Phosphoric Acid is a very important medicine in homeopathy to treat multiple health-related issues. This medicine is prepared through the process of potentization which stirs up medicinal properties of a crude substance. Its first solution is prepared from glacial phosphoric acid and after that further potencies are prepared.
The ‘Phosphoric Acid’ Constitution
It is firstly recommended to people who have been weakened after suffering from some acute attack due to a disease, sexual excesses or owing to long-term mental trauma. It suits children and young people with tendency to grow tall rapidly and thus suffer from backaches or pain in the limbs.
Drug Action
This medicine has a marked action on mind, hair, urinary organs, male genitals, gastric system, eyes and back. It is well indicated to manage complaints that are attended with marked weakness.
Clinical Indications
Brain fog, homesickness, hair fall, premature graying of hair, frequent urination, bedwetting, weak erections, premature ejaculation, nightfall, weakness, eye pain, stomach pain, diarrhea, back pain, neck pain, bone pains, typhoid fever.
Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy
1. Mind (Brain Fog, Depression, Homesickness)
It is a brilliant medicine to manage various concerns related to mind. The first and most important complaint where it works wonders is brain fog — a term basically used to describe confusion of mind, memory problems and difficulty to focus and concentrate. Those needing it feel that the mind is working slowly and there is difficulty to focus, concentrate and in comprehending things. They have problems in collecting thoughts and finding the right words. Additionally, weakness of mind is followed by physical weakness. Another complaint for which this medicine is indicated is homesickness. It means a feeling of stress, anxiety when away from home. It can be also given in cases of depression — a person feels indifferent to everything. There is also loss of interest in things which one was fond of once. One has a desire to be alone. One does not wish to speak to anyone. This medicine also helps in complaints arising as a result of mental shock, and grief.
Key Indicating Features
Brain fog
Depression with marked indifference to everything
Weakness of mind followed by physical weakness
2. For Hair Complaints (Hair Fall, Premature Graying Of Hair)
Phosphoric Acid is a wonderful medicine for managing hair complaints. Firstly, it is very helpful in managing hair thinning and hairfall. More specifically it is very suitable in cases of hair loss that happens after grief. Those with hair loss lose hair from the scalp, and specifically among males, hair loss is noted from the beard too. Hair loss after fever also indicates the use of this medicine. Its action in managing complaint of premature graying of hair is also remarkable.
Key Indicating Features
Hair thinning, hair fall, especially after grief and fever
Hair fall from scalp or beard
Premature graying of hair
3. Urinary Problems (Frequent Urine, Urgent Urination, Diabetes, Bedwetting, Involuntary Urination)
This medicine acts well on urinary system and helps in treating frequent urination, urgent urination, involuntary urination, bedwetting. In such cases frequent urination occurs mostly during the night and a patient has to wake up several times to pass urine. Profuse quantity of urine is passed. It also works well among diabetics, especially, if there is copious urination, constant urge to pass it, accompanied with weakness, and weight loss. There may also occur sudden, irresistible urge to urinate. Phosphoric Acid helps when involuntary urination occurs while sneezing, and coughing. At times, it may happen while passing stool. In such cases, it strengthens the bladder muscles to provide relief. In cases of bedwetting, it benefits if bedwetting occurs during first part of the sleep. Urine passing is again quite copious. It also covers complaint of phosphaturia (passing excess phosphates in urine).
Key Indicating Features
Frequent urination at night
Diabetes with frequent urine, constant urge to pass urine, weakness and weight loss
Involuntary urination during sneezing, coughing, motion
Bedwetting in first part of sleep
4. Male (Weak Erections, Premature Ejaculation, Nightfall)
It has a major action on male genitals. Phosphoric Acid can be given to males with weak erections and reduced desire for sex. It can also be used to manage premature ejaculation complaints where semen discharges shortly after an erection. It works well in cases of involuntary seminal emissions at night (nightfall). It may happen multiple times at night and is accompanied by dreams pertaining to sex. It may also occur while passing urine or stool. Excessive weakness is usually felt along with involuntary seminal emissions. It can be also given for impotency in males with a history of too much indulgence in sexual activity or masturbation in the past. Its use is also suggested to manage erection problems in males with diabetes. Besides this, it is well indicated to manage eczema of scrotum, warts on prepuce, swollen tender testicle with pain on touch.
Key Indicating Features
Weak erections and premature ejaculation
Weak erections in diabetics
Involuntary seminal emissions during sleep, urine or stool
5. For General Weakness
It is one of the best homeopathic medicines for managing complaints of weakness which could be present on both mental and physical planes. It may arise owing to various causes for example from flu, fever, a long-term health illness, acute health problems associated with grief, from profuse urination, excessive involuntary seminal emissions in males. It is also a very important medicine in managing chronic fatigue syndrome. Weight loss, accompanied by weakness, is an apt scenario for the use of this medicine. The face looks sunken along with dark circles around the eyes.
Key Indicating Features
Weakness after flu, acute/long-term health problems
Weakness, tiredness due to a grief
Weakness from profuse urination
Weakness from involuntary seminal discharges in male
6. Head (Headache) & Vertigo
This medicine is capable to treat headache occurring due to multiple reasons. It is helpful in treating headache due to strain in the eye. It is also useful in cases of headache which arise following sexual activity. Another indicating symptom is headache associated with grief. Headache mostly progresses from the back of the head slowly towards the forehead. In some cases, there is pain in forehead and temples or sides of the head, especially in the morning. There may occur temporal headache (pain on the sides of the head) as if crushed . Dull headache with tingling sensation in head may occur at times. Headache may compel a person to lie down. There can be worsening of headache from noise or from shaking the head. This medicine can be given for vertigo that occurs especially while standing or walking.
Key Indicating Features
Headache from eye strain
Headache associated with grief
Headache after sex
Vertigo while standing or walking
7. Eyes (Eye Pain, Sensitivity To Light, Inflamed Eyelids And Its Margins, Blue Rings Around Eyes)
With its action on eyes, Phosphoric Acid can settle many concerns including eye pain, photophobia (sensitivity to light), inflammation of eyelids and its margins, blue rings around eyes. Among these, eye pain is pressive and accompanied by sensation as if eyeballs are too large. As regards photophobia, a patient experiences sensitivity to light, especially, to sunlight. It is accompanied by watery eyes. In case of inflamed eyelids and its margins, burning pain in the eyelids is marked, there is redness, swelling, itching and burning on margins of eyelids. Pus on eyelashes may be there and falling out of lashes can occur. Lastly, it is beneficial in case of amblyopia also known as lazy eye in which there is reduced vision in one eye.
Key Indicating Features
Pressive eye pain with sensation as if eyeballs are very large
Blue rings around eyes
Inflamed eyelids and red, swollen, itchy eyelid margins with burning sensation
8. Abdomen Complaints (Stomach Pain, Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea, Spleenomegaly)
Phosphoric Acid has a wonderful action on different body systems that includes gastric system . The gastric complaints addressed by this medicine include stomach pain, pain in navel area, dyspepsia, and diarrhea. It manages pressive pain in stomach very well. It worsens after eating and also when the stomach is touched. It also manages well the pain in the navel area accompanied by rumbling and gurgling. Further, it helps in cases of dyspepsia with acidic belching after eating and cramping in stomach. One may feel drowsy and sleepy after eating. In cases of diarrhea, it is administered if the stool is watery, painless with excessive gas. Stool may escape involuntarily while passing gas. Gastric issues that occur from having sour food and drinks can be well managed with this remedy. Not to forget its action in treating splenomegaly (enlarged spleen) cases.
Key Indicating Features
Stomach pain from eating or touching stomach
Navel pain with rumbling and gurgling
Diarrhea with painless watery stool with gas
9. Back (Back Pain, Neck Pain, Burning And Formication In Spine)
This medicine helps relieve back pain. Those who require it feel severe pain in the back and also an unaccompanied burning sensation, and also formication (sensation of insects crawling under the skin) on the back. It is an important medicine to manage cases of cervical spondylitis (condition arising from degenerative changes in cervical spine). There is cramping, drawing and tensed feeling in neck mainly on head movement. Lastly, its use is indicated in cases of stitching pain in tail bone (coccyx).
Key Indicating Features
Back pain along with burning and formication in spine
Cervical spondylitis
Stitching pain in tail bone
10. Limbs (Bone Pains, Formication)
It can be administered in case of bone pains in limbs that get usually worse during night hours. Tearing pain in bones is felt. There is a sensation as if bones are scraped. This medicine also gives good results in cases of formication in limbs. Besides these, it works well in cases where limb weakness is distinctly present. Patients tend to stumble easily and miss their steps.
Key Indicating Features
Limb pain at night
Formication in limbs
Weakness of limbs
11. Fever (Low Grade Fever, Typhoid Fever)
It is a highly recommended medicine to manage cases of low grade fever, and typhoid. There is an occurrence of excessive sweating with fever during night and early morning. In cases of typhoid, it is administered if a person shows indifferent behaviour, excessive talkativeness along with fever. It is also administered when there is marked dullness or insensibility and the person takes no notice of surroundings and lies like a log. Excessive weakness is prominent visible.
Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from exertion and sexual excesses and in such cases, the medicine is recommended.
Relieving factors: Complaints get better by keeping warm.
This medicine works well in both low and high potency. If taken in low potency it can be repeated frequently. But in high potency frequent repetition should be avoided.
Relationship with Other Remedies
Antidoted by: Camphor, Coffea Cruda and Staphisagria
Followed well by Arsenic Album, Belladonna, Causticum, Fluoric Acid, Lycopodium, Nux Vomica, Selenium and Sulphur.
Are Phosphoric ac and phosphorus the same remedy?
डाक्टर साहब नमस्ते,
क्या फ्लोरिक एसिड 30 ch और साइलीशिया 30x tablet एक साथ ली जा सकती हैं ? कृपया ज़रूर बताएं। आपकी कृपा होगी। मुझे हिप एवीएन है।
फास्फोरिक एसिड धातु रोग में फायदा करेगा न
इसका डोज बताये
Dhatu Rog ka medicine bataye
Revered Dr Sharma
I have been suffering from erectile dysfunction, timing,libido and premature ejaculation since long.
I am now going to use Phosphoric Acid to treat the mentioned issues as prescribed by the Doctor.
I therefore request you to kindly suggest me in this regard that whether the use of this homoeopathic medicine will be beneficial for the same problems .
I have all these symptoms mentioned above…even i have acid phos Q=1x and i have noticed some digestion problem and acidity in stomach… i need your suggestions please
What are the dosages recommended for the above indications?
Hallo doctor, My name is Shadab and age is 60 years, suffering from eye thyroid and taking medicine and steroids since 6 months , till today 3.7 mg steroids injection is used to treat big eye balls and inflammation of eye tissues but still problem is not fully cured , facing depressive problems too since one year, no interest in any work, trying to avoid to face people and relatives
Hi Dr Sharma
I have very low Cortisol levels and low blood pressure, I also have ME CFS, had a lot of stress in my life Iand I find it extremely hard to sleep,’m 71 nearly. Would Phosoric Acid help me please do you think? Thanking you, Lynn