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Caladium Seguinum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Caladium Seguinum is prepared from the plant American Arum also known as ‘dumb cane’ from family Araceae. This fresh plant undergoes potentization that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties and gives us a very important homeopathic medicine Caladium Seguinum. A remedy for male problems, it is one of the best homeopathic medicines for managing cases of erectile dysfunction and genital itching in males.

Drug Action

This remedy’s sphere of action is mainly centered on male genital organs. Other than this, its action is also notable on female genitals. It also acts well on gastric system, skin and respiratory organs. Another beneficial action of this medicine is to lessen craving for tobacco which helps in withdrawing from its addiction.

Clinical Indications

Erectile dysfunction, impotency, spermatorrhea, pruritis vulva, itching, nymphomania, threadworms, mosquito bite, asthma, tobacco habit

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Male Problems (Erectile Dysfunction, Itching, Premature Ejaculation, Spermatorrhea)

The most prominent action of Caladium Seguinum is noted on male genitals. Firstly, it is a top most medicine to treat complaint of erectile dysfunction (inability to achieve or maintain erections firm enough to have sexual intercourse). Males needing it have sexual desire and thoughts but are unable to achieve erections. Penis remains relaxed even after sexual excitement. Caladium Seguinumcan be used when impotency is attended with mental depression. The use of this medicine is also considered to manage the effects of excessive masturbation. It also works well in cases where erections occur but do not last long. It is of great value in treating cases of premature ejaculation. Caladium Seguinum is a very beneficial medicine to manage itching of genitals. The eruptions on scrotum are dry and scaly, itching gets worse at night. Excessive sweating on the scrotum can be present. It is also well-indicated when glans is red and dry. It is covered with tiny red points. Along with this, the prepuce is swollen along the margins with soreness and pain. Other than this, it can be given in cases where erections occur without desire in the morning. It is also useful when painful erections appear without sexual desire. Lastly, it proves effective in cases of spermatorrhea and nocturnal emissions.

Key Indicating Features

Erectile dysfunction with sexual desire and thoughts but inability to achieve erections

Impotency with mental depression

Premature ejaculation

Itching of genitals

2. Female Problems (Itching)

In females, Caladium Seguinum is mostly prescribed to manage itching in vulva and vagina. In some cases, eruptions around the genitals may occur after itching. It is a leading medicine for cases of vaginal itching resulting from pinworms if these worms move to the vagina. It is useful for cases of cramping pain in the uterus, particularly at night.

Key Indicating Features

Vaginal itching resulting from pinworms

Cramping pain in uterus, particularly at night

3. Gastric Concerns (Burning, Stitching Pain)

If we talk of gastric concerns, it is well indicated for managing burning in stomach. It gets worse from drinking tea and eating chocolates, and also from deep breathing. Burps and vomiting may accompany. Caladium Seguinum is also indicated for needle-like stitching in the pit of stomach. It increases if one sits down. A unique sensation of a bird fluttering in the stomach can be present. In some cases, a person feels hollow in the stomach. This medicine can also be used for cutting pain in the navel region with need to bend double (bend forward and downward). Another symptom indicating its use is a pulsating burning sensation in the upper part of the abdomen. There may be distension and hardness in the abdomen, which gets painful on applying pressure.

Key Indicating Features

Burning in stomach, worse from drinking tea, eating chocolates and from deep breathing

Needle like stitching in the pit of stomach

Cutting pain in navel region

4. Skin Issues (Itching, Burning, Mosquito Bite)

Caladium Seguinum gives good results in cases of itching and burning sensation at the affected site of mosquito/insect bite. It can help cases of rough and dry skin. A characteristic feature for its use is itchy skin rash alternating with asthma. It can effectively manage burning on skin felt in spots. Burning mainly occurs on cheeks, nose, toes mainly at night. It can also be given for managing crawling and needle-like stitching on the skin. Next, it is useful for relieving itchy skin after going to bed. Besides, it is indicated for cases of pimples on nose, ear and scalp. A very peculiar indication to use it is sweat having sweet smell.

Key Indicating Features

Itching and burning sensation at site of mosquito/insect bite

Itchy skin rash alternating with asthma

Skin itching in the evening

Sweat having sweet smell

5. Respiratory Issues (Cough, Asthma)

Caladium Seguinum also acts well on the respiratory system, here it also helps in relieving cough. It is mainly used for sudden cough arising from irritation in the throat. There may occur expectoration of small lumps of mucus. Another well-known indication for its use is asthma and emphysema (lung condition that causes shortness of breath) from cigarette smoking. In asthma, heavy pressure is felt on the chest causing suffocation. There may be an asthmatic attack after eating.

Key Indicating Features

Sudden cough arising from irritation in the throat

Asthma and emphysema from cigarette smoking


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from sexual excesses, tobacco smoking, warmth, sudden noises

Relieving factors: Complaints get better in cold air, after sweating, from short nap


Depending on the symptoms in every individual case, it can be used from low to high potencies. In general, it can be repeated often in low potencies. Frequent repetition is usually not advised if using high potency.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor, Capsicum, Carbo veg, Ignatia, Hyoscyamus and Merc Sol

Followed well by: Aconite, Cantharis, Causticum, Pulsatilla, Sepia and Selenium



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  1. কোন ঔষধ ভালো লিঙ্গ ছোট বাকা তাড়াতাড়ি বেরিয়ে পরে

  2. Abdul Salam says:

    Cigaret Bidi chhodane ke liye Canadiam kitne potential mein leni chahie

  3. রউফ মণ্ডল says:

    অকাল বিযপাত থেকে মুক্তির উপায় কি

  4. Veer singh says:

    Sex karta hun to jaldi nikal jata hai aur sicod jata hai kya kare

  5. Sameer Sharma says:

    Meri exercise karne me bahut jaldi sas fulti he … running nahi kar pata … weight badh gaya he 107 kg wait he ….1 time me pet saf nahi hota …..body fit nahi he …pls give me solution sir …only I faith homyopathy…
    Thankyou sir
    Sameer Sharma from aligarh up

  6. Caladium Seguinum
    i ejaculate early when i have sex what can i use And my penis doesn’t get hard

  7. कैलेडियम सेगुइनम ka use premature edaculation me kaise kare dose kya hai aur kitne din tak lena hai

  8. Dear sir
    Caladium aur. Titanium lene se early erection aana band ho jata hai hai.aur caladium aur titanium mix karle lena chahiye ki nhi

  9. Manohar Bhandari says:

    Dear Sir,
    Namaskar.I have devolped Lung Problem,Shortness of Breath while walking.please advise me if this
    medicine can help me in getting cure.i will appreciate your response.I am 92 years old;

    • Neelesh mishra says:

      Yes .sir you surely take . Don’t waste time sir for replies and discussions. You will surely improve your health

  10. Gurjeet Singh says:

    Hello sir my name Gurjeet Singh i am 67 year old i have a ras on my penine front in a skin skin is red but i am sugar patient but i can do please tell me thanks

  11. DAMODAR SHARMA says:

    Dr Sharma

    Please advise effective homeopathic medicine to treat ED and PME. I am a diabetic patient and aged 59 yrs. Have good health and weight 66 Kgs.

    Await for your reply.


    Damodar Sharma

  12. Gopesh Bajpai says:

    Eryngium A ki jankari provide karwaye please

  13. Achintya Roy says:

    Panis khara hochha na

    • Md afghan Afghan says:

      mujhe iraction ka problem hai main ye dawa le sakta hun aur kitna boond kitna time sir

      • Dr shab good afternoon Dr shab 8 din se penis mein tight jaise condition nahi aa rahi hai pehle sab kuch theek tha khada hota hai tight jaisi condition nahi hai gutka bhi chodd diya hai aaj se mujhe medicine bta dijiye

        • अनूप says:

          लिंग को सेक्स के लिए बेहतर कड़ेपन के साथ तैयार होने तथा लंबे समय तक सेक्स के लिए सर्वोत्तम होम्योपैथी दवा का मार्गदर्शन करे ।
          क्या होमीपैथ में वियाग्रा जैसे विकल्प है ??

  14. प्रमोद पाण्डेय says:

    मेराउर्म 50 शाल है दो तीन शाल से मेरे लिंग मे कठोरता नही होता और जल्दी हि डिस्चार्ज हो जाता है

  15. Dipak Bera says:

    Is caladium segi will effect on blood pressure

  16. Arif khan says:

    We took medicine for BP Eritel 40 and novastate 5 can I take caladium for sex

  17. Ghanshyam Choudhary says:

    Does Caladium Senguinum 1M reduce blood-sugar/ increase blood-sugar/ both/ or no effect on blood-sugar level?

    • Shambhu Raj Chaudhari says:

      mahoday main sugar ka patient hu calendula kha sakte hain sugar patient ko is Dava per kya Prabhav Padega

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