Seborrheic Keratosis refers to non-cancerous, harmless growths on the skin. They are painless and benign growths that arise from the outer layer of skin cells (keratinocytes). The color of these growths may vary from pink, yellow, white, grey to brown and black. These growths do not spread from one person to another through skin contact. Homeopathic medicines stop the further progression of skin lesions in seborrheic keratosis and also work to gradually reduce the size as well as the number of the already present skin growths. Thuja, Nitric Acid, and Sepia are the top homeopathic medicines for seborrheic keratosis.
Seborrheic keratosis is also alternatively called seborrheic warts because of the resemblance of its skin lesions with warts.
Homeopathic treatment of Seborrheic Keratosis
Skin growths including seborrheic keratosis are treated very effectively with homeopathic medicines. There is a list of various homeopathic medicines to treat seborrheic keratosis. These medicines are used individually for every case, depending on the symptoms. The main advantage of opting homeopathic treatment in seborrheic keratosis is that homeopathy treats the condition in a very safe, gentle way. These medicines don’t have any side effects and treat the condition in a natural manner.
Homeopathic Medicines for Seborrheic Keratosis
Thuja – Natural Medicine for Seborrheic Keratosis
Homeopathic medicine Thuja tops the list of homeopathic medicines for treating seborrheic keratosis. Thuja is prepared from fresh green twigs of a plant Thuja Occidentalis (commonly known by the name of Arbor Vitae.) The natural order of this plant is Coniferae. Thuja works very well to treat various kind of growths that appear on the skin. It helps in cases of seborrheic keratosis with both small or large growths on the skin. These can be present on any part of the skin. The growth may be single, isolated or multiple in clusters. They are rough and hard. The color of the growth may be brown or red.
Nitric Acid – For Seborrheic Keratosis with Large Growths
Nitric Acid is a natural medicine for seborrheic keratosis where growths on the skin are large in size. The growths are elevated on the skin instead of being flat. A prickling or itching may be present in these skin growths. They may show a tendency to bleed in some cases.
Sepia – For Seborrheic Keratosis with Dark Growths
Use of homeopathic medicine Sepia for seborrheic keratosis is considered in cases where there are dark-colored growths on the skin. The growths are hard and painless. Mostly they appear on face, neck and the abdomen.
Dulcamara – For Seborrheic Keratosis with Flat Growths
Dulcamara is prepared from fresh green stems and leaves of a plant named Woody Nightshade or Bitter-sweet. It belongs to the natural order Solanaceae. Dulcamara is helpful for seborrheic keratosis where the growths are flat in nature. The surface of these growths is thick. Mostly growths are present in crops or groups.
Calcarea Carb – For Seborrheic Keratosis with Growths having Rough Surface
Calcarea Carb offers a natural treatment for seborrheic keratosis where the skin growths have a rough upper surface. There appear small, multiple growths that are scattered on the surface of the skin. The growths may be skin-colored or white. They may also have a tendency to get inflamed
Causticum – For Seborrheic Keratosis with Bleeding Skin Growths
Causticum is a natural medicine indicated for skin growths in cases of seborrheic keratosis that have a tendency to bleed. The growths are large and jagged. These are mostly present on the face, particularly the nose and eyelids.
Ranunculus Bulbosus – For Seborrheic Keratosis with Hard Growths
Homeopathic medicine Ranunculus is prepared from plant Ranunculus Bulbosus (commonly known by the name of Buttercup.) This plant belongs to natural order Ranunculaceae. Ranunculus works well in cases of seborrheic keratosis where the growths are hard. It also works well in cases of horny growths on the skin.
Sabina – For Seborrheic Keratosis with Itchy Growths
Sabina is a natural homeopathic remedy prepared from the young, fresh tops of the branches of a plant named Juniperus Sabina. The natural order of this plant is Coniferae. Sabina offers help in cases of seborrheic keratosis where the growths have itching. Sometimes a burning sensation may attend the itching in a few cases needing Sabina.
Hepar Sulph – For Seborrheic Keratosis with Growths that Tend to get Inflamed
Homeopathic medicine Hepar Sulph works well for seborrheic keratosis where there are growths that tend to get inflamed. Sometimes a stinging sensation may be present. Hepar Sulph is also indicated for growths in seborrheic keratosis that tend to get infected easily.
Causes of Seborrheic Keratosis
The exact reason for seborrheic keratosis is not known. Its appearance is seen as a part of the normal aging process. People above the age of 50 years are at an increased risk to develop this condition. Seborrheic keratosis is seen to run in families, so having a family member with a similar condition can increase the risk.
Symptoms of Seborrheic Keratosis
The skin lesions in cases of seborrheic keratosis appear as light colored spots, slightly raised from the skin. They begin as light-colored growths and tend to darken gradually. They have a rough surface, like a warty growth. The size of the lesions varies from a few millimeters to several centimeters. The number of the skin growths in seborrheic keratosis varies widely from person to person. The number ranges between single to multiple skin growths present in clusters or groups. The location of the skin lesions in seborrheic keratosis mainly includes the face, chest, shoulders, and neck. Seborrheic keratosis usually doesn’t cause symptoms. However, in some of the cases, itching or inflammation may be seen. Scratching or picking the growths may cause bleeding and infection. Irritation from rubbing with skin clothes may also be seen in a few cases.
I got seborrheic keratosis on my feet.What can I do.
I have several areas of seborrheic keratosis. Around where my bra sits, on my back area as well. They are in clusters. I would love to find something that could remove these ugly spots.
Thank you!!
Hi Dr Sharma
I am told I got these growths from my Mother. Well on my back I had 24 removed many years ago but some are back and big. My skin Dr only freezes them to no avail they don’t go away. On my arms and lets they are rough and hard. What can I do?
Mine are on face, trunk, back and under breasts. What do you recommend I use since I have so many?
Im confused wat to say for came on my full body frm head to toe..i went to dermatologist she said skin lesions n told me not to take looks like cigarette marks…nothing works for this black marks..
Dear Doctor,
Like so many others I too suffer from these horrible SK’s. My Dermatologist will only remove something she feels is questionable and told me to “rock” my SK’s and educate others about them. Really? I am so embarrassed I don’t want anyone to see them! Please educate me more on treating this horrible condition. It makes me very self conscious and I hide my SK’s from everyone. This makes me miss out on having fun with friends and family.
Thank you,
I have a large one on my breast ans a smaller one although I find it large enough and some clusters under my breasts, I imagine due to hot climate.
I could send you pictures on a personal e-mail but not on this site
Which homeopathic treatment should I use on them so they disappear as soon as possible
I did get rid of one by applying apple cider vinegar 3 X day but smelled like a french fry factory…
Please help
Thank you
Dear Dr Sharma,
I am 59 yrs old and have noticed this only at one place on my face. Went to Dermatologist and learnt the diagnosis.
This one is just 5mm in dia and growing( protruding upwards. Felt like dead skin and inadvertantly( stimuli) had attempted peeling it with my finger nail and realised that caused it injury.
Reading your article feel that using Nitric acid might work.
Please advise.
I have these on my back and abdomen, I had a rather large one that increased in size quite quickly, my dermatologist said it would need to be removed surgically. I was booked in for the following week. I went home and after doing some research I decided to try tea tree oil on this lesion and the two smaller ones next to it. Within the first two days, the largest lesion had turned white and was lifting around the edges. The other two had slightly changed colour. Fast forward a week and the largest lesion had come away (although I did help it along in the shower rubbing it with a loofah. I should of just let it come away in its own time but I was feeling quite panicked about having these growths all over my body). The dermatologist was less than impressed and ended up freezing the other two off. That was about two years ago and the one I removed with the tea tree oil has never returned, the ones that were frozen off have new smaller growths appearing. I have tried the tea tree oil on other growths and it does have mixed results, some growths have come off, but some have not. I always go for my skin checks to make sure none of the growths are something more sinister. But if you have been checked and know they are seborrhoea keratosis, then the tea tree might be a cheap, easy way to try and get rid of them. I did apply the tea tree oil undiluted on the area and then covered with a small Band-Aid, replacing it daily after my shower. Once they turn white you know they are starting to come off. Leave them though and do not pick them otherwise they will bleed. Hopefully this helps someone else.
I am now running 68 yrs. I have been suffering from so called senile or seborrheic keratosis especially on forehead and a few spots on the temporal regions of scalp. Also at side burns on each side with itching. No itching on forehead. On the temporal forehead some of growth are large and turning dark.
I too have some interest and knowledge in homoeopathy., for the last 25 years. But I cannot treat myself. Would you please help me?
I have a large quarter sized patch under my waste band. It recently started stinging and is very sensitive to anything touching it. I am 67 yrs old. HEPAR SULPH sounds like the treatment. WHEre do i get this and how to use it?
I also have up to 100 of the darker smaller growths mostly on my back and trunk. Not painful but rough and ugly. Any direction would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Dr Sharma
I have an irritable SK about the size of a tooney just above the right ankle for years. A biopsy for cancer was negative 5 years ago.
I have been treating it with calendula cream and oreganum essential oil drops but it seems to be getting larger lately.
It is whitish in color, bleeding slightly, and oozing interstitial fluid. Washing with tea-tree foam helps
taking off the flaking white skin.
Lately I am having sharp pain shooting up my leg.
Thank you so much
Hello… I have this condition on chest, arms, shoulders and legs. Some r raised and scaly on top… Like a wart, others r small inflamed and itchy. Never had this before and I would appreciate ur help in finding the right medicine to get rid of these! Thank u
Hello Dr. Sharma,
I have many, many SK on my back, some under my breast and a few on other parts of body. Most all are brown in color. Some itch, some don’t. Some are large, raised and flaky. I have one large one on my lower left leg near my ankle that is flat and beige. Please help me get rid of them. i have been to two dermatologists who give different answers, plus it is very costly. Can you help me? I would deeply appreciate.
Hi Dr Sharma
Can you please advise.
I’ve always had seb Ks but more recently since around 55 years old, (in the last 4 years) mine have spread massively on my back stomach, and loads of small ones on the back of my neck and moving around the front now too… hundreds of babies !!
Been to the doc and dermatologist who say they’ve never seen as many in someone my age but can’t do much for me.
Where do I start ? Tried various lotions etc nothing helping.
Hi Dr.
I am looking for permanent cure for Sk without negative side effects.. which are present as hard dark and it doesn’t itch but it is getting more and more noticeable ..
I have seborrheic keratosis all over my back and some on the sides of my neck. They sometimes itch. They feel sandy. They are light brown and appear among cherry angiomas on my stomach, chest and arms to a lesser degree. I have inactive herpes II. With age, these seem to proliferate. I have been taking Thuja for about a month and a half and cannot be sure I’ve seen a difference? What did make an obvious difference, but was hard to reach at best, was to soak a towel with hydrogen peroxide and wipe them down.
How long should I give the Thuja and should it be 30C or 200CK? Or should I try Calcarea or Sebina?
I have a patch of Seborrheic Keratosis inside my upper ear (inside) . Can you suggest a tratment for iys cure
Dr. Sharma,
I have seborrheic keratosis on right outer ear. Dermatologist treated it with Liquid nitrogen and it kind of helped after 2 years now again I’m seeing the growth. I’m looking for a permanent solution. It’s elevated growth and some time itchy and bleeds, looking for right homeo medicine.
I have sebbhoreic keratosis on my shoulders, back chest, thighs and behind my knees. No benefit from Thuja, Causticum or Nit Ac. I’ve used Thuja in a variety of potencies and also in a cream. I started seeing these eruptions after the menopause. I also have some actinic keratosis on my chest. I’ve had a biopsy which was clear and some of the eruptions removed with cryo. I have diabetes type 2 and auto immune hepatitis so on several meds. My skin is generally unhealthy, I have eruptions which do not heal at all well, mainly on shoulders and back.
The keratosis are white, some scaly patches and some wart like. Can you help.
I am a 48 year old women with lot of seborric keratosis on my cheeks on both the sides spreading on my neck area as well with a few hermatosis in the face as well. Which medicine would you recommend. My dermatologist is recommending to cortorize them . Which might take time to heal as it will cause scars. Which medicine would be ideal for me.
Dr. Sharma,
My mother and I suffer from seborrheic keratosis in large numbers that cause us much anxiety and embarrassment. We both cover ourselves to his them in public and have red no help from dermatologists.
Our keratosis are rough, light and dark. Some are small and others large and thick. If you could help with which formula and dosage. We sincerely appreciate your help.
I have seborrheic keratosis on my chest and back (I am a female); my father has it too. I am 64 and have had them for 20+ years. Most do not itch – just a few on my back do. They are mostly single, but many in numbers with a few 20 cm large, and all are dark brown, rough and hard. I am thinking Thuja is the remedy needed, but I am not sure of the dosage. Could you please advise.