The remedy Magnesia Phosphorica is derived from magnesium phosphate which is inert in its crude state. When it goes through potentization process (process of preparing homeopathic medicines through which medicinal properties of a crude substance are aroused), it gets converted into homeopathic medicine Magnesia Phosphorica of great use. It is one among the 12 biochemic medicines in homeopathy called Schuessler’s twelve tissue remedies. It is the most hepful in managing stomach cramps, menstrual cramps, muscle pain, nerve pain and sciatica.
The ‘Magnesia Phosphorica’ Constitution
This medicine suits persons who feel tired and exhausted. It is best suited to young people and also to babies during teething.
Drug Action
Magnesia Phosphorica has its most remarkable action on the gastric system, female genitals, limbs, muscles and nerves. It acts well on the neck, back, eyes, face, and teeth.
Clinical Indications
Abdomen, pain, stomach cramps, colic, painful menses, sciatica, neuralgia (nerve pains), facial neuralgia, cramps, writer’s cramp, headache, Parkinson’s disease, toothache, vaginismus
Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy
1. Gastric Issues (Abdomen Pain, Stomach Cramps, Diarrhea)
Magnesia Phosphorica has wide action on the gastric system to manage various gastric problems. To begin with, it is a magnificent medicine to help cases of abdomen pain, stomach cramps and colic. The pain may get better by applying warm applications, bending double (upper body bent forward and downward) and applying pressure. Magnesia Phos is very beneficial for flatulent colic (pain caused by accumulation of gas in the abdomen) which causes fullness and bloating in the abdomen. It is also well indicated to relieve abdomen pain caused due to gas in babies. Other than this, it is also useful in treating cutting/ cramping/ shooting pain in the stomach. There may be relief from burping. A person may also feel nausea and vomiting. Magnesia Phos can be used when pain is felt around the navel that radiates to the back. This medicine can also be given for treating cases of diarrhea (loose stool). Its use is preferred when loose stool is attended with vomiting and cramping pain in the calf muscles in the back of the lower leg.
Key indicating features
Abdomen pain better from bending double, pressure and warmth
Pain in abdomen from gas accumulation
2. For Pain Management
Magnesia Phos is a top-listed medicine to manage pain of different types. Firstly, it is a marvellous medicine for relief in muscle pain and nerve pain (neuralgia). The nature of pain to use it can be shooting/ cutting/ sharp/ stitching/cramping type. Pain can be wandering that changes its location rapidly from one place to another. Pain gets worse at night and better after taking rest. The nerve pain gets better by applying heat. Most of the time, pain is located on the right side of the body. Magnesia Phosphorica is very effective in managing abdomen pain that gets better by bending double, applying pressure and warmth. Pain during periods and menstrual cramps can be managed wonderfully. One feels relieved by bending double and hot applications.
Key indicating features
Pain in muscles and nerves, worse at night, better from rest
Abdomen pain relieved by bending double, pressure and warmth
Painful periods when pain gets better by bending double and warm applications
3. Female Problems (Painful Periods, Ovary Pain, Vaginismus)
This medicine proves very effective in getting rid of many female problems. It is one of the best medicines for painful periods. Magnesia Phos manages menstrual cramps well and females requiring it may feel better by bending double and from hot applications. They may also have early menses with dark stringy blood flow. Magnesia Phos is a prominent medicine to deal with ovarian pain which is shooting/darting in nature. It is worse on the right side. Use of this medicine is also considered to treat vaginismus which is involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles when something is trying to enter it.
Key indicating features
Menstrual cramps better from bending double and warmth
Ovarian pain of shooting, darting type
4. Limbs (Sciatica, Cramps, Joint Pain, Parkinson’s Disease)
It is an important medicine to manage numerous complaints related to limbs. Firstly, it is highly recommended to manage sciatica. Pain along sciatic nerve that begins in lower back and radiates down the hip, down the back of thighs and legs up to feet is called sciatica. Magnesia Phos works well in right-sided sciatica where feet are very tender (pain on touching). Secondly, it is a top-listed medicine to manage cramps. It gives good results in cases of cramps in legs and feet which occur mainly at night while in bed. Its use is also suggested for cramps that follow after any kind of exertion. Another main indication for its use is writer’s cramp (a disorder characterized by involuntary contraction of muscles of hands and fingers while writing). This medicine can be used to treat joint pain as well which is very severe. Lastly, Magnesia Phos gives good results in cases of Parkinson’s Disease with involuntary shaking of hands. Parkinson’s disease is a disorder of the nervous system that starts with shaking of one hand at rest followed by other symptoms like slowing down of movements, rigid muscles, impaired posture, balance issues and changes in speech.
Key indicating features
Right-sided sciatica
Cramps in limbs after exertion and at night
Writer’s cramp
5. Eyes (Twitchings, Ptosis, Squint, Nystagmus, Supraorbital Pain)
Magnesia Phos can manage eyelid twitching (repetitive involuntary contraction of muscles) medically known as blepharospasm. It is also useful for supraorbital pain (felt above the eyebrow) on the right side which gets relieved by warmth. Its use is next considered in cases of ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid). It can be used in cases of squint (strabismus) also. Another indication to use Magnesia Phosphorica is nystagmus which means involuntary, repetitive eye movement.
Key indicating features
Eyelid twitching
Pain above right eyebrow better from warm applications
Ptosis (drooping of upper eyelid)
6. Face (Pain, Neuralgia, Twitching)
Magnesia Phos proves very effective in treating cases of facial neuralgia (nerve pain) of right side. There is shooting/ cramping/darting pain on the right side of the face . It gets worse on opening the mouth and by washing face with cold water. Magnesia Phos can be of great benefit for treating trigeminal neuralgia when even the slightest touch causes pain. Trigeminal neuralgia refers to severe electric shock-like pain in the face due to pressure on the trigeminal nerve or its damage/injury. Another characteristic feature to use Magnesia Phos is twitching (involuntary muscle contraction) of the facial muscles.
Key indicating features
Right-sided facial pain of cramping/darting/shooting type
Trigeminal neuralgia worse from slightest touch
Twitching of facial muscles
7. Teeth (toothache)
If we talk of teeth complaints, Magnesia Phos is well indicated to manage toothache. It is used when toothache is better from warmth and drinking hot liquids. It is worse from eating cold food or drinking cold drinks. The teeth are sensitive to touch. If toothache is arising from decay of teeth, this medicine can prove very beneficial. Pain in the tooth that has undergone a recent filling can also be well managed with this remedy.
Key indicating features
Toothache worse from cold food and cold drinks, better from warmth and drinking hot liquids
Toothache in decayed teeth
8. Neck And Back (Pain)
Lastly, it acts well on neck and back. It gives good relief in cases of pain and stiffness of neck. The pain in neck is sharp, shooting type where it is indicated. The neck is also sore and painful on touch. Next, Magnesia Phos is beneficial in managing sore pain in the lower back. Cramps in the back may be present in cases needing it.
Key indicating features
Sharp, shooting pain in neck with stiffness
Sore pain or cramps in lower back
Worsening factors: Complaints are worse at night, on right side, from cold air, from uncovering and exhaustion
Relieving factors: Complaints are better by bending double, from pressure, from warmth and from rubbing
This medicine can be used from low to high potencies. Among these, the most frequently used potency is 6X potency which can be taken three to four times a day depending on the severity of the problem. It works best when taken by dissolving tablets in hot water.
Relationship with Other Remedies
Antidoted by: Belladonna, Gelsemium and Lachesis
It can be compared with other homeopathic medicines including Colocynth, Dioscorea, Chamomilla, Silicea and Zincum Met.
I lost my sense of taste and smell after I got sick with a very bad cold and respiratory. It’s been 6 weeks and it feels like it wants to come back I can taste pickles and salsa but I can’t really smell anything. I was told that this magnesia phosphorica can bring your smell back.
Gall bladder stone 2 to 5 mm
Cyst in uterus
Ke liye homeopathy elaz bataeye pls
For L-4, L-5, S-1, Slip Disc with sciatica
Gets Relief with hot pads and pressing the area.
Giving Arnica 1m, Thus Tox 200, Causticum 200 for about 4 days.
Will Mag. Phos 200 or 1m will be helpful in controlling pain?
Right side scitica pain relive by pressure and heat can I use mag phos 1 m
I undergone angiography . One block 65 , mag phos 1m safe.kindly help which medicine will accurate.
मुझे स्वपन दोष है 5 सालों से कमजोरी भी है उम्र 38 साल है डिप्रेशन भी रहता है
hi Doctor, My wife, aged 65 has been suffering from sciatica pain in her right leg for almost 8-10 years now. We tried physiotherapy treatment, recently ayurvedic treatment (hospitalised for 2 weeks and continuing home treatment for 3 months)as well but there is no relief from the pain. She is taking Sciatilon Gel Ayurvedic capsules, 3 times a day. Taking oil ,hot water bath daily .Kashayam etc. But no relief. She has high BP also , but under control. Taking Azelrin , and Lozar H tablets.
Could you recommend any treatment for her. She is having severe muscular swelling on her right calf and knees also. This occurs whenever she strains in doing house work.
Hello mam. Since 3-4 months, I am having gastric problem more frequently. I got married in November 2023, and food habits have changed. I usually encounter acidity if lot of fried food or coffee is taken on frequent basis. But since marriage, after every 3-4 days, I get gas.
Dear Dr. Sharma,
I hope your new year is going well.
I’m writing you because I need a remedy for chronic bloating I’ve had for years now.
I’m skinny everywhere except the stomach…..very embarrassing.
I’ve tried a lot of things over the years.
Thank you.
Very beneficial
Kitne time Tak chalega dava
Good everning,
What is the prescribed/recommended daily dosage for diabetic neuropathy?
Thank you. Lisa
Please advise dose for right side sciatica – how many globules and how many times a day?
Pain is on the right side begins in lower back and radiates down the hip, down the back of thighs and legs up to feet. It’s worse in the morning.