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Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Gingivitis

Gingivitis refers to the inflammation of gums. It mostly results from the non-maintenance of oral hygiene. Poor dental hygiene leads to plaque formation on teeth. Plaque finds a resting place in between the teeth gaps and along the gum lining. And this plaque, if not removed by brushing daily, hardens and irritates the gum line leading to gum inflammation. Other risk factors include diabetes, tobacco use, smoking, advancing age, poor nutrition and dryness of the mouth. The symptoms of gingivitis include swollen, bleeding, and painful gums. The gums appear dark red/purple, soft and puffy with a receding gum line. Halitosis (bad breath) and caries in teeth often accompany this condition. If not treated well on time, the disease advances, eventually leading to the falling of teeth.

The homeopathic mode of treatment is very effective in treating gingivitis. It can treat gingivitis of both recent and chronic nature. The swelling, pain and bleeding from gums are wonderfully controlled with homeopathic medicines. These medicines, if started well in time, help treat the acute symptoms of gingivitis as well as prevent complications like periodontitis (serious gum infection causing tooth loss). In conventional mode, dental cleaning procedures are advised to treat cases of gingivitis. Such procedures give short-term relief. Homeopathic medicines boost the body’s own healing mechanism to eradicate the disease as a whole and prevent recurrence.

Homeopathy treats gingivitis from its root as homeopathic medicines act deeply and not just superficially to overcome a health issue. Its action is beyond just simply providing symptomatic relief. It treat the complaint of gingivitis from its origin and hence it is a great alternative treatment choice for gingivitis treatment.

Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis are selected individually for every case as per the characteristic signs and symptoms. With proper course of homeopathic treatment as suggested by a homeopathic doctor, most cases of gingivitis recover wonderfully and completely. The treatment period varies from a few weeks to a few months from case to case. It depends upon the duration of symptoms, the intensity of complaint and how a person responds fast to medicines.
Homeopathy offers natural, safe treatment for cases of gingivitis as it uses natural remedies devoid of any chemicals. These medicines do not cause any type of side effects under any circumstance. Homeopathic medicines are safe to use among all age groups.

Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines For Gingivitis

The top recommended homeopathic medicines for gingivitis are Merc Sol, Kreosote, Phosphorus, Thuja, Silicea and Calcarea Fluor.

1. Merc Sol – For Gingivitis With Swollen, Bluish Red And Painful Gums

Merc Sol is the most effective homeopathic medicine for gingivitis with highly swollen, inflamed and painful gums. Merc Sol is indicated where gums have turned bluish red, painful, swollen and spongy. The gums recede and bleed in such cases and are usually accompanied by increased salivation. The saliva may taste bad. An offensive smell emanates from the mouth. A metallic taste is felt in the mouth.

When to use Merc Sol?

This medicine is the best choice for gingivitis when gums are swollen, and look bluish red with marked pain.

How to use Merc Sol?

Both low and high potencies of this medicine work well, however, it is advised to begin with 30C potency. Merc Sol 30C can be taken one to two times a day as per the intensity of the complaint.

2. Kreosote – For Dark Red Or Blue Puffy Gums

Kreosote is one of the best selected homeopathic medicines for gingivitis where the gums are puffy and dark red or bluish in appearance. They become spongy, painful and tender. Gums may bleed and the blood is dark red. Putrid odour from the mouth is another symptom in such cases. Kreosote also works well where there is tooth decay with puffy, spongy, bleeding gums.

When to use Kreosote?

Kreosote is well indicated to manage dark red or blue puffy gums with dark bleeding.

How to use Kreosote?

It is advised to use Kreosote 30C once a day.

3. Phosphorus – For Gingivitis With Bleeding Gums

Phosphorus is rated among one of the best homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with bleeding gums. In cases needing it, the gums bleed easily. The gums are sore, painful and tender to touch in such cases. Pain in the gums gets worse from cold, heat and also while eating.

When to use Phosphorus?

Phosphorus is of great use to manage bleeding gums in gingivitis cases along with tender, painful gums.

How to use Phosphorus?

It is mostly recommended in 30C potency that can be taken once daily.

4. Thuja – For Gingivitis With Tooth Decay

Thuja is an excellent remedy among homeopathic medicines for gingivitis with tooth decay next to the gums affected with gingivitis. The gums are dark red, retracted and swollen, with decayed and crumbling teeth. The gums become very sensitive.

When to use Thuja?

Thuja is a wonderful choice of medicine to help cases of gingivitis with tooth decay and dark red swollen gums.

How to use Thuja?

Thuja 30C can be taken once a day.

5. Silicea – For Gingivitis With Bad Mouth Odour

Silicea is highly valuable for gingivitis where there is offensive mouth odor with inflamed gums. Bad odor from the mouth is worse in the morning. The mouth feels dry, the gums are swollen and painful. Cold air and cold water worsen the pain in gums.

When to use Silicea?

This medicine can be opted in cases of gingivitis with offensive mouth odor with swollen gums and dry mouth.

How to use Silicea?

The use of Silicea is most preferred in 6X power. Silicea 6X can be used two to three times a day.

6. Calcarea Fluor – For Gingivitis With Loose Teeth

Calcarea Fluor is a wonderful medicine for gingivitis with loose teeth where gums are swollen and inflamed. The teeth get loose in the sockets from long-standing gingivitis. Toothache may be felt when food touches the teeth. Calcarea Fluor strengthens the tooth holding structures in the mouth to provide the teeth a firm holding.

When to use Calcarea Fluor?

This medicine is suggested for cases of gingivitis where the teeth get loose with inflamed, swollen gums.

How to use Calcarea Fluor?

Among its various potencies, this medicine is mostly recommended in 6X potency twice or thrice daily.

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Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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