Balanitis is a condition where there is an inflammation of the head (glans) of the penis and the foreskin (the flap of skin covering the glans). Balanitis can be painful but is not usually a serious condition. It is most common in uncircumcised men having foreskin around the head of the penis.
Balanitis can be effectively treated with natural homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic medicines help in reducing the inflammation, swelling, redness of the glans penis and the foreskin very effectively. They manage symptoms of balanitis efficiently including pain, itching on glans and painful urination. Homeopathy does not recommend use of any medicated creams (like anti – fungal or steroid creams) for application on skin or any sort of antibiotics that give temporary relief and suppresses the problem.
Homeopathy treats root cause
Homeopathy not only offer symptomatic relief but also aims to give a permanent cure in balanitis by addressing the root cause behind it. It strengthens the body’s self-healing system to treat the cause in a very gentle and natural manner. Most cases of balanitis having mild to moderate intensity recover completely with homeopathic medicines. The total healing time varies from person to person depending on chronicity and severity of problem.
Recommended for acute / chronic/ recurrent balanitis
Homeopathic medicines are highly suggested for balanitis whether acute or chronic and recurrent type. With proper homeopathic treatment as per the recommended guidelines by a homeopathic doctor, the frequency and intensity of symptoms reduces remarkably. It also helps to reduce chances of any complications. Homeopathy also help reduce the requirement of repeated use of medicated creams and frequent antibiotics.
Individualized medication
Homeopathic medicines are selected individually for every case of balanitis based on the symptom picture. Numerous medicines are indicated in homeopathy to treat cases of balanitis. Only after complete case evaluation, the medicine is selected for every case, so these should be taken only under the consultation of a homeopathic physician.
Homeopathy Is Free Of Side Effects
Homeopathic medicines never cause any harmful side effects. These are highly diluted medicines that manage balanitis in a natural way hence are very safe to use.
Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines for Balanitis
The top 8 homeopathic medicines for treating balanitis are Apis Mellifica, Caladium, Merc Sol, Rhus Tox, Sulphur, Nitric Acid, Cantharis and Thuja.
1. Apis Mellifica – For Balanitis with Burning, Stinging Pains
Apis Mellifica is a highly effective medicine for balanitis. In cases needing Apis Mellifica, there is marked inflammation and swelling of glans. The foreskin is also inflamed. This inflammation is attended with an intense burning and stinging pain. A thin discharge may be present under the foreskin. Painful urination is frequently present along with the above symptoms.
When to use Apis Mellifica?
This medicine is highly suggested for cases of balanitis with marked burning, stinging pains with inflamed glans and a painful urination.
How to use Apis Mellifica?
Both low and high potencies of this medicine work well, however, it is advised to begin with its 30C potency that can be taken one or two times a day.
2. Caladium – For Balanitis With Marked Redness Of The Glans
Caladium is useful for cases of balanitis with marked redness of glans. The glans is covered with reddish spots, and there is marked dryness. The foreskin is also swollen and sore, especially along the margins. Biting pain while urinating is a marked feature in cases needing Caladium.
When to use Caladium?
This medicine is an excellent choice to manage balanitis with markedly red glans with red spots with biting pain while urinating.
How to use Caladium?
It is advised to use Caladium 30C one to two times a day.
3. Merc Sol – For Balanitis With Marked Swelling And Painful Sensitivity
Merc Sol is a prominent medicine for balanitis where there is marked swelling and painful sensitivity of the glans and the prepuce. Small vesicles may be present on the glans and prepuce. There may be oozing of fluid from these vesicles along with a burning sensation. Thin milk-like discharge may be present under the glans penis. Severe burning on urination may also be felt.
When to use Merc Sol?
This medicine can be considered for cases of balanitis with excessive swelling of glans along with tiny fluid filled eruptions (vesicles) and painful sensitivity to touch glans and prepuce.
How to use Merc Sol?
The most commonly used potency of Merc Sol is 30C that can be taken once or twice a day.
4. Rhus Tox – For Balanitis With Dark Red Swelling And Pain
Rhus Tox offers a natural cure for balanitis where there is dark red swelling of the glans and prepuce. It is attended with a lot of pain, itching and stinging sensation on the prepuce. Moist vesicles may also appear on the glans in few cases where Rhus Tox is indicated.
When to use Rhus Tox?
This medicine works well for balanitis with dark red swelling along with marked pain, itching and stinging sensation.
How to use Rhus Tox?
It is advised to begin this medicine with 30C potency to be taken twice or thrice a day as per the intensity of the complaint.
5. Sulphur – For Balanitis With Marked Itching
Sulphur is a leading medicine for balanitis where there is marked itching on the glans and prepuce. There is intense burning. The glans and prepuce become swollen and red. Offensive sweat is present around the genitals in most cases. Copious secretion of fetid smell may be present.
When to use Sulphur?
This medicine is recommended to manage itching and burning sensation on glans and prepuce in balanitis cases.
How to use Sulphur?
It is recommended mainly in 30C power that can be taken once a day in cases of moderate intensity. In mild cases, Sulphur 30C can be used once or twice weekly.
6. Nitric Acid – For Balanitis With Reddish Spots On Glans With Offensive Moisture
Nitric Acid is a highly suitable homeopathic medicine for balanitis where reddish spots appear on the glans along with moisture. The moisture is foul smelling, and small pimples may appear on the glans penis. The foreskin is also inflamed and swollen along with soreness. Burning, sticking, or tearing pains may appear in the foreskin along with the presence of itchy vesicles. Nitric Acid is also indicated for cases of phimosis and paraphimosis along with sharp and stitching pains in prepuce.
When to use Nitric Acid?
This medicine can be used for balanitis with presence of red spots on glans with foul smelling moisture.
How to use Nitric Acid?
One can use this medicine once a day in 30C power.
7. Cantharis – For Balanitis With Painful Urination
Cantharis is an important medicine for managing painful urination in cases of balanitis. The glans is intensely swollen and is very painful to pressure. There is severe pain, burning, smarting on passing urine that may continue even after urination. Sometimes cutting pains appear on urinating. Urine may be scanty with frequent urging. Violent pain in the glans may precede urination.
When to use Cantharis?
Cantharis is a topmost medicine to manage balanitis with marked pain, burning when passing urine that may continue after urination as well.
How to use Cantharis?
It is available in different potencies from low to high, however initially it is advised to take it in 30C potency once or twice a day.
8. Thuja – For Balanitis Linked To Gonorrhoea Infection
Thuja is of great use in balanitis cases that arise due to a gonorrhea infection (a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae). In cases needing Thuja, the glans is very sensitive and has red sores. Burning between the prepuce and glans penis is also marked. There is yellow-green discharge and scalding pain while urinating.
When to use Thuja?
It is indicated to manage balanitis associated with gonorrhea infection with red sores on glans with sensitivity to touch and yellow-green penile discharge.
How to use Thuja?
In the beginning of the treatment, it is suggested to use Thuja 30C once a day.
Symptoms of Balanitis
The main signs of balanitis include redness and swelling of the glans and foreskin. The symptoms include pain and itching of glans, pain while urinating, soreness of glans, bad smell on the glans, and discharge under the foreskin. Some of the main complications of balanitis include phimosis (inability to retract foreskin from the head of the penis) in chronic balanitis, the decreased blood supply to glans and scarring or narrowing of the penis opening.
Causes of Balanitis
Balanitis can be caused by infections from overgrowth of yeast and bacteria under the foreskin. Poor hygiene is the main contributing factor. Other factors that predispose a male to balanitis include not completely rinsing the soap from the penis while washing, irritation of the glans from chemicals present in perfumed soaps, lotions, shower gels, condoms or lubricants, uncontrolled diabetes, and reactive arthritis. Too much cleansing or over washing can also irritate the glans and contribute to balanitis. STIs (sexually transmitted infections like gonorrhea, syphilis), skin conditions like eczema, and some medicines like tetracycline can also predispose one to balanitis.
Dear dr. Sharma,
Prepuce of my penis has itching and glans swell. Foreskin of penis doesn’t go back. Inflammation on urination.
Dear Dr. Sharma,
the tip of my penis is reddish, the forskin is tight, cannot pul back, painful while ruinating
please advice
Caladium – For Balanitis with Marked Redness of the Glans
Homeopathic medicine Caladium is prepared from a plant called Caladium Seguinum or Arum Seguinum. The natural order of this plant is Araceae. Caladium is useful for cases of balanitis with marked redness of glans. The glans is covered with reddish spots, and there is marked dryness. The foreskin is also swollen and sore, especially along the margins. Biting pain while urinating is a marked feature in cases needing Caladium.
Dear Dr. Sharma, the above is my condition. please advice me what to do
I am suffering from balanitis for more than 8 months, my symptoms are redness itching burning and water like liquid and bad smell. When i wash my penis with soap like pears or dettol skincare, then skin becomes normal for few hours. I also felt a pain like insect bite 2 months ago but now its gone bcoz i used apis mel 30, but others things remain same. I have used total 20 ml apis mel 30.
I am suffering for one year 4 months but not gone this symptoms..first redness,itching or pain after swelling…i don’t know what homopethic medicine used????…..this symptoms pain relief used for tea tree oil & coconut oil…but how to remove permanently gone …
Dear dr. Sharma,
Prepuce of my penis has itching and glans swell. Foreskin of penis doesn’t go back. Inflammation on urination.
Balanatitis pain in the glan of penis its shooting pain when there ia erection
Hello dr.sharma
Is there any homeopathy medicine for white spots under foreskin and on penis tips. It’s harmless and slightly itchy sometimes.
Can you kindly recommend homeopathic remedies for a dog with TVT. It is a tumor at the base of the penis. Blood drips out. I already tried Thuja 200C, but there was no effect. Thank you
Hello doctor… I am suffering from balanitis since 5 years. Having redness and swelling in the glan. Painful during erection. Sometimes white patches at the head of the penis. Please help.
Good morning Sir
I have undergone through treatment of BALANITIS and wound around my penis head is cured
but main mouth of penis has been closed and urine is extracted thru a pin hole at penis head doundward
this is problem for last one month
Please suggest
Doctor I m suffering from balanitis for over 2 years now used sertaconazole for over a months and now taki g homeopathy medicine for last 3 weeks but no cure plz help
Middle of glan has got a small patch of skin distoration which happend after 2 days of burning n itching sensation in the penis ridge and coronal line (sulcus area) . And a red patch also seen when the foreskin is taken back on the nerve line ( preputal mocosa area ).
I had take ofloxacin or ornidazole tab for diahrea 3 days before. Is it side effect or any other reason. Plz guide reason with solution
I am Phillip from Hyderabad suffering from penis knob redness and like cuts on skin of penis knob only pain when touching.while urinating it’s slightly burning
sir, i am suffering from phimosis, there is infection in that area some times, please suggest me a medicine for infection , there is also stretching in may spermatic chord of left testis along with pain in stomach and chest,
Sir i am suffering from balanitis.i need urgent treatment.please help me.🙏
Hello Dr. Sharma,
I am Vivek, from Lucknow.
Suffering from hypersensitive whole penis and its inner nerves. Even after urination My penis becomes so sensitive that I fell ejaculate like feel, which also produces pain in my testicles.
Even on walking when penis touches my pant, there is same feeling as above
Kindly help me.
How to use or apply Thuja occideentalis 200c.
Have to cure it permanently 🤔
I have burning and itching along with a bit of swelling on penis head , need help.
I am suffering from balanitis since long. I daily wash my penis with luke warm water but use no soap. My sugar level remains near 125 – 130 after taking medicine for diabetes. But due to my bad habit, I have been taking sweet regularly, which now I have reduced for the last 4-5 days only. What homeopathic medicine I should take to get rid of balanitis?
I am Sridhar from Chennai and have the reddish inflammation near the tip of the penis.It is burning sensation but bearable.Occasionally blood comes but stops immediately from that point.Urination is full and frequency is more when the I sit in the AC rooms.
There is no pain while urinating.
After 3 days of masterbation or vaginal sex, I get itchy n little painful red spot under the skin of penis. And this has been happening since many years and every time it does happen.
Can I take Cinnabaris , Rhus tox, Caladium in the gap of 30 mins ?
Or can I take anyone of it ?
Please help .
Waiting for quick response.
Thank you