Numbness of hands and fingers can arise from various causes. It can be from certain deficiencies like Vitamin B12 deficiency, long-standing/uncontrolled diabetes mellitus or from irritation, compression or damage to the nerves that supply the hands and fingers and several other reasons. It can be one-sided or both sided and can arise due to various reasons. Numbness in hands and fingers can be attended by other symptoms like tingling, pricking, pin-needle sensation or burning in hands and fingers. Clumsiness or lack of strength/weakness may also be felt in the arm, hand or fingers along with the above-mentioned symptoms.
There is excellent scope in homeopathy to treat numbness of hands and fingers in an effective manner. Homeopathic medicines help treat the problem from the roots to provide great relief for numbness in hands and fingers. Along with relieving numbness, these medicines extend help to manage associated symptoms like tingling, pricking sensation and weak muscles. Homeopathic treatment if followed as per the guidelines of a homeopathic physician, great recoveries occur in majority of the cases of numbness in hands and fingers. Self-medication may not help as the choice of medicine, its dosage, potency varies from case to case.
As the root cause is treated the results are long term rather than superficial temporary recovery. There are highly effective medicines for managing numbness and other related symptoms in cases of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), cervical spondylosis/radiculopathy, brachial plexus injury, peripheral neuropathy, and Raynaud’s disease.
Homeopathic medicines for numbness in hands and fingers are prescribed individually in every case. By taking into consideration, the reason behind numbness and attending symptoms like tingling, pin needle sensation, pricking, and weak muscles, the final homeopathic prescription is done. After medicine selection, the potency and dosage are finalised for every individual case as per homeopathic principles.
Homeopathic medicines are non-habit forming and do not create a lifelong dependency. They can be easily stopped on getting the desired results. The total treatment time varies from case to case based on various factors like the chronicity and intensity of complaint, and how quickly an individual responds to medicine.
Homeopathic medicine to treat numbness in hands and fingers are natural, safe remedies. These are devoid of any chemicals and synthetic components. They offer safe, gentle healing with zero side effects.
Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Numbness in Hands and Fingers
The top remedies for treating numbness in hands and fingers include Causticum, Hypericum, Kali Phos, Paris Quadrifolia, Phosphorus, Silicea and Calcarea Carb.
1. Causticum – Top Grade Medicine for Numbness
Causticum is a top-listed medicine for treating numbness in hthe and and fingers. Excessive weakness and a paralytic feeling in the hands is prominently present with numbness. Hands and fingers feel icy cold. Sweat may also be present on the hands. In some cases, there is drawing pain in the hands. Pain is felt in the thumb and index finger. Causticum is one of the leading medicines to treat numbness in the fingers arising in cases of carpal tunnel syndrome (due to pinching of the median nerve).
When to use Causticum?
The use of causticum is recommended to manage numbness in hands and fingers accompanied by weakness, sweating and coldness of hands. It is one of the best prescriptions for managing numbness of fingers in CTS (carpal tunnel syndrome) cases.
How to use Causticum?
It works well in both low and high potencies. To start with, 30C potency is usually preferred and can be taken once or twice a day.
2. Hypericum – For Numbness In Hands/Fingers From Nerve Injury
Hypericum is highly useful in cases of numbness of hands/fingers arising from nerve damage or injury. Along with numbness, tingling and crawling sensation is felt in hands/fingers. Some people may complain of burning sensation in hands and fingers.
When to use Hypericum?
Hypericum is the topmost choice of medicine to manage numbness in hands or fingers frequently attended with tingling and burning sensation happening from nerve damage or nerve injury
How to use Hypericum?
Hypericum works wonders in 30C potency. This potency can be used 2-3 times in a day. It also works well in higher potencies like 200C and 1M but it is advisable to consult your homeopathic physician before using higher potencies.
3. Kali Phos – Indicated For Numbness In Fingertips
Kali Phos is a remedy of great value to treat a number of nervous complaints. It is well indicated for treating cases where numbness in the fingertips is prominent. Prickling in hands is also noted in cases needing Kali Phos. General debility and weakness are present along with the above complaints. Persons requiring Kali Phos often have a nervous and sensitive constitution. Nerve pains that get better by gentle exercise also point towards its use.
When to use Kali Phos?
Kali Phos is an excellent nerve remedy and can be considered in cases of numbness in fingertips along with general weakness in most of the cases.
How to use Kali Phos?
Kali Phos is usually advised in 6X potency and can be taken three to four times a day as per the severity of complaint.
4. Paris Quadrifolia – For Numbness In Fingers In Cervical Spondylosis
Paris Quadrifolia is an effective medicine to treat numbness in fingers in cases of cervical spondylosis. Fingers feel cold, alternately with numbness. Tearing, drawing or shooting pain in fingers assists sometimes. Along with this, pain in the nape and shoulders is marked. The pain from the neck often radiates down to the fingers. Exertion worsens the pain. Weight and weariness is felt in the nape. The neck is tense and stiff. Swelling of the neck may also accompany the above symptoms.
When to use Paris Quadrifolia?
Paris Quadrifolia is a beneficial medicine for numbness in fingers with pain in the neck radiating to fingers in cases of cervical spondylosis.
How to use Paris Quadrifolia?
Its use is preferred in 30C potency that can be taken twice or thrice a day.
5. Phosphorus – For Hand Numbness in the Morning
Phosphorus is a suitable medicine to manage hand numbness arising mainly in the morning. Hands feel numb on waking in the morning. Burning sensation is felt on the palms. Hands feel weak, heavy and clumsy. Numb, insensible fingertips accompanied with crawling sensation is another key feature to use Phosphorus.
When to use Phosphorus?
It is a well-indicated medicine to help cases of numbness in hands occurring in the morning. Numbness can be attended with burning in palms and weakness in hands.
How to use Phosphorus?
It is advised to use Phosphorus 30C once a day.
6. Silicea – For Numbness Of Hands At Night
Silicea is a prominent medicine to manage numbness of hands at night. There is weakness in the hands where Silicea is indicated. Hands start to feel lame after slight exertion or while writing sometimes. Tingling in fingers and burning sensation in the ends of fingers is also a characteristic symptom for using Silicea. Profuse sweat on hands is noted most of the times along with the above symptoms. In addition to the above, Silicea is useful in cases of numbness in arms. In such cases, the arms feel heavy and there may be a pricking and pin-needle sensation.
When to use Silicea?
Silicea is a leading medicine to manage numbness in hands mainly at night. Along with numbness, there is excessive sweating of hands.
How to use Silicea?
Silicea is mainly recommended in 6X potency twice or thrice a day.
7. Calcarea Carb – For Numbness On Grasping
Calcarea Carb is helpful in managing numbness of hands/fingers while grasping anything. There is also a tingling sensation in the fingers. Weakness is felt in the fingers, they feel heavy on movement. Hands may be cold. Excessive sweat on hands is also marked. Fingers may feel stiff in the morning. Sometimes hands feel cramped, especially in the morning. Hands may be swollen and may have nervous tingling.
When to use Calcarea Carb?
Its use can be done in cases where numbness of hands or fingers occurs when grasping any object. Tingling and weakness in fingers can attend it.
How to use Calcarea Carb?
It can be taken once a day in 30C power.
Causes of numbness in hands and fingers
The main causes include carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), cervical spondylosis/radiculopathy and cubital tunnel syndrome. CTS is a condition that affects the hands resulting from the compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel in the wrist. Cervical spondylosis is a condition affecting the neck in which there is degeneration of structures of the cervical spine / the back of the neck. Cervical radiculopathy refers to a condition arising from pinching, compression or irritation of a nerve in the cervical spine. Cubital tunnel syndrome indicates irritation or compression of the ulnar nerve in the cubital tunnel in the elbow. The other causes are brachial plexus injury, peripheral neuropathy and ganglion cyst that may press upon the nerve. Brachial plexus injury refers to an injury to brachial plexus i.e a group of nerves which sends signals from spinal cord to shoulder, hands and arms. Peripheral neuropathy refers to nerve damage in hands and feet. Further causes are multiple sclerosis, Raynaud’s disease, alcohol use disorder, use of certain medicines, Guillain-Barre syndrome, and spinal cord injury. Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune condition in which the immune cells damage the protective covering of the nerves. Raynaud’s disease is a condition in which the fingers and toes become cold and numb from exposure to cold temperature or stress. Guillain-Barre syndrome is an autoimmune disorder that causes weakness, tingling, numbness mostly starting in feet and legs and eventually spreading upwards. Lastly it may be a symptom of stroke (a medical emergency needing immediate medical help in which there is interrupted oxygen supply to the brain that causes death of brain cells).
Dear Doctor, I have pain on right knee, and numbness of thai muscle.
Please advice a medicine for this.
Hatheli or ungliyon mein dard or Jhan-jhnahat hota hai or raat mein ye samasya badh jati hai
my left side has painful shoulder, pain while sleeping on left or right side. Tingling down upto thumb and first finger and sometimes numbness. Pain also continues sometimes in the day
Right side shoulder also is also painfully stiff. Left one is severe and
Hatheli or ungliyon mein dard or Jhan-jhnahat hota hai or raat mein ye samasya badh jati hai
From six month
Dr Sharma I shall be thankful for right medicine
Hi Mam. I have feeling numbness in my right arm, habd and fingers. It is very painful and I cannot move my arm backward. Could you kindly prescribe me homeo medicine for effective treatment with no or at least monor dide effects.
Causticum is fully indicated in my case. I took it I’m 200 and then 10000 potency, but no relief. I am 70 yr old, except tingling, numbness, pain in palm, Aggravation
at 11pm night, with cold and with rest in bed, suffering for last 15 days.
Please guide me.
Mine started out with my hands all the way down to my feet within a month and a half I can walk there’s no pain everything’s numb
सुबह के समय रात दो बजे के बाद 05 बजे तक हाथ के पंजे और अंगुलियों में झुनझुनाहट और सुन्नपन रहता है । दबाने और रगड़ने से सही हो जाता है। डा शेर बहादुर जौनपुर उत्तर प्रदेश 9936441070
I am suffering from Numbness in right hand fingers & palm along with ganglion appears on the right-hand joint. In X-Ray, Cervical Spondylosis has been detected and a Cervical Collar is also adopted for the last couple of months. But no sign of improvement in numbness & ganglion as well. Please suggest a good Homoeopathy Doctor in Kolkata with whom I can contact and can be treated. Please support.
Dr sahab रात को सोते समय मेरे दोनों हाथ सुन्न हो जाते हैं उसके बाद नींद खुल जाती है । फिर हाथों को ऊपर नीचें या थोड़ी एक्सरसाइज करने पर सही हो जाते हैं। फिर नींद आने पर दुबारा सुन्न पन महसूस होता है । मुझे स्पॉन्डिलिट की परेशानी भी है जिससे वर्किंग activities में दिमाग चकराता है। प्लीज सजेस्ट
numbness in all fingers of both the hands due to problem in c3-4, c4-5,,c5-7 cervical spine.
ais medicines & treatment to solve this problems available by homeopathy medicines ???
సెర్వికల్ స్పాండిలైటిస్ నాకు మదనుడి సతే వాళ్ళు వరకు తేమురులు వస్తున్నాయి
I have had Heberden’s and Bouchard’s nodes in fingers and also bone growth below big toe presumably from osteoarthritis. Can these be dissolved with homeopathy. Recently, I’ve developed numbness and tingling in fingertips. I also have a recent diagnosis of squamous cell skin cancer of mole on upper back near neck that was removed. Please advise.
Hello,I am suffering from whole body numbness with needles prickling sensation I have got done the NCV n Whole spine detailed MRI everything is good suffering from arthritis,diabetes with multiple health issues I am 45 year old looking forward to your help🙏
Dear Doctor
I am patient of full body numbness and unable to walk totally on bed after few days allopathic medicine get temporary relief but not fully recovered
I request consider my condition as I am 55 year old female
My MRI show that spinal spondylitis in S5 and L 1 rest the things are normal stomach normal thirst normal
I have numbness and tingling symptoms in left hand palm near index finger and left foot sole. Please advise medications
Pls let me know homeopathy medicine for loss of sensation in palm and fingers of right hand and left foot – age 19 – female patient
Pain in index finger and hand with pins like sensation mostly in morning .some time in neck left side.
Numbness of lower lip and chin after lower jaw surgery
I get numbness and tingling symptoms in both the hands and fingers. Please advise
सर जी को सादर नमस्कार !
सर मेरे दो रोज रात को सोकर सुबह जागने पर दाहिने कंधे में कोहनी तक और दाहिनी ओर की ही गर्दन में बहुत दु:खने जैसा दर्द हुआ पर सुबह उठने के थोड़ी देर बाद बिल्कुल भी दर्द नहीं रहा पर तीसरे दिन 22-05_3023 को तो सुबह जने के बाद भी आराम नहीं आया और किसी भी पोजीशंन में बैठने पर भी बहुत दु:खता ही रहा , फिर मैंने ए22-05-2023 को ही एक फिजिशियन को दिखाया उन्होंने ब्लड जांच कराई उसमें विटामिन D की बहुत कमी बताई और उसकी पूर्ति के लिये एक दवा लिख दी और फिजियोथेरेपी लेने की सलाह दी जो मैंने अभी तक किया भी है, ईसी दौरान दर्द बढता ही गया बैचन ही रहने वग गया तो मैंने ओर्थो वाले को दिखाया उन्होने गर्दन और कंधे का एक्सरे कराया और उस एक्सरे में उनको कुछ नजर नहीं आया और सात दिन तक लेने की दो तरह की गोली (दोनों में से एक गोली सुबह और एक गोली शाम को ) लेने की लिखकर दी और एक तैल की शीशी जिसकी दर्द की जगह मालिश करने के लिये दी , पर अब दो दिन से मेरे दर्द में आधा आराम तो है लेकिन अंगठे में और उसके नीचे वाले हिस्से में शून्यता , सामान्य अंगूली से भिन्न असामान्य स्पर्श का आभास होने लग गया है और यह अब अंगूठे के बाहर हाथ की तरफ भी बढने लग गया है । कृपया इसके लिये कोई श्रेष्ठ होमियोपैथिक दवा है तो बतलिने की कृपा करें।
Humare left hand mein kohini ke left side mein khichav ho raha hai aur halka dard hai kripya ker ke batayein kaun si dawa le
At night n day time, specialy at night my feet under knees to feet fingers feel tingling n slight numbness. In hand fingers are also feel little bit of tingling. I have high blood pressure but well controlled. Suger is pre diabatic. My Age is 64. I have nurve problem but till I do not take any medicine. My both hands r tremendous shaking. Kindly advice.