Insomnia (sleeplessness) is a common sleep disorder in which a person experiences difficulty falling asleep and then difficulty staying asleep. It can also cause a person to wake up early, and not be able to fall back asleep or maintain sleep. Tossing, turning in bed and restlessness are common signs of insomnia. Diagnosis of insomnia is made when a person faces difficulty sleeping for three nights in a week for a minimum of three months, and it is causing significant distress in everyday life. Not getting enough sleep can lead to waking up tired in the morning, feeling sleepy and week during the day, along with irritability and a low feeling, difficulty in concentration, and poor performance at job or school.
Homeopathy proves highly effective to treat cases of insomnia. These medicines are 100% natural and are very safe to use among people of all age groups. With the use of these medicines, the frequency and intensity of this complaint gradually decreases. These work at a psychosomatic level to treat the root cause of insomnia and help to promote sound sleep naturally. Conventional treatment for insomnia employs the use of sleeping pills to induce or maintain sleep. These can lead to many side effects and are habit-forming. Here homeopathy is a great choice to treat insomnia as homeopathic medicines are non-habit forming and treated without any chance of side effects.
Holistic Approach to Treat Insomnia
Homeopathy treats the problem internally, by understanding the cause of different symptoms instead of suppressing them. Often, insomnia is the result of an underlying problem, and homeopathy works cohesively to treat the psychological and physical symptoms that may be causing the disorder.
Homeopathy offers Individual Treatment
Homeopathy works by analyzing the possible individual causes of insomnia in a person. Every person is treated according to the particular symptoms. Insomnia can be of different kinds; while some people find it difficult to fall asleep, others may find it difficult to stay asleep. These distinctions are important, and homeopathy addresses these unique problems separately.
Natural Remedies
As an ancient 200-year-old medical science, these remedies are derived from nature to help restore the natural healing processes of the body. While conventional medicines affect the chemical or hormonal levels in the body, homeopathic medicines work in harmony with the body to naturally restore the sleep cycle.
Homeopathy remedies for insomnia do not cause any psychological or physical dependency. Once the problem has been resolved, one can gradually stop the medication, or take it intermittently (if required). Homeopathy also works especially well for chronic sleep issues and can help resolve the problem for good.
Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines for Insomnia
Some top-rated medicines for treating insomnia are Kali Phos, Coffea Cruda, Ignatia Amara, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Nux Vomica, Arsenic Album, Opium, and Passiflora Incarnata.
1. Kali Phos – For Insomnia due to Stress/Worries
Kali Phos is a very useful medicine for insomnia. Insomnia from stress and worries, sleeplessness (mainly during the latter part of the night), excessive yawning, a sad, gloomy disposition, extreme fatigue both mentally and physically and sudden waking from sleep in children due to night terrors are the common symptoms that indicate the need for a dosage of Kali Phos for insomnia.
When to use Kali Phos?
It is an excellent choice of medicine for treating insomnia arising from stress and worries.
How to use Kali Phos?
This medicine is mostly recommended in 6X potency. Kali Phos 6X can be taken twice or thrice daily.
2. Coffea Cruda – For Insomnia due to Constant Thoughts
Coffea Cruda is a beneficial medicine for insomnia arising from constant thoughts in the mind. During bedtime, many ideas crowd the mind. The person remains restless at night and experiences sleeplessness, tossing from side to side. Palpitations and nervousness may occur. This medicine is also helpful in children who are playful at night and are sleepless. Coffea Cruda is also well indicated for early waking from sleep (usually around 3:00 am) with difficulty in falling asleep again. Insomnia during the phase of convalescence (i.e., during recovery from some illness) is also treated with Coffea Cruda. This remedy also offers help in cases of disturbed sleep from excessive dreams.
When to use Coffea Cruda?
It is suitable for cases of insomnia due to constant thoughts running in the mind at bedtime.
How to use Coffea Cruda?
This medicine can be used in 30C potency twice or thrice a day in the beginning, with gradual reduction in dose when improvement seems to start.
3. Ignatia Amara – For Insomnia from Grief, Depression
Ignatia Amara is a medicine for insomnia arising from grief and depression. The person needing Ignatia Amara is depressed and full of cares and worries. He/she may get entirely absorbed in profound grief that leads to sleeplessness. Other attending features are a desire to be alone, tearfulness, and sadness with deep sighs. The person keeps thinking about the sad occurrences in the past. Excessive brooding, moaning, and indifferent behavior to everything may also be present.
When to use Ignatia Amara?
Its use is suggested for managing sleeplessness linked with grief or depression with marked sadness and weeping spells.
How to use Ignatia Amara?
Though this medicine may be used in different potencies, it is best to begin with 30C potency. Ignatia Amara 30C can be taken once or twice a day. Higher potencies like 200C and 1M can also be considered afterward but only under the supervision of homeopathic expert.
4. Pulsatilla Nigricans – For Insomnia during First Half of Night
Pulsatilla Nigricans is prepared from the plant called ‘windflower’ of the natural order Ranunculaceae.
Pulsatilla Nigricans is a medicine for insomnia that appears during the first half of the night. The person stays awake and restless during the first half of the night. A fixed thought keeps revolving in the mind and prevents sleeping. Extreme restlessness is felt along with sleeplessness. The person eventually falls asleep during the late hours (towards dawn). The person wakes up feeling tired and may experience excessive yawning and sleepiness during the daytime.
When to use Pulsatilla Nigricans?
It is highly recommended for managing insomnia when sleeplessness is present during the initial half of the night but in the latter half towards the morning, sleep comes when it’s time to get up.
How to use Pulsatilla Nigricans?
This medicine is best suited in 30C potency. Pulsatilla Nigricans can be repeated 2 times a day
5. Nux Vomica – For Insomnia during Latter Half of Night
Nux Vomica is a valuable medicine for insomnia when sleeplessness occurs during the second half of the night. A person requiring Nux Vomica has no trouble falling asleep but wakes up around 3:00 am – 4:00 am after which sleep becomes difficult. During the daytime, intense drowsiness, tiredness, and weakness appear. Nux Vomica also works in cases where sleep is not sound, and the person wakes up often from sleep. It also treats sleeplessness linked with an excessive intake of coffee or alcoholic stimulants or tobacco. Sleeplessness due to gastric troubles is also an indication for using homeopathic medicine Nux Vomica.
When to use Nux Vomica?
The most striking feature for using this medicine is sleeplessness after 3 or 4 am though sleep occurs easily in the initial hours of night.
How to use Nux Vomica?
It is mostly used in 30 C potency that can be administered 2-3 times a day. Once the symptoms improve, frequent repetition of doses is not required.
6. Arsenic Album – For Insomnia Linked with Anxiety
Arsenic Album is a useful medicine for insomnia linked with anxiety. There is anxiety about issues like health, the future, and the family’s well-being. The anxiety is mostly worse after midnight. Along with anxiety, extreme restlessness may be present. The person continually tosses and turns in the bed at night. The restlessness also prevails during daytime with continual movement from one place to another, with a feeling of weariness of the eyes.
When to use Arsenic Album?
This medicine is very beneficial for persons who suffer from insomnia along with anxiety issues and restlessness with marked anxiety about health and family’s well-being.
How to use Arsenic Album?
Though it can be used in both low and high potencies, initially 30C potency is mostly used that can be taken once or twice a day as per the intensity of the symptom.
7. Opium – For Insomnia where Person is Sleepy but Unable to Sleep
Opium is a medicine for insomnia where a person feels sleepy but is unable to sleep. He/she may remain awake for long, there is restless at night with constant tossing and turning in bed. The person may have acuteness of hearing, and small noises may disturb the person and cause sleeplessness.
When to use Opium?
Opium is well-indicated for managing insomnia where a person is very sleepy but is unable to fall asleep with restlessness and constant tossing in bed.
How to use Opium?
One may use this medicine in 30C potency once a day. Keep away from using its high potencies without consulting a homeopathic physician.
8. Passiflora Incarnata – Homeopathic Medicine for Insomnia in Elderly People
Passiflora Incarnata is a prominently indicated medicine for treating insomnia in older persons. This medicine is prepared from a plant named ‘passion flower’ belonging to the natural order Passifloraceae. The person needing Passiflora Incarnata remains wakeful and restless at night. Mental worries may cause insomnia.
When to use Passiflora Incarnata?
Its use is highly advised to manage insomnia in elderly people.
How to use Passiflora Incarnata?
It is mostly taken in mother tincture (Q) form once or twice a day.
The Causes and Triggers of Insomnia
Insomnia is usually the symptom of an underlying health condition or an erratic, unhealthy lifestyle. A person’s lifestyle habits have a direct impact on the sleep pattern and overall health. Unhealthy lifestyle practices usually trigger insomnia and making amendments usually helps resolve the problem fairly quickly.
Some common triggers related to lifestyle habits that can cause insomnia include:
Poor Sleep Habits
– People who work at home in the evenings often find it difficult to unwind and relax before bedtime. This can cause increased brain activity and stress, apart from affecting the working of the sleep hormones. The mind becomes preoccupied with the details of work when it is time to sleep.
– Afternoon naps can also disrupt night sleep by confusing the body’s internal clock. While some people feel refreshed after a quick afternoon nap, others may find it difficult to sleep at night if they have a nap in the afternoon.
Small, Constant Stress Triggers
While major stressful events may naturally induce insomnia, modern lifestyle has small but constant stress triggers that can become a chronic problem. In case of a perceived threat, the stress response in the body gets triggered and leads to a chain of physical reactions like shallow breathing and the release of chemicals like cortisol and adrenaline for energy. The triggering of this response to everyday stressors like relationship conflicts, traffic, being over-punctual, etc. leads to chronic stress, especially if it is not resolved through relaxation.
Blue Light from Screens
– Using laptops and mobile phones right before bedtime has been scientifically proven to cause sleep problems. The blue light emitted from these gadgets makes the brain more alert and disturbs the functioning of sleep hormones like melatonin.
Working in Irregular Shifts
– People who work in shifts with irregular hours often find it difficult to fall asleep at all. Periodically changing schedules, late night shifts and irregular sleeping hours disturb the body’s natural rhythm and can lead to insomnia.
Noise and Environmental Disturbances
– People living in the city or near places where there is noise pollution find it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. Loud noises from the television or other activities, bad odors in the air from garbage dumps or industrial plants in the vicinity can also disturb sleep.
Medications for Other Health Issues
– Certain medicines that are used to treat a variety of health issues can contribute to insomnia, for example antiarrhythmics for heart problems, beta-blockers for angina and high blood pressure, corticosteroids for asthma and inflammation, serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) for anxiety and depression.
The Effect of Smoking on Sleep
– Smoking affects sleep quality in a variety of ways. The main ingredient in tobacco is nicotine, which is both a drug and a stimulant. Consuming too close to bedtime in high quantities, can affect sleep physiology.
Stimulating Effects of Caffeine
– Caffeine is a stimulant and temporarily increases alertness by increasing the production of adrenaline. This interferes with the production and action of sleep-inducing chemicals. Further, caffeine is absorbed by the system within 15 minutes, and its effects can last for over 6 hours.
Insomnia usually starts as an occasional problem, but gradually becomes a long-term problem if it is not addressed. People tend to adopt unhealthy sleeping habits after a few sleepless nights, by working late, drinking alcohol to fall asleep or resorting to sleeping pills.
Medical Conditions that can lead to Insomnia and Disturbed Sleep
1. Hyperthyroidism
Hyperthyroidism (or a hyperactive thyroid) can lead to insomnia. This disorder tends to over-stimulate the nervous system, making it difficult to fall asleep. An overactive thyroid can also cause a person to wake up frequently during the night.
2. GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease) : It refers to a condition that causes heartburn (burning behind the sternum), chest pain, sour belching/vomiting due to reflux of stomach acid from a weak lower esophageal sphincter (LES). Acid reflux tends to get worse at night, and its symptoms can lead to disturbed sleep.
3. Restless legs syndrome (RLS)
Restless Leg Syndrome is a condition in which a person has an irresistible urge to move the legs to relieve the discomforting sensation felt in the legs.
4. Sleep Apnea
People with sleep apnea are also at risk of disturbed sleep and insomnia. Sleep apnea is the condition where a person experiences momentary pauses in breathing. It leads to a drop in oxygen levels. These factors cause a person to wake up briefly many times throughout the night causing disturbed sleep.
5. Chronic Pain due to Other Conditions
People dealing with chronic pain due to conditions like arthritis, backache, and fibromyalgia also tend to suffer from insomnia or disturbed sleep.
6. Other conditions that can lead to insomnia include asthma, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease.
7. Mental health disorders related to insomnia include depression, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), and anxiety disorders.
insomnia,fatigueness all the time,difficult to concentrate,weird feeling in leg sometime have involuntry jerks
Dr Sharma, my mother is 79 years old; has been an invalid for many years. She has been admitted to the hospital since 27th Dec, 2015. She is suffering from insomnia . She sleeps in bits and pieces; does not get continuous sleep at night. Please recommend something to help her sleep.
My Dear Dr Sharma
My problem is that i get feel lot of drowziness and sleepy in day time from morning 10 am while doing computer work, or reading , and now even while talking to others, even while writing i went to sleep for few seconds. now while driving also this thing is happening. Please advice.
thanking you.
My Dear Dr Sharma
My problem is that i get feel lot of drowziness and sleepy in day time from morning 10 am while doing computer work, or reading , and now even while talking to others, even while writing i went to sleep for few seconds. now while driving also this thing is happening. Please advice.
Surendra Nayer
Sir since last one year I am not able to sleep properly. I do not take alcohol and do not smoke too. I play badminton for one hour regularly in the evening. I tried doing yoga but still I am not able to have a sound sleep. Kindly help me for it is the biggest problem I have ever faced in life. I am 37 years old.
..Welcome to my world of the last few years..I really would like to say yes they get beettr, but so far mine have not, well maybe just a little over the past 6 months..There are some nights that are beettr than others, and other nights I really have to force myself to go to bed, but end up waking up 2-3 times and on average I may get 1 or 2 good nights sleep a week, about 6 hours or so..When does it end? I really and honestly do not know, and every woman may be different too, so hopefully when we are 60, this will all be just a bad memory..I also tried medication for sleep, but hated it, so I stopped because I don’t think this is the way..What we go through is natural, so I believe that naturally it will either stop or it won’t, we just make the best of the hours we are awake, at least I try to..Take care..P.S am 54 yrs old and been going through various symptoms and other stuff now for over 8 yrs..Oh joy!!
Dear Dr. I am 70.I am taking one Nitravet10 and Nexito10 at bedtime for sleep as prescribed by my doctors. for more than 10years. No natural sleep. I want to stop these medicines. I tried. Withdrawal symptoms are serious .I have BP . Please let me have your advice. I am in Tamilnadu. Thanking you in anticipation.
What homeopathic medicine should I take to get rid of lorazpam tablets
I take 1mg three times a day
Shiv Shakti Sehgal
Dear Dr. Sharma,
I am Rumana Sultana from BD. More than 15 years i have no natural sleep without taking medicine. I am 30 years old. Can you help me for my natural sleep ?
Rumana Sultana
Dear Dr.
I go to bed 9 to 10 pm every day.I wake up after three hours and thirty minutes later .most of day I wake up at 1.30am.I am a computer user .when I work on computer more then 15 hours. then I sleep all night.I have gastric problem.Please help me soon.
Feoj Kabier
I am a diabetic on insulin and undergone surgery for prostate and removal of gall bladder surgery. In the year 2014 due to hypo glycemic I was in coma for 2 days and recovered. Since that time I am not having sleep during night (throughout) but having sleep for two hours after lunch in the afternoon.
Sleep pills prescribed by doctors are of no avail. could you suggest a remedy?
I could not sleep properly at night bad for sleep but not sleep after one & half I can sleep only one & half hour then again sleep another one & half hour sleep so what I can do for sound sleep .my English is not so good so please under stand my problem and guide me.thanks
Any Home cures for insomnia!?!?!?So heres the issue, My fneird is having trouble sleeping. He’s going on like 4 days without sleep and im really worried about him. He tried taking benadryl and that didn’t work. He tried listening to music. He tried reading a boring book. So if anyone has any ideas for a home remedy like one that pretty much anyone can do without having to go out and buy things to make it. I really appreciate any advice a lot. so thanks yall.NoxThere is a lot on his mind. and i mean A LOT. He has talked to me for a bit and then tried to sleep again. Im not sure if it has worked. but even with talking sometimes ya still cant sleep. Because no matter how much you talk. Some things are not going to go away. So i am looking for some Remedies. He told me if he still couldn’t sleep he would call me back, so im just trying to get some ideas ready. I would have suggested a nice warm bath or shower to him but he has been awake for so long i fear he would fall asleep and injure himself if not worse drown.
Respected sir, I am Arun from Delhi. I am not getting sleep for 05 days even a minute. Can you suggest me some homeopathic medicine for this. Thanks
Suffering from one year it started I was having itching in body went to doctor skin specialist he gave me medicine for 60 days noting happen went to another doctor he gave me elina tablet and Madecine e for worms nothing happened started vomiting if I take tablet i started vomiting i was in hospital for 5 days did endoscopy nothing was there doctors told me dysphagia not sure some saying spasm of esophagus I went to show to neuropsychtrist he gave me clonotril which I took for 6 month the side effect of this medicine was for me loss of appetite and lesser urinary very lesser urinary went to show kidney doctor he gave me dytor and olmezest h 20 for urine to come but main thing was i couldn’t eat my esophagus was getting choked then I stopped colonotril doctor gave me etizola 2 month I took my entire system got blacked no appetite my stomach felling was it was full no appetite then doctor challenged my medicine he gave me ativan 1mg twice and luthosun 300 twice now I am eating but my sleep is gone I can’t sleep for 7days I was sitting alone in night now u can help me i know I are very good doctor I have taken lot of homeopathic medicine from last one year I am from Pune I can give u list of homeopathic medicine which doctor has given me i will be thankful to you ) I can’t take allopathic medicine only anxiety medicine i can take.
My wife is 31 yr old and she has not been feeling a good sleep for more than 2 months. She gets a sleep of 1 hr maximum in 24 hrs and this may be a chronic insomnia and is associated with depression. Being her husband I have counselled her and found the depression is a real cause.
What do I do? I am not willing to start allopathy.
Kindly suggest
Amit Shukla
Dr. Sharam, Namaskar
I must tell u that neither I am stressed nor any problem but just cannot sleep.
There is no reason n yet unable to get sleep.
Please advise.
Thanks n regards
Due to stomach disorder
I have sleepless night in some days when I can not have any sleep during the whole night. I get up from bed many times during the night. Sometimes I have restless leg symptom. Also I have some cramps.
It has now become a fearful thought and it runs through my mind almost whole day, and specially before I get to bed. Recently even regular sleeping pill is not helping me at all.
Please help me if you can.
Sir,suffering from insomnia ie difficulty to fall asleep.sometimes till 4am.since 4months.through which tests should I suggest useful treatment.
Respected Sir, I M suffering from depression, anxiety,stress and agoraphobia, Due 2 that I M not getting sleep in the night. Pl advise how 2 get myself cured. Thanks with regards.
I am suffering from sleep less problem from last one year.
I am playing lot of games to make my body work and also used couple of medicines but no results
I do not have any other problem.
I have problem of thinking of bad people who hurts me .
Please suggest me the medicine , so that I will buy