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Hemifacial Spasm – Homeopathic Remedies Can Help

Hemifacial Spasm is a nervous system disorder characterised by involuntary twitching of  muscles on one side of the face. These result from irritation of the facial nerve that causes involuntary muscle contraction. Another name for these spasms is tic convulsif. Homeopathic remedies for hemifacial spasm help in relaxing the muscles and provide relief in this condition.hemifacial spasm

Initially there occurs twitching of the eyelid, mouth or cheek muscles and with time these spread to other areas of the face and in some cases the entire face.


The facial muscles are under the control of the facial nerve. This nerve carries signals from the brain to facial muscles to cause its contraction or relaxation. But if something causes irritation of this nerve or puts pressure on this nerve, then it can affect the nerve signals that are being carried to the face. Then it can lead to twitching or contraction of muscle at other times when they are not supposed to contract. 

Mostly it arises when a blood vessel touches a facial nerve. Other than this it may also happen from a tumour putting pressure on this nerve. Also, injury or damage to the facial nerve may also be a cause.

In many cases there is no specific cause. 

In very rare cases it may be an initial symptom of multiple sclerosis (An autoimmune system in which the immune cells attacks and damages the myelin sheath that covers nerve fibers).

Both males and females can be affected with hemifacial spasm. But mostly women above the age of 40 years are affected with it.


The main symptom is involuntarily twitching of muscles on one side of the face. They mostly start in the eyelid known as blepharospasm. The intensity varies and in starting mostly these are mild twitches and with advancing time can become more severe. In severe cases they may cause complete closing of the eye from spasm. Anxiety and tiredness tend to worsen the twitching. Initially the twitches tend to come and go but with time they may become continuous. 

Afterwards the twitching involves other areas of the face of the same side. These include cheeks, eyebrow, parts around the mouth, lips, jaw, chin and upper part of the neck. The spasm may pull the mouth to one side. 

Sometimes these twitches involve all the muscles on the entire one side of the face. The spasms may also occur during sleep. The left side of the face is usually more affected as compared to the right side.

Some symptoms that can accompany are pain in ear usually behind the ears, ringing noises in ear and difficulty in hearing.


These spasms are characterised under two forms – typical and atypical form. These spasms are said to be typical when the spasm starts in the eyelid and afterwards spreads to the lower part of the face.

In case of atypical form the spasm begins in the cheek bone area and then spreads to the eyelids.

Homeopathic Remedies for Hemifacial Spasm

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in managing cases of hemifacial spasm. With its use the intensity and frequency of complaint reduces gradually. These medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances so are very safe and gentle to use. These treat this condition in a very natural way without any side effects. The best suitable homeopathic medicine for a case is selected after detailed case analysis in every individual case. 

  1. Zincum Met – Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine for managing cases of hemifacial spasm. It is beneficial when there is twitching of the lower lid of the left side. It is also helpful for managing jerking in the left eyebrow. Next it works well when there is spasms and twitching of muscles of the face. Twitching in the upper lip on the left side is another symptom calling for its use.

  1. Agaricus – Another Effective Medicine

It is another good remedy for managing these cases. Firstly it is indicated when there is twitching in the eyelids. Eyelids jerk and twitch. It is frequent. With spasm watering may occur from eyes. Secondly it is indicated for facial muscles twitching. Here twitching specifically of the right cheek is indicative for using it.

  1. Cuprum Met – For Spasm in Eyelids and Jaw

It is the next important medicine for managing spasms in various body parts. In cases needing it frequent twitching of eyelids specifically on the left side predominate. Next there may be spasm in jaw muscles where it is required. 

  1. Causticum – For Eyelid and Facial Muscle Twitching

This medicine also has a marked action on the nerves and muscles. It offers help to manage twitching of eyelids. Other than this it proves effective in cases where twitching of muscles of the face especially on the left side is present.

  1. Opium – For Facial Twitching at Corners of Mouth

Its use is highly recommended for managing the twitching at the corners of mouth. The mouth may appear distorted with this. Its use may also be done in twitching of other facial muscles. There occurs spasmodic motion of facial muscles with trembling in such cases. 

  1. Mygale – For Constant Twitching of Face

This is another highly valuable medicine for these cases. Its use is considered when there is constant twitching of muscles of the face. As per homeopathic literature this medicine has proved effective in curing many cases of twitching and contractions of facial muscles.

  1. Magnesium Phos – For Twitching of Eyelid and Corner of Mouth

It is a very helpful medicine for managing complaints related to muscles, one among them is spasm, twitching of muscles. It proves effective when there is spasm of eyelids. It is also useful for twitching of corners / angles of mouth.

  1. Physostigma – For Twitching Lids and Eyes

It is a natural medicine prepared from beans of plant Physostigma venenosum having the common name Calabar Bean. It belongs to family leguminosae. It is well indicated for treating twitching of muscle of eyelid and around the eyes. It also helps cases where spasms in the face are there that extends to the neck.

  1. Ignatia – For Twitching of Eyelids, Lips

This medicine is prepared from seeds of a plant Ignatia Amara commonly known as St. Ignatius Bean. It belongs to the family loganiaceae. This medicine is prominent to manage twitching of the eyelids and lips. Other than this it also helps when there occur twitching of corners of mouth. Last indication for using it is spasm in the cheek. 

  1. Cubeba – For Twitching of One Side of Mouth when Speaking or Smiling

It is prepared from dried unripe fruit of plant Cubeba Officinalis having the common name Piper cubeba. It belongs to the family piperaceae. It is specifically indicated when there occur twitching on one side of mouth when speaking or smiling.

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  1. Hello, I have just started this morning, experincing twitching of the upper corner of my right lip. My eyelid is not twitching. What is the best remedy for this?

  2. Paloma Vita says:

    Hello. I am trying to help my son who is recovering from an injury.

    He had all the nerves on the left side of his face severed in an attack a year and half ago. He is healing well but he now has a near constant twitch under his left eye and I am trying to see if I can find something to help. He has been taking hypericum ever since his injury but it does not help with the twitching.

  3. Mohammed Saleem Ambalam says:

    I have problems of hemifacial spasm, started 3-4 months back. How can it be treated permanent… I am 50 years old.
    I took allopathic bottek injections now but that has reduced the twitching but has some abnormality on my face .. so wants to know if homeopathy has any effective treatment to this disease pls.

  4. Kewal Sharma says:

    I have problems of hemifacial spasm.. How can it be treated permanent… I am 38 years old

  5. Hello Dr. Sharma,

    Many thanks for the info here. Is there also a good remedy for trigeminal neuralgia?

    Thanking you for your cmment.


  6. Homeopathic Remedies for Hemifacial Spasm problem please send madician, thanks Rk sharma, 9896044455,9588335289

  7. Can I have permanent relief from hemifacial spasm.

  8. Sandip Dalvi says:

    My spouse aged 66 is suffering from hemifacial spasm for the past almost 15 years. It started with eye twitching of left eye and now slowly spreading towards the lips. Is there permanent cure for this ailment?

  9. Leigh Milleur says:

    I have hemi facial spasms I get botox every 3 months and usually works well, not this time. My face is going nuts. I have had several head injuries in my life from falls, and I am sure this is the cause. Meanwhile i take only homeopathic remedies for anything, I will not take drugs. I also have a mild case of Parkinson’s so far, diagnosis in 2014. The tremers are very slight, but walking is difficult, use a cain. I take
    zinc metallic 30c for leg cramps, is that the same you talk about Zimcum Met. what else would you prescribe for the hemi facial problem

  10. Mannat Mahajan says:

    Hello mam..My mother is 70 years old and having problem of hemafacial from last 25 years..her left side eye cheek and lips twitch when speaking or smiling ..please advise medicine according. She s taking botox every year.

  11. D. Praveen says:

    Hello Dr Sharma
    I am suffering from Hemifacial spasms on the left side since many years. It has increased gradually and intensified. I am 51 years old.
    Can you please provide relief to me and send the contact details.
    Thanks and regards


    am having problem of haemifacial spasm on right side of my face from 20years.i after bell’s palsy.when I speak and smile my eye seems small and mouth angle deviation. While speaking my right upper and lower eyelid keep twitching and also at the corner of the lips. I am in trouble due to this problem I lost my confidence. Now spasm has extended to my neck and my lower lip keep stretching down while speaking. It is very uncomfortable and hurting my face seems like sagging from right side and appears old with hooded right eye. I am having pain and spasm in my back neck and shoulders. Please suggest me some good remedy to get rid of spasm and nerve compression perman

  13. I am suffering from hemifacial spasm
    Kindly give contact details for consultantation

  14. Faiza Kiran says:

    I am having problem of haemifacial spasm on right side of my face from 20years.i after bell’s palsy.when I speak and smile my eye seems small and mouth angle deviation. While speaking my right upper and lower eyelid keep twitching and also at the corner of the lips. I am in trouble due to this problem I lost my confidence. Now spasm has extended to my neck and my lower lip keep stretching down while speaking. It is very uncomfortable and hurting my face seems like sagging from right side and appears old with hooded right eye. I am having pain and spasm in my back neck and shoulders. Please suggest me some good remedy to get rid of spasm and nerve compression permanently.

  15. Amarjeet Das says:

    Hlw sir,
    My name is Amarjeet Das,
    I am 25 year old, since one month I am observing that
    My right eye’s lower lid is twitching continuously and
    Same is happening in lower lips in right side, so I’m afraid of it, because I have heard about hemifacial spasm.
    So pls guide me, what should be well for me and suggest me the medicines suitable for me for the mentioned criteria for the symptoms causing due to hemifacial spasm.

  16. Bincy Joseph says:

    Helo Doctor,
    My name is Bincy Joseph and i am 46 years old. I am suffering in Hemifacial Spasms disease since 3 years. It was started from the right side lower lid and reached to my cheek. Now when ever i use Mobile / watch Tv /direct Sunlight, talking or facing a person /while sleeping with right side etc
    blink my eye. It is not at a continuous situation but some times.
    Please mail your contact number also please.

  17. Muhammad Usman says:

    Hello Dr,
    My name is Usman and i and 37 years old. I am suffering in Hemifacial Spasms disease since 5 years. It was started from the right side lower lid and reached to my cheek. Now when ever i blink my eye or try to speak or smile, laugh and focus then twitch happen or started. It is not at a continuous situation but some times.

  18. Rakesh Chandra Sharma says:

    मेरे left side में माथे से लेकर गर्दन तक ऐंठन होती है और आंख भी बंद हो जाती है।मुझको 2013 जनवरी में तेज बुखार आया था उसके बाद बहुत ही मामूली ऐंठन थी परंतु 2015 के बाद से लगातार बढ़ रही है।मैने कैस्टीकम 30 का उपयोग लगभग एक वर्ष तक किया है परंतु कोई आराम नहीं मिला ।मेरी आयु 48 वर्ष है ।मैं पेशे से रसायन शास्त्र का शिक्षक हूं।अब तो मेरी आंखों को रोशनी भी काम होने लगी है।उचित उपचार बताए।

  19. Sandeep Musgil says:

    Dr. शर्मा ई need your एडवाइस for my सोनव हिव कैन ई कांटेक्ट you

  20. John Smith says:

    Dear Dr. Sharma,

    I got hemifacial spasm on my left side for 4 years.
    We got acupunture, massage, cranial, medication but my
    hemifacial spasm is still there. We have been taking Magnesium, multi vitamins,
    Vitamin D and special medication for hemifacial spasm.
    What we need to do to decreasing our twitching.
    Thank you very much

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