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Homeopathic Treatment of Oral Lichen Planus

Oral lichen planus (OLP) is an inflammatory condition affecting the mucous membranes inside the mouth (inner surface of the cheeks, tongue, gums inner surface of lips, and palate). This condition leads to the development of white, lacy-patterned lesions or sores in the mouth. Oral lichen planus is an auto-immune disease. The T-cells of the immune system get activated and attack the lining of the mouth, resulting in inflammation and lesions. Some trigger factors linked with oral lichen planus include hepatitis C virus infection, some medicines (like those used for high blood pressure and diabetes), mouth injury, and allergic reaction to dental materials like dental fillings. Oral lichen planus may be genetic.

Homeopathy is a renowned system of medicine that offers great treatment for oral lichen planus cases. There are excellent medicines in homeopathy to treat cases of oral lichen planus. Homeopathic medicines for oral lichen planus help heal the lesions and sores and also treat the attending symptoms like pain, burning sensation, and bleeding from the lesions. It aims to provide cure rather than just providing symptomatic relief.

Homeopathy targets the root cause in cases of oral lichen planus to provide excellent results. It works by moderating the overactive immune system to prevent the further progress of the complaint and heal the present lesions. The modern system of medicine uses steroids and other immune-suppressants to treat this condition. It results in temporary relief and may also lead to many side effects. Homeopathic medicines never cause suppression of oral lichen planus, rather they bring complete recovery without any adverse effects. However, the results may vary from case to case depending on the severity and chronicity of the complaint.

Various homeopathic medicines are indicated to treat cases of oral lichen planus. Medicines for a particular individual are selected from among these as per the prominent features presented by the sufferer. Case study is done by a homeopathic physician to note down all the symptoms in detail. Then the case is analysed and finally the medicine is prescribed that will suit best in a given case of oral lichen planus. A well-selected medicine is capable of aiding  excellent recovery.

Homeopathic medicines are of natural origin devoid of any toxic ingredient ensuring safe and natural recovery in cases of oral lichen planus.

homeopathy oral lichen planus

Homeopathic medicines for oral lichen planus.

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Oral Lichen Planus

The prominently indicated homeopathic medicines for treating oral lichen planus are Merc Sol, Plantago, Borax, Natrum Mur, Nitric Acid, Phosphorus and Kreosote.

1. Merc Sol – Top Homeopathic Medicine For Oral Lichen Planus

Merc Sol works very effectively in cases of oral lichen planus where there are red and inflamed patches on the mucous membrane of the mouth. Multiple sores appear in the mouth along with lesions inside the cheeks, tongue and the gums. The sores may be painful and have a burning sensation. The mouth and gums are inflamed with sores that tend to bleed. The tongue is thickly coated along with a characteristic symptom of excessive saliva in the mouth. A bad, offensive, fetid odor from the mouth is present in a majority of the cases. A metallic, coppery taste in the mouth is present along with the above symptoms.

When to use Merc Sol?

This medicine is highly recommended for managing oral lichen planus with red, inflamed spots in the mouth along with painful sores, excessive saliva and a bad breath.

How to use Merc Sol?

Its use is preferred in 30C power that can be taken once or twice a day as per the intensity of the problem.

2. Plantago – For Sores In Mouth And Bleeding Gums

Plantago is a natural homeopathic medicine that works well in cases where there are sores in the mouth and bleeding from the gums attended with a putrid smell from the mouth. The tongue is also coated white. In my clinical practice, Plantago has proved to be highly effective in many of my patients suffering from oral lichen planus.

When to use Plantago?

This medicine is preferred in oral lichen planus cases with sores in mouth and bleeding from gums along with white coated tongue.

How to use Plantago?

Plantago 30C can be used one to two times in a day.

3. Borax – For Oral Lichen Planus With Painful Sores In Mouth

Borax is the next very useful homeopathic remedy for oral lichen planus cases. Its use is considered in cases where there are painful, tender sores in the mouth. Generally, the sores appear on the tongue and inner surface of the cheeks. The sores (especially on the tongue) may hurt due to the movement of the tongue as well as spicy food. The sores on the inner surface of the cheek and tongue also tend to bleed. A heated sensation and a bitter taste in the mouth is predominantly present in the mouth along with lesions. Borax is also a well-indicated homeopathic remedy for oral lichen planus attended with fungal infections of the mouth.

When to use Borax?

This medicine is well-indicated in oral lichen planus to manage very painful, tender sores on the tongue and inner surface of cheeks that may even bleed.

How to use Borax?

Both the lower and higher potencies of Borax have proved to be efficacious with excellent results. Initially, it can be taken one or two times a day in 30C potency.

 4. Natrum Mur – For Oral Lichen Planus With Burning Sensation

Natrum Mur is an effective homeopathic remedy for oral lichen planus lesions attended with a marked burning sensation. The sores appear on the tongue, inside the cheeks, and on the gums. The burning sensation in the sores gets worse when food or drink comes in contact with the sore. The speech also becomes difficult due to the burning pains in the sores. The sores are also very sensitive.

When to use Natrum Mur?

Natrum Mur is suggested for cases of oral lichen planus when there is prominent burning sensation in the sores that may appear on tongue, gums or inside the cheeks.

How to use Natrum Mur?

It is available in various potencies but the most commonly used is 6X potency. Natrum Mur 6X can be taken three to four times a day as per the intensity of the problem.

 5. Nitric Acid – For Stinging Pain In Sores In Oral Lichen Planus

Nitric Acid is a beneficial homeopathic medicine for managing stinging pain in the sores of oral lichen planus. In some cases, pricking and splinter-like pains are present. The sores are present inside the cheeks, the inner side of the lips and the edges of the tongue. The sores are deep and have a swollen surface. The tongue may be coated white or yellow coated. A foul odor emanates from the mouth.

When to use Nitric Acid?

This medicine can be considered for oral lichen planus when there is intense stinging or splinter-like pain in the sores in the mouth along with white or yellow coated tongue.

How to use Nitric Acid?

This medicine can be used in 30C potency once a day.

 6. Phosphorus – For Oral Lichen Planus With Bleeding From Sores

Phosphorus is another well-indicated medicine for oral lichen planus. In cases requiring phosphorus, the sores appear on the inner surface of the cheek, tongue, gums and the palate (roof of the mouth). These sores tend to bleed easily. Increase in watery saliva is well noted with bleeding lesions. The saliva may have a salty or sweet taste.

When to use Phosphorus?

This medicine is of great use in oral lichen planus cases when the sores in mouth have a tendency to bleed often.

How to use Phosphorus?

It is most frequently used in 30C potency and initially it can be taken once a day.

7. Kreosote – For Oral Lichen Planus With Sores And Inflammation Of Gums

Homeopathic medicine Kreosote offers the best help for oral lichen planus in cases where there are sores and inflammation on the gums. Those affected may have bluish red, ulcerated, inflamed gums that tend to bleed easily. A putrid odor from the mouth is also released in most cases.

When to use Kreosote?

It is an ideal medicine for oral lichen planus with sores in mouth and bluish, red ulcerated inflamed gums.

How to use Kreosote?

This medicine may be taken one to two times a day in 30C power.

Signs and Symptoms of Oral Lichen Planus

The lesions in oral lichen planus appear in the form of white, lacy, thread-like patches/as red, swollen, painful patches, or as sores in the mouth. The lesions may appear on the inner surface of cheeks, tongue, inner surface of lips, gums, and palate. The sores may be painful, have a burning sensation, and bleed. Eating, drinking, speaand king worsens the pain mostly. The sores may be sensitive to hot and spicy food. Some complications of lichen planus include intense pain in lesions, stress, scarring of lesions, fungal infection in the mouth, and weight loss when the person avoids eating because it causes pain in sores and increases the risk of mouth cancer.

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  1. Bharatbhai says:

    Muje 5 year’s se linchoid oral he me thak gay hu medicin le nene homiyopethik dava bhi kari he lekin kuch farak nhi he me gujarat me Kutch district me Bhuj me ragers hu meta Mobail number 9904831514 he

  2. Sangita says:

    What’s the right and sure way of diagnosis of lichen planus vs leukoplakia vs oral rush. I have a white patch with feeling of dryness and blisters in the mouth for 3 years and taking homeopathic medicine from a doctor who does not specify names. Can you guide

  3. NEERAJ ARORA says:

    pls advise line of treatment for LICHEN PLANUS IN my mouth , it causes a lot of itchiness pls help and call me on 9811735001

    • Anita Sharma says:

      Sir last 5 year sa oral lichen planus h allopathic medicine sa.theek bhe ho jata h after one year dubra ho jata h m kafi prashan hu iska treatment possible h kay

  4. Ashutosh Varangaonkar says:

    Hi Dr. Sharma,

    I have been suffering from oral lichen planus for the last 8 years. I have used Kali mur, it suppresses the symptoms but has no cure. The problem is aggravated during the menstruation period. Kindly suggest an appropriate solution. Thanks

  5. Ravi Shankar shrivastava says:

    Dr I AM suffering from oral lichen planec.

  6. Ramkaran sharma says:

    Sir maire ko bhi ye prob bhut din se hai .mujse neck par ,back side and mouth or black dot spot bhut hai and bhut darkness hai Jo thik hone ka nam nhi le rha hai .best Homopethic medicine bataiye .

  7. Hello Dr

    Can your Homeopathy tratment cure 100% Oral lichen planus
    How long tratment and how much cost per visit/medicine

  8. Don Lindsay says:

    I am a 73 yr old white male with history of Hep C and hepato cellular carcinoma, being treated with immunotherapy now , for 1 yr .. I have a severe case of oral lichen planus, existing mildly for years but immunotherapy expanded it suddenly and greatly .. it is a torment for me now, cannot eat or speak normally .. is it possible you could refer me to any legitimate knowledgable homeopathic practitioner in San Diego, CA, USA
    1 858 922 7247

  9. Anil kumar says:

    Orl lichen pluns 5 mounth se h kya permanent ilaj h

  10. Lois Brady says:

    Hello Doctor,
    I am a 75 year old female who began having rough patches on the inside of my cheeks. An oral surgeon diagnosed it as oral Lichen Planus. There are no sores and it is not painful. It just feels rough to my tongue. What are the best homeopathic medicines for me to try.
    The doctor wants to do a biopsy. Should I allow this?
    Thanks for any help in this matter.

  11. Hello,

    My mum suffers from oral lichen planus, I think she got it after being put on blood pressure tablets. Sometimes she gets white patches and sometimes but rare she gets ulcers and is in pain. Please can you advise which remedy would help her?

    Thank you

    • Binoy Debnath says:

      Sir, my wife is suffering from oral lichen planus about 6th month ago, it is spread in to mouth and tongue, I think she got it after being put on blood pressure tablets. Please advise which remedy would help her??

  12. Carolyn Bowles says:

    Im in severe pain with linchen planus oral and i need help trying to figure out what to take to help with the pain, i also have ulcers caused by it i need help?

  13. Pijush Poddar says:

    I have severe lichen planus on my gums and cheek last eight years.I can’t eat hot and spicy food. Which homeopathic medicine will you prescribe for this condition.
    Thanks and Regards

  14. EKTA Kapoor says:

    I have severe lichen planus on my gums n cheek. I can’t eat spicy n hot food. Sulphur doesn’t suits me. Which homeopathic medicine will u prescribe for this condition.

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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