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Thuja – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications, and Dosage

Thuja is a plant remedy prepared from fresh green twigs of a plant Thuja Occidentalis commonly known by the name of Arbor Vitae. The natural order of this plant is Coniferae. Arbor Vitae is an evergreen plant that attains a height of ranging from 20 to 50 feet. This plant exists in large number in the upper zones of North America, from Pennsylvania northwards. It blossoms from May until June and matures its fruit in autumn.
As a homeopathic remedy, it is primarily used for ailments related to the skin, reproductive organs, and anorectal disorders.                                                                                                        thuja

The Thuja Constitution

Individuals requiring Thuja have a hydrogenoid (excessive water in the body) constitution. Rain and damp, cold weather that increases the number of molecules of water in the system worsens the symptoms in them. It suits strumous and sycotic persons, those with lax muscles and light hair. It is also suitable for persons with lymphatic temperament who are fleshy with a dark complexion, black hair, and unhealthy-looking skin.

Drug Action

This remedy majorly acts on the mucus membrane of the genitourinary tract, gastrointestinal tract, on the skin, glands, blood, mind, and brain. Its use is also indicated for wart-like growths upon mucous membranes and the skin. This remedy has an antibacterial action and is widely used to treat gonorrhea. It is considered to be a medicine that works particularly well on left-sided ailments of the body.

Clinical Uses

Thuja is used to treat conditions like warts, moles, skin pigmentation (chloasma), freckles, fungal infections like ringworms, ill-effects of vaccination, hair and scalp infections, nail problems, gonorrhea, balanitis, prostate issues, urethral stricture, piles, anal fissures, anal fistula, constipation, tooth complaints, ovarian cysts, ovaritis, uterine fibroids, hirsutism, recto-vaginal fistula, lumps and tumors, fatty tumors, ganglion, eye tumors, styes, polyps, depression, delusions, and fears.

The Scope of Thuja as a Homeopathic Remedy

1. Skin Problems

Thuja is of great service in treating many complaints of the skin.

WARTS: It is highly effective to treat warts appearing anywhere on the skin, on male / female genitals, and on the anal area. Warts may be small or large, jagged, cauliflower-like, flat or horny. They may ooze moisture and also bleed. The color of warts may be brown, dark or red, and they may be hard or soft. They may have burning, itching, and pain too including sore, sticking, stinging type of pain. They may appear singly, isolated or in multiple crops/groups. They may also be inflamed and sensitive to touch.

FRECKLES: It is also a highly beneficial remedy to treat moles and freckles, particularly light-brown freckles. The facial skin seems greasy/oily in cases requiring this remedy.

PIGMENTATION: It is an effective remedy to treat skin pigmentation with dirty brownish discoloration on the face or any part of the body. It also treats fungal infections of the skin and ringworms very effectively.

2. Ailments in Males

GONORRHEA: It works well in cases of gonorrhea in males where there is swelling of the urethra with scalding on urination. Along with this watery discharge of yellow/green color from the urethra is present.

WARTS ON GENITALS: This remedy can also be used to treat warts on prepuce, penis, scrotum. They may be small or pedunculated, and dry.

BALANITIS: The third indication for using Thuja in cases of male afflictions is balanitis. Here the glans is covered with red sores which are highly sensitive. Burning between the prepuce and glans penis may also be present.

PROSTATE ISSUES: It is also prominently indicated to treat prostate issues where there is a complaint of frequent urination. Sudden urgency to urinate is marked, and the stream of urine may be small and forked in some cases.

3. Ailments in Women

Thuja is a highly recommended medicine to treat a number of ailments in females. Uterine fibroids, warts, ovarian cysts and painful periods are some of the ailments where this remedy works very well.

OVARIAN PAIN: Left-sided ovarian pains that are cutting or shooting in nature, pain in the left ovary indicate its use. Pain from the left ovary may also radiate to the groin and left leg. Left ovary is inflamed. Burning pain in the left ovary, especially during periods, is marked. The burning pain tends to get worse while walking with a desire to lie down.
It is also an important remedy to treat warts on the female genitalia – vulva, vagina, and cervix. Stinging pain may be present in warts, and they may also bleed.

UTERINE POLYPS: In cases of uterine polyps, this medicine is indicated where excessive menstrual bleeding and intermenstrual bleeding is present. Vaginal discharge, back pain and tiredness of legs accompany.
In addition to the above, it also treats the complaint of unwanted facial hair (hirsutism) in females.
It is also a prominently used medicine to treat cases of rectovaginal fistula in females.

4. Ano-Rectal Disorders

Thuja is a significant medicine to treat many anorectal complaints, like constipation, piles, fissures, and fistulas.

CONSTIPATION: It is useful to treat constipation where there is obstinate constipation and the stool comes in the form of hard balls. The anus feels constricted, hard stool is followed by soft stool, and in some cases, the stool is covered with blood. Pain in the rectum may appear while passing stool. There is soreness and burning at the anus throughout the day. Burning or sticking in the anus, painful stitches in the anus (as from a needle), smarting pain in the anus are some other attending features.

PILES: It used to treat piles in cases where pain while passing stool is present. Burning at anus especially while walking is marked.

FISSURES: It is used to treat fissures of the anus. In such cases, the anus is highly sensitive and painful to touch. Burning and itching at the anus are also present.
Apart from the above, Thuja is widely used to treat anal fistula and warts around the anus. Highly offensive sweat around the anus may be present with the above complaints.

5. Urinary Complaints

Thuja is helpful to rectify many urinary complaints associated with inflammation/infection of the urinary tract, stricture of urethra and prostate issue. The urinary symptoms managed with this medicine are cutting pains after urination, burning pain in the bladder and urethra. Its use is also considered when the stream of urine is forked and small, where there is frequent urination (especially at night), and where there is a sudden urgency to pass urine.

6. Complaints of the Mind

This remedy is useful to treat depression, fears, and delusions. There is depression with sadness, aversion to company, attended with irritability, loathing of life and self-contempt. Many of the fears may be present when this remedy is indicated, including fear of getting an infection, fear of germs, fear of strangers, fear of death, fear of getting a venereal disease.

7. Ill-effects of Vaccination

Many troubles arising from vaccination including skin rash, stomach ailments, neuralgia, conjunctivitis, growths at the site of vaccination can be treated with this medicine.

8. Lumps and Tumours

Thuja is an effective anti-sycotic medicine. Fatty tumors, ganglion, eye tumors (styes, tarsal tumors), breast tumors, uterine tumors, polyps (of ears, vocal cords, uterus) all are within the range of treatment.

9. Problems of Hair and Scalp

It is a very helpful remedy to manage hair fall. It also helps to treat dry and split hair, thin, lustreless, brittle hair, premature greying of hair and white scaly dandruff.

10. Conditions Affecting the Nails

Thuja is useful to treat fungal infections of nails, particularly in cases where the nails are discolored and soft, out of shape and distorted. The nails may get dry or brittle, and crumble or break. It is also used to treat ingrown toenails.

11. Dental Complaints

Use of Thuja is also suggested to treat tooth complaints like decay/caries especially when the root decays but the crown remains sound. It also helps in cases of crumbling and yellowing of teeth. Toothache better by pressure and a toothache that worsens before and after menses also indicate the need for this medicine.


As a remedy, Thuja can be used from 30 C to 1M potency. The repetition and potency vary from case to case.

Relation to Other Remedies

Complementary medicines – Arsenic album, Natrum Sulph, Sabina, Silicea, and Medorrhinum.
Medicines that follow Thuja well are – Nitric Acid, Calcarea Carb, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Sabina, Silicea, and Sulphur.
Antidotes – Camphor, Chamomilla, Pulsatilla, and Sulphur

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  1. Mithalesh Rajpoot says:

    शरीर मे गाठ हे

  2. Jane Posnett says:

    From my belly button upwards, my body is covered in warts. In which potency should I take Thuya and for how long. Should I also use the liquid version externally.

  3. SANTU MANDAL says:

    Sir I have a question about dosage and using timing of lipoma pls reply

  4. Ueli Zellweger says:

    Hi Dr Sharma
    Thanks a lot for help … much appreciated.
    I suffer from severe insomnia ( since decades ); it has got much worse over the last 2 years and mainly following treatment by several local GPs with antidepressants ~ 3 different ones ( which made things even worse and made me suicidal ) and Sedatives ( zolpidem ) which caused a severe and acute loss of my short memory. I am obstipated quite frequently. I am 74 years old, male with good BMI ( 6 ft one and 80 kg ). During the day I am more or less fine. There are people who say that I have Asperger syndrome or Autism. I used to be a veterinary surgeon and tried Homoepathia in horses, cattle and pets .. sometimes with amazing effect or success. Having read it all up again I am thinking of trying to use Thuja. What would you start with: D6 or 30 or better C? Any alternative? Thrilled to get your answer ~ once again many thanks. Dr Ueli Zellweger phone +44 74 84 310 052

  5. Hi dr my partner has testicular cyst very tiny tested for cancer etc no issue but feel uneasy & pain on and off please suggest something . I really appreciate it. Thanks in advance

  6. Muhammmad Iqbal says:

    I have fistula.Please guide me homeopathic medicine

  7. ATA UL AZEEM says:

    Hi Dr. I have vocal polyp issue. I am using thuja 200 one dose daily as recommended by doctor. I am working in a bank and can’t remain silent during my job. The medicine is good but healing process is very slow as I feel.
    What is the expected time that likely to resolve the issue please?

    • Hello Doctor, my husband suffers from extreme anger. He gets angry for the most trivial reasons. I advised him to get treatment and he was finally convinced of that. Can we help him get rid of or reduce the intense anger?

      • Sarah E says:

        This sounds like domestic abuse. He should get therapy and anger management. This is not ok and you deserve better, so if he shows resistance to this, say goodbye. This is his problem, it doesn’t need to be yours.

  8. Hi Dr. I have lipomas on my arms some pretty big and some on my body. Will thuja work to clear these away. What would be the recommended dosage to help with this. Thank you

  9. Hello Dr Sharma I am 55 year old male in a normal good health condition. I have warts/skin tags around my neck and under arms. The size ranges from very tiny small to medium, soft and brown colour in appearance. Please advise homoeopathic remedy with potency and dosage. Thanks and regards, From Ali.

  10. Shabbir Shaikh says:

    I have problem of white scalp dendruff and eczema so how much doze require for thoja 200

  11. linda hazel says:

    Would Thuja occidentalis be any good for treating breast cancer tumor size 15 mm ?Grade 1 or 2 cancerous breast tumor

  12. Lisa Crowley says:

    Hi I have a friend who has Type 1 Neurofibromatosis do you feel that Thuja , could help her ?

  13. Hello Dr. I have question about the dosage of thuja.. Can u reply

    • Hello Dr Sharma
      Please can you guide me to a cure for right side ovarian cyst, pain going down right thigh. I’m 53 yrs female menopause
      Thank you

  14. Haradhan Gain says:

    Both kidney cysts are found size 9×8 mm. Prostade slidly enlarge .

  15. Simaran Singh says:

    Meri skin pe bhut sare til aur masse aarhe hai, aur skin oily bhi hai. Jhaeya bhi hai.. kripaya dawa ka Nam btaye..

  16. Tara singh says:

    माताजी जिनकी उम्र 600साल ह रात को बार बार पेसाब आता ह उसके लिए इसका कैसे इस्तेमाल करे,रात के समय पेशाब को रोक नहीं पाते , दौड़ते दौड़ते पेसाब निकल जाता ह प्लीज हेल्प करे


      Dr i have been asked to take thuja 200 one dose on 12 th day after having thuja 30, but the severe agggravation continues till now after 15 days, I cannot sleep at night, have pain near heart region(on touching) ,lost weight and walikng like old people and having vision problem in left eye too, I am 42 years old healthy person .I went for chronic diarrhea and bit anxiety, palpitation and cold pain near my navel.What to do please suggest.


        Dr i have been asked to take thuja 200 one dose on 12 th day after having thuja 30, but the severe agggravation continues till now after 15 days, I cannot sleep at night, have pain near heart region(on touching) ,lost weight and walikng like old people and having vision problem in left eye too, I am 42 years old healthy person .I went for chronic diarrhea and bit anxiety, palpitation and cold pain near my navel.What to do please suggest.

  17. Thuja or all the homeopathic meds for fatty lipomas cause orange stool? Is that due to the fatty grease being excreted?

  18. Helen Srour says:

    Just wondering if Thuja cream would remove a benign mammory tumor on my dog? I have used it on a subaceous
    cyst she had and it disappeared. It was a bit of a process though. I’d appreciate your thoughts

  19. Vaibhav Omer says:

    सर, मेरी वाइफ को पिछले 10 साल से पीसीओडी की समस्या है, कानपुर में कई होम्योपैथी डॉक्टर्स से इलाज कराया लेकिन कुछ समय आराम मिला फिर वही स्थित।
    अब आगे क्या करे, हम आपसे इलाज कराना चाह रहे है,सलाह दे।
    प्रतिमाह कितना खर्च आएगा सर।
    और हम तक दवाएं कैसे मिलेंगी सर।
    मोबाइल – 7007912340

  20. Nand kishor says:

    मस्से हो गए है थूजा occidentalis 200c खुराक कैसे ले sir

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