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Sinus problem & homeopathic treatment

sinusitisCOME winter and it is time for all the cold-related illnesses. Sinusitis happens to be one of them. Although its occurrence is not always related to cold and can happen any time of the year, for those who are sensitive to the least chill in the air, sinusitis may be just round the corner. Homeopathic treatment can be of great help to those who suffer from sinusitis often during winter.

Sinusitis is the inflammation of the sinuses (hollow spaces) in our skull. These hollow spaces are linked to the nose from inside. The anatomical presence of these cavities makes our skull light for our neck to bear it. Sinuses also provide the resonance to our tone when we speak. So, the presence of the sinuses is not a problem but it is their inflammation (sinusitis) that causes distress. Inflammation can be acute, recurrent or of chronic nature.

Sinuses are four sets of hollow spaces in our skull. They are situated in cheek bones, forehead, behind the bridge of the nose and between the eyes and yet another set is situated in the upper region of the nose and behind the eyes. All of these sinuses have the same lining that is present in our nose. This lining produces mucus which is drained out of these sinuses through an opening in the nose. During an attack of cold or allergies (mucous membranes start producing more mucus during cold, etc.) swelling in the nose and sinuses can cause the drainage from the sinuses to get blocked. This blockage leads to the trapping of mucus in the sinuses resulting in the growth of bacteria and viruses.

The symptoms

The symptoms of sinusitis depend upon the sinus that gets affected. The morning headache when one wakes up is typical of sinusitis: blocked sensation: in the nose, heaviness and pain in the facial bones and head may occur due to the underlying inflamed sinus. Inflammation in the sinuses that are present behind the bridge of the nose and in-between the eyes can lead to swelling in the eyelids and the tissues around the eyes. Inflammation in the maxillary sinuses can cause pain in the upper jaw and teeth.

Sinusitis may be accompanied by other symptoms of nasal congestion, runny nose, fever, tiredness and cough that may aggravate at night. Post-nasal dripping of mucus can cause problems in the throat too.

A correctly prescribed homeopathic medicine can be a great boon to those who suffer from sinusitis. Homeopathic treatment aims at rebuilding one’s immunity towards such attack. Although it may take some time, a well-aimed homeopathic treatment can completely cure the chronicity and recurrence of this disease.

Homeopathic medicines Silicea and Kali Bichrome lead the homeopathic table in treating all kinds of sinusitis whether acute, chronic or recurrent. Silicea is very affective in treating sinusitis in individuals who are extremely sensitive to the least amount of chill in the air and often develop frontal headaches or heaviness during the attack of sinusitis. Kali Bichrome is helpful in cases where the discharges are very stringy, sticky and yellowish green or when the patient complains of a constant pain in the root of the nose. Other important homeopathic medicines like Hydrastis and Merc Sol also need special mention.

Preventing and managing sinusitis

  • Control your allergies and avoid exposure
  • Avoid exposure to cold air, as it may trigger runny nose which can further lead to inflammation of sinuses. Try to have your allergies under control by avoiding exposure to known allergens and taking homeopathic medicines.
  • Reduce stress and eat natural foods
  • By reducing stress and eating vegetables and fruits that are rich in anti- oxidants can help in boosting your immune system.
  • Steam inhalation can be of great help during an acute attack
  • Drink plenty of fluids to thin the mucus.

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  1. meri mother 70 years ki hai unko naak se paani aata ahai aur head me bahut pain hota hai nose se paani nahi aata hai to sleeping time me unke gale me jaata hai kya uska koi ila ai .

  2. Dikesh mahawar says:

    I suffer from sinus last 6 months I face lots of pain in my head.plz help me

  3. muthulakshmi.m says:

    My mom had a severe sinus headache .she start to get medicine yesterday. But today she suffering severe headache.pls tell some home remedies.

  4. Chandan Kumar says:

    I am facing sinus problem last two years but sill not be resolved. If you have any solution please mail us.

  5. Sir I was suffering from mucous retention cyst in left maxillary sinus m n kanchipuram m second year homoeopathy student pls tel the remedies

  6. Maneesha Sah says:

    I have chronic sinusitis
    My face is fully swollen and my I’m unable to keep my eyes open for long time
    I’m traveling to Canada this month
    Please help me with any home remedies.
    Your immediate response will be highly appreciated.
    Thank you
    Maneesha Sah

  7. ajay jadhav says:

    sir muje sinus ki problem hai
    mera man kahibhi lagta nahi hai humesha ek nak bnd hoti hai plz suggest me which is best medicine for me

  8. vivek kumar says:

    Sir i am suffering from sinus and i have done the surgery of my nose but it is not be clearly good please tell me what medicine are doing fit me.

    • Sanjay Rijhwani says:

      I am suffering from mucus in throat and nose and headache or heaviness after arise in the morning from bed. I had undergone an operation of polyps almost 2 years back but my headache is continue. I have also problem of frequent stool passing else create acidity and headache. It creates dullness and negativity. Please advise me medicine. Regards

  9. Khushi lal Puspraj says:

    I am suffering for sinus during 10 years before please help me and suggest truly medicine.

  10. Sir I am suffering from the Sinus. Pain in head. Please tell me best medicines

  11. M.Lova Raju says:

    Sir I am suffering with sinus more than ten years . I went allopathy ,Ayurveda and sidha also but no use give me suggetion for cure

  12. Bashist narayan singh says:

    I am suffering from mucus in throat and nose also breathing problem after arise in the mornning from bed.i also faces burning sensation in throat influence. I am pure vegetarian and like exess mitha (sweats).

    • jully mehta says:

      mujhe sinus ki taklif 8 saal she he thandi me jyada naak band, naak pe bharipan, cheeke bhi bahut aati he air abhi gale me kharas air jalan bhi bahut ho rhi he to kaunsi homeopathy medicine mujhe leni chahiye?

  13. Hello Sir,
    I am suffering from sinusitis from 6 yers ago, I loss my concentration at the time of study, head pain, sowiling eye etc.
    Please tell me new medicine and home care


  14. Malik wasif says:

    Hi dr sharma I am suffering sinus last 2years I have sinus in right side and drop of water down in the body and stomach disturbance laziness soon get tired and tastless.

    Waiting for earlier reply.

  15. Sushil Kumar Verma says:

    Hi Sir
    I am suffering from allergies like sinus from last 1 year and most of time nose blockage and sneezing can you suggest which special doctors i should consult.

  16. prabhat thakur says:

    Hi Sir
    I am suffering from allergies like sinus from last 3 and most of time nose rissing & blockage can you suggest which special doctors i should consult.
    And i think same problem coming also in new born baby it can really effect to kids if i m suffering please guide me.

  17. Ravnish uppal says:

    Sunies problem 10year

  18. Sinus problem

    • Sinus problem

      • Mahender Parashar says:

        Greetings of the day Dr Sharma. I have been suffering from runny nose. In hot season I suffer more than in cold season.
        I take only citerindazol which cure me. But it’s not a permanent treatment.
        Please help.

        • Ashraful Islam says:

          Hello Dr.Sharma
          I hope you are so far so good.I am just discovered that i have maxillary sinuses.From that moment i have been a great deal of sufferings.I do not take any homeopathic treatment before.But i try my level best to come round from this problem.But nothing came out fruitful for me.can i rely on Homeopathic treatment?

          Would please help me.What should i do?

          • ajay jadhav says:

            sir muje sinus ki problem hai
            mera man kahibhi lagta nahi hai humesha ek nak bnd hoti hai plz suggest me which is best medicine for me

        • Ashraful Islam says:

          Hello Dr.Sharma
          I hope you are so far so good.I am just discovered that i have maxillary sinuses.From that moment i have been a great deal of sufferings.I do not take any homeopathic treatment before.But i try my level best to come round from this problem.But nothing came out fruitful for me.can i rely on Homeopathic treatment?

          Would please help me.What should i do?

  19. Hello Dr.
    My right side nose area is blocked wen winter season started whole winter season I m suffering from cold, headache m very disturb regarding this problem in winter not able to eat properly cause of headache nose blocking come cold someone told me this is sinus problem my right side nose bone is bigger then my left side bone

    Is there any confirm treatment for lifetime relief from this problem pls tell me suggest me.

  20. Dr Sharma, I have taking homeopathic medicine, since many years now. And have been keeping good health, despite having allergy to dust,my father had it. Plus since last 10yrs, have been diagnosed with cervical spondylosis. But thanks to homeopathy and yoga, everything is under control, and am working in a school. Now, since last two months, have woken up with a swollen cheek and slight pain in the upper teeth.first time was treated and was okay within three days . Now yesterday again woke up with the same problem, but with less intensity. Was told that my maxillary sinus is blocked. Can you guide me to get rid of this problem, pls ?

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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