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Ignatia Amara – Homeopathic Medicine; Its Use, Indications and Dosage

Ignatia is commonly known by the name St. Ignatius. It is a plant that belongs to the family Loganiaceae. The seeds of the plant are used to extract the homeopathic medicine. This plant is native to the East Indies, China, and the Philippine Islands. It is one of the best natural antidepressants and has no side effects.
As a remedy, it is primarily used for emotional disturbances, depression, effects of grief, and mental shock (as from loss of near and dear ones).      Ignatia


The remedy is prepared from the finely powdered dry seeds of St. Ignatius Bean. For preparing this medicine, the seeds of the St. Ignatius are powdered and soaked in alcohol. This mixture is strained and diluted to make it non-toxic. It then undergoes a process called succussion to make potencies, a type of oscillatory process that helps obtain the desired potency of the medicine.

The ‘Ignatia’ Constitution

It is frequently required by and is especially suited to sensitive, delicate women and children. It may not work for aggressive people, but it can cure gentle, sensitive, fine fibred, refined, overwrought women and their nervous complaints.
It is suited to those with a sensitive, excitable, nervous temperament, especially women with an easily excited nature but a mild disposition. They are quick to perceive things and execute commands rapidly. They are often idealistic and overworked and may appear as nervous, apprehensive, alert, rigid, trembling patients who suffer acutely in mind or body. Physically, they usually have dark hair and skin.

Clinical Indications

Depression, grief, sadness, weeping spells, fright effects, mood swings, worries /stress, mental shocks, mood swings, insomnia, headache, cough, premenstrual syndrome, postpartum depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, tonsillitis, a sensation of having a lump in the throat, twitchings, tremors, amenorrhea, piles, convulsions, worms.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

1. Conditions of the Mind

This medicine carries a wide scope to treat many complaints related to the mind. It works very well to treat depression and runs no risk of causing dependency. The chief action of this remedy revolves around mental symptoms and ‘loss.‘ It works very well in cases of depression along with sadness caused by a recent event. The person needing this medicine shows a desire for loneliness and may have weeping spells.
Often called the ‘Natural Prozac,’ its effectiveness in treating depression associated with suppressed grief has been proven through clinical practice. The medicine is known to help remove subconscious imprints of grief from the mind. Its use for treatment is indicated in cases of clinical depression where grief is more apparent than rage.
It is symptoms like these that point towards the effectiveness with which this remedy can be used to treat depression. There are no violent fits of rage or overly reactive behavior involved; it works best for people who are unable to express themselves and turn their grief inwards. Overthinkers and emotionally sensitive people who brood silently on their own are the ones who need this medicine. A ‘paradoxical mental state’ is often indicative of this medicine, where the affected person displays rapid mood swings – moving from happiness to melancholy in a short span of time. The emotional disposition of the affected person is of primary importance.

On the surface, the person may seem normal; in fact, it is not uncommon for people with depression to carry on with their daily routines and responsibilities with no signs of a problem. But this disorder works under the veneer of everyday living and manifests in the form of low energy levels, lack of interest in hobbies and things that used to be pleasurable, persistent mood swings, unexplained weight loss or weight gain, changed sleeping patterns and a general feeling of unhappiness. Behavioral changes due to depression are also common – the person may not feel like going out, be unable to complete work and handle responsibilities, withdraw from friends and family, rely on sedatives or alcohol and lack the motivation to pursue pleasurable activities.
Apart from depression, it also helps in cases of anxieties, obsessive-compulsive disorders, bipolar disorder, premenstrual syndrome, and postpartum depression.
Stress, worries, and frustrations of daily routine can be easily dealt with this remedy. It offers help to people who are easily disturbed by the little things occurring in the day to day lives. Such a state is noted in highly sensitive and emotional people, where it helps provide mental stability and stamina to cope with stress.

The effects of emotional shocks; grief like from loss of loved ones, disappointments in life, disappointed love, sorrows, fright is treated wonderfully with this medicine. It also works well in cases of mood swings. Here the person has a sudden change of mood from sorrow to happiness and from weeping to laughing. In addition to the above, excessive mental and physical prostration is present. The memory also tends to become weak, along with marked forgetfulness. Another use of this remedy is in cases of anxiety. The person tends to feel anxious as if something bad, terrible has happened or some misfortune is about to happen.

2. Sleep Issues

This remedy remains highly beneficial for sleeplessness that arises from depression, grief, worries, care, sadness, and anxious thoughts. It also works well when the sleep is very light, not sound or when it is restless. The person tosses and frequently changes position in bed. Another feature is disturbed sleep from frequent dreams. Its use is also made in cases of sleepwalking (somnambulism).
It is also considered in children who wake up from sleep, crying and trembling. Disturbed sleep by a nightmare is another characteristic symptom.

3. Headache

Headache in persons of highly nervous and sensitive temperaments and arising from grief, anxiety, mental work are treated well with this remedy. Headaches following anger also call for the use of this medicine. The headache is congestive pressing or tearing in nature. A peculiar sensation of the nail sticking into the side of the head or temple region is often present. Apart from this, it is used for headaches that arise from the abuse of smoking, inhaling or smelling tobacco, alcohol, and coffee. Periodical headaches (weekly, fortnightly or monthly) also point towards its use. A person needing this medicine may feel that the headaches get better by warmth, rest, or while eating.

4. Cough

A cough of that is dry, hacking, and spasmodic nature is indicative of the use of this medicine. The cough is constant and there is severe irritation in the larynx and trachea. There is a sensation of dust in the throat – pit. The peculiar symptom is that more a person coughs, the desire to cough and irritation in the airways increases accordingly. This cough may also be intense and violent and can make a person sweat excessively and feel exhausted. Warm drinks tend to worsen the cough.

5. Throat Related Complaints

The key feature where it helps is the sensation of a ‘lump’ in the throat that a person is unable to swallow (globus hystericus). Another complaint is a sore throat with sharp pain. The pain may extend to the ear. Eating solid stuff relieves throat pain. A constrictive sensation in the middle of the throat is a chief accompanying symptom. This remedy is also thought of in cases of tonsillitis, white spots on tonsils, ulcers on tonsils, as well as follicular tonsillitis.

6. Nervous system

The complaints of the nervous system include twitches, spasms, tremors, and convulsions. Trembling and jerking in the limbs is present. Twitching of muscles of the face, lips, eyelids is prominent. Convulsions from grief or fright in adults, and in children during dentition are treated well. The chief features noted during these convulsions include a cold and pale body, a fixed staring look, stiffness, backward bending, clenched thumbs, and distorted facial muscles.

7. GIT (Gastrointestinal Complaints)

It is a highly beneficial remedy to correct gastric ailments caused by worries, grief, and depression. Cases of irritable bowel syndrome that are linked with depression and grief recover wonderfully with this medicine. The chief features are cramps in the abdomen, an empty sensation in the stomach and flatulent colic. It helps regulate bowel movements.

8. Colic

As a remedy, it is also used to treat colic that gets worse with the consumption of coffee or sweets. The abdomen gets distended, causing difficulty in breathing. The person may feel as if the abdomen would burst. Nausea, vomiting of bile and mucus and constipation is usually present. There appears a constant, ineffectual urging to pass stool, and the anus tends to constrict. Constriction of the anus after passing stool arises.

9. Diarrhea

It is used to treat certain cases of diarrhea with specific symptoms, like diarrhea that develops as a result of emotional stress like grief. In some cases, painless diarrhea may be present.  Alternating diarrhea and constipation may be present in a few cases.

10. Piles

It is also used to treat piles, especially in cases where the rectum prolapses from moderate straining at stool. Piles with sharp pain during a cough is another peculiar symptom. Prolapsed piles after every stool along with an itching and stitching pain in the rectum are also treated with this remedy. Pain in the rectum is seen to worsen by standing and walking, and relieved from sitting.
Worms including threadworms and ascarides, which cause itching in the anus, are also treated with it.

11. For Female Ailments

It helps in correcting the menstrual irregularities that arise primarily from grief. Here, this remedy treats both suppressed periods or excessive menstrual bleeding resulting from grief. It also helps in treating PMS (premenstrual syndrome) very effectively.
The symptoms like irritability, mood swings of PMS are well-managed with tis remedy. It also successfully treats cases of postpartum depression. Another indication is leucorrhea (vaginal discharges) that is corrosive, and purulent in nature. Bearing down pains may be present with the leucorrhea. Dyspareunia (painful intercourse ) or a sore pain in the vagina during intercourse is also treated with Ignatia. Another indication for females is miscarriage that arises from grief, or fright.

Keynote Indications

1. It is used to treat depression in people who showcase classic symptoms like sadness, sighing, sobbing, weeping, loneliness and brooding.

2. Ailments following sudden shocks like fears, disappointed love affections, and sudden bad news point towards its use.

3. Cares, worries, tensions, stress, frustrations of daily life activities can be dealt with it.

4. Grief struck individuals definitely need this medicine to recover from the effects of grief, like from the loss or death of someone dear.

5. Sadness, melancholia, weeping and preferring loneliness.

6. Tendency to weep along with sobbing and sighing.

7. Worries/stress in day to day occurrences of life.

8. Ailments from mental shocks like sudden bad news, or fear.

9. Sudden mood swings from happiness to sadness, for example, laughter followed by weeping.

10. Sleeplessness from grief, sadness, and worrying excessively.

11. Amenorrhea, or the suppression of menses due to grief.

12. Headaches as a result of grief, or excessive consumption of alcohol, coffee, and tobacco smoking.

13. Prolapsed piles with every stool needing manual replacement, sharp pain or itching rectum accompanies.


This Remedy can be used in 30C potency frequently. But while using high potencies 200 and 1 M, frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Nat Mur is complementary homeopathic medicine.

Nux Vomica and Coffea Cruda are incompatible/inimical. So Nux Vomica and Coffea Cruda should not be used immediately before or after. In most cases, intercurrent homeopathic medicine is needed between these remedies.

Chamomilla, Pulsatilla, Cocculus Indicus and Acetic Acid act as antidotes.

Caution: Self-medication should be avoided and a homeopathic physician should be consulted advice before use.

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  1. Sanjeev Kumar says:

    Muje dukndari.karte.karte.sar.cakrane.lagta.fer.ghavrahst.hone.lagati.

  2. Naseem shaikh says:

    मुझे रात को नींद नहीं आती
    दिल दुखा दुखा रहता हे लगातार मायूस रहता हु
    छोटी छोटी बात पर इंसल्ट महसूस होती हे
    चीड़ चिड़ा पान लगातार रहता हे
    सेक्स में बिल्कुल भी रुचि नहीं हे
    कोई भी फंक्शन में जाने का दिल नहीं करता
    घबराहट और दर बना रहता हे
    समय पर भूख नहीं लगती
    लोग में रुचि नहीं हे सबको देखकर गुस्सा आता हे
    हर समय दुनिया बुरी लगती हे
    मारने का दिल करता हे कृपा मुझे सबसे बेस्ट दवाई बताए जिससे में खुश रह सकू और अच्छे से काम कर सकी

  3. Dear Sir/Mam,

    নমস্কার 🙏

    আমার ভীষণ টেনশন হয় তার জন্য কি ওষুধ নিতে পারি জানালে উপকৃত হব।
    দীপা বোস

  4. Hi, how do I get consultation to see if some of these medications would work for my current situation. I do not currently have a homeopathic doctor, but am interested in getting some of these remedies ? Thank you !

  5. Asad khan says:

    Dr sahb mujhe koi bhi bimari nhi hai mai har jgah chek kra chuka hu mai phle bhot exercise krta tha pr bich me acchank pet me bhot gais bnne lgi aur bukh bhi lgne lgi aur sas kich kich ke muskil se ubasi aati hai mujhe ignetia 200 btaya hai Dr ne Mai ise kis trah loo aur jbse lena start kiye hu 4 din hua h kuch Aram h pr symptom phle se jada bdhe lg rhe

  6. शामित बैनर्जी says:

    मेरी पत्नी की उम्र 42 वर्ष की है कोरोना के सेकंड वेव में उसकी माता का देहांत खंडवा मध्य प्रदेश में हो गया था हम रायपुर छत्तीसगढ़ के निवासी हैं तथा कोरोना का पिक होने की वजह से हमारा जाना संभव नहीं हो पाया उसके बाद मेरी वाइफ को डिप्रेशन आ गया है कि मैं अपनी मम्मी का अंतिम दर्शन में नहीं जा पाई मेरे ससुर जी करीब 12 वर्ष पहले ही शांत हो चुके हैं मेरी छोटी साली खंडवा में ही ब्याही हुई है अंतिम समय उसने ही अपनी मम्मी की देखभाल की अभी मेरी वाइफ बहुत पूजा पाठ में लीन हो चुकी है तथा एक क्रोध तथा डिप्रेशन में रहती है क्या इस स्थिति में हमारा इग्नेशिया लेना ठीक रहेगा मार्गदर्शन दे

  7. Rectom prolaps .

  8. Akash Kumar Gupta says:

    Hai sir i am suffering for 8 years for anxiety and depression but no relief many doctor meet but no relief i am mentaly weak feel.hopless

  9. Dr. Hasem. says:

    Name Anki age 12, student, health sick cest condition not good, cough instant dryness. Apply ignetia 200c. Some improved but fully no cure. How can improved now ? Advice plz.

  10. Shahidul Islam says:

    I continue reading about the ignatioa drug. Hope this can be a good remedy for my wife. I read your site often.

  11. anita wadhwani says:

    hello dr.
    how can i get consultation shceduled online?

  12. Rashud khan says:

    I am suffering with noise in both of my ears for a long time. Which medicine you recommend for this problem .I am 56 years old and diabetic patient also. I shall be thankful to you.

  13. Respected doctor
    I am a 39 aged male. one doctor has prescribed me ignatia 1M along with arsenic albem 1M. I understood from your essay that it’s female medicine.and work well for females. Please give me a useful explanation on it, whether it can be used for males

  14. MAHMOOD SHAH says:

    How much and how long Ignatia 30 can be used for depression?

    • sapan dubey says:

      मेरी उम्र 51 साल है, मुझे 2 साल से दस्त की शिकायत है क्या करूं। अंग्रेजी की सभी दवा लेकर देख लिया, समस्या ठीक हो जाती है फिर उभर जाती है।

  15. Julie Luckman says:

    Dear Dr Sharma, It was suggested I take Ignatia 200c ( 2 doses over a couple days) for these symptoms in particular
    Lump in throat
    Cough (long standing dry, upper respiratory airways)
    Grief …losses (recent & old historical)
    Exhaustion/ feeling flat
    Sadness/ sorrow
    Regrets from past
    I took doses more than a week ago with a couple days in between & have moved through much old grief which has been surfacing.
    My general energies & state of general well being has very much improved.
    However, I continue to struggle with the
    persistent cough, causing irritation to my throat & upper chest/airways. It seems triggered by change of temperature, changes in activities eg arising from sleep, talking at length, dry ness in mouth/ throat.
    This cough & tickle in my throat feeling has been around for a couple of years. Some diagnostic CT scan was done also to throat/chest/ lungs 6 months ago but no disease or damage showed.

    Would it be appropriate to take further doses of 200 c Ignatia to treat the cough??
    Kind regards

    • Nandkishore Roplekar says:

      My son aged 37 years is under treatment for Schizophrenia {Allopathic}, since last 15 years. Now he is stable since last 10 years by taking medicines. Now from 9 months he is experiencing noise in ear as if somebody is threatening, ordering and afraid of being beaten, injury or he will be arrested by somebody. Because of such symptoms anxiety, fear he experiences and ask to move from the place to place. Please suggest homoeopathic remedy

  16. Harish khanna says:

    Main is waqt depression main guzar raha hoon meri wife ki death thode din pahle hui hai har waqt maan ek jagah per nahin rukta ajeeb say khayal aate hain dar dar sa bana rahta hai is kay liye konsi homeo pathy ki medicine chahiye

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