Seborrheic dermatitis, also known as seborrheic eczema, is a non-contagious skin disorder characterized mostly by red, inflamed skin covered by flaky, dry, or greasy scales on the scalp, though other areas like the face, behind the ears, eyelashes, eyebrows, chest may also be affected. It is a long-term condition and runs a remitting and relapsing course. In infants (babies less than one year of age), seborrheic dermatitis is known as cradle cap. Dandruff is a type of seborrheic dermatitis with flakes or scales on the scalp but without inflammation of the skin.
Homeopathy works wonderfully in treating seborrheic dermatitis. Homeopathic medicines are of great service to help reduce inflammation and flaking on the scalp and other affected areas in seborrheic dermatitis. Simultaneously, attending complaints like itching, burning and hair fall are also managed remarkably. These medicines are useful to treat both, acute and chronic seborrheic dermatitis, effectively. In chronic cases, it works to reduce the intensity and the frequency of a flare-up of seborrheic dermatitis to begin with. Then, with time, the condition is treated and it fades away.
Seborrheic dermatitis results from a fungal infection and weak immunity predisposes a person to it. So homeopathy works in treating this underlying root cause of seborrheic dermatitis. Homeopathic medicines boost the self-healing mechanism of the body and strengthen immunity thus making it strong enough to fight seborrheic dermatitis on its own.
The use of homeopathic medicines has certain distinct advantages of its own when it comes to treating seborrheic dermatitis. First among these is homeopathy treats seborrheic dermatitis very safely and gently with natural remedies. Due to this there are no chances of any side effects. The next advantage is that they do not suppress this complaint. Another plus point is they bring about long-term recovery rather than temporary short-term relief. The treatment protocol for seborrheic dermatitis in conventional mode mainly includes medicated shampoos and creams that give temporary relief and might result in some side effects. So here homeopathy can be a very safe, effective alternative to treat seborrheic dermatitis.
Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Seborrheic Dermatitis
The best homeopathic medicines for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis are Kali Sulphuricum, Natrum Mur, Graphites, Phosphorus, Thuja Occidentalis, Calcarea Carb, Arsenic Album and Sulphur.
1. Kali Sulphuricum – Top Remedy For Seborrheic Dermatitis
Kali Sulphuricum is the most frequently prescribed medicine for seborrheic dermatitis. The key feature to use this medicine is yellow, sticky flakes on the scalp. The scales are greasy and moist. Itching on the scalp may occur that gets worse from heat. In some cases, there is hair loss.
When to use Kali Sulphuricum?
This medicine proves most effective for cases with yellow sticky, greasy flakes on the scalp.
How to use Kali Sulphuricum?
It works best in low potency, especially ‘X’ potencies. Kali Sulphuricum 6X, 4 tablets for adults and 2 tablets for children, can be taken three to four times a day.
2. Natrum Mur – For White Coloured Flakes With Redness Underneath
Natrum Mur is the most wonderful medicine for seborrheic dermatitis with white flakes on the scalp and redness on the skin beneath. In a few cases needing it, crusts are present on the head and neck along the margins of the hair. There is marked itching on the scalp and neck. Hair fall can be prominent with white flakes. The skin on hairy parts is greasy where this medicine is required.
When to use Nat Mur?
It can be used in cases with specific white flakes on the scalp along with redness of underlying skin.
How to use Nat Mur?
The recommended dose of this medicine in the majority of cases is Natrum Mur 6X to be taken three to four times a day.
3. Graphites – To Manage Scales And Itching
Graphites is a well-indicated medicine for cases having excessive scales on the scalp along with intense itching. It is prominently indicated when scales form on top of the head (vertex). It is attended with pain on touching. Scales may extend behind the ears, on the margins of eyelids, and mustache area (in males) in some cases. The scales reduce after washing but reappear. There is matting together of hair and in some cases, hair fall is noted.
When to use Graphites?
This medicine is highly preferred to manage cases where excessive scales are present along with severe itching on the scalp. Tenderness is marked over the affected area.
How to use Graphites?
This medicine is usually used in low potencies like 3X, or 30C. The most commonly used among these is 3X potency. In mild cases, just one tablet a day of Graphites 3X is enough while in cases of high intensity, one tablet twice a day or two tablets twice a day may be required. Begin with just one tablet a day. In case no changes are noted, consult a homeopathic doctor to increase the dose.
4. Phosphorus – For Excessive Flakiness And Hairfall
Phosphorus is highly suitable when there is excessive flakiness on the scalp along with hair fall. Sometimes dry scabs are present on the scalp. The hair falls in bunches or from some particular spots on the scalp. Itching on the scalp is present that gets worse from scratching. A burning sensation on the scalp can be felt as well. In a few cases, sweating on the scalp is noticeable.
When to use Phosphorus?
Flakiness on the scalp along with hair falling in bunches is a key feature to prescribe this medicine.
How to use Phosphorus?
Among its various available potencies, the most frequently used is 30C potency. In the beginning, Phosphorus 30C can be taken one to two times a day as per severity of complaint.
5. Thuja Occidentalis – For White Flakes With Itching, Stinging On Scalp
Thuja Occidentalis is a natural remedy sourced from the plant Arbore Vitae. It is an important medicine to help cases where white flakes on the scalp form along with itching and stinging sensation. There is relief from scratching. The flakiness may extend to the ears. The hair may be dry, along with hair fall.
When to use Thuja Occidentalis?
White flakes on the scalp along with itching and stinging on the scalp is the key indications to use this medicine.
How to use Thuja Occidentalis?
This medicine can be used from low 30C potency to high potency like 200 C, 1M. The potency and repetition vary from case to case. As a general rule, low potencies can be taken frequently but high potencies are taken in infrequent doses. To begin with, it is safe to start with 30C once a day only. Higher potencies should only be used after consulting a homeopathic physician.
6. Calcarea Carb – For Scales On Scalp With Increased Sweating
The use of this medicine is considered in cases where scaliness is attended with increased sweating over the scalp. The yellowish-white scales can be thin or thick. In some cases, the scales are dry while in others moist.
When to use Calcarea Carb?
This medicine is indicated for cases presenting with yellow-white scaliness and profuse sweating on the scalp.
How to use Calcarea Carb?
One may take it in 30C potency once a day. In case no improvement is seen, high potencies like 200 C can be considered after consulting a homeopathic doctor.
7. Arsenic Album – For Dry Scales With Burning Sensation On Scalp
Another medicine on the list to treat seborrheic dermatitis is Arsenic Album. It is mostly recommended when there are dry scales on the scalp along with a burning sensation. The crusts may extend down to the forehead and ears in a few cases. The burning sensation gets worse in the evening. It can be attended with itching as well.
When to use Arsenic Album?
This medicine may be considered in cases of dry scales/ scabs with a burning sensation on the scalp.
How to use Arsenic Album?
Though it can be used in both low and high potencies, doctors usually prefer to start treatment with 30C power. Arsenic Album 30C can be taken once a day. Its high potencies should be taken only under the supervision of a homeopathic expert.
8. Sulphur – When Crusts Form On Scalp
Sulphur is of great use in cases presenting with crusts on the scalp. The crusts are thick, moist, and yellow. Intense itching can attend it. The itching gets worse in the evening. The scalp may be sore to touch. The hair may get dry and fall off.
When to use Sulphur?
It is the best choice of medicine for managing cases having thick, yellow, moist crusts on the scalp that can be accompanied by intense itching in the evening.
How to use Sulphur?
This medicine can be used in 30C potency once a day. Avoid using its high potencies without the doctor’s recommendation.
Causes of Seborrheic Dermatitis
Why seborrheic dermatitis occurs is still a question. However, certain factors are thought to play a role in its development. They include:
1. The overgrowth and irritation by toxic substances produced by Mallasezia (a type of yeast), mainly mallasezia globose, found on the scalp, is said to cause seborrhoeic dermatitis.
2. Genetic predisposition: A person having a family historyof seborrheic dermatitis is at risk of getting affected by it.
3. Weak immune system
4. Oily/greasy skin
5. Increased level of androgen hormone and increased levels of skin lipids
Trigger Or Worsening Factors For Seborrheic Dermatitis
Certain factors can trigger or worsen seborrheic dermatitis. These include stress, change of season, cold dry weather, sleep deprivation, use of harsh soaps, hormonal changes, history of skin complaints like psoriasis, acne, certain medicines like lithium psoralen, and obesity.
Signs And Symptoms Of Seborrheic Dermatitis
1. Inflamed, flaky skin on the scalp. It is the main sign of seborrheic dermatitis. The flakes vary from yellow, to white to greyish in color. In spite of the flakes, the skin on the scalp remains greasy.
Which area is affected by seborrheic dermatitis? The area involved mainly is the one where skin is oily and greasy. Most commonly it occurs on scalp, eyebrows, beard, mustache, eyebrows, sides of the nose, and behind the ears. However less commonly, in some cases it may affect armpits, chest, groin area, buttocks, around the navel, back, and area below breasts.
2. Crust formation: In some cases, greasy skin may be covered by crusts
3. Skin redness
4. Itching and burning on the affected skin
5. Hair loss in the affected part
Who Gets Affected By Seborrheic Dermatitis?
Though it can occur in both males and females, its occurrence is more common in men than women. It can affect persons of any age group, it is common in babies less than 3 months of age, and adults between 30 to 60 years of age.
How to diagnose Seborrheic Dermatitis?
A doctor can easily diagnose this condition by looking carefully at the affected skin area. Usually, no tests are required. Very rarely, a skin biopsy (here skin cells from the affected area are scraped off and sent to a laboratory for analysis) may be needed in cases where the diagnosis is uncertain or the condition is unresponsive to treatment to find other causes behind the skin problem.
Dear Dr. Sharma, I have seborrheic dermatitis on my scalp and face. my face get really hot with a breakout, and my scalp gets real itchy. This has been a problem for about three or four years now. I have tried every natural remedy I can find. I Haven’t tried homeopathic yet, I don’t know why I not, I have been treated by a homeopathic doctor over the years for other issues with excellent results, i am in an area where their is a lack of alternative medicine closer than 120 miles away. I will be grateful for any advice . Sincerely, Jane
Can you prescribe a remedy for Homeopathy for same seborrheic dermatitis …
Please write back..
Dear sir,
I am Saroj from Odisha state
I sufferings Androgenetic Alopecia seborrheic dermatitis disease on my scalp, last 12 year .
The hair of my scalp going to thinner.
please suggest me some medicine for the treatment and for new hair growth also.
Hello, my question is if I can mix the medicines mention above. Take for example Thuja, Graphotes and Natrum at the same time. As I have the symptoms mention on this 3 medicines. Thanks
My daughter has sebborric dermatitis and also blocked sinuses And blocked ears, She is 29, Also given to depression
I have seborrheic dermatitis. I need best treatment. Please sir, help me. How can I get rid of it.
Hello Dr. Sharma,
I am a patient of seborrheic dermatitis with greasy skin and I ur is continued with lots of itching and acne in my face, forehead and back. In fact whenever my hairs touch my skin…itching appears.
I was searching for some reliable remedies for the problem and found your post to be very precise and helpful.
Along with seborrheic dermatitis, I have fiberoids and calceria spur in both ankles. .
Can I please request you to kindly help me with the appropriate medicines for my problem.
Please help.
I am having eczema for past 4 years of my life intially it used to appear after 6 or more months but with time things got worse and worse and worst part is that it only appears only on my skin and no where else . I tried every dermatologist but results were nt good
I have been suffering of eczema since 5 years .I have also asthma. I am 45 years old. My eczema increase in summer & itching.this eczema is on my both hand wrich.I take many Homeopathic Medicines form doctors.But no result.Is it possible to cure eczema by Homeopathic Medicine ?(Graphites. Sulphur,Psorinum,(Mercurius solbulis etc used ) wait for reply.
My Dr says I have seberrheic dermatitis on face. I have dandruff problem with white facial skin os oily and there is alot of peeling on my face with many pimples on chin nose and cheek jawline area. What should I do? And how long homeopathic will take to treat it permanently?
Hello simran..
My name is anas . I am also suffering from this type of problem.. if you find some doctr or treatment please please please tell me also.. and would you like to send me your pics of problem.. i want to show as your problem is look mine or not..
Please i am suffering from this problem since 3 yrs. And do lots of treatment..
Please mail me.-
His sir I m Vidhi Patel. My age 30yr. I’m having seborrhic dermatitis since 9 month n I started homeopathic treatment but I m not getting better result. I m really worried. Please help me
Hello Sir,
My Name is Pushpendra. I have been suffering from Seborrheic Dermatitis for last 3 years. I have tried different Allopathy doctors in past with no resolution of my problem. Also one doctor told me that Seborrheic Dermatitis can’t be cured, we can only control it. It will heal itself by time when body hormones changes. Please let me know if this disease can be cured in Homeopathy ?
im suffering from sd after recovrering from chicken pox
Medicine of sehboric dermatitis nd psoriasis r same in homiopathy
I have suffered by facial and body seberrhoic dermatitis for past 3 years
I have been suffering from seborrheic dermatitis since 15 years. I have tried alopathy treatment but could not get any result. Please suggest me homeopathy treatment.
My son is 1 year and 10 month old. He has since age of 1-2 month old diagnosed seborrheic dermatitis by Romanian doctor. after few weeks new eczema appear and was diagnosed with atopic dermatitis.
Now we have seborrheic dermatitis on scalp. The color is yellow and adhered to the scalp (like a second skin). There are not itching, no scratching. The same yellow crust are present in the back of the ear. All yellow crust (scalp and back of the ear) are dry.
On the hands, legs and tummy he has eczema. Dry itching eczema, atopic dermatitis, diagnosed.
Can you help us?
Thank you very much!
Daniela Nae
am a medical student,,,am suffering from seborrheic dermatitis since childhood ,,,tried a lots of allopathic treatment but of no worth…plzz suggest me some homeopathic treatment..
am suffering from seborrheic dermatitis since childhood ,,,tried a lots of allopathic treatment but of no worth…plzz suggest me some homeopathic treatment..
plz guide me for Remedy of hole in retina.
I have been suffering of facial seborehic dermatitis for past obe year.I have tried so many allopathic lotions and creams.but no cure.please help me.I am dying everyday with the burning and itchy eczima with flakes and flare up.
Try tea tea oil.
Hello I have had a history of skin disorders but recently I believe because of excessive washing my scalp has begun to become quite itchy but also somewhat greasy with hair loss
I also dye my hair and the last treatment left scabs on my scalp
I have exceptionally dry skin but I eat well, exercise, have a low bmi and am 67 with glaucoma, osteoporosis and rather significant levels of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, aluminum, ) and have been treating on and off over the last few years
I also have tinnitus but a recent ENT said that the noise I hear si not common as I only hear the sound of my blood rushing at the same rate as my heart
So even though I think I am healthy an have lots of energy this certainly is a collection of symptoms which would suggest other wise
Do you prescribe from a distance? I live in LOs Angeles
You need to make the Dr. Sharma rich first. Then he will drop you with some non effective remedies and then you will ask for your money back and then he will ask you to read the terms you never read where he say he will not refund the money. And then you will heal yourself completely.
Dear Dr, sharma
please advice me medicine name which one good for seborrheic dermatitis im suffering from this problem
last 6 years i use many homeopathy but i did not see 100% result i just getting 60% to 80% result i need
100% result how i can get ride of from seborrheic dermatitis please advice me your medicine formula
name i can buy from my country homeopharmacy clinic, too much itching on my face and my head and
hair falling problem too much and scabies on head and one bumpy mark on my face right side near ear
i will wait your reply as soon as possible please…
You need to make the Dr. Sharma rich first. Then he will drop you with some non effective remedies and then you will ask for your money back and then he will ask you to read the terms you never read where he say he will not refund the money. And then you will heal yourself completely.
You need to make Dr. Sharma rich first. Then he will drop you with some non effective remedies and then you will ask for your money back and then he will ask you to read the terms you never read where he say he will not refund the money. And then you will heal yourself completely.