Sound sensitivity, medically called hyperacusis, refers to over-sensitivity to a variety of sounds that are unbearable and feel painfully loud to the sufferer. They may also frighten some sufferers. In some cases, it may result in seizures (fits). Sound sensitivity is also referred to as decreased sound tolerance. In persons having sound sensitivity, certain sounds are perceived only at a very high volume. The same may be perceived at normal volume by persons having normal hearing. Some sounds are not even heard by them. The sound made while turning pages of the book, chewing food, running water, and running of electrical home appliances seems intolerable to persons with sound sensitivity.
These sounds may be annoying to the sufferer and impact his/her mental health resulting in anxiety, irritability, anger, depression, and can lead to social isolation. Depending on the cause behind sound sensitivity, some other symptoms may be present like tinnitus (hearing noises like ringing, buzzing in ear in the absence of an external source), feeling of fullness/pressure in the ears and pain in the ears. Being tired and stressed may worsen the symptoms.
It can result from various reasons. Some of these include
1. Head or ear injury or an infection affecting the inner ear and ear damage resulting from toxins.
2. Migraine: It refers to one-sided headache of throbbing type chiefly attended with nausea and vomiting. One may feel excessive sensitivity to sound and light.
3. Autism: It is a neuro-developmental disorder that leads to problems in communication, and social interaction of child along with restricted and repetitive behavior.
4. Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD): It is a condition that causes problems in processing sensory stimuli and responding to them appropriately. Sensory stimuli involve sound, sight, taste, smell and touch. The sufferer may either give an oversensitive or hyposensitive response to sensory stimuli.
5. Meniere’s disease: It refers to an inner ear disorder represented by different medical conditions: tinnitus (noises in the ear in the absence of any external source), vertigo and hearing loss usually on one side of the ear. In some cases, it is linked with sound sensitivity.
6. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a condition related to the mind triggered by a traumatic event in life (like a road accident, sexual assault, etc) and depression.
7. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS): It refers to tiredness both physically and mentally that does not improve with rest. There is no underlying medical condition behind it.
8. Lyme Disease: A bacterial tick-borne disease, it is caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdoferi.
9. Temporo Mandibular Disorder (TMJ) disorder: It refers to a disorder resulting from a problem with the jaw joint, or muscles related to the jaw movement.
10. Ramsay hunt syndrome: It arises when Shingles (a viral infection caused by varicella zoster virus) affect the facial nerve lying close to ear.
11. When no cause is identified, then it is referred as an idiopathic case.
Homeopathic Management
Homeopathy is very effective in managing complaints of sound sensitivity. These medicines are entirely safe to use with zero side effects as these are prepared from naturally occurring substances. Homeopathic medicines bring excellent results in such cases by aiming to treat the root cause behind it. They bring gradual improvement in such cases, and the results may vary from case to case. The most suitable medicine in these cases is selected keeping in mind the individual requirement after detailed case evaluation based on the characteristic symptom presentation. So it is advised to get every case evaluated by a doctor and take medicine under the supervision of a doctor. Self-medication should not be done in any case.
Homeopathic Medicines for Sound Sensitivity
1. Asarum Europaeum
It is a highly recommended medicine for cases of sound sensitivity. Persons needing it have hypersensitive nerves with oversensitivity to the slightest noise. The rattle of the paper and scratching on the clothes are unbearable to them. Even the thought of scratching with nails by someone seems to bring a nervous tremor (trembling) in them. A very characteristic symptom that can be present is an extreme sensitivity to cold. Additionally, low energy levels can also be an attending feature.
2. Borax
Borax is another important medicine to manage sound sensitivity. Those requiring this medicine get easily frightened by the least noise. They are very nervous people and get startled from sharp noises like sneezing, hawking, coughing and hearing someone crying. Additionally, they may have a great fear of downward motion like going downstairs and fear of falling. Fear of thunder may also be there along with the above symptoms.
3. Opium
This medicine is well indicated for persons who are unable to sleep due to acuteness of hearing. Noise from distant places disturbs the sleep and keeps them awake. They are actually very sleepy but are unable to sleep due to this medical condition. Besides, they also complain of noises in the ear i.e. tinnitus. The noises can be of different types. These might include roaring, buzzing or humming type, varying from case to case.
4. Zincum Met
Zincum Met is of great use in treating many of the nerves-related complaints including sound sensitivity. The key indicating feature to use this medicine is sensitivity to the sounds of people talking. These sounds affect the nerves in the sufferer and cause impatience and bad temper in them. Marked fatigue (tiredness, exhaustion) in an intense degree can accompany the above symptoms in most of the cases.
5. Coffea Cruda
Coffea Cruda is an effective medicine when hearing is very acute with hearing even very distant sounds that are not audible to persons with normal hearing. Persons needing it also have marked sensitivity to voices, music and even footsteps. Even little noise seems to cause pain in the body or worsen the already present pain. Besides hearing, a person’s other senses are also over-sensitive, like smell, taste and touch.
6. Theridion
This medicine is suitable when there is extreme sensitivity to noise that seems to penetrate the whole body. The noises especially seem to penetrate the teeth. It is followed by nausea and pain all over the body, and a chilly feeling. Vertigo may also result from the slightest noise. Noise may make headache worse. The noises that are the most disturbing include vibration of any sort or the sound of footsteps while walking. There is also marked restlessness along with the above symptoms.
7. Belladonna
Belladonna is recommended when there is ear pain along with sensitivity to sounds. The slightest noise seems to cause ear pain. Startling occurs from the least noise. Tinnitus may also be present with roaring, ringing and humming noises in ear. Headache may also occur from noise.
8. Phosphorus
This medicine is prominently indicated for cases in which there is oversensitivity to different senses other than hearing including odor, light and touch. The slightest noise cause startling in persons needing it. In case of sensitivity to smell, sensitivity to the smell of flowers is most prominent that may even cause fainting. In general, anxiety and restlessness may also be present.
9. Nux Vomica
Nux vomica is indicated when there is increased sensitivity to noise, odor, and light. Every sound causes pain to those needing it. Sudden noise may sometimes result in fits or seizures.
Let me know if you found any solution to it
Dr sharma. Could you advise me on which homopathic remedy that would help my ear. I had ear surgery 3 months ago and my consultant says my sensitivity to noise will take loner to settle. I’m finding this difficult to cope with. I would be grateful for you advice. My surgery was ear tube dilation.
Hi Dr Sharma
What do you recommend for tinnitus ringing sound , sound sensitivity and anxiety? Thx so much
Let me know if you found any solution to it
Hello Dr.
My daughter is 9 years old. She is very sensitive to noise. She may also have Auditory processing disorder, where she want us to repeated the instructions multiple times. She also seems to have OCD and a little bit of focus problem.
I am looking for a homeopathic medicine for vomiting associated with chemotherapy for a 6 year old. Also a homeopathic medicine before and after a lumbar puncture which results in headaches afterwards
Hi Dr Sharma
What do you recommend for tinnitus ringing sound , sound sensitivity and anxiety? Thx so much
Hello, is there a homeopathy medicine that can help tensor tympani syndrome, pulsatile tinnitus and pain hyperacusis?