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Best 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Mucus in Stool

Mucus is a slimy, slippery substance produced by the body’s mucous membranes, including that of the intestines. The function of mucus is mainly to help with lubrication and protect against bacteria. Mucus is composed of mucin, water, and leukocytes. The presence of a small quantity of mucus in the stool is normal. But when a person passes a large amount of mucus in the stool, then it needs to be investigated. Mucus in the stool may be transparent, white, yellow, bloody, or green in color.

Homeopathic treatment for mucus in stool is a highly effective and safe way to address the problem. These medicines work in treating mucus in stool and its related symptoms. It can wonderfully address attending symptoms like abdomen pain, diarrhea, constipation, etc. Homeopathic medicines aim at providing complete recovery rather than short-term complaint management. The medicines used in homeopathy are entirely natural and safe.

Homeopathic medicines for mucus in stool help clear out the main causative factor behind it for complete cure. It helps fight the cause that varies from case to case like an infection, inflammation, ulcers in gastrointestinal tract. Initially the mucus quantity in stool is reduced and with complete treatment, the mucus in stool completely gets better. Homeopathy is recommended for both acute as well as chronic cases of mucus in stool. It works well in helping most cases of mucus in stool, except in serious cases like colorectal cancer where help from mainstream medicine is advised on strict basis.
The selection of the homeopathic medicine for mucus in stool is made after noting the character of mucus and other symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, rectal bleeding, and abdominal cramps. A detailed case evaluation of these symptoms is done by a homeopathic doctor. After this, the homeopathic medicine is prescribed for each case individually. This customised treatment yields the best results.
The main advantage of homeopathy in cases of mucus in stool is that it never causes any side effects thus is 100% safe to use. The medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances and is safe to use among persons of all age groups.
homeopathic medicines for mucus in stool

Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Mucus in Stool

The best remedies used in the homeopathic treatment for mucus in stool are Aloe Socotrina, Merc Sol, Nux Vomica, Merc Cor, Colchicum and Podophyllum.

1. Aloe Socotrina – For Mucus in Stool with Diarrhea (loose stool)

Aloe Socotrina is an excellent medicine for mucus in stool. It works well in cases where diarrhea is accompanied by mucus in stool. The stool passed is watery and has a large quantity of mucus in it. There is a constant bearing down sensation in the rectum. Rumbling and gurgling in the rectum is also felt. There is an urge to pass stool immediately after eating or drinking. An urgency to pass stool is also a symptom. Along with this, the abdomen feels bloated and heavy.
When to use Aloe Socotrina?
Aloe Socotrina is a wonderful choice of medicine to help cases of mucus in stool when stool is loose, watery.
How to use Aloe Socotrina?
This medicine can be taken two to three times a day in 30C potency. Use of high potencies like 200C should be limited to once a day.

2. Merc Sol – For Mucus and Blood in Stool

Merc Sol offers great help in cases where, in addition to mucus, there is passage of blood in the stool. It is accompanied by a severe pain in the abdomen. There is a constant and recurrent urge to pass stool. The stool is scanty and may have an offensive or sour smell. Chilliness and weakness are also present. Other accompanying symptoms are severe pain and a burning sensation in the anus. Flatulent bloating of the abdomen may also occur.
When to use Merc Sol?
Its use should be highly considered to manage cases in which there occurs passage of mucus and blood in stool with offensive, sour-smelling stool.
How to use Merc Sol?
It is advised to use Merc Sol 30C once a day.

 3. Nux Vomica – For Mucus In Stool With A Constant Urge To Pass Stool

Nux Vomica is a high-grade medicine for mucus in stool. It works well in cases where there is a constant ineffectual desire to pass stool. The stool, passed with mucus, is scanty and unsatisfactory. There is a pain in the abdomen that is relieved for a short while after passing stool. Nausea, vomiting, and acidity are the other symptoms that may arise.
When to use Nux Vomica?
Nux Vomica is a suitable medicine for cases of mucus in stool with a constant, ineffectual urge to pass stool.
How to use Nux Vomica?
It can be used in both low and high potencies among which the most preferred is 30C potency that can be taken twice or thrice a day depending on the severity of the symptoms.

4. Merc Cor – For Mucus In Stool With Abdomen Pain

Merc Sol is a very helpful medicine for cases of mucus in stool attended with abdominal pain. The pain is usually of cutting type. The stool is frequent, loose with mucus, blood and undigested food particles. The stool has an offensive smell.
When to use Merc Cor?
Merc Cor is highly effective to manage cases of mucus in stool accompanied by cutting pain in the abdomen.
How to use Merc Cor?
It is recommended to take Merc Cor 30C once a day.

5. Colchicum – For Transparent Jelly-like Mucus in Stool

Colchicum is a great medicine for clear jelly-like mucus in the stool. The stool can be green or yellow in color and is scanty or watery. Pain in the rectum appears and remains for a long time after passing of stool. Another characteristic feature is a severe pain in the abdomen that may be relieved by bending over. Intense nausea is also a symptom.
When to use Colchicum?
Its use is advised for cases where jelly-like mucus is passed in stool with yellowish or greenish stool.
How to use Colchicum?
This medicine works most wonderfully in 30C potency and can be taken two to three times a day as per the severity of symptoms.

6. Podophyllum – For Yellow Mucus In Stool

Podophyllum is a well-indicated medicine for yellowish mucus in the stool. The stool is yellowish or green in colour and is highly offensive. The stool is pushed out with force and is gushing in nature. Passing of the stool is usually painless. Prolapse of the rectum before or with stool is also a symptom indicating the use of this natural remedy. Anus may be swollen and sore, and there may be a burning sensation present in the anus.
When to use Podophyllum?
This medicine can be used when there is yellowish mucus in stool with foul-smelling stool that is gushing and passes with great force.
How to use Podophyllum?
This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. In most cases, 30C potency is selected to start with the treatment that can be taken one to two times a day.

Causes of Mucus in Stool

There are numerous causes of mucus in stool. First among these is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) which is a functional disorder of colon characterized by diarrhea, constipation or alternation between these two, gas, bloating and abdominal cramping. Second cause is inflamed rectum (proctitis). The third reason can be IBD i.e. inflammatory bowel disease that includes Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s disease. IBD is an autoimmune disorder that causes inflammation and/or ulcers in gastrointestinal tract. Further causes are intestinal infections that can be bacterial or parasitic, piles (enlarged, swollen veins inside the lower rectum and anus), rectal prolapse, and colorectal cancer.

Symptoms Accompanying Mucus in Stool

The symptoms that may accompany mucus in stool are abdominal cramps, bleeding from the rectum, bloated abdomen, diarrhea or constipation, unexplained weight loss, and tiredness. These symptoms occur depending on the reason behind the mucus in stool.

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  1. Sir, I am looking for remedy for mucus in stool ( white in colour) only with constipation . Hard dry stool mostly no urge of passing stool.

  2. Hi Dr Sharma,
    I HV gone through above artical , kindly note I am facing many problems mentioned above since long , I am going through allopathic treatment for chronic & UC but not getting good results,infect day bay problem occurs more
    I am fed-up now, needs a best n safe treatment
    Thank for the advice & suggestion
    Please suggest a best Dr from your friends circle locally
    Ahmedabad – India

  3. Mohammad Hanif Advocate says:

    डा० साहब मुझे 30 वर्षों से मल के साथ सफेद और पीला mucous आता है सुबह को नाश्ता करने से पहले एक या दो बार लैटिन जाना पड़ता है और खाना खाने के बाद फिर प्रैशर बनकर लैट्रीन जाना पड़ता है हरी या लाल मिर्च की सब्जी खाने के बाद गैस बनती है होम्योपैथिक दवाई बतलायें कृपा होगी ।

    • Mohammad Hanif Advocate says:

      डा0 साहब मुझे 30 वर्षों से स्टूल में सफेद और पीला म्यूकस आता है और सुबह को कई बार लैट्रीन जाना पड़ता है दिन में कोई परेशानी नहीं होती है लाल या हरी मिर्च की सब्जी खाने के बाद गैस बनने लगती है तथा गुदा में हल्की सूजन भी रहती है कृपया दवाई बतलायें कृपा होगी

  4. Bharat Gharat says:

    I am Cancer patient follicular Lymphoma under gone 17 Chemo
    Now i am started problem of mucous, and stomach pain and recurring sensation of motion. most of the time this happens due to even eating little spicy or green chilly in vegitables or chicken or fish.
    Please advice me right homeopath medicines

  5. Surajit Dutta says:

    For the last few few months I have been having terrible pain in my stomach but as soon as the gas passes out the pain goes. This happens several times during the day. White and yellowlish mucus falls with my stool. I have also acute constipation and acidity.

  6. Kamran tahawar says:

    doctor what is medicine if brak bown stol flute in water

  7. Please give suggestion for Balanitis.
    My prepuce is tight enough and a bit swelled. I can’t retract it back. Mild redness is present without itching or any Inflammation.
    Nitric Acid,caladium,Apis are failed already.
    I don’t know what to do.
    Please help me.

  8. Virendra Singh says:

    लगभग 6 माह से अक्सर मल होते में सफेद झाग आते हैं कभी कभी पेट में हल्का दर्द होता हैं ।। कृपा कर उपचार बताएं

  9. Aftab Siddiqui says:

    For Yellow Mucus in Stool and too much of pain.

  10. नम्रता गुड़िया says:

    हैलो मैम मैं पिछले कुछ सालों से इस बीमारी से ग्रस्त हूं मेरे पेट में नॉर्मल खाना खाने पर भी बहुत गैस बनती है मेरे मल के साथ बहुत सारा बलगम आता है हल्के भूरे रंग में और पेट भी बार बार खराब हो जाता है मुझे इलाज बताएं ।

  11. Olga Berezecky says:

    Please recommend a remedy for fecal incontinence, day & night, & frequent pasty stools regardless of what is eaten or whatever I drink. Stools are also very loose, diarrhea like.

  12. Hello ……..
    I have chronic white jelly like mucus problem with constipation
    Stool is soft but stool regular pass nahi hota 3 to 5 days ke gap se hota hay….
    Before passing the stool I feel great abdominal pain and gastritis ……
    I feel anus is blocked with something ….
    If I pushed up then stool is released.
    So please help me.

  13. Priyadarshini sahoo says:

    Hello….I am suffering from mucus stool for past 1 month…..before it was watery stool with mucus but now the morning stool is normal but later accompanied by mucus..,the smell of the stool is faecal…..I need a solution and I am irritated…..I stay in jamshedpur there doctors told told that its acute gastritis….please help me each and every blood test i hav done and every report is normal I don’t know why this is going on……lots of gas is also forming but i am feeling hungry and eating in the normal way….but very less oil and no spice……please help me…..

    • नम्रता गुड़िया says:

      हैलो मैम मैं पिछले कुछ सालों से इस बीमारी से ग्रस्त हूं मेरे पेट में नॉर्मल खाना खाने पर भी बहुत गैस बनती है मेरे मल के साथ बहुत सारा बलगम आता है हल्के भूरे रंग में और पेट भी बार बार खराब हो जाता है मुझे इलाज बताएं ।

  14. Ganesh babu says:

    Respected sir,
    I have a chronic problem of mucus in stool. Everyday morning I have been suffering with this problem. Lot of sounds and gas is coming during the motion. Only mucus observed. No blood was observed in the motion.
    Kindly suggest me suitable medicine to control this disorder.
    Thanking you sir.

    • Did you overcame the problem because i was also struggling with the same

      • Puran Pradhan says:

        In the morning, I feel stool staying in middle portion of stomach. Gas and cramps in left side below left chest I start producing gas and if belching and difficulty in passing stool, then simetimes in duration of 3-4 or 7-8 months, there is some drops of fresh blood in stool. I pass stool only once in the morning. If I don’t go to toilet, then I can’t pass stool and I feel nausea, gas, bloating. Some doctors say it’s IBS/IBD. Please suggest homeopathy medicine

  15. Amitesh Pandry says:

    Sir i have problem of hiper mucous and constipation. There’s always urge for stool. Suggest best homeopathy with dose

  16. Viren bhayani says:

    Madam I have hyper mucas in stool like jelly can u tell me best homeopathy medicine

    • Hello ……..
      I have chronic white jelly like mucus problem with constipation
      Stool is soft but stool regular pass nahi hota 3 to 5 days ke gap se hota hay….
      Before passing the stool I feel great abdominal pain and gastritis ……
      I feel anus is blocked with something ….
      If I pushed up then stool is released.
      So please help me.

  17. Involuntary Light Yellow, watery Mucus discharge from Anus. Sometime contain little Blood. Burning pain. Better feel by flatulence.

  18. Jitendra B.Sonawane says:

    Dear sir Iam jitendra B sonawane from Vapi Gurat. Iam a Indian and my native in Maharastra state I am very worried for constipation and stool mucous .Ayurvedic doctor observation is sentimental piles ,aleopathy docotor says internal and external piles and also last 3 to 4 years I am wastage of my money to my health issue I am a private company employees BSc.canditate and my age 38 year old .If I pressure to toilet time stool pass but after sometimes I also going to toilet this condition continue to 8 to 10 times in aday only I sleep well after some relaxation of body but this is not a permanent solution please understand me and relax to my body your end thanks.9033870225

  19. N k pal says:

    मल सुखा होता हैं, लेकिन मल में सफेद , पीला आंव आता हैं, मल त्याग करने से पहले थोड़े समय के लिए ऐठन होता हैं, मल में दाने के अंश भी कभी कभी आते हैं। दूध नहीं पचता हैं, कृपया इलाज बताए। संपर्क सूत्र 9412845098

    • Kaizad Ghadiali says:

      Good Evening

      Past two months I am experiencing Mucus with constipation, colour of mucus is white sticky substance like a animal fat. I have experienced that when I get constipated I find mucus in my stool. It’s not regularly happening every day but once in week or 10 days

  20. Suyash Sahu says:

    For a few months I have been seeing White colour jelly type substance in my stool. What should I do ? Please advice me.
    Regards .

    • रोहित कुमार says:

      प्रणाम डाक्टर
      मुझे मल के साथ सफ़ेद बलगम् जैसा चिकना पदार्थ ज्यादा मात्रा मे निकलता है
      तो इसके लिए मै क्या करु

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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