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Hot Flashes During Menopause – Homeopathy Can Work Wonders

homeopathic medicines for hot flashes

A hot flash is a sudden and intense feeling of heat that is felt in the upper part of the body, like the face, chest, and neck. An episode of a hot flash can last for between one to five minutes, or occur multiple times in an hour. In some cases, it occurs less frequently, (like a few times a week or month) while some experience it daily. Heated sensation may be accompanied by redness of the face, night sweats, increased heartbeat and, sometimes, a tingling sensation in the fingers. These symptoms are very commonly noted in menopausal and peri-menopausal women, however hot flashes may occur from several other causes as well. Hot flashes usually occur in women between the age group of 40-55 years. Some females also experience these during their regular cycles. They tend to occur more during night and tend to affect sleep.

Homeopathy works magnificently in managing various complaints occurring during menopause. It offers a natural solution for hot flashes. With the help of natural homeopathic medicines, hot flashes can be reduced remarkably, thereby improving the quality of life. Homeopathic medicines gradually reduce the intensity and frequency of hot flashes by balancing the hormones in the body. Conventional mode recommends hormone therapy, anti-depressants and anti-seizure medicines to treat hot flashes, which have side effects. It is a well-known fact that homeopathy has zero side effects. Homeopathic medicines can only help cases of heat flashes and can never harm.

Besides, heat flashes homeopathy offers a great help in managing other associated complaints of menopause. Homeopathy helps to manage problems of menopause both on physical and emotional levels. Homeopathy can wonderfully address issues like headache, weight gain, hair fall, depression, facial hair, low mood, vaginal dryness during menopause.

Homeopathy is a symptom-based healing science whereby medicines are prescribed individually for every case as per the characteristic symptoms. So, guidance from an expert homeopath is required and self-medication should be avoided as the recommendation of medicine differs from case to case. Homeopathic treatment followed under the guidance of a homeopathic doctor for the recommended period can yield excellent results.

Homeopathy is a great choice of treatment method for managing heat flashes during menopause safely. Homeopathy is a natural system of medicine in which homeopathic medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances hence are totally safe to use. Homeopathic remedies are devoid of any chemicals.

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Hot flashes

The most prominently indicated homeopathic medicines for hot flashes during menopause include medicines like Sepia, Amylenum Nitrosum, Lachesis, Sulphur, Glonoine, Sulphuric Acid and Pulsatilla.

1. Sepia – For Hot Flashes With Weakness

Sepia is a medicine indicated for hot flashes in a female during the menopausal period. Sweat accompanies the episodes of hot flashes. Another fundamental indicative feature of Sepia is that there is marked weakness with a tendency to faint (along with hot flashes). There is a lack of energy with a feeling of fatigue. It is very helpful for several ailments arising during climacteric/menopausal period and is suitable for females who are emotionally very sensitive and can become easily nervous.

When to use Sepia?

Sepia is a wonderful medicine to manage hot flashes during menopause attended with excessive weakness.

How to use Sepia?

It is usually used in 30C potency and initially it can be taken once a day.

2. Amylenum Nitrosum – For Hot flashes With Excessive Sweat

Amylenum Nitrosum is a remedy for hot flashes where there is sweating with hot flashes. Its sphere of action is on the vasomotor nerves which affect the arteries and capillaries (causing their dilatation). Therefore, it is one of the top remedies for hot flashes. Hot flashes which are followed by an episode of drenching sweats are a marked feature of this remedy. One may also experience headaches along with hot flashes. There is a prominent flushing of the face. Episodes of hot flashes are usually followed by a period of coldness and pallor (paleness). There can be a throbbing sensation in the whole body during the hot flashes.

When to use Amylenum Nitrosum?

This medicine can be considered when heat flashes are accompanied with intense sweating and flushing of face.

How to use Amylenum Nitrosum?

It works most wonderfully in 30C potency that can be taken once a day.

3. Lachesis – For Hot Flashes With Palpitation And Headache  

Lachesis is well suited to females during or around the menopause phase. It is helpful for hot flashes which are accompanied by palpitation, headaches, and a feeling of fainting. One may also have hot perspiration along with the hot flashes. Hot flashes are also felt at the top of the head (vertex area). The flashes usually occur on falling asleep or on waking up but generally occur at night. There is an overall feeling of congestion in the head causing congestive headaches. The palpitations get worse in a warm room or during the morning hours after waking up. One cannot tolerate tight clothing, especially around the waist area.

When to use Lachesis?

This medicine is suggested for heat flashes attended with palpitations, headaches and intolerance to tight clothing mainly around the waist.

How to use Lachesis?

Its use is mainly recommended in 30 C potency in infrequent doses. One dose of Lachesis 30C can be used once a week or once fortnightly as per the intensity of the symptoms.

4. Sulphur – For Hot Flashes With Heat Sensation In Whole Body

Sulphur is a remedy for frequent episodes of hot flashes with a sensation of heat in the entire body. One may also experience a sensation of emptiness in the stomach during an episode. Another indicative feature to use sulphur is profuse sweats at night, especially in the neck area and the back of the head (occipital area).

When to use Sulphur?

This medicine is well indicated to manage hot flashes with heated sensation in the entire body. Excessive sweating at night also accompanies it.

How to use Sulphur?

It can be used in different potencies from low to high as per severity of the complaint. Initially it is advised to use Sulphur in 30 C potency once a day.

5. Glonoine – For Hot Flashes That Are Frequent And Sudden

Glonoine is also among the important remedies for hot flashes during menopause. It is indicated for sudden onset of hot flashes. This is accompanied with pressure in the head, nausea and vertigo. One feels loss of senses, dizzy and light headed. It is also indicated in cases where there is a flushing of heat in the head. The hot flashes occur daily, and there are frequent episodes during a day. Complaints are worse after sun exposure.

When to use Glonoine?

It is the best choice of medicine to manage hot flashes that begin suddenly along with pressure in the head, nausea and vertigo. There is worsening of complaints from exposure to sun.

How to use Glonoine?

It is advised to take Glonoine 30C once or twice a day depending on the severity of the symptoms.

6. Sulphuric Acid – For Hot Flashes With Trembling

Sulphuric Acid is indicated for hot flashes during climacteric (menopausal) period with feeling of tremors all over the body. There is marked weakness and debility during menopause. There is a lot of restlessness with a sense of wanting to do everything hurriedly. There are palpitations without any anxiety or fear.

When to use Sulphuric Acid?

This medicine can be selected to manage heat flashes during menopause when trembling occurs all over the body.

How to use Sulphuric Acid?

This medicine can be used once a day in 30C potency.

7. Pulsatilla – For Hot Flashes Followed By Chilliness

Pulsatilla is of great use for cases of hot flashes where the person experiences a spell of chilliness following a hot flash. Hot flashes are worse in a closed room. Profuse sweating on the face and scalp especially at night, flushes of heat with redness of the face, hot flashes with mood swings and depression during menopause are other associated symptoms. The person is very irritable and tends to weep. She may also be very sensitive and cry easily. Generally, the woman tends to overall feel better in the open air.

When to use Pulsatilla?

Pulsatilla is a natural medicine to help cases of hot flashes during menopause where a chill is felt after an episode of hot flash.

How to use Pulsatilla?

In the beginning, it is suggested to use it in 30C potency once to thrice a day, but for high potencies like 200 C or more, consultation with a homeopathic physician is advised.

Causes of Hot Flashes

There is no specific cause given as to why hot flashes occur, but there are various theories which explain their occurrence. About 60-70% of all women experience it during their menopause. However, it is not mandatory that every female will have it during menopause. Given below are the various factors which are related to cause hot flashes:

A Drop in the Estrogen Levels

Before menopause, the hormone estrogen is present in the body in the form of estradiol (released by the ovaries). During and after menopause there is a drop in the estrogen levels. This decrease in the levels affects the hypothalamus (thermostat of the body), which regulates the body’s temperature. Reducing one’s ability to tolerate heat makes her more vulnerable to experiencing hot flashes.

An increase of Thyroid Hormone (Hyperthyroidism)

An increase in thyroid levels increases the metabolic rate of the body. This increase in metabolism leads to hot flashes and excessive sweating.

Anti-depressants and Other Medications

Certain drugs like anti-depressants and anti-hypertensive medications also cause hot flashes in many cases. The onset of hot flashes is noted after the use of either of the drugs. In these cases, substituting the medicine or reducing the dosage can help reduce hot flashes.

Stress, Anxiety, and the Production of Adrenaline

During stress or anxiety, the body increases the production of adrenaline. This excess of adrenaline can cause hot flashes or a general increase in body temperature. The body feels hot, and this can be associated with the symptoms of palpitations and increased sweating.

The factors that can trigger hot flashes during menopause include smoking, obesity, alcohol, exposure to hot temperature, wearing tight clothes, stress, anxiety and excessive intake of caffeine.


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  1. DR.MD.ABDUL LATIF says:

    very nice information.

  2. Susu Lespier says:

    Hello Dr. Sharma,

    I’ve been told about Sepia through a childhood friend who was using it and is starting treatment again due to hormone imbalance as she is in menpoause and so am I! She informed me there is a sequence to taking it and on & off, etc. Here are my symptoms….sweating at night that my sheets are nearly wet, at the least very damp…this leads me to believe as I enter the new day I am already very dehydrated! My skin is dry and I use to have oily skin I also have the hormonal patches of hyperpigmentation associated with menopause changes. I am currently taking an herbal supplement that has these ingrdients combined..
    Vitamin B12, Folic acid, Pueraria Mirifica extract 100:1 ratio, Vitex berry, Beta-sitosterol, red clover flower, lemon balm, black pepper extract 50:1 ratio and Puerarin (a bio marker dose) ? do not know whatthis means. It seems to be helping a little. However, I just started taking the right dosage just this past week.
    I feel lethargic, depresed at times and I also notice my skin is experiencing less tonicity, I work out as I am fitness trainer, eat well no garbage foods, no junk foods, no canned goods or sodas, I also take vitamins to help with energy, a probiotic and enzymes to help digest food even more when I eat any meats.
    I was told to get a blood panel to see where my hormone levels are and do the bio-identicals.
    Can you help me narrow this down? I’m taking a few different things for strength, energy and menopause its confusing and frustrating:(
    Thank you
    S. L.

  3. Please suggest a remedy for the feeling of imbalance while sitting or walking, which is due to menopause.

  4. Jayne Lemieux says:

    I need help. Hot flashes and mood swings with depression.
    I am 52.

  5. Hello, I am a 55 almost 56 female. My period ended at 52. Overall I feel fine but I am looking for remedy to increase my libido that I lost. Will sepia help? can you recommend a dosage.

  6. Anne Hastings says:

    Is it safe to take Sepia with Tamoxifen? Is there any evidence based research?

  7. Samantha Carson says:

    Dear Dr. Sharma,
    I am 51yrs old and have been experiencing a number of unpleasant menopausal symptoms, but the one that is bothering me the most is an itching sensation everywhere, but skin is clear. Could Sepia help? Have been under some stress lately.
    Many Thanks.

  8. patricia says:

    Hi Dr i have a problem

  9. cheryl beer says:

    Hi dr sharma
    Im a 51yr old menopausal women who has now been menstrual free for two and a half yrs now .
    My symptoms have got progressively worse with hot flashes and sweats night and day with joint pain etc , just wondered what dose of sepia i should try as im desperate
    Many thanks cheryl beer

  10. good morning doctor sir, I am fifty two suffering from irregular bleeding from past one year its not heavy but occurs very frequently . some days no bleeding then suddenly little bleeding .at times I have backache , l have put on some at to .Dr please suggest homeo remedy . I have complete faith in homeopathy

    • Sabita panigrahi says:

      Dear Sir, i am 57 year old woman. In 2010 my uterus was removed, after that i was suffering from insomnia, severe acidity, thyroid, bp, diabetics. I am taking allopathic medicine for each individual problem. Another problem i found that my whole body was burning, basically my upper part of the body. Burning sensation increases at morning time. Sweat also comes from my neck and head. What type of disease is this?

  11. I have Epstein-Barr virus. What can I take for menopausal weight gain?
    Thank you.

  12. Heather says:

    For menopause hot flushes am I safe taking sepia 30c?

  13. Angela Clark says:

    Sepia worked wonders for my menopause

  14. Goodmorning

    My Mother has had breast cancer is Sepia safe for her to take.

    Thanking you

  15. Doc hi I am a 11 10 year cancer survivor twice over one breast and the other thyroid , I am not keen in using hormone treatment for menopause . I am experiencing extreme hot flushes daily , can I try out Sepia is it safe to use as a cancer survivor .

    Thanks You

  16. TERESA CLARKE says:


    I am in my forties have two fibroids small and been having heavy menses. I have gained a lot of weight body heavier buttocks and thighs, abdomen and arms. I would like to lose weight, I crave sweet foods mainly and can be bloated at times, weight has been difficult to shift. Any suggestion

  17. kuljeet singh says:

    My wife is 45 years old and last eight month period is not coming and she is gaining weight.
    Pl.advice good medicine .

  18. suprava pradhan says:

    I am 50 yr old woman suffer from excess obesity and tiredness. Please suggest me which medicine is suitable for me.

  19. nea montoya says:

    Hi, Iam 65 years old.I have had horrilbe hot flashes.The sweating on my face and neck are bad. anxiety ,lack of sleep, tired all the time.At my age who would think HELP.

  20. william says:

    how many doses of sepia to cure ovarian cyst

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