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Get Rid of Itching with These Top 7 Natural Homeopathic Medicines

Itching, medically termed as pruritis, is an irritating, unpleasant sensation on the skin that makes a person rub or scratch it. Itching can affect some specific body parts (localized itching) or it may be widespread over the body (generalized itching). Itching can occur without any eruptions or, there may be a rash or eruption. The skin may become rough, dry, cracked, or leathery and may look red. Following scratching, bleeding spots appear on the skin. With intense scratching, the chances of skin injuries and infection also increase.

There is great scope in homeopathy to treat cases of itching that arises from various reasons. Itching, both recent or chronic in nature, respond well to homeopathic treatment. The main advantage of using homeopathic medicines for itching is that these are natural and safe medicines with zero side effects. Along with itching, they help to relieve associated complaints like burning, stinging sensation, dryness, roughness, cracks and also heal any eruptions if present.

Homeopathic treatment is non-suppressive

Homeopathy offers non-suppressive treatment for itching. It provides long-term relief followed by cure if proper course of homeopathic treatment is followed. Itching on the skin may be due to different reasons, homeopathic remedies by way of addressing the root cause behind itching to lead to cure in these cases. The conventional treatment treats itching with the use of ointments. Though these act quickly to relieve itching, it offers short-term relief by way of suppression. Suppression is not cure. Once itching is suppressed, it may recur again as the cause may be left untreated. So, here homeopathy can be a great alternative treatment option to prevent suppression in any way. Homeopathy does not act superficially but gets deep into treatment of underlying cause to give a cure.

 Homeopathy prescribes as per law of individualization

Homeopathic prescription is done following the principle of individualization. There are numerous homeopathic medicines for treating itching and in every individual case the characteristic symptoms are studied in detail to finalise homeopathic prescription. These individually selected medicines work magnificently in relieving itching on the skin.

Homeopathy suits all age groups

Itching can affect persons of any age group and homeopathic medicines are suitable for people of all age groups. Only the potency and dosage varies according to the age of the individual. Homeopathic medicines boost the body’s self-healing system to promote natural recovery.

Acts gently with no side effects

Homeopathic medicines are devoid of any toxins and chemicals. These are prepared from natural sources hence are very safe to use and have no side effects at all. These treat in a very mild, gentle and most harmless manner to offer great cures.

homeopathic medicine itching

Natural homeopathic medicines for itching

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines For Itching

The homeopathic medicines that are used most frequently to treat skin itching are Sulphur, Graphites, Arsenic Album, Psorinum, Apis Mellifica, Fagopyrum and Dolichos.

1. Sulphur – Top-Grade Medicine To Treat Itching

Sulphur leads the list of homeopathic medicines to treat cases of skin itching. This medicine is highly suitable for itching on skin either with or without eruptions. The skin is dry and scaly. Eruptions may include pimples or pustules. Itching may keep shifting from one area to another. In most cases needing it, itching worsens at night disturbing sleep. It is aggravated by the warmth of the bed. Itching may get worse from washing and also in damp weather. On scratching, a burning sensation is felt and intense scratching may cause bleeding spots. The affected areas on the skin may be sore and painful. Pain may remain for a long time after scratching. Stitching and pricking sensation in the skin is also marked.

When to use Sulphur?

Sulphur can be used as a first remedy in case of skin itching either with or without eruptions. It is recommended if the problem aggravates at night from the warmth of bed.

How to use Sulphur?

It is most commonly used in 30C potency. This medicine can be used in 30C potency once a day. Do not take it more than once in a day. If there is no relief, its higher potencies may be considered after consulting a homeopathic doctor.

2. Graphites – For Itching With Dry, Rough Skin

Graphites is a highly effective medicine to help cases of itching along with marked dryness and roughness of skinCracks on skin may also be present. Itching is intense and attended with burning. It is also the best medicine to deal with cases of itchy eruptions that ooze a sticky fluid. Graphites is also prominently indicated for managing cases of eczema with marked itching. It works well for controlling itching in dry eczema as well as wet eczema where watery, transparent sticky, gluey discharge is present.

When to use Graphites?

Someone who is experiencing itching along with dry rough skin can take this medicine for relief.

How to use Graphites?

This medicine is usually taken in 3X potency in tablet form. One to two tablets of Graphites 3X can be taken in the morning and in the evening as per the severity of itching. Some cases may need 30C potency, but it should be administered only after consulting a homeopathic doctor.

3. Arsenic Album – For Skin Itching and Burning

Arsenic Album is highly beneficial to manage itching and burning on the skin. The skin is dry and scratching causes pain. Cold tends to worsen the complaint. Skin may also be oversensitive. This medicine is also highly effective to treat psoriasis with rough patches on skin covered with scales attended with marked itching.

When to use Arsenic Album?

This medicine can be used to control skin itching along with burning sensation and also for itchy rough patches on skin covered with scales.

How to use Arsenic Album?

Though it can be used in different potencies like 30C, 200C, 1M, it is advised to begin with 30C potency once a day. If there is no relief, you may switch to higher potencies after taking a homeopath’s advice.

4. Psorinum – For Itching With Scratching Till Skin Bleeds

Psorinum is well indicated for cases in which itching is intense and the sufferer scratches skin till it bleeds. Small eruptions may also arise after rubbing the skin. Itching is worse when the body becomes warm and also during the night. The skin may be rough or greasy. It is also well indicated when there is itching in flexures of the body like elbow bend, back of knee, etc. Skin eruptions that get better in summer and worse in winter are also treated with Psorinum. It is used for various skin complaints including acne, eczema, psoriasis, scabies, herpetic eruptions, and hives.

When to use Psorinum?

This medicine can be used in cases where there is intense itching and the sufferer keeps scratching till it begins to bleed. It can also be given for itching particularly in bends of knee and elbow bend.

How to use Psorinum?

This medicine falls in the category of strong homeopathic medications, therefore, infrequent doses are suggested. The recommended potencies include 200C, 1M, and even higher potencies. Initially, 200 C potency is good to start with and it is advised to wait for about 10 to 15 days before repeating it. Do not take it more frequently without the physician’s advice.

5. Apis Mellifica – For Skin Itching With Stinging, Prickling Sensation

Apis Mellifica is a wonderful medicine to manage skin itching attended with a stinging, prickling sensation. The itching often becomes intolerable and leads to harsh rubbing. Rashes form on the skin and the skin is red and feels hot. Itching gets better in the open air. The skin feels sore and is sensitive to the slightest touch. Apis Mellifica is also an excellent medicine for hives (bumps on skin) attended with marked itching and stinging sensation. Apis Mellifica is also used to treat allergic dermatitis and prickly heat.

When to use Apis Mellifica?

Apis Mellifica can be used in cases where along with itching, the sufferer experiences stinging and prickling sensation.

How to use Apis Mellifica?

It can be used in low (30C) as well high potencies (like 200C, 1M). In 30C potency, it can be taken one to two times a day. Do not take higher potencies without the guidance of a homeopathic doctor.

6. Fagopyrum – For Itching In Elderly People

Fagopyrum is a natural treatment for managing itching in older adults. It gets worse from scratching. Bathing in cold water brings relief. Though itching can occur on any body part, it is worse on the arms, legs, hands, elbows, knees and hairy parts. Itching gets severe towards the evening.

When to use Fagopyrum?

This medicine should be considered to manage skin itching in elderly people especially when scratching worsens the itching.

How to use Fagopyrum?

To begin with, its 30C potency can be used once or twice a day.

7. Dolichos – For Itching Without Any Skin Eruptions / Rash

Dolichos is a very suitable medicine for cases in which skin itching occurs without any rash/eruptions. In cases requiring it, itching worsens at night. Burning sensation also attends. Like Fagopyrum, this medicine is also indicated to manage skin itching in elderly persons.

When to use Dolichos?

It should be the first choice of remedy for skin itching without any rash or eruptions.

How to use Dolichos?

Dolichos 30C can be taken once a day if itching is mild and for moderate intensity itching, it can be taken twice a day.

Causes Of Itching

Itching is a symptom of many health conditions. The causes are highly variable as summed below:

 A). Skin conditions

1. Dry skin: It mostly happens when there is dry air in the atmosphere, and also in winters. Along with skin dryness, cracks or scales appear on the skin.

2. Eczema/Atopic dermatitis: It is a very common condition especially in children in which inflammation of skin occurs along with dryness and itching. In some cases, eruptions (bumps) appear that may ooze fluid followed by crust formation and thickening of skin.

3. Scabies:It is a skin complaint caused by a mite, sarcoptes scabiei. A highly contagious disease, an extremely itchy skin rash appears on the skin that tends to worsen at night.

4. Fungal infections on skin: For example ringworm on skin

5. Psoriasis: It is an autoimmune skin condition characterized by inflammatory patches on skin covered with silvery-white scales. Itching may occur in these patches. At times a burning sensation can also attend.

6. Prickly heat: It is also called ‘heat rash’ in which small fluid-filled blisters form on the skin from trapped sweat. This rash is quite itchy along with pricking sensation, hence the name ‘prickly heat’.

7. Hives: A skin rash with raised bumps on the skin called wheals that usually arise from an allergic reaction. It is attended with itching and stinging sensation.

8. Lichen Planus: An autoimmune skin condition characterized by purple-colored bumps on skin that tend to be itchy.

9. Bacterial infections likefolliculitis (a skin condition in which hair follicles get inflamed from bacterial infection), impetigo (skin infection caused by bacteria mainly staphylococcus bacteria), etc.

B). Skin allergy

1. Contact dermatitis: Skin rash that arises from direct contact with substances like nickel in jewellery, hair dyes, detergents or from an allergic reaction to it.

2. Certain foods likemilk, eggs, peanuts, fish

3. Certain soaps, wool, cosmetics

C). Nerve-related disorders

1. Shingles: A painful rash with fluid-filled blisters caused by varicella zoster virus. It can be attended with itching, tingling, and burning sensation.

2. Multiple sclerosis: An autoimmune disorder in which our immune cells damage protective covering of nerves.

3. Nerve damage

D). Psychological causes

These include Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (a psychological disorder with constant repetitive thoughts in mind that leads to certain repetitive behavior), depression, and anxiety.

E). Systemic medical conditions

Itching can occur in some systemic medical conditions like thyroid disease, and diabetes; among these, there are a few serious ones too like kidney failure, liver disease, lymphoma (cancer of lymphatic system), multiple myeloma (cancer of plasma cells).

F). Use of some medicines

Certain medications, like drugs for high blood pressure, allopurinol for gout and narcotic painkillers may also cause itching.

Write To Dr . Sharma

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  1. Ashit Sarkar says:

    Dear Dr Sharma,
    I am 90 yrs old and other than age-related issues, am suffering from skin itching mainly on the leg and also other parts of the body for a month and which has now increased all over the body. Scabs that come off easily on my leg is lately been noticed. I am applying creams regularly to reduce dryness and an excellent oil massage once a week.
    Despite LORATIDINE 10 mg twice a day for over a month and 10 drops of ARSENICUM ALBUM 30H three times a day for one week (now stopped), there is no relief. I would request Homoeopathic medicine details. You may call me at 9972012382 to discuss this as your line remains busy. WhatsApp me or reply by email.
    I will appreciate your advice and treatment. Thank you.

  2. Hello Dr Sharma,
    My mother 88 years has itching upper back for past one year.
    She is applying calamine lotion, suthol liquid, well as coconut oil after bath.
    Took Ledum palustre 200c, Agaricus Muscarius 30c.
    But not getting itch relief.
    Kidly advise any homeopathic medicine for back itch cure.
    Thank you🙏🙏
    Chaand, gurgaon

  3. Ashit Sarkar says:

    I am 90 years old and suffer from skin itchiness mostly in the leg but also in the hand and body to a lesser extent. It has been going on for almost a year and LORATIDINE 10 mg does not help. I do have dry skin for which I apply oil massage once a week and creams regularly. Can you recommend any homoeopathic treatment? Thanks and regards. – Ashit Sarkar

  4. Abdul Hameed says:

    Due to the heat and dryness, my whole body starts to itch which keeps changing places, sometimes on the hands, sometimes on the arms, sometimes on the feet, sometimes on the legs. Rice, tea, fish, mango, milk, meat, peaches. It has been a year, tell me any medicine

  5. Madhusudan says:

    I am 86 years male bypass surgery done ten years back.

    My skin itches suddenly near ankles on both legs and elbows of both hands. There is no particular time when itching starts. I apply caladryl lotion and get relief after some time.
    I also suffer from severe itching on keeloid formed on chest. after surgery..

    Can you suggest. any homeo medicines for my itching problem.


  6. Muhammad Salman says:

    Dear Sir,
    My mother age 89 years suffering by itching
    dry skin, erupts due to itching
    specially during night itching become too much
    please suggest homeopathy medicine.
    My mother do not have any other disease,
    use high blood pressure tablets “easyday” 25mg daily.


    Pakistan / Lahore

  7. Graeme Michael says:

    dr sharma
    I have itchy skin on my legs and sometimes on the rest of my body
    when i scratch very small pimples appear and sometimes theskin beeda
    I am diabetic

  8. Gautam Ganguly says:

    Dear Dr. Sharma, I have an itchy area on one side of my anus. It is worsened by stool not being completely cleaned or dryness. I have tried anal itch creams which sometimes provide temporary relief but that area remains sensitive and the itch returns when dry. I have had it for about 5 years now.

  9. Komal Kumari says:

    I wanted to know the name of the book in which there is information about itching without rashes aur without any allergy too ,n if u can suggest more appropriate medicine for this desease ,i will be thankful to you

  10. Lena Rothman says:

    Dr.Sharma,My friend has Lymphoma, Stage 3. She has broken out in a stinging, itching rash with raised blisters. She scratches until she bleeds. This has been going on for 6 months with no help from allopathic medicine. Her body has swollen up. Her Oncologist has not recommended any treatment because he doesn’t know what to recommend. Currently they want to put her on Steroids and she doesn’t want them. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thank You.

  11. Indrajit taneja says:

    I suffer intense itching and burning in the night. Can’t sleep in the night. Keeps me wide awake. It is for a long time. Doctors say I it is eczema.

  12. Prof.H.S.Singh says:

    Sir I have itching in skin without any reason.
    More on scalp
    Corners of eye

  13. Every since I was prescribed leviquin and kefflex from an American MD decades ago I look like a burn victim also if I bump any thing I get under the skin bleeding and my skin is very easily cut. American market has nothing to help me hope you have an idea

  14. Maria noor says:

    I am 37 year old lady i ate many antihistamimes but there is no affect i have used sulphur histaminum dulcamara for my itching which is almost aggravated by water or air very irritated over sensitive skin of mine worse itching at night very sensitive skin plz help me

    • Mattie Comer says:

      I am a 73 year old female being treated for small cell lung cancer. The treatment just started 2-weeks ago. I go 3-days out of a week and then have a 3-weeks break. I am being treated with immunotherapy and chemo. The itching started approx in March of this year and has gotten worse over time. I have Triamcinolone Acetonide Ointment prescribed by my doctor but it only helps for approx 2 hour. I have antihistamines and Benadryl as suggested by my physician. I use a moisturizing lotion and body oil and I have a filter for my shower. I run cool water over my body after cleansing. Recommendations please. I cannot sleep at night unless I’m drugged up with sleeping pills.

  15. Catherine says:

    Hello Dr. Sharma. I am a 60 year old female suffering from severe itching in my pubis and labial area and also the folds of my buttocks for the last 2 1/2 years now. After many doctors and several creams containing steroids and yeast control there is no relief. I did my research and what comes close to it is lichen sclerosis. My Gyn has never heard of it. Sometimes my pubic area smells like rotting flesh even after showers and baths. The itching is like prickly, biting gets worse at night. Please can you help!!

    • Andrea Moran says:

      I had lichen sclerosis. The itching is annoying for sure, especially at night. For me I cut back on sugar! If I eat a lot of sweets in let’s say a week the itching comes right back. I use this cream and it works well, you can get it on Amazon.
      Organic excellence
      Balance plus therapy.
      Good luck

  16. I have itching problem for 5 months. any help

  17. S BHASKARA RAO says:

    During summer my legs below knees,hands get severe itching.It aggregates in the evening.It also aggregates after scratching. It will subside in winter.I didn’t use any medicines.I have been suffering from this for 15 years.I am using medicine for BP.I don’t have sugar.Could you please suggest a home medicine.I am better in cool conditions and always take bath with normal water.I would be very thankful for your suggestion.

    • Dr.Abhilasha singh says:

      Homeopathy treat a person as whole not only a disease /symptoms . You are needed a constitutional homeopathic treatment to cure .
      Please consult a expert homeopathic physician.
      I am sure, you will get rid off your all problems.

  18. Sabita Saha says:

    Itching on both palms in the morning for 10 to 15 minutes. Female, age 49, Please suggest homeopathy medicine .

  19. Monojit Mitra Mustafi says:

    Kind Attn. Dr. Sharma,

    Sometime back in 1992, my son had an operation on right ear to take care of ear discharge. Recently, for last few years he is feeling too much of itching behind his right ear flap.
    Please advise a homeopathy remedy.

  20. k champakvas says:

    I am a diabitic and also Suffer from COPD.

    I have Intense itching on my entire body . It becomes worse at night and by sultry atmosphere. Better by AC . Major areas of Itching are on Back , fore arms and Legs .
    Can you help me
    Champakvas , Ph 91 9892311889

    • S BHASKARA RAO says:

      During summer my legs below knees,hands get severe itching.It aggregates in the evening.It also aggregates after scratching. It will subside in winter.I didn’t use any medicines.I have been suffering from this for 15 years.I am using medicine for BP.I don’t have sugar.Could you please suggest a home medicine.I am better in cool conditions and always take bath with normal water.I would be very thankful for your suggestion.

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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