Arum Triphyllum is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from plant ‘jack-in-the-pulpit’ also known as Indian turnip. It belongs to family Araceae. When this plant undergoes potentization (a process via which homeopathic medicines are prepared by arousing the medicinal properties of a crude substance), we get a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Arum Triphyllum. It is a very important medicine in homeopathy for managing cases of nasal allergy (hay fever, allergic rhinitis), laryngitis and clergyman’s sore throat.
Drug Action
Arum Triphyllum manifests its primary action on nose and throat. Other than this, its action is noted on skin and mouth.
Clinical Indications
Hay fever, acrid discharges, sneezing, clergyman’s sore throat, laryngitis, aphonia, sore mouth, cracked tongue and scarlatina
Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy
1. Nasal Complaints (Hay Fever, Sneezing, Watery Nasal Discharge, Nose Picking)
The most important of all the actions of this remedy is seen on the nose. It is a very suitable medicine for managing cases of hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis. It refers to an allergic condition resulting from an allergic response to allergens like dust mites, pollen leading to symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, nasal blockage and red, watery and itchy eyes. For hay fever, it is used when there is watery discharge from the nose which is acrid means irritation causing rawness, soreness and burning in the nostrils and the upper lips. Sometimes discharge from the nose can be blood-streaked too. In some cases, thick yellow mucus flows from the nose. Inspite of nasal discharge, one feels blockage in the nostrils. A person feels the need to breathe through the mouth. Sneezing may occur which gets worse at night. Pain at the root of nose is an attending symptom. The nasal discharge can smell offensive. It is well indicated for cases in which a constant desire of picking at the nose is present until it starts to bleed.
Key Indicating Features
Hay fever with watery discharge from the nose that causes irritation and burning in nostrils and upper lips
Complete stoppage of the nostrils inspite of nasal discharge
Sneezing worse at night time
Constant desire to pick at nose until it starts to bleed
2. Throat Problems (Laryngitis, Clergyman’s Sore Throat, Aphonia)
Arum Triphyllum acts wonderfully on the throat. It proves to be highly effective in treating laryngitis (inflammation of larynx – voice box). There is marked hoarseness of voice. It is one of the best choices of homeopathic medicines for treating ‘clergyman’s sore throat’. It refers to chronic throat inflammation in persons who overstrain their voice frequently like public speakers, singers, etc. In these cases, arum triphyllum is used when voice is hoarse, uncontrollable and changes continuously, sometimes deep sometimes hollow. Its use is also recommended in cases of loss of voice (aphonia) after exposure to wind. This medicine is helpful in treating sore throat. Persons needing it feel burning and scratching in the throat. Burning also occurs in the root of the tongue along with dryness. Stinging is also felt in the throat. Swallowing is difficult. Sticky mucus may be present in the throat with tickling cough. In throat, ulcers may get formed along with the other symptoms. It can be given in cases where a person feels pain, soreness and burning in the palate. It gets worse from drinking and eating.
Key Indicating Features
Laryngitis with hoarseness of voice
Clergyman’s sore throat hoarse, uncontrollable voice that changes tone continuously, sometimes deep sometimes hollow
Loss of voice (aphonia) after exposure to wind
3. Mouth Complaints (Cracked Mouth Corners, Dry Lips, Sore Mouth, Cracked Tongue)
Arum triphyllum gives marvellous results in cases of sore cracked mouth corners. It can, secondly, be used when the lips are dry, chapped, swollen accompanied with burning pain. A very peculiar indication to use this remedy is picking of the lips until bleeding occurs. This medicine also works well for sore inflamed mouth. In cases needing it, the mouth is sore, raw, with profuse acrid saliva. Marked burning sensation is felt in the mouth. It acts well on the tongue as well. It is well indicated when tongue is cracked with bleeding along with redness and soreness. Burning sensation is felt on the tongue.
Key Indicating Features
Soreness and cracks at the mouth corners
Dry swollen lips with burning
Picking of the lips till they bleed
Red, sore tongue with cracks and bleeding
4. Skin Issues (Scarlatina, Pemphigus)
Arum triphyllum is prominently indicated for treating cases of scarlatina, also known as scarlet fever. It is a bacterial illness that may develop in persons having strep throat.
In this a bright red rash appears on the skin, attended by fever and sore throat. In such cases, arum triphyllum offers help when rashes occur on the entire body with itching and restlessness. Raw, bloody surface appear everywhere on the body. A person has tendency to pick and bore into raw surfaces. It is painful, and later on peeling of the skin occurs. Dry heat is present in the skin. Other than this, it is also indicated for managing cases of pemphigus (an autoimmune disease in which painful blisters appear which are fluid-filled bumps on skin and mucus membranes.
Key Indications
Scarlet rash on whole body with itching and restlessness
Raw, bloody surface on body with tendency to pick and bore though painful
Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from cold wind, talking, singing, voice overuse and from lying down.
This medicine can be used from low to high potencies. It is a short-acting medicine and its action lasts for about one to two days. It can be repeated frequently in low potencies but in high potencies, its frequent repetition is not advised.
Relationship With Other Remedies
Antidoted by: Acetic Acid, Belladonna, Lactic Acid and Pulsatilla
It can be compared with other medicines including Allium Cepa, Ammonium Carb, Cina, Arsenic Album, Hepar Sulph, Lycopodium, Silicea and Sulphur.
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Arum triphylium