Epiphora is the condition of having watery eyes. Usually, a few tears are regularly produced in our eyes by the lachrymal glands. These serve the purpose of cleaning and lubricating the eyes. The tears get drained through the tear ducts or the nasolacrimal ducts into the nose. Any blockage or narrowing of the tear ducts can lead to an overflow of tears on to the face. This overflow of tears is known as watery eyes or Epiphora. In some cases, the drainage system for tears works well, but watery eyes result from excessive production of tears. Causes leading to excessive tear production are allergies, conjunctivitis, chemical irritants, entropion or ectropion, and blepharitis. Although watery eyes can occur at any age, little babies and people over 60 years of age have higher chances of being afflicted. The symptoms that accompany watery eyes are eye pain, inflammation of eyes, and impaired vision. Homeopathy has highly beneficial medicines to treat watery eyes. For the homeopathic treatment for watery eyes to be effective, it is essential that the precise details of each case are made clear.
Homeopathic Treatment for Watery Eyes
To decide on medication, accompanying symptoms like burning, itching, swelling, sensitivity to light, pain and redness in the eyes also have to be taken into consideration. Homeopathic treatment for watery eyes aims at treating the cause leading to the problem to ensure complete recovery. The most prominently indicated homeopathic medicines for watery eyes are Euphrasia, Natrum Mur Silicea, Pulsatilla, and Allium Cepa.
1. Euphrasia – A top Grade Homeopathic Medicine for Watery Eyes
Homeopathic medicine Euphrasia, commonly known as eyebright, has a broad sphere of action in the treatment of eye problems. Euphrasia is a very good homeopathic medicine for watery eyes. It works well when the eyes are constantly watering all day. Along with this, a pressure is felt in the eyes. Burning and itching are other accompanying features. Euphrasia is also an excellent homeopathic medicine for watery eyes resulting from inflammation of the conjunctiva. Sometimes, sticky eyelids may also occur.
2. Natrum Mur and Silicea – Wonderful Homeopathic Medicines for Watery Eyes resulting from Stricture of the Lachrymal Duct
Natrum Mur is a very effective homeopathic medicine for watery eyes. It is effective for watery eyes caused due to stricture of the lachrymal duct. In such cases, the eyes feel wet all the time and tears may even roll over on to the face. Sometimes, burning and smarting sensation in the eyes are also present. Sticky eyes, especially at night, may also occur. Cloudiness, a sandy feeling in these eyes, and corrosive eyes are other features that may arise. Silicea is also an often used homeopathic medicine for newborns with watery eyes resulting from the swelling or stricture of the lachrymal duct.
3. Pulsatilla – A Homeopathic Medicine for Watery Eyes in Conjunctivitis
Pulsatilla is another very useful homeopathic medicine for watery eyes. It is used for watery eyes caused due to catarrhal conjunctivitis. In such cases, there is a profuse flow of tears. This is accompanied by burning and itching in the eyes. The symptoms get worse in a warm room. Other accompanying features are a feeling of sand in the eyes, pressure on the eyes, a need to rub the eyes, and sticky lids. Over sensitivity to light is also present.
4. Allium Cepa – A Homeopathic Medicine for Watery Eyes when the Lachrymation Is Bland
Allium Cepa is a high-grade homeopathic medicine for watery eyes. It works well when the flow of tears is bland or non-irritating. In such cases, the flow of tears is very heavy and may reduce in the open. The eyes may also seem red and swollen. Allium Cepa is also used in allergic cases where the nasal discharge is very acrid, burning and is accompanied by a profuse and bland flow of tears.
My watery eyes started two months ago when atropine was used to dialate eyes. I had swelling ,itching,red and watery eyes. Dr gave anti allergy drops FMLT which STOPPED OTHER SYMPTOMS BUT WATERY EYES CONTINUED. Subsequently I was given cyclo twice to dialate eyes for doing OCT and lazer for retina hole. Watery eyes continue even after two weeks of dialate. FMLT IS NOT HELPING. I have floaters which have increased recently.
My eyes are watering with slight pain, feeling itchy and in bright sunlight.Please suggest treatment. I am 25 yrs old
I hve eatery eyes most of the eyes are wet prevnting clarity in seeing reading especially i am 67
Since 2 months my right eye is tearing, at the time of eating any chewing food. Consulted Dr. Muthian at nigdi, Pune. He prescribed me ” Etetamin total” capsules for 15 days. No results.
Advise me what to do. My age is 57 yrs. Female. Staying at Pune.
Dear Doctor
I have watery eyes with agglutination in the morning while waking up. It’s diagnosed as lacrimal duct obstruction
Please suggest me suitable homeopathic medicine
I am 70 yrs. Old person. My eyes are very frequently filled with water. Accorging to doctor the drainage is jammed. Is there any homeopathy medicine to cure this.
My wife is suffering from tears in right side eye at the time of eating since a month. Age 56 yrs.
She have pressure, sugar & thyroid. Suggest for her cure.
Dr. Sharma Ji
I will be much thankful to you if you may very kindly suggest me a very good medicine for severe watering from both eyes as per details below .
I 68 years of age suffering from high blood pressure and now diabetes also . In both case i used to take allopathic medicine under kind guidance of Doctor in Medicine and both are under control . But due to severe watering from both eyes I am feeling much difficulties and have faced 2 to 4 accident in motor cycle.For eyes I have taken silicea 30 ,allium cepa 30 , Pulsatilla 30 and EUPHRASIA , upto 10 M but no improvement has occurred .
Due to watering I am totally unable to read news paper T V , and very difficult to go any where by bike. Please help me . Thanks & regard yogesh baijal 9452017115
Dear sir I am suffering from watering in my both eyes since 3 months. I consulted 2/3 Doctors. They given some Ointments, eye drops & Allergy tab. but not feel better. After that stopped all drops and ointments given only allergy tab. and done Syringing 4 times till that. Actually I suffer allergy in my face and being treatment under Skin Doctor, it almost better/cure. Now I should have continue syringing or use another medicine. Plz suggest me.
My friend Mr.Narendra is suffered from watering eyes in left eye last few months .what medicine of this problem please tell me sir…
Dr Sharma ji, 2 years ago, my cataract operation of both the eyes was done by Dr Nitin Dedhia, Ojas eye hospital, bandra West, Mumbai. After three months my eyes started watering resulting in Little discharge accumulation towards end of each eye. Dr initially gave Normo tears eye drops for two months, it helped reduce watering. After two months it started again, when consulted in Feb 2018,Dr recommended 3 snip surgery. He found water flows downward perfectly but the entry point of water draining pipe became narrow which needs to be widened by 3 snip surgery. I am afraid of surgery and it’s after effects. Trying to find remedy in homeopathic treatment as I am a strong believer of homeopathic line of treatment. Please oblige by replying.
I have been suffering from constsnt watery eyes. I gave had unsuccessful DCR surgery for the blockage if nasolacrimal duct and dozens of eye drops. Face up helps a littje whike face straight and down brings tears. Outside is worse.
Hi Dr Sharma!
My left eye have a problem. Since last 1 year I have been consulting the home pathic doctors for the treatment of this watery eyes even 3 times in a year my Eve got swelled and very pain full every time I have to use antibiotics at last … Allopathic doctors says open surgery is nessecery for this cure.. but I don,t want to do operation.. pus also discharge from my eye even now a days I m in very painful condition ..all doctors tell me that my lacrimal duct is blocked..please suggest me a homeopathic remeady for get rid of this painful condition..
I shall be very thankful to you… I am using silicia now a days..
I am 53 ýears old and I have a very watery eye from left side of the eye. I have no blood pressure or sugar. I only have a cholesterol medicine. Is there any homeopathic eye drops avilab,e
My brother 53 years suffering watering eyes.my mob no 9374532000 i want medicine
Dear Dr Sharma
I visited mumbai last December. It happened suddenly
Water coming out from both eyes. I consulted 3 to 4
Specialist but still there is no cure. Watering all the time. Can you help in finding the remedy for this problem.
Thanking you
Madhu. Age. 91 years
Dear Doctor
I get tears often when I use PC and when I clean then with tissues I get a little bit of itching also
Please advise
Thanks & Regards
salman Usmani
from U.A.E
hi Dr sharma I need ur help sir I am male 33 yrs from past 4 5 mnths I am having some problem in my left eye.I show to Dr he said that my tear duct is closed and he gave medicines ;antibiotics and some drops for the eye I took dem and it went off and again it’s coming back after some time like 15 days to 1mnth.the left eye tear duct is closed and down of the eye corner one mole is coming wen there is problem and pus and yellow water is discharging from dat . so these wen m taking antibiotics it’s going off and again returning wen I don’t . yesterday I went to dr so they examine the eys n did SME tests like the took SME liquid in injection and injected in my corners of both sides n from the ryt side the lotion came to my throat SOS ryt duct is working n same wen it’s done on left eye the lotion is nt goin in and it’s coming out from the mole wich I GT due to infection. so the dr advce me to go for the surgery what they say dcr surgery where the do SME surgery n fix SME tube n make a new passage for the tear duct. m really worried for this n I dnt want to go for the surgery plz let me know if there is any medicine or any treatment with out operation. plzz let.me knw ASAP .
thank you
I have glaucoma.recently two time infection occur in wright eye into two month. Sweeling under eye,upper and lower eye lid,inner corner of nose and chick. Doctor suspect block tear duct. My age 61 year.allium sepha can use.what will be the power and dose.
Sir i hv problem of tearing in cold season when i am outdoor it increases further due to wind doctors says that tear duct blocked.plz suggest me a homeopathic medicine.
I want to loos weight. Please give me a solution. My age is 23 & my height is 145 cm. Please advise sir…
Respected sir my rt eye watering before 6 months. Doctor advised to dcr surgery.but i have not decided so.i am about 45yrs.plse suggest for homeopathy treatment.
Bilateral Epiphora at age 55+: chronic and ongoing watery eyes fir a few years. nasolacrimal duct surgeries endisvoplically and externals were fine but epiphora continues. The doctors have given a number of different prescription eye drops but the problem continues. The use of different eye drops for years has even caused hypo (corner) and hyper ( below) eye pigmentation. Want remedy for (1) epiphora and also for (2) loss of pigmentation in the corner from eye drops and/or multiple surgeries. Thanks.