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Paeonia Officinalis: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Paeonia Officinalis is derived from a plant commonly known as ‘peony’. It belongs to family Ranunculaceae. To obtain homeopathic medicine Paeonia, fresh root of this plant particularly dug in spring undergoes potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that extracts and intensifies medicinal properties from a crude substance). This homeopathic medicine has great clinical importance to treat numerous anorectal conditions among which it is extensively used for treating piles, anal fissures and anal fistula cases.

The ‘Paeonia Officinalis’ Constitution

Paeonia is the most suitable medicine for those suffering from anorectal complaints. It suits those prone to ulcers, especially, on the lower body parts like legs, foot, rectum, and additionally skin ulcers.

Drug Action

This medicine shows works wonderfully on the rectum, and related complaints — mainly piles, fissures and fistula. Other than this, it acts well in cases pertaining to skin, limbs, eyes, and throat. Lastly, it helps manage certain sleep-related problems.

Clinical Indications

Anal disorders, piles, anal fissures, anal abscess, anal fistula, ulcers, varicose veins, nightmares.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1.Rectum Complaints (Piles, Anal Fissures, Anal Abscess, Anal Fistula, Ulcers)

To pick the prime area of action of this medicine, it would undoubtedly be the rectum. It settles various concerns pertaining to the rectum. It is the best remedy to treat piles. Piles are swollen, enlarged, inflamed veins in the anus and the lower rectum. It is most beneficial when there are large piles or piles that ulcerate. Those who need it for piles-related issues, complain of intense intolerable rectal pain during and after the stool. They have swelling around the anal area. Next, there is itching, burning and a biting sensation felt around the anal along with above-mentioned symptoms. Constipation too is present.

Secondly, it is of great value for anal fissures treatment. Anal fissures refer to crack or tear in the tissue that lines the anus. Here the characteristic feature to use it are anal fissures that ooze a foul discharge. The discharge causes a constant wet feeling in the anus area. There is also intense pain during and after stool. An accompanying factor is that the anus becomes sore. The sufferer may feel a smarting pain in the region. It is also highly recommended to treat anal abscess and anal fistula cases. Anal abscess is a lump that is filled with pus near the anus. Anal fistula refers to an abnormal passage or a tunnel that forms between the anal canal and the skin near the anus. Furthermore, it proves to be highly effective in cases of ulcers that form in the rectum, anus and perineum (area between anus and genitals). Ulcers are very painful, sensitive and ooze fluid in cases that require this medicine. The ulcers around the anus and perineum are covered with thick crust of purple colour. Last indication for using it is diarrhoea (loose stool) with thin, and frequent stool, and there is burning sensation in the anus after passing the stool. It may be accompanied by a chilly feeling. Abdominal colic (pain) may be experienced along with loose stool.

Key Indicating Features

Piles that are large, ulcerated with intense, excruciating, intolerable rectal pain during and after stool

Anal fissure with oozing of foul-smelling discharge, and pain during and after stool

Anal abscess, and anal fistula

Ulcers in rectum, anus, perineum with pain and oozing of offensive fluid

2. Skin (Ulcers, Itching)

Paeonia acts well on skin to treat ulcers, varicose veins and itching. It is an important medicine to deal with cases of skin ulcers. It works well when the ulcers form mainly on the lower body parts like legs, feet and toes. It is one of the best suited medicines when ulcers occur due to pressure. For example, bedsores also named as pressure sores that may develop in a person who spend a long time in the same position that puts prolonged pressure on a particular body part. Another example is shoe bite. It is a leading medicine for healing ulcers that form due to repeated pressure and rubbing of feet against an ill-fitted shoe. It is highly recommended to treat ulcers on perineum when it tends to ooze an offensive fluid. Next ulcers forming around the sacrum (bottom part of back) also heal well with this medicine. One can also use this medicine in varicose veins (swollen, enlarged, twisted, engorged veins due to back flow of blood in veins due to defective valves in veins). Lastly, it is helpful in managing itching on the calve area (back portion of the lower leg) if it gets better from rubbing. Itching on the head, limbs, and the chest with burning, and biting sensation is another important indication pointing towards its use.

Key Indicating Features

Ulcers on the lower body parts like legs, feet, toes, around sacrum


Shoe bite

Ulcers on perineum that ooze an offensive fluid

3. Limbs (Pain, Ulcers, Corns)

It acts well on the skin and can effectively deal with pain, weakness of legs, ulcers, and painful corns. It can be administered to manage pain in the knees (mainly on the right side), toes, fingers, wrist, upper arm and the ankles. The pain is usually crampy in nature. If the pain is in the fingers one feels shooting pain. In case of pain in the upper arm, it is administered mostly when the pain is felt on the right-side and radiates to the elbow.

In case of pain in the toe, the pain is sticking in nature along with swelling and contracted feeling. In the wrist, the pain is mostly felt on the left side and the pain is sticking, and griping in nature. Ankle pain is weary in nature that is felt mainly while sitting. Paeonia can be used to manage weakness in legs that hinders walking. It also helps treat ulcers on the legs and the toes. This medicine is of great use when ulcers form on the right leg with intense shooting pain. It is specifically indicated for ulcers on the big toe on the left side. Besides these, it gives good results in cases of painful corns (corns are thick, hard skin area forming mainly on feet due to excessive friction and pressure).

Key Indicating Features

Cramping knee pain on the right side

Right-side upper arm pain radiating to the elbow

Ulcers on the right leg, and left toe

Painful corns

4. Eyes (Dryness, Itching, Burning, Conjunctivitis)

By acting on the eyes, Paeonia can settle complaints including dryness, itching, burning and conjunctivitis. Its use is suggested to relieve dryness of the eyes and eyelids wonderfully. Smarting sensation in the eyes can attend with difficulty in opening the eyes. One may find great relief in itching and burning of eyes too with this remedy. It can manage conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva which is the membrane lining the eyeball and eyelid) cases when there is excessive eye watering.

Key Indicating Features

Dryness of eyes and eyelids

Itching and burning in the eyes

Conjunctivitis with profuse eye watering

5. Throat (Burning, Sticky Mucus)

Paeonia acts on the throat where it manages heated and burning sensation in throat. There can be scraping sensation in the throat as well that causes coughing and hawking. Swallowing is difficult too. It can offer relief in sticky mucus in the throat leading to hawking.

Key Indicating Features

Heat and burning in throat

Sticky mucus in throat resulting in hawking

6. Sleep Issues (Nightmares, Unrefreshing Sleep)

One may find this medicine quite helpful for certain sleep issues. Major among these is nightmares. Persons needing it have frightful dreams and may dream of ghosts, death of relatives, etc. It is of great service to a person who has had an unrefreshing sleep disturbed by multiple dreams. It can also give good results in case of restless sleep.

Key Indicating Features

Nightmares, frightful dreams, dreams of ghosts and dreams of death of relatives

Disturbed sleep from multiple dreams


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse during stool, from touch, pressure and movement


Its use is recommended in both low and high potencies. If using it in low potency, then repetition can be done frequently. But in higher potencies frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Aloe Socotrina and Ratanhia

It can be compared with some other homeopathic remedies that includes Hamamelis, Silicea and Aesculus


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  1. MUHAMMAD WASI says:

    Piles bwaseer badi hay 6 month say aur meri legs ki vens b varicose bal hen pain rehta hay weaknesses bohat zyada hay 2 child hen 10 yearsold son hay
    Dosages btayega kitnay drops kitnay time Lena hay

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