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Top 9 Homeopathic Remedies For Leucorrhea and Vaginal Discharges

The fluid secretion from the vagina is referred to as vaginal discharge, medically known as leucorrhea. Some amount of this fluid is daily secreted that lubricates the vagina, cleans it by carrying away dead cells and protects against infection. Vaginal discharge is mostly normal and under normal circumstances it can be fluid, white or clear watery, sticky and varies in amount depending on the time of menstrual cycle. But vaginal discharge if attended with foul odour, itching, burning, pain or has changed colour and consistency then it may be arising from some health condition like a vaginal infection. So here medical help is necessary to rule out the cause and its treatment.

Homeopathy offers a very safe, natural and effective treatment for cases of leucorrhea.  These medicines reduce the vaginal discharges along with managing attending symptoms of itching, burning in vagina, lower abdomen pain and painful urination. These remedies work wonderfully in both acute and chronic cases of leucorrhea. Mainstream medicine mainly use antibiotics for treating such cases that gives short-term relief and also have side effects. Homeopathy gives long-term relief and provides cure by working to root out the underlying causes with no adverse effects and also reduces dependency on antibiotics.

Homeopathy treats the root cause

Since leucorrhea can arise from several causes, homeopathy gives excellent results in leucorrhea cases by treating the root cause behind it. Homeopathic medicines boost body’s self-healing mechanism to fight back the cause giving wonderful results. As the root cause is addressed, the recovery is complete and permanent.

Individualized treatment

Homeopathy provides individualized treatment for leucorrhea rather than generalized. This means that the homeopathic medicine in every case of leucorrhea is selected individually for every case and not every case is given the same medicine. Homeopathic medicine is finalized after taking into consideration the characteristic symptoms in every individual. Such well-selected individualized medication leads to great recoveries.

Homeopathy Is Free Of Side Effects

One of the main advantages of using homeopathy is that it prescribes medicines made up of natural substances. The homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea are also of natural origin so do not have any sort of side effects. They treat leucorrhea in the most harmless and gentle manner.

homeopathic remedies for leucorrhea

Top 9 Homeopathic Remedies for Leucorrhea

The medicines that top the list for treatment of leucorrhea are Sepia, Pulsatilla, Natrum Mur, Kreosotum, Alumina, Borax, Conium, Hydrastis and Kali Carb.

1. Sepia – Top Grade Medicine For Vaginal Discharge

Sepia is the top natural medicine to treat Leucorrhea when the vaginal discharge is yellowish green in color or is milky white passing in large lumps. In some cases it may even be blood stained. The discharge smells foul and is attended with excessive vaginal itchingBurning sensation is also felt in vagina. Intercourse is very painful. Vaginal discharge gets profuse after urinating. It gets worse before and after menses. Pelvic pain and bearing down sensation in the pelvis as if pelvic organs would come out from vulva is marked. Sepia Officinalis also specifically indicated for foul vaginal discharge in case of gonorrhoea infection. The women requiring this medicine usually suffer from menstrual irregularities of various kinds. Sepia is the top natural medicine to treat Leucorrhea mainly in women at the menopause age with excessive hot flushes, perspiration, and weakness.

When to use Sepia?

The use of Sepia is highly recommended to manage yellow / milky white vaginal discharge along with itching, burning, foul smell and sometimes pelvic pain.

How to use Sepia?

One may take this medicine in 30 C potency once or twice a day. For using its high potencies like 200C, one needs to consult a homeopathic physician.

2. Pulsatilla – For Vaginal Discharge That Is Milky White or Creamy

Pulsatilla is very beneficial for vaginal discharge that is milky white in color or creamy. It is very thick and the discharge worsens on lying down. It causes itching and burning in vagina. It is also well-indicated when vaginal discharge is attended with backache and weakness. Pulsatilla is also indicated for gonorrhoea with thick mucus discharge milky white in colour.

When to use Pulsatilla?

Pulsatilla should be the first choice of medicine to manage milky white or creamy leucorrhea which gets worse on lying down.

How to use Pulsatilla?

It works most wonderfully in 30C potency that can be taken twice a day.

3. Natrum Mur – For Watery Transparent Vaginal Discharge

Natrum Mur is usually prescribed for vaginal discharge which is watery transparent. It is very profuse and attended with weakness. Abdomen pain and bearing down pains may attend it. Itching in vagina may occur too. Besides, it can also be used when thick white vaginal discharge occurs in place of menses.

When to use Natrum Mur?

Natrum Mur is the best choice of medicine to manage vaginal discharges that are watery and transparent and can be attended with abdomen pain.

How to use Natrum Mur?

In most of the cases, this medicine is used in 6X potency that can be taken twice or thrice a day.

4. Kreosotum – For Offensive Vaginal Discharge With Violent Itching

Kreosotum is the best medicine for vaginal discharge with violent itching in genitals. The vaginal discharge is yellow leaving a yellow stain on the linen. The discharge is very foul smelling. The condition gets worse between periods. Standing and walking makes the discharge worse and the patient feels better while sitting or lying down. Intense pain is felt during intercourse. Pain is also felt while urinating. This medicine is highly recommended for vaginitis cases.

When to use Kreosotum?

Kreosote is suitable for cases of leucorrhea with intense itching, foul smell and when discharge leaves a yellow stain on linen.

How to use Kreosotum?

It is advised to take Kreosotum 30 C once or twice a day.

5. Alumina – For Profuse Vaginal Discharge With Severe Burning

Alumina is another effective medicine that brings very good results in case of profuse vaginal discharge with severe burning. The discharge is very profuse and even runs down till the heels.  The discharge is transparent, may be ropy as well. Itching is also felt in the genitals. Washing the private parts with cold water helps to relieve symptoms. Vaginal discharge gets worse during day and after menses, and the patient is physically and mentally exhausted after menses. Alumina is also a remedy of great help for patients who usually suffer from chronic constipation and go without passing stool for many days.

When to use Alumina ?

Alumina is a highly preferred medicine to manage vaginal discharges that are profuse and accompanied with severe burning.

How to use Alumina?

In the beginning, its use is suggested in 30C potency and can be repeated twice in a day. Its higher potenices are also available but these potencies are not to be repeated very often.

6. Borax – For Egg White Like Vaginal Discharge

Borax is an ideal remedy where the vaginal discharge is like the white of an egg. It is attended with a feeling as if warm water is flowing. Such a discharge is worse for two weeks between the menstrual cycle. Swelling of labia may attend it.

When to use Borax?

This medicine can be prescribed to manage leucorrhea that resembles the white of an egg worse two weeks between periods.

How to use Borax?

It is recommended to use Borax 30C one or two times in a day.

7. Conium – For Vaginal Discharge With Pain In Lower Abdomen (Pelvic Pain)

Though Sepia is the main medicine for vaginal discharge with pelvic pain, Conium is also indicated to manage this issue. Conium can be used when the discharge is white or yellow. It is attended with griping, pinching or labor-like pains in the abdomen. Burning is felt in the vagina. Lower back feels weak.

When to use Conium?

Use of Conium is especially suggested for managing vaginal discharge either white or yellow attended with pain in the lower abdomen.

How to use Conium?

It can be used in both low and high potencies among which the most preferred is 30 C potency that can be taken once or twice a day depending on the severity of the symptoms.

8. Hydrastis – For Thick Yellow, Ropy Vaginal Discharge

Hydrastis works well in cases of vaginal discharge that is yellow, thick and ropy and hangs down in long strings. Excessive vaginal itching is always felt. The discharge gets worse immediately after menses with a lot of weakness. During intercourse, soreness is felt in the vagina, after which bleeding from vagina may also occur.

When to use Hydrastis?

This medicine is apt for cases of vaginal discharges that are thick, yellow and ropy in nature worse after menses.

How to use Hydrastis?

Both the lower and the highest potencies of this medicine are effective. Initially, it can be taken in 30 C potency upto 2 times in a day, not more than that.

9. Kali Carb – For Vaginal Discharge And Backache

Kali Carb is an ideal medicine for patients who feel a sharp, cutting pain in the lower back with a feeling as if the back would break. The vaginal discharge is yellow with burning and itching in the vulva.

When to use Kali Carb?

Kali Carb is well indicated for cases of leucorrhea when vaginal discharge is accompanied by lower backache.

How to use Kali Carb?

It can be used in 30C potency once or twice a day.

Different Colors And Consistency Of Vaginal Discharge  – What’s Normal And What’s Not?

The color of discharge may indicate the cause behind it:

1. Clear watery discharge: It usually occurs physiologically (under normal healthy condition)  and often does not indicate any infection or other pathology if occurring alone without any other symptoms. It commonly occurs around ovulation (the process of releasing egg from ovary). It is also noticed when sexually aroused or during pregnancy.

2. A white discharge without any odoris usually seen at the beginning or end of menstrual cycle

3. A thick white cheesy dischargemight indicate a yeast infection

4. A gray, white or yellow, discharge having fish-like smellis seen mainly in bacterial vaginosis

5. Yellow or greendischarge often points towards a sexually transmitted infection

6. Pink-colored dischargemay be due to Lochia (vaginal discharge in women after childbirth), cervical bleeding, implantation bleeding (slight spotting of blood after around 14 days of conception), vaginal irritation

7. Red (bloody) or brown color discharge may happen during or soon after menstrual period,  irregular menses, cervical infection/polyp, cancer of cervix/endometrium in rare cases. Such spotting during early pregnancy may indicate miscarriage.

Different Causes Of Abnormal Vaginal Discharge

1. Vaginal yeast infection:Also named vaginal candidiasis, it refers to a fungal infection of vagina. It causes a thick white vaginal discharge having cottage cheese-like appearance. It is often attended with itching and burning sensation in vagina.

2. Bacterial vaginosis: It refers to vaginal inflammation arising from an overgrowth of bacteria that normally reside in vagina. It causes vaginal discharge which smells foul, to be more specific fish-like odor. The discharge can be gray, white or yellow.

3. Sexually transmitted infections:

a). Chlamydia trachomatis: This STD is caused by a bacteria which causes vaginal discharge, painful urination, itching or burning in vagina and painful intercourse.

b). Gonorrhea: Caused by bacteria neisseria gonorrhoeae, it leads to profuse vaginal discharge that may be white, yellow or green; pelvic pain, pain when urinating and vaginal bleeding in between periods.

c). Trichomoniasis: It is caused by parasite trichomonas vaginalis. It causes foul-smelling vaginal discharge – yellow green grey or white-colored, and attended with itching/ burning in vagina, pain while urinating or intercourse.

d). Genital herpes: It is caused by herpes simplex virus. It causes sores on genital area that can be accompanied by vaginal discharge which is thick with foul smell and painful urination.

4. Vaginitis (inflammation of vagina) and cervicitis (inflammation of cervix)

5. Pelvic Inflammatory disease (PID): It is an infection of the female reproductive system and can affect the fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix and uterus. It causes lower abdomen pain, foul-smelling vaginal discharge usually yellow or green, painful urine, painful sex, irregular periods, fever, and chills

6. Use of antibiotics or steroids or birth control pills

7. Retained tampon – a menstrual product inserted in vagina to absorb blood and vaginal secretions during periods

8. Douching (washing the vagina with water or mixture of fluids) or using scented soaps, bubble baths

9. Post-surgery pelvic infection

10. Having diabetes also raises risk

11. Vaginal atrophy – thinning and drying of the vaginal lining. It is noted usually during menopause

12. Vaginal fistula

13. Rarely cancer of cervix or vagina

What Other Signs And Symptoms Can Attend Vaginal Discharge?

Depending on the cause behind vaginal discharge following signs and symptoms may occur:

1. Itching in vagina

2. Swelling, redness, or burning in vagina or vulva

3. Pelvic pain / lower abdomen pain

4. Intermenstrual bleeding

5. Pain while urinating

6. Painful intercourse

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  1. Is sepia 200c and ammonium carbonicum 30 c used in white discharge

  2. Hi Dr,

    I am 40 yrs old female and have white vaginal discharge after my periods. Also this is accompanied by some cramps in lower abdomen and pain in lower back.
    Please suggest the medication.


  3. saba noreen says:

    Hi Dr.
    I am 29 & i am suffering badly in yellow & Greenish leucorrhea which smell is like egg, fish with too much irritating, itching, swelling, Infection, burning pain in Vulva.Plz suggest me a strong medicine for this disease cause i am Mentally Disturbed due to that. I want to Get rid from this permanently plz help me. i am too much Hopeless. No charm in life.. After Periods its run any Time Morning till Night. Plz help

  4. Hi doctor….. I’m 23 years old…… I recently got this bad disease leucorrehea…… I’m feeling sadness and dizziness……. Please please suggest me medicine…….

  5. Laylabanu Laskar says:

    I am 24 years old.I suffering from leucorrhoea from 7 years.It fall like white liquid .I feel very weaknesses..and I tired after a normal work..No smell.. leucorrhoea fall every day evry time.I never take tea or oily products..

    • Hi doctor….. I’m 23 years old…… I recently got this bad disease leucorrehea…… I’m feeling sadness and dizziness……. Please please suggest me medicine…….

  6. Vaneeta Jain says:

    Hello Dr
    I have thick whitish discharge problem with back ache and pain in lower abdomen. My weight is stable but my face is getting thinner. Pl give me solution

  7. virpal singh says:

    In teenagers, leucorrhea is creating panic in girls and parents
    Please suggest homeopathic medicines for medium weight girls in early teens..Thanks

  8. I have white discharge problem,egg like white without itching ,with backache and lower abdomen

  9. Hi doctor,
    My wife having abdominal pain along with Leucorrhea, white thin discharge and itchiness.
    Note: she is 47 yrs old. With the history of protein (albumin) leackage (2+) and hypothyroidism.

    Pls need your help.

  10. Raj Laxmi says:

    Hi Ma’am,
    This is Raj Laxmi here..I am 23 years old.I suffering from leucorrhoea from 10 years.It fall like white liquid .I feel very weaknesses..and I tired after a normal work..No smell.. leucorrhoea fall every day evry time.I never take tea or oily products..
    I used to take sepia ..but it is not beneficial for me.

    Please suggest me a good homeopathy medicine .

  11. Ritu Sharma says:

    Hello Ma’am
    I am 51 yrs old and had my menopause before two yrs.
    I am having white discharge presently, it used to happen before also but sometimes in between it used to stop. Whenever I urinate, I have a feeling that it is too much at that time. I am having itching, severe pain my thighs, sometimes in lower abdomen & at my back also.
    Kindly recommend which homeopathic medicine should I take to get rid of it. I drink tea a lot.

  12. Saurabh Ranjan says:

    What are the homeopathy medicine for bilateral kidney cyst with prostate enlargement and 33 .my age is 70 years

  13. Lecoria in young girl age 10years in white colour what you will suggest best medicine in homeopathic

  14. Sanobar says:

    Hi, i m 30 year old and i hv symptoms of leucorrhea with anaemia and weakness with severe backache as if it would break…and it worsen during menses, i m also very sensitive to sunlight and standing makes the discharge worse…pls suggest some effective medicine…

    • Hi Dr,

      I am 36 yrs old female and have good amour of white vaginal discharge after my periods.Also this is accompanied by some cramps in lower abdomen and pain in lower back.
      Please suggest the medication.


  15. I read about weeping tendencies in teenage girls. Is there medicine for that.

  16. Gautam Parui says:

    Fantastic article. But i think Cocculus Ind should be added. Leucorrhoea in place of menses.

  17. Mam I am 41 years old with two children and I ve a pain and swelling in lower abs with yellow thick Discharge and foul smell and backache

  18. My daughter is15 years.she is suffering from leucorrhea which smelles like rotten egg n in white colour.because of this she is becoming weak..she is anaemic n vitamin D suggest

  19. Priyanka Kushwaha says:

    Hello Dr. I m Priyanka. I m suffering from leucorrhoea. During about 3 to 4 month.Milky white in colour no other symptoms are ther. But I m physically so weak. My wt. Is 42 kg. And my age 28 and i m married. Pls. Help.

  20. Very good post..thanks a lot..

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