Homeopathic medicine Bovista Lycoperdon is of great clinical significance and can manage several skin complaints. Among these urticaria, eczema and acne tops the list. It also acts well on female genitals, especially, cases of heavy menses and vaginal discharge. Lastly, it works wonderfully well to control bleeding from various body parts.
The ‘Bovista Lycoperdon’ Constitution
This medicine is suitable for those who have a tendency to frequent bleeding from nose, and gums. It also suits children who have a stammering problem quite well.
Drug Action
Bovista has a marked action on the skin and female genitals. Its results are well-known on the circulatory system, and capillaries in which it helps manage bleeding from various body parts. It also acts well on the mouth, teeth, gums, nose, and gastric system.
Clinical Indications
Urticaria, eczema, acne, menstruation disorders, heavy menses, intermenstrual bleeding, leucorrhoea, ovarian cysts, haemorrhages, nose bleeding, corns, warts, abdomen pain, gas, constipation, diarrhoea, nausea
Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy
1. Skin complaints (Urticaria, Eczema, Itching, Corns, Warts, Acne)
Bovista is really suitable to treat several skin issues. Mainly its use is recommended to treat cases of urticaria. Urticaria refers to itchy, raised bumps (wheals) on skin appearing suddenly usually from an allergic reaction. It gives magnificent results in these cases. The most striking feature for its use is urticaria which has gotten worse from bathing. Other than this, its use is also suggested if urticaria worsens on waking in the morning. A very unique feature that may be present is urticaria accompanied by diarrhoea (loose stool). It is a wonderful medicine to help those suffering from eczema (skin inflammation causing itchy rash, dry patches, flakiness or blisters or cracks on the skin). In eczema, it can be administered in two scenarios. Firstly, it can be given when there is redness of skin along with itching, and burning. Secondly, it can be used in cases presenting thick moist crusts on the skin. There occurs eruption on the skin that itches, and emits fluid. Thick crusts form on these eruptions with collection of pus underneath. Another complaint where this medicine is quite helpful is skin itching that increases particularly as it gets warm. The itching is not relieved by scratching. Apart from these, it is well suited to treat cases of corns (hardened skin layers which develop from increased pressure or friction on skin mostly on the feet). It is also helps treat warts (small bumps on the skin caused by human papilloma virus). To use this medicine for the treatment of corns, and warts the most important symptom to look for is shooting pain in the affected area. Bovista is a best homeopathic medicine to treat acne (pimples) that results from use of cosmetics. It is also used to treat pimples that get worse in summers. Bovista is also indicated when blunt objects leave a deep impression on the skin. Next important feature for its use is intolerable itching at the tip of coccyx (tail bone). Lastly, it is a valuable medicine to relieve itching on the scalp that gets worse from warmth. There is desire to scratch scalp until sore.
Key Indicating Features
Urticaria worse from bathing
Urticaria accompanied with diarrhoea
Eczema with redness of skin along with itching and burning
Eczema with thick moist crusts on the skin
Skin itching that worsens on getting warm
Corns and warts with shooting pain
Pimples resulting from cosmetic use
Deep impressions being left on skin from blunt objects
Intolerable itching at tip of coccyx (tail bone)
2. Women Related Problems (Heavy Menses, Intermenstrual Bleeding, Leucorrhoea, Ovarian Cysts)
Various Women related issues can be treated wonderfully with this medicine. Firstly, it is useful in case of early, and heavy periods when there is more menstrual bleeding at night. Before the commencement of menses, painful bearing down is felt in the genitals. During menses, bruised pain in abdomen, thighs, and lower back can be felt. Secondly, it can be given in cases of intermenstrual bleeding. It is well-indicated when periods appear after a gap of every two weeks. The blood is dark, and has clots. Another complaint where Bovista works well is leucorrhoea (vaginal discharges). It is hugely beneficial in treating vaginal discharge that are either like white of an egg or green-coloured, and thick that leaves green spots behind. The discharge gets worse while walking, and also after periods. A very peculiar symptom which indicates the use of Bovista is diarrhoea particularly before and during menses. It can also effectively deal with cases of ovarian cysts (fluid filled sacs in an ovary).
Key Indicating Features
Early and heavy menses when bleeding is worse at night
Intermenstrual bleeding every two weeks of dark and clotted blood
Vaginal discharge that like white of an egg or of green coloured and thick leaving behind green spots
Vaginal discharge worse when walking and after menses
Diarrhoea before and during menses
3. Perspiration
Bovista is also predominantly used to treat cases of excessive sweating in axilla (armpit). Sweating in armpits with a smell of an onion or a garlic is classic feature for its use. Other than this it has the ability to manage cases where excessive sweating on chest occurs in the morning.
Key Indicating Feature
Sweating in armpits smelling like onion or garlic
4. Mouth (Dryness, Crusts)
It helps in case of excessive dryness in the mouth. One may have a feeling of as if there is sand in the mouth. In such cases, there is offensive smell in the mouth. Other than this, it is a valuable medicine in case of those who stammer. Lastly, it is used in case of soreness, and crusts at the corners of the mouth.
Key Indicating Features
Dry mouth with sensation of sand in the mouth
Soreness and crusts at the corners of mouth
5. Teeth, And Gums (Bleeding Gums, Toothache)
Bovista acts very well on the teeth, and gums. It is highly preferred in cases of bleeding gums, especially when one sucks one’s own gums by drawing in the inner walls of the mouth. It is also an important medicine to control bleeding after tooth extraction. It is also indicated to manage aching, and drawing pain in decayed teeth. It worsens in the evenings, and get better in warmth.
Key Indicating Features
Bleeding gums
Bleeding following tooth extraction
Aching drawing pain in decayed teeth, gets worse in the evenings, and gets better with warmth
6. Nasal Problems (Nose Bleeding, Blocked Nose)
Bovista has a marked action on the nose. This medicine can take care of cases of nasal bleeding (epistaxis). There are few major indications to use it in cases of nasal bleeding. It includes nose bleeding from an injury or bleeding in the early mornings during sleep. Additionally, it is also indicated when bleeding from nose occurs in drops when one blows his nose and upon sneezing. In women, if nose bleeding occurs along with irregularity in menses even then it is a major remedy. This medicine can also be used to treat cases of blocked nose that is worse when lying down attended with trouble in breathing. There may occur tough, ropy discharge or watery discharge from nose as well.
Key Indicating Features
Nose bleeding from injury
Nose bleeding in early morning during sleep
Bleeding from nose in drops when one blows nose and upon sneezing
Nose bleeding along with irregularity in menses
7. Gastric Issues (Abdomen Pain, Diarrhoea, Constipation)
Bovista is a very beneficial medicine for treating various gastric issues. It is useful in case of abdomen pain and the pain gets better after a meal.
Bending double exercise also relieves it. Other symptoms are gas in abdomen with bloating. Wearing tight clothes around the waist may make one uncomfortable. It is also administered in case of nausea that occur before breakfast. There may be empty burps. A sensation of lump of ice is felt in stomach. Another indication for the use of this medicine is diarrhoea among elderly people. It gets worse in early morning, and at night. It is a leading medicine to manage diarrhoea in women before, and during menses. This medicine can also be given to those suffering from constipation. It is administered in those cases when the first part of the stool is hard but subsequently followed by thin, and watery stool. Along with constipation there is gas and rumbling in abdomen.
Key Indicating Features
Abdomen pain gets better after a meal eating, and with bending double exercise
Diarrhoea in elderly people, gets worse in the early mornings and at night
Diarrhoea gets worse before, and during menses
Constipation — first part of stool is hard followed by thin, and watery stool
Worsening factors: Complaints get worse in hot weather, at night, during full moon, from cold food, wine, before, and during menses
Relieving factors: Complaints get better after a meal, taking hot food, and from bending double
It can be used from low to high potency. In low potency, its repetition can be frequent. In higher potencies, frequent repetition is not recommended.
Relationship with Other Remedies
Antidoted by: Camphor
Followed well by: Alumina, Calcarea Carb, Rhus Tox, Sepia and Veratrum Album
It can be compared with some other remedies including Belladonna, Cicuta, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Staphisagria, Carbo Veg, Merc Sol and Pulsatilla
Please suggestion me, my wife suffering by syst ,
Hi! I have eczema food allergies hay fever and asthma. I am afraid my son is also suffering from the same. (2 yrs 11 mos) He has even more severe symptoms than I have had and gets hives every day. They usually show up when he gets warm when playing or taking a bath. He has several food allergies and intolerances. He has not been diagnosed with asthma but I am afraid that he will eventually fall victim to atopic March. The only way I can help him is with homeopathic remedies since traditional medicine just wants to give him allergy shots and steroid cream.
Calc carb 1M, once a week healed all of my food allergies (corn, potatoes, peanuts, food colors, msg, )hay fever, mold allergy ect. And Bovista 200 every other day healed my gluten allergy in 3 months, and Aethusa 200 every 3 days healed my dairy allergy in about 2 months. I hope this helps someone as much as it has helped me. This is a “practical homeopathy” approach which means these remedies will help most people with these and similar allergies.
Please check this remedy showing for heavy menstrual periods but here its written for scanty