Irritability during dentition or teething is a very common complaint in babies when teeth start erupting in the mouth. Dentition usually starts when a baby is around 6 months old. The babies at that time become fussy, obstinate and cry quite often along with excessive irritability. The reason behind it is the discomfort they are feeling in the gums while the tooth is trying to get out of the gums (tooth eruption). They feel pain, swelling and tenderness (pain on touch) in the gums at the time of tooth eruption. Along with the above, they have excessive salivation (also known as drooling), they tend to bite on every thing to reduce the gum irritation, have reduced appetite, rub their cheeks and pull their ears. Some babies also suffer from diarrhea during dentition though it is not directly linked with dentition. Diarrhea can occur from ingestion of germs from an object that a baby might have put in the mouth during dentition to soothe gum irritation. In some cases, mild fever can also occur during dentition. The intensity of signs and symptoms tend to vary from one child to another.
Homeopathic Management
Homeopathy carries great scope to manage irritability in a baby during dentition in a very safe and natural manner. These medicines are highly suitable for children with zero side effects. They aim to manage the irritability in babies by soothing the gum discomfort, pain and tenderness. Besides irritability, the homeopathic medicines also help to manage associated concerns like excessive salivation, pain, swelling and tenderness of the gums and diarrhea that might occur during dentition. The medicines are purely of natural origin prepared from natural substances, hence are very safe. These medicines are selected individually for every case based on the symptoms. It is advised to always consult a homeopathic physician before using any of the homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic physician will evaluate the case and prescribe the most suitable remedy. Never self-prescribe any homeopathic medicine without consulting a homeopathic physician.
Homeopathic medicines for Dentition in Babies
1. Chamomilla – Top Most Medicine
Chamomilla is a highly effective medicine in homeopathy to manage different kinds of concerns in babies during dentition. It is the most widely used medicine to manage irritability in a child during dentition. Children needing this medicine remain extremely irritable all day. They are very fussy, ill – humoured and cry a lot due to discomfort they are experiencing in the gums. They want to be carried in the arms all the time; they feel better and calm this way. Besides being irritable, they also get very obstinate during dentition. They scream often and throw things away. On examining the mouth, the gums look red. They are also painful to touch with a desire to bite on everything that is nearby. Another very characteristic feature that can be present is one cheek is red and hot while the other is pale and cold during teething. Diarrhea can accompany the above complaints frequently. The stool is watery and yellowish green. It has a very foul or sour smell. Gas in the abdomen can attend it.
2. Cina – With Lot Of Cry, Screaming and Striking Others
This medicine is quite similar in action to Chamomilla and is also frequently prescribed to soothe irritability during dentition. The children needing this medicine are very irritable during dentition. They wish to be carried in arms the entire day but in spite of that donot feel well. They cry a lot, scream and strike everyone around them. They do not want to be touched by anyone. They feel uneasy and stressed all the time. They ask for different things frequently but refuse to take when given and throw things away from them. They are dissatisfied with everything. They also may have loose stool with white mucus in it. The abdomen may be hard and bloated and may be attended with pain.
3. Calcarea Phos – With Loose Stool With A Lot Of Gas
Calcarea Phos is the next well-indicated medicine to manage irritability during dentition. Children who require this medicine are very irritable and fretful. They show changeable moods. They become obstinate and hard to please. Besides, they pass loose stool with a lot of gas. There may pass white flakes in the stool as well. There is stomach pain in them that gets better from passing gas. The gas has foul smell.
4. Rheum – With Sour Smelling Sweating
This medicine is well suited when there is sour-smelling sweat along with irritability during dentition. There is marked restlessness along with irritability in a child needing it. The baby cries a lot and desires many things or a particular thing sometimes. They start hating even their favourite things. An attending key feature is sour-smelling sweat. Even after bathing, the sour smell remains. The sweat is marked on the scalp, forehead, around the mouth and the nose. The sweat may leave a yellow stain. Besides sweat, the stool also smells sour. While passing stool, the baby may feel pain in the abdomen. Salivation increases along with sour smell from the mouth.
5. Belladonna – With Heat And Redness Of The Gums
Belladonna is recommended when there is irritability during teething along with marked heat and redness of the gums. The gums are painful and swollen as well. Child needing it is highly irritable. There is also a tendency to bite and strike others. Restlessness is well marked. He / she may start crying easily.
6. Calcarea Carb – With Sour Sweat And Sour Stool
This medicine is indicated when there is irritability along with crying, sour sweat and sour stool. The stool smells sour with undigested food particles in it. The abdomen is quite distended and hard. Vomiting may also occur having a sour smell. There is a tendency to have a profuse sour smelling sweat on the scalp. There is also excessive scratching of the head in many cases.
7. Podophyllum – When Attended With Desire To Press The Gums Together
Podophyllum is a valuable medicine to manage cases where irritability is accompanied with an excessive desire to press the gums together. The baby also suffers from diarrhea. The child needing it passes greenish sour-smelling, loose stool, mostly in the morning. Besides, there is gas in the abdomen. There is marked heat in the head during dentition and rolling of the head from side to side. At night, there is excessive sweating on the head along with sleeplessness in the early part of the night.
8. Kreosote – Along With Sleeplessness
Kreosote is indicated for cases of irritability along with sleeplessness. The child remains irritable, fretful and also screams at night. The child is very restless and likes to be moved around in arms all the time. The gums are swollen and bluish. The child becomes very cross and obstinate. There is desire for many things, but throws them away when these things are given.
9. Arsenic Album – With Restlessness At Night
This medicine can be considered when there is irritability along with restlessness at night. There is loose, watery, brown stool. Undigested food passes in the stool. The child looks thin and seems to lose weight.
I appreciate the insights shared in this article, particularly the emphasis on seeking professional advice for mardana kamzori ka nusksha. It’s reassuring to know that there are various treatment options available and that it’s not something anyone has to face alone.