Nerve pain can feel like an electric shock, or like a pinprick or even a burning sensation. It may be attended with other symptoms like tingling sensation and numbness. Nerve pain is a symptom of various medical conditions. It can disturb and alter your life. The countless nerves are the body’s messaging system — conveying sensations, like pain, to the brain. In case of nerve pain, the messaging system gets disturbed because of damage to the nerve from a physical injury or a disease or from a compressed nerve.
Homeopathic medicines for nerve pain are of great help in providing relief to the patient without any side effects as these are made of natural substances. They gradually bring down the intensity of the nerve pain. They work effectively in acute as well as chronic nerve pain cases. Along with nerve pain, they also extend help to manage attending symptoms like numbness, tingling, burning sensation. Conventional mode employs pain killers, antidepressant medicines, anticonvulsants, nerve blocks (injecting medicine in nerves) to deal with nerve pain cases. They provide short-term relief and additionally may lead to side effects if taken for long duration. Homeopathic medicines are free from side effects and carry great scope of complete recovery in many cases.
Homeopathic medicines for nerve pain are selected individually for every case. These remedies are given after carefully noting down the symptoms and identifying the reason for nerve pain. A well prescribed medicine in every case of nerve pain brings great results.
Homeopathy does not work only superficially rather works on a deeper level and aims at extricating the root cause of nerve pain varying from case to case to promote great cures. For complete relief, a complete course of homeopathic treatment for specified duration needs to be followed as guided by a homeopathic doctor.
Homeopathy is a natural mode of healing and homeopathic medicines are undoubtedly safe and natural medicines that works in a very natural manner in cases of nerve pain to provide long-term results in these cases.
Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Nerve Pain
The leading homeopathic medicines for treating nerve pain are Magnesium Phos, Hypericum, Colocynth, Causticum, Spigelia and Ranunculus Bulbosus.
1. Magnesium Phos – For Nerve Pain Better From Warm Applications And Pressure
Magnesium Phos is the top natural medicine to treat nerve pains. It is very beneficial in cases of severe nerve pain where warm applications or pressure to the affected painful area provides relief to the patient. The pain may get triggered by exposure to cold air. The nerve pain can be of shooting, cutting or stitching type. The pain is almost unbearable. This medicine is especially helpful for cases of sciatica and trigeminal neuralgia.
When to use Magnesium Phos?
This medicine should be considered to manage nerve pain that worsens with cold air exposure and gets better from application of warmth and pressure over affected part.
How to use Magnesium Phos?
This medicine gives excellent results in 6X potency that can be taken three to four times a day.
2. Hypericum – For Nerve Pain From An Injury
Hypericum is a powerful natural medicine prescribed for treating nerve pain occurring after trauma or injury to nerves. This medicine is best for patients who complain of tingling and burning pains in nerves. Numbness accompanies the pain at times. Pain in the back after spinal injuries can be wonderfully treated with this medicine. Hypericum is also very effective in treating nerve pain in fingers and toes after injury from sharp instruments like needles.
When to use Hypericum?
Hypericum is the best remedy to deal with cases of nerve pain especially burning, tingling types resulting from any nerve injury.
How to use Hypericum?
From low to high potency it works well in all potencies. Initially, it is best to use 30C potency two to three times a day.
3. Colocynth – For Nerve Pain In Legs (Sciatica)
Colocynth is the most prominently indicated medicine for managing leg pain from sciatica. It is especially suited for left-sided sciatica pain in the leg. The pain begins in the lower back and radiates down the leg to toes where this medicine is required. The guiding feature for its use is relief in pain from pressure and warm applications.
When to use Colocynth?
Colocynth should be highly preferred to manage sciatica especially of the left side with pain in the lower back going down the left leg.
How to use Colocynth?
Though it can be taken in any potency from low to high but the most frequently recommended is 30C potency that can be taken twice or thrice a day for good results.
4. Causticum – For Nerve Pain in Hands from Compressed Median Nerve (CTS)
Causticum is an important medicine that can be given to patients who have nerve pain in hands in cases of CTS i.e. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Those needing it complain of numbness and weakness in hands in addition to pain in hands. There may be thinning out of muscles of hands.
When to use Causticum?
Causticum is highly effective to help cases of pain in hands along with numbness and weakness in cases of compression of median nerve in carpal tunnel syndrome.
How to use Causticum?
It is recommended to use Causticum 30C once a day.
5. Spigelia – For Nerve Pain In Face
Spigelia is a wonderful medicine considered an ideal remedy for nerve pain in the face (trigeminal neuralgia). It is mainly indicated for left-side nerve pain in the face. In cases requiring Spigelia, worsening of pain is seen from touch and cold.
When to use Spigelia?
This medicine can be used in cases of nerve pain on the left side of the face that gets worse from touch and cold.
How to use Spigelia?
It is advised to take Spigelia 30C once or twice a day.
6. Ranunculus Bulbosus – For Post-Herpetic Nerve Pain
Herpes is a skin disease in which eruptions appear on the skin along the course of nerves with severe nerve pain. Even when the eruptions disappear, the nerve pain persists for a long duration, which is referred to as post-herpetic nerve pain. This condition can be very effectively treated with natural medicine Ranunculus Bulbosus which is the top medicine for nerve pain after herpes. This can be used when the nerve pain is sharp stitching type. It gets worse by touch.
When to use Ranunculus Bulbosus?
The use of this medicine should be done to manage sharp stitching type of post herpetic nerve pain.
How to use Ranunculus Bulbosus?
This medicine can be used one to two times a day.
Causes of nerve pain
Nerve pain can arise from various causes. It may result from nerve damage, nerve compression, nerve injury and certain infections. Compression of nerves is one of the important cause behind nerve pain. Some of the important conditions arising from compressed nerves are sciatica, trigeminal neuralgia, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Sciatica is a nerve pain that begins in the lower back and travels down the legs along the root of sciatic nerve. Trigeminal neuralgia (pain on one side of the face along the course of the trigeminal nerve). Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition affecting the hands resulting from compression of median nerve as it passes through carpal tunnel in wrist. Nerve pain can also result from diabetes, deficiency of nutrients like Vitamin B6 and B12, alcohol use disorder. Further causes are shingles (a painful skin condition with blisters on skin caused by varicella zoster virus), multiple sclerosis (an autoimmune disorder where the immune cells damage the protective covering of the nerves out of a misdirected response), injuries, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Hello, I had an appendectomy and now I believe I have nerve damage from surgery….severe burning and stabbing pain
What remedy would be best? Not sensitive to cold.
Thank you,
Lori Payne
Dr. Sharma,
I was in bad accident in 2012 and started with 2 herniated discs L-4 and L-5. Now after all these years, all 5 discs in my Lumbar spine are herniated and I have nerve impingement at L-4 to L-5 and L-5 to S1. The specialist wants to put me on Gabapentin but I do not want to be on that strong of a medicine. Do you know of or have a homeopathic combo that would work to take care of the pain I get especially at night. I have weakness in my low back, I can no longer lift more than 10 lbs. and cannot just bend over (I have to stoop to pick things up off the floor. Most of my pain goes down my rt. leg to top of foot. I also have Osteoporosis real bad in both hips and osteopenia going up the spine into my neck along with arthritis of the spine. I do have a lot of stomach problems from a Hiatel hernia, gastritis, diverticulosis and IBS so I need something that is sublingual. I am only a 59 year old female and feel like I am 80. I can’t go on living like this. I want to enjoy my kids and grandkids again. Please help!
Hi, I have suffered ‘all over body’
nerve pain for over 20 years. Doctors have never taken me seriously, they have just dismissed my symptoms every time. I am at my wits end and feel I really cannot go on like this.
I am 67 years old.
I’m better when I’m busy, as it keeps my mind off the constant pain. But night after night I find it impossible to sleep. I really am desperate.
I was hit by a car about 40 years, ago, that started off a, stutter which I get especially now if I’m tired. But its getting more and more worse.
I’m desperate. Thank you.
I fell down from a two storied building andy feet is injured quite some time ago. Due to the injury my feet feels its burning and there is numbness below the knee. Is it some sort of nerve damage or something else?
Any information on this subject will be extremely helpful.
Thank you.
Hi – I had COVID over a year ago and was hospitalized for five weeks. Since then, I have severe episodes of a burning back, forearms, and front thighs. I have them several times a day and night. I have no fever nor redness in affected areas – just unbearable burning sensation. Is there a remedy you can suggest? Thank you
Nurve narrow due to pain hand
My mother is 76 years old and having radiating right leg pain. Some times, She even spend night by just sitting as lying on the bed severely increases the pain. Neuro surgeons have refused to do any surgery due to age and the previous surgeries like, both knee replacments, laminactomy and left hip joint replacement. Please suggest any homeo remedy which can relief her fro this unbearable pain and situation.
My husband has trigiminal neuralgia. It’s v debilitating. He has facial pain while eating, shaving, sneezing, coughing, laughing etc.
He needs help fast. Would magnesium phos help him?
My husband has been on this medication for 2 wees now. He woke up yesterday with extreme tingling all over his body. What are the side affects for this medicine?
My husband has had non-diabetic peripheral neuropathy for many years. It is usually pain in his right foot, but sometimes his left stump. It was probably triggered by exposure to Agent Orange in 18 months of service in Vietnam. He has had an amputation of left leg below the knee due to collapsed ankle. (Sharko) His main pain drugs were Fentenal patch and Gabapentin.. The Fentenal was recently replaced with Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen. He had a spinal stimulator put in last year with poor results. (He takes 6 other prescriptions for other conditions.) I have tried Hypericum, up to 200C, and several other remedies. . Not much help. He describes the pain as “standing in fire” or “a little guy with an icepick stabbing away”. It prevents him from sleeping, and is usually worse at night, getting more severe. Ice pack treatments sometimes help. He is 80 years old.
I am looking for anything to give him some relief.
What are the medicine for tingling in left side of head
Dear sir,
after Post covid ,iam having sevear muscle & nerve pain throughout night i have to keeep changing my sleep position to get relive fron it .
Post covid Symtoms.
1)Sevear Muscle & Neve pain in body
2)Pain in nasal cavities
3)Burning sansation in eyes
4) frequent memory loss.
What are the medicine for tingling in left side of head
hay i have nerve pain like needle in tibia.age56.sugar patient since 15 years
Hello. From Last 1 year I am suffering from nerve pain previously this pain in left side bottom to neck and head. After alophathy medicine now pain rises in neck and head same left side. Not always some time when weather changes. Kindly tell me which medicine is useful. THANKS
Hi Doctor,
I have burning sensation in my thigh and butts whenever I sit on the chair for more than 30 minutes.
It has started in Feb this year and continuing till date. I have treated in Allopathy, but it does not go completely.
Please help.
Respected Dr. Sharma ji,
my wife of 78 years had SHINGLES (Herpes) on the left side on the back in belt position; it is getting healed but the nerve pain is really very painful;
Kindly advise,
Thaks with regards,
Hello Dr. Sharma I suffer from chronic CIDP for 5 1/2 years now and have suffered what I have been told is irreparable nerve damage the worst of my pain is usually from the knuckles to my finger tips and from my calves/ankles to my toes. Is there anything I can do or tke to help relieve the constant pain
Thank you.
Tony Katz
Dear Dr. Sharma,
I am suffering from cervical spondylosis for 3 years, symptoms include pain, spasms, numbness and tingling, sensation in fingers and toes. Also pain in ankles and knees symptoms of osteoarthritis.
Kindly advise.
Samrat Som
I am suffering Feet Pain for past more than 10 years. No injury, no apparent sign. It is shooting pain in toes and soles. Also feel hot sensation but may get worse with cold pad. I have tried various insoles to treat as plantar fasciitis , but of no use.
I have tried Aconite for past 3 years with limited relief in the beginning but of no use any more. I have also tried Hyper , but no relief.
I tried Phytolacca and Sulphur for about 15 days only but I did not feel any better. Do I need to continue Phytolacca and Sulphur for a long time to see its effect.
Do you provide treatment over email and what will be your charges.
L Gupta
Hi Dr
Good evening..
Im. 70 year old., diabetic and hypertensive..
I have great discomfort due to persistent nerves excitation in the abdominal area.. Pubic area and it extends upto the thumbs of the feet. . I don’t remember any day during last one week that I had even winked eye.
Kindly advise.
Thanks and warm regards..!!
I gave birth 6 years ago and right after I had numb feet for about 6 months to a year…it then subsided but I’m now noticing again that my toes and feet feel numb again comes and goes..
Sometimes if I lay on my stomach and do a yoga pose to stretch using my hands to pick up my upper body it causes like a tickling feeling in my legs and feet..
Which remedy will help these nerves heal fully ?
Dr.Sahib, my mother is 84 years old, suffering from severe pain in right side lower back and hip extending to leg underneath.
For last 6 months, doctor was giving a variety of pain killer and vitamins etc. Now pain has suddenly increased and and pain killers are not giving any relief.
Kindly help Sir.