Homeopathic medicine Hamamelis Virginiana is derived from the plant ‘witch hazel’. It belongs to family Hamamelidaceae. The fresh bark of twigs and roots of this plant are potentized as per homeopathic formula that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties. Through potentization process, it becomes a very significant homeopathic medicine Hamamelis Virginiana. It is one of the best homeopathic medicines for treating cases of bleeding piles, varicose veins and controlling bleeding from various body parts (example nose, rectum, gums, etc).
The ‘Hamamelis Virginiana’ Constitution
This medicine is well suited to persons who have a tendency to suffer from complaints related to venous blood congestion, for example piles, varicose veins, etc.
Drug Action
Among its various actions, the two most prominent ones are to control hemorrhage (bleeding) from various organs and reduce venous blood congestion. Its main action is seen on veins of rectum where it is highly suitable to relieve venous congestion and treat bleeding piles and rectal bleeding. Another important action is noted on the veins of legs where it works wonderfully to reduce venous engorgement, abnormal blood accumulation in veins and treats varicose veins. Hamamelis Virginiana manifests its action on skin, nose, mouth, eyes, urinary organs and male and female genitals.
Clinical Indications
Hemorrhages (bleeding), bleeding piles, rectal bleeding, dysentery, anal fissures, varicose veins, varicose ulcers, inflammation of veins, nose bleeding, bleeding gums, varicocele, orchitis (inflammation of testes), bruises, joint pain, sore pains, eye pain, black eye, iritis, conjunctivitis, intraocular hemorrhage, burns, menstrual disorders, ovaritis (inflammation of ovaries), vaginismus, hematuria (blood in urine).
Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy
1. Rectal Complaints (Bleeding Piles, Rectal Bleeding, Dysentery, Anal Fissures)
Hamamelis has marked action on rectum where it helps to treat various concerns related to it. It has the highest affinity to treat bleeding piles. Piles are swollen and engorged, inflamed veins in anus and lower rectum. This medicine has shown great clinical improvements when piles bleed profusely. Due to bleeding, intense weakness is felt. It is attended with rawness and soreness of anus. There is fullness and a sensation of weight in rectum. Anal itching is also felt. Stool is constipated and hard. Hamamelis is also well indicated to control rectal bleeding of dark-colored blood from other reasons too, apart from piles. It is a brilliant medicine to help cases of dysentery that refers to intestinal infection causing loose stool with blood and mucus. In such cases, the characteristic feature is the passage of tar-like blood in stool in large amounts. The blood is dark or sometimes clots of blood with mucus is excreted in stool. There is cramping pain around navel before passing stool. Tenesmus (sensation of incomplete defecation even when nothing is left in rectum) is well marked. It is successfully used to manage ulcers in intestine with passage of dark blood. Another complaint where it is beneficial is anal fissures, with excessive pain while passing stool and burning at anus after passing stool.
Key Indicating Features
Bleeding piles that bleed profusely
Rectal bleeding of dark-colored blood
Dysentery with passage of tar-like blood in stool in large amounts
Ulcers in intestine along with passage of dark blood
Anal fissures with intense pain during stool and anal burning after stool
2. Limbs (Varicose Veins, Varicose Ulcers, Inflammation Of Veins, Joint Pain)
This medicine also acts on the limbs where it is most valuable to treat many problems. Among these, it has wide action on veins and it treats well cases of varicose veins (swollen, enlarged, twisted veins), varicose ulcers, and inflammation of veins. In varicose veins, the veins are hard and knotted. Here it is considered when there is excessive pain in the limbs with difficulty in moving about. There is dull dragging pain in legs. Hamamelis is also recommended in cases of varicose ulcers, stinging, burning, biting and pricking is marked. The ulcers are circular, black, and may discharge thin pus with bad smell or blood. For inflammation of veins (phlebitis), it is recommended when there is prickling pain. Besides veins, its action is also noted on joints and muscles. The joints and muscles feel sore. There is pain and stiffness in shoulders. Pain gets worse from motion. Elbow joint is stiff with dull pains. There is lancinating pain in wrist joint especially left side. Among muscles, there is pain in flexor muscles of hands, wrists and fingers. The right biceps muscle feels tender. There is soreness in thigh muscles as if bruised.
Key Indicating Features
Varicose veins that are hard, appear knotted with, dull, dragging sensation and pain in the limbs with difficulty in moving about
Varicose ulcers with stinging, burning, biting and pricking
Varicose ulcers that are circular, black-colored and discharge thin pus with bad smell or blood
Inflammation of veins with prickling pain
Soreness of muscles and joints
3. Eyes (Eye Pain, Black Eye, Iritis, Conjunctivitis, Intra – Ocular Haemorrhage)
With its action on eyes, Hamamelis settles complaints including eye pain, black eye, iritis, conjunctivitis. It is capable to relieve soreness in eyes. For cases of black eye (bruise around the eye from an injury to face or head), it can work wonders. It is effective for cases of iritis (the inflammation of the colored part of iris) and conjunctivitis (inflammation of transparent membrane lining the eyelid and eyeball). In case of inflammation, eyes look bloodshot (look red from congested blood vessels). It can also be given to manage headache from eyestrain.
Key Indicating Features
Soreness in eyes
Black eye
Iritis and conjunctivitis with bloodshot eyes
4. Nose (Nose Bleeding, Sneezing, Cold)
By acting on nose, Hamamelis has a great ability to manage complaints of nose bleeding. It can be used when nasal bleeding is profuse and attended with tightness at the bridge of the nose. A pressure is also felt in the forehead between the eyes. Other than this, its use is considered when there is sneezing with watery discharge from nose that causes burning in nose. Bad smell emanates from nose which also feels blocked.
Key Indicating Feature
Profuse nasal bleeding attended with tightness at the bridge of nose
5. Mouth (Bleeding Gums, Burns)
Hamamelis is of great help in treating bleeding from gums after tooth extraction. It is useful for cases where gums are spongy, sore, painful and bleed frequently and blood is dark-colored. The second important guiding feature to use it is burns on the tongue and lips. A metallic, bloody taste in mouth may accompany.
Key Indicating Features
Bleeding from gums after tooth extraction
Soreness and pain of gums with dark-colored bleeding
Burns on the tongue and lips
6. Male Problems (Varicocele, Testes Pain, Nightly Emissions)
This medicine can treat many male problems magnificently. Hamamelis is one of the best-suited medicine for treating varicocele (enlarged veins within scrotum). It also acts wonderfully to manage inflammation of testes (orchitis) and pain in testes. The testes are swollen, sore and pain gets worse from touch. The pain can be drawing, aching or excruciating type. This medicine is helpful for cases of emissions at night with sexual dreams. This is followed by sadness, weakness and pain in lower back. Its last indication is inflamed urethra (urethritis) with discharge of transparent mucus and pain.
Key Indicating Features
Inflammation of testes and pain worse from motion
Emissions at night with sexual dreams, followed by sadness, weakness and lower backache
6. Female Problems (Heavy Menses, Intermenstrual Bleeding, Ovaritis, Vaginismus)
In women, this medicine can be of great benefit to manage excessive menstrual bleeding of dark blood. There is soreness on abdomen, weakness and pain in lower back. This medicine is highly preferred for managing intermenstrual bleeding too. It acts well in cases of inflammation of ovaries (ovaritis). The pain in ovary can be cutting or tearing type along with swelling and tenderness. Its use is highly indicated for ovaritis resulting from a blow or an injury when soreness is felt in the entire abdomen. Additionally, it can effectively deal with vaginismus (spasm of vaginal muscles when something is trying to enter it) cases. Its use in treating sore, bleeding nipples is also noteworthy.
Key Indicating Features
Heavy menses with dark bleeding, sore abdomen, weakness and pain in lower back
Intermenstrual bleeding
Inflammation of ovaries and ovary pain of cutting or tearing type and swelling and tenderness
Ovarian inflammation after a blow or an injury with soreness in the whole abdomen
7. Urinary Issues (Blood In Urine, Kidney Pain)
Hamamelis is highly valuable for cases of hematuria (blood in urine). This is attended with a frequent urge to urinate. It is an important medicine for managing kidney pain as well. For using it here, the pain is mainly dull aching type.
Key Indicating Feature
Hematuria (blood in urine)
8. Skin (Bruises, Burns, Skin Ulcers, Chilblains)
Lastly, Hamamelis acts on skin to manage various concerns. It is a significant medicine to treat bruises. Bruises means black, blue or purple skin discoloration due to damaged blood vessels under the skin resulting in pooling of blood underneath the skin that typically arises from an injury. Its use is also done in burn cases to alleviate pain. Other than this, it is effective in treating skin ulcers with thin, watery pus having bad odor. Lastly, it is well indicated for chilblains that have turned blue.
Key Indicating Features
Burns for pain relief
Skin ulcers with thin, watery pus having bad odor
Chilblains blue in color
Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from motion, touch, from exertion and in open air.
This medicine works well in both low and high potencies. The potency varies from case to case. In low potencies, it can be repeated frequently. Frequent repetition of high potencies should be avoided.
Relationship with Other Remedies
Antidoted by: Arnica, Camphora, China and Pulsatilla
Followed well by: Arnica
मुझे 1st ग्रेड vericocele है और में 6 महीने से हेमामेलिस ले रहा हु।
लेकिन अभी पूरी तरह से ठीक नहीं हुआ है। कितना दिन ओर लेना है, जिससे मैं पूरी तरह से ठीक हो सकता हु।
मुझे 1st ग्रेड vericocele है और में 6 महीने से हेमामेलिस ले रहा हु।
लेकिन अभी पूरी तरह से ठीक नहीं हुआ है। कितना दिन ओर लेना है, जिससे मैं पूरी तरह से ठीक हो सकता हु।
सर मेरे बांये पैर में dvt की प्रोब्लम 2 महीने से है एलोपैथिक उपचार से दर्द तो ठीक है लेकिन अभी सूजन कम नहीं हो रही जो चलने फिरने पर हो रही है
नमस्ते सर
मेरे पैरो में थाई पर कुछ समय से हरी नसे हो गई हैं कभी कभी पैरो में थकान और हल्का पन लगने लगता हाथों में गदेली के पीछे नसें उभरी हैं | अक्सर हाथ पैरो में झुंझुनी होने लगती है कभी कभी रात को दब जाने से हाथ सुन्न हो जाता है कृपया सहायता करें
बवासीर है खूनी
मुझे वेरिकोसेसिल 1 ग्रेड है और वेन्स बाईं ओर 3•8है किया में हैमामेलिस वर्जिनिया का प्रयोग कर सकता हूँ ।
Hi sir! I am suffering from Varicocele ( 1st have epidemic orchitics and then convert into Varicocele with grade 2 ) since 4 month I am using two medicine
1. Hamamalis mother tinture twice a day
2. Calcerea flurica 6x Thrice a day
Yesterday our Ultrasound report is also Grade 2. With smaller size of testice
Please help me
Hi Doctor Sharma,
My name is Kunnal Malhotra, age 44 and I writing to you from Australia. I’ve seen your youtube videos on the benefits of homeopathy medicine in the treatment of many medical conditions.
I get nose-bleeds multiple times a day (condition for the last 5 years, from the time we’ve reloacted to Australia). There’s a family history where my father and 2 of his sisters also get nosebleeds. Unfortunately my son who is 8 has also experiencing the same problem. Some of the ENT specialists here suspect that it could a genitic condition Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT).
My nose also remains blocked (possibly polyps) and I sneeze violently especially early morning. The side I sleep usually gets blocked and I stuggle to get proper sleep.
I was wondering if you could help me especially in the treatment of Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia a condition where there is abnormal growth of the capillaries/blood vessels.
I would be visiting India (Delhi) in November and if you suggest could visit you.
Please let me know.
Kind Regards,
Could Hamamelis Virginiana benefit a person who has suffered a stroke and has a aortic aneurysm?
Instead of 10drops I have taken 10ml hamamelis virginica drop kindly advise
Hello Sir,
Left leg with varicose vein below the knee not having pain but my second third fingers of my leg pain.