Verbascum Thapsus also known as ‘mullein oil’ is a natural homeopathic medicine derived from plant Oleum Mullein. It belongs to family Scrophulariaceae. This fresh plant at the commencement of flowering undergoes potentization process. Through this process, its medicinal properties are extracted and intensified and as a result we get a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Verbascum Thapsus. It is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage trigeminal neuralgia, earache and bedwetting.
Drug Action
Verbascum acts magnificently on the face especially on the inferior maxillary branch of fifth pair of cranial nerves i.e. trigeminal nerve (Fifth and largest pair of cranial nerves responsible for sensation in face and motor functions like chewing, biting). Its action is also well defined on the ears. It also acts wonderfully on the urinary system, respiratory system and limbs.
Clinical Indications
Trigeminal neuralgia, earache, deafness, cough, piles, constipation, anal itching
Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy
1.Facial Complaints (Trigeminal Neuralgia, Facial Pain)
The best action of Verbascum is seen on the face. It acts wonderfully on inferior maxillary branch of fifth pair of cranial nerves (fifth means trigeminal nerve). It is of great clinical significance in treating cases of trigeminal neuralgia (severe shooting or electric shock-like pain in the face due to pressure over trigeminal nerve or from its damage). The foremost guiding feature for its use is nerve pain affecting cheek, area of temporo- maxillary joint and ear. It is most suitable for left-sided pain in the face. Watering from eye (lachrymation) and nose may attend the pain. A very characteristic feature is that the pain comes periodically at a fixed hour every day in the morning and afternoon. The pain comes in flashes. The pain usually gets triggered from the least movement. The pain seems to get worse while talking or from sneezing. Any change in temperature also makes it worse. Pressing teeth together increases the pain too. The painful parts are very sensitive to touch. A unique feeling may be felt in the face as if painful parts are being crushed with tongs. A pressing sensation in the left cheek bone may be felt that gets worse by applying pressure with the hand. In some cases, there occurs dull sticking sensation in the left cheek. Sometimes, lightening like pain shoots over the right side of the face. Verbascum is also recommended to manage tearing, stitching, twitching pain in right temple of head to the angle of mouth. This is attended with red face, heat in head, and sticky saliva.
Key Indicating Features
Trigeminal neuralgia with nerve pain affecting cheek, area of temporo- maxillary joint and ear
Facial pain on left side attended with eye-watering (lachrymation) and nose
Nerve pain in face coming periodically at a fixed hour every day in morning and afternoon
Facial pain triggered from the least movement
Pain in face worse while talking, sneezing
Facial pain worse from any change in temperature
2. Ear-Related Problems (Earache, Dryness, Scaling, Numbness, Difficult Hearing)
Verbascum gives excellent results in cases of earache. The pain may be accompanied by a feeling of obstruction in ears, they feel blocked. Mainly tearing stitching pain is felt in the left side ear mostly while chewing. It is effective in managing dry, scaly condition of ear meatus. Sometimes numbness is felt in the left ear. It can be given in cases of difficult hearing as well. Another indication for its use is deafness arising from water getting inside the ear.
Key Indicating Features
Earache mainly tearing stitching type in left side ear
Dry, scaly condition of ear meatus
Deafness arising from water getting in the ear
3. Urinary Complaints (Bedwetting, Frequent Urination)
The action of this medicine is further seen on the urinary organs. Verbascum gives promising results in cases of bedwetting at night. The condition gets worse from coughing. This medicine is also helpful when there is frequent urge to urinate with scanty or profuse urination. It is attended with pressure in the bladder. Burning may occur along with urination. It is recommended for cases in which constant dribbling of urine occurs.
Key Indicating Features
Bedwetting at night
Frequent urge to urinate with scanty or profuse urination
Constant dribbling of urine
4. Respiratory Issues (Cough)
Verbascum is also a valuable medicine to manage respiratory problems. It is useful in managing dry, rough cough that gets worse at night. There may occur attacks of deep hollow cough, sounding like a trumpet. It arises from tickling in larynx or chest. Deep breathing helps to reduce cough. Verbascum is also suggested for treating cases of asthma. An obstruction may be felt in the larynx with hoarseness. In some cases, shooting pain in chest may be felt with difficulty in breathing.
Key Indicating Features
Dry, rough cough worse at night
Deep hollow cough sounding like trumpet
Cough arises from tickling in larynx or chest
Cough gets better from deep breathing
5. Limbs (Joint Pain, Weakness)
This medicine can be given in cases of pain on the top of the shoulder that goes away by moving it. This pain is pressing type. It can be used when there is tensive pain in the wrist on left side. The pain gets worse from rest as well as motion. Next it is indicated for managing tearing pain in the palm of hands. It is beneficial for management of pain in the left elbow. It works well when pain is cramp-like pressing type, it may extend to the forearm. Verbascum is also useful for managing sore and stiff joints of lower limbs. It is prominently indicated for knee pain on right side. The pain may be cramp-like or pressing type. It may happen suddenly. It gets worse while sitting, standing and walking. It can also manage weakness of the lower limbs as well as feeling of heaviness in lower limbs. Another complaint where it proves effective is thigh pain. It can be used when there is cramp-like pain in muscles of right thigh or a drawing sensation that extends from the middle of right thigh to knee. Lastly, it is valuable in managing cramp-like pressure in the sole of the foot on right side. It goes away on walking.
Key Indicating Features
Pain on top of shoulder that goes away from motion
Tensive pain in wrist on left side
Knee pain on right side that can be cramp-like or pressing type
6. Rectal Complaints (Constipation, Piles)
Lastly, it acts well on rectum. This medicine is well-indicated for managing constipation. The characteristic symptom for using Verbascum is scanty, very hard sheep dung-like stool passed with much effort. It is effective for cases of piles (swollen, enlarged veins in or around anus or in lower rectum). Here it is given when piles cause obstruction of stool. The piles are inflamed, painful and cause itching.
Key Indicating Features
Constipation with scanty, very hard sheep dung-like stool passed with effort
Piles obstructing stool
Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from cold, drafts, temperature change, sneezing, talking, touch and pressure
Relieving factors: Complaints get better from deep inhalation
It can be used in both low and high potencies. It can be repeated frequently in low potency but high potencies should not to be taken often. In case of earache and dry, scaly condition of ear meatus, local application of mullein oil is recommended.
Relationship with Other Remedies
Antidoted by: Camphor
Followed well by: Belladonna, China, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Rhus Tox, Sepia, Stramonium and Sulphur
Its comparison can be done with some other remedies including Causticum, Platina and Stannum Met
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