Blocked or clogged ears is a very common problem in which a person feels congestion or fullness in the ear commonly attended with difficulty in hearing. People may also describe it as pressure in the ear or fluid sensation in the ears. Blocked ear is a symptom in itself and can be caused by various conditions. Depending on the cause behind ear blockage, various symptoms can attend to it. These include ear pain, fullness in ears, diminished hearing on the affected side, itching in ears, fluid discharge from ear that can be watery, mucus, pus or blood stained and ringing in ears (tinnitus) that can appear with blockage of the ears. Dizziness and poor balance are other symptoms that can accompany it.
Homeopathic medicines are very beneficial to treat cases of blocked ears. These medicines bring relief by targeting the root cause behind it. These help in managing the stoppage or blocked sensation in ears along with effectively managing its associated symptoms as it focuses to treat the totality of the complaint. The signs and symptoms like ear pain, diminished hearing, itching in ears, fluid discharge from ear, ringing in ears (tinnitus) and dizziness can be well managed with them. Homeopathy can help most cases of ear blockage. However, it is to be noted that in case having severe ear pain, any bleeding from the ear and blockage arising from some foreign object placed in the ear, one must urgently take help from conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitation to help such cases.
Individualized medication after detail case analysis
The most suitable homeopathic medicine for a case of blocked ear is selected based on an individual’s symptoms as well as the cause behind it. Case taking is done in each case followed by detailed case analysis based on which a personalised medication is given. The potency of medicine and dosage is also finalized as per the case depending on intensity of problem, chronicity of complaint and age of person. This properly prescribed medicine brings great recoveries in cases of blocked ears.
Homeopathy focuses to address root cause
Homeopathic remedies for blocked ears treats the cause linked to it to aid excellent results. It can magnificently help in causes like ear infection, Meniere’s disease, sinusitis, and chronic cold tendency. Targeting the root cause provides long-term results rather than temporary relief in these cases. For getting best results, it is advised to follow a complete course of homeopathic treatment in such cases.
Safe medicines with no side effects
Homeopathic remedies for treating blocked ears are sourced from naturally occurring substances, hence are very safe to use. These have zero side effects. They boost the body’s self-healing mechanism to fight with the related cause and ensure natural recovery.
Top 8 Homeopathic Remedies for Blocked Ears
The prominently indicated medicines to treat blocked ears are Kali Mur, Pulsatilla, Silicea, Chamomilla, Merc Sol, Chininum Sulph, Conium and Phosphorus.
1. Kali Mur – Top Grade Medicine for Blocked Ears
Kali Mur is a very effective medicine to treat cases of blocked ears. Use it if there is a plugged or clogged sensation in the ears. With this snapping, popping noises in the ears may arise. In some cases, crackling noises while swallowing or blowing the nose are there. Additionally, hearing difficulty, ear discharge of white colour and pain in ear can also attend the above symptoms. It is a leading medicine for complaints arising from ear infections, fluid in middle ear, and eustachian tube blockage.
When to use Kali Mur?
Kali Mur is frequently prescribed medicine to manage blocked / clogged feeling in ears mostly attended with white ear discharge and snapping, popping noises in ears.
How to use Kali Mur?
It is mainly used in 6X potency two to three times a day.
2. Pulsatilla – For Plugged Ears With ear discharge and earache
Pulsatilla is another well indicated medicine that works well in cases where ears feel plugged. Besides, there is otorrhoea, means discharge from the ears. The discharge is often thick, pus like and yellow or greenish yellow. In some cases, hard, black wax may be present in the ear. Another prominent symptom is pain in the ear that can be tearing, shooting, stitching or pulsating type. It usually gets worse at night. In most cases requiring it, along with the above complaints, there is hearing difficulty along with noises in the ear. The noises are mainly humming, ringing, roaring, wind-like or like rushing water. Itching in ears can also be there. A person who requires it may have chronic cold, ear infection, otitis media, or eustachian tube catarrh.
When to use Pulsatilla?
This medicine is the best choice to treat ear blockage with yellow / greenish yellow ear discharge and earache that gets worse at night.
How to use Pulsatilla?
This medicine can be taken once a day in 30C potency.
3. Silicea – For Ear Stoppage With Ear Discharges
This medicine is well indicated when the ear feels blocked along with ear discharge. The ear discharge for using it is mainly of pus that can also be blood stained sometimes. The discharge mostly has an offensive smell. The blockage gets better by swallowing where it is needed. A person becomes hard of hearing. Other accompanying symptoms are ringing/roaring noises in ears and itching in the ears. There may be swelling/catarrh of the eustachian tube. Long standing cold or sinusitis in persons may be present who require this medicine.
When to use Silicea?
Silicea should be selected to manage blockage in ears with discharge of bad smelling pus from ears.
How to use Silicea?
It is mostly recommended in 6X power twice or thrice a day.
4. Chamomilla – For Ear Blockage Accompanied with Pain
Chamomilla is a very beneficial medicine to treat cases in which the ears feel blocked along with pain. Pain in the ear is mainly tearing, shooting, stitching type. The ear is sensitive and painful to touch. The earache can be better by warmth where it is indicated. Inflammation of the middle ear can be present.
When to use Chamomilla?
This medicine is of great help for treating blockage of ears attended with earache that can be tearing, shooting, stitching in nature.
How to use Chamomilla?
It gives good results in 30C potency that can be used one to two times a day.
5. Merc Sol – For Fullness and Stuffed Sensation in Ear with Impaired Hearing
Merc Sol is a prominently indicated medicine for cases having fullness and stuffed sensation in the ear with impaired hearing. Ear fullness is momentarily better after swallowing or blowing your nose. There may be inflammation of the ear along with tearing, shooting, and burning pain. Pus-like green offensive discharge from ears can appear. Ears may be itchy with above symptoms.
When to use Merc Sol?
This medicine should be selected for managing stopped sensation in ears along with hearing difficulty.
How to use Merc Sol?
It is advised to take Merc Sol 30C once a day.
6. Chininum Sulph – To Manage Noises in Ear (Tinnitus)
This is a very helpful medicine to manage noises in the ears. The noises for using it can be ringing, buzzing, roaring in nature. This is frequently attended with hardness of hearing and vertigo. It is a top most medicine to treat cases of Meniere’s disease.
When to use Chininum Sulph?
Chininum Sulph is an important medicine for treating blocked ears when accompanied with marked noises in ears that can be roaring, ringing or buzzing type.
How to use Chininum Sulph?
Use of this medicine is recommended in both low and high potencies. Initially one may use its 30C potency once or twice a day. For using high potencies, prior consultation with homeopathic physician is a must.
7. Conium – For Plugged Sensation in Ears with Excessive Wax
Conium is a significant medicine where plugged sensation in ears with excessive ear wax is the main symptom. The wax is red and hard. Difficulty of hearing is present with this. Sometimes noises in the ear and stitching pain in ears can be felt. It is also indicated to manage dizziness and vertigo in these cases.
When to use Conium?
This medicine is well indicated to manage ear blockage along with hardened ear wax and sometimes with noises in ears and dizziness / vertigo.
How to use Conium?
Though it can be used in both low and high potencies, it is safe to start with 30C power that can be taken once or twice a day.
8. Phosphorus – For Blocked Sensation and Violent Itching in the Ears
Phosphorus is a valuable medicine to treat cases having blocked sensation along with violent itching in the ears. Constant buzzing noises in the ear and difficult hearing are attending symptoms. Throbbing pain in the ear is yet another symptom that can appear.
When to use Phosphorus?
Phosphorus should be used to manage blocked ears when it is accompanied with itching in the ears.
How to use Phosphorus?
It can be utilized once a day in 30C power.
Blocked ears can result from a number of causes.
Firstly, it can be caused by excessive ear wax. Normally wax is soft and plays a protective role by preventing debris from entering the ears. If the ear wax hardens or if it is over produced then it can cause plugging of the ears.
Eustachian tube blockage is another cause behind clogged ears. Eustachian tube is a tube that connects the middle ear to nasopharynx. It helps to drain fluid and mucus from the middle ear into the throat from where it is swallowed. It also functions to equalise the pressure between the middle ear and surrounding atmosphere. If the eustachian tube gets blocked then mucus and fluid can’t drain and remains in the middle ear resulting in blockage. This tube can be blocked from nasal allergies, common cold and sinusitis.
Fluid accumulation can occur in the middle ear (glue ear). People who have nasal allergies and those prone to ear infections are at risk of this.
Ear infection from bacteria/virus can cause blocked ears. These include outer ear infections (otitis externa) and middle ear infection (otitis media).
Ear blockage can temporarily occur in some people during airplane journeys or driving hilly mountain areas due to sudden atmospheric pressure change outside the body.
It can also occur from a foreign object in the ear which is common in children and toddlers who may have inserted a small object into the ear.
Meniere’s disease is an inner ear condition having a triad of symptoms that includes vertigo, tinnitus (noises in ear) and hearing loss. A feeling of fullness in the ear or plugged / clogged sensation in the ears can attend above symptoms.
Acoustic Neuroma is a benign (non-cancerous) tumour that develops on the vestibular nerve joining the inner ear to the brain. When it is large it tends to put pressure on the nerve of the inner ear leading to clogged ear, hearing loss, noises in the ear, dizziness and balance issues.
I am 72 years old. I have tinnitus problem since a long time with stuffed/ blocked feeling along with hissing sound coupled with whistling.
What homeo medicine do you suggest for me?
I suffered severe Covid in 2020 and used all steroids to control it. I used chenopodium 30 CH and Causticum 200
CH , 2 times a day for about a month, but if no relief.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to connect with you. I’ve been to multiple ENTs and have tried Flonase, Zyrtec, etc., but they have been ineffective in relieving the painful, burning fullness in my right ear, dizziness at times, and the feeling like my Eustachian tube isn’t working. At rare moments there will be a sudden clearing and I can hear much better, but then it immediately closes off. I am currently using Kali mur (as per your article), and I can feel a little pop on occasion now when I swallow in the Eustachian tube area. I still have the burning fullness and painful ear pressure and dizziness, though. I often have a “rice crispies popping in milk” sounds in both of my ears, and when I am at elevation my left ear will pop, but never my right. The right sinus has a swollen, burning sensation at times at well.
Do you have any recommendations as to what I could take along with the Kali mur to help relieve these symptoms? Your expertise and recommendations are appreciated greatly.
Deborah Davis, Ph.D.
Dear Dr. Sharma,
I have recovered from Covid-19. I had 4 days fever from June 28. During fever, I had painful sore throat causing problems in swallowing food. I treated this with Vitamin C, 1000 mg 3 times a day after meals; gurgled twice with salty warm water and used water vapor inhalation before bed time. The sore throat went away within 3 days. But the stuffiness in the ears persisted. I regularly have ear wax during the cold months and have plugged ears when I catch a cold. This time I still have plugged ear and compromised hearing after the Covid-19 went away. I can only hear clearly if I stretch my earlobe by pulling with a finger. There is the sense of fullness and blockage in both ears. While the right ear is somewhat better now I still can barely hear with the left ear. If I insert a tissue to both ear there is a scanty stain of yellow wax on the tissue. My family physician prescribed Antazol spray to be puffed in both nostrils 3 times a day. Would please suggest the right homeopathic medicine for my conditions?
I would very much appreciate your help.
I started with blocked ear pain 6 weeks ago l have nasal drops and tried kali mur Ears popped a lot for over week seemed OK Back now with earache fullness
Hurts to touch ..tinitus bad
I have ear blockage in left ear and have vertigo problem due to crystal/blockage of some vans. Will you please suggest some medicines who help me to oped the blocked vains.
I am a 65 young woman who is healthy but has had a past history of respiratory allergies/slight asthma. My ears, mostly my right ear, are continually clogged and are not opening despite trying years of Zyrtec and Flonase medicines. Ontarolygists claim the loss is hearing and not due to allergies or any eustachian tube issues, but I am not quite convinced. When I was flying in an airplane a few weeks ago, my ear did open (only to shut again). I wanted to see if there are ANY alternatives to hearing aids at this point in time. Thank you for any feedback you can give to me.
Faye Kaufman
I have my ears blocked since two weeks .The only problem that i have is hearing difficulty .no other problem. I have a deflected nasal septumw which is causing this .Please can you suggest A Homeopathic remedy I have used many remedies but nothing workd I am a medical Doctor in Canada
Hi mam my ear is blocked due to my cervical spam i feel some time vertigo and pain in upper back portion i am also old patient of sinus kindly suggest any Homeopathic medicine
Since almost 9 months I feel my left ear is blocked from inside, as if cotton is inside the ear. My hearing ability is alright. I feel water is inside my left ear, it itches from inside also. Please suggest homeopathic treatment for it. Roaring sound in my left ear also is there.
I have my ears blocked since two weeks .The only problem that i have is hearing difficulty .no other problem. I have a deflected nasal septumw which is causing this .Please can you suggest A Homeopathic remedy I have used many remedies but nothing workd I am a medical Doctor in Canada. As I have hearing problem talking on the phone will be impossible please talk to me on my e-mail.
At least once or twice a year, I get a soar throat (usually when thr weather in changing), with red bumps in the back of my throat. Then it progresses into a sinus and ear infection. Several years ago, when I felt the soar throat come on, a co-worker told me about Hepar Sulphurus Calcareum (Boiron) and after taking it, it was the first time I was able to avoid going to the MD (and getting antibiotics and/or steroid). But these symptoms come back at least once a year (this year, 2021, I am now feeling it for the 3rd time). Earlier this year I had covid (relatively mild case) which was accompanied by an sinus & ear infection and was put on a combination of prescription, OTC and natural meds, which included antibiotics and they said I might have a eustachian tube dysfunction and recommended I see an ENT. Now 3 months later I’m feeling the soar throat again with fullness in my ears, and my sinuses also feel stopped up (I pretty much have had allergic rhinitis most of my life). Can I treat this at home and get out of this cycle for good? What meds and foods would help? Thank you.
my ears get blocked after flu and cough I have low ear and discomfort feeling this is happening quite frequently now popping sound occur every now and then with yawning was taking pulsatilla earlier with another med which I have forgotten the name please advixe
Hi I’ve been having hearing troubles and pain in my ears the pain and hearing trouble eased after putting ear drops in. I got the pain after going suba diving a few weeks ago the pain and blocked ears started only a few hours after finishing we only went down around 3 meters. I’ve always had a problem with adjusting to pressure even in a plane.During the dive you are meant to equalise your ears as I was going down I tried to equalise my ears several times by holding your nose and blowing gently every time I tried they wouldn’t equalise.
My mid 40s husband has noticed having a blocked ear on his right side for a week feeling like on the air plane. Suddenly, he started having dizzy, nausea, and he seemed very pale, red eyes, couldn’t even walk…He had to go emergency hospital but nothing found out..
Since then, he has been often experiencinh dizzy comes and go in a day. Sometimes, have to go to hospital…I am wondering if any of remedies would help his blocked sensation. Many thanks
I am facing blocked sensation and partial hearling loss in right year.Please let me know homoeopathic medicine and dosage.
I am Male 54 , having. Blocked sensation in right ear and partial hearing loss in left ear. Please suggest a medicine and it’s doses.
I have stoppage in my ears especially when exercising or wind but only watery discharge especially in the morning. No pain. Feels like I’m under water I’ve had this for several years but it’s worse now. Had wax removed by doctor. That didn’t help
Hello! What remedy is the best for ears that fill like there’s a ton of pressure esp at night. They do cause me to feel dizzy as the day goes on .. again mostly at night. They do hurt but not a pulsating hurt just very full feeling hurt. I have been taking arsenicum for other issues with my sinuses and some weakness I’ve been having. I also took one dose of Nat Mur early this morning. I was going to take Belladona < not sure of any of the remedy spelling, but wasn’t sure about taking three remedies in a day. Thank you for your help!
Am I able to combine these methods?
I had an ear infection middle ear with fluid behind the eardrums and pus in the fluid. It started however with throat feeling very slightly irritated and as if no mucus moving from throat… Nasal passages completely clear
Uvula felt thick like mucous stuck
Sometimes at night aching from sides of inside throat to ears like a little bit of pressure.
After one month I finally decided to take antibiotics after trying many things… Although it seems there is no fluid in years any longer I still feel this on and off achiness in my throat into ears.
Sometimes mucus in throat a little bit and it clears then sometimes no
Ear, nose and throat specialist sees nothing now in ears and says Eustachian tube pressure normal..
any ideas?
Aoa. What is medicine for blocked ear woth no other symptoms.
I suffer from ear fullness in left ear with whooping, cracklings, pulsating and tinnitus with ringing in right ear and have been diagnosed with Meniere’s.
I want to try Chininum Sulph and am wondering what you may recommended 200/30c?
The fullness is made worse with changes in barometric pressure and possibly moon phases. Thank you kindly for any help!!!! Arna
Dear Dr Sharma,
I have had tinnitus, for many years, over 10 yrs, the loud hissing sound gets worse at night time. At present, I have feeling of fullness with fullness with stopped ears and continuous hissing. The fullness decreases my hearing and hearing sounds muffled. I have been wearing hearing aids for a few months now.
But what remedy can I take for the fullness, stopped feeling and loud constant hissing especially at night. Please help. This is making me very anxious. I have no discharge.
Hi Dr Sharma,
Just read some info you have on plugged ears. I’ve tried Belladaona but didn’t work. But then read about Kali Muriaticum…and that seem more of what i have for symptoms. I have no pain or discharge. Just clogged in my right ear and I hear my heartbeat and high pitched sound sometimes (when I pay attention usually I notice it). I have crackling when I swallow or press my back tongue against the roof of my mouth. I’m currently doing lymphatic draining, massaging my ear in different places, stretching out ear lobe, putting menthol behind ear and sometimes oil of oregano. I’ve started using a rebounder to see if that can help drain my ear. Can some of the other remedies help as well? Most seem to include pain/discharge…and i have neither. Just FULLNESS/clogged feeling and can’t hear out of my right ear.
Thanks for any info!