A decrease in the blood platelet count is known as thrombocytopenia. The bone marrow, which is a spongy tissue inside the bones, produces blood platelet cells. These cells circulate in the blood and help in blood clotting. Blood platelet count varies between 1,50,000 and 4,50,000 per micro liter of blood. Dropping of the platelet count below this range is known as thrombocytopenia. Homeopathy treats various diseases by following a holistic approach. Homeopathic treatment for thrombocytopenia is based on the individual symptoms of the person. Dealing with thrombocytopenia under homeopathy requires a detailed case taking. The site of bleeding must be accurately noted. Following this, a complete analysis and evaluation of the case should be done to finalize the homeopathic prescription.
What are the Causes of Thrombocytopenia?
Thrombocytopenia can be inherited or acquired. The term inherited means a genetic transmission of this condition from parents to offspring. Acquired thrombocytopenia implies that the person is not born with this condition, but he has developed it at a later stage. Thrombocytopenia arises either from a decreased production of platelets in the bone marrow or when the destruction of platelets is higher than the rate of its generation. Another reason for thrombocytopenia is the trapping of too many platelets in the spleen which may happen because of an enlarged spleen. A decrease in the production of platelets may arise from cancer, including leukemia and lymphoma; viruses like rubella, mumps, HIV and Epstein-Barr virus; aplastic anemia; excess alcohol intake; inherited syndromes like Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, thrombocytopenia absent radius syndrome and May-Hegglin anomaly; or decreased production of thrombopoietin by the liver. An increase in the breakdown of platelets may arise from autoimmune diseases like lupus, and is known as immune thrombocytopenia; idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura; thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura; medicines like heparin, sulfa drugs, anticonvulsants; virus like cytomegalovirus, mononucleosis; and pregnancy.
Signs and Symptoms
The signs and symptoms of thrombocytopenia include purpura, petechiae spots, bleeding from the nose and gums, and blood in the urine and stool. Purpura refers to purplish spots or blotches on the skin which are less than 3 mm in diameter. These arise from internal bleeding of small blood vessels. Petechiae are pinpoint hemorrhagic spots, red or purple, on the skin. Other symptoms of thrombocytopenia are prolonged bleeding from wounds, cuts, and excessive bleeding during menses. General weakness and fatigue may also be there. Sometimes a person may suffer from thrombocytopenia without displaying any of these symptoms, and platelets may be found to be low on doing routine blood tests.
Homeopathic Medicines for Thrombocytopenia
Homeopathic medicines for thrombocytopenia include Crotalus Horridus, Iodum, Latrodectus Mactans, Phosphorus, Secale Cor, and Bothrops Lanciolatus. These medicines help in controlling hemorrhages and raising blood platelets. A person should take homeopathic treatment for thrombocytopenia under the supervision of a homeopathic physician. Avoid self-medication.
Dear sir, iam suffering with thrombocytopenia with enlarged spleen & with low platelet count. Can u pls suggest me d homeo medicine to improve my condition.
Good day sir , my platelet count is 108000 last 2month plz suggest to me , laxmidhar Punjab
Sir ,my mom has sle(systematic lupus erythematosus) disease from six year and she always has lower count of platelets still she has only 34 pt ..dad and I depends on steroids which increase platelets little bit .. steroids has many side effects so now we want to shift towards homopethic medicine..pls suggest some medicine which can boost platelets count ..
Hi Doctor,
My wife has low platelets about 60000 since childhood, frequent nose bleeds. Can you please help us increase in platelet.
Sir ,my mom has sle(systematic lupus erythematosus) disease from six year and she always has lower count of platelets still she has only 34 pt ..dad and I depends on steroids which increase platelets little bit .. steroids has many side effects so now we want to shift towards homopethic medicine..pls suggest some medicine which can boost platelets count ..
I am 81 years old, myplatlet counts has been reduced to about one lac from 1.4lacs in last one year kindly advice how to increase
नमस्कार मेरी भतीजी को आईटीपी है और उस का एलोपैथिक इलाज चल रहा है लेकिन प्लेटलेट नहीं बढ़ पा रहे हैं कभी 121 हो जाते हैं कभी 81हो जाते कभी 68 हैं कभी कम हो जाते हैं कभी बाढ़ जाते हैं इसी प्रकार से चल रहा है मैं उसकी रिपोर्ट सेंड करूं क्या
Hi doctor, I have a patient who is an 11 yr old kid, I have been giving him secale cor , but no effect is yet seen I’m his platelet count.i ts been 1 and a half month he has been taking my medicine
Thank you for your time. I’m writing regarding my father. He is 68 years old and has just been diagnosed with ITP. He is overweight, on blood thinners, has a stint in his heart. He has had a white platelet count as low as 7,000. Today it came back as 40000.
I am interested in homeopathic treatments. Thank you so much for your time. I love you
i have slenomegaly with portal hypertension since 18 years. at present my platelet count is aroud 45000.
it is possible to increase platelet count with homeopathic treatment. guide me
thank u
For last one and half year I am having ITP .My platelet count was in range of 59000 to 80000.This year in June just after Total Knee Replacement the count rose to 160000 but again it drcreased to 78000.I request to please suggest homeopathic treatment. My age is 68years 9month.Iam regularly taking allopathic medicine for hipper tensions, irregular heartbeat and cholesterol and Clopivas75 a blood thinner
Have a platelet count of 120 yet all other blood counts are within normal. Have high cholesterol 246 total but otherwise good. Have not taken any medications that can cause and have no symptoms. Doc has said nothing about the platelets yet I am concerned. Should I start something to rebuild. Looking homeopathic not western meds. Please advise
Mother has received chemotherapy and radiation for colon cancer in the past. Markers are now very low. Has developed a billiary tumor is doctors are 99.99% sure it is also cancer although have not been successful in performing the biopsy as of yet. a second attempt is scheduled. She is not taking any more chemo. Currently taking the ( Banerji Protocol) homeopathics for liver cancer. In the last 30 days has developed marked purpura in both lower legs. What would be the recommended homeopathic remedy for this type of purpura. I would not call it idiopathic as we feel it is directly related to several rounds of antibiotics and infections as a result of the chemo she has undergone in the last 3 years. Also has a history of hepatitis.
Assalam o alaikum
Me suffering from sle thrmocytopenia from six years.n facng low platelets count.kindly help me in this case.shall b v thnkful
My mother Is suffering from ITP problem,since 2yrs8months.Now she is taking danogen200&wysolin 10mg med under doctors supervision.Now platelet improve s but her body systems get worsen day by day.so plz suggest.
My blood platelet count is falling down regularly. Within a month it has gone to 88000 from 120000. I am taking amla giloy juice regularly alongwith folic acid tablet. Eating chukander(beet root) daily.
Kindly suggest what to next.
My blood platelet count is falling down regularly. Within a month it has gone to 88000 from 120000. I am taking amla giloy juice regularly alongwith folic acid tablet. Eating chukander(beet root) daily.
Kindly suggest what to next.
My father is suffering from acute ITP for last 1 year . his platelet count in fluctuates drastically ..suggest something
My sister is suffering from itp from last five years from her second pregnancy but after pregnancy first three years she did not had any problem like bleeding and all. From now 2years ago there is some problems started like heave mensuletion bleeding mild gum bleeding nose bleeding…. Now she is under homeopathy treatment from last 8month at Bangalore. But there is only constant count of platelets 45thousand and 40thousand like that.. Is there is any permanent cure for this old suggest me sir…?
My platelets always remains between 15 to 20 thousand plz suggest any medicine
Tried papaya extract for low platelets but stopped for just 6days and her platelets dropped to 1000.Had to be hospitalized.What homeopathic treatment will you recommend.Please help
Out platelet are extremely low. Prednisolone didnt help made worse. Female 60 years old
My platelet count always remains between 30 k to 50k… Can this be cured.