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10 Effective Medicines – Homeopathic Treatment for Emphysema

Emphysema is a type of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) in which the air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs get damaged. In emphysema, the wall of air sacs become weak with time and rupture resulting in permanent enlargement of alveoli. This results in the reduction of surface area of the lungs and decrease in the amount of oxygen that can reach the bloodstream. It makes a person harder to breathe. Homeopathic treatment for emphysema tends to play a supportive role in the treatment and should be used alongside conventional treatment.   homeopathic treatment for emphysema

People having emphysema also frequently tend to have chronic bronchitis. Smoking tobacco remains the main cause of the development of emphysema. Smoking marijuana can also result in emphysema. Apart from this air pollution, exposure to chemical fumes, dust, and other lung irritants like cotton, wood or mining products increases the risk of developing emphysema. Emphysema can rarely be caused by inherited deficiency of a protein alpha -1- antitrypsin in some cases.

Homeopathic Treatment for Emphysema

Homeopathy cannot reverse the damage already occurred in emphysema but it can help to slow down the further progression of the condition. Symptoms of shortness of breath and cough are managed with natural medicines in an excellent manner. Ammonium Carb, Antimonium Arsenicosum, Arsenic Album, Lobelia Inflata, Silicea and Ipecac are the top remedies for emphysema.

1. Ammonium Carb – Top Grade Medicine for Emphysema

Ammonium Carb is one of the best medicines for treating emphysema. Ammonium Carb is highly beneficial for emphysema cases where a person feels shortness of breath from moving even a few steps. Shortness of breath gets worse in a warm room. Open air relieves the shortness of breath. Cough may appear with difficult breathing and it tends to get worse at night. The chest feels heavy along with chronic weakness.

2. Antimonium Arsenicosum – For Excessive Dyspnea and Cough

Antimonium Arsenicosum is next well-indicated medicine for emphysema. It works well in cases of emphysema with excessive dyspnea and cough. In cases needing Antimonium Arsenicosum, the difficulty in breathing is felt most on eating or lying down. Cough appears with a lot of mucus with shortness of breath. Weakness is felt with above symptoms Apart from emphysema Antimonium Arsenicosum is also indicated for other lung disorders including pneumonia, pleural effusion, and pleurisy.

3. Arsenic Album – When Intense Anxiety Appears with Shortness of Breath

Arsenic Album is a very helpful medicine for emphysema when intense anxiety appears with shortness of breath. Cold sweat may also appear on the face with this. Shortness of breath appears on walking, exertion and even on lying down. Breathing is easier by inclining chest forward. Cough and whistling in the chest may also accompany dyspnea. Expectoration may appear which is scanty, frothy and difficult.

4. Lobelia Inflata – Where Shortness of Breath arises from Slight Exertion

Lobelia Inflata is highly useful for emphysema where shortness of breath appears from slight exertion. Exposure to cold also worsens shortness of breath. Going up and down stairs also lead to shortness of breath. Constriction and sensation of fullness in the middle of the chest are present. The respiratory tract feels dry with above symptoms.

5. Silicea – For Shortness of Breath on Walking Fast

Silicea is considered in cases of emphysema where person experience shortness of breath on walking fast. Shortness of breath is also felt on stooping and lying on back. Cough and soreness in the chest also appears. Cough continues day and night. Profuse expectoration may arise with the cough. A foul smell may appear from the phlegm.

6. Carbo Veg – For Dyspnea, Cough and Profuse Expectoration

Carbo Veg is prominent medicine for emphysema with dyspnea, cough and profuse expectoration. Cough appears in violent spells. Lumps of mucus are expectorated on coughing. Expectoration may be greenish, yellow, brown or purulent and is tough, thick. Shortness of breath arises when walking. A fullness of chest attends.

7. Hepar Sulph – For Dyspnea, Cough, and Yellow, Fetid Expectoration

Hepar Sulph is wonderful medicine for emphysema with dyspnea, cough and yellowish fetid expectoration. The expectoration may be purulent, profuse and tenacious. The symptoms tend to get worse in cold air and get better by wrapping up warmly.

8. Phosphorus – For Emphysema with Bronchitis

Phosphorus offers help in cases of emphysema with attending bronchitis. There is difficult respiration attended with fullness and heaviness in the chest. Extreme prostration accompanies dyspnea. There appears cough with expectoration of yellow or greyish mucus, sometimes streaked with blood. It may have a sweet, sour or salty taste.

9. Ipecac – For Emphysema in Older Adults

Ipecac is prepared from the dried root of plant Cephaelis ipecacuanha of the natural order Rubiaceae. Ipecac is prominently indicated for treating emphysema in old people. There is extreme dyspnea with cough in cases needing Ipecac. Difficult breathing appears from slight exercise. Chest feels oppressed. Rattling and wheezing in chest is also felt. There appears excessive mucus in chest which is expectorated with difficulty.

10. Digitalis – For Emphysema with Heart Complaint

Digitalis is prepared from leaves of plant Digitalis purpurea commonly known by the name of foxglove of the natural order Scrophulariaceae. Digitalis can be used for supportive help along with conventional treatment in cases of emphysema with attending heart complaint. The person needing Digitalis have dyspnea with a constant desire to breath deeply. There is cough with yellow jelly-like mucus expectoration. The complaints get aggravated by walking and relieved while lying perfectly quiet.

Symptoms of Emphysema

In many cases, a person may have emphysema without knowing it because they don’t experience any of the symptoms. The main and first symptom noticed in emphysema is shortness of breath, which usually begins gradually. Shortness of breath is especially felt during exercise and physical exertion initially. With time the person starts to feel difficulty in breathing every time, even when at rest that causes difficulty in performing routine activities. Other attending symptoms of emphysema include cough, weight loss, and fatigue.

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  1. philip g ghys . says:

    Helo Dr Sharma , I am 76 years , I gave myself Emphysema by chain smoking many years ago , I stopped smoking many years ago also . Recently , I smoked a bit again , but stoped ,but that made the Emphysema much worse , I am now using Silicea 6c , that helped considerably . With your knowledge & experience , would there be any other Homeopathic to further decrease that problem , at the initial time when I was chain smoking , I was obsessing about a hopeless relationship , that was never meant to be , if that helps your choice of remedy . Thank You , Philip g ghys .

  2. Katherine Bhana says:

    I was extremely short of breath and constantly tired due to my Emphysema. I was advised to take Montair plus one tablet every night which would give me temporary relief and help my sleep. But I didn’t want to depend on tablet fully which only offers relief not cure. I slowly started Ayurveda, and was introduced to Natural Herbs Centre and their COPD Ayurveda Programme, my symptoms gradually diminished including my shortness of breath, wheezing and fatigue. Reach them at natural herbs centre. com. I know I’ll get negative comments but I’m sharing this perhaps someone is also looking at genuine alternative treatment. I can vouch for this Ayurvedic treatments but you still need to decide what works best for you. Sending prayers

  3. Rajesh Jain says:

    Good morning Dr Sharma
    I am 65 yrs M , I had polypus since many months
    I took Lamina Min it disappeard but I got PND
    Lot of coughing and phelgum.
    I have COPD also worst when hot and humid always
    Have to be under airconditioner.
    Climbing stairs and walking fast is difficult.
    Light swelling at feet maybe due to some allopathic medicine I took.
    Generally constipated.
    Insomnia, anosmea.

    I am diabetic and hypertension patient.
    Please recommend good medicine.

  4. VRUSHALI Ghotavadekar says:

    Hello Doctor,

    My father aged 75 is suffering from asthma overlapped with COPD. Currently he is having 2 inhalers 2 times a day. Also he needs 15 hours O2.
    We are also having homeopathy medicine backsons Astha Aid.
    He feel breathless after some movement.
    Can you please suggest something to reduce the breathlessness and avoid progressing the COPD

    • Effie Sheron says:

      My sister took Covid shots and now has copd, she has difficulty breathing, coughing, now on inhalers! They want her to take another vaccine!! RSV … She would like to try natural remedies. I’m doing research

  5. Suzannah Glidden says:

    Thank you for this remarkable looking information, thank you. I’ll digest it carefully over the weekend and next week, also your equally lovely information about adrenal recovery including sleeplessness. Very deeply appreciate you. Namaste.

  6. Cheryl Stone says:

    Hi Doctor my husband ahs COPD 4th stage and has no energy and loosing weight fast, he feels very tight in the chest and has no energy, feels exhausted cant walk too far before running out of breathe can you please suggest anything that could help him please thankyou Cheryl ASAP

  7. I was diagnosed with bronchitis with mild emphysemal changes in bilateral lung fields.. i am homeo medication already.. i am having dr receknweg R43, r48 and r57.. i am on medication for past one month.. should i continue the same ?? If so how long will it take to have effect .. or should i change my medications to see effect

  8. kumaresh biswas says:

    dose potency and how long to take Ammon carb for emphysema

  9. Animumserenun says:

    Would you give specific advice for alpha 1 (sz) with enphysema?

  10. Kanchan Kumari age 45 years says:

    I have COPD and had been attacked by covid pneumonia last year in July. Since then, I coughs till today . Shortness of breath especially after walking some distance, too much mucus especially in morning, shortness of breath on going upstairs, gets tired after doing work , gaining weight

  11. Kristen Chavez says:

    I was extremely short of breath and constantly tired due to my Emphysema, I was introduced to VineHealth Center and their COPD Herbal Protocol. I started on the COPD Treatment last year, my symptoms gradually diminished including my shortness of breath, wheezing and fatigue. Reach the m at vinehealth center. c om. I am Emphysema free!

  12. Maharaj Gupta says:

    I was a smoker for about 39 years and was diagnosed with COPD in 2008. I have up snaking immediately and was out on bronchodilators and steroid inhalers. The problem has worsened with time and now even talking a bath causes shortness of breath. Can Homeopathy help?

  13. Four years ago after two weeks in the hospital I was diagnosed with late stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and sent home to on oxygen 24/7. After 8 weeks of using BESTHEALTHHERBALCENTRE COPD HERBAL REMEDY, my breathe completely came back to normal. Last week I was checked by a different pulmonologist and tested and he said I don’t have COPD.

    • Mel Manuel says:

      Nate, who did you see about your copd? I’m in Melbourne…+61407536910. Mel

    • Vrushali says:

      Thank you so much Dr, for all this help. Superb information.
      Can all of these homeopathy medicines be inhaled and used as an inhalerfor COPD patients?


    I would like to thank WORLD HERBS CLINIC for reversing my father’s Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). my father was deteriorating on his COPD for Eleven years before he started on WORLD HERBS CLINIC herbal medicine treatment. He was on it for just THREE months,and we never thought my father will recover so soon. Has gained three kilos and can sleep all night without experiencing shortness of breath. I’m very happy to tell the world about this great COPD herbal medicine.

  15. MELISSA TURNER says:

    My granddaughter is 13 weeks old and has been diagnosed with Alpha -1. I’m wondering if there is something we can do to stop the damage that can be caused by this disease. Protect her liver & lungs. She is a ZZ. I’m having a hard time finding any protocols for treating Alpha-1 Antitrypcin.


    I have COPD in particular Emphysema, I have Arsenic Album can I take it if so what is the dosage and how long I should take?

    • Swapan Dasgupta says:

      I am a copd patient for last 6 yrs .Presently being treated with inhalers Foracort,Tiova each 2 puff twice daily. But occasionally I feel shotness of breathing and dull pain on my right chest with cough and phelm .Could you please suggest me homeopathic medicines to overcome the situation caused occasionally alongside my Alothpath medicines I have using as above.Thanks

  17. Atta Khan says:

    Respected Dr, Sharma,
    Hope you well.
    I am suffering in Panacinar Emphysema. Is it curable. If curable or reversible then how much time it will take to cure. Pl. reply.

    Atta Khan

  18. Dr JB Singh says:

    You have very well explained few remedies for Emphysema.
    Since, Covid 19 damages the lungs. There is said to be inflammation and cancer like fast mutation of Virus.
    What do you recommend as preventive and what cure once a patient is infected.

    • Katherine Bhana says:

      I was extremely short of breath and constantly tired due to my Emphysema, I was introduced to Natural Herbs Center and their COPD Ayurveda Protocol. I started on the COPD Treatment last year, my symptoms gradually diminished including my shortness of breath, wheezing and fatigue. Reach them at natural herbs centre . com. I know I’ll get negative comments but I’m sharing this perhaps someone is also looking at genuine alternative treatment. I can vouch for this Ayurvedic treatments but you still need to decide what works best for you. Sending prayers

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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