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Chenopodium Anthelminticum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications and Dosage

Homeopathic remedy Chenopodium Anthelminticum is derived from the plant Jerusalem Oak which belongs to family Chenopodiaceae. This plant undergoes potentization (a process to prepare homeopathic medicines that extracts and intensifies the medicinal properties of a crude substance). In this way, it gets converted into a very important medicine Chenopodium Anthelminticum. It is a top-grade medicine in homeopathy to treat ear-related problems mainly tinnitus (noises in ear) and Meniere’s disease (a triad of tinnitus, hearing loss and vertigo).

Drug Action

This remedy’s prominent sphere of action centers around the ears. Other than this, it has action on other organs too but in a very limited manner. These organs include throat, back, gastric system, urinary organs, respiratory system and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Tinnitus, Meniere’s disease, deafness, otitis media, vertigo, worms, tonsillitis, scapula pain, asthma, suppressed menses, leucorrhoea

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Ear Complaints (Tinnitus, Meniere’s Disease, Deafness, Otitis Media)

The most prominent and well-defined action of Chenopodium is seen on the ears. It has shown great clinical improvement in many ear-related complaints. The foremost ear complaint for which it is one of the best medicines is tinnitus. Hearing noises in the absence of any external source is called Tinnitus. Chenopodium Anthelminticum is very effective in treating cases of Tinnitus and majorly works well when person hears noises that are roaring, ringing or buzzing in nature. This medicine is also well indicated for cases of pulsatile tinnitus. In this type of tinnitus, the sufferer hears noises that beat in sync with the heart.

Secondly, this medicine is highly beneficial for managing Meniere’s Disease. This disease refers to an inner ear disorder which is characterized by a triad of symptoms including tinnitus, vertigo and fluctuating hearing loss. This may be accompanied by sensation of ear blockage). In cases needing it, vertigo attacks also occurs which happens all of sudden. Chenopodium Anthelminticum is indicated for cases of hearing loss. The characteristic symptom to use it is deafness to human voice but sensitivity to distant sounds. Hearing is better for high-pitched sounds where this medicine is required. This medicine is also helpful for cases of weakness of the auditory nerve (eighth pair of cranial nerve). Besides, it is of great use when conduction of sound to the inner ear is either deficient or absent. Lastly, it can be given in cases of chronic otitis media which is an inflammation or infection of the middle ear.

Key indicating features

Tinnitus with hearing noises that are roaring, ringing or buzzing in nature

Pulsatile tinnitus where the noises beats in sync with heart

Meniere’s disease (triad of tinnitus, vertigo and hearing loss)

2. Throat Issues (Enlarged Tonsils)

Chenopodium also acts well on the throat. Here it is primarily valuable to manage the enlargement of tonsils, especially chronic cases. The tonsils are inflamed and painful as well. Besides, caseous (cheese-like) deposits are present on the tonsils.

Key indicating features

Chronic enlargement of tonsils

Caseous deposits on tonsils

3. Back Problems (Shoulder Blade Pain)

Chenopodium can manage pain under the right shoulder blade (triangular bone that lies in the upper back one on either side). It is attended with giddiness and ringing noises. It is also indicated for pain in between the angle of right shoulder blade, and through chest.

Key indicating features

Pain under the right shoulder blade with giddiness and ringing in the ears

Pain in between angle of the right shoulder blade near spine, and through chest

4. Gastric Concerns (Regurgitation, Worms)

This medicine can be used for certain gastric concerns as well. It firstly includes constant regurgitation (back flow of gastric juice and sometimes undigested food from the stomach into the food pipe) of yellow frothy material. There may occur disagreeable burps and nausea. Other than this, it is an important medicine to get rid of worms, especially roundworms.

Key indicating features

Constant regurgitation of yellow frothy material

Worms especially roundworms

5. Urinary Problems (Kidney Pain, Yellow Foamy Urine)

Chenopodium is beneficial for managing some urinary issues. This medicine is indicated to manage dull pain in the kidney. Urine may be yellow, profuse and frothy. Yellow sediments may be present in the urine in cases needing it.

Key indicating features

Yellow profuse frothy urine or yellow sediments in the urine

6. Respiratory Complaints (Cough, Rattling)

Chenopodium proves effective in managing cough that occurs along with rattling of phlegm and expectoration. There is difficulty in breathing, yellow frothy matter from the stomach rises to the throat. Rattling is felt in the trachea as if a ball is rolling in it.

Key indicating features

Cough with rattling of phlegm

Rattling in trachea

7.  Female Problems (Suppressed Menses)

Lastly, its action is noted on female genitals. Here it is well indicated for the treatment of suppressed menses. The major guiding feature to use it is vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) instead of menses.

Key indicating features

Vaginal discharge in place of menses


Use of this medicine can be done in low or high potency, though 30C potency is mostly used. In low potency, it can be repeated frequently but in high potency, it should be used infrequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

It can be compared with some remedies including Chelidonium, China, Opium and Chininum Sulphuricum



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  1. Asit Baran Chattopadhyay says:

    I am the patient of hypothyroidism, allergic asthama, LBP, Gastric ,after three times Mastoid operation on rt ear hearing power destroyed, shoulders pain ., hair fall. Very small penis.Asit Baran Chattopadhyay age 60 years


    Is 200cc of Chenpodium Anthlementicum a half hour before breakfast daily okay? Is that too much?

  3. मोहित कुमार भट्टाचार्य says:

    सर मुझे सुनने कि समस्या है बाये कान मे बहुत कम और दाए कान मे थोरा ज्यादा सुनता हु , दोनों कान मे मशीन लगाया हु, परंतु आवाज स्पस्ट नहीं होता, मोटी आवाज सुनने मे परेशानी नहीं होती , इस समय चेनोपोदियम होमियों दावा ले रहा हु। कौन सा पावर लेना ज्यादा फायदेमंद होगा। और यदि इससे भी अच्छा कोई homeo दवा हो तो कृपया सलाह दे। मेरा उम्र 60 वर्ष है।

  4. Moeketsi Nkoe says:

    hallow dr,

    Thank you for the important information in relation to health issues. what can you recommend for baby’s umbilical cord diseases?

  5. Greetings DrSharma My name is Diane . I would like to know what do you recommend for a person that has lightheaded symptoms everyday . We went to doctor here in America and did blood test snd the doctor said the blood test results were great but the red blood cells were slightly low. But he could not find any major cause for the lightheaded symptoms. So he gave me a B12 shot snd I felt great sll day but few days later I felt the lightheaded symptoms again so I decided to search for a natural remedy homeopathic remedy to cure this lightheaded problem that happens everyday . I hope that you can recommend me a homeopathic remedy got this lightheaded problem. Looking forward to your reply soon Sincerely Diane

  6. Ranchhod Pandya says:

    Hi Dr. SHARMAAJI, What potency and dose for hearing loss treatment? I would realy appreciate your reply. Thanks!

  7. Kamran Hayee says:

    Doctor, I am suffering from Tinnitus from the last 30 years due to some antibiotics reaction. It has aggravated from the last 3 months , NOW it is bothering me alot.
    Please advise some homeopathic treatment.


  8. Kamran Hayee says:

    Doctor, I am suffering from Tinnitus from the last 30 years due to some antibiotics reaction. It has aggravated from the last 3 months , NOW it is bothering me alot.
    Please advise some homeopathic treatment.


    • Alok Joshi says:

      Dr. Sharma, I have tinnitus in left ear since last left nostril is often blocked while sleeping..ENT specialists diagnosed it as age related( I am 66) after brain and left ear mri which were ok…sometimes I get dizziness upon waking up..was advised chenopodium 30. Please give me your expert advise. Thanks.

  9. Abhijit Kale says:

    Hello Doctor,

    I am suffering from Tinnitus (in left ear) since last 15 years. It started as a side effect of malaria medicines doctor recommended initially to treat the disease which turned out to be actually typhoid after multiple testings.

    Over the years I have taken various homeopathy medicines which substantially reduced the buzzing sound. However of late it has increased again. I have started taking ‘Chenopodium Anthelminticum 30’ (2 drops twice a day) and Iris Versicolor (2 drops before bedtime) since past 2 weeks.

    Can you please suggest if these are fine to continue or could you recommend other medicines ?


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