The buildup of fats in the liver is known as Fatty Liver. The liver processes everything that you eat or drink and filters harmful substances from the blood. If too much fat has accumulated in the liver, this process gets interfered with. The symptoms of fatty liver can be non-specific, especially in the early stages. Most people with a Fatty Liver feel unwell and find they get tired and gain weight for no apparent reason. The reasons for Fatty Liver can be alcoholism, incorrect diet, obesity, diabetes, or even excessive use of medication. The Homeopathic remedies for fatty liver can reverse the condition of the fatty liver and bring it to normal. The natural medicines, which are made of natural substances, are given to patients after studying the unique symptoms experienced by each individual. The natural remedies for a fatty liver are completely safe with no side effects.
Top Homeopathic Remedies for Fatty Liver
1. Chelidonium: For Fatty Liver with Pain in Right Upper Abdomen
Chelidonium is the top natural medicine for Fatty Liver treatment. The marked symptom for using this medicine is pain in right upper abdomen and pain under right shoulder. There may also be an enlargement of liver. The person is usually constipated. The stool passes in the form of hard balls. A distended abdomen with nausea and vomiting is also experienced. The patient suffers from excessive weakness. In case of jaundice in a patient with Fatty Liver too, Chelidonium is the best remedy. A hallmark symptom that adds weightage for selecting this medicine is a desire for very hot drinks and hot food.
2. Lycopodium: For Fatty Liver with acidity
Lycopodium is a natural remedy of great help for treating Fatty Liver with gastric symptoms and acidity. The patient complains of distension or bloating of abdomen soon after eating anything. The abdomen feels full of gas. Burning belching is also experienced. Even eating a little causes fullness in the abdomen. The patient feels heaviness and pain in the right upper part of abdomen. Usually, the symptoms get worse towards the evening. Farinaceous food makes the person worse. An unusual craving for sweets and hot drinks in excess may be present.
3. Phosphorus: For Fatty Liver with Food Coming up after Eating
Phosphorus is the best natural medicine for patients of Fatty Liver who feel as if the food is coming upwards after eating. This is accompanied by sour belching. Vomiting may also occur in a few cases, along with pain in liver. The stool and flatus are very offensive. The patient feels weak after passing stool. The craving for peculiar things in diet is an important indication for using this medicine in Fatty Liver patients. These peculiar things include ice creams, cold drinks and refreshing items like juices.
4. Calcarea Carb: For Obese Fatty Liver Patients
Calcarea Carb is a very beneficial natural medicine for mainly obese Fatty Liver patients. The person is fatty, flabby with excess fat in liver and whole abdomen. This remedy successfully helps in burning excess fat in liver. The digestion is very slow in such persons with long-standing constipation. The abdomen always remains distended. Milk is not suitable for these persons. A few constitutional symptoms that are taken note of is a desire for boiled eggs or strange things like chalk and pencils. Another is sensitivity to cold air and excessive sweating on the head.
5. Nux Vomica: For Fatty Liver with Pain in Abdomen after Eating
Natural remedy Nux Vomica is the best fatty liver treatment in homeopathy when the cause is over-consumption of alcohol. It is prescribed when pain in abdomen begins a few hours after eating, with a feeling of stone in abdomen. Sour or bitter belching accompanies the pain. A very significant symptom for selecting Nux Vomica for Fatty Liver is constipation with an ineffectual urge to pass stool or poop. The stool, however, is insufficient and unsatisfactory. The passing out of stool gives some relief from the pain in the abdomen but the urge to pass stool is renewed soon after. The patient craves for fattyfood, spicy food, coffee and alcoholic drinks in diet.
I habe been diagnosed fatty lever by tomography . Also excessive gas producing in stomach , belching , bowls do not clear regularly. For clear bowl i have to take medicine. I think acid reflux also because I get mouth ulcers when acid reflux .
Can you please advise what medicine i should take.
I am 55 years old and facing with following health Problems.
1. Fatty lever
2. Acidity
3. Enlarge Prostate
4. Light Swelling in Lever.
Can I Call You Please. If yes, please share your contact no.
I am having high triglycerides and fatty liver for the last 22 years. My age is 56 male.
Should I take calc area carbolic 200 & ly co podium 200
I am 55 years old and facing with following health Problems.
1. Fatty lever
2. Acidity
3. Enlarge Prostate
4. Light Swelling in Lever.
Can I Call You Please. If yes, please share your contact no.
Good morning Dr Drishti
I have read your page, but would like further guidance!
I have used homeopathy for very many years.
I over ate a meal (I often make) linguine and brown lentils – with tomato paste and (perhaps too many) chilli flakes.. I know that I also ate too much! (this is emotional eating!)
that night, my stomach ached badly, and I was sick, twice in the night.
The following two day (and today so far) I ate nothing… though I did take some hot water miso yesterday (in the hope of getting some energy).. and slept almost solidly for 2 days.. I know there was a type of fever on day one.
So, my question is this: I am obese… too much emotional eating. I am vegetarian. hardly ever take dairy products. often don’t eat till 2pm.
Today, I find tenderness in the liver area, mostly to the right side.
I take milk thistle and dandelion and artichoke tinctures (when I remember!)
I wonder what homeopathic remedy you might recommend… as the ones listed (above) do not truely fit!
In appreciation of your considered response.
Kind regards
Gd morning muje fatty liver grade 1 hai or mujhe GERD REFLUX hai or muje gale me dard hota acidity bhut jyada bnti hai or gale me chubhan bhi rahta hai sab khuch kar chuka but aaram nhi mil raha pls btaye mai kya kru bhut medicine le chuka hu five years se presan hu pls btaye kya kru
My wife is 42 years old have two girls one 6 years and other 12 years. Diagnosed with gallbladder thickening of 4.4 mm and pericholecystosis pocket measuring 14 mm x 5.9 mm seen abbuting the fundus and sludge in fundus complex ovarian cyst in right ovary of size 3x6x9mm.
homeopathic medicine calcarea carbonica cholesterinum3x and cystonett is prescribed
Please help
Hello mam my sister is having grade 3 fatty liver with pain on right side of shoulder aur it’s going back to wings side.its curable by homeopathy medicine?
I have abdominal ultra sound. Finding as below.
Liver: Liver is 16.7 cm in size. Fatty texture. No focal Defect. Intrahepatic biliary channels and hepatic vein are not dilated.
Gall bladder: Partially distended. Walls are normal in thickness. No calculus, mass or biliary sludge seen in it. CBD/intrahepatic biliary channels are not dilated.
Urinary Bladder: Partially filled with 7mm wall thickness. No stone, trabeculae, diverticula or mass seen. Pre void urine 145 ml. Post void residual urine mil.
Prostate: Prostate size in 4.3*3.6*3.5 cm. Prostate volume is 27ml. Weight 28 grams.
Kindly suggest medicines.
मुझे फैटी लीवर ग्रेड 1है,,sgpt 86,,,sgot 57है,,, कुछ भी खाओ पेट भरा हुआ लगता है कि बहुत खा लिया हो,, कभी कभी पेट में हल्का हल्का दर्द होता है,, पेट सुबह साफ नहीं होता लगता है की लैट्रिन और है पर होती नही,, जबकि एलोपैथिक चिकित्सा चल रही है,, लैक्टुलैक भी 25ml ले रहें हैं,, कौन सी होम्योपैथिक दवाई लें कि ठीक हो सकें,,sgpt,sgot की problem 1साल से चल रही है,,, फैटी लीवर 3माह से है,, कमजोरी बहुत लगती है, हाथ पैरों में दर्द हुआ करती है,, भोजन भी नॉर्मल चल रहा है
Sgpt is 79.Is there any medicine
Have to go 2 to 3 times at morning for motion.
High triglycerides and always feel lazy
Dear Dr Sharma
I 76. I have high blood pressure and have been taking Lisinopril and Anlodipine. I have had increasing nausea, dizziness and feeling unwell, itchy spots, etc.. Scan detected spongy liver and NAFLD. My medicine has been changed from Lisinopril to a diurtetic (Indapamide).
How can I treat my fatty liver please?
I am detected grade 2 fatty liver (non alcoholic).
How should I dose the remedy?
Sir, kh
ave problem as follows-
1 Indigestion
2 constipation
3 bloating
4 more bloating when take milk
5 heavy sound in stomatch
6 heaviness in stomatch
7no clear stool
I am Deshmukh Salwa ,35 years old.I have a problem of Right ovarian complex cyst and alsoMild hepatomegaly with grade I fatty infiltration
Hi Doc,
I m 39 years old male with fatty liver alongwith swollen esophagus, having multi condition like suffocation, heartburning with irregular heartbeats after meals, tinitus due to acid reflux and light headedness the whole day. Having relief after artificial burps. Sometimes food coming upwards but no vomiting or nausea. Already taken chelidonium 30 and carbo vegetabilis. No any desire of eggs, hot food or drinks but sweets sometimes. Sudden Warm feeling and relief after removing blanket or cap from head
Past history: alcoholic, smoker but no more.
I am Deshmukh Salwa ,35 years old.I have a problem of Right ovarian complex cyst and alsoMild hepatomegaly with grade I fatty infiltration
Hi, am Niranjan Upadhyaya, 49 years. I have high triglycerides (390) and high cholesterol (250) with Grade 1 fatty liver problem. In recent months, i gained weight and feel very tired at all times. My energy level is very low and I don’t want to do anything except rest.
Kindly suggest me further course of action, please.
My sgot and sgpt level are 193 and 453 respectively. The difficulty and symptoms that i am experiencing are abdomen pain, pain around both the kidney which sometimes extends near groin area, regular gas in the stomach, sore regurgitation of undigested food, pain and weight after food, constant sense of fermentation in the abdomen, incomplete and uncleared toilet, pain sometimes relieved if there is clear and complete toilet, weakness after toilet, weight and pain in stomach after having food, strong desire for sweets, no smoking habit, sonography endoscopy and colonoscopy revealed a spot on the upper part of stomach. Please suggest.
Thanking in anticipation
My sgot and sgpt level are 193 and 453 respectively. The difficulty and symptoms that i am experiencing are abdomen pain, pain around both the kidney which sometimes extends near groin area, regular gas in the stomach, sore regurgitation of undigested food, pain and weight after food, constant sense of fermentation in the abdomen, incomplete and uncleared toilet, pain sometimes relieved if there is clear and complete toilet, weakness after toilet, weight and pain in stomach after having food, strong desire for sweets, no smoking habit, sonography endoscopy and colonoscopy revealed a spot on the upper part of stomach. Please communicate for prescription.
Thanking in anticipation
My sgpt is 81 nd sgpt is 86
Plz suggest medicines