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Sabal Serrulata – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Sabal Serrulata is a homeopathic medicine derived from fresh berries of plant Saw Palmetto. It belongs to Palmaceae family. The fresh berries of this plant undergo potentization process that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties which gives us the homeopathic medicine Sabal Serrulata of great clinical significance. It is one of the best homeopathic medicines to treat prostate issues like enlarged prostate and prostatitis in males.

The ‘Sabal Serrulata’ Constitution

It is mainly recommended for males, especially those suffering from some sort of prostate issues.

Drug Action

The most important and primary action of this remedy is observed on prostate gland and urinary organs mainly bladder and urethra. Sabal Serrulata also acts on female genitals, breast, gastric system, back and head.

Clinical Indications

Prostate enlargement (BPH), prostatitis, epididymitis, weak erections, sexual perversions, loss of sex drive, frequent urine, involuntary urination, urethral stricture, cystitis, suppressed menses, ovary pain, underdeveloped breast, breast pain, headache, backache, gastritis, stomach pain, piles.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Male problems (prostate enlargement, prostatitis, epididymitis, weak erections)

Sabal Serrulata is being extensively used in homeopathy for numerous male problems among which prostate troubles top the list. It is an infallible medicine to treat prostate issues especially enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia – BPH) and prostatitis. It is of great value to manage complaints of frequent urination related to prostate issues. The urine frequency usually increases at night causing troubled sleep. There can be slight pain in the prostate region that may extend to the abdomen and thighs. Sabal is well indicated to manage complaints of difficulty in starting urine flow, interrupted urine stream and dribbling of urine in BPH cases. Another noteworthy complaint where Sabal Serrulata helps is erectile dysfunction related to prostate issues. Erectile dysfunction refers to the inability to get or maintain an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse. The genitals may feel cold and there may also be loss of sex drive. It can also be given for managing complaints of painful ejaculation. In some cases needing it, there can be atrophy (shrinkage and decrease in size) of testicles.

Sabal is a magnificent medicine for epididymitis management. Epididymitis refers to inflammation of epididymis which is a coiled tube at the back of the testicles that stores sperms and carries them from testicles to vas deferens.  This medicine is also considered in cases of sexual perversions.

Key indicating features

1. Prostate enlargement and prostatitis

2. Frequent urination, difficulty in starting urine, interrupted/ dribbling urine, from enlarged prostate

3. Erection issues related to prostate troubles

2. Urinary issues (frequent urine, urethral stricture, involuntary urination)

This medicine is very beneficial for various urinary problems. Firstly, it is recommended to manage frequent urination at night. Secondly, it is well indicated for cases of bladder inflammation (cystitis) when associated with enlarged prostate. It can also be given for treating cases of urethral stricture. At the beginning of urination, there may be pain with a sensation that urine is being forced to pass through a narrow opening. The urethra feels narrow and urine is passed with difficulty. It can be attended with burning sensation and smarting pain (sharp, stinging pain) in the urethra. Sabal Serrulata helps tremendously in cases of urinary incontinence (involuntary urine passage) that may happen from laughing or exertion. Lastly, it is indicated for bladder pain that may extend to the genitals and there is a feeling of the urinary bladder being full.

Key indicating features

1. Frequent urination at night

2. Cystitis (bladder inflammation) associated with enlarged prostate

3. Urethral stricture

4. Involuntary urination from laughing/exertion

3. Female problems (suppressed menses, ovary pain, loss of sex drive, underdeveloped breast)

Though predominantly used for prostate and urinary concerns, Sabal Serrulata’s role in treating certain women–related problems and breast size can not be overlooked. For females, this medicine is preferred to help cases of suppressed menses (amenorrhoea) and also for irregular periods. It is also effective in dealing with ovary pain which is mainly stinging in nature and may radiate down to the thighs from the ovaries. Tenderness (pain on touching) may be felt in the ovary region. This medicine can be given when there is a loss of sex drive and also in cases of sexual perversions.

This medicine is known to have a significant value in case of underdeveloped breasts where it works well to promote breast development. It is also indicated when one breast is smaller than the other, where Sabal helps towards the development of underdeveloped breast. Another characteristic feature to use it is sore, tender breast with sharp or stinging type of pain. Fullness in the breast may be felt.

Key indicating features

1. Ovary pain radiating down thighs

2. Loss of sex drive and sexual perversions

3. Underdeveloped breast

4. Sore, tender, breast with sharp, stinging pain

4. Head (headache)

Regarding its action on the head, Sabal mainly helps to manage headaches. It works well in cases of sharp, darting (sharp) pain in the head which comes suddenly and also disappears suddenly on its own. The location of pain also keeps changing. It can occur at the back, top or side of the head. Headache can be attended with vertigo. In some cases, dimness of vision is felt along with headache. Sometimes pain is felt specifically in the right temple of the head and top of the head. Lastly, Sabal Serrulata can be given for pain that begins from the nose, then ascends up and settles in the forehead.

Key indicating features

1. Sharp, darting pain in head that occur suddenly and goes away suddenly

2. Headache with vertigo and dimness of vision

5. Gastric system (stomach pain, gastritis, constipation, piles)

When it comes to gastric troubles, Sabal is indicated to settle complaints like stomach pain, gastritis, constipation and piles. There is a cramp-like pain in the abdomen which may radiate to the legs; burping and acidity are also there. Excessive desire for milk is marked. In gastritis, burning sensation is marked in stomach. It can be given for constipation with an enlarged prostate gland. This medicine is also useful for piles with dry stool.

Key indicating features

1. Cramp-like pain in the abdomen that may radiate to legs

2. Gastritis with excessive burning in stomach

3. Constipation in cases of enlarged prostate

6. Back (backache)

The action of this medicine is also seen on the back. Sabal Serrulata is a wonderful medicine to relieve lower back pain. When it occurs before and at beginning of menses, this remedy proves to be very effective. Backache felt after sexual activity can also be relieved with this medicine.

Key indicating features

1. Lower back pain before and at beginning of menses

2. Backache after sexual activity


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse in the early morning and at bedtime; in cold damp or cloudy weather and from sympathy

Relieving factors: Complaints are better after sleep


The use of this medicine is mainly suggested in mother tincture (Q) form. The recommended dose of Sabal Serrulata Q is 8 to 10 drops in half a cup of water. This can be taken two to three times as per the severity of the symptom.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Silicea

It can be compared with medicines Ferrum Picricum, Digitalis, Argentum Nitricum, Thuja and Solidago in prostatic issues

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  1. सैय्यद अली रिजवी says:

    नमस्कार, मुझे प्रोस्टेट प्रोबलेम है क्या ये दावा ले सकते हैं

  2. Excellent sir God bless you

  3. P yellam Raju says:

    Sir good evening my age is 72,iam suffering from bph problem and I have gone through TURP surgery in the year 2021 but problem was not rectified so can I use following four tincture daily 10 drops with water two times per day
    Paroira brava200, conium 200, ferrum pic 200,sabal serrulata200

    • BPH stems from a chronic miasm. Therefore, the remedies you have chosen will only give temporary relief until the next bout occurs. I would do a 30c of sabal (or conium depending on sxs) until acute illness is healed. Next, I would figure out what chronic remedy I need. A very good option would be either Thuja or Conium–most likely Thuja. BPH stems from a sycotic miasm of which Thuja is one of the top players.

  4. Abhishek Nouriya says:

    Sir 5 saal ka ladka hai usko pisaab problem ho rahi hai usko pisaab nahi aata patli dhar aur bahut jor lagana padta hai doctor ko dikha diy lekin sono grophy me kuch nahi aata aur bhi test kiy pisab ka test khun test lekin sab normal hai pisaab aata hai use bahut takat lagana padta aur dard bhi bahut hota hai use doctor opresion bhi kar diy uska jo upar ki khal rehta usko kaat diy par phir bhi samsya ok nahi hui sir please mera help karo kuch upay bataiye sir ji

  5. Sperm count badhane ke liye kya me ise kha skta hu
    Meri age 19saal h Or mera sperm pani bn gya h

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