic chemicals, when kept for long in the mouth, can cause a chemical trauma inside the mouth. For example, holding medicine in the mouth instead of swallowing it can create a problem if the medicine is strong. Such injuries are more common in children or people under psychiatric care.
5. A viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitic contact can contribute to the growth of infection inside the mouth. A weakened immune system and a tear in the mucous membrane of the mouth can lead to the development of ulcers on the inner lining of the mouth.
6. Mouth ulcers can occur as a side effect of medications like antibiotics, painkillers, steroids, analgesics, NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs).
7. Deficiency of Vitamin B12 and iron can trigger the growth of ulcers.
8. Tobacco is a major cause of mouth ulcers, so smokers are more prone to develop recurrent mouth ulcers. Alcohol also triggers mouth ulcers by disrupting the absorption of nutrients in the system.
9. Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis (Canker Sore) is the most common cause of recurrent mouth ulcers. This condition causes the recurrent formation of oral ulcers for unknown reasons.
10. Xerostomia is a feeling of a dry mouth that is often associated with the decreased functionality of salivary glands. This prevents lubrication of the mucous membranes and due to excessive dryness in the mouth, lesions can appear inside the mouth.
11. The herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) also causes mouth ulcers as a symptom of the herpes infection.

Other factors that can contribute to the occurrence of recurrent mouth ulcers are:
Poor oral hygiene
Emotional stress
Dermatological causes like lichen planus, lupus erythematosus.
Products containing SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate), like toothpaste and mouthwash.
Gastrointestinal causes like celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, etc.
Epithelial atrophy that makes the lining more fragile and easily breached.
Radiation-induced stomatitis is more common after radiotherapy. It can cause mucosal erosions and ulcerations on the lower jaw.
Vesiculobullous Diseases lead to the development of vesicles and bullae formation on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, which tend to be fragile and quickly break down. These leave behind ulcers in the mouth.
Family tendency: Someone who has a family tendency of having recurrent mouth ulcers can be at high risk of developing it.
Hormonal changes: Due to hormonal changes that usually occur during menstruation, pregnancy or menopause, some women tend to experience oral changes that include the development of canker sores or bleeding from the gums.

Signs and Symptoms of Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers feel like elevated areas inside the mouth, on areas like the inner cheeks, inside of the lips, under or on the tongue, and the sides of the tongue. Some common signs of a mouth ulcer include:
Yellow discoloration of the elevated area with the surrounding reddened edges. These can sometimes be coated with a white or milky lining.
Swelling inside the cheeks or the lips
Bleeding from the ulcers
Dryness in the mouth
Offensive odor from the mouth
Some common symptoms of recurrent mouth ulcers include:
Pain: Pain can range from mild to moderate or even severe and it depends completely on the individual case
Discomfort: These can cause significant discomfort in eating, drinking or even while talking
Tenderness of the affected area
Burning sensation in the mouth
Tingling in the affected area
Warmth and dryness of the mouth with increased thirst
Excessive salivation
Irritation of the sores by acidic, rough or dry foods

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  1. Raja Shaheen Iqbal says:

    Am having blisters on my tip of toung and uder it painful persistent for more than month.plz prescrip treatment

  2. b.lingam says:

    dear sir
    I am suffering from mouth burning with tongue sides inflamation, lips burning and becoming black outside and inner cheeks burning and skin becoming red on hands localised redness on five places on hands since ten months.
    i used allopathy medicine citrizine and b complex vitamine tablets by doctors. but no use it repeats.

    used ayurveda some time but recurred.
    please advice me. thankyou sir

  3. Jackie Christisnson says:

    I am 75 and have been suffering for about 5 years. Believe stress. Been to immune doctor after ENT. Take l-lysine, zinc.
    , folic acid, B1 and B12. In beginning when I didn’t know how to eat with them I lost 35 lbs.
    I have lydocane if bad flare up.
    I finally found Borax 30! It really helps.
    I love it!
    For me it is defiantly stress
    Jackie Christianson Tampa FL

  4. sudhir Saxena says:

    Dear Dr. my son age 15 year he is suffering with mouth ulcer last 5 year, every last 2 or 3 days he suffer mouth ulcer please suggest medicine

    • sangeeta mehrotra says:

      Dear Mr. Sudhir Saxena
      I am not a doctor. But concerned. You must IMMEDIATELY see a skin specialist as it is recurring for 5 yrs. Get biopsy of the lesions done.

  5. Nkkapoor says:

    Mouth ulcers are recurring almostafteragap of 15 days have tried various homeo medicines no relief

  6. Good afternoon Dr Sharma One of my family members have Aphthous ulcers situation which causes pain and isn’t treated correctly?
    Help needed?

  7. Moushumi Choudhury says:

    How to use Borax?

  8. Jitendra says:

    Mouth ulcers very frequently. Suggest some medicines.


    Dr .Sharma,
    I am suffering from small ulcer inside my upper lip for last one year and this ulcer generated bu using denture.But when ever I am not using denture the ulcer subside and pain reducing.But without denture to eat roti and some hard vegetables is not possible.Kindly suugest whether Marc.sol 30 will act to remove the ulcer and pain.Thanks

  10. Dr.Sharma,
    We r very much tired & disappointed for having no results for the last 4 years treatment from known doctors, child specialists, ENT specialists etc etc.
    We r not in reach to see u physically. We seek advise and remedy.
    Child Name: Muneeb
    Age: 6 Years
    National: Pakistan
    Weight; 13 Kg
    Physical growth is very slow.
    Physically the child is fit in all respects and very active except pain in the lower part of legs. Memory very sharp. Very good in studies. Occasionally complain stomach pain.
    No liking for food. Ask for various things but cannot eat.
    Cannot tolerate any type of smell good or bad.
    Child is suffering from big lumps of Pus forming on and around Tonsils, upper & lower part of throat, blocking the entry. Child cannot eat, drink, swallow and sometimes difficulty in breathing.
    Other problem is formation of Boils inside the upper and lower lips. This keeps repeating every 2 or 3 months. All test are normal except allergy level which is higher than the normal.
    Doctors have used third generation antibiotics which is a temporary relief.
    Lastly we referred to Homeopath Doctor he suggested
    Belladonna 200, Borax 200,Acidum Nitricum 200, Pyrogenium 200 3 times a day,
    This also proved a temporary relief.
    Presently his mouth is filled with boils. No Pus formation cannot eat due to pain.
    Seek urgent advice.
    Many thanks

  11. One of my close relative(female ,52 years ) is suffering from mouth ulcer..plz suggest remedy

  12. A K ROY says:

    Dear Dr Sharma, namaskar. I had used your medicine for my RAS (recurrent apthous stomititis) many years back. After the medicines, the symptoms or my problem aggravated. Out of fear and desperation, I had stopped taking the medicines.

    RAS keeps giving me problem. Other homeopathic medicines that i have taken are: Condurago 200; Borax 30; Merc Sol 1M etc (1-2 more medicines – can’t understand or read the handwriting on the prescription).

    The problem subsided only temporarily, or received temporary relief – for few days or a week maximum. Right now my mouth condition (apthous stomatittis) is severest. It’s been so in the past also many times. Kindly advise.. prescribe medicines to get permament cure. Merc Sol, as per your write up, seems to be the only best and sure shot medicine. Kindly advise the specific details of Merc Sol.

    I’m over 50yrs, absolute non-smoker/non-alcoholic, very moderate non-vegetarian, consume regular, adequate fibrous food (green vegetables/fruits) and at least 04ltrs of water every day, do regular exercises/yoga/brisk walking.

    Thank you and with regards

  13. Syed Anwar Ahmad says:

    Mouth ulcer with chchale under the cheeks and multiple hard bumps on th tongue.Difficult to eat and drink for the last six months.Blood suger test and other tests are normal.ENT and Oral specialists have have given many medicines.They don’t recommend biopsy.I have also tried many homeopathic medicines
    Like borax,thuja,calcaria carb,echnisia etc but not Merc.sol.Now I am taking b 12 injection.Please help and guide


    • Sudhir Mishra says:

      Respected sir,
      I am on steroids inhalation for asthma for last 20 years. Mouth ulcers (rt. Cheek inner) has developed since 1 year. Tried all types of mouth wash etc. But no relief. Can l get any help, please ! I am 74 and an habitual pan chewer.

  14. Samar Dutta says:

    I appear to be suffering from Apthous Ulcer on two corners on my leap and underneat toungue. Please suggest a good homoeopathy treatment.

    Samar Dutta

  15. Aarti Vishwakarma says:

    And also she is unable to eat any spicy food or rather salty.. She makes a less salted vegetable for her separately..she is 42yrs old..

  16. Aarti Vishwakarma says:

    Hello Dr. I myself in internship of BHMS… Just wanted to know that my mom has craving of “mava” if she doesn’t get it she gets angry and without which she is not interested in works.. She is eating since 4-5yrs, now she is suffering from mouth aphthae and tongue is coated slight brownish and milky and in upper palate there is brownish aphthae.. She is unable to open her mouth more than a inch… She feels pain while opening it more.. Can u advice a homoeopathic treatment plzz..

  17. K. Sri Rama Prasad says:

    Dear Dr.Sharma,
    I am a male, 66 years Old, I have been suffering from Canker sores continuously since one month. Now the pain is severe for last one week. It is very painful to swallow liquids or solids it is difficult to speak also.
    This is a recurring disorder for years. Of late I feel dry lips, tongue and lot of pain of tongue. Saliva is flowing out from the mouth during sleep . Digestion is Normal. No constipation, B.P is Normal, No t diabatic.
    Kindly suggest cure with Homeopathic drugs.

  18. I had a wisdom teeth right up side n had a hole with light white colour is for 4months is thier any serious problem?

  19. Sanjib Mete says:

    I have colitis , gastritis and mouth ulcer.
    Can it be cured by taking homeopathic treatment?
    please reply

  20. s s kaintura says:

    Dear Dr. Sharma

    In the past, exactly in Jan/Feb 2016 I had a feeling of dry mouth. I consulted a physician who administered some medicine which caused pitti all over the body. Then consulted a skin specialists who administered some allergic medicine which gave me lot of relief and recurrence of pitti was stopped.
    Now from Nov/Dec 2016 onwards my upper tongue area has a burning sensation and the meanwhile have consulted skin specialists, dentist etc. but no relief. Sugar test for fasting + after fasting is also normal.
    Today when consulted the dentist once again, homeopathy medicine has been advised.
    Please suggest

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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