Nerve pain can feel like an electric shock, or like a pinprick or even a burning sensation. It may be attended with other symptoms like tingling sensation and numbness. Nerve pain is a symptom of various medical conditions. It can disturb and alter your life. The countless nerves are the body’s messaging system — conveying sensations, like pain, to the brain. In case of nerve pain, the messaging system gets disturbed because of damage to the nerve from a physical injury or a disease or from a compressed nerve.
Homeopathic medicines for nerve pain are of great help in providing relief to the patient without any side effects as these are made of natural substances. They gradually bring down the intensity of the nerve pain. They work effectively in acute as well as chronic nerve pain cases. Along with nerve pain, they also extend help to manage attending symptoms like numbness, tingling, burning sensation. Conventional mode employs pain killers, antidepressant medicines, anticonvulsants, nerve blocks (injecting medicine in nerves) to deal with nerve pain cases. They provide short-term relief and additionally may lead to side effects if taken for long duration. Homeopathic medicines are free from side effects and carry great scope of complete recovery in many cases.
Homeopathic medicines for nerve pain are selected individually for every case. These remedies are given after carefully noting down the symptoms and identifying the reason for nerve pain. A well prescribed medicine in every case of nerve pain brings great results.
Homeopathy does not work only superficially rather works on a deeper level and aims at extricating the root cause of nerve pain varying from case to case to promote great cures. For complete relief, a complete course of homeopathic treatment for specified duration needs to be followed as guided by a homeopathic doctor.
Homeopathy is a natural mode of healing and homeopathic medicines are undoubtedly safe and natural medicines that works in a very natural manner in cases of nerve pain to provide long-term results in these cases.
Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Nerve Pain
The leading homeopathic medicines for treating nerve pain are Magnesium Phos, Hypericum, Colocynth, Causticum, Spigelia and Ranunculus Bulbosus.
1. Magnesium Phos – For Nerve Pain Better From Warm Applications And Pressure
Magnesium Phos is the top natural medicine to treat nerve pains. It is very beneficial in cases of severe nerve pain where warm applications or pressure to the affected painful area provides relief to the patient. The pain may get triggered by exposure to cold air. The nerve pain can be of shooting, cutting or stitching type. The pain is almost unbearable. This medicine is especially helpful for cases of sciatica and trigeminal neuralgia.
When to use Magnesium Phos?
This medicine should be considered to manage nerve pain that worsens with cold air exposure and gets better from application of warmth and pressure over affected part.
How to use Magnesium Phos?
This medicine gives excellent results in 6X potency that can be taken three to four times a day.
2. Hypericum – For Nerve Pain From An Injury
Hypericum is a powerful natural medicine prescribed for treating nerve pain occurring after trauma or injury to nerves. This medicine is best for patients who complain of tingling and burning pains in nerves. Numbness accompanies the pain at times. Pain in the back after spinal injuries can be wonderfully treated with this medicine. Hypericum is also very effective in treating nerve pain in fingers and toes after injury from sharp instruments like needles.
When to use Hypericum?
Hypericum is the best remedy to deal with cases of nerve pain especially burning, tingling types resulting from any nerve injury.
How to use Hypericum?
From low to high potency it works well in all potencies. Initially, it is best to use 30C potency two to three times a day.
3. Colocynth – For Nerve Pain In Legs (Sciatica)
Colocynth is the most prominently indicated medicine for managing leg pain from sciatica. It is especially suited for left-sided sciatica pain in the leg. The pain begins in the lower back and radiates down the leg to toes where this medicine is required. The guiding feature for its use is relief in pain from pressure and warm applications.
When to use Colocynth?
Colocynth should be highly preferred to manage sciatica especially of the left side with pain in the lower back going down the left leg.
How to use Colocynth?
Though it can be taken in any potency from low to high but the most frequently recommended is 30C potency that can be taken twice or thrice a day for good results.
4. Causticum – For Nerve Pain in Hands from Compressed Median Nerve (CTS)
Causticum is an important medicine that can be given to patients who have nerve pain in hands in cases of CTS i.e. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Those needing it complain of numbness and weakness in hands in addition to pain in hands. There may be thinning out of muscles of hands.
When to use Causticum?
Causticum is highly effective to help cases of pain in hands along with numbness and weakness in cases of compression of median nerve in carpal tunnel syndrome.
How to use Causticum?
It is recommended to use Causticum 30C once a day.
5. Spigelia – For Nerve Pain In Face
Spigelia is a wonderful medicine considered an ideal remedy for nerve pain in the face (trigeminal neuralgia). It is mainly indicated for left-side nerve pain in the face. In cases requiring Spigelia, worsening of pain is seen from touch and cold.
When to use Spigelia?
This medicine can be used in cases of nerve pain on the left side of the face that gets worse from touch and cold.
How to use Spigelia?
It is advised to take Spigelia 30C once or twice a day.
6. Ranunculus Bulbosus – For Post-Herpetic Nerve Pain
Herpes is a skin disease in which eruptions appear on the skin along the course of nerves with severe nerve pain. Even when the eruptions disappear, the nerve pain persists for a long duration, which is referred to as post-herpetic nerve pain. This condition can be very effectively treated with natural medicine Ranunculus Bulbosus which is the top medicine for nerve pain after herpes. This can be used when the nerve pain is sharp stitching type. It gets worse by touch.
When to use Ranunculus Bulbosus?
The use of this medicine should be done to manage sharp stitching type of post herpetic nerve pain.
How to use Ranunculus Bulbosus?
This medicine can be used one to two times a day.
Causes of nerve pain
Nerve pain can arise from various causes. It may result from nerve damage, nerve compression, nerve injury and certain infections. Compression of nerves is one of the important cause behind nerve pain. Some of the important conditions arising from compressed nerves are sciatica, trigeminal neuralgia, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Sciatica is a nerve pain that begins in the lower back and travels down the legs along the root of sciatic nerve. Trigeminal neuralgia (pain on one side of the face along the course of the trigeminal nerve). Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition affecting the hands resulting from compression of median nerve as it passes through carpal tunnel in wrist. Nerve pain can also result from diabetes, deficiency of nutrients like Vitamin B6 and B12, alcohol use disorder. Further causes are shingles (a painful skin condition with blisters on skin caused by varicella zoster virus), multiple sclerosis (an autoimmune disorder where the immune cells damage the protective covering of the nerves out of a misdirected response), injuries, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Respected Sir
My relative, poor woman 50 yrs, operated for uterus problem, 10yrs ago. Ever since she feels some other nerve is damaged in surgery. She gets nerve pain often, from left stomach through groin. Allopathic pain killers works for that time. Kindly help her suggesting homoe remed.
Thanking you sir
About a month back my wife reported with numb right cheek , chin and tongue over which she was getting burning sensation. MRI was done and she was diagnosed with demyelination disease in the early stages. She has been on steroids for one month. Her cheek and chin are normal now and about 55% improvement in the tongue numbness also. All her other perimeters are normal. She has normal eyesight, hearing , speech and movement in limbs. There is no numbness or pain or weakness in limbs. Its been a month ever since this steroid treatment was started but her tongue hasn’t shown any further improvement. Another MRI has been conducted now and that shows mild deterioration even as per her clinical symptoms she feels better except for her tongue which still numb at the tip though as mentioned earlier it is better than the numbness she was feeling when the treatment was started a month back. Can you suggest a good homeopathic medicine for the above problem.
Hi Dr Sarma. My name Iema and from Malaysia. I have experienced nerve pain in the sciatica and trigger finger, some of my fingers are difficult to grasp. what remedy should I take
Hi Dr Sharma
My wife is suffering from Neuro pain in right foot, her laminactomy was done in 2001 as sphinctor was lost, down side of right leg is in numbness condition, she have like electric current pain at her right foot fingers and often at right side of right foot, I feel when she has infection in body or feels fever this pain come regular after some seconds, now a dys she has bladder infection and her serum bilirubin kis 1.7, so she is in very bad condition due to Neuro pain, kindly guide me as in which capacity and dose take homoeo medicine.
Dr. Sharma,
I had surgery for Thoracic Outlet syndrome in July 2022.
My right side nerves are in a bad shape now. Pain from shoulders to the fingertips. I am not able to use my right hand currently.
What would you suggest?
Allopathic medicine is clearly not working for me.
T. Sharma
I had a stroke in 1992 a week before my 15 birthday. I was diagnosed in 2020 with thalamic pain syndrome. I have been taking 75 mg of lyrica and 60mg cymbalta. (I was taking 30 of cymbalta until June 1st) They have helped tremendously with the pain but I do not want to take them forever. Plus I have read things about side effects and that scares me.
I had ankle surgery and my sural nerve in my left foot was damaged. I now have shooting electric pains shooting from my ankle bone area to my first three toes. There is also numbness. During the day it is not so bad, though numbness is persistent. However, at night it is hard to sleep without take Lyrica (pregabalin). Can you tell me what would be the best treatment for that. Thank you much.
I have cervical and thoracic stenosis of the spine due to injury (2 car wrecks within six months
of each other years ago)
I am particularly suffering from pain in neck and radiating down both arms into my hands
The outside of each arm is particularly the area that is affected
I am wondering if a combination of Hypericum and some other remedy might be
appropriate and if so, how does one take more than 1 remedy and how often?
I took Hypericum several days ago and it was very beneficial but it is back again.
I have refused RXd drugs and the OTC e.g. Aleve tear up my stomach (even aspirin is
a hard sell after 1 day)
Thanks so much for any assistance
I get severe pain in the back sides of my both legs whole day I am fed up with pain for the last 6 months. I can’t even sit for long . Can u please suggest me some good medicine.
I am recovering from shingles but I am still under severe nerve pain on my left side in my back my hip and my upper thigh and knee please is there anything I can take other than the typical medication gabapentin and ibuprofen Tylenol I need relief so I can get back to work thank you for your help in advance
Please advice
Neuroma left foot at ball affecting 2nd and 3rd metatarsal as well
Walking is difficult and area feels very stiff and hard
I recently had trigger point injections on both sides of my neck and shoulder blades. About 3-4 days later I started getting jaw pain mainly left side along with shooting pain up into my left ear and now numbness on the left side of my face. The ER doctor said my symptoms are that of Trigeminal Neurlgia. Is there anything you would recommend for the pain and numbness? Thanks
Hello Dr Sharma,
I had vehicle accident about 6 months ago. I had a hip replacement surgery last month. I have foot drop due to the accident that affected my left leg. This causes serious pains (nerve pains) on my left foot. The pain is very unbearable – tingling, numbness, shocking, etc. it keeps me uncomfortable all day. Please what treatment will be very suitable for my case.
I am identified with neuropathy and carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands and have problems in both legs, heavy weakness in thighs. Severe pain in hands running from hands to shoulders. Also feeling in chest nerves & muscles, even in back nerves, perhaps whole body. I have diabetes as well that is under very good control and Uric acid is 7 mg/dl just at the borderline.
Please suggest medicine at the earlies.
I have nerve damage behind my ears and around my eyes and temples and forehead. It is triggered or intensified by loud noises, loud music, exposure to cold weather
It unbearable level 10 nerve pain.
Quite often a brain freeze that last for days
What do you suggest??
Thank you soooooo much !! Rosemarie
I suffer from trigeminal neuralgia in both sides of my face. My teeth start to ache, I get horrid bursts of pains in my jaws amd under my ears. My nerves pulse away and I constantly feel like I’m pressing my tongue against my teeth. Cold can trigger it. Chewing. N u get vibrations in the back of my head forehead and twitching.
I have to go on top strong meds which make me slow and confused but don’t heal the root cause. Please help.
My friend has severe and increasing neuropathological issues in her legs. She wakes up in night feeling as if “lower half of her body is on fire” . I was thinking to give her Hypericum, but am not sure what dose. Any other suggestions?
7. Phytolacca and Sulphur: For Nerve Pain in Feet
These medicines are considered excellent nerve damage remedies wherein Phytolacca gives excellent results when the nerve pain is felt mainly in toes. The character of pain is like electric shocks and is of a shooting nature. Sulphur is the best nerve pain relief, when the nerve pain in feet is accompanied by a hot sensation in soles. The complaint is worse at night.
Hi, I am Sougata. Last few month I have been feeling very worst situation like blood blockage in my right hand. In the morning wake up from the bed I feeled hilarious pain and blood blockage in my right hand. After touching the normal or cold water I have feeled quite relief from pain. My age is 36 years (female).
Hi im a woman from Norway, im 49 years. i have nerve damage in my right arm after a little injurie and a inflammation in my shoulder and tendons. i got a really bad frozen shoulder.. for a wile I had a lot of nerve pains from shoulder and down the arm.. its better now.. but it resulted in a stif finger on right arm. the 1 finger I can’t move for 8 months and numbness..coldness and hypersensitive..pulsation pains mm.. the doctor think its nerve damage.. so they might operate it.. but I really hope to fix it naturally.. so I was reading here.. maybe the Hypericum D6 could help? what do you think?
thank you so much
Lene M.K.
I am in need of a consultation with regards to an injury due to a fall. No broken bones. Scan indicates sprain/ strain to the back. I am 69 years young
Rose Mary Mcilvain
Hello I m living in a country town and don’t have access to a Homeopathic doctor.
I have sever nerve pain in my left side lower back and leg from a bulging disc. I have been having acupuncture treatments but I m still feeling the burning pain. I use heat packs . I ve read through the recommendations but a little confused by different remedies suggested for left & right side of the body ! I would appreciate your help